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The United Nations (UN) is the intergovernmental organization that has the objective to maintain the peace and security in the world. It was created to promote international cooperation after the end of World War II, to correct the failures of the League of Nations created after World War I, and with the development of nuclear weapons, prevent a potential World War III.


The Rescuers and The Rescuers Down Under[]

The Rescue Aid Society is an international mouse organization composed of United Nations delegates. It is located in the walls of the United Nations headquarters.

Marvel Cinematic Universe[]

Captain America: Civil War[]

After Wanda Maximoff accidentally destroys an entire building, causing several deaths during a mission of the Avengers in Lagos, the United Nations proposes an accord in which the superheroes would have to submit to the organization's authority in order to choose when and where to act during their next missions, the Sokovia Accords. Part of the heroes refuse to sign the Accords, preferring to continue without being under the government's restrictive conditions to their actions. As result, the Accords imposed by the UN result in the heroes being split into two groups: the ones that agree with the UN about the Accords and the ones who don't.

Later, T'Chaka, the King of Wakanda goes to the Vienna International Centre, a facility of the UN, to speak in favor of the Accords. However, T'Chaka is killed during an explosion that destroys the entire place. Bucky Barnes is framed as the culprit and is hunted for it. Captain America, knowing that the accusation was false, protects and hides his friend with the help of some of his allies as Sam Wilson and Sharon Carter, who also become wanted by the government who sees them as criminals too. Tony Stark presses Steve Rogers to just sign the Accords and hand Bucky to the government, but he refuses.

Steve then recruits more heroes to help him and leads the group to the Leipzig-Halle Airport to travel to Siberia while looking for the real murder of the King of Wakanda, but is confronted by Tony Stark who also has a group of heroes supporting him. After the two groups fought, all the heroes in Captain America's group were seen as criminals by the government. Some of them are immediately arrested, but later Steve breaks most of them out of prison, with only Scott Lang and Hawkeye having to deal with a house arrest, while all the others become fugitives. On the other hand, the members of Tony Stark's group sign into the Accords and are allowed to remain free.

After the Civil War, the US government continues to hunt down the superheroes who didn't sign the United Nations' Sokovia Accords until Thanos' invasion of Earth.

Black Panther[]

During the end of the film, the new King of Wakanda, T'Challa, goes to the Vienna International Centre, to tell to the United Nations the truth about Wakanda, which was a country hidden from the world for a long time. He then announces that, from that moment on, Wakanda won't hide anymore and will share its advanced technology with the rest of the world.

What If...?[]

In the third episode, in an alternate timeline set before the events of The Avengers film, all the cadidates of the Avengers Iniciative are killed. After Loki helped Nick Fury to capture the murderer, Hank Pym, he travels to the United Nations headquarters along with his Asgardian army. There, Loki announces his rise to power, declaring that he managed to unite all the nations of the world in a single day, to serve under his command.

X-Men '97[]

In the episode "To Me, My X-Men", following the seeming death of Charles Xavier, Dr. Valerie Cooper pushed the U.N. Council to beginning working with the X-Men. When the U.N. eventually agreed, they appointed Cooper to be their mutant liaison. In the episode "Mutant Liberation Begins, after Magneto became the new leader of the X-Men, Cooper arrived at the X-Mansion with U.N. soldiers to arrest him. Magneto peacefully surrendered and was taken to stand trial. During his trial at the United Nations Headquarters, the Friends of Humanity and other rioters broken into the proceedings. Although the X-Men tried to stop the rioters, X-Cutioner was able to enter and shot Storm (who was protecting Magneto) robbing her of her powers. The U.N. judges did go on to pardon Magneto and have begun efforts to admit the mutant nation of Genosha to the United Nations.

External links[]

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AOS Logo
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Phil CoulsonMelinda MayGrant WardDaisy Johnson/QuakeLeo FitzJemma SimmonsLance HunterMockingbirdHiveAlphonso MackenzieLincoln CampbellHolden RadcliffeYo-YoDeke ShawJohn GarrettMichael PetersonFranklin HallAce PetersonChan Ho YinVictoria HandAkela AmadorRainaElliot RandolphLoreleiAudrey NathanAgent KoenigAntoine TriplettAbsorbing ManSunil BakshiAngar the ScreamerAgent 33Daniel WhitehallCalvin ZaboRobert GonzalesGordonAidaJohnny Blaze/Ghost RiderRobbie Reyes/Ghost RiderPatriotKasiusSinaraIzelPhil Coulson (LMD)Freddy MalickErnest KoenigViolaSibylNathaniel MalickKoraEllen NadeerChristian WardBlizzardDoctor ListPresident Matthew EllisFlintVin-TakJiayingSuperiorGideon MalickRuby Hale
Season One: "Pilot" • "0-8-4" • "The Asset" • "Eye Spy" • "Girl in the Flower Dress" • "FZZT" • "The Hub" • "The Well" • "Repairs" • "The Bridge" • "The Magical Place" • "Seeds" • "T.R.A.C.K.S." • "T.A.H.I.T.I." • "Yes Men" • "End of the Beginning" • "Turn, Turn, Turn" • "Providence" • "The Only Light in the Darkness" • "Nothing Personal" • "Ragtag" • "Beginning of the End"

Season Two: "Shadows" • "Heavy is the Head" • "Making Friends and Influencing People" • "Face My Enemy" • "A Hen in the Wolf House" • "A Fractured House" • "The Writing on the Wall" • "The Things We Bury" • "...Ye Who Enter Here" • "What They Become" • "Aftershocks" • "Who You Really Are" • "One of Us" • "Love in the Time of HYDRA" • "One Door Closes" • "Afterlife" • "Melinda" • "The Frenemy of My Enemy" • "The Dirty Half Dozen" • "Scars" • "S.O.S."
Season Three: "Laws of Nature" • "Purpose in the Machine" • "A Wanted (Inhu)man" • "Devils You Know" • "4,722 Hours" • "Among Us Hide..." • "Chaos Theory" • "Many Heads, One Tale" • "Closure" • "Maveth" • "Bouncing Back" • "The Inside Man" • "Parting Shot" • "Watchdogs" • "Spacetime" • "Paradise Lost" • "The Team" • "The Singularity" • "Failed Experiments" • "Emancipation" • "Absolution" • "Ascension"
Season Four: "The Ghost" • "Meet the New Boss" • "Uprising" • "Let Me Stand Next to Your Fire" • "Lockup" • "The Good Samaritan" • "Deals With Our Devils" • "The Laws of Inferno Dynamics • "Broken Promises" • "The Patriot" • "Wake Up" • "Hot Potato Soup" • "BOOM" • "The Man Behind the Shield" • "Self Control" • "What If..." • "Identity and Change" • "No Regrets" • "All the Madame's Men" • "Farewell, Cruel World!" • "The Return" • "World's End"
Season Five: "Orientation" • "A Life Spent" • "A Life Earned" • "Rewind" • "Fun & Games" • "Together or Not at All" • "The Last Day" • "Best Laid Plans" • "Past Life" • "All the Comforts of Home" • "The Real Deal" • "Principia" • "The Devil Complex" • "Rise and Shine" • "Inside Voices" • "The Honeymoon" • "All Roads Lead..." • "Option Two" • "The One Who Will Save Us All" • "The Force of Gravity" • "The End"
Season Six: "Missing Pieces" • "Window of Opportunity" • "Fear and Loathing on the Planet of Kitson" • "Code Yellow" • "The Other Thing" • "Inescapable" • "Toldja" • "Collision Course (Part I)" • "Collision Course (Part II)" • "Leap" • "From the Ashes" • "The Sign" • "New Life"
Season Seven: "The New Deal" • "Know Your Onions" • "Alien Commies from the Future!" • "Out of the Past" • "A Trout in the Milk" • "Adapt or Die" • "The Totally Excellent Adventures of Mack and the D" • "After, Before" • "As I Have Always Been" • "Stolen" • "Brand New Day" • "The End is at Hand" • "What We're Fighting For" •

Plasma Particle BeamGravitoniumObeliskSuper Soldier SerumBerserker Staff
QuinjetL.O.L.A.S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier
S.H.I.E.L.D.HYDRAInhumansAsgardiansKreeUnited NationsHowling Commandos

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What If logo
What If...? (soundtrack 1/2/3) • Marvel Studios: Assembled
Heroes: Peggy Carter/Captain CarterKahhoriT'Challa/Star-Lord/Black PantherStephen Strange/Doctor Strange/Strange SupremeNick FuryBucky Barnes/Winter SoldierSteve Rogers/HYDRA Stomper/Captain AmericaThor OdinsonClint Barton/HawkeyeNatasha Romanoff/Black WidowBruce Banner/HulkTony Stark/Iron ManVisionSam Wilson/Falcon/Captain AmericaCarol Danvers/Captain MarvelOkoyeNebulaHappy Hogan/FreakGamoraWongT'Chaka/Black PantherHoward the DuckDrax the DestroyerPeter Quill/Star-LordHank Pym/Yellowjacket/Ant-ManScott Lang/Ant-ManPeter Parker/Spider-ManHope van Dyne/WaspWanda Maximoff/Scarlet WitchGrootBill Foster/GoliathWendy Lawson/Mar-VellMonica RambeauAgatha HarknessKingoAlexei Shostakov/Red GuardianMoon KnightRiri Williams/IronheartShang-ChiKate BishopValkyrieYing NanByrdie the DuckOroro Munroe/Storm

Villains: Loki LaufeysonHelaXu WenwuUltronErik KillmongerProxima MidnightEbony MawCorvus GlaiveCull ObsidianArnim ZolaJohann Schmidt/Red SkullSurturThanosCollectorBatrocEgoBatrocGrandmasterUlysses KlaueRonan the AccuserJustin HammerGeneral DreykovZeusKaeciliusMalekithQuentin BeckXu Xialing/The HoodSonny BurchDormammuMelina Vostokoff
Other characters: Uatu/The WatcherJ.A.R.V.I.S.Phil CoulsonThaddeus RossSifVolstaggYondu UdontaBrock RumlowHoward StarkAbraham ErskineDum Dum DuganCarinaKorath the PursuerKraglin ObfonteriTaserfaceChristine PalmerAncient OneJane FosterFriggaHogunFandralHeimdallMaria HillRhodeySharon CarterDarcy LewisQueen RamondaPepper PottsShuriBetty RossCosmo the SpacedogKorgIrani RaelGarthan SaalRavager KPeggy CarterGooseOdin BorsonNakiaEdwin JarvisSarah WilsonMaria StarkJohn Walker

Season One: "What If... Captain Carter Were The First Avenger?" • "What If... T'Challa Became a Star-Lord?" • "What If... The World Lost Its Mightiest Heroes?" • "What If... Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?" • "What If... Zombies!?" • "What If... Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark?" • "What If... Thor Were an Only Child?" • "What If... Ultron Won?" • "What If... The Watcher Broke His Oath?"

Season Two: "What if... Nebula Joined the Nova Corps?" • "What if... Peter Quill Attacked Earth's Mightiest Heroes?" • "What if... Happy Hogan Saved Christmas?" • "What if... Iron Man Crashed Into the Grandmaster?" • "What if... Captain Carter Fought The Hydra Stomper?" • "What if... Kahhori Reshaped the World?" • "What if... Hela Found The Ten Rings?" • "What if... The Avengers Assembled in 1602?" • "What if... Strange Supreme Intervened?"
Season Three: "What If...The Hulk Fought the Mech Avengers?" • "What If...Agatha Went To Hollywood?" • "What If...The Red Guardian Stopped the Winter Soldier?" • "What If...Howard the Duck Got Hitched?" • "What If...The Emergence Destroyed the Earth?" • "What If...1872?" • "What If...The Watcher Disappeared?" • "What If...What If?"

S.H.I.E.L.D.Stark IndustriesHYDRAAvengersMasters of the Mystic ArtsBlack OrderGuardians of the GalaxyGuardians of the MultiverseHowling CommandosRavagersNova Corps
MjölnirOrbPym ParticlesCaptain America's ShieldCloak of LevitationEye of AgamottoScepterSuper Soldier SerumTen RingsTesseractInfinity GauntletInfinity StonesVibraniumAetherUltron SentriesKamala's Bangle
AsgardNew York CityProject P.E.G.A.S.U.S.Collector's MuseumDark DimensionSakaarSan FranciscoTony Stark's MansionKamar TajKnowhereWakandaXandar
See Also
Frost GiantsSkrullsKreeX-Men Theme
