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There IS (Partial and Incremental) Hope On Immigration!

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Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on VDARE.com]

It’s my New Year podcast! As is customary, I’ll take a quick glance back, and then one forward. I shall strive to be a little more upbeat than Robert Burns addressing his mouse.

[Voice of Donald Douglas:

Still thou art blest, compar’d wi’ me
The present only toucheth thee:
But, Och! I backward cast my e’e.
On prospects drear!
An’ forward, tho’ I canna see,
I guess an’ fear!]

To a Mouse, by Robert Burns, 1759-1796

For immigration patriots the year just past, 2023, and indeed the two preceding years, have indeed offered Prospects Drear. Our federal government, as its very first priority, threw the country’s southern border wide open. Foreign invaders have been pouring in ever since, unhindered and unchecked, in defiance of our laws.

The total for these three years is generally given as more than eight million. That’s TWO POINT SEVEN MILLION a year, at least; so if the flood continues, a year from now that total will be over ten million.

This is really a very astonishing thing. Our federal government—the President, Vice President, and their cabinet secretaries—are conducting a huge criminal enterprise, in plain violation of their duty to see the people’s laws faithfully enforced.

Not only is this criminal in itself, it places our government and its employees in collaboration with even more indubitably criminal enterprises: the foreign crime syndicates organizing the smuggling of drugs and people into our country.

Our government is plainly, unapologetically, on their side.

Are senior members of our government being paid off by the cartels? I have seen no evidence of it; but from the evidence a-plenty we do have about the Biden family’s international dealings, it wouldn’t be a surprise.

If there is no such straightforwardly monetary motive, there are only two other possibilities:

  • a powerful ideology driving the perpetrators; or
  • some style of collective insanity

Here’s a quote from a very good piece of commentary:

Americans have no real idea why these revolutionaries are destroying our border.

Are they nineteenth-century anarchists who want to undermine the United States itself? Are they cynical “Demography is Destiny” and “The New Democratic Majority” Leftists who need new dependent Democrat constituents to find votes for agendas that most Americans reject? Do they want to create billions of dollars in new entitlements and subsidies to grow government, hike taxes, and make the upper middle class pay, as Biden puts it, “their fair share?”

The Utter Insanity of Joe Biden’s Open Border AmGreatness.com, January 2, 2024

The writer is Professor Victor Davis Hanson, with whom I have had some slight personal acquaintance. I don’t always agree with what Professor Hanson says, but he has a first-class mind that I respect and admire.

He’s right on target here. The very title of his piece seems to favor the insanity defense.

He offers some illustrations: His home state of California, for instance, which, while facing a $70 billion annual budget deficit, has just extended free health care services to illegal aliens. Fiscally, socially, medically, any way you cut it, that’s insane.

As Prof. Hanson’s argument develops, though, it’s clear he believes, as I do, that our Ruling Class is in the grip of a powerful ideology—one that sees human affairs entirely in terms of who-whom, oppressor and oppressed, supremacist and victim.

For a while back earlier in this century we called this “Cultural Marxism,” and I still think that’s an apt description. Karl Marx certainly saw things in those terms, with capitalism as the oppressor and labor as the oppressed.

The phrase “Cultural Marxism” has fallen out of fashion in favor of the rather vacuous—to my ear, anyway—term “woke.” [VDARE.com Editor Peter Brimelow was persuaded by one J. Derbyshire that the appropriate term is “communist.”] It’s an ideology, though, whatever you call it; and as evidence of that, it’s world-wide … or at any rate First World-wide.

The British Isles and most European countries have borders as wide open as ours. Electoral politics has done nothing to stop the flow, as witness the many-years failure of Britain’s ruling Conservative Party to conserve something as basic as border integrity, or the hapless flounderings of Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, chronicled here at VDARE.com by Steve Sailer and myself.

So yes, it’s an ideology. Its precepts look insane from the perspective of a smart, thoughtful, well-read person like Professor Hanson (or me …); but their grip on the mentality of the afflicted is mighty and unshakable.

Open Borders is the strongest, the most unshakable of those precepts. It is the Prime Directive that all right-thinking people must hold dear.

How do we counter this? Must we, after looking back on those prospects drear, look forward guessing and fearing?

Well, guessing, yes; nobody can be sure of the future. Grounds for fear? Yes: but there are also grounds for hope.

First, the fears.

Looking at the situation right now, the fear must be that the Great Replacement is a fait accompli—that it’s done, and irreversible.

Once again: If the flood continues through this year, as it likely will, there will have been a total inflow of over ten million during Joe Biden’s term. That’s on top of a big population of illegal aliens already living here: eleven million was the figure usually given, but it’s hard to believe it was static at eleven million all through the Bush, Obama, and Trump administrations.

We could, I believe, easily end this year with more than thirty million foreigners settled here illegally—close to ten percent of the entire population.

An illegal population of that size could indeed be an irreversible fait accompli. How, after all, would we reverse it?

True, there has been some talk of mass deportations. GOP Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy told us back in August, according to the Washington Post, that he would deport all illegal aliens. [Where Vivek Ramaswamy stands on immigration, November 8, 2023]

A few weeks later, at the end of September, rival candidate Donald Trump pledged to enact “the largest deportation operation in the history of our country” if re-elected.

On the same day, at a different gathering twenty miles away, Ron DeSantis told his audience that he would deport, quote, “everyone that has come illegally under Biden.”[Ron DeSantis vows to deport ‘everyone that has come illegally under Biden’, Fox News, September 29, 2023]

Easily said, but the logistics are formidable. Even on Ron DeSantis’ plan to just deport those who arrived in Joe Biden’s four years, we’re talking more than ten million people. That’s a lot of school buses.


Even worse than the physical logistics are the legal obstacles. What about illegals who already have a date booked to go before immigration court? “The poor guy just wants his day in court,” we’ll be told by sympathetic media. Illegals with kids born here? Pending asylum claims? Temporary Protected Status overstayers? Country of origin unknown, or just unwilling to receive them?

And then there’s the time limit on Expedited Removal, spelled out for us here on VDARE.com January 1st by our correspondent “Federale.” I hope he won’t mind my quoting him:

By the time Donald Trump returns to office, most illegal aliens who entered under the Biden Regime amnesties will have been here more than two years, which is the current time limit for use of Expedited Removal. After two years, illegal aliens are no longer eligible to be removed expeditiously and have the right to a hearing before the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR), which has a current backlog of over three million illegal aliens.

Biden Open Borders Hits A New Record High: Reportedly 302,000 Illegals At Border, Highest Number EVER—Again!

So a mass deportation program would be a feast for immigration and human-rights lawyers, with endless ways to block or thwart removals. It would be a feast, too, for bleeding-heart media lefties: heartstring-tugging stories about families being torn apart, and so on.

It’s possible that a vigorous Congress could cut the Gordian knot, legislating all the obstacles away. Given the Congressional record on forceful, patriotic immigration reform, though, that’s not something I’d pin my hopes on.

All that notwithstanding, there is hope, if only of a partial and incremental kind. That hope was expressed at length, very eloquently, by another colleague here at VDARE.com, “Washington Watcher II,” posting here January 2nd.

The Republican Party, says our correspondent, is at last showing movement on the immigration issue. For example, “Every GOP presidential contender wants Birthright Citizenship eliminated.”

I’ll leave you to read “Washington Watcher’ II’s” column for yourself; it will lift your spirits. Here is just the closing short paragraph:

2024 looks bright for immigration patriotism. A win on Capitol Hill and a win in November will bring major opportunities for the GOP to reverse the Great Replacement. It just requires the party to remain focused on immigration and not get distracted by trivial issues.

Here’s hoping, pal.

John Derbyshire [email him] writes an incredible amount on all sorts of subjects for all kinds of outlets. (This no longer includes National Review, whose editors had some kind of tantrum and fired him.) He is the author of We Are Doomed: Reclaiming Conservative Pessimism and several other books. He has had two books published by VDARE.com com: FROM THE DISSIDENT RIGHT (also available in Kindle) and FROM THE DISSIDENT RIGHT II: ESSAYS 2013.

(Republished from VDare by permission of author or representative)
•�Category: Ideology •�Tags: Immigration
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  1. G23 says:

    And what is to become of this hope, should Biden win reelection?

    Should the independents continue to shit on all things Trump and hand the Dems a landslide victory?

    What then?

  2. Renard says:

    We could, I believe, easily end this year with more than thirty million foreigners settled here illegally—close to ten percent of the entire population.

    When you consider all of the migrants who have come to this country since Hart-Celler, and add their progeny, the total is over 100 million.

    Can you imagine how much better this country would be without those 100 million, and the 30+ million currently in illegal residence?

    It would almost be like the great country we once had.

    But a tiny minority would rather destroy the USA rather than have that. Derb doesn’t like to talk about that.

    •�Replies: @Blissex
    , @Anonymous
  3. Anonymous[239] •�Disclaimer says:

    Sad Derb believes the issue can be solved by voting for the GOP. I worked at DHS under Dubya and a GOP Congressional majority and I witnessed first hand how illegal immigrants were being transported into the U.S. by NGOs apparently with the blessing of the U.S. gov’t higher ups because they were allowed to transit through airports in the Southwest to places like Boise and Denver.

  4. Remoose says:

    It’s too late – the die is cast. America is invaded and we are just waiting for the eventual bloody mess. All those poor, indigent *fighting aged men* who are actively being flown in by rich Jews are there to do 1 thing… initiate the largest massacre ever recorded. When the food cards no longer work all those indigents will be given arms and will go house to house throughout suburbia. Torture, gang rape and murder of everything white will be common. This is how the Jews plan on exterminating us. Will they succeed? No, but we’ll be forever changed. And we will remember you Jews… oh yes. Even after your planned extermination of us our numbers will exceed yours. Statues will be made to honor Anders Behring Breivik and your mudpuppies and sandniggers won’t be pulling those down.

    •�Replies: @gT
  5. TyRade says:

    In the UK, a CONSERVATIVE government not only not policing borders against illegals, but conniving to make ‘legal’ scenic routes into the country easier. And we are not receiving ‘their best’.


  6. Our country and our civilization is dying, choked to death by Jewish Marxism, something the VDare columnists never want to talk about. It would take not one Herculean effort, but a dozen, to reverse course and repair the damage, and there isn’t a Heracles in sight.

    The West is being attacked on all fronts; immigration is just one of them. The Climate Change Lunatics are doing their best to shut the lights off and starve us all to death (what is it about communists and famine?). The Cult of Scientism continues to wreak havoc. Feminism and homosexuality have pretty much destroyed the family, so those soldiers of the Bolshevik Revolution have earned their accolades and rest.

    Slowly, then quickly. That is how civilizations fall. At the end of the 19th century the West straddled the planet like a family of titans. It has taken more than a hundred years for the Synagogue of Satan to bring it down. Make no mistake, we are in the endgame of that centuries old plot, and evil is winning.

    •�Agree: Marshall Dillon
  7. Dragoslav says:

    They are mentally ill. They endanger themselves ( as seen with the pro-Hamas crowds, all imported in western countries ) but they continue.
    There is nothing a sane, rational, white person can understand in this mess.
    Mental illness and outdated ideologies : Unable to evolve, they re-harsh the same lunaties. Yesterday it was the proletariat, now it’s the global south.
    This and the trauma from the ” holocaust” , and the Trump dérangement syndrome, and on top of all of this, religious lunacy : the Messiah will come only if ALL ( except one) nations are destroyed. No borders = no nations.
    The problem is not their religious delusion, the problem is that they believe in it.

  8. Eric135 says:

    The job of Congress, the courts and the President is to:

    1) Keep wars going to benefit the military industrial complex.

    2) Keep labor cheap through mass immigration and job offshoring.

    3) Keep the border open.

    4) Squelch any serious opposition to the above, by any means necessary.

    Both parties are united in pursuing these policies. That’s not going to change, no matter who is President.

    The whole rotten system has to collapse for any substantive change to happen.

    There can no longer be a United States of America.

  9. jeppo says:

    “It’s an ideology, though, whatever you call it; and as evidence of that, it’s world-wide … or at any rate First World-wide.”

    I agree with Derb that Cultural Marxism seems to be a First World phenomenon, but it got me wondering, what exactly is the “First World,” and how do we define Cultural Marxism/Wokeness?

    I will use the UN’s Human Development Index to determine what countries constitute the First World, namely the 65 sovereign nations (not including Hong Kong) classified as having a “Very High” level of human development, plus 3 sovereign states the UN doesn’t include on their list, Taiwan, Monaco, and Vatican City, for a grand total of 68 nations.

    To define “Wokeness,” I will use recognition of Same-Sex Marriage, not just common law marriages or civil unions, but legally recognized SSM. There are 36 nations worldwide that recognize it.

    To start with, how many Third World nations (defined as not having a “Very High” HDI score) recognize SSM? I count 7: Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Nepal, and South Africa. These countries, mostly in Latin America, now have the worst of both worlds: poverty *and* wokeness.

    All the Anglosphere countries (US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland) are gay, i.e. recognize SSM, no surprise there. It’s the birthplace and world capital of wokeness.

    I’ll divide Europe along Cold War lines into post-communist Eastern Europe, and never-communist Western Europe. In Western Europe 16 nations are gay, while only Italy, Greece, Cyprus, and the 4 microstates of Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino, and the Vatican do not recognize SSM.

    In contrast, in Eastern Europe only 2 First World nations recognize SSM, Estonia and Slovenia, while 12 do not. So there is a real divide in Europe between the Woke West and the (for now) non-Woke East.

    Outside of Europe and the Anglosphere there are only 5 other First World nations that recognize SSM, 3 of them in the Southern Cone: Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Taiwan, and Uruguay.

    That leaves 20 non-European First World nations that do not recognize SSM. Call them the Rich and the Righteous. I will list them from high to low on the HDI: Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Israel, UAE, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Kuwait, Brunei, Oman, Bahamas, Kazakhstan, Trinidad and Tobago, Panama, Malaysia, Georgia, Mauritius, and Thailand.

    In summary, the Anglosphere is thoroughly gay/woke/culturally marxist, while Western Europe is almost as woke, but with some Mediterranean opposition. Eastern Europe is holding the line fairly well, but woke inroads are being made. Latin America is gayer than Eastern Europe, especially when controlling for HDI scores, but not as gay as Western Europe. But the rest of the world, with the exceptions of Taiwan (America’s Chinese colony), South Africa (run by woke black communists), and Nepal (???), are just saying no to SSM/wokeness. May it always be so!

  10. Blissex says:

    « “Are they nineteenth-century anarchists who want to undermine the United States itself?
    Are they cynical “Demography is Destiny” and “The New Democratic Majority” Leftists who need new dependent Democrat constituents to find votes for agendas that most Americans reject?
    Do they want to create billions of dollars in new entitlements and subsidies to grow government, hike taxes, and make the upper middle class pay, as Biden puts it, “their fair share?”

    The question here is why corporations, that are ferociously right-wing and are in control of the USA governments, are so keen on mass immigration, and why older affluent white middle class voters don’t vote against it.

    Mass immigration has happened in many other countries too, for example the UK, where 6 million white white conservative eastern europeans have immigrated over a a dozen years, and the three main reasons are:

    * Nearly all immigrants are young and healthy and have jobs but they still pay social security and healthcare taxes, thus subsidising social security and healthcare costs for older affluent white middle class voters.

    * Most immigrants are willing to accept low pay, and moderating wages means that falling costs of carers, gardeners, cleaners, nurses, deliverers, etc. for older affluent white middle class voters.

    * Immigrants push house prices and rents with their huge numbers and their willingness to double-up, creating large capital gains and much higher rent income for older affluent white middle class voters.

    Immigration in California, UK etc. delights right-wing older affluent white middle class voters by rapidly increasing the number of servants they can hire and tenants from which they can make money.

    That of course screws those native americans who are in competition with immigrants for jobs and housing, that is young poor colored working class voters, but the affluent middle classes regard them as “suckers” and “losers” and anyhow care only about their own advantages.

    •�Replies: @Greta Handel
  11. Blissex says:

    «When you consider all of the migrants who have come to this country since Hart-Celler, and add their progeny, the total is over 100 million. Can you imagine how much better this country would be without those 100 million, and the 30+ million currently in illegal residence?»

    I guess that many Navajo, Comanche, Cherokee, Choctaw etc. would rather agree with an extended version of that claim :-).

    Most right-wing older affluent white middle class voters would however be rather unhappy with how much lower real estate prices and rents would be, and how much higher the wages of cleaners, deliverers, nurses, gardeners, etc. would be, and how much higher taxes and in particular social security taxes would have to be.

    Immigration is big because the middle class and the upper class make a lot of money from it at at the expense of the native working class, where “colored” people are a much larger percent of the native working class than of the middle and upper class.

  12. A major step forward–requiring no draconian police-state action–would be to make E-Verify universal and mandatory, preventing illegal employment as well as financial services (e.g., sending remittances back home) and public assistance. Remember, even the most rigorous “border security” leaves about half the problem totally untouched, i.e., the millions who have entered, and will continue to enter, legally but then over-stay their visas. Employment and aid are probably the two most powerful “magnets” driving illegal immigration. Turn them off and many if not most will just leave the same way they came, on their own steam–no deportation necessary.

    I’m by no means foreclosing other options, including changing the immigration laws, revoking visas and residence status, deportations, and rendering appeals of deportation orders “non-suspensive” (i.e., you can appeal, but only from outside the country). Minimal fraud investigations could no doubt lead to the revocation of millions of bogus green cards and naturalizations. Etc.

    But why not start with the easy lifting!

    •�Agree: Rich
  13. TG says:

    Collective insanity? I don’t think so.

    When the rich force the population up, and thereby drive wages and living standards for the many down, and rents and profits up for the rich, ultimately the primal cause has got to be greed.

    Because nothing makes the rich richer than cheap labor, and nothing makes cheap labor better than 1000 desperate workers competing for every job.

    And we have seen the bad consequences of forced population growth – due variously to massive immigration or ‘pro-natalist’ policies – across the world, and the United States is no exception – it’s always bad for the average person.

    In 1900 the population of Brazil was about 17 million. With abundant resources, Brazil could have been a ‘lucky country’ like (for now) Canada and Australia. We can’t have that! Using both massive immigration and pro-natalist propaganda, Brazil’s population has been increased more than tenfold to over 200 million – and the average person is crushed into poverty. But the elites are doing fine.

    And similar effects have occurred in Turkey, Afghanistan, Syria, South Africa, Sweden, China under Mao, Japan before WWII…

    The Ivory Coast used to be relatively prosperous. The rich imported massive numbers of islamic refugees, and by the time that the population was about 50/50 native and immigrant, the resulting poverty tore the country apart in a bloody civil war. Last I heard, the immigrant faction had won. So were the ruling elites of the Ivory Coast delusional, or addicted to diversity? Or did they just love the profits of all that cheap labor?

    Follow the money.

  14. Currahee says:

    Fundamentally, it’s over.
    Millions of low intelligence poc’s invade as low i.q. jobs disappear to outsourcing and a.i. robotics.
    So, what happens now, as these lumpens burden the welfare state still further?
    Will wipipo figure out how to defend themselves?
    How can they do this?
    I have no answers.

  15. Anonymous[334] •�Disclaimer says:

    The “tiny minority” that Derb, VDH, Sailer, et al refuse to name.

  16. Amazing. No, the borders aren’t open because the “ruling class” is in the grip of the “powerful ideology” of “Cultural Marxism”. The ruling class is very wealthy and powerful jews and zionists and they hate and want to destroy the West and White people, so they are very rationally following the policy of eliminating all White-majority countries via nonWhite mass immigration.

    That ruling class controls politicians like Biden, de Santis, Boris Johnson, Rishi Sunak and so on via blackmail and bribery.

    This is not rocket science.

    •�Replies: @pyrrhus
  17. gT says:

    Its the proverbial NWO requiring the OWO to disappear in order for the NWO to arise. The Jews don’t know that the NWO requires most of the Jews to kick the bucket along with most of the Goyim. Currently the Jews think that they and only they will be sitting at the head of the NWO.

    So America as part of the OWO has got to disappear along with Europe. Both America and Europe have been destroyed economically with green energy and the outsourcing of manufacturing and industry to China, now America and Europe are being destroyed socially as well with all the rapefuges, this after America and Europe have been destroyed socially with all the LGBT, AntiFa, BLM, Holocau$t nonsense already.

    Norway is probably going to get wiped out by Russia because the Russians are pissed off because NATO has thrown DU and cluster munitions on Russian territory (Ukraine) as if Russia is some turd world country like Iraq or Libya which can’t respond in kind with mega tons of added interest.

    •�Replies: @Shitposter_In Chief
  18. Rich says:

    Trump didn’t deport all the illegals when he was president from 2017-2021. He won’t do it if he’s reelected. The American ruling class has made a decision and it’s done, the US will be a Latin American country. A Balkanized one for sure, with many different nationalities, but Latin American at its core. Once crime reaches a high enough level, law and order will be reinstated and crackdowns on dissent will become extreme. The only thing that could save the US is if a modern-day Caesar, an American patriot, crossed the Potomac, our Rubicon, and took the helm. It won’t happen. My advice is to learn Spanish and try to become very wealthy. The wealthy will be okay, and if you can speak Spanish, you’ll get along with your neighbors.

    We had a nice run and this once great country was very good to my family when we came here, late in the game. Thanks to all you descendants of the founders, pioneers and settlers. You guys did a great job, sorry it didn’t work out the way it could have.

  19. george 1 says:

    I spent many years being directly involved in this immigration nightmare. The PTB never took an interest in controlling the situation. It became policy to take in the worst of the worst and discourage better immigrants. All types of immigration, legal, illegal and refugee have increased under every president since Carter. Yes, that includes Trump. It culminated in the Biden regime completely abandoning any Border controls.

    The point is, it is too late now. If the speculated cure actually happened, that is mass deportations, then every major U.S. city would burn to the ground. It would make the St. George Floyd troubles seem like a mild breeze on a spring day.

    At this point you have at least 50,000,000 outright illegals in America. That badly understates the problem because their card holder cousins are nearly as bad. Add to all of that their offspring turned militant anti-American and very anti-white radicals. You wind up with a country with half of the population having no allegiance to America at all and a sizeable part of that hating the country with every fiber of their being.

    America will now reap the whirlwind.

    •�Replies: @HammerJack
  20. george 1 says:

    I spent many years being directly involved in this immigration nightmare. The PTB never took an interest in controlling the situation. It became policy to take in the worst of the worst and discourage better immigrants. All types of immigration, legal, illegal and refugee have increased under every president since Carter. Yes, that includes Trump. It culminated in the Biden regime completely abandoning any Border controls.

    The point is, it is too late now. If the speculated cure actually happened, that is mass deportations, then every major U.S. city would burn to the ground. It would make the St. George Floyd troubles seem like a mild breeze on a spring day. Not that we should not do it but that will be the result.

    At this point you have at least 50,000,000 outright illegals in America. That badly understates the problem because their card holder cousins are nearly as bad. Add to all of that their offspring turned militant anti-American and very anti-white radicals. You wind up with a country with half of the population having no allegiance to America at all and a sizeable part of that hating the country with every fiber of their being.

    America will now reap the whirlwind.

    •�Agree: Daniel H
    •�Replies: @Daniel H
  21. Anon[401] •�Disclaimer says:

    The tribe (from my thankfully limited experience) are ideologues to a man, always with the virtue signaling cranked to eleven.

  22. Daniel H says:
    @george 1

    Derb is just trying to comfort himself in his dotage. It IS too late. Nothing can be done at this point, but the sooner the crash the better, that way there will be more usable parts lying in the ground to patch together something resembling civilization.

    •�Agree: Johnny LeBlanc
  23. @george 1

    America will now reap the whirlwind.

    This is your country on judaism. Or, as I like to say, your ex-country. At so many junctures, the Ruling Tribe (with its vaunted intelligence) could have pulled back the reins a bit, spying the wreckage ahead. By then they already controlled the most powerful nation in history, and enjoyed every imaginable privilege — not to mention stupendous wealth.

    But it wasn’t enough. Displaying the knack for self-destruction that has been their downfall over and over throughout history, they let their vicious hatred of the white race overcome even their sense of self-preservation. That they’ll blame others as they always do will come as small consolation indeed, as they will make a point of taking the rest of us down with them.

  24. @gT

    Russia won’t touch NATO, it’s been two years now and the war has not spread.

    If they did, article 5 would fuck Russia hard – and they know it

  25. @Blissex

    The diverging economic interests you’ve described cut along class and generational lines. In addition to the housing issue, there’s a squeeze on business property.

    Here, for the fourth time lately, is a comment (#3) first posted under John Derbyshire’s column of May 26.


    Mr. Derbyshire’s managed to write a column without racebait or Exceptional! fealty to his adopted Uncle Sam. Questions like this

    Or do they know them but do not care as the economic argument is good cover for what they’re really aiming for: the New Feudalism, or victory in the Cold Civil War against their own citizens.

    deserve further consideration to inform something beyond self-declared, professional Dissidence. Ask a couple more, please, of your conferees there at the Berkeley Springs Castle:

    1. How many of you own more than one residence?

    2. How many of you own vacant commercial property that allows you to reduce your tax liability?

    3. How many of you would support legislation to disincentivize 1, 2, or both to lower the barriers for and support home ownership, family formation and entrepreneurship?


    No engagement thus far from anyone who cares to refute it. Are they embarrassed?

    Most of us recognize that the invertebrate Congress has no interest in these issues. But what people should also consider is that the racebaiters like Derbyshire, Sailer, and most of the increasingly cross-published AmRen and VDare writers are no threat to Big War, Big Sick, Wall Street, or any other component of the Establishment, either. They’re just as shirking about the economic destruction of the Americans about whom they purport to care as they are about the slaughtered in Gaza.

  26. Gustafus says:

    This invasion corresponds to the die off planned between 2025 and 2030… the goal is genetic diversity on every continent.

    When this was first posited, people laughed and dismissed it as whacky.

    21% of vaxed New Zealanders died.. it’s the most accurate VAERS count so far… not 1 in 800 as Bret Weinstein theorized with Tucker Carlson recently…. 21% in the first round.

    And they haven’t brought out the airborne SARS yet….

    We need a revolt SOON.

  27. SafeNow says:

    California provides a look at the future, because California is one, and even two, generations into this. What happened is that the progeny of the invaders are not leafblower workers, as the original invaders were. Rather, the progeny have worked their way into occupations in which they affect your daily life, through a lack of conscientiousness and lack of competence. Mr. Derbyshire and Mr. Hanson, stop talking about fentanyl and unvetted thugs, and instead talk about the affronts, compromises, and humiliations of daily life due to the progeny. To make matters even worse, through lowered standards, and a process shrinks call “mirroring,” traditional Americans emulate the unraveling, thinking, why the heck should I bust my tail.

    This is over. Point of no return. The only thing to do is head for an enclave. Eventually there will not even be enclaves, because the affirmative-action people, and the invader people, and the Marxist people, will destroy these.

  28. White Europeans are outnumbered in many U.S. communities. Itz unbelievable how many there are. Will the Hispanics and to a lesser extent Asians, Africans vote for their kind? Most assuredly. My area is already represented in governments by so-called Hispanics who will always vote for their own kind.

    The White Europeans who created the infrastructure will eventually will ruled by other tribes that are united while Europeans are disunited because of course that would be racist. Until Europeans united there will be little hope.

    Anyone who votes for the Democrats(Communists) is a traitor to White people. Yes I know there traitorous Republicans who will never cone to their senses.

  29. pyrrhus says:

    And they don’t realize that ultimately that will lead the destruction of Israel and everything western outside of Russia…

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