Talokan is a location in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It is an underwater kingdom that is inhabited by merpeople who evolved from humans. Talokan is rich in vibranium, being one of the few places on Earth where vibranium can be found in large quantities. The ruler of Talokan is Namor, a hybrid between a merman and a human Mutant. Talokan greatly resembles the Mesoamerican kingdoms of Earth's past, as the founders of Talokan used to live in those kingdoms.
Thousands of years before the events of the film, a meteorite of vibranium crashed off the coast of Mexico. While the vibranium sank to the ocean floor, it also affected some of the sea plants closer to the surface. In 1571, a group of Indigenous Mexicans fleeing the conquistadors prayed to the Mayan rain god Chaac, and ingested a vibranium-enhanced plant, which gave them blue skin, gills, and the power to breathe underwater.
Talokan is visited at the beginning of the film, when the U.S. Navy Seals find vibranium at the bedrock near the city. However, this ends badly for the SEALs.