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The Conception Conch is a single-use item in which when used, it teleports you to your last Resting Spot (by default, this is Moosewood, but you can change it with the Innkeeper (or) Beach Keeper NPC at different locations).

It can be purchased at Desolate Deep, The Depths, Vertigo, Atlantis, Trident Door and Northern Expedition for 444C$. This item can stack and cannot be sold.

Situations Where The Conch Can And Can't Teleport You

The teleport occurs from a physical teleporter that spawns in on use of the Conch. Hence the teleporter only works if the user is standing on or is in its hitbox. If you use it and walk away from it, it will not teleport you because of the spawn delay of the physical teleporter. Having your bobber out will make you unable to be teleported by the conch. But the teleporter appears and works underwater.

The portal conception conch spawn lasts for a few seconds until it vanishes.


  • The Conception Conch is primarily used if you wish to return quickly to your resting point from Desolate Deep or Vertigo. They're quite useful since it's the only way to exit Vertigo without leaving and rejoining or dying by drowning.


  • There used to be "Conch" abusers teleporting people away from where they were fishing if they weren't paying attention (this could also be used for good, punishing macros and hackers).
  • The effect the Conception Conch displays before teleporting the player is possibly a reference to the "Light Hook" from the game Deepwoken.
