"The Clownfish, known for its vibrant orange and white stripes, is a small, hardy reef dweller. Often found alongside coral and see anemones inside the reef of Roslit Bay. Best paired with the Blue Tang."
– Bestiary Entry
The Clownfish is an Uncommon fish obtainable in the Roslit Bay. Due to its low rarity, it makes for an easy catch, moving slow and steady across the fishing bar.
When hooked, a will pop above the player's head, and a bell sound is played - as with all Uncommon fish.
Catch Quips
- When catching a Clownfish, the player will make one of the following exclamations:
- Ouu a Clownfish!
- Woah, a Clownfish!
- A Clownfish!
- I caught a Clownfish!
- What kind of circus is this?
- The last line in its bestiary entry, "Best paired with the Blue Tang!" is a possible reference to the movie, Finding Nemo.