As our world tumbles forth towards ever-more-previously-inconceivable levels of absurdity, you better learn to laugh or you’ll be crying all day.
The latest example is the move by the French government to ban Generation Identity (GI), a civil society movement opposing immigration and defending native European culture. GI had just executed one of its trademark direct actions in the Pyrenees, with a few dozen activists patrolling the Franco-Spanish with vehicles and drones to identify illegal immigrants and report them to the police.
The government no doubt considers the ban to be part of a balancing act: as legislation is being passed to eliminate “separatism” within the Muslim community, so Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin considers that native French “separatists” embodied by GI must also be eliminated. But what does the use of authoritarian measures against Muslims and Europeans, who each want to live in their own way, say about France’s multicultural future?
While GI is being dissolved for opposing illegal immigration, those enabling this criminal behavior have been fêted by the cultural class (the most prominent being lawbreaker Cédric Herrou’s glamorous reception at the Cannes Film Festival, pictured above). More recently, several Green members of parliament went to the Franco-Italian border to help illegal immigrants dodge the police and find safe houses. Though the police encountered the politicians and were suspicious, the Greens faced no repercussions.
For what it’s worth, there is a significant chance that a court will eventually annul GI’s dissolution. After all, the group was threatened with massive fines and imprisonment for a similar anti-illegal immigration action in the Alps but a court of appeals cleared them of any wrongdoing last December.
At the head of this circus is President Emmanuel Macron, himself a notoriously slippery figure, a “young and dynamic” hardcore globalist who will both make extreme attacks on the very notion on French identity and entertain a subtle but quite real dialogue with forbidden right-wing ideas and media.
Macron’s tic-like use of the expression “en même temps” (at the same time) has become something of a running gag: thus the president thoughtfully enunciates both sides of an issue, studiously avoiding pinning himself to anything. He recently told the Guardian: “I believe in continental [European] sovereignty, I believe in the Nation-States, I do not believe in neo-nationalism.”
Macron wants to be the president of all Frenchmen and colorful neo-Frenchmen. This extends, it must be said, to alienated nationalist voters. He will give interviews to “far-right” magazines like Valeurs Actuelles. He telephoned Éric Zemmour, the Sephardic intellectual who is the most “nationalist” voice on French television, after the latter had been verbally abused on the street by a Muslim.
He’ll even cite Charles Maurras, the archetypal French nationalist intellectual of late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (equal parts anti-Judaic and anti-Germanic), to explain citizens’ alienation: there is too great a chasm between le pays légal (the legal country, i.e. the politico-legal apparatus) and le pays réel (the real country). A Macron aide was also criticized for meeting with Marion Maréchal (formerly Le Pen), Marine Le Pen’s popular niece. All this may seem insignificant but causes real consternation and hostility among the self-appointed guardians of morality in the media.
Last December, Macron gave a qualified defense of Maurras and the war hero-cum-collaborationist Marshal Philippe Pétain in an interview with the magazine L’Express:
I fight with the greatest strength anti-Semitism and racism, I have fought all of Maurras’ anti-Semitic ideas, but it is absurd to say that Maurras must no longer exist. I built myself on hatred and rejection of the spirit of defeat [of 1940] and the anti-Semitism of Pétain, but I cannot deny that he was the hero of 1918 and a great soldier. One should be able to say it. Because of the society of indignation, which is often a mere posture, we no longer look into to the nuance of history [les plis de l’Histoire] and we simplify everything.
Very sensible words. Macron has also explicitly warned against importing American cancel culture and racial grievance politics.
En même temps, in a breakthrough interview with the hip new globo-homo online media Brut, Macron sought to please this audience with a new plan to rename French streets with “300 to 500 names . . . stemming from our [Afro-Islamic] neighborhoods or immigration.” The “heroes” of “a whole part of our Black, Maghrebi youth” have not been “recognized.” Thus must the demographic Great Replacement of the indigenous French population logically be accompanied by a cultural Great Effacement of the physical symbols of the indigenous people. Macron has also acknowledged the existence of “white privilege.”
We also witnessed the strange spectacle of the President of the French Republic interfering in the U.S. electoral process following the Capitol Hill occupation, with a pious statement in front of . . . an American flag.
One could reasonably conclude Macron is a cipher. On one level, he is unafraid to engage with politically incorrect ideas (witness his repeated calls for dramatic action to be taken to reduce Africa’s birth rates). As a politician, he embodies a longstanding French executive tradition of trying to go beyond the left-right divide. In this instance, however, Macron wishes to fuse the eminently national French republican tradition with . . . today’s ethnomasochist, anti-borders, nation-wrecking left.
Ultimately, the patterns of postwar French history have been remarkably stable, notwithstanding a few great spasms (Algerian War-Gaullism-May ‘68, triumph of the Left in 1981). One may say that Charles de Gaulle and François Mitterrand made (semi-)serious attempts to inflect French history in certain directions, but overall the head of State, whatever his personal qualities, presiding over these processes seems to scarcely matter at all.
The tendencies will deepen and the absurdities amplify further, much further. We are only scratching the surface. To convince yourself, consider the dreams – self-evident and non-negotiable – of the Green-Pink-Red coalition governing the City of Paris . . . The ride has only just begun!
He is a pawn, but everyone would be today, maybe even Le Pen, if she were allowed to win in the presidential elections. Otherwise, any non-pawn would somehow be compromised even before becoming a potential candidate, I am afraid.
Macron represents one more step in the devaluation of Presidential communication in France, a trend that I started to notice under Chirac and has gone worse since. In the past, with De Gaulle obviously, but Pompidou, Giscard or Mitterrand as well, Presidential pronouncements were rare, solemn and were expected to result in policy actions. Today, Presidential communication can be analyzed as PR. It shouldn’t be expected to have any policy consequences.
For instance, Macron has made several statements showing he is aware that African demography is a time-bomb, but it hasn’t resulted in even slight adjustments to immigration policy.
Macron will make skeptical remarks about the hostile policy towards Russia driven by the US but the cost of which is mostly borne by European countries. But this has no implication because France will still support sanctions against Russia about Navalny even when Turkey is threatening Greece or supporting Azerbaijan’s attack against Armenians.
Many will blame this lack of action on the loss of sovereignty, presidential powers being restrained in many areas by the EU, treaties, the Courts. But it is also a mindset. The Covid crisis gave Macron a major opportunity to use an emergency to show that he remained the sovereign, the one who defines the exception as per Carl Schmitt. There is an article in the French constitution (article 16) that would have given him the legal basis. While Boris Johnson treated Covid vaccine procurement as an exception and used outside professionals instead of the usual bureaucrats, Macron did mostly PR and failed to convey a sense of urgency to the government and institutions, to make clear that usual bureaucratic procedures and routines and stakeholders consultations could be dispensed with for an emergency and that there would be a shield against legal liability for not ticking all the usual boxes.
Even worse, instead of procuring vaccines together with Germany and Italy as was the initial plan, France agreed to delegate this task to the European Commission which then demonstrated a level of bureaucratic ineptness that even its worse critics didn’t suspect. The French ruling elite really likes to talk about global governance and European coordination. It’s much more elegant and noble than having to deal with refrigeration and vaccine logistics.
Macron is larping as a Jupiterian President, but he obviously doesn’t really mean it. French institutions are driven primarily by inertia.
Exactly 100 years later, we are again in « La politique du chien crevé qui suit le fil de l’eau ».
With France’s history of colonization, slaving and theft of native peoples throughout history, you are proving your brand of euro-ethnocentric hypocrisy. Your government refuses to give back art and artifacts it holds that was stolen from many African countries, and it destroys the value of those counties currencies though manipulation, yet you whine about immigration? Racism is indeed profitable.
True, but the Chinese are doing and will more extensively do similar things and basically enslave Africans in their own homelands. Europe may die, but so will black Africa and the chinky bugs will feast on the remains. The only people who ever even pretended to give a shit about the darkies is whitey and the dark folk are too entitled and too stupid to understand this. So they parasitize on white countries and white people because they lack the frontal lobe capacity for forward thinking, existing purely in the moment and dooming their descendants to future enslavement.
I kinda wish I could live long enough to see some Chinaman overseer whippin’ some coons in the Greater Chinese province of Africa. Black lives won’t matter when whites aren’t around to feign that they do.
A hodgepodge. Good and bad. It will be interesting to see what happens with Generation Identitaire. – Kolja Zydatiss, who chronicles the cancel-culture victims for the immigration and islam-critical German blog wrote today, that GI in France would be on the extreme right… A hodgepodge.
Indeed when people abroad think about France and Paris, the first things that come to their mind is not the Eiffel Tower, Versailles or Mona Lisa but stolen African art. And the Banque de France being the guarantor of the convertibility in euro at a fixed rate of the currency of Chad, Central African Republic and Mali is a source of massive profits.
It’s high time to stop the steal and send back all the African masks and statues as well as all the Africans back to their place of origin.
We have a bit of a natural experiment to assess this claim. Not all former French African colonies joined the two CFA zones. Guinée Conakry refused for political reasons and broke economic links with France in 1960. Madagascar was geographically far away and had their own currency. If the claim is correct, you would expect them to have done much better economically than other former French colonies. Ginée Conakry is below 1000 USD per capital in GDP (less than half of Cote d’Ivoire, and much less than Senegal which has fewer natural resources). Madagascar is barely above 500 USD. Obviously, there are other factors, but the claim is ridiculous for anybody familiar with these countries.
Significant re Durocher’s homeland: The Donald Trump scenario, all happened in almost exactly the same way, 132 years ago in France, right down to the Capitol siege situation. The Donald Trump of France, was populist Général Georges Ernest Boulanger (1837-1891), beloved by conservatives, hated by largely secular modernists:
– There was exactly the same talk of ‘crossing the Rubicon’ like Julius Caesar did to take control of Rome
– One evening in January 1889 after the French election, General Boulanger dined at the Café Durand, and tens of thousands of supporters gathered ready to storm the National Assembly, as on Capitol siege day 6 January 2021; the General hesitated, the chance for revolution faded
– There was exactly the same regret, that a beloved populist leader, with a mass of people in the streets ready to act, seemed to lose his nerve at the crucial moment
– There were exactly similar stories that the female partner of the leader, Melania for Trump and Marguerite Brouzet (1855-91) for Boulanger, played a key role in begging their partners not to risk their lives in an ultimate gamble for national power
– And there was exactly the same reaction by the establishment, of blind fury and revenge at a populist leader, who technically did no legal wrong … Boulanger was forced into exile in Brussels, where in 1891 his mistress died of disease and he committed suicide over her grave.
Three photos – Boulanger & Trump; Marguerite & Melania; Boulanger and the Paris crowd in January 1889 who almost took over France
Technically speaking, concern with the population explosion in Africa could be seen through other lens than race, like stability. But, anyway, I would classify Macron as a guy who speaks out of both sides of his mouth. This is pretty common – Boris Johnson definitely does it. Some Indian pols in Europe even do it – I guarantee you they don’t give a fig and are just bullshitting.
Don’t be such a bo0mer cuck, Achse des Guten (which, one has to remember, was literally founded to express support for George W. Bush’s Mideast interventions and neoconservatism) is an absolutely pernicious influence on the German right, what they think about Identitarians shouldn’t matter at all.
Re banning of GI: Seems like pretty much the same strategy pursued by Austria’s Kurz who’s also been waging a campaign against the identitarians while talking tough on radical Islam (along with several Islamist symbols they recently banned the identitarian Lambda in Austria; and of course there was an attempt to frame the Austrian identitarians as basically a terrorist conspiracy because of the donation made to them by Brenton Tarrant). The intention seems to be to persuade centrist normies that something is being done against Islamic extremism, while framing all real opposition to mass immigration as a similar kind of “extremism” targeting open societies. Of course that equivalence needs to be firmly rejected.
Youth and Radicalism: Religious and Political Factors, a survey into Muslim radicalisation in France by Olivier Galland and Anne Muxel.
The survey looked into whether the lack of economic integration and social exclusion had any effect on Muslim radicalisation:
An economic reason was found to not exist in the Muslim youths surveyed. Integration in this group was relatively good. They showed neither more nor less confidence in their future than did all the non-Muslim youths surveyed. The Muslim youths believed in their ability to pursue their studies and to find satisfactory jobs thereafter.
The religious effect into radicalisation was investigated by the surveyors:
Across various non-Muslim denominations a fairly regular four percent of youths surveyed were found to have an absolutist vision of religion, and to seemingly adhere to radical ideas.
In the Muslim group surveyed, 12 percent had an absolutist belief, i.e., they believed there is only one true God, one true religion and that their religion explains the creation of the world better than science.
Thus, among young Muslims, the religious effect towards radicalisation is three times more important than in non-Muslim groups. But if you were to factor in that many of the youths in non-Muslim denominations probably have adopted a more absolutist belief in their own religion in direct response to the frequency of Islamist terror, the gap would be even greater.
The survey also looked at racism and discrimination as being a cause for radicalisation in the Muslim group:
When questioned the young Muslims recognized that they were not suffering from racism or discrimination. But yet many of them said they felt discriminated against anyway.
When the surveyors investigated further they found that those surveyed were not victims of a racist system, but were in fact victims of what is termed an “ideology of victimization,” which led them to believe they were actually being discriminated against due to their race and religion.
This feeling of being discriminated against, or more precisely, this ideology of victimization was found to be twice as strong in young people of Muslim faith and in young people of foreign origin.
This “ideology of victimization” has arisen among Muslims in France due to victimization being offered by the state, the mainstream media, academia and by both Left and Right politicians as an excuse when Islamists commit terror attacks.
An example of how the French government’s policy of blaming victimization encourages terrorism: In 2017 a 22-year-old youth claimed that the French police sodomized him with a baton. French President François Hollande rushed to visit this youth to commiserate with him. By doing this, Hollande practically found the police guilty, which led to 3 weeks of serious rioting in Paris suburbs. The 22-year-old was subsequently not so sure of his accusations against the police.
Another example: The president of France, Emmanuel Macron, promoted “positive discrimination” in that a grant of €15,000 should be given to any company that hires a youth from the suburbs. “A youth from the suburbs” is a euphemism for a Muslim or sub-Saharan African. This is encouragement for people in these groups to see themselves as victims, which paves the way for radicalisation and terror attacks.
One finding of the survey is that young Muslims, regardless of their social position, performance at school or their parents’ professions, are four times more likely than a young Christian to hold radical ideas.
Whatever their sociology, Muslim youths have an identical propensity to become radical. Basically, the Muslim male that graduates from university is as likely to carry out a murderous terror attack as a Muslim drug dealer that never went to school.
Another finding of this survey is that both Islam and the ideology of victimization are both equal drivers of radicalization. Young Muslims, almost entirely due to French society telling them they are victims, believe they are discriminated against; those that believe this are more open to radical ideas than those who do not believe it.
Basically, what France have done is to have imported millions of Muslims that have no intention of integrating with any part of French society. And now that they have them there, the White French are loudly and daily broadcasting to them that White France spits on them.
Tell a low-IQ thug with no means to make a living that you are victimising him, and he’ll be apt to believe you, and then seek vengeance on you and yours.
Why are not psychiatrists and psychologists in the West pointing this out? Well, the ones that graduated in the last 20 years are too stupid to know – the Long March through the Institutions ensured that. The ones that are smart enough to know it, won’t say it, lest they be called names.
If this survey was carried out in any Western European country the findings would be exactly the same.
In the meantime, Western Europe is in a very deep hole, but it won’t stop digging.
I’m not very conspiracy-minded generally, but lately I’ve begun to suspect that the anti-Russia campaign might be ethnic animus, on the state-level. And if the UK put $100 million into anti-Russian propaganda, then I think it’s evident that various European states are putting a lot of resources into suppressing nationalism on the domestic side.
I mean, just think of the state media. When I look at Deustche Welle’s website, whether in English or German, I see stories that don’t seem pozzed so much as motivated by intense hatred and calculated to stick the thumb in the eye of nationalists. Endless stories about Jews, gays, Gypsies, Turks, the Holocaust. The demographic changes that have already taken place. That is just what shows on the most superficial surface – imagine what must be taking place on deeper levels.
It used to be a common intelligence technique to read the major newspapers and magazines in a country and to boil them down and summarize the sentiment. And certain newspapers would be considered the mouthpiece of the government. I wonder what sort of message the Chinese or Russians would get by doing that, with France, Germany, and the UK, and how far would it make it up the chain? I don’t know if they could really fund identitarian groups – that would probably be dangerous – but it seems like a pretty big fumble not to at least slightly modify their orientation – for example the Chinese calling Five Eyes “white supremacy” – and I wonder maybe funding the allegations that blacks attacking Asians is “white supremacy.”
Typical mis-direction diversion article.
So what if Macron talks about identity politics one way and then another, pro, con, or comic-con.
Does not matter at all whatsoever.
What matters is the only thing that matters: Macron will continue to support the very rich in all of their depredations with single-minded devotion, without equivocation or qualification.
As will every single other one of our Employees-In-Chieves. And mostly this organ, too.
Identitarian groups would be foolish to accept funding by foreign governments, would be sure to be used against them, the argument would be that they’re front organizations for attempts to destabilize the “free world” (lol).
Would also tarnish their credibility even among potential sympathizers, their strength lies in being able to say “We’re idealistic young people who don’t want to be robbed of our future, engaging in non-violent activism”…and thereby unmasking what a lie the official discourse of the “liberal” establishment actually is, given how it’s resorting to absurdly dracononian repression against mere “thought crimes”. When you accept support by authoritarian states like Russia or (even worse) China, you can’t make that argument.
Die Achse does a lot of good. Now – you don’t have to agree on that of course. But then there is still the question of style left. –
– If I think of Ernst Jünger I put it this way: A man without style does not exist (has lost his identity, nedwahr).
That’s true, and it would probably be a sting using fakes, anyway.
I guess help, if it ever comes, would probably come much later, when things have devolved into a military situation, and then it might be off-the-label equipment. In that context, I find it quite scary that Pakistan, India, and Israel have nukes.
Still, even given the context of wanting to get resources out of Africa, I find it pretty alarming that the Chinese released a super-pozzed film about Africa like Wolf Warrior 2, less than four years ago. Despite, what seems to be a general domestic attitude against blacks.
There’s the even worse possibility of Turkey getting them. Erdogan has already stated they should. Maybe just empty bluster, but the thought is profoundly disturbing.
It would be nice if your comments were a little less cryptic, it’s hard to understand what you’re actually trying to say.
I can only assume you somehow object to the actions the identitarians are doing, because they’re not respectable or whatever. I disagree, imo their style of activism is an interesting approach, and the repression used against them (despite their avowed non-violence) should be eye-opening about the true nature of our “liberal” societies to anybody who bothers to look.
Achse des Guten are just cowardly bourgeois boomers who like to whine about how climate change isn’t real (and the Corona pandemic probably isn’t either) and how Iran needs to be confronted and Israel unconditionally supported, that kind of stuff is just dead weight which any serious German right-wing movement ought to get rid of.
Your anonymous personal attack on me – that’s what I was talking about.
Oh well. Sorry, as I’ve already told other commenters on this site I enjoy insulting people here if I think it’s appropriate and don’t intend to change that, it’s one of the best parts of the site imo. And no offense, you really should be more critical of Achse des Guten, it’s a huge problem that this site with all its baggage (uncritical support for US foreign policy and Israel, obsession with sniffing out antisemites, framing Muslims as the “new Nazis”, climate change negationism, now basically arguing against all Corona-restrictions without coming up with a real alternative) is so popular among German right-wingers.
I am not conversant with French political traditions, hence, I don’t get the point conveyed by
« La politique du chien crevé qui suit le fil de l’eau ».
That said, I once edited a book on the French Foreign Legion, and I recall thinking as I read it—chapters about Algeria and Indochina:
“Wow, the French colonialist/imperialists were worse than the British!”
Recently I read a piece in the current London Review of Books about the long-term impacts of the Algerian war on French society and on those who were forced to fight it in Algeria, the apeles. Not to mention on the Algerians: the destruction of Algerian society, its villages in favor of “concentration” of the populace, the theft of its resources, the vicious executions and torture.
These readings leave me with a sense that joking about the depredations of the Metropole against Africa and its peoples—i.e., about returning a few masks and their makers along with them— is not really on.
As with Britain, the imperial chickens have come home to roost.
It’s too bad. I certainly am not a francophobe—my uncle fought with the Free French in Africa and married a French woman, so I have French cousins, etc., speak passable French and wish I could visit and truly experience the country and its culture. I wish France were not in the situation it is.
But somehow, just to be honest and fair, recognizing that this was inevitable—maybe someone in charge should have thought of this before.
..racial grievance politics…
Just import any group of nonwhites but especially blacks and you will have that in plenty, along with endless historical revisionism. Just look at Canada.
The French “de souche” are charming people, but in political naïveté they are difficult to beat. The hopelessly disoriented Germans follow closely, but they can at least claim they once tried to save the White Race and were crushed by the usual suspects.
How can La Grande Nation be an identifiable community when anyone setting foot or born on its territory is part of it (‘droit du sol‘)?
How can they dance every 14th of July and cheer a group of Jacobin terrorists, whose beheading orgies and Vendée massacres make ISIS look like a bunch of pocket thieves?
Why are they proud of what they call resistance – illegal partisan murderers when their country had capitulated – but do not resist the Arab invasion of their country ?
I’m not even certain that colonialism speeded things up that much.
Obviously, it is not karma for colonization, or Ireland would not be getting it. Maybe, one could argue that Ireland is collateral damage from being part of the Anglosphere, but, then, there would be a real problem explaining the influx into Finland, with that formula.
Aren’t the imperial nations more advanced in demographic replacement? Well, sure, but they were also more economically developed. Ireland and Finland were backwaters for longer.
The CRIF is the real government of France.
Nice portrait of Incitatus, that.
Young Moslems in France have witnessed decades of Western genocide against Moslems in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, Libya etc, and Zionazis committing slow genocide in Palestine, while micturating on so-called ‘International Law’. They have seen the Zionazis take over France (and the West as a whole)and people arrested for wearing a ‘Free Gaza’ t-shirt. And they, like most of the Sunni world, have been subjected to decades of proselytisation by the Evil, genocidal, Wahhabist regime in Saudi Arabia, all aided and abetted by the USA. That so few turn to ‘radicalisation’ is a miracle.
Your comment doesn’t make much sense.
You’re “not sure” colonialism speeded what up?
BTW, the article is about France.
You are right. The issue of immigrants from Africa/ME is a multifaceted one though most seem to view it as a black and white issue. In both French colonised Africa and British too, there existed, and still exist, an economic arrangement that is purely one sided to favour French and Brits. These two countries have engineered military coups and regime changes where an “independent thinking” government takes power in these countries. They have engineered separatism and outrightly armed rebels to overthrow undesirable government. The US followed that well trodden route: once in a while US may accede to say French interests in French Africa or to Brits in English speaking countries but modus operandi is identical. Screw the natives! Nowadays Chinese also following exact route.
When people have no political stability, no decent economic prospects, and violence reigns they of course migrate to greener pastures.
In the West itself, only few seem to connect between their own countries foreign policies and increased migration from global south to West. Those lobbies ready and willing to accept black and brown migrants would better serve their countries and the world by lobbying and forcing their governments to stop foreign wars. And of course encourage fair trade policies.
Of course you ignore the preferred destination of your low IQ, unproductive “native peoples” everywhere who want to flee the shit holes they have made of their own countries.
Speaking of “slaving”, you must mean the slaves that were sold by black Africans from their own stock.
African chiefs urged to apologise for slave trade
Nigerian civil rights group says tribal leaders’ ancestors sold people to slavers and should say sorry:
“African chiefs were the ones waging war on each other and capturing their own people and selling them. If anyone should apologise it should be the African chiefs. We still have those traitors here even today.”
You are speculating and projecting at the same time. The world has not seen a greater Evil race than the mofing whitevil race.
No doubt the chinks are capable of much evil, as they prove in Xinjiang. But, I believe their evil will most probably be circumscribed by their intent to protect their internal sovereignty. They have definitely learnt the required second-hand lessons about the joys of “invade the world, invite the world!” Lol!
This has not been the case with the whitevil race. They have always believed the entire world and all of its resources belongs to them. Amazingly, their quest to rule the world continues unabated even now. For example, that senile old fuck Judeo Bidden is continuing the evil machinations of TrumpelThinSkin!! It would all be so hilarious if it wasn’t so fucking sick!
The fact that other races will not allow it anymore must be a bitter pill to swallow for you evil vermin, and whitevil racists everywhere are crying themselves hoarse about the death of their “good times,” meaning the time of colonial conquest, plunder & loot which used to flow into their spiritually cursed lands, and the advancements which can be traced to such evil.
Now, what is really required is some form of whitevil self-genocide. You know, where your kind’s nuts fail to produce good quality sperm (see link below), singlehood, queerhood, miscegenation, etc.
I wish for you scum whitevil racists the hardest times ahead.
All whitevil nations (the so-called western civilisation) benefitted from Colonialism, directly or indirectly through preferential economic dealings. Thus, every such entity must be held responsible and must pay for the evils of their kind.
You must have faeces-for-brains if you can’t comprehend that.
Wyatt said:
Don’t wish to see this happen———-but wow—–right on the money.
I will assume that France is still collecting Taxes from a dozen African X Colonies, that amount to billions for the French Treasury. The US just sets up Drug Farms for their mad cash money and screw the treasury. Once you make all those colonial counties French – you shouldn’t have made them French citizens. But Governments do that – even the US Gov wants 50 to 100 million more people than needed. A radical, crazy, racist, overpopulated society, is a must for the Owners.
This is certainly absolutist (and embarrassingly low to be honest), but why is this considered to be a “radical” position to take? What does the above have to do with, say, running over random people with semi-trucks during holidays?
But I will certainly agree that the victimhood ideology is a factor in radicalization and a gateway to extremism.
Because they are mostly economic immigrants here. The true believers are at home fighting and the ones in Europe dont feel like compromising their Opsec over nothing.
It is now illegal to defend your country, nation and culture.
All of what you present here is just old Jewish propaganda.
By this I don’t mean you are Jewish yourself, of course…
In WW2 France didn’t want to get another BIG WAR on its soil, lest it disappeared as an ethnic nation and all its built past erased (as programmed by those that started the war), hence its “capitulation”. General Petain was a real hero of WW1 but also in WW2 since he saved the French nation. He was in touch with De Gaulle, his disciple in fact, and together they saved France as good they could.
The “Resistance” was not done by “illegal murderers” (terrorists vs freedom fighters of today ?) and certainly not by communists! The Jews that started the war had no choice other than to financially support the Resistance’s logistics there to finish the war, but they masked it by the “communist” logo to be recognized and pushed forward into the new regime, to further destabilize France. Which obviously worked.
To accuse the poor and tried people of France of all the crimes of the world seems to be a cheap thrill for a lot of people for a long time already…
The French and Benelux have taken to promoting some of the ugliest architecture in history
It’s like Corbusier but with some flat bullshit glued on the facade to make it more colorful
And when France farts, Eastern Europe takes a deep breath (through it’s nose)
New building projects in Belgrade are all uglier then the stuff that got built from 1850 to 1941, looks less sturdy then even the old commie blocks too
Not a chance in Hades. Politicians, as opposed to true leaders, are nothing but stinking, soulless, dead dogs running with the tide. They simply are incapable of thinking ahead, and if they were, it seems to be entirely against the perverts’ nature.
No one should look to them for anything of lasting value.
“It’s high time to stop the steal and send back all the African masks and statues as well as all the Africans back to their place of origin.”
The question is whether the Eurocentric technocrats and their pampered citizens can live on without any African sourced resources especially their natural resource in various earth minerals.
The African slave trades happen under the acceptance of the Europeans that it is okay because they’re non christian godless subhumans. Today the exploitation of their natural resources along with it’s destructive industrial chemical processing happen under the excuse that low technology Africans does not need them (yet).
Of course white supremachist would also love to use the excuse of that it was a trade except unequal forced trade is also one form of the old colonialists crimes and certainly an exploitation on their part.
We’re not even talking about when they deliberately sabotage and subverts the African countries (and Latin americas or middle east countries for that matter) to keep their countries from development and stability to self govern and self determination through various schemes.
Then there’s also when they openly destroy and plunder countries under any made up pretexts such as what happen to Libya whose peoples of course justifiably would be seeking some form reparations or anything else in materials or malicious action to make even.
Would you be willing to boycott and disuse any of their end prodcts such in example but most especially any and all kinds of electronic devices ?
In the end none of your and others like you would excuse what arguably just some of your feudal lords and their paid bodies have done to the larger African population.
If I am not mistaken, France requires a negative PCR test for Covid for all people entering the country, whether by Air or by Road. I imaging that these “Green members of parliament” did not verify the PCR results. Of course these would be the same greens that are demanding vaccinations and vaccine passports for all French citizens.
This same glaring double standard bitch slapping the entire west, where these same races of useless illegal “immigrants” are allowed into England from France by the same disgusting, lying ((greens)), and it is also now going on in the US where same type of useless invaders are being ushered into the US without PCR tests by similar filthy ((greens)).
Meanwhile environmentalists across the west bitch and moan about people not distancing, wearing masks or being vaccine “deniers”. These environmentalists were already insufferable, now they have made themselves an enemy worthy of extermination. Does anybody else look forward to the day when that witch Greta Thunberg is burned at the stake?
Europeans should indeed return any stolen art and artifacts to Africa. They should also return the Africans colonising France.
“the topsi turvy , reverse jinkiness of dark skin migration to the ‘developed world’ is first class fun, of the highest comedic content and ridiculing value. I cant stop laffin’ ” I cant help thinking ‘just deserts’.
consider the original causative event…European migration to the ‘third world!’
the third world had no say in that. they could not circle up the wagons to keep the Europe out.
well they they did but precious good it did for them. No was not a term europeans understood then as now!
but now the very white elites who pried the third world open are now giving it back to middle class and ordinary ‘natives’ of europe, and the parts of the world that europe stole outright…The USA, Canada, Australia etc., for profit and social control what else!
the consternation this is causing ‘memory-holed’ ordinary white people is seriously high-larious!
ordinary white people pay as usual, and a most justified expense I say. the european elites could not have done it without ordinary white people ever…but especially these past 500 years out into the whole wide world yonder. they still cant quite yet but are on their way.
without white people, replaced by dark skin fools and robots the white elites will not only conquer all of europe and its derivatives, but sink irremovable hooks into the dark skin planet, taking that over directly as well to europeanize the third worlds’ future for them: today the white ordinary majority…tomorrow the dark skin ordinary majority. talk about your and divide and depopulate!
for all their murderous genocidal ‘support and sacrifice’ of the general white effort in the world these past centuries, ordinary white europe will inherit the earth: at least a spread on it! that is what they do these days for the majority, incinerate and disburse ash, keeping the earthen holes for themselves
I’m having trouble imagining how a Christian could be anything other than absolutist by this definition.
What do the 96% of “Christians” actually believe? That there are many Gods? That there are many true religions? That a purely mechanical “explanation” is better than one which includes teleology and ontology?
It seems only absolutist Freemasons qualify as non-absolutist.
That building will age well.
Any kindergarten art student can replicate African art.
And that despite endless provocation by the usual evil suspects. And it’s been going on for quite some time. All we have to do is remember those who tried to resist the destroyers.
And any chimp can replicate “modern ‘art.’”
And what retard could ever want to replicate degenerate art? Guess who was right, again.
I agree. Since the “greens” were insufferable even before they “adopted” Greta, they truly deserve the stake “treatment” – along with her over-ambitious parents, who instead of addressing their young daughter’s mental issues chose her “becoming a star”.
What the hell is “neo-nationalism”? All this playing with semantics is simply done to confuse the people.
By his very actions, it can easily be inferred that Macron is a believer in civic-nationalism. Like all Western leaders, he has disavowed ethno-nationalism, as the CRIF and other Jewish Supremacist Organizations (JSOs) have concluded that Never again! means saying goodbye to blood and soil and hello to multiculti.
That’s because these organizations are convinced they have finally identified the formulaic equation that reveals the root cause of all genocides….
ethno-nationalism => fascism => genocide
So, it’s diversity for thee and ethnocentrism for me.
I have written personally to Macron and instructed him to return all the wooden masks, grass dresses and spears to Congo Land. He said “au meme temps” he will do so provided all the darkies also return. They can pay their passages with the welfare they have been receiving all these years.
Jews and leftists are drawn to the ugly and the profane like flies to shit.
In Europe there are some 750 million people. Among them live some 1,5 million Jews.
Is it really necessary that for those hyper-paranoid Jews “to feel save” the identity of all Europeans must be destroyed? There is a better solution: let all Jews move to Israel and leave us alone. Ethnonationalism for me and for thee!
Well obviously your hiding in the wheel well of a 747 to escape Africa for the west did nothing for your prose.
As usual your comment is rubbish, learning to read, write and speak proper English being racist and all that.
Perhaps you could write in Baluba and we can hire a Witch Doctor to translate. As an aside, are you from the Congo and are you a pygmy ? In stature as well as intellect ?
The Tribesmen in Africa don’t want the Negroes from Europe to return. How do you expect people in Africa to pay the bills without the Western Union wire transfers of those welfare stipends ?
The whole problem with Africa is that it has too many Africans and reverse migration would be disastrous.
“He telephoned Éric Zemmour, the Sephardic intellectual who is the most “nationalist” voice on French television, after the latter had been verbally abused on the street by a Muslim.”
Right there is your biggest problem! How can a Jew, a Sephardic one at that, be a Frenchman, let alone, a nationalist? He is an Israeli, pure and simple. Don’t look for non-French “French” to do your work… get your hands dirty or you, the real frogs be shit out of luck!
You do realize the radicalization is often financed by the CIA? Its all theater. I suspect whatever Macron is fussing over is because he dared to suggest an European Army to replace the US. CIA doesn’t like that. As for all the immigration, it allows MI6 and CIA to cherry pick over a larger pool of useful idiots.
If you put this query to Jonathan Greenblatt or Ronald S Lauder their response would be an emphatic YES!
Not gonna happen. As long as the security of the villa in the jungle is at stake, the diaspora has to do everything in their power to influence the great powers to implement policies and measures that ensure the security of said villa.
Agreed. It is just as disturbing as Israel having nuclear weapons.
and you yourself, always lurking for silly, insignif opportunity to attack for no value.
prose challenged of not you shud support the message for it is worth more than your attack at the very least.
when are you scheduled for your vaxx? you got it already…your just desert?
now I know how to get you out of your hole!
If the data points are this useless, you wonder what questions they asked and how they were worded. And if any of the rest of their conclusions are remotely reliable. That there is a problem of extremism in the younger generation of immigrant Muslims in France is definitely an issue, but it’s meaningless to conclude that’s because they don’t, say, eat enough butter pecan ice cream.
Olivier Roy did a great analysis of this when he did a deep dive study of 100 French and Belgian extremists:
Ah, so because of those bad things, the French should actively try to effect bad things on themselves? Why would they want to do that? To sate your need to feel revenge for your hidden inferiority complex?
You’re putting your baggage on the French and wondering why it still feels heavy for you. Hint: you can’t actually put your baggage on other people.
I assume Israel has had nuclear weapons for decades. No one is actually disturbed by it. They just claim to be.
Pity the person who thinks his people are somehow controlled by a population of randoms that is about 0.3% of their number.
The invasion of Europe. What else would fit?
Sure, and France was a colonial nation, and the bioleninist rhetoric being employed there is largely predicated on colonialism. What I am saying is it is a bullshit justification – as demonstrated by looking at other countries being invaded: Ireland and Finland.
What is operant is wealth and economic and political ties (sometimes indirect through globalism), which would have developed without colonialism. Note: millions of Turks have invaded German lands, without Turkey ever having been a German colony. But Turks were allies to Germans in WWI and, to Western Germany, in the Cold War. German lands were also closer than France or the UK.
Also works for other Western countries, iirc the most troublesome minority in the Netherlands isn’t from Indonesia or Surinam, but Moroccans who were never colonial subjects of the Dutch.
The people who go on and on about colonialism as if would be a sufficient explanation for mass immigration and multiculturalism are total wankers, they’re just trying to derail all discussion of the issue, because if they’re honest they think the great replacement is either no big deal or well-deserved.
You forgot that the colonies freed themselves and kicked out the white colonists. So what is the point now of invading white countries? Revenge? Two wrongs don’t make a right.
Yet every political measure -and I mean that in the broadest sense- taken is directed at “guaranteeing the safety of Jews”. That has practical consequences.
That a tiny minority can control vast numbers of people and lead them to their doom is seen in the insane decisions made by a tiny gaggle of people when drawing up the dictate peace at Versailles. They had the machinery of enforcement at their command and set everything in motion.
Well, he can:
Eric Zemmour’s Blockbuster Speech
Meanwhile the US is presided over by a senile old coot and his amoral fascist VP as Congress takes turns telling everyone how much they hate the people who built the land they rule. All this while the nation is secretly run by a shadowy cabal of America hating traitors and sellouts plotting to start deporting and gassing whites within the next few years under the pretext of peace and democracy.
Not Miss Saint Greta. How dare you!
Buried in a snow drift somewhere, maybe.
Humans have immense trouble to keep civilization going but Africa has never ever been able to get ont the on-ramp.
And it has scant to do with “slaving and theft of native peoples throughout history”
The future is full of eugenics on a scale never seen. Although Europe will disappear relatively rapidly and only play a minor role.
“The latest example is the move by the French government to ban Generation Identity (GI)…..”
“GI had just executed one of its trademark direct actions in the Pyrenees, with a few dozen activists patrolling the Franco-Spanish with vehicles and drones to identify illegal immigrants and report them to the police.”
So fucking what! If all they’re doing is reporting illegal alien shitholers entering their homeland, to the criminals facilitating, supporting, and allowing it, FUCK THEM!
“…all the Africans back to their place of origin.”
That would start to fix things. Then, send Micron to that ‘sh*tty little country’ that is fitting for his diminutive size, and let him work as a Palestinian gardener… if he can handle the intellectual task!
Tant pis pour toi, Micron.
Weren’t the Russian people controlled by a population of randoms that was about 0.3% of their number?
Surely you don’t believe the Xinjiang lies? They are mostly concocted by Adrian Zenz, a German fascistic, ‘Christian’ fundamentalist Sinophobe, aided by Western media and intelligence, and the ‘Australian’ ASPI, a hate-tank financed by the US State Department and Lockheed, Raytheon etc-the usual war-mongers. The push is led by the Five Eyes, Anglo settler and Imperial states all guilty of REAL genocides, some ongoing, so the element of villainous hypocrisy is present, as usual. If the BBC says it, you KNOW it’s a lie.
Of course. The CIA and the Wahhabists created al-Qaeda, created Daesh and have used religious fanatics to destroy Arab nationalism and socialism since they used Shia fanatics to destroy Mossadegh in Iran in 1953, and Islamic butchers to slaughter two million in Indonesia in 1965. The root of most Evil in the world is the Five Eyes, with considerable aid from Israel and the Saudi thugs.
Speaking for myself I’d happily return all stolen artifacts if they were accompanied by the millions of African parasites now roosting in Europe.
Western economic colonialism and neo-imperialism kept the former colonies in chains, until today. The blood-sucking continues, but through economics, finance and the economic hit-men of the Washington Consensus, the IMF, World Bank, WTO, WIPO and the private banks and money funds. Ever heard of Paul Singer?
Invoke ‘black lives matter’ to wipe out lives of Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims.
It’s like invoking god or gods to destroy other lives.
Take the knee for blacks to kick the teeth out of those hated by Jews and Israel.
What you call colonialism was really just white people going around the world and pulling non whites out of the Stone Age. The idea that Stone Age people would be better off if whites never showed up is hilarious. You are the one with feces for brains for not figuring what I wrote above on your own.
naw! this is not an invasion but an invitation to invade! hahaha! the Zionist have opened up the western doors to a dark invasion of the white world, and all the racist right does is sit on on talk boards and gripe
you all know the story: the third world has nothing much for their inhabitants at home. they are financially fleeced, color revolutionized so their politics and governments do not work for them. they have been totally usurped socially, cant survive at home, so any opportunistic crack in the world beckons.
Deliberately western policy have recently created such cracks, greased them well so it is easy to slip through now. the western countries appear to be in a process of population transfer…from the darker south to the whiter north
the white right in these pages, ordinary white people in general, are being taken for a ride as usual. ordinary white folk have supped so long on the blood of the dark world they have become blind to reality. they may have an inkling of what’s happening to them currently but they cant make the most sense out of it.. and don’t know what to do about it as a result.
the sense would would be to see the white elites as their enemy, and the enemy of us all…that for the white elites ordinary white people are lumpen. the development of such a realistic point of view would clarify much for ordinary white people. which ought to facilitate the development of consensus between them and the dark ordinary people of the southern world, that could lead to relevant political change in the western countries, that would mean western non-interference in developing societies
when color revolutionized governments are tossed in the developing world for example there would no western military and intelligence invasion to keep them in place. with good national governments looking after their people the migrant invasion would stay home
are the people here in these pages, representative of all like them all over, capable making such reasoned and simple ideological changes to save planet earth!?
such change should be easy given the existential state of White ordinary people in the world, the challenges they face, and that this is the only real way western society society can be changed in their ordinary favor…to deal with their reality without descent into catastrophe
I doubt it however! I expect catastrophe as the fake president Biden is building up to go one step too far with the american self-made fake opposition of Russian\Chinese\Iranian… a step that that trio would not be able let to go unanswered! and there we go…world war 3!
the american military is almost there now, ridiculously, pointlessly aggressive in the East! far away from home. too aggressive in a configuration america apparently cannot win, or match-up equally with their so called opposition. seems suicidal to me but what do I know! look out! any day or minute now!
I would consider it a worthwhile investment to hire the Chinese to build 1:1 facsimiles of the best parts of the top European cities in Africa. To make an imitation Eiffel Tower and faux Arc de Triomphe. An ersatz Louvre, filled with counterfeit paintings of the masters, if only it meant in the future there would not be so much as a single Nigerian, Arab, or Indian to oppress the eye, on the sacred ground of Europe.
What’s more, it would be a bargain! And probably the money would eventually be recouped from Chinese and American tourists.
I don’t see anything wrong with the building pictured.
Well, my comment was made tongue-in-cheek.
These people are all dead, so they can’t change.
But if contemporary French really want to preserve what is best in their country and avoid seeing everything wrecked, they need to look reality in the eye, come to terms publicly with the past.
France must make serious moves to enforce laicete in France but also improve quality of life in the Arab countries they wrecked during the colonial era and take care of the French veterans who fought the actual battles and colonial oppression ad their psyches and their lives scrambled by the experience.
Immigrants and their children who do not want to respect laicete should be helped to emigrate to locales where they won’t be out of step with contemporary secular France.
The same goes for Jews, of course. Observing laicete should also be imposed on them. On everyone equally and without favor.
I agree. The West should rescind the damage done by exporting penicillin and let nature takes its course.
You are flying to conclusions on your own wings of resentment with no basis in anything I wrote in my comment.
My feelings about the current situ in France is pretty clear from my comment, which, obviously, you didn’t bother to read. It was also limited to France and with a brief mention of Britain.
Nowhere did I state that colonialism is the only driver of contemporary demographic changes in different countries of Western Europe.
You bring in Ireland, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, etc., which have very different historical and contemporary circumstances, in order to negate any observations concerning the demographic consequences of British and French colonialism.
Per you and Songbird there are no such consequences. Fine. Too dumb a position for me to bother with.
You don’t think regular people in nearby Muslim countries like Iran are troubled by Israel having nukes? I’m not sure at all about that.
If Israel is ever decisively losing a conventional war and enemy troops or missiles are beginning to kill real numbers of people in Israel — or if enemy troops are starting to occupy Jewish-Israeli-settled land — would Israel not use its nukes?
As someone who is decidedly not a Muslim and doesn’t plan to ever live near Israel, I don’t trust Israel with nukes either. If Israelis thought it would serve their purposes and they could get away with it, they would gladly nuke us right here in the usa (or troops whom we have foolishly placed in harm’s way in the middle east) and blame it on someone else, such as Iran.
You can change your moniker all you want tiny duck but you message remains clear.
Have you or I done that much to try to protect our countries from mass immi-vasion? Would you shoot or forcibly detain illegal or “legal” entrants if you knew that “your” government would then kill or imprison you for life as a consequence?
Interesting idea. But I’m not confident that there will be a large number of US residents able to afford international vacations — or any travel — once the reckless spending, borrowing, and money “printing” collapses the dollar relative to other currencies through hyperinflation. Chinese tourists, maybe.
GI is a right wing militia. It’s a bad idea to have militias running around even if they serve some short term use.
They already have: 9/11 was an Israeli nuclear false flag.
… which, of course, was the solution of NS Germany in peace time!
Except that Israel did not exist, so all destinations were considered.
The funny thing with free discussions as on is, you always come back to National Socialism. Most of our current problems had been analyzed and solved by them nearly 100 years ago.
Your negative energy is your own.
No, that’s just in your head. Notice how it defies all reason? Why? Because it is your fiction.
No, people can’t contain their negative energy. They need others to take total responsibility for it. That’s all you’re doing when you’re pretending that your own demons are the Jews, and all that people were doing in the past when they concocted odd fantasies about such things.
As soon as others appear almost supernaturally demonic to you, that’s because you’re not seeing them. You’re seeing your own unacknowledged fears. Recognise this and you’ll be on your way to healing.
You’re simply treating the Jews like the Jews in the Passion story did Jesus the Jew. It seems that the world loves to project on Jews generally. Put your sins on them and then desire to crucify them to cleanse yourself.
I’m beginning to think Beirut was actually disturbed by it…last August.
Concocting odd fantasies? You must’ve missed this quote from our good host, Ron Unz:
I can’t think of much African “art” worth seeing. I don’t think it would be missed from European collections.
I agree with that too but invading the West with the immigrants is no solution to anything. All these former colonies far outnumber the West in terms of population, cover a far larger portion of the Earth’s surface than the West, have far greater resources at their disposal than the West does, and have been free from direct rule by the colonial powers for more than half a century, so why can’t they individually do something to improve the lot of their own nationals, or collectively to change this balance of power that favours the West?
Yes, the evil IMF controlled by the White man just keeps those black and brown countries down because they hate the colour of their skin. They somehow allowed dirt poor China and South Korea to become very rich though…
If you have observed the behaviours of non-whites in their own countries (and now increasingly in White countries) you will realise quite quickly why those countries are in the state that they are in. I will accept that there was always some intrigue going on with the IMF/World Bank, but that is not really the reason why those countries are poor, dirty and uneducated.
You’re thinking ability is very weak then
Whites are the only pals you got, Bro. British Whites ended the global slave trade everywhere except mohammedan lands, an expensive, thankless task, and Eurowhite countries have been warring against other Eurowhite countries for centuries, including enslavement: no need to take it personally.
The insectoid red chinks DGAF, have zero White guilt and no trouble exploiting Affican resources. If you’re in the States, the Mestizos DGAF about you and have zero White guilt. They don’t like you now; imagine what it’s going to be like in 20-30 years when Mexy is the US majority race.
You hate Whitey but you will follow him to the ends of the earth, thanks to his #1 weakness: pathological altruism. Should Whites perish (not really possible) you go with them.
Great idea! Theme-Park-istan.
Of course the Yanks had the idea first, and you can see the results all over the USA.
“All these former colonies far outnumber the West in terms of population, cover a far larger portion of the Earth’s surface than the West, have far greater resources at their disposal than the West does, and have been free from direct rule by the colonial powers for more than half a century, so why can’t they individually do something to improve the lot of their own nationals, or collectively to change this balance of power that favours the West?”
what sort of opinion is that! what the hell is Commentator Mike trying to squeeze out of this issue?
it is what it is and we begin with that and go on to see all there is in it, reality, not some wish on the part of the Commentator Mike
there was no decolonization of the southern world. in fact far from independence the noose was tightened by confiscation of the national bank of each and every one of those ‘former colonies’. and from there on the story continues as clear as day.
the people of the former continuing colonies have carried on a war against this set up ceaselessly but have not won as yet. the western powers made sure to insert ‘cooperative’ governments in all former colonies, and when these were threatened or overthrown by popular revolutions the efforts of the people were thrashed by western invasion of all sorts necessary to restore control of the colony
but as capitalism waned the popular victory the world over seemed certain, but now we are in the teeth of the arrival of Covid 19 and vaccination programs that appear calculated to derail human biology globally, and forestall permanently the defeat of Anglo Saxon Zionist capitalism, threatening to morph into Brave New World as we speak. in fact we appear to be in a global revolutionary response by the rich to save themselves and their social power. that is global in scope and of which the so-called migration explosion seems only a part.
So what is this irrelevance Commentator Mike is going on and on about!? there is no calculated, decisive program of invasion of the west on the part of migrants. and when the southern world actually gets away from the clutches of the west and begins to surge on their own in development the west itself begins to gripe about it. what is Commentator Mike’s opinion on the rise of China to world dominance, a rise the west cannot stop?
Does Mike agree with bombing China back to the stone age or does he welcome China to the fore, accept the Chinese as the most advanced nation and peoples in the world?
rightly as Mike points out the formerly colonized world is full of people and resources and if free of the holding-down operation that is western financial policy towards them they will surge as if overnight, into developed prominence in the world, leaving the ‘best by dated’ west in their collective dust. isn’t it part of the elitist revolution now taking place to forestall such a potential from every being realized? and if population transfer is taking place, from the south to the north, isn’t it for exactly that purpose…?
what the hell are peoples of color coming to the west for..BY INVITATION? white elites leadership bringing peoples of color by the millions into the west??? that is totally inconsistent with all that has gone before isn’t it…save the limitless narcissism of the western elite. it is a trap for sure! it is bound to be a trap of some sort?
the west is going nowhere… its youth, its pristine time over! there is no more future in and for the west as a vehicle of the elitist type of power the money men need. they plan and carry out little to no more actual development in the west. they are letting the west fall apart, not even maintain essential infrastructure none is planned. in anther generation or two the west will be ghetto period, especially Britain and the USA. the west will be full of disease and vaccinations, and all manner of medical explorations and experimentation on the people who survive and remain. so what the hell are the immigrant hordes coming for if they see this? but they do not see do they! they do not see a damned thing, do not have a clue relevant to this development
so what is Commentator Mike trying to squeeze out of this? regardless of the way it goes the choice by the elites for the people of the west is between deleterious flows, that will not benefit the people of the west period. only hell can be planed for the western nations! look its right there before our collective eyes!! and this whether the immigration fills out or not. it will be carried out even if there was not one single immigrant in the west. Mike Commentator maybe trying to squeeze a dirty, dried out rag
what is Mike Commentator trying to save then, and how is he going to save it?
that is prolly the real question! I hope he asked himself that question a long time ago and he has a response all worked out and is in implementation phase.. time is running out for him. stopping the immigration hopefully is part of his plan then? good for him! but he should share it with us all. some of us may have good expansionary and helpful suggestions that may help with his plan
Guillaume, thanks.
. . .“en même temps” (at the same time) . . .
Sounds a bit like Bill Clinton’s “triangulation”, which, in my view, slights both the traditionalist-conservative Right and the hard-core SJW Left to pimp the polity to global capital. Both Right and Left con themselves into believing they’re getting something out of the deal, when, again in my view, they’re having the rug pulled from under them. Pretty disgusting stuff IMO.
Only had time for a quick scan–will have to re-read when I have more time.
the migratory immigrant hordes do not know what they are coming into in the west, and their local comprador governments are not telling them…just letting them go.
on the other hand if the ordinary formerly colonized folk knew that the west is on its last legs facing two social evolutionary flows…social revolution by the people. for the people that would create a very positive new social way of life, but which is the far fetched, least likely option at the moment ..or the more likely Brave New World…they would realize western weakness stay home and revolutionize their own society aware finally that the west cant stop them anymore, especially if all or most of those nations move at the same time.
the Southern peoples can now eliminate their servile elites, without fear of west ern retribution: or whatever retribution the west can now mount can be successfully rebuffed. they can kick out the West along with Western containers of vaccines and other health ‘goodies’, bad foods and diets, bad education etc., and plough ahead building a better life in their own name and nature
now the peoples of the south can finally deal effectively, decisively, totally with their comprador states, expunge them from existence and move forward in their development massively. in that way all migration stops and the south focuses on its own development, employing their own people on their own existential purposes
Commentator Mike given his obvious ‘keeping the coloreds out’ extreme phobia, should be working night and day, seriously hard, exhaustively, to help the people of the South realize the true state of this day in the world, and the opportunity it gives them to revolutionize their own societies, kick out the West and stay home
Radicalization has nothing to do with with Whabism. You seem to forget that Islam by nature is radical and encourages every believer to be radical and change the world.
This is from the Qur’an :
like Angela Merkel and Theresa May, as just two examples, he has No Children and therefore no stake in the French culture or people.
Westerners, and in particular Western men, need to get their act together real quick. As it is, it is almost too late to stop this.
One of our problems is looking in the wrong direction for the root of the problem. As many keep focusing on some of the “out” groups as the cause, the Root of the problem actually started with a small group of White people.
I think this man at Mises has a good series on the “who” and “why” but ultimately it is from the small Emerging Technocracy and it’s Wealthy and powerful who are forcing a Feudalistic type of society on us all.
Michael Rectenwald of Mises Institute:
This part to the series has particular good sense of what is happening and by whom:
Macron is just following the French style of its philosophers, full of big words and seemingly profound insights, but in the end he is just full of shit.
In the UK at least, it does not seem to work as a majority of the British Black community does not fall for it:
I suppose that you are suggesting that I was insinuating that HBD may have something to do with this. Well, have you lived and worked in any of those countries? To really experience what it’s like. For example, the workers who work in those hated multinational companies owned and managed by westerners actually have far better working conditions, higher pay, insurance, safety at work, etc. than any of those run by local businessmen. Ever wonder why these foreign companies treat the local workers better than the local capitalists? Also, at the top level these corporations do engage in some corruption but graft and corruption are far more widespread among the locally run businesses. Further, the foreign owned businesses are run more efficiently, with greater respect for the local environment and regulations than the locally run ones. In fact some of these foreign companies try to run their operations to western standards even in countries which have no or worse government imposed standards. It’s sad that it should be so but that’s how it is! Now I’m not saying that it is all rosy and that these foreign corporation don’t exploit the locals or harm the environment, but it is to a lesser extent than those run by locals, and if you asked any local they would prefer to work for one of these multinationals than for a local firm.
As far as China goes it was hardly colonised as those other countries I was referring to. A part of China was briefly colonised by the Japs and there were those foreign controlled areas for a period of time but by and large most of China was free for most of that colonial period when other nations were subjugated.
As far as the working class in the West is concerned it was making progress in terms of unionisation, living and working conditions, right to work, health and safety, etc. until about the time mass immigration from those former colonies started to threaten all the gains made after a century of bitter struggle between the workers and the capitalists. In fact the immigrants are being used as scabs to set back most of those gains and to threaten the very employment of the locals workers. That much should be obvious to you. I’m not saying that everyone shouldn’t do their bit, not that everyone isn’t at some fault, but you really have to look and identify all that’s going on. You’ve obviously identified much but there is more to it.
Because the one true God and one true religion instruct the faithful to kill the infidels wherever they find them.
Thanks for your take on Islam.
I will take the time to point out that the assumption that – if this were true for any given religion – it does not logically follow that it must therefore be false. If the Creator of the universe did in fact give orders to its servants to eradicate those human beings that reject It, it is completely within Its purview to do so, just as it is within Its rights to punish them in the next life.
The point which would make it false in that case would be their eventual inability to do so, because if the Creator actually ordered this as something It wants carried out, it is inconceivable that the true Sovereign of existence would be defeated in Its designs by Its fallible creation.
“Absolutist” as used to describe this 12% denotes the number of Muslims in France that would like to have Sharia law introduced there, not just for their own communities, but for the entire country.
It follows that there’s bound to be a high risk that a large proportion of this 12% would be willing to use violence to achieve their aims.
Compare this 12% to the 4% of the non-Muslim denominations found to be absolutist. The Amish could be described as absolutist Christians.
Consider that absolutist Christians, Buddhists or Hindus generally don’t want to change the secular laws of the states they live in through violence and impose their own medieval laws on everyone else and force them to convert and become second class citizens.
Also consider that within Islam that a large section of the 12% will ceaselessly strive for power, both within their own communities and in France politically. If they gain power, you can bet your right arm that the vast majority of the 88% non-absolutist Muslims will side with the 12% in any confrontation.
If the Amish attempted to introduce laws enforcing everyone to use horse+carts as transport, would the majority of the non-absolutist 96% be persuaded to back them. Just a few green nuts would, and that would be it.
Many Muslims fit in quite well in civilized societies and are an asset to them. Islam, though, isn’t compatible with civilized societies, and that’s coded for in its DNA.
Surah 2:191 (And kill them wherever you find them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah [Persecution] is worse than killing. And do not fight them at al-Masjid al- Haram until they fight you there. But if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers) and Surah 9:5 (And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush).
The words of Allah, verbatim.
And none of your speechifying or equivocation or rationalisation will ever change them.
Smoke another one, dude. Use your crystals wisely.
Remember what I said next time you wonder why this darkness keeps following you.
Interesting you didn’t quote the verse directly before this:
“Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does not like transgressors.” (2:190)
And the fact remains that no school of Islamic jurisprudence or any scholars of repute have considered it permissible to kill non-Muslims anywhere regardless of circumstance…and none of your speechifying or equivocation or rationalisation will ever change them.
As far as extremists like Daesh interpreting verses in that manner, of course – they aren’t called extremists for no reason. If this was the normative view in Islam held by the majority, they wouldn’t be called extremists in the first place.
Well, I would certainly agree with your conclusions about those 12% Muslims if they do want to overthrow the secular state by violent means and impose Sharia law on non-Muslims. However, none of what you stated in your original post mentioned this at all. It only stated those three particulars. So, is what you are stating here your impressions and assumptions or are these questions they asked the Muslims that they surveyed?
Well, it really depends on one’s definition of “civilized” to be honest. You mentioned “medieval”; that is certainly a pejorative in Europe (understandably since medieval kind of sucked for them for a large amount of it). But Muslims were the alpha civilization of that time (Baghdad was built from the ground up and had one of the highest life expectancies in the world while much of Europe was illiterate and living in thatched roofs, embroiled in religious wars and the few things of export value to the Muslim world were basically furs and humans) so that word doesn’t carry the same negative connotation with us.
I mean, if your meaning of civilization is narrowly defined as liberal, secular (post)modern society, I would certainly agree that Islam is not really compatible with it in the long run. Which also begs the question that, would Christians agree that they really had no civilization under the era (when their foundations that were also incompatible with liberal, secular [post]modern norms) until they finally started secularizing in the mid-to-late 17th century? That would a stunning admission of intellectual and spiritual defeat that they didn’t get things right for almost 1700 years and only got it right as they moved away from their religious norms.
The same question would apply to the other religions as well to an even greater degree. Or, as Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad stated (which I cited on a previous thread):
“It would be a worrying indictment of the legitimacy of the religion if the modern world outside were to approve of us. We complain of negative stereotypes and hostility but in fact that’s always been the way of the believers against the uncomprehending outside world. That’s a sign of our legitimacy….Those religions that are approved of and patted on the head by secular, consumerist, capitalistic, modernity are by that very same token interrogated…a source of worry from the point of view of legitimate traditional perspective.“
“…And the fact remains that no school of Islamic jurisprudence or any scholars of repute have considered it permissible to kill non-Muslims anywhere regardless of circumstance…”
Except under the “cicumstance” of jihad or the attempt at violently conquering the world for Islam, which the Muslims enthousiastically did from Spain to China.
Nope. Even in the circumstances of at and conquering territory in the age of empires, the rules are fairly clear; non-combatants like women and children and elderly are left alone. And even when conquered, the population isn’t killed, but are granted the dhimmah contract. This is well known. Thus the claim that Muslims can simply indiscriminately kill any non-Muslims that they come across is false and has no backing whatsoever from any school of jurisprudence or known scholar or institution of knowledge.
And Europeans violently conquered and settled much of the world for territory or gold or glory of some random empire; do they feel bad about it? Are they going to vacate, say, North America and Australia and give it back? No? Then why should we feel bad for toppling has-been empires for the sake of Allah?
You would be more honest (as a Muslim) if you would end your messages not with the word “peace”, but with “war”, for Islam is not a religion of peace but of war. Start with apologizing for your aggressive attacks on Europe, Iran, India and Central Asia. I am waiting for your paying reparations for the one million people you have abducted as slaves from Europe. A rogue religion does not have the right to exist and its followers should be deprogrammed by force just like the Uyghurs in China.
Picture of candidates for a compulsory deprogramming course:
Islam is a religion; it has rules for both peace and war.
My point was there is no need for either side to apologize. I’m fine with things as they are; winner gets to keep any successful conquests made in the age of empires – no harm, no foul.
I see, a fan of forcible conversion; not surprising. So, that’s basically a virtue-signaling fail.
Ping… ping…. ping… PINGPINGPING!!!
Sorry, forgot to turn off my pervert alert. It always goes off like wildfire, when Macron is in the proximity. Anyway, 1940 was never “the spirit of the defeat”. 1945 was. I know it, you know it and pretty much the whole world knows it.
Dear French,
Ernst Jünger or a perverse Rothschild banker in your government.
Choose one.
Yes! ONE.
Forcible deprogramming from an aggressive, irrational and cruel cult is a virtue. Example of Muslims practicing the “Will of Allah”:
Well, it’s pretty clear that you consider yourself an enemy of Islam; good for you, give yourself a cookie 🍪. I’m not really trying to convince you, but it seems you are trying to convince me of something… I mean since you responded to me and not the other way around.
Though I’m not sure the second largest (soon to be largest) world religion really needs to care about the opinions of its enemies who call it rogue or a cult. And if it has any self-respect, why would it cater to bow to the demands of those who detest it? Especially when people are still coming to it – since the beginning of this year, two new sisters joined my wife’s class that caters to converts.
I mean, Christianity did just that (cater to those who wished it ill) and it is in bad shape all over the world and people are abandoning it by the millions:
I just heard another large church was bought in the Midwest that will be converted into a mosque. Why would we want to follow in the footsteps of a religion in retreat? What good did it do to Christianity?
And yes, Allah declares that the hands of thieves are cut off if they have stolen the requisite amount and the evidence meets the criteria to prove guilt. Is it harsh? Totally, that’s often the point of a deterrent.
2.191 stands on its own.
And what about 9.5? Cat got your tongue? You aren’t usually so quiet.
So the choice is between the creator of the universe, and a bunch of mortals trying to second guess the clear, unequivocal words of the creator. The creator wins, yes? After all, it’s his Quran. He didn’t add footnotes, or context – he just said plainly what he intended to say. The footnotes and context are all the work of men second-guessing their creator.
Only you call them extremists. To me, and to many others, they are just pious muslims, doing their best to follow the clear, unambiguous commands of Allah.
You don’t even understand your own holy book.
But go on kidding yourself. It’s amusing for the rest of us watching you try to talk your way out of the obvious.
‘Tu quoque’?
O dear.
I suppose when you spend all your time, first memorising holy verses about killing infidels, and then memorising clerics writing about how Allah didn’t really mean ‘kill the infidels’ even though he wrote ‘kill the infidels wherever you find them’, there’s no time for learning logic.
But then, if you had learnt logic, you wouldn’t be making the arguments you make, would you?
China is NOT ‘deprogramming by force’. It is educating some Uighurs out of Wahhabist brutality, proselytised in Xinjiang by the Saud barbarians in league with the USA and Turkey et al. Many of the most Evil Wahhabists fled long ago, turning up as particularly vicious al Qaeda butchers in Syria, and ready to be deployed elsewhere (as in Azerbaijan recently)by their Yankee Masters and sponsors.
The Henry Jackson Society!!!??? You are kidding, surely?
That cutting off the hands of thieves might be rationalized, ‘deterrent’. But what deterrence represented the castration of male captives (usually innocent boys between 9-12) by Muslim slave traders?
Great comments Skeptikal. Enjoy reading those creative posts. Hamtramck-stan comes to mind here. Check out the Polish woman at the end of this 3-minute news report, who runs a vintage-clothing store for the remaining 10% of her kind, who opines that it’s “not a Disneyland”…. it’s just Americans “working out their differences”. She’ll be selling hajibs and burkas and kneeling to Mecca before it’s over – or is it only the men who are allowed/required to do that? Many older, traditional Polish Hamtramckians are fed up with the “calls to prayer” sounding-out daily from loudspeakers all over town. I’d be pranking them with the Church Bell Wars.
Video Link
It did spark a thought that these fully-clad women immigrating from the Muslim world – wearing their mark of “submission = islam” – are already masked and as such are perfect Covid-models for us recalcitrant westerners. Speaking of “western”;
When Dolly Parton does her next rah-rah promo of the Moderna-jab she ought to be dressed in a burka with cowgirl-fringes and a full-face hajib. She already submitted to the soft-porn of the moguls of country-music for decades; now she should submit in penance and cover her flesh, as it sags into oblivion. Talk about ‘lipstick on a pig’, that one.
A a lot of the anti-colonial propaganda is just one sided myth making. The anti-colonial “intellectuals” control most of media as well as academia and always hide good things done by colonial empires, invent or hype up bad things done by colonialism, never cover the whole picture about why some colonial power behaved in a particular way, argue from the anti-colonial point of view but never mention the colonial counter arguments. I have read books by supporters of colonialism in those days, they would always include the anti-colonial arguments from the native elite rebels or leftists etc… back home and then give their counter arguments as well as accept some mistake made, if true. However the literature made by Western leftists (who dominate media and academia) or third world intellectuals never include the arguments made by the colonials. They are totally one sided.
The IMF and the World bank wanted decolonization and to destroy colonial empires so that they could screw the ex colonies better. Besides, Western Working classes never saw much benefit out of colonialism, they had to work hard in factories and go down mines and now they are told to live with thuggish outsiders and take all the blame. That is not justice.
The Mona Lisa was looted by the French as well.
I wouldn’t be so pessimitic. It really depends on how the mass react. When living standard is still high people will tolerate. Only revolutionaries fight for their ideals with hideous personal agendas. Clever politicians will always have to swim in the mainstream, or they will become irrelevant. As such their agendas will have to be mainstream, or popular, otherwise they will not gain enough support.
But, but… the ADL assured us that Diversity Is A Strength!
Excerpts from, Woman Doused in Fuel, Set Ablaze on Bus in Paris Suburbs:
Fall into chaos, indeed. But, instead of calling for a moratorium on immigration, Le Pen is appealing for stronger criminal penalties. That should do the trick.
Yet that is what they did.
We know they ruthlessly murdered ‘polytheists’ because they bragged about it, in writing, extensively. It is all written down, in persian, how the Muslims murdered Hindus for centuries. Whole towns were wiped out, temples looted, books burned. If not for the transfer of the complete Buddhist Cannon to Tibet, we would have lost Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism.
The behaviour of Islam in India is an indictment of what a hateful, vicious and barbaric system it is. Your defense of it is laughable.
There is no justification of murder or harming others in a moral faith–Hinduism and Buddhism offer no rational for killing except self-defense.
Islam creates ‘kafirs’ then kills them; it is a collective psychosis.
I’m afraid you’re an advertising victim if you believe Russia is an authoritarian state. There’s no equivalent of Julian Assange in Russia. That’s a UK thing. [email�protected]
When did and where from did the French ‘loot’ Mona Lisa? The unfinished painting was taken by Leonardo himself to France in 1516, where he continued to work on it until his death the following year. Upon his death on May 2, 1519, in Amboise, the artist’s assistant Salaì inherited the work and sold it to France’s King Francis I for 4,000 gold coins. It was kept at the Palace of Fontainebleau, where it remained until King Louis XIV moved it to the Palace of Versailles. Following the French Revolution it was moved to the Louvre. It was the property of the Kings of France and then of the French Republic (s).
It was stolen indeed in 1911, by an Italian employee of the Louvre, Vincenzo Perugia. In fact Mona Lisa was little known outside the art world and wasn’t even the most famous painting in its gallery, let alone in the Louvre and its disappearance was noticed only after 28 hours by a still-life artist making copies of the paintings in the Louvre but he believed that it was taken out to be photographed and only when the photographers told him that they hadn’t it he gave the alert. For two years Perugia kept it in his apartment, but was caught red hand when he tried to sell the painting for $100,000 to an art dealer in Florence who became suspicious and alerted the police who arrested him immediately. At the trial he invented the motivation: ‘he was a patriot who wanted to return the painting stolen by Napoleon to its land of birth’, ‘returning Italy’s rightful property’.
It was the heist that actually made the ‘celebrity’ of the painting (and the spurious mythology surrounding it), the more that the suspicion fell on the American millionaires who were buying ‘the legacy of France’, her best paintings, etc. J.P. Morgan was suspected of commissioning the theft. There were people suspecting that ”the Kaiser was behind it”.
Today, the bogus claim that it belongs to Italy and should be ‘returned’ to it is peddled by George Clooney, self-promoted advocate for the campaign for ‘restitution’ to their ‘rightful owners’ of all collections in the major Museums ”looted” by the ‘colonialists’ from their countries of ‘birth’. Actually he reopened the debate while promoting his film “The Monuments Men” about Nazi looting of art (from Rothschild Collections).
That illustrates the danger of getting your historical information from Hollywood.
Sure. Wow, never thought of that (:-)
FYI I don’t form my opinions on the basis of one source of info.
As you would notice if you read my first comment on this thread.
I think you live or hail from somewhere in the MENA.
I am surprised that you stick up for a colonial regime that was bloody, racist, and exploitative from the get-go—regardless of the occasional successes of the mission civilatrice.
I reckon maybe you are a colonial raised in one of the countries of MENA. That is, one of the missionaries.
Here’s an update on Generation Identity. An institution called “the State Council” has authoritatively confirmed the dissolution. The main spokespersons are now concentrating on the defense of free speech rather than actions to document aggressive immigration. They have formed as association in defense of whistleblowers (ASLA, Association de Soutien aux Lanceurs d’Alerte).