The Avalanche is an event that can occur on the Northern Expedition mountain. When it occurs, big blocks of ice fall from the mountain, similar to a real avalanche for about 20-30 seconds. If any blocks hit the player, it causes them to ragdoll and get pushed off. Some ways to avoid it are to be in a home base or be under cover such as a cave. Avalanches are also required to get the Yellow Energy Crystal (found at X: 19500, Y: 335, Z: 5550) in order to get the Heaven's Rod.
Avalanches can occur via:
- Naturally (boosted chance while fishing)
- Player using an Avalanche Totem for 150,000C$
- Player using Sundial Totems with a rare chance for varying C$
- If the player is willing to wait, it is likely they may get it under 75 Sundial Totems.