We all knew it was true. When the Media-Run State does everything to discredit a story, it was only a matter of time before it was reframed as, “it’s totally for African migrants/refugees to eat and barbecue cats.” [Shocking video appears to show African migrants grilling cats in Ohio town in 2023, Post Millennial, September 14, 2024]:
Christopher Rufo shared a video that was previously posted to social media on August 25, 2023, that appears to show Africans grilling cats in Dayton, Ohio, about a half hour from Springfield, where the recent controversy over Haitian migrants allegedly eating dogs and cats originated.
“We identified a social media post, dated August 25, 2023, with a short video depicting what appear to be two skinned cats on top of a blue barbeque,” Rufo reported. The caption on the video read “Yoooo the Africans wildn on Parkwood,” which Rufo said refers to Parkwood Drive, in Dayton.
The video shows two cats walking on the grass near a broken-down fence and a voice over says “There go a cat right there. His ass better get missin’, man. Look like his homies on the grill!”
That source told Rufo that his son “was friendly with the neighbors” and that “there was no doubt about what happened last summer.”
“They was barbecuing the damn cat!” The source said, going on to explain that. “His son’s mother had previously witnessed the family butchering a mammal on the street, but the cats on the barbecue put him in such a state of shock, he felt the need to film it.”
Rufo reported that the author of the video, with whom he spoke, preferred to remain anonymous but did “confirm “its time, location, and authenticity.” That source told Rufo that he filmed the incident when he was picking up his son from his son’s mother’s home and he saw what appeared to be cats being grilled by the Africans who lived next door.
“It was some Africans that stay right next door to my kid’s mother,” he said, per Rufo. “This African dude next door had the damn cat on the grill.” Rufo’s team investigated, checking in with the families who lived in one of the identified apartment units, one of which was from the Democratic Republic of Congo. That family confirmed that there were many other African nationals living in the area.
One resident said that previous tenants had a blue grill like the one seen in the video and that the father of that family would take a knife out into the neighborhood to “find meat.” The grill had been left behind and Rufo’s team was able to see it, confirming that it was the same make and model as that in the video.
In the recent debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, Trump brought up concerns that were apparently raised by residents in Springfield, both at city council meetings and elsewhere, that Haitian refugees were eating cats, dogs, and wild Canadian geese, which are protected.
Those migrants came to the US under the Biden-Harris administration’s refugee resettlement program and are eligible for full welfare benefits, from food stamps to housing to medical care.
As President Trump stated, “In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs, the people that came in,” Trump said. “They’re eating the cats. They’re eating the pets of the people that live there. This is what’s happening in our country, and it’s a shame.”
Nothing says cultural enrichment and joys of diversity in our once lily-white communities like Haitians eating our pets.
They all have to go back. Then, we use RICO to arrest all NGOs who profited off of destabilizing our communities and putting not just our fellow citizens, but pets in danger.
They roast cats don’t they…
The scum media hasn’t fought this hard to discredit something since the Democrats stole the 2020 election. That should tell you everything you need to know.
But it doesn’t matter. They’ll just say “but it’s Dayton, not Springfield, but it’s Africans, not Haitians, so therefore Trump lied and we have to keep importing the entire Third World to America.”
Trump could have rightly accused Harris of every diabolical policy she and Bidden have been achieving in this country to destroy it, but no liberals would have cared because they support those policies. It was pure psychological genius to hit on a topic that would make even depraved liberals howl in protest. Ridiculing memes are so effective, Harris should slither back under the rock she came from, never to be seen again.
September 10, 2024
The more the press debunks the illegals-eating-cats reports, the more the memes come out
By Monica Showalter
“Oh, the chagrin Democrats feel now that the political “narrative” has shifted from “childless cat ladies” to their favored Haitian migrants eating cats, with J.D. Vance in the middle of both and clearly coming out on top with the narrative shift. They rant, they rail, they “fact-check,” they dismiss, they debunk, and try to shut any questions down.”
Small towns now have good reason to eschew having any hotels or motels in their vicinity. I’m sure airbnb will love it, but hotels simply give non-profits a chance to resettle third-worlders amongst your town. It’s best not to have then. If that irritating uncle has to stay with family next Christmas, so be it.
off topic…singer luvs his kind
Pop star John Legend says Haitian migrants in Ohio city are there ‘to live the American Dream’
John Legend took to his Instagram account while sitting in his Beverly Hills home to say that Haitian migrants in his home city of Springfield, Ohio, are there “to live the American Dream.
Perhaps Trump will finally get the cat lady vote?!
Springfield is in Clark County. Last election Trump got 39,000 votes and Biden received 24,000 votes in Clark County. It’s interesting to note that these Haitians aren’t technically “illegal” per the law, as they were brought into the Country under “temporary protected status” by the Biden administration. We know there’s nothing more permanent than a “temporary” government program, and I wonder what’s going on behind the scenes to ensure that they’re given the ability to vote (or have some NGO fill out a ballot for them)? Things are seriously becoming fubar in America.
Anywhere there are blacks in numbers, regardless of whether they’re home grown, from apefrica or haitfrica, sub-human behavior ensues. Murder, mayhem, trashing the area and now eating the local wildlife and pets – oh wait, that’s been debunked by the leftards, right? The last thing this place, or any place for that matter needs is more darkies. It is simply unbelievable how the leadership of virtually every White country on the planet is enthusiastically intent on destroying it by importing unending numbers third world dross. Something very big and bad is unfortunately going to have to happen to have any hope of reversing this trend…
It’s the Chinese eating bats redux. Only it’s cats this time.
Why eating your cat is a great feast for all the family.
Harris-Biden spent $3.8 billion to dump Venezuelan criminals in Aurora, Colorado.
It would be a blessing if catching and eating cats was the worst thing they did.
The money would be better spent helping actual American citizens, like maybe homeless veterans and impoverished elderly for starters.
Trump is usually honest, or tries to be. Democrats contort and pervert the intent of everything Trump says any way they can. ABC has repeatedly scrambled to cover up the “Haitians eat pets” story all along. Despite many, many videos available online for over a year, ABC still swears it’s not true. Uh huh. True to form, as they ALWAYS DO, Democrats lie, cheat, steal…it’s all they have and it’s all they’ve ever had. It’s their life’s legacy, and it’s how they will all be remembered.
The media and “officials” are claiming that the two geese 🪿 🪿 were hit by a car.
Yeah, right!!!
Were they somehow both hit on the fly or were they just jaywalking?
It seems like it would be difficult to hit two geese with your car if you tried. Much easier to catch them in the park.
And why is the negro carrying them somewhere instead of just kicking them to the side of the road for the street cleaners to pick up?
And when was the last time a negro picked up litter?
Re geese hit:
Re geese in park:
There is talk that Springfield.mayor Rob Rue, who is actively debunking the cat-eating claims, owns lots of rental properties.
The Haitians filled his vacancies, and the USSA government pays the increased rent he is getting for them.
The mayor may be one of these slumlords.
Bat soup has long been a well-known Chinese dish.
In addition to soup …
Wonder what cat 🐈 tastes like?
If you eat Chinese food, you might be getting cat instead of chicken.
They do it all the time back in Haiti.
Why would they stop doing it in Ohio if cats are available there?
Also, apparently torturing the cats before killing them has some sort of “religious” significance.
I remember a story from back in the day when south Asians in San Francisco managed to wipe out all the squirrels in the local parks to the point that the city had to import more squirrels from back east. There were similar stories of south Asians wiping out the wildlife when the Hmong were resettled (due to the Vietnam war) on the Gulf Coast of the U.S.
As for that, in my town, a Chinese restaurant was busted for serving cat on the buffet. Made me wonder how many people unknowingly ate Moo Goo Gai Kitty or Meow Mein. Another Chinese restaurant in a nearby city was busted for going into a local park and stealing and killing the ducks to serve them in their restaurant.
On another note, when I lived in Hong Kong back in the late 70’s, the British RSPCA tried to put a stop to the dog meat trade but couldn’t. I still remember seeing butchered dogs hanging by their necks in outdoor markets in Lok Fu and the Ho Man Tin resettlement estates for refugees from China. The way the dogs would be killed was beyond cruel and inhumane- they’d be beaten with clubs until every bone in their bodies were broken and then left to die in agony. The excuse was that “it make the meat more tender!”
As for the Haitians, I’ve read articles where Haitians admit that cats are routinely killed and eaten in Haiti and that cat is considered a delicacy. It’s hardly surprising that they’d bring such practices to the U.S.A. It’s also not surprising that libtards would endeavor to deny it all while screaming that everyone is being racist and xenophobic.
Maybe. But so what. What is more relevant is that a lot of these foreign invaders are criminal scum and gang members. But what is even more important is the raw numbers.
This is about the rich treating us like CATTLE, forcing the size of the herd against our wishes and judgement, to drive wages and living standards down for the many, and rents and profits up for the few. One cat more or less is hardly a detail.
I can’t believe the number of people who still vehemently believe in the now 8 year old Russian Collusion Hoax despite it being roundly disproven by the Justice Department in 2023. TDS is such a virulent disease that it’s victims will take their delusions to their graves.
He’s got mine! I’ve kept cats happy for decades! No children. Paul McCartney married some one else. I train my cats to attack third worlders on sight. Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill!!!
Especially since it’s OUR money, not Bidet’s. Stop paying taxes of any kind. That’ll rip the world out from under the federal government.
It’s shocking to believe that people who were born and living in this island paradise would stoop so low and be eating cats & dogs.
Video Link
Doesn’t matter. The government spends 3 times what it gets in taxes.
They just “print” the difference. It decreases the purchasing power of our money and we pay the Jew bankers earn interest on the ‘money” they created out of thin air.
That is “reserve banking” off the golf standard .
Buy gold and silver.
Cat is on the menu in Hong Kong.
They practice cannibalism in Haiti. What in Hell would stop them from eating a cat, dog, or duck ?
“Buy gold and silver.”…..along with brass, lead,
and copper in various calibers. Reloading equipment, and the components that go along with it will be worth more than their weight in gold in the coming years.
Meow Mein :})
Haitian voodoo and Santa Maria/Muerta practices are alive and well in the US, and so are Haitian witch doctors, who many of the Haitians in the US will go see before going to a regular doctor. The Haitian I worked with at the nursery (who was eating the doves and goldfish he caught) had back pain. So he went to some Haitian healer who charged him $35 to cut him, and squeeze some blood into a jar, which he then brought to work to show us the “evil” they removed from him. He was 36 years old, doing this BTW.
About 5 years ago I went to the beach after work around dusk to go for a jog and take a swim afterwards. It was getting dark and there were some clumps of what I thought was seaweed washed up higher than the other clumps of seaweed on the beach. As I got closer I noticed it wasn’t clumps of seaweed, but 12 chickens and 1 dove with their heads cut off and left as some kind of offering. Once I realized what I saw, I started looking around, and sure enough the chickens’ heads were also washed up/caught in the surf, so they were probably slaughtered right there.
Another time while working on the highway in Miami, I was sent to check out a future site for upcoming work. The site was a little triangle of grass and Silk Floss Trees (which are full of spikes and protected in FL. https://sites.redlands.edu/trees/species-accounts/silk-floss-tree/). There was an awful stench and a bunch of flies flying around a few of the trees. I walked up to see what was causing it, in case I had to call the cops, but it was just a few rotting cow/horse tongues that had been nailed to the trees with some pieces of ribbon near them.
This is what’s being imported and spread around the country right now. They’re shipping them into these Mid-West cities and towns because they have no idea how useless and dysfunctional these parasites are.
comment at breitbart
merica is being flooded by millions of Haitians, Somalis, Colombians, Middle Easterners, Venezuelans, Muslims etc.
Haitians have an average lQ of 65 meaning they aren’t mentally fit to stand trial meaning they can commit violence with impunity.
Importing them into America is treason of the highest order.
South Africa used to be 50% White. This is where America is today with Whites set to drop to 40%, then 30%, 15% and so on.
Does the media warn of this dangerous pace of 3rd world demographic replacement?
No – instead it demonizes any form of nationalism. For centuries, nationalism was tied to common ancestry on common soil. If you don’t have a land for your people you don’t have a country for them. But under the Communist NWO that is apparently the worst evil!
Needless to say, this site supports blood & soil nationalism for Jews. In fact BB’s Chief Editor Pollak wants America to take in G@zans!
This site supports nationalism for Jews (and wants America to provide military/financial backing for it) — while demonizing nationalism for Whites who are down to a 5% minority worldwide.
Beyond which, I believe Vance supports more immigration. MORE migration is the OPPOSITE of blood and soil nationalism.
But it doesn’t stop both sides jumping on the anti-NAZEEEEE bandwagon — the aim being to continually demonize White interests to keep Whites passive as America becomes a Communist NWO Proletariat where Whites are a hated minority.
You can’t maintain a first world nation with a low-IQ 3rd world majority.
> America became great when it was 85-90% White Christian
> It’s not going to be great when it’s 85-90% Dark/Haitian/Somali/Colombian/Iraqi/Conglolese/Pakistani/Venezuelan/Muslim.
Repost as comment was removed by Breitbart despite the support it got. I guess this site doesn’t care if Whites become a minority.
Know yr ‘they’ is NOT the government; the fed reserve is not federal and not a reserve.
o t
another black male killer of young female,
“Because most of Haiti is rural, or possesses substandard infrastructure compared to what most people living in the industrialized world would consider standard, even now there are no grocery stores with gleaming packages of pre-cut, pre-cleaned meat products to bring home and offer to the Lwa. In many places in Haiti, reliable refrigeration is sporadic or impossible for various reasons. Even in Port-au-Prince, people often live as they did in the United States before the advent of iceboxes and butcher cuts: they hunt or fish and/or raise their own meat animals, then are personally responsible for killing, cleaning, cooking, and eating any animals or fish they consume.”
Good advice. Thank you.
There might be a turf war looming on the horizon. The blacks are muscling in on the chinese restaurant trade supply line. If you like your dim sum then get in quick while it lasts.
I don’t live in Springfield so I have no proof of anything. On the one hand the citizens talk about the bottomless EBT cards the migrants possess and the killing of pets for food on the other hand. It makes no sense for them to kill the animals if they can afford to buy the food. If they’re that uncivilized, the issues will become more dire than just killing the pets!
I don’t like democrats. Don’t like Republicans either. Money, money, money, money. MONEY!
Black principal doesn’t report beatings and abuse of his kid!
off topic
All seven were sentenced at at Sheffield Crown Court on Friday after pleading guilty to their part in the incident.
According to the force, Talhat Mughal, his son Muhammad Uwais Mughal and his brother Mohammed Basharat Mughal attacked the first victim outside his home in Herringthorpe.
They were joined later by other members of Talhat Mughal’s family, including his other brother, Mohammed Tabarak Mughal, and his nephew Wakaas Mughal, who drove to the scene.
They were accompanied by Mohammed Basharat Mughal’s son Hamza Mughal and the cousin of Hamza and Wakaas, Ahmed Mughal.
The men all joined the affray, with Mohammed Basharat Mughal seen wielding a machete-style knife while others were armed with long sticks.
The victim suffered serious injuries, including a stab wound.
“Buy gold and silver.”
Good idea, but I’d like to suggest bonds too. If, as rumored, the Fed cuts interest rates, it might be possible to make money in bonds in foreign currencies. As the dollar weakens, several foreign currencies should strengthen. Collect the foreign interest and as those currencies rise versus the lower interest dollar, the bonds can eventually be sold and the money converted back into more dollars than you originally spent. Of course that requires more vigilence than most care to do, so gold and silver is simpler.
Any recipes? I mean, let’s try to keep an open mind here…
The Chinamen will not give their businesses and trade $ to the blacks.
“100 Ways to Wok Your Dog” is an old favorite of mine. Dog Dumplings, Cat Casseroles and German Shepherd Pie.
That is very true. But they don’t have to be foreign bonds. TLT the main US Bond etf has moved from below 85 about a year ago 101 now and will likely go higher as interest rates go down.
“they” is both they and (((they)))
When the government “prints” money it is actually borrowing the money from the Jew bankers that create the money .
The (((Federal Reserve))) was created in 1913. Nixon took the USSA off the gold standard in 1971. Because money no longer needed to be backed by gold, (((they))) could then print theoretically unlimited amounts of money.
They (the govt) then borrow it as needed.
You are right that the Federal Reserve is neither. It is probably called that because of the Jew-invented (((fractional reserve banking))) system and the main customer is the Federal Government.
OMG how do you keep that straight?
Sounds like a mashup of African, Indian, and Muslim POCs.
The UK is going downhill fast.
When I was in the Army in the 1970s I was, at one point, the only white guy in the barracks. The blacks decided they’d like to have an “all-soul barracks” so they christened me an “honorary nigga,” a dubious honor indeed.
All of them at least smoked hash (marijuana was hard to come by in those days in Germany) and some were shooting up heroin. The skinny Army-issued neckties were used to tie off one’s arm before inserting the needle.
Doing dope in some form just seemed part of the job description for orcs. I avoided dope but they didn’t seem to think I was a “narc” or any other kind of threat, and I guess I seemed harmless enough.
One day I was looking through their magazines in the barracks and there were all sorts of ads for various products and services related to voodoo, witch doctors, etc. I wondered aloud how anyone could believe in such things and I remember the looks in their faces, almost like they were hurt, and they said I just didn’t understand black culture, or something to that effect.
They were right. I still don’t understand.
One thing I learned then was that our own home-grown orcs are firm believers in black magic, so it’s no stretch to believe the ones just off the boats from Haiti, Africa, etc., are not just believers but practitioners as well, much to the dismay of animals they come across.
This mayor is a full-on marxist supporter of Harris/Biden policies.
X Posts Reveal Springfield, Ohio Mayor Rob Rue Is A BLM Supporter and Radical Masker
Charles Downs
September 16, 2024
“It is important to note that the slogan of Springfield, Ohio, is “Forward Together,” which sounds similar to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 slogan of “Stronger Together” and Kamala Harris’s current slogan of “We are not going back.” Mayor Rue has made countless appearances on CNN and other mainstream media outlets attempting to downplay the crisis that is ongoing in his city that illegal Haitian immigrants are causing. Mayor Rue’s X posts show that he is on board with a lot of the Left’s agenda, which means voters should highly question if what Rue is “informing” CNN and other mainstream media outlets is true.”
Now we have Tonton Meow what’s next Tonton Macoute?
You are on the front lines. Miami.
Someone else who had lived there told me ‘the blacks smell’.
If “Jim Crow” and true “freedom of association” were restored, the Haitians would be out in a minute as the people would have the means to marginalize them out of civilized society.
A major problem is the false doctrine of “cultural equivalency” which many well-meaning but misguided people embrace.
Compare the magnificent builders of Europe and the USA with the sh!tholes of Haiti and Africa.
Cultural equivalency? Hah…
There is an old saying: “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”. For believers in “cultural equivalency”, why aren’t the Haitians held to that standard? Answer: the same reason we have ongoing problems with our African blacks, and to a somewhat greater degree, jews. Blacks can be somewhat domesticated while jews ho onto their supremacy and demands to be “on top” with ferocity. Observe Gaza and the West Bank today.
A major part of the problem is the “Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society”, Catholic Social Services and Baptist Social Services which are major players in diluting first-world societies with third-world scum. This is all by design as jews are fearful of White-run societies along with their demands that (((they))) rule the world–“tikkun olam” which is defining “what is good for the jews”–jewish supremacy at ts worst..
For the record, the “Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society” is instrumental in bridging the Darien Gap–the “bridge” between North and South America.
Observe the “immigrants” who have cash, cell phones, decent clothing and other amenities that “real” refugees are lacking.
Where are they getting these items from?
Who is supplying them?
Get rid of the jew problem and the rest of our problems will disappear.
We have a feral cat problem in Austfailia. In the bush they are evolving quickly, growing ever bigger, but the old blackfella ladies love them and catch ’em easily, and just chuck ’em on the camp-fire. As for Chinese cooks, as one told a friend who accused them of cooking cats, ‘No. Cat tastes like cat’s piss smells. What you had was ‘possum’.
Get rid of the jew problem and the rest of our problems will disappear.
Indeed. Precisely. But How??? And no, gas chambers or even deportation to Israel seem unfair to all concerned. Maybe we could pass a law that they have watch a video of Ron Unz, Gilad Atzmon, Brother Nathaniel and someone reading Israel Shahak’s great book. And then they have to answer questions based on what they’ve heard. The pass rate is 90%. If they don’t pass, they have to watch the videos again.
In the short term, we could concentrate on publicly mocking them any chance we get, especially direct to their faces. Public mockery affects their mental health, and lead them to mental breakdowns. (where it’s not too dangerous to do so, of course. Safety first)
The mayor also owns 63 rental properties around town that he’s turning into migrant centers, which will supposedly bring in around $1.2 million a month for him.
“Cat is on the menu in Hong Kong.”
Everything is on the menu in Hong Kong. Doesn’t matter if it swims, flies, crawls, hops, walks or slithers. I don’t recall what they called cat meat, but dog meat was euphemistically referred to as “dragon meat.”
Hitting the “cat ladies” where it hurts most. Brilliant.
So one of the mayors who would argue that the pet eating is “unfounded” is not only making out like a bandit but likely responsible for the spike in rents and insurance costs. I’d sue his ass.
Haitians in Swingfield Ohio are eating cats, dogs, chickens, and ducks too.
If they don’t eat them, they’ll use them in their voodoo rituals.
The Haitians likely entered the US illegally, but the tribal Jewish DHS director granted them automatic temporary protected status because Haitians have a history of massacring white people in Haiti, and tribal Jews have a kosher hate-on for honest white people, even more so than their kosher hate for Palestinians.
Alejandro Mayorkas is a huge super-fan of the Democrat-Zionist uniparty, and he expects that his pet immigrant Haitians will mail-in their vote for their new uniparty standard bearer of Kabbalah Harris.
Secretaries of States in blue and purple US states refused to clean their voter rolls of ineligible voters in anticipation of illegal immigrant and dead people voting.
The consequences for mail-in vote fraud and ballot stuffing are minuscule for diversity people, as demonstrated in the last election cycle, and immigrant Haitians will be automatically excused because they are not cognizant of US federal and state laws.
Video Link