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"The Singularity" is the eighteenth episode of the third season of ABC's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the sixty-second episode of the series overall. It aired on April 26, 2016. It was written by Lauren LeFranc and directed by Garry A. Brown.


S.H.I.E.L.D. scrambles to repair the damage Daisy did to the base, while Coulson, who sustained a leg injury, resolves to defeat Hive and save Daisy. Fitz, Simmons, and Lincoln determine that the effect of Hive's infection will prevent those Inhumans he controls from being sedated. Realizing Alisha would be a powerful asset to Hive, Coulson, May and Lincoln visit her, only to find she has already been infected and has gone with Hive, leaving duplicates to attack them. After the duplicates are killed, Coulson orders Lincoln to stay out of the field until they have a cure for Hive's infection.

Hive and Daisy approach James, revealing they know he has another Kree artifact connected to the orb, which Hive describes as the only thing that can destroy him. They induce his Terrigenesis, giving him the ability to explosively charge objects (in a similar manner to an Extremis combustion), and Hive enthralls him, learning he buried the companion artifact beneath his home. Daisy's use of her seismokinetic powers to unearth the artifact attract the attention of SHIELD, and Coulson and May arrive to find the Inhumans already gone, along with the artifact. The hut is destroyed by a bomb, but Coulson protects himself and May with an energy shield projected from his robotic hand.

Meanwhile, Fitz, Simmons and Mack decide to seek out Holden Radcliffe, who was in charge of Transia's work against invasive organisms, before he was fired for his transhumanist beliefs. While continuing to discuss how to proceed with their relationship, Fitz and Simmons infiltrate a transhumanist social club to find Radcliffe, under the guise of geneticists wanting to sell him eye prosthetic technology based on those used for Project Deathlok. Upon meeting Radcliffe they reveal their true intentions and ask for his help to devise a cure for Hive's infection, but they are interrupted by the arrival of Hive and his Inhuman allies. Alisha abducts Radcliffe, while Daisy subdues Fitz with her powers and warns him of her vision of an agent's death, wanting S.H.I.E.L.D. to stop trying to combat Hive, and avoid that future from coming to pass. Mack narrowly escapes James, and Hive approaches Simmons, speaking to her as Will, using his memories, only for her to shoot him and escape, after deriding him for trying to be someone he murdered. The three agents reconvene at a hotel, where Fitz and Simmons finally consummate their relationship.

Under Coulson's direction, Talbot and the ATCU use information Malick provided before his death to neutralize what is left of Hydra, with the exception of the forces commanded by Hive. In an end tag, Hive brings Daisy, Radcliffe, Alisha, and James (who has chosen the moniker 'Hellfire') to a town he bought with Malick's money. Seeking to make Earth 'the home Inhumans deserve', he reveals his intention to recreate the original Kree experiments and convert the entire human race into Inhumans, with Radcliffe's help.



Guest Starring[]


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AOS Logo
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Phil CoulsonMelinda MayGrant WardDaisy Johnson/QuakeLeo FitzJemma SimmonsLance HunterMockingbirdHiveAlphonso MackenzieLincoln CampbellHolden RadcliffeYo-YoDeke ShawJohn GarrettMichael PetersonFranklin HallAce PetersonChan Ho YinVictoria HandAkela AmadorRainaElliot RandolphLoreleiAudrey NathanAgent KoenigAntoine TriplettAbsorbing ManSunil BakshiAngar the ScreamerAgent 33Daniel WhitehallCalvin ZaboRobert GonzalesGordonAidaJohnny Blaze/Ghost RiderRobbie Reyes/Ghost RiderPatriotKasiusSinaraIzelPhil Coulson (LMD)Freddy MalickErnest KoenigViolaSibylNathaniel MalickKoraEllen NadeerChristian WardBlizzardDoctor ListPresident Matthew EllisFlintVin-TakJiayingSuperiorGideon MalickRuby Hale
Season One: "Pilot" • "0-8-4" • "The Asset" • "Eye Spy" • "Girl in the Flower Dress" • "FZZT" • "The Hub" • "The Well" • "Repairs" • "The Bridge" • "The Magical Place" • "Seeds" • "T.R.A.C.K.S." • "T.A.H.I.T.I." • "Yes Men" • "End of the Beginning" • "Turn, Turn, Turn" • "Providence" • "The Only Light in the Darkness" • "Nothing Personal" • "Ragtag" • "Beginning of the End"

Season Two: "Shadows" • "Heavy is the Head" • "Making Friends and Influencing People" • "Face My Enemy" • "A Hen in the Wolf House" • "A Fractured House" • "The Writing on the Wall" • "The Things We Bury" • "...Ye Who Enter Here" • "What They Become" • "Aftershocks" • "Who You Really Are" • "One of Us" • "Love in the Time of HYDRA" • "One Door Closes" • "Afterlife" • "Melinda" • "The Frenemy of My Enemy" • "The Dirty Half Dozen" • "Scars" • "S.O.S."
Season Three: "Laws of Nature" • "Purpose in the Machine" • "A Wanted (Inhu)man" • "Devils You Know" • "4,722 Hours" • "Among Us Hide..." • "Chaos Theory" • "Many Heads, One Tale" • "Closure" • "Maveth" • "Bouncing Back" • "The Inside Man" • "Parting Shot" • "Watchdogs" • "Spacetime" • "Paradise Lost" • "The Team" • "The Singularity" • "Failed Experiments" • "Emancipation" • "Absolution" • "Ascension"
Season Four: "The Ghost" • "Meet the New Boss" • "Uprising" • "Let Me Stand Next to Your Fire" • "Lockup" • "The Good Samaritan" • "Deals With Our Devils" • "The Laws of Inferno Dynamics • "Broken Promises" • "The Patriot" • "Wake Up" • "Hot Potato Soup" • "BOOM" • "The Man Behind the Shield" • "Self Control" • "What If..." • "Identity and Change" • "No Regrets" • "All the Madame's Men" • "Farewell, Cruel World!" • "The Return" • "World's End"
Season Five: "Orientation" • "A Life Spent" • "A Life Earned" • "Rewind" • "Fun & Games" • "Together or Not at All" • "The Last Day" • "Best Laid Plans" • "Past Life" • "All the Comforts of Home" • "The Real Deal" • "Principia" • "The Devil Complex" • "Rise and Shine" • "Inside Voices" • "The Honeymoon" • "All Roads Lead..." • "Option Two" • "The One Who Will Save Us All" • "The Force of Gravity" • "The End"
Season Six: "Missing Pieces" • "Window of Opportunity" • "Fear and Loathing on the Planet of Kitson" • "Code Yellow" • "The Other Thing" • "Inescapable" • "Toldja" • "Collision Course (Part I)" • "Collision Course (Part II)" • "Leap" • "From the Ashes" • "The Sign" • "New Life"
Season Seven: "The New Deal" • "Know Your Onions" • "Alien Commies from the Future!" • "Out of the Past" • "A Trout in the Milk" • "Adapt or Die" • "The Totally Excellent Adventures of Mack and the D" • "After, Before" • "As I Have Always Been" • "Stolen" • "Brand New Day" • "The End is at Hand" • "What We're Fighting For" •

Plasma Particle BeamGravitoniumObeliskSuper Soldier SerumBerserker Staff
QuinjetL.O.L.A.S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier
S.H.I.E.L.D.HYDRAInhumansAsgardiansKreeUnited NationsHowling Commandos