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Gregory Hood and Paul Kersey ask: What did the Right gain — if anything — from the disaster of 2020?

Thumbnail credit: Liam Enea via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0

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(Republished from American Renaissance by permission of author or representative)
•�Category: Ideology •�Tags: 2020 Election, 2024 Election, Donald Trump, Joe Biden
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  1. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Busch Garden into bush jungle.

  2. This website’s Diffident Righters increasingly submit intramural talkshow teasers in place of columns. There’s apparently little interest, unless people are taking the bait and gravitating to the other site. The lack of a printed text hamstrings discussion here. Both effects are apparent in the number and nature of reader comments.

  3. Sesto says:

    They won’t let me make this comment on Amren so I’ll say it here: Trump is worse than Biden because he pretends to care about white people but then sells them out. Witness January 6th and all the protesters he threw under the bus after their arrests. No pardons whatsoever.

    When push comes to shove, Trump shows his true colors. He is garbage and anyone who still follows him now is an absolute sucker.

    •�Agree: annacat
    •�Replies: @Heydrich's Violin
  4. @Sesto

    We all know that Trump is no Hitler; and cannot even measure up to a Mussolini. But are we more likely to get a real Fuhrer by letting Biden win? If you can demonstrate that, I will forbear to vote for Trump.

  5. sarz says:

    I suggested to Tucker Carlson on his website that he question Trump about his Jewishness. Is he a Jew who puts Israel first? There is a lot of indirect evidence about his Jewishness. The most direct is that his elder brother joined the Jewish fraternity SAM at Lehigh and went on to become its president. There’s a lot more, some of it at


  6. anarchyst says:

    Trump is a deal-maker and will demand that adversaries sit at a table across from each other and come to some kind of agreement. He has been successful at doing so in the past.
    Deal-making is what Trump has been doing all of his life and he is damned good at it.
    In my previous posts, I alluded to the fact that Trump gave israel whatever it wanted, but was prevented from completing the deal, making his demands known and enforcing them with shekels. Jews NEVER want to fulfill “their end of the deal”.
    Trump ha been dealing with jews all of his life and knows what (((they))) are like.
    If Trump gets a second term, in my humble opinion, I don’t think that he is going to treat israel too kindly. Trump will demand a somewhat fair and equitable solution to the ongoing bantustan divisions in the West Bank and will force israel to remove illegal settlements.
    As to Ukraine, Trump will make a phone call to Putin and “make a deal” as well. This will derail jewish plans to create israel 2.0.
    A second Trump term is something that deep-staters and rabid zionist jews definitely do not want and will do their damndest to see that it doesn’t happen.
    That being said, I still do not trust Trump entirely, after he made his statement to israel to “finish the job” in Gaza.
    Jewboy Jared Kushner is already selling Gaza beachfront property through NYC-based synagogues. Not good…
    Just my two cents…

  7. Eric135 says:

    There is something providential about Trump not just surviving but thriving under the endless attacks leveled against him.

    The Supreme Court has made a ruling (Fischer v. U.S.) that benefits both Trump and the J6 defendants.

    In addition, it has overturned the Chevron Doctrine that forced judges to rubber stamp the opinions and actions of corrupt, biased and unscrupulous unelected Deep State actors and regulators (Loper Bright Enterprises et al v. Raimondo, Secretary of Commerce, et al).

    Last, it rejected large parts of the criminal and civil cases against Trump by upholding an expansive definition of presidential immunity (Trump v. United States).

    Three big wins almost simultaneously, plus a terrible debate performance by Biden.

    The J6 defendants win as well, and so does the country. Curbing the administrative state will unleash American entrepreneurs and free people from having their lives micromanaged by empire-building bureaucrats. People will no longer be fined or worse because the EPA decided that a puddle on their property is a “navigable waterway”.

    Trump gave us a Supreme Court that – albeit slowly – is giving us back America the way it is supposed to be.

    But, of course, we shouldn’t vote for Trump because — like all the other candidates — he’s pro-Jew and pro-Israel.

    •�Replies: @anarchyst
    , @Greta Handel
  8. there is no “Trump question”. If Trumpstein “wins” the next fake Zionist Unparty “election”, he will do exactly what he did during his first term:

    1. suck Zionist dick
    2. kiss black ass
    3. massage spics, and

    4. shit on the braindead Whites who voted for him.

    •�Agree: annacat
    •�Replies: @Heydrich's Violin
  9. @Haxo Angmark

    So, we are supposed to vote for Ross Perot instead?

    •�Replies: @Anonymous534
  10. @Heydrich's Violin

    You are supposed to realize that electoral politics is just a show and that it doesn’t matter who the elected politicians are. The state machinery keeps functioning the same way no matter who is elected. Does it really matter which AIPAC-approved candidate gets elected, a blue one, or a red one?
    You are supposed to realize that political change will not come from voting, so you’re free to vote for whoever you want, or to abstain from voting, it makes no difference. Nobody has ever been arrested or assassinated by three letter agencies for voting, or for not voting. The regime doesn’t care how you vote because it is irrelevant to the regime.

    •�Thanks: annacat
    •�Replies: @Heydrich's Violin
  11. @Anonymous534

    Supposed to realize: I realized that a while ago, perhaps about the same time you did? But why don’t you undertake the more difficult task: Explain how my omitting to vote for Trump, and letting Biden win, is likely to benefit me more than the opposite? Meanwhile, are you or I doing anything better or more effective than Ashli Babbitt did on Jan. 6?

    •�Replies: @Anonymous534
  12. anarchyst says:

    Trump’s Supreme Court appointments have done much to “roll back” state power than just about any other presidential action.

    •�Replies: @Greta Handel
  13. @Heydrich's Violin

    Meanwhile, are you or I doing anything better or more effective than Ashli Babbitt did on Jan. 6?

    Which is what? Take part in a staged hoax and pretend to get shot?


    Video Link

    Explain how my omitting to vote for Trump, and letting Biden win, is likely to benefit me more than the opposite?

    It isn’t. Voting either way or not voting at will not benefit you. I guess one could argue that not voting will save you some time that would be wasted on voting, but that’s a negligibly tiny benefit. I believe you realize that your vote isn’t something that has the power to “let Biden win,” or prevent Biden from winning.

    •�Replies: @Eric135
    , @Heydrich's Violin
  14. @anarchyst

    Not as exemplified in the recent Murthy v Missouri opinion.

    Why do people who are deemed without “standing” keep taking seriously these pillowfighting politicians, endorsing with each Most Important Election Ever a corporatized government that couldn’t care less about them? Even at TUR, overwrought columnists and commenters were obsessed for months with the appointment and confirmation of the woman who wrote the decision and her colleague “Kav.”

    No one from the Establishment – not even Trump’s judicial appointees – is going to rescue you from itself.

    •�Replies: @anarchyst
  15. @Eric135


    Curbing the administrative state will unleash American entrepreneurs and free people from having their lives micromanaged by empire-building bureaucrats.

    sounds like a GOP fundraiser working a Chamber of Commerce meeting back in the 20th Century.

    With practically no exception, the people who thrive in Washington care no more about those who vote for them than they do about the people at the receiving end of those missiles shipped by Joe for Nikki to sign. Which is why your list doesn’t include Murthy v Missouri, a case that we discussed under a recent Anglin column, and ends with a dismissal of the importance of what Uncle Sam is doing with our money in our name.

    The sheep — albeit slowly — are figuring out that elections are held to channel and periodically blow off dissent. I doubt many of those somehow unpardonable J6 defendants and their loved ones, even if they now benefit coincidentally from a SCOTUS ruling in his favor, will be standing up for President Drainswamp this time around.

    •�Replies: @Eric135
  16. Eric135 says:
    @Greta Handel

    A lot of people mistake being negative for being intelligent.

    •�Replies: @Greta Handel
    , @Greta Handel
  17. Eric135 says:

    Setting aside irrelevant considerations over whether the Ashli Babbitt killing was fake or whether a single person’s vote can swing an election, the question is whether there is a significant difference between Trump being president and Biden being president.

    We have empirical evidence that it is better to have Trump as president. Trump, for all his pandering to nonwhites, doesn’t hate white people. Trump did not give over $100 billion to Ukraine to fight a war with Russia that could end up as an all-out nuclear war. It is not Trump who has given billions in weapons to Israel to exterminate Palestinian civilians.

    Prices were lower and the economy was better under Trump. Trump did not force people to take experimental vaccines in violation of the Nuremberg Code. Trump did not turn the withdrawal from Afghanistan into a disgraceful rout. Trump did not open the border to ten million illegal aliens. Trump would not appoint Supreme Court justices like Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson.

    Trump is better for conservative, white, heterosexual, Christian, working-and-middle-class males — the chief target of the Jews and their puppet Biden.

    The people who discourage actively supporting Trump are the equivalent of hasbara trolls.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous534
  18. @Eric135

    the question is whether there is a significant difference between Trump being president and Biden being president.

    Trump will not be as bad as Biden. Both of them are corrupt pedos, liars and traitors whose main goal is to serve Israel and their Jewish masters. None of them should be allowed anywhere near political power, both should’ve been hanged for treason. But Biden is worse.
    I can see how one can encourage actively supporting Trump, because Trump will not be as bad as Biden. I can equally see how one can discourage actively supporting Trump, Biden, or any of these traitorous ZOG servants.

  19. @Anonymous534

    “Which is what? Take part in a staged hoax and pretend to get shot?”
    Hey, if you participated in a staged hoax and pretended to get shot it would still be a lot better than swallowing all manner of conspiracy theory. I take it the Jussie Smollett was a faux-hoax, false flag? Well, if it’s a double agent, why can’t it be a TRIPLE agent, or maybe just a quadruple agent?
    What about the Waukesha Massacre? Bread-and-Circuses farce?
    Instead of meritoriously not voting, why don’t you visit a Tops in Buffalo, NY and exercise your 2nd Amendment liberty?
    In short, in the end, probably the best, least niggardly, thing you can do is not let Obama (via Biden) win again.

  20. anarchyst says:
    @Greta Handel

    You make an excellent about “standing” which EVERY American citizen voter has when it comes to vote fraud…The supreme court was wrong in not taking the case.
    Best regards,

  21. @Eric135

    Any thoughts on the Trump administration’s “[c]urbing of the administrative state … unleash[ing]” the natural gas and railroad industries? See North Dakota: Officials Tell People to Go Ahead and Breathe the Toxic Air from Chemical Train Fire (Andrew Anglin • July 8, 2024), particularly comment #2.

    •�Replies: @Eric135
  22. Eric135 says:
    @Greta Handel

    The derailment in this case doesn’t sound very serious.

    The solution to a lot of these problems is to build underground pipelines, which Trump wanted to do, but Biden and the Dems wouldn’t allow it.

    My advice to people who complain about energy-related environmental problems is to stop driving, using the internet, heating and cooling their homes, buying groceries shipped in by truck, etc. In other words, live like the Amish, or squat in an SRO bathroom-down-the-hall crack hotel in the inner city.

    Being homeless is also an option, but that could lead to drug use and the enormous energy expended when fire, police and ambulance have to show up to take you repeatedly to the hospital, which also uses a lot of energy.

    Incidentally, Biden’s election didn’t solve the problem, did it? No, it didn’t.

    And whatever good Biden might have done has been more than undone by letting 10 million illegals into the country. They also use energy. In fact, the best thing we could do for our environmental health and resource and water conservation would be to round up all the illegals and kick them out of the country. And stop legal immigration. But the Sierra Club was paid by some rich Jew never to talk about immigration.

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