We've moved. Visit our new home for news and updates from AdSense

We’ve also updated how we show multiple ads within a single ad unit. Our design, illustrated below, only expands a full view of other ads when a user interacts with an ad unit either by a mouse hover or touch.
Keep an eye out for the redesign and don’t forget to try our recently launched new fonts. Let us know what you think of this new look over on our AdSense + page.

Posted by Adnan Virk - Ad Formats Designer
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Still have questions? Submit your questions in this post via Google Moderator (please note: for privacy reasons, we won’t be able to respond to account-specific questions). We’ll be holding a Google Hangout on Air series covering this topic in more detail - check out the full schedule and don’t forget to register.

Posted by Pamela Malone - AdSense Policy Team
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