"Ropa Vieja" is a song from the Hamster & Gretel episode, "Recipe for Disaster".
Kevin: It's not the ropa vieja that brings us together.
It's not just the meal, it's not about what's on the plate.
Gretel: It's not the steak or the onions, paprika, or pepper.
Both: It's about how we feel, and memories that we create.
Like when dad got guasacaca all over the kitchen
Gretel: Or tia Melissa exploded the chicken
Kevin: Or I dropped that plate full of hot empanadas
And made a Jackson Pollock on mom's terracotta
Both: Through all of these disasters we've not been persuaded
To lose the traditions that we've celebrated
Tradition, it's the time spent with family
And that's what we've learned
'cause tradition, can be linked to calamity
Just like when we burned the ropa vieja
Kevin: Tradition,
Backup Singers: (the ropa vieja that brings us together)
Kevin: It's the time spent with family
Backup Singers: (It's not just the meal, it's not about what's on the plate.)
Kevin: And that's what we've learned 'cause tradition,
Backup Singers: (the ropa vieja that brings us together)
Kevin: can be linked to calamity
Backup Singers: (It's not just the meal, it's)
Both: Just like when we burned the ropa vieja
v - e - d
Season One: "Empower Failure/Oakey Dokey" • "Recipe for Disaster/Math Punch" • "Superhero Sibling Rivalry/Close Shave" • "Cheer Cheer Bang Bang/La Ballad of La Cebolla" • "Comic Shop Copycat/Neigh, It Ain't So!" • "Saturday Homecoming Fever/Dr. Eelgood" • "The Opposite of Smart/Birthday Besties" • "I'm Bored/Cutie and the Beast" • "The Nightmarionette/Abuelita's World" • "U.F. UH-OH!" • "Grounded/Sleepover with the Enemy" • "Friday Night Fright/The Earworm" • "A Mammoth Problem/The Bantam of the Elementary School Light Opera" • "Hamnesia/Romancing the Scone" • "For Whom the Belle Trolls/An Arthouse Divided" • "The Litigator vs. The Luchador/Strawberry Fest Forever" • "The Bottle Episode/Micromanager" • "When Life Gives You Lemons/Self-HEELP!" • "My Invisible Friend/The Bitter Sitter" • "Let's Sea What You've Got"/"Churro's Day Out" • "Crimson Haste Makes Waste"/"The Break-Stuff Club" • "Over the Hill"/"The Ice Queen Cometh" • "La Sombrerona"/"Two Girls, A Guy, and the Council of Düm" • "Nano a Nano"/"The Unnatural History of Dr. MedusaSaurus Ph.D." • "No Sprain, No Gain"/"Finding Professor Ex" • "Bayou Barb"/"The Great Pillow War" • "Shush Hour"/"I Was a Teenage Mad Scientist" • "Too Many Crooks"/"President Fred" • "Flake It Til You Make It"/"Game Changer" • "Exclamation Strikes Back"
Season Two: "Hakuna Ma Kevin/The Great American Telenovela" • "Lair Necessities/Tobor or Not Tobor" • "Evil Upheaval/Ay, Ay, A.I." • "Stress Brawl/I Love Luchie" • "The More The Meteor/My Hammie Vice" • "Last Fred Standing/From Dust Till Dawn" • "I Think Therefore I Slam/Thanks, But No Pranks" • "The Silence of the Tchotchkes/A Car is Born" • "Who's in Charge?/Fools of Engagement" • "The New Adventures of Super Kevin" • "The Search for Super Guy/Lorraine, Rattle, and Roll" • "Last Train to Dullsville/Fred of State" • "Hamster Ex Machina/Awkwardly Ever After" • "Paging Doctor Potatini/Snazzy Pantzz" • "Gentlemen Prefer Fronds/Sock It To Me, Bailey!" • "No Powers Day/Everybody Loves Main Computer" • "Gretel Keeps It Real/Squeaky Friday" • "Gran Slam/The Art of Deception"
Tri-State Area • Grant-Gomez House • Eastside Elementary School • Eastside High School