British historicist Arnold Toynbee once described Judaism as a unique aberration within the human experience. Fossilized in their fanatical hatred of non-Jews, Jews throughout history have been ready to violently oppose every single culture and nation they encountered, even at the cost of their internal intellectual and civilizational development. For the Jewish people, the story of “Hanukkah” is a vital reference point central to their antagonistic and insular identity.
In the books of Maccabees, this race-feeling is explored in vivid detail. Here, Jews define themselves as irreconcilable with Greek civilization, gnawing at the Hellenic hand which at the time had touched the entire known world through the conquests of Alexander the Great. As a rule, the Hellenic empires of Ptolemaic Egypt and Seleucid Syria that followed Alexander’s passing treated the Jews and their customs with dignity and respect.
But a drastically different narrative is spun up for “Hanukkah.” According to Jewish sources, a Seleucid tyrant, Antiochus IV Epiphanes (215 BC – 164 BC), decided without warning to pass a decree that would forcibly Hellenize the religious customs of all the peoples in his vast empire. Antiochus was particularly fixated in his irrational hatred on the monotheistic Jews, who he indiscriminately mass murdered and robbed, and whose sacred Temple he profaned with his and his people’s “animal-like” Greek ways. Supporting Antiochus IV in this campaign were local Jewish traitors who had bought the position of high priests from the Seleucid throne, offering the treasures of the Temple as bribe. Eventually, the honorable Jews — Hasidim — could no longer stand the flagrant abuses and formed revolutionary bands that, with the help of angels, waged a seven year war beginning in 167 BC, where they won epic battles against the formidable Seleucid army, executed traitors, and eventually won the liberation of the Jews.
The problem with this legend is that many take this narrative, one of a one-dimensional, Greek Hitler waking up one day to persecute the Jews, at face value. Part of the problem is that unlike, for example, the Ptolemaic Egyptians who meticulously documented everything on papyrus, little is known about the Seleucids outside of coins and cuneiform. This presents a challenge in our understanding of human development and the broader importance of Seleucid civilization, which syncretically combined Hellenism with Syriac culture (which the Jews belong to) that was of paramount consequence in the later creation of important world religions such as Christianity and Islam.
More narrowly, the lack of Seleucid sources leads to an overreliance on highly prejudiced and downright dishonest Jewish writers. There are historians, often Jewish and some Gentiles, that treat the likes of the books of Maccabees, the book of Daniel, and serial slanderer Flavius Josephus (who relies on the book of Maccabees as the source of his history) to a positivist reading. Some go as far as to suspend established convention in historical investigation by inventing new, laughable categories such as “Theological History” in hopes that the broader public treat the “Hanukkah” legend — which evidence available elsewhere sharply refutes — as common knowledge. The outcome of all of this is that the unambiguously positive contributions of Greek civilization and the men who led it are stained with frivolous accusations of monstrous atrocities pulled out of thin air.
Let us examine the problem with the veracity of these source texts. The books of Maccabees assert that the five volumes were authored by a so-called Jason of Cyrene, a Greek-speaking Jew who nonetheless supported the anti-Greek rebellion, but there is no evidence this Jason of Cyrene ever existed. Modern scholars, including Israeli academics such as Sylvie Honigman, have concluded that these texts were instead authored by Hasmonean dynasty’s courtiers as a piece of self-aggrandizing propaganda and founding myth meant to legitimize themselves while uniting the Jewish people against outsiders in a time marked by ceaseless internal power struggles. As for the less important book of Daniel, which says it is the work of a 6th Century BC prophet foreseeing the Maccabean rebellion, the story was really written in 164 BC.
Maccabees is polluted by blood libel, where the Seleucids are charged with engaging in impossible acts of genocide against the Jews. In one instance ( 2 Maccabees 5:11–14), it is stated that Antiochus IV led his army through a rampage through Jerusalem, slaughtering 80,000 Jewish men, women and children and placing another 80,000 into slavery. According to the research of Israeli archaeologist Hillel Geva, physical evidence suggests that in reality, the total 2nd Century BC population of Jerusalem was well under 10,000.
Claims of Antiochus IV’s intolerance of Jewish customs, or that he passed a royal decree to force Hellenize the religions of peoples of his empire are also fiction. While it is true that both Romans and Greeks generally came to view Jews in a highly negative light, the Hellenistic empires followed the Achaemenidean structure of rule, where they provided religious and cultural toleration to prevent rebellions, preferring instead to leave cultural matters in the hands of local elites. When Coele-Syria (where historic Palestine was located) was under Ptolemaic rule, Jews enjoyed a great deal of self-determination and the freedom of religion. When the Seleucids defeated the Ptolemaic Egyptians in the 3rd Century BC and took over the region, Ptolemy IV attempted a counter-attack to reclaim Jerusalem, under the assumption that the Jews who he had treated benevolently would remain loyal to him. Instead, they betrayed him by taking up arms on behalf of the Seleucids, an opportunistic act King Antiochus III (the father of Antiochus IV) repaid by allowing Jerusalem to enjoy Mosaic law as their constitution.
Later on, Antiochus IV took power. He prayed to Zeus, but there is no evidence he held particular disdain for Judaism or monotheism. Seleucid coinage minted at the time of Antiochus IV’s alleged decree restricting religious liberty show the leader’s face alongside local non-Greek Gods and Goddesses portrayed in an honorific fashion, which is consistent with what we know about how Greeks interacted with the native peoples and their religions in the vast regions they governed. The cult of Yahweh would’ve also been unremarkable to Antiochus IV, as the king had spent much of his formative years in Greece, where he was exposed to the positive appraisal of ideas pointing to an eternal, supreme and universal God that existed solely in the realm of metaphysics. This conceptualization of God is embraced in the works of Xenophanes and Parmenides, as well as in Aristotle’s (Alexander the Great’s teacher) concept of the “Prime Mover” and Plato’s “The One .” Leading Greek intellectuals were transitioning Hellenic thought towards monotheism centuries before Antiochus was even born.
As for Antiochus IV’s temperament, there is not a shred of evidence that he was a bloodthirsty dictator outside of prejudiced Jewish texts. Reliable Greek sources, such as Polybius (from which Livy draws upon) describe him as a populist, kind, and easygoing figure. Antiochus IV was known for displays such as wearing toga and campaigning for votes, which suggests that he held political consent in high esteem. He was, contrary to how he is portrayed in Jewish sources, fixated on being popular, generally showing deference to the local customs of people in his multi-ethnic empire and having a propensity to giving unexpected gifts. He freely mingled with commoners, took to the stage to act in plays, loved to hang out in public spaces, and was known for handing money out to the poor on the street, all which earned him mockery among his snobby peers but won him the love of his people. His greatest flaw was not that he was particularly ruthless, but instead a poor administrator who bit off more than he could chew when dealing with external foes such as the Romans and Parthians.
It must be conceded that virtually all ancient historians relished in exaggeration, held political biases, and even traded in ironic contradiction, but special scrutiny must be applied when utilizing even “secular” Jewish sources, such as Flavius Josephus (the sole writer promoting the Maccabees story as fact), as primary texts. Josephus, a Jew who managed to enter Roman high society and influence its public opinion, was a Pharisee who, while predictably expressing opposition to the Jewish rebellion against his Roman benefactors in the first century AD, nevertheless used his new status to spread flagrant falsehoods against perceived enemies of Jews.
Josephus trafficked heavily in vindictive lies and laundered sources he likely knew were phony. For example, he is the sole source for the accusation that Cleopatra VII murdered her sister Arsinoe IV in Against Alpion, a claim that has no corroborating evidence and was never treated seriously by historians in the past or the present. He also asserts that Cleopatra was committing atrocities against the Jews, such as allowing them to die off in a famine she refused to relieve, once again there is no substantiating source to suggest this ever happened. In truth, Josephus appears to have targeted Cleopatra with smears to intensifying Roman antipathy towards her in vengeance for her attempt to fight back against the treacherous Jewish king Herod, who broke his agreement with the Ptolemaic Egyptians and sold them out to the Romans.
Josephus, along with fellow Jews Aristobulus and Philo, is also responsible for perpetuating the brazen 2nd Century BC forgery known as the “Letter of Aristeas.” This document, which these Jewish “historians” declare is an authentic account written by an advisor to Ptolemy II Philadelphus, features a Greek who is dismayed by the moral inferiority of his own race compared to the pious and perfect Jews. The letter goes on to detail claims of Greek sexual depravity and the mass enslavement of Jews (another fake atrocity, this time contradicted by countless Ptolemaic sources).
This letter is today universally understood by scholars to have actually been an appalling conspiracy of ancient Jewish deception. The Letter of Aristeas was fabricated by a group of malicious Jews with no connection to Ptolemy II whatsoever with the sole intent of reversing the ancient world’s unanimously negative opinion of Jews by slandering the reputation of the highly respected Greeks.
When examining all of this information, serious historians have no choice but to dismiss Jewish sources — from Maccabees to Josephus — as low-quality references at best and deceitful fiction at worst.
This then brings us to the question, what actually transpired between Antiochus IV and the Maccabees?
Here, we can consult with Book V of Tacitus’ Histories, one of the few non-Jews to comment on this incident and generally seen as reliable by classical scholars:
There stood a temple of immense wealth. First came the city with its fortifications, then the royal palace, then, within the innermost defenses, the temple itself. Only the Jew might approach the gates; all but priests were forbidden to pass the threshold. While the East was under the sway of the Assyrians, the Medes, and the Persians, Jews were the most contemptible of the subject tribes. When the Macedonians became supreme, King Antiochus strove to destroy the national superstition, and to introduce Greek civilization, but was prevented by his war with the Parthians from at all improving this vilest of nations; for at this time the revolt of Arsaces [modern day Iran] had taken place. The Macedonian power was now weak, while the Parthian had not yet reached its full strength, and, as the Romans were still far off, the Jews chose kings for themselves. Expelled by the fickle populace, and regaining their throne by force of arms, these princes, while they ventured on the wholesale banishment of their subjects, on the destruction of cities, on the murder of brothers, wives, and parents, and the other usual atrocities of despots, fostered the national superstition by appropriating the dignity of the priesthood as the support of their political power.
From here, we can begin to piece together a more accurate story.
According to the work of Jewish historian Elias Bickerman, tension between Jews and the Seleucid state began when local Jewish leaders petitioned Antiochus IV to transform Jerusalem into a polis. While the Seleucids were usually reluctant to incorporate parts of their empire without a strong presence of Greek settlers, Jewish elites saw advantages in the reduced taxation rate and prestige they would enjoy under these circumstances.
King Antiochus IV, in other words, was largely a passive actor in what was effectively an internal Jewish fight between those who sought to voluntarily Hellenize and those who rejected the concept entirely. He did seem to back the Hellenizing faction, but there is no evidence that this was particularly aimed at stamping out the Jewish religion, only to increase the local power of the pro-Greek Jews. Jewish scripture presents this as the battle between the pro-Greek Jason and his brother, Onias III, who opposed all semblances of Greek culture. Jason eventually won the conflict and became high priest, then was himself overtaken by a rival Hellenized Jew Menelaus, which then led to a coup attempt by Jason, and so on.
At first, one might be tempted to conflate Hellenization with religious systematization, but parallel cases would prove this to be a false assumption. The Samaritans, a non-Jewish people who adhered to the Torah and most Jewish rituals, enthusiastically embraced Hellenism in the 4th Century BC and lived under Seleucid rule, but their religious customs were never repressed or disrespected by the Greeks (this changed under the Byzantine Empire due to Samaritan refusal to convert to Christianity).
In fairness to the Jews and possibly substantiated by Tacitus, there is a possibility that Antiochus IV considered backing the local Hellenizing faction in ways that could be perceived as attacks on the Jewish religion, such as laws forbidding practices Greeks and Romans remarked upon as acts of barbaric superstition, specifically circumcision, which would’ve provoked the ire of puritanical Jews.
But is nonetheless abundantly clear that the Hellenization process of Jerusalem was not a conscious policy of the Seleucid bureaucracy, nor was it important to Antiochus IV. For Jerusalem to have been transformed into a polis, the prerequisite would’ve been the construction of an agora, the existence of a theater, an archeion, and most notably, the establishment of a gymnasion the book of Maccabees indignantly claims was built across from the Temple as an affront to Judaism. There is no archaeological evidence that any of these structures ever existed.
Antiochus’ decree to crush non-Greek religion? Sylvie Honigman and others concur that it never happened.
We can only speculate what, if any, kinetic military engagement the Seleucids even had with the Jews. The Olympiodoros inscription suggests that a Jewish tax rebellion may have occurred, but the chronology of this artifact is disputed. There is a possibility that the civil war that broke out between the various factions of Jews vying for high priesthood described in Jewish texts could have spurred Seleucid intervention, or that political and legal measures were taken by Seleucids to punish the Jews for their insolence. None of this is clear.
What is self-evident is that Antiochus IV would not have been away waging war in Parthia if the gravity of the supposed Maccabee rebellion situation in the heart of the Coele-Syria satrapy was as Jewish sources describe. The man accused of being a single-minded anti-Semite appears to have had much more pressing concerns than how Jews prayed or mutilated one another’s genitals.
Antiochus IV perished while campaigning in Parthia in 164 BC. The subsequent and rapid collapse of the Seleucid empire, brought down by elite infighting and devastating defeats at the hands of the Persians and Romans created a power vacuum that the Hasmoneans (who claimed to be the heirs of the anti-Greek rebels) later filled in 141 BC with no resistance. 100 years later, the Hasmoneans fought again amongst themselves to take control of the throne, a civil conflict that only ended with Roman intervention.
What we can concur with confidence is that the most notorious episode of religious persecution in the ancient world, that of Greeks orchestrating a genocide of Jews, never happened. The Maccabees revolt itself either never occurred, or if it did, was far more reduced in scope and far less noble (driven by economic incentives) than is commonly believed.
And in spite of increasing interest in the historical and archaeological evidence vindicating Antiochus IV and the Seleucid empire, the blood libel of “Hanukkah” — a self-aggrandizing and hateful piece of fake news — continues to be celebrated as a sacred triumph of Judaism over Western civilization.
Hell if you came into the world as some swarthy misshapen Semite compared to the anatomically aesthetic Aryan Greeks, you’d probably be resentful too & form some insane misanthropic religion–recruiting thousands of fellow mongrels & mutants–who hate Aryans & desire their genocide & destruction of their civilizations/cultures.
This Josephus was the Steven Spielberg of his time. Frankly, they can’t help.
There is this sort of trans generational mentality, century after century, which is typically Hebraic, or Jewish. It’s indeniable.
I remember vaguely this Macchabee books, but the Seleucid are depicted exactly the same way as the Hollywood nazis in modern (( movies )).
Thank you, Mr Striker, I am far more informed than I was and have a much better context for a number of things I already knew something of.
Excellent piece, Mr Striker. Only, I’m surprised that Laurent Guyenot hasn’t been there earlier !
Also, I’m glad to see that there’s life after National Justice. One Eric Striker is worth ten Keith Woods, that’s for sure.
Thanks for the careful education.
I’ll have to take some notes and draw a timeline on a large poster to figure out how/when Persia became Parthia.
But If there is any factual truth to the story of Esther, it must be assumed that Jews remained part of the Persian empire all through the six centuries of Roman-Persian/Parthian wars. In other words, Jews fought on both sides of those wars — with Persians against Rome, and with Rome against Persia.
Regarding Esther: apparently present-day Iranians believe there is at least some element of truth in the story of Esther as a Persian queen. Young Iranians have insisted it is so, and have spoken of the “tomb of Esther” in Hamadan, Iran, about 1400 km from Kerman, where Gen. Soleimani’s tomb was desecrated.
To Dragoslav @ #2: re Josephus as Spielberg: it being the case that Josephus reversed his loyalties to ingratiate himself with Titus, gifting him with the golden menorrah (depicted in the Arch of Titus) and other Temple treasure, I wonder: how did the keepers of the temple come upon all of that treasure that Josephus acquired?
Thanks much for this fine piece of sleuthing.
None of these ancient propaganda frauds would still be around if it weren’t for the soft-headed acceptance they get from believers of various traditions. Very few scholars are patriots where their “pagan” ancestors are concerned.
A very good case against Hebrew propaganda as history was made a few years back by Ashraf Ezzat. He’s an Egyptian patriot and proves the whole book of Exodus is bunk. Even if you already figured that out it’s good to have the details.
Ezzat’s pamphlet-sized study is called Egypt Knew Neither Pharaoh nor Moses and came out in 2019. He notes that even the word “pharaoh” was not used in Ancient Egypt, it was an error that gave the game away — it rhymes with “faron” which is the title Arab slave masters used.
Once you get that the Chosen People were never slaves in Egypt it begins to get easier to see the rest of their propaganda is hogwash. Ezzat shows that quite a few scholars had access to the truth centuries ago.
What went down at the NJP? I saw some thread on pol but didn’t click on them, expecting that Eric Striker or Anglin or someone in Unz would give a good rundown.
Esther was just one of the many girls in the harem of the Persian ruler.
William Finck at did a 3 part podcast series on the veracity of the Book of Esther.
The last node of the URL indicates what his research showed.
So Maccabees was basically retconned to make the Jews of the revolt against the Romans feel better about their misfortune versus the legions?
We fought the Greeks to a standstill, why doesn’t it work against the Latins?
I’d heard it was overwhelmingly fake.
I wonder if the Jews have ever lied about any other Historical events?
On the basis of these lies, the Jewish community took great pride in perpetuating this charade by humiliating Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in a ceremony that celebrated “the victory of the few over the many.”
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Meets With Jewish Leaders at the Park East Synagogue – Oct 29, 2009
Video Link
starting @ 29:43 Rabbi Arthur Schneier says:
This article deserves to be highly praized.
Nice article. The Jews called Antiochus Epiphanes (Antiochus the Enlightened) Antiochus Epimanes– Antiochus the Mad. Fabricating atrocities and slandering enemies as insane is something the Jews have done for a very long time.
Again I’ll post it: Judaism was created by the Persian conquest. Its history prior to that is a Hellenistic fabrication. Semitic polytheists were ruled over by the “Returners,” who in actuality were transplanted Persian administrators under contract with the Shah. They were given the land by God’s representative Cyrus the Great (and Darius), told to stay separate from and not mix with the locals, function as a nation of tribute and tax-collecting priests via the Temple he had built for them, and impose a sort of soft Zoroastrianism on the Yehud yokels. They would later spin it into a grand, divine origin tale.
When the Persians fell, these dictates spread to the entire group and the Jews got to keep the Temple loot that once went into Persian coffers. That’s how the Greeks found them so wealthy. With the Greeks the newly-minted Jews got intellectual culture, and they used it to tell lies. Their ethnohistory in the Torah is a phony concoction that they put together under the Ptolemies, using sources from the Library of Alexandria, vestigal Semitic polytheist pagan beliefs and scraps of the instructions Persians had left them. Plato, Herodotus, Thucydides et. al were their models.
Under the Romans (how they got there is another interesting tale of Jew betrayal), Christianity began as more of this sort of Jewish ethnopropaganda coming out of the Hellenic world, with Jews hoping to spin the ongoing violent reality of Jewish messianism in Judea as harmless and “Greek”.
There’s more to it than that– but that’s surely how it got started.
Some basic questions that are not answered here continue to cause confusion among the unz readership. One of them is when and from where the Greeks came to today’s Greece.
There are also humorous remarks like ‘anatomically aesthetic Aryan Greeks’, which proves that the person in question certainly doesn’t watch NBA basketball (where are there such examples, except for Antetokounmpo) and also doesn’t know who the Aryans were (in their time the Greeks did not exist).
If we knew the answer to the initial question, then we would know whether it is possible that the Olympic mythology was created in a hundred years in Europe or brought from Africa. We would know that Greeks and Judeans are close genetic relatives. We would also know that Alexander (nor his Seleucid dukes, Ptolemy and Cassander) were not Greeks.
We would know why Seleuc gave the name to Tehran – ‘Europe’, which is another term which meaning only a small part of Europeans do not know. We would know that there was no ‘Greek’ civilization (or ‘Greece’) because that term was coined in the time of Alexander. We would know that the Greeks did not have their own state (let alone ancient kingdoms) until 1829 AC and that many (including the Greeks themselves) consider their instant mythology to be in fact history.
We would know that there were no Greeks in Alexander’s army in the decisive battle against the Persians (except for the hostages who guaranteed peace back at home), and that half of the Persian army was made up of Greeks. They would have known that the Greeks were not part of the combat units of the Roman army (consequently did not give any Roman emperor, unlike Illyrians who gave few dozens) and that all of present-day Greece was part of the Roman province of Illyricum.
Now, when we know the answers to the previous questions, we can devote ourselves to the topic of this text.
Uh, OK. There’s a lot of he vs. she said here, but it’s all written by the victors after the fact, so ….
Interesting and informative. The demonization of Antiochus IV in Jewish sources is particularly egregious once we realise that it was almost certainly he or his father who paid for the rebuilding of the Temple and the recolonization of the city by Jews from Babylon. This fact has only become apparent over the last two or three decades as archaeology has failed to find any trace of Jewish life in Jerusalem prior to circa 200 BC. This discovery, though surprising in itself, merely confirmed the testimony of Josephus, who quotes verbatim several documents of Antiochus III in which he allocated substantial funds for the rebuilding of the Temple and the economic benefit of Jerusalem as a whole (see Antiquities 13, 138-144).
It seems that the entire narrative of the Babylonian Captivity and the building of the Second Temple, as we find it in the Scriptures, is little more than an elaborate fiction. Virtually no trace of any Jewish presence in Palestine has been found for the entire Persian epoch and right through until around 200 BC, when a flourishing Jewish culture appears under the auspices of the Seleucids. This discovery has caused no end of debate amongst archaeologists. (See eg. The Persian Period (G. Wigenden) in J. H. Hayes and J. Miller (eds) “Israelite and Judean History” (Philadelphia, 1977), pp. 489-538).
Evidence seems to indicate that the bulk of the Jewish population remained in Babylon until around 200 BC, when the Seleucids, who had wrested control of Palestine from the Ptolemies around 220 BC (with Jewish help), resettled the region with Jews and rebuilt Jerusalem. Ezra, who is associated with the building of the Second Temple, appears also in the book of Maccabees. These are not two separate people, but one and the same person.
For a discussion of this topic, see Emmet Sweeney “Egypt’s Ramesside Pharaohs and the Persians” (Algora, 2023).
Quite important in the article –
With their belief the natural human body was something beautiful, the Greek rulers were horrified at the Jewish mutilation of children. Greek memory of Jewish horrors and war with them, led to severe restrictions on Jews in the Greek Byzantine empire … which in turn led to Jewish-sponsored creation of Islam, to make armies and empires that would be more protective of Jews, as indeed Muslim countries were until 1948
This is a painful topic for many Unz readers, given how circumcision has become widespread in the USA due to Jewish physicians corrupting the medical profession there
But it is a horrible thing that should be outlawed, not only because of hundreds of baby boys being killed every year from the procedure. There is apparently long-term sensitivity damage to males. 4chan /pol/ is full of young men horrified that this crime has happened to them. Along with ‘eternal hell’, the mutilation of baby boys is one of the chief horrors of the Abrahamic religions, Muslims unforunately caught up in this too along with Jews and Americans
The Greek Fascist KON PLEVRIS , OR ‘ THE Mr Damned and BANNED ‘ , and his writings, videos will articulate the missing puzzles to your easy . But , beware his rabbit warren is , deep , complex and very feared by the cult.
Thanks for this excellent piece. It’s becoming more and more evident that most of Jewish history is saturated with exaggerated tales founded on fake news similar to how Israel today manipulates the October 7 events according to its own fake narratives. In the same vein, Golani Brigade’s so-called commandoes claimed they had no time to make a quick decision when saw three of their own captives showing up half naked at 60-70 meters from their positions on the 2nd-3rd floors of a building and therefore had to kill them right away. There was no danger of the three captives wearing explosive vests who also waved a white flag at around 70 meters distance, before getting shot. What kind of idiot commando can claim he/she had to shoot because of extreme stress?
Now it becomes clear why all the Jewish students and faculty at my Architecture School ( UCLA ) in the early 1980s absolutely detested anything that was associated with classical Greek Architecture. Hated with a passion.
Unfortunately, we’ve come to a fork in the road, where most of mankind wants us dead…
I’ve always loved history since childhood, and as I’ve gotten older I had to accept that a lot of what I was taught was bs, exagerated, etc. In other words, there’s nothing new under the sun, which this story seems to confirm. Do we really think lying started with Pearl harbor, JFK, Covid, the 2020 election. There’s nothing new under the sun. They’ll use their age old weapon, time, and people will go on with their lives and the narrative will simply fade into history. We haven’t gotten to the bottom of Covid and probably won’t for years, do we really think we’re going to get to the truth about the Maccabees? Please. Time works, it has always worked and they know it.
I am sure that once all peace-loving nations have come to terms with the final solution of the Palestinian question by priceless Israel, some kind of joyous holiday, preferably ecumenical, will also be established to commemorate this genocide,
Incidentally, the Most High has done such a miracle/Hanukkah oil/ before too, in the case of Elijah who went to a certain widow who had nothing left to eat but some flour and oil. Elijah told her to make a cake for herself, and when she did, it turned out that neither flour nor oil was missing at all. Incidentally, Hanukkah is a relatively uncontroversial holiday, compared, for example, to the joyful festival of Purim, which, as the biblical Book of Esther testifies, is celebrated in commemoration of the final solution. There we read how a certain Haman, an abominable anti-Semite, planned for himself the final solution of the Jewish question and had already convinced King Ahasuerus of this operation. This king had a concubine, a Jewish woman named Esther, who maintained secret contacts with a certain Mordecai, who in all probability was a kind of agent provocateur. Informed by Esther, Mordecai conned the king into believing that it was not the Jews but Haman who had hatched a terrible plot against him. The king was frightened and allowed the Jews to liquidate not only Haman but some 70,000 of his potential followers. I am sure that once all peace-loving nations have come to terms with the final resolution of the Palestinian question by priceless Israel, some kind of joyous holiday, preferably ecumenical, will also be established to commemorate this genocide,
This guy had a long series of articles about the demise of the NJP (he still has 5 of the 13 or so articles, he’s having trouble with his website but the articles are coming back slowly) :
One of the guys associated with TRS, Sven (not the NJP though as far as I know, I know basically nothing about TRS and the NJP beside that the TRS guys got doxxed and Mike Peinovich had a Jewish wife, some recordings make it sounds like he is one himself) is having a meltdown about the NJP destroying TRS and is attacking everyone in it except Mike, he’s on in the second half and is going full scorched earth mode towards the very end :
In the immortal words of e. e. cummings:
a kike is the most dangerous
machine as yet invented
by even yankee ingenu
ity(out of a jew a few
dead dollars and some twisted laws)
it comes both prigged and canted
It’s interesting that a lot of modernist poets (Pound, Eliot, Cummings) were considered anti-semites and wrote some pretty hardcore anti-Jew stuff. OTOH, Cummings’ editor was Jewish (Weiss). He published the above poem, but suggested to change the original ending (it comes both pricked and cunted) to prigged and canted, which is kinda cryptic if you don’t know the original line.
Anyway — I know little about Hannukkah, except it is mostly an invented holiday just because Jews don’t have Christmas. It’s not much more imaginary than Kwanza. Really, mainstreaming Hannukkah is a very recent phenomenon, I think just from the 1960s or so.
Thanks for this informative historical article. It’s helpful to study the Hasmonean Dynasty, as modern Zionism is essentially recreating its mission of territorial conquest and ethnic cleansing, albeit this time without the forced conversion to Jerusalem’s novel monotheistic Yahweh cult. The later Jewish nationalist who some mistake for the Christ (the title is the Greek translation of Messiah, the anointed one), was in full accord with their goal, having been born in a Galilee that had been ruthlessly cleansed of its non-Yahwist inhabitants by the Hasmoneans 150 years earlier. This man stated unequivocally that his godly mission was “only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” As mentioned in this article, these were the Jews who embraced the tolerant values of the pluralist Mediterranean world, to which their backwater homeland had been introduced by Alexander the Great almost four hundred years earlier. In Jesus’ time, Jews had spread throughout the Roman world, with the great majority living outside of Judea, in the large urban centers of Antioch, Alexandria, Rome itself, and elsewhere from Gaul to Babylon. Save for the revenue-producing spiritual Disneyland of the Jerusalem temple complex, there was no “there” there, in the impoverished Judean desert homeland.
Modern scholarship on the genuine political, social, and economic history of the region, as disclosed in over a century of archeological investigation, is well summarized in Silberman & Finkelstein’s 2002 book, The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology’s New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts. Much more evidence contradicting the bible’s Judeocentric falsifications has been uncovered in the intervening decades, despite the Israeli Antiquities Authority’s ongoing policy of dismissing and sometimes even destroying archaeological evidence of the long presence of non-Jews in “their” holy land.
It’s panic and cowardice. They are not cut out for military life.
How come Meander 1 , and the spread of Buddha, never got stolen into , the , DIVINE fiction ? The Novel ones were known to THE HELLENES , As , Actually having MOLOCH as ‘ the apex of their absolute worth ‘ to the story OF HUMANITY . THE , Reality of their morality . Translation,’ bed bugs on civilisation. ‘… A KATARRAH …. cataracts of FOS . Kid Killers . Witchcraft . Is not ZEUS BABY . Sell this one . You have inherited, A , Shame and guilt , for many generations to come . They did a good ‘genocide’ of Cypriot Greeks . We don’t forget nor forgive . Not forgiving is a Spartan thing . Payback in digital paperback. Cursed . ‘ BY THE DODECAHEDRON OF HEAVEN .
Bartholomew is a sell-out and a doormat.
I think their hatred of classical architecture has more to do with envy due to their inability to create beauty than with History or the Bible.
Is ANYTHING in the Bible true?
Sounds possible and likely.
Josephus did not give the temple treasures to the Romans. They took them. Josephus was already a prisoner of the Romans when Jerusalem fell.
The largest concentration of Jews in the diaspora were in Babylon, which changed hands between Persia and Rome many times.
“It is better to give–than to receive!” stated Canada’s Greatest athlete (by his own admission) Gene Kiniski ringside following a victory over some “unknown” stating to announcer Ron Morrier “You know Ron–that I am a Practising Christian” FACT. “It’s right there in the Book Ron!!”
I agree. Modernism, post-modernism, and deconstructionism are Jewish wars against Western architecture, defiling the built environment with hideous buildings meant to spit in our faces in monumental fashion in the same way Jews defile the mind and soul through Hollywood and music.
What’s so ironic about their hatred of Greek architecture is their ignorance of the practical purpose of moldings, brilliantly developed, for example, in C. Howard Walker’s classic Theory of Mouldings. One thing everyone can agree on, however, is that Jewish architecture ages as poorly as the Jewish fashion industry’s trends in clothing.
I’m sure you and anon are familiar with Nikos Salingaros’s Theory of Architecture, but for those who are not, it’s a brilliant and easy to read exposé of the pretensions of nearly all of today’s Jewish architects imposing their hatred of Western Civilization through architecture as paranoid revenge for what never was.
One thing we learn from history is that Whites and non-Whites (including Jews) should have minimum contact with each other. Non-Whites and Jews WILL always be hostile to Whites irrespective of White people do. Any White Empire including non Whites is a big no no and should be avoided as much as possible.
The only non White groups with whom some more extended contact can be had are the Japanese and some Shangri La type people like the Bhutanese or Gurkhas of the Himalayas. Others are no no.
Hopefully in the future a complete separation of races can be attained.
Yes there are a few handful of non Whites who are not personally hostile to Whites. Their numbers are very tiny.
The only contact to be allowed would be some trade, research study (White researchers studying Geology, Botany etc…in non White lands), issues related to wild-life habitat loss and pollution.
The only non Whites who would be allowed into the White World or Whites into the non White World would be businessmen and short term tourists (less than a week). Migrations to strictly avoid – Immigrants obviously, job seekers, students, long term tourists. White Universities should be off limits to non Whites and jobs in White lands should be as much as possible off limits to non Whites. Non Whites should not be allowed to buy property in White nations and to run a business they would need a local White partner who is approved by the Government, a right winged White Nationalist type person. Any inter marriage in between a White and a non White would lead to the White partner losing citizenship and all their progeny automatically are banned from residence or citizenship.
At the same time the West should realise that trying to Westernise non Whites was a mistake, any form of White Man’s burden be banned and non-Whites should be encouraged to de-Westernise and go more native. All charities to non White lands should be banned.
That could be said of any religious texts. Hindu texts have been found out to be made up bullshit propaganda too.
No doubt. Architecture, the spaces in which we live and honor our dead reflect the spirit of a race, and each culture has its own examples of deep spiritual expression. However Jews as a people, never demonstrated an ability to create culture/civilization, but exist within another’s creation. And like the negro, they cannot sustain it but have to tear it down.
Racial architecture, while different in morphology, reflects each race’s transcendent spirit: Egyptian Pyramids as celestial gateways; the Islamic Taj Mahal as a memorial to eternal love; the symmetrical harmony of the Forbidden City expressing the will of Heaven on Earth; Gothic cathedrals…
Contrast those to the grotesque, soulless, barren ugliness of ubiquitous H-Hoax monuments. Confused monstrosities such as Polish Jew Libeskind’s Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Fran, or Manuel Herz’s Jewish Center in Mainz. Even when not grotesque, they are banal, such as Gordon Bunshaft’s Hirshhorn doughnut.
Great architecture for the Jewish soul is probably a bank vault filled with gold coins.
At the same time, one cannot exclude non-Jews from a general anti-spiritual modernity. In fact, the West has essentially lost its spiritual will to live on–reflected in its building spaces. Frank Lloyd Wright is a good example. Said to be an ‘anti-Semite’, his creations were generally abhorrent. Perhaps then, his Elkins Synagogue can be viewed as the West’s abandonment of its own spiritual heritage, but one subsumed into the moneyed Jewish century.
In its total abandonment of transcendent atavism, Joel Osteen’s Lakewood church, the former Houston Rockets basketball team’s facility, pretty much encapsulates the modern Christian’s spiritual transformation into that of the secular Jew.
You write:
“British historicist Arnold Toynbee once described Judaism as a unique aberration within the human experience. Fossilized in their fanatical hatred of non-Jews…”
You obviously have not read Toynbee.
He characterized the Jews as “fossilized remnants” of the long gone “Syriac Civilizations” along with Monophysite and Nestorian Christians.” Nothing to do with “hate”.
A Study of History Vol I p 35, and many other pages listed in the indices of the 12 vol. work.
But no mind. Facts are increasingly not important on this site.
Ron Unz has said he once never missed reading The NY Times but has ceased to do so because it has intellectually degenerated.
I feel the same about Unz Review. I once said if I went to jail and I could have only one internet site it would be Unz review. No longer. Like Unz who still as much out of habit as interest looks at the daily NY Times, I still come the the Review daily but read very little of it.
With few very good exceptions e.g the recent Marshall Yeats “The Jewish Question” most articles like those of Philip Giraldi are repetitive ideological cliches.
You might be interested to know the backstory to Hanukkah. The reason the Greek army invaded Palestine from Syria was to stop a Jewish Civil War that had broken out between Jewish extremists, very similar to those in the Netanyahu government today, against the majority of Jews who were attracted to Hellenistic culture. The Greeks invaded and shut down the temple considering it a dangerous catalyst for Jewish extremism. I told my father that he and his Jewish colleagues who work in academia were precisely the kind of people who were targeted by the Jewish Macabbean fundamentalist extremists. He claimed that I’m making this up but I told him it’s easily available in history books.
Jews have a powerful sentimental attachment to a religion they have almost no understanding of and a similar solidarity with a tribe that they would never want to belong to. Take all the American Jewish supporters of Israel and deport them there and within six months 80% will be begging to come back.
Hanukkah is one of the greatest proofs that Jesus is the Messiah. The Maccabean heroes of Hanukkah 50 years later conquered the nation of Edom and forcibly converted them to Judaism in violation of Torah commandments. Not long after that they invited the Edomite warlord Herod to intermarry with their priestly family violating yet more Torah commandments. This Herod invited Rome to take over Palestine. He was a brutal paranoid man who murdered his own wife and most of his sons. Apparently even the Roman emperors were afraid of him because of his terrible mental instability. Julius Caesar made a pun in Latin that a person was better off to be Herod’s pig than his son.
Herod is the one who sent his soldiers to kill the children in Bethlehem. Jesus and his family barely escaped. It’s very similar to what the Israelis are doing today to the children of Gaza. Let’s take some encouragement that Herod died shortly after his vicious assault on the children and mother’s of Bethlehem. Let’s hope and pray that the same fate will befall the modern day Herodian architect of the assault on the mothers and children of Gaza.
According to British journalist Jonathan Cook, Israel has named the computer program generating mass civilian targets in Gaza “Gospel”. My comment:
Father G+D,
We are clearly living in a time of naked evil rising up to extinguish the last vestiges of hope on this dark and suffering planet. The evil Zionist entity, based on the Antichrist Jewish religion, has aroused itself now at Christmas time to make a mockery of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and of all those in the world who love him. We are helpless in the face of this monstrous evil. There is no human actor on the face of the Earth willing or able to stop its hubris and its brutal assault against human dignity.
We ask you Father God to intervene from the highest heavens to stop the cruel and homicidal rampage of the Zionists along with their Jewish and Christian Evangelical apologists and enablers. We ask you to act dramatically from your heavenly abode to reverse and undo the damage these forces are inflicting upon a helpless and now hopeless humanity. We ask you to manifest all the powers described in the book of Revelation to bring an end to the reign of the Antichrist the harlot religion and the beast it rides upon.
We cry out for the sake of all those who have suffered are suffering and will suffer from this vile spiritual confederation of evil. We know Father God that everything in this world is in your hands and under your control and nothing can defeat your purposes. And we ask that you Lord manifest in a dramatic fashion your Goodness and your Justice.
In Jesus’s Holy Name, Amen
FYI: there’s a Hebrew homonym to Hanukkah the word Hanika which means choking. This is very symbolic of this holiday that is used as a weapon to demean degrade and choke off non-Jewish culture!
One more thing I would like to add is the remarkable similarity in between interaction in between the ancient Greek Empire and the Jews and the interaction in between the later British Empire and Hindu Brahmins. The Brahmins played a big role in writing anti-British propaganda (supported by Global/ Western Marxists, who themselves are experts in lies and propaganda) just like the Jews wrote anti-Greek propaganda. Just like the arrogant Jews could not accept the superiority of Greek Civilization over their own, the Brahmins could not do the same to the British Civilization much later. Both Jews and Brahmins consider themselves Gods chosen on Earth and more smarter than those around them, whom they consider dumb. However their superiority lies mostly in cunning and when high IQ European populations with high trust tendencies, higher rationalism and superior tastes build superior civilizations, it pricks the gas filled ego balloons of these arrogant populations like Jews/ Brahmins etc… which results in EXTREME vindictive rage.
LOL 😅😂🤣
Alot of good information in this post. But why do us goyum have to wait so long in our lives to get this information? I don’t remember one teacher in all of my grade school and high school years mentioning jews. But jews were talking about us goyum alot in their school years. By the time a jew got out of grade school the world was clear in their heads. They knew who their enemies were and what stand to take on issues. If it is good for Jews it is good and if it is bad for Jews it is bad. And they know that nepotism is the key to their survival and getting ahead. While us goyum struggle to figure out whats what and who’s who and why things are happening this way to the jew its all clear. By the time the goyum figures out why things happen as they do the race is over and jews have won.
Some sects teach the Old Testament as allegory, meant to teach the reader a lesson. Others believe every word is true and read it like a textbook. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that either way is fine as long as a person follows its precepts. The teachings of Christ are what is important to a Christian, not wars or journeys through the desert. There are some sects that believe that “many are called, but few chosen”, which indicates that some folks, most folks as taught by some, are not “chosen” to be saved and so can never believe. It’s an interesting concept.
In the end, Christian teachings about treating others the way you would be treated, being honest, being monogamous and moderate in your habits, are good for anyone. Faith in Christ and the resurrection give a person hope, and in some cases the strength to make it through difficult times. Look back to when most Americans were Church going Christians, looks like it was a much better country then. At least to me.
The Menorah is representative of the Hydra. And possibly the 7 planets with Mars (war god) on the top.
There are other names in other cultures, 7-snake headed glyphs were found in widely seperated cultures.
Not to mention the beast of Revelation.
These sub-human neanderthals have used the occult, destruction of the noble races’ history, and false gods throughout the ages… It will take an avatar with equal and opposite powers, someone like Hitler and a real genocide against them (their mutant godless DNA) to save the world.
It would take a grand awakening and regaining of our spiritual power from the “jealous” demiurge of the inbred sons of cain – As the Bhagavad Gita said – “you’re not killing anyone and nobody is dying…”
YHWH the demiurge said don’t kill, then instructed the jews to kill every living thing in the land, leave nothing breathing…” – GET A CLUE everyone.
How many instances of jews deliberately polarizing themselves from goyim peoples and nations, and lying about those peoples evil deeds vis-a-vis jews, or framing them for vile acts that jews actually did themselves under cover, do we have to bear witness to before concluding it’s a deliberate modus operandi that guarantees their existence through time?
Yes, soft jews often get killed or fade away as a consequence, but the hard-core becomes harder. They know this, they have always known this, and they will always practice it.
Take the ZOG 9/11 inside job from, from two jewish perspectives: 1) they don’t get caught, and the US/Anglosphere and Nato fight WW3 against “Islamofascism,” and force the Mideast under the iron rod of Zionism and the kosher money printing Ponzi. jews win.
2) they do get caught, and jews become hated pariahs and victims of pogroms as a result. jews win again, because the “dead wood” gets cleared out and only the hard core remains for the next assault on humanity for the Zionist vision of Judeofascist totalitarianism.
Knowing this about jews (that they’ve basically “evolved” into soulless, inhuman Judeofascists now, and are forever up to no good) makes dealing with them and their zoglodyte partners and useful idiots far easier, both physically, and on the conscience.
Pogroming Judeofascists is, on one level, what they want. But NOT pogroming Judeofascists allows them to impose what they want, which is mass murder, enslavement and subjugation of all goyim and non-zoglodytes (who in reality are also their slaves, controlled by Ponzi fiat).
Is there any question of which way civilized nations and healthy, self-preserving peoples have to go?
Brahmins should know better as they have received Aryan religious knowledge even if not in it’s pure form. When semitic people – Arabs,Jews. Phoenicians – have always been hostile to Aryans.
This makes them Even more ” guilty ” .
I wonder if they have ever told the truth about any historical events.
Most jews are hideously unattractive. I think that is why they allow the men to marry a “shiksa” if she converts to their cult. They know the more white gentile blood their offspring have, the less hideous they will be.
It is truth, but not true. The Bible contains truth, because it is an allegorical depiction of the divinity born within each person. As a book of historical fact, however, the Bible is not true
Instead of leaving mysterious comments, why not leave useful information, and links to your sources? Or write your own article? As it is, it seems like you just want to appear superior rather than to educate.
Of course : rebuilding the buildings of Auschwitz as a model of architecture would make our cities far less ugly than adorning them with our holocaust museums.
If you ever hung around both (especially in those pre-med days before Affirmative Action kicked in) you realize a Greek is merely a “Jew” whose pee pee was left alone. Otherwise, little else is different.
Without circumcision, there would be no jews. It is central to their covenant. Intactivism is a movement which seeks to end this barbaric mutilation of baby genitals. It’s no surprise that the Intactivist movement is disproportionately jewish. Counter-semites should make this their primary issue. American gentiles and jews can united behind this common cause. Ban circumcision.
Malla, I have said this many, many times here and on other sites. A new White republic should be established and founded as a “clean sheet”, with no automatic inherited institutions of the West. This includes Christianity, with the exception of Russian and similar Orthodoxy and Buddhism. (They overlap).
At 75 and a peripatetic world traveler and resident, I have just about seen and heard it all. I left the university after 5 years in 1971 because I saw it heading in the direction that it exists today; that is, squalid, scattered, and mindlessly inane and the tool of psycho and sociopaths. Mediocrity is a compliment.
Anyway, thanks for the illuminating comment. I have read your comments with attention and appreciation.
The irony is that Indians and Jews hate the European whites they slavishly ape and hope to be mistaken for, while socializing with Indians and Jews simply isn’t worth the effort it takes pretending they don’t hate us.
Buddhism was created by a Hindu heretic. He took what was good from Hinduism and left the waste and stupid stuff behind. He overall deinstitutionalized the defective and silly aspects and moved toward the Inner Life and Consciousness as the only True Reality. Honest and incorruptible people who stand alone for reform and rectitude pay a heavy price in life, usually.
I have encouraged this retardate and gutter snipe to take his greasy and low class comments to another venue, but like a dead snake in the restrictions of a commode, his moronic yammering persist and cascade hither.
Have you not read Mommsen !
Isn’t Buddhism basically nihilistic and a suicidal cult.
Mr. Striker,
Apparently you got permission from “substack” to present this article under your name, but it would be appropriate to acknowledge the actual source of this material clearly and up front, instead of just the bit at the end that might lead the reader to assume this was your work, originally published on substack.
My apologies though if “Erik Striker” is a nom de plume of the actual author of this essay: Joseph Jordan.
Hit the substack link at the bottom of this piece to read the entire excellent article on substack.
It might have something to do with the uniquely large proportion of homicidal lunatic revolutionaries, insurrectionists, and seditionists you produce, and that you simultaneously have no means of divorcing yourselves from them, and shelter them from anyone else trying to deal with them.
The experience for everybody else is that your guys are constantly calling for their genocides in their own countries, while peddling every possible perversion, wielding disproportionate power, always abusing it, always trying to get them nationally into debt slavery, and refusing to do the jobs you, as a race, consider below you.
You lost your home for two thousand years, and you’ve spent all of it co-opting and defiling everyone else’s, refusing to stop or leave until it comes to killing you, and then playing the pure victims.
Nearly every NSDAP villainous stereotype was and is present in you guys, and in higher concentrations, plus you have several they never had, such as the eternal crybully racketeering. The racial supremacy is pure you and always was, and the genocide was never nearly as present in the German NSDAP as it was your Bolsheviks and revolutionaries who caused the murders of at least several times as many people in the same century, and more likely in excess two orders of magnitude more.
If you were actually generally innocent you’d be finding a way to deal with your bad actors, yet somehow you reliably do exactly the opposite. If you won’t discipline yourselves, you’re going to go deservedly extinct in the near future when everyone else does it for you.
It’s not that everybody else hates you for no reason. It’s that so many of you are amazingly hateful and refuse to leave anybody else alone..
This is mostly how China is run.
Maccabees isn’t in the Bible proper. There’s a reason it’s considered apocryphal.
So, what else are you pretending to refer to? Everything that you’re in denial about? Right.
Both Christianity and Islam are both founded on absolute frauds.
There’s no such thing as ‘virgin birth’, humans don’t ‘regenerate’ after they’re dead, and illiterate peasants don’t write books.
All religions, with the possible exception of Buddhism, are fairy tales, many of which are plagiarized from previous religious fairy tales.
In other words, it’s ALL bullshit.
Sadly this is true.
However if you go to Catholic School and just read Mark you’ve got a shot at understanding the basic dynamic of adult problems. Jesus is a manual laborer who made a big stink and got himself targeted by the Jews and the Jews used proxy puppets to do the killing. It’s a fresh story today in so many ways.
I tend to find that Mark equips you to understand the exact dynamic of Jewish power and the power of the state.
Here are some views, from different times, of former major rulers in Europe which depict the hosting cohabitation problems.
Maria Theresa:
“I know of no greater plague than this race, which on account of its deceit, usury and avarice is driving my subjects into beggary. Therefore as far as possible, the Jews are to be kept away and avoided.”
Wilhelm II. German Kaiser.
“A Jew cannot be a true patriot. He is something different, like a bad insect. He must be kept apart, out of a place where he can do mischief – even by pogroms, if necessary.
The Jews are responsible for Bolshevism in Russia, and Germany too. I was far too indulgent with them during my reign, and I bitterly regret the favours I showed the prominent Jewish bankers.” (Chicago Tribune, July 2, 1922)
Author expelled from the trailer trash NJP party, which the FIB has now pulled the plug on, all shut down. So it has decided to become a faux historian by plagiarizing some substack babble and posting it on Unz.
“Striker” (fake name) repeats the claim that the Book of Daniel was written in 164 B.C. But when was Ezekiel written? Because this Daniel is mentioned more than once in Ezekiel.
Jesus clearly accepted this Daniel as a prophet. I favor the word of Jesus over the trailer trash author, who was rejected even by the FIB, the absolute dregs of society.
Not that the trailer trash NAZI calling itself “Striker” matters. It has not done any research. It just did a cut and paste of some page it read on substack, a great deal of which is true, regarding fraudsters such as Philo, Josephus, and the fake holiday in question, invented by the Synagogue Of Satan.
Yes, of course. 314 million people of advance intellect and cultural values are such because of these characteristic. That’s also why it is the fastest growing religion of the world.
Too advanced for you, apparently. You radiate noxious overtones of low IQ, gullibility, hillbilly horizons, and perpetual constipation resulting in the whites of your eyes becoming brown and mottled.
Please decamp to a kiddie site that reveres Justin Beaver or Taylor Swift.
Well stated! Here’s an essay I wrote about a National Geographic special discussing how the Romans looted the Jerusalem Temple and used the money to build the Roman colosseum:
The Temple amassed treasure due to the annual half-shekel tax on every Jewish person as well as revenue from the sale of sacrificial animals money changing services etc.
Oh, cool. thanks
Agree with “@Passing by” comment, plus Bartolomeos is a traitor and Exomotis*.
*Exomotis = Hellinas that convey to Islam, in order to save their skin when Hellas was under the Ottoman occupation for 400 years.
That was a true Holocaust and genocide and not those “monkey” holocausts the Jews are winning about.
He is just a butthurt Albanian..
Parody or Not Parody?
And where did the Jews extract those half shekels from in the first place? The Temple was a money laundering war chest that extracted cash from both the Romans and Persians.
Toynbee, good British Imperialist as he was, accepted the Holohoax. ‘Nuff said.
The Temple was the place to store the gold for war on Rome. Soldiers need to be paid to fight.
Didn’t that nun ever teach youze about Purgatory? In detail?
(Oh, that’s right – Rome cancelled purgatory for late boomers, Gen X and beyond)
For those oldsters who were apprised of Purgatory, you now have gotten old enough to realize that life, is purgatory. Not so bad for some; a pain in the ass for others.
“Salvation” is your release from Purgatory. An early parole for some; limbo for those whose sentence was appealed, but not yet allowed to go to Disneyland?; life to ninety for those who had a big debt to pay (in that “previous life”?). Suicide is a jailbreak.
But they all get a horrible fullly medical text high quality KodaColor sharp detailed full face photograph of them in their dying days – with old age spots, a crossed eye, ectropion, snot running from their nose, mouth all crooked, unable to tell the schmuck with phone cam to just go away…such that someone 100 years from now will assume the poor sucker looked like that for 75 of their 90+ years.
The Greeks had city-states, like Athens, which is well known. They became united occasionally when threatened by an outside force, like Persia. They called themselves Achaeans through most of their history and would have been known in Alexander’s forces by their regional (city-state) citizenship.
Here we have another example, along with the idiot main author, of imagined history to fit imagined politics.
I guess The Unz Report is going to be the Anti-Jew report from now on. Sad.
This seems to indicate that “Striker” is just another “Nazi” agent, like Richard Spencer and others. Sad.
Achaean was the name for the Achilles Odysseus Agamemnon era Bronze Age Greeks.
The Athenians of the definite historical Iron Age period were Hellas. Hellenes.
Worse than that. I think it’s slowly turning into a caricature of itself, with more histrionic articles (and commenters) than ever. Quality of the site has been going down for a while.
Anglin was on the limit (I actually find AA funny and occasionally even insightful, but I don’t think UR is his place), although, UR allows for comments on his articles, and the Stormer doesn’t.
But there are many much worse things, like the stream-of-consciousness dadaist “Jung Freud”, this Striker/Jordan guy (who may be a Fed agent), iSteve who has become a caricature of himself too, Giraldi who seems to recycle weekly the same article, and a lot of badly written articles by people who won’t even sign with their own name etc.
I won’t be surprised if Ron brings “Nazi” Fed agent Richard Spencer next, or perhaps Milo or some other fool.
Purgatory was never canceled. You’re thinking of “limbo” where it has been theorized that unbaptized infants are sent. Limbo is a theory, supported by many Doctors of the Church, but has never been made part of the Catechism. Recently, some Catholic theologians have argued that limbo isn’t necessary, more out of sympathy for those who lose a child before baptism than for sound theological reasons. You probably read a headline while you were smoking dope and scrolling on your IPhone and thought you knew something.
As I wrote on your Substack:
I cannot express how grateful I am for this piece, which one of my readers alerted me to in Unz Review. For a decade I researched Bible scholarship, coming to the realization that it was history inside-out and upside-down: the heroes had been turned into villains, the villains into heroes, the victims into aggressors and the aggressors into victims. Here are a few pieces I’ve posted on the topic:,,,, and
With Joe Atwill (of Caesar’s Messiah) I strongly suspect that Josephus was the author of the gospels and the editor/ author of the Torah. And perhaps Josephus was also a pseudonym for someone named Piso? The whole is a genealogy of who had the God-given right to rule the world and who was cursed to be their slaves. One of my readers takes this further as the encrypted military and psyop strategy for global domination by this Shemitic dynasty (descendants of Shem). This fits with Atwill’s decoding of the wordplay and ‘tells’ that are clues because, in order to be a willing blood sacrifice and therefore acceptable to God, the sacrificed need to be warned so, if they don’t object, they’ve volunteered.
In this year I’m going to continue my draft of A People’s History of the Bible by systematically reviewing portions in light of this theory in biweekly episodes. I will certainly be citing yours. Thank you!
My understanding is the Hanukkah was originally a rather minor Jewish holiday. Passover? Sure. Yom Kippur? By all means. But Hanukkah? Yeah, but…
It only got to be a big deal when Jews integrated themselves into American gentile suburbia in the Fifties and early Sixties: the Coen Brothers A Serious Man portrays this era brilliantly.
Then…what about Christmas? All the kids want to celebrate Christmas too — and they definitely want presents. You’re really going to make little Josh be the only boy on the block who didn’t get a present? Oh, he’ll love you for that. On the other hand, for even the most lax of Jews, having a family Christmas celebration would be a bit much. What to do, what to do?
Hanukkah! We’ll celebrate Hanukkah! And the rest is history.
I’d say most peoples have beliefs about their past that are more or less self-indulgent error: I don’t want to stomp on any toes by giving examples, but…
The difficulty — as so often — isn’t that Jews have these beliefs, but that they have so much power to shape the world to accord with them.
? What was wrong with this article? It was mildly interesting and reasonably factual. If he’d written the same about Sicily and Sicilians, I don’t think anyone would have minded.
Nice YouTube channel:
This documentary suggests that your idea that Josephus authored the Gospels is pure fantasy:
Video Link
Nico X and your other identities. Thank you!
You are striking our enemy senseless with your intelligent comments.
Like many others no doubt, I much appreciate your hard work for our cause.
Power per pixel, you are the world champion for White men and women.
Not exactly. In the Orthodox community Hanukkah always was an important holiday. For secularized American Jews it became as you say: a substitute for Christmas. Ironically, these secular American Jews would have been targeted for destruction by the Maccabean terrorist extremists. But in their ignorance they find bliss:
Aren’t all the peoples of the earth now and 10,000 years ago actually Serbs?
Exactly; more than 100 years ago American Jews decided to destroy AmericanWhites . They used the blacks to destroy us. And non White immigrants to affirmative action all the good jobs. If you ever find yourself in a city with a medical school go over there and walk around. Check out the campus cafeteria library halls take a look at the pictures of the graduating classes. It’s a no White men need apply organization like every other occupation in America.
Toynbee repeatedly characterized Jews as extreme Zealots, which under his model is a tendency informed by the fanatical rejection of all outside peoples and ideals. Toynbee contrasted this with with Herodotism, which is a forced and strategic cosmopolitanism embraced under military pressure from superpowers. You would know this if you had done something other than type “Jew” in the search bar of a free toynbee ebook.
The reference ilin this article is clearly paraphrased, not a verbatim quote. If you are going to attack a 3,000 word piece by fixating on the semantic difference between “hate” and “fanatical opposition,” you don’t have an argument. Looking at your comment history this type of trolling seems to be your forte.
Very nice
That’s what I try telling some here
History consists mostly of lies. No one can find archaeological evidence of Biblical events in the country we call Israel today because, in my opinion, not a single event in either the OT or NT took place in Ersatz Israel. The more education one has, the more lies one has absorbed and taken as truth. In Exodus 3:8, YHWH, whose name scholars have mistranslated as “God” or “Lord God”, states that he will “bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey; unto the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites.” No objective person could described tiny, barren, and desert Israel as a “good land and large.” Or take another example, in Joshua the Israelites see a city in the midst of the river Arnon. In Hebrew, Arnon means a roaring stream. Today scholars call the Wadi Mujib in Jordan, a tiny stream that could not have a city in its midst and doesn’t roar, the Arnon of Joshua. But in Italy today we have the Arno River with the same name, a mighty roaring stream with a city in its midst in Florence, the Ponte Vecchio. That would destroy the timeline of Joshua supposedly about 1500 BC, because the bridge didn’t exist prior to about 996 AD. If one looks at the OT objectively, it reads like a medieval European tale. Didn’t Saul and Goliath wear armor?
Hilarious videos, and thanks! I’m sure, judging by the comments, it’s lost on many followers of TUR that the reason Jews act that way in NY is because goy NYer’s don’t take their shit for one minute.
I have a winter place in Florida where there’s a definite Jewish aroma to the place, and what I find so amusing is the way Midwestern American and Canadian snow birds hypocritically grovel before the Jews whom only NYer’s find lovable for being as obnoxious as themselves.
Jews are obviously smart enough to realize the only reason these Midwesterners and Canadians act like, “You’re Jewish, who’d have ever known,” is because these people detest Jews. From a NYer’s vantage point, the funniest thing of all is watching the members of Congress pretend to support the Jews they obviously hate.
Thanks comrade. Yeah they don’t know what to do, so they’re left with blocking me. Good work yourself. It appears though, the Commies or Christians who run this Unz site are only permitting me at most 2 posts a day now…after submitting many comments a screen appears stating ‘commenting too much’ & thus the comment is blocked. Yet the Christians, Commies, nonwhites & other assorted riff-raff are allowed dozens of comments a day. So this site, just like Renegade Tribune (which also banned me) is afraid of my posts and/or envious of my popularity or influence upon fellow whites.
Thanks for posting the link to my playlists, including the ones on Israel/ Judaism and Empire & Religion. I watched the beginning of this but his premise is that the gospels are eyewitness testimony of history … as verified by the gospels. It’s a circular argument since there’s no mention of Jesus in any history of the era other than Josephus, where the commonalities with his authorship couldn’t statistically happen by chance.
The articles aren’t about non-whites, the articles are about the wars that affect all humans and you’re still stuck in that stupid racist shit against non-whites non stop, ad hominem!
Why do you hate non-whites so much? Did you get raped by a non-white or maybe a non-white woman, or man, didn’t accept you or left you?
Do you know how many non-whites are there in this planet? Let’s put it this way, whites are 800 million out of 8 billion other humans, how does that sound?
Stay on topic and get a life, ass hole!
Look. Jews imagining fake atrocities is a tale as old as 300 BC. And when it comes to ovens? Everything Jewish today is rabbinical Judaism and it’s a story about ovens. Jews (who identify as Jews since 300AD or so) have been obsessed with ovens for almost 2000 years. Look….they like pretending they are oppressed…….. In ovens
Yes. This 100%. The truth was only intended for those who had prepared themselves for wisdom, but it was never meant to be shared with people who couldn’t understand it, as that would lead to literal interpretation
Believe and disbelieve with out a concrete proof is alike. Those who run to reject the existence of God with the face of sound evidence rather than whims got satisfied with simple explanations. and feel justified to keep thier deviant life style and corrupt society.
The synagogue of satan wants to destroy peoples souls admitted it at Vatican II to Cardinal Bea.
They want to destroy the souls of the remnant of the jews who will be saved at Jesus second coming.
Israeli police crack down on Tel Aviv anti-war protesters
Video Link
We’ve seen it recently. A lot of Israeli people don’t agree with the brutality of their government. Keep protesting for peace, and freedom for the Palestinian people.
Wow, why are the cops so brutal? Good for those protesters for following the police and videoing the whole incident. Seems like a crazy over reaction to people protesting a war.
1 hour ago
These are the real Jewish people who can live peacefully with Palestinians not like the Zionist nazis.
How they treat their own citizens tells a lot about how they treat Palestinians
In the age of sodomy an act of believing is impossible for all many. The Antichrist army going mad and claim has no creator and some of them claim they are creator. a director of Pornography and a pro lgbtq dare to tell us how ‘natural body’ should be!
12 years of catechism, here. Tobacco (menthol only), not pot; pot makes me throw up.
Purgatory was trashed (maybe not officially, I presume) in the entrails of Vatican II. Discussion of the topic since, has always been vague – almost like it’s the new “limbo.” Just an idea, not a real thing. A feel good thing for sinners afraid of hell. By the late 60’s I was pretty sure it was for all intents and purposes, cancelled (just like catechism was in 1967).
I think it’s real, though. But Purgatory is life – not an afterlife. Get into your 70’s and (if you haven’t been stoned all those years) think back on yours and other’s lives. It’s purgatory. Ask a priest that hears confessions – if he’s not a liar, he’ll agree.
One of my favorite captions: “the best of intentions……the worst of outcomes.”
If I had a buck for all the examples I can recall (and there are some lulus)…betcha you know a few.
Excellent Article !
It is not easy to research and write about these topics.
This is like writing a heavy duty research paper for
University. 3rd year level courses at challenging
University offer Plato as a course, like mine, some tough reading.
Year 1 Intro is advanced too where you get introduced
to many topics that are unknown to even casual readers/students.
I am familiar with a lot of the sources.
I can add some points, some context/setting, etc.
BUT I cannot write an article like this.
What were the Hellenistic Kingdoms ?
It’s very interesting and important history, parts of which are well known, but there is a lot to it, an understatement.
TRS ARE YOYOS, STRIKER, you are the man.
Yup, I’ve noticed that my above average med school has been turned into a crappy version of Meharry Medical School – if that. It’s exactly what you describe.
Ever notice how doctors today are treated like orderlies? Those COVID patients’ treatment choices (and diagnoses) were established by administrators; no doctor’s opinion allowed. And God forbid…no autopsy!
Where I live, those opulent 4500 sq ft shoreline homes and BMW’s are owned by Hospital administrators (and drug dealers, of course); most all the doc’s live in 1500 sq ft condo’s inland and they tool around in a Honda sedan.
A profession ruined, first by lawyers and so-called “malpractice” then the government cabal who rewrote the admission requirements and subsequently, the books. Going to a doctor these days is intellectually equivalent to the Taco Bell drive thru.
Latins (Romans, I assume you mean) were too dispersed geographically and in that process had formed too many syncretic social contracts to be defeatable (for a time, at least).
Athena is a “virgin” !
I am not a historian level authority on this.
Nor am I religious or pretend to undersatnd
Greek Mythology is very easy to undersand,
the Greeks try to explain forces of nature.
The good the bad and the ugly, along with monster stories,
they had theatres, it was debatable then whether they
believed them literally true.
JUSTICE , she is a force of nature,
Athena is Justice Giver Wielding Winged Victory.
Athena is a “virgin ” ! Literally THE PARTHENON .
It is not about sex, it is about being PURE , UNCORRUPTED , JUST.
The Virgin Mary is Pure, Uncorrupted, Just etc
If people want to believe literal translations, well …
I know a lot of “religious” peeps will attack me too.
Well, noted, but I disagree with your absolutist assaying of UR. It is not an academic oriented journal, with esoterica like Counter-Currents, or some of the twilight between academic journals and obscure references. For this kind of reading, special subscriptions are needed to float the resultant and universal small circulation that limited interest entails.
What you complain of is the difference between a department store and a specialized business like butcher store or storefront bakery. Today, as in the very large Russian supermarkets, quality, variety, and wide selection co-exist.
I like the broad scope of UR, because it suits me. I have moved, worked, an spent considerable time with all classes of people and ethnics. I don’t want it stratified. In life, I have received good advice and wisdom form working class people and others from the most unlikeliest place.
I have learned to not be that concerned with form and focus on content. Miss Jung-Freud earns my attention for the difference connections she makes outside of the topic area, which incorporate frequently analogy and parallel comparisons. This is very common among Asian thinking and philosophy.
There is depth and breadth, deepness upon a narrow foundation or horizontal well limitations, and there is breadth where the view analog is that of scope from an elevated altitude. Simply put, I find useful and interesting both modes and outlines and intent.
Agree. Very informative article with quite a few interesting comments as well.
Imagine believing a series of books containing unprovable Hebrew parables. I don’t.
I think it’s a little late for that. This is like German settlers wondering if they can stay in Poland.
Congratulations to everyone who celebrates Orthodox Christmas today according to the original calendar with the traditional greeting:
Mir Boziji! Hristos se rodi – Vaistinu se rodi!
(Peace of God! Christ is born – He is truly born!)
Tell it to Obama. Maybe he will relent and save you.
The Greeks should had BOO FOO the Jewish men.
With numbers like that then non Whites should dominate technology, quality of life, advancements in all sciences, infrastructure, education and all measurable levels of civilization? How’s that working out oh dusky one?
And since when does the topic matter to you? Even when the topic isn’t about religion, you can barely comment without bringing up Abraham or Jesus.
Correct. Hell going back to the Book of Daniel through WW2 Jews have survived, even flourished, after being put in ovens.
Ovens and Tunnels.
You’ve been poorly catechized if, during your 12 years of catechism, you were told Purgatory was trashed. It’s “limbo” you’re thinking of, and it wasn’t trashed, but to ease the pain of parents who lost a child, it was deemphasized. Your theory of Purgatory is an interesting one. I’ve heard others make the same argument, a buddy of mine insists we’re actually living in Hell. I was just trying to correct what you wrote about the Church changing its position on Purgatory, which was incorrect.
I have no doubt that there are priests, bishops and cardinals who disagree with official Church teaching. The present anti-Pope, Francis, appears to be against official Church teaching.
It’s not just administrators making policy, it’s the insurance companies. In my field (trucking) most safety mandates are made by the insurance company if not directly, then indirectly (we won’t insure you unless you do or don’t do this this and this).
I usually preface any allusion I make to events or figures from the OT with the word “mythical”: the mythical kings David and Solomon; the mythical Egyptian captivity; the myth of The Exodus.
It’s a way of saying something is hogwash without being explicit.
Way overpaid cops in Israel and the USA are happy to beat up citizens who make trouble for the ruling class. Doing anything to protect ordinary citizens their lives and property or their children well cops become totally useless.
Reminds me of Karim Salibi’s claims:
“Time for some history, which – naturally – isn’t in the mainstream books.”
One episode in Jews versus western civilization. Their rebellions, their size is debatable, were finally put down by the Romans. Western civilization victorious. Where Jewish hate for white Europeans begins.
Non whites don’t dominate technology, sciences, infrastructure, education and all measurable levels of civilization, but they don’t have 800 military bases all over the world abusing and raping people.
Non whites don’t bomb children like you did in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Non whites don’t steal land killing the natives.
Non whites don’t ship millions of blacks and slave them for 200 years because their priests told them it’s ok, it’s in the bible.
Non whites do not drown their babies in bath tubs and kill the whole family in murder suicides
And finally,.
Non whites do not fill the Epstein’s list or let loose their little daughters so that they get raped by Jews in far away islands..
Retards watching another genocide in 2014, look how ugly and fat these pricks are
I really wonder what happened to the Merneptah stele, also called the Israel stele?
With the rise of Zionism and the idea to create a homeland for the Jews by Theodor Herzl the only thing missing was the archeological prove that the Israelites existed. Interestingly the stele was found by Flinders Petrie 1896 just on the peak of the Zionist movement. What would be easier as to do a little manipulation on the engravings of the stele to read the name “Issriael” written in hieroglyph letters.
Later in the 1970ties a French Egyptologist discovered a manipulation on the stele by making a hieroglyphe “vulture” out of the hieroglyphe “owl” to read “Issriael” while the stele was still in the Egyptian national museum. Later the stele somehow disappeared and if you ask the Director of the museum they will probably tell you that they reorganized the storage and they cant show it right now.
At the Amarna letters the Egyptians called the Hebrews “Habirus”. This was the time when the Alphabeth got invented by the Phoenizians which do not get much appearance in the biblical historie. But the Hebrew version of the Alphabeth gave the Hebrews the ability to create their own god as a revenge after the Egyptians “exiled those people because of their sins” ( the real text sentence before the manipulation on the Merneptah stele).
My comments are only eye-opening and are there to stimulate thinking. I don’t know who would be a credible source for you. Noam Chomsky, Steve Hawking, King Charles?
Many answers can be deduced only on the basis of simple logic. I have already stated many illogicalities. If they suggest me, I can write something (Laurent has a lot written), but this blog is not yet ready to face the falsifications of the oldest history whose consequences are still felt today.
It is unfortunate that over 95% of Europeans do not know where the sources of their civilization, culture and language are, nor where the white race originated, nor can they find after 200 years of research who the Aryans were.
Here, you can answer us on the basis of your own knowledge whether the Greeks are European natives or whether they came from somewhere else (from where and when). That would answer many questions including some of the above.
If they were not natives, where did they get the Olympic mythology from? For example, one comment tells about the Greeks and the Battle of Thermopylae. First, the term ‘Greeks’ did not even exist at that time and the Spartans were not Greeks either.
So, can you answer any question in my comment (agree or disagree)?
Israel appears to have directly targeted Al Jazeera journalists’ car: Watchdog
Antoine Bernard from Reporters Without Borders has said it appears that “a single rocket fell on the car” of Hamza Dahdouh and Mustafa Thuraya, both of whom worked for Al Jazeera.
“If this is the case, it would qualify as another war crime against journalists for Gaza,” he told Al Jazeera. “It’s a massive slaughter and this has to stop.”
The military did this in Iraq to Al Jazeera journalists they want the power of darkness but our God sees all and the Lord Jesus is coming soon to terminate the evil and diadem the right
They were the bravest journalists I have ever seen, unlike other biased media who reported by staying in an Israel hotel.
Their appearance and bodily habitus are irrelevant beside the contents of their souls.
Deport the ‘settlers’ back to Crown Heights, Caulfield, Dover Heights, Golders Green etc, and the Zionazis to New York City, and let the sane, human, Jews left live in peace in a bi-national State. Anything else will lead to a continual genocide until some power attacks Israel with weapons of mass destruction, and then we are ALL fucked.
True, But most of the time the bodies and the faces are mirrors of the human souls.
The djinns have the abilities to disguise in pretty looks, but i guess in this case even djinns avoid these here creatures since they are probably possessed by cynical, more powerful demons.
Very informative article.
Please be aware and entertain yourselves with the Serbian psychopath named odyssey.
He is clueless repeating the same crap thousand of times in his comments.
He is a disgrace to the Serbian people and he represents a dying minority of lobotomized victims of Tito’s regime.
How to recognize a moron?
By posting an empty comment without a single point of view, because he has no any knowledge, no courage, who is frustrated because he can’t find a single fault in someone’s comment and is ashamed to show what his background is.
Well noted.
One thing we overlook when looking back at the history of the Greeks, which is the fact that the whole Mediterranean basin constitutes one continuous civilization where ideas and progress never flowed in one direction but was fluid in both directions, sometime from East to West and other times from West to East. And Greece is more geopolitically skewed toward the East than the West.
When Europeans claim that Greece was the cradle of Western civilization, they often overlook the fact that Greek culture incorporated a lot from Egypt and the Phoenician coast cultures especially that of the ancient city state of Tyre, and some historians add traces of Indian culture, without denying the wonderful synergy that the Greeks created out of all the knowledge they accumulated from these civilizations.
So where does this leave the descendants of the Habiru tribes known later as the Hebrew tribes. Their claims are based on an eclectic religion that borrowed left and right from all the religions and mythology around the Eastern Mediterranean, including the Greek civilization, and used the syncretic product to claim what does not belong to them as their’s. Ashraf Ezzat makes the case very clearly when he mentions that in the oldest book of the Torah in Yemen, the country of origin of what we call today the Jews, there is no mention of the Book of Exodus. He describes how the Habiru Septuagint were asked by the Ptolemaic rulers of Egypt to translate the Torah and have a Greek copy in the Library of Alexandria, and this where the hodgepodge of Jewish history came into being as a prelude to the Hebrew nation. The Ptolemaic rulers did not mind the falsifications of history that portrayed the kings of Egypt as tyrants who built their glory on the suffering of Hebrews kept in slavery, for Egyptians looked down on their Greek rulers as upstarts with an inferior culture.
Ashraf Ezzat book is a must reading for anyone interested in the origins of the Judaic religion.
Brahmins are not Aryans no more. They have mixed up like the rest of us and it is possible they mixed up with Jews. There was a time when Brahmins were known to have never lied. Now Brahmins are known for cunning. It is possible they mixed up with Jews in the remote past. The ancient Aryans mention in the Rig Veda, a people known as the Pani. Pani were Phoenicians who sailed around the World to trade but it is likely Jews took over their civilization. We know very well how Jews take over the identity and trade and countries of others. The Aryans of the Rig Veda criticize the Pani for being greedy materialist pigs. However later we have books in Hinduism called UPANIshads, with the Pani in the Upanishads. That is very likely early Indo-Aryan civilization was taken over by jews.
They hate you but want to come to your civilizations. Like viruses.
Christianity had it’s positive as well as negative impact on the White race. The key is to adopt the parts of Christianity which is beneficial to Whites and to reject what is harmful.
An early Christian writer Apelles (2nd century, younger contemporary of Marcion) wrote 5 books called “Problems in the Old Testament” which revised Marcion’s literalistic reading of the OT as inspired by an evil god into “its all just Jewish fiction.” Not surprisingly the Catholic church did not preserve this text.
So where does this leave the descendants of the Habiru tribes known later as the Hebrew tribes.
Habiru, Iberia in Spain and Iberia in today’s Georgia.
They all come from Iperus .
That’s why you have the Sephardic Jews from Spain and the Ashkenazi Jews originating from East Europe.
In Iperus today you still have the Romaniote Jews. They are one of the oldest Jewish communities in existence and the oldest Jewish community in Europe.
Sephardic Jews are former Phoenicians/Carthaginians, who rebranded themselves after the fall of Carthage. So for example, so called Second Jewish war, or Kitos war against Romans was fought in the areas settled by Phoenicians and Carthaginians (Cyrpus, Cyrenaica, Egypt etc).
Jews were never traders, Phoenicians were.
It is tragicomic then that it is always Askehanzi Jews who are suspected of being false Jews (Khazar theory), whereas Sephardi identity is taken for granted. But if you were fake, you would call a real one a fake, wouldn’t you? Traders would know 😉
A strong animosity still exists between Sephardim and Askhenazim.
Interestingly, now we find that today’s Hindusim (not ancient Vedic) came from Buddhism, not the other way round. Hinduism is a modified version of Buddhism, modified by brahmins to enslave the masses. Ramayan and Mahabharat were copied from Buddhist Jatak tales. Many Hindu temples are built on the sites of earlier Buddhist shrines and many Hindu deities idols are just Buddhas being dressed up and worshiped. Buddhism broke up into various sects and today’s Hinduism is juat one of the bastardised watered down version. The Brahmins took Buddhism and modified it to suit their exploitation of the masses. For example, the concept of zero or Shunya, where Buddha says that to escape all suffering one has to become non existent even in the spiritual realm. Brahmins modified that into all souls end up into the Supreme Soul or God.
The Persian Al Beruni wrote about how when he went to India, and whenever he would see some Buddhist ruins, the Brahmins would try to cover it up and try to take his attention elsewhere. When the English came to India, the Brahmins fooled them into believing that Indian history is all Hindu. But unfortunately for the Brahmins, the British knew the art of excavation and as the British and Europeans excavated beyond a point (4th century AD), all they were getting is Buddhist stuff. The British were shocked.
These are in Hindi
Buddha ko shivling bana diya ? PART1 | Buddha became Shiva | Untold story of Samyak Sanskriti
Buddha ko vishanu bana diya? PART 2 | बुद्ध को विष्णु बना दिया | Untold history of India
How Buddha became Vishnu?
For anyone wanting an easy introduction to Alexander the Great’s Successors (the Diadochi) and their various territories and dynasties including The Seleucids, I can highly recommend Robert Fabbri’s splendid series of novels entitled ‘Alexander’s Legacy’. The scene in Book 4, set in Alexandria where the level-headed Ptolemy patiently puts up with a local delegation of verbose, time-wasting Jewish leaders, and warns them not to waste his time again or he will throw them in the harbour is an accurate portrayal of the classical world’s no nonsense attitude towards these people. Whilst Alexandria was renowned in the ancient world as a centre of scholarship, the Jewish community there was renowned for its forgeries.
Mike Peinovich, the pundit that worked with Jesse Dunstan (Sven) on the TRS podcast for YEARS, served as the Chairman of the National Justice Party. The NJP was an attempt to provide an actual pro White party. Sven apparently, a 10th rate musician, was against the whole thing from the beginning.
It used to be a wonderful podcast, and the NJP did solid activist work.
The very short story is that Mike P hired a grifter named Tony Hovator to coordinate the assorted pool parties (pro White mens’ groups) and raise funds. Hovator a is stark example of how the wrong personnel can ruin everything. Peinovich allowed him to run roughshod and alienate the majority of the actual on the ground followers and DEMAND money from everyone. The membership fees were ostensibly supposed to go towards activism, etc – but Tony paid himself 6K a month, and took personal vacations to Germany. Mike P must have knows what he was doing, which makes him culpable in how own party’s ruin, or he is an example of a disastrously wretched, incompetent, LAZY CEO. Either way it was total betrayal of the NJP base.
Personnel came and went, but apparently whne Greg Conti, Michael “3’s a Party” McKevitt and Erick Striker asked for an audit of the funds, all 3 were booted post haste and slandered to boot.
Sven aka Jesse “FUCK YOUR WHITE NATIONALISM” Dunstan appeared on the Randbot podcast and boozed it up for hours, slagging everyone who “ruined” his TRS podcast. In vino veritas. He began ‘splaining “what happened” from his POV – and his commentary got nastier with each ounce of booze. He was drunk, but perfectly loquacious. He never slurred or fell down – but his real feeling about WN, and the NJP, and most rotten of al – the followers that PAID MONEY to support TRS and the NJP came spilling out. Randbot, his devoted worshipper, made several attempts tp stop Dunstan from self-immolating , to no avail. Randbot simply Shut It Down but then Dunstan moved right on to Maldric’s podcast, and it was even worse. Dunstan the childish, shallow manchild BRAT kept going and going and going and was too drunken and narcissistic to appreciate the obvious FACT that Maldric’s crowd had the knives out for him, and were not His Pals, and kept egging him on to burn the NJP and TRS attendantly DOWN. Which he DID.
It was gruesome. I avidly listened to every word. Because I’ve been disgusted with Dunstan since his BS commentary about the virus and the Clot Shots. He and Peinovich and Alex McNabb sneered at anyone who questioned the danger posed by the Clot shots. Dunstan has Pfizer stock, you see. I tangled with him about this issue. So did others. Dunstan has stated, as a “joke” on a Randbot podcast when the whole debate over the Clot shots wa raging, that he thought that everyone who disputed the danger posed by the Clot Shots should be forced to get jabbed, just to shut them up. Dunstan by the way never took the jab, nor did his family, nor did Peinovich, nor did McNabb. Yet they all TRASHED anyone who questioned the danger posed.
I digress. Striker has decently with withdrawn from commentary about this abortion, and I am delighted to see his excellent work featured here. He will emerge unscathed by the treachery and greed of his former backstabbing “allies”.
Ya think?
The historian Peter Green identifies the cause of the Seleucid persecution of the Jews as financial. rather than religious. The Seleucids owed a large financial indemnity to Rome and were chronically short of funds. Antiochus installed a Hellenizing Jew as Chief priest to ensure larger tribute would be paid by the Jews. He also plundered the Temple treasures of Jerusalem. Religious Jews considered this sacrilege. While Antiochus was campaigning in Egypt,the deposed priest led a rebellion in Jerusalem that overthrew the Hellenizer faction and massacred many of them. Antiochus returned in wrath and massacred any Judaizers who remained. In order to secure his financial position in the province, he determined that the Judaizers had to be crushed and the Hellenizers maintained in power. This persecution was limited to Palestine, indicating it was not a generalized attempt to abolish Judaism but only to crush it where it threatened his access to tribute and plunder.
” … a Greek is merely a ‘Jew” whose pee pee was left alone.” Otherwise, little else is different.”
The ancient Greeks were Aryans, as shown by their statues. Today’s Greeks are more of a mixed bag, but I wouldn’t consider them the same as Jews (sans circumcision).
A Polish woman at work, now retired, said, “In this place we thought we were in Hell, but then we found out that we were only in Purgatory.”
Another one who has no idea about European history. I have already mentioned a couple of litmus questions.
Where are the roots of European civilization, culture and language?
Who were the Aryans and what language did they speak?
When did the Greeks come to Europe and from where (perhaps tito’s vampire can answer)?
For dummies – Greeks have nothing to do with Aryans. They neither existed in Aryan times nor their language has anything to do with Sanskrit. They took over the Olympic mythology from the natives of Europe, they certainly did not bring it from Africa. That’s why ‘their’ gods are blonde even though all Greeks are dark.
Then you can answer us when the Greeks came to Europe and where did they come from? How and when did the Greeks incorporate ‘a lot’ from Egyptian culture? You may also know from whom they took the Olympian mythology (which was later also replicated by the Romans). What does Western civilization have to do with Greece, where did they meet (btw, Greece did not exist before 1829 AC)? Didn’t Western historiography artificially stretch Greek history back to the Trojan War and then appropriated it to give the impression of the antiquity of Western civilization?
What is Iperus?
Googled Iperus and found only Iperu as a town in Nigeria.
Sephardic Jews look like most Middle Eastern people. Johnny come lately Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of Turko-Mongolian tribes whose traces go back to the Asiatic Steppes and who once were the subjects of the kings (Kagan) of Khazaria. The nomadic pastoral shepherds tribes of Arabia who lived on tending cattle and on constant looting battles among themselves and against the trade caravans of Western Arabia, were referred to as the Habiru meaning (bandit, worker of inferior status…) like you say in German Untermensch. Clearly those people had a lot of hatred to the Egyptians and the Mesopotamian people as the latters looked down upon them. That could partially shed light on their extreme ethnocentricity which derives from an inferiority complex.
Sparta had two kings . But were two tribes , but , one .Rom and Remus like …. Dorians the invaders were Aryans ( yes ) the Older tribe , ( Laconians now ) and the Maniots , more , Dorians , were the fix mix ! Women in Sparta were the inheritors ! Mana ! And Taygetus / the peak has a pyramid carved by slaves to Apollo ! And when the sun rises and sets , God sings with his children !
Eipirus – is the mob that colonised the Ionian to the pillars of Hercules ! Marseilles was a colony ! The DODONA / Mollistos —- mob were Alexander’s maternal lot ! Get it ?
“ Didn’t Western historiography artificially stretch Greek history back to the Trojan War and then appropriated it to give the impression of the antiquity of Western civilization?”
While I admit that I am no erudite when it comes to the origins of civilizations, anyone who studies the history of Western Asia/Eastern Mediterranean knows about the movement of people and trading goods between the people of the Greek Isles and the Phoenicians and the Egyptians. Take Cadmus, claimed to be of Phoenician descent and the inventor of the Alphabet, his innovation was lacking because it was restricted of consonants and it is claimed by the Greeks that they introduced vowels. Most scholars agree that the first Alphabet came from the Phoenicians. Euclid is claimed by the people of the Phoenician coast as originating from Tyre whereas the Greeks claim he was of Greek identity; he could have been both.
Without engaging in claims and counter-claims of history, we should remember that names of geographical areas are closely tied to the global positioning of the narrator. Thus people of the Levant still use the term Middle East as per British and Western narrators when it is more appropriate to use the term Western Asia. East Asia would be the more proper term than Far East. That is to say that notwithstanding the racial origin of the Greeks, their proximity to the Phoenician and Egyptian civilizations gave them far more in common with those two civilizations, than with the people of Western or Northern Europe. The Greek civilization that is claimed to be the cradle of Western civilization did not evolve in a vacuum; it reflected in many ways the civilizations of other people around the Mediterranean and hence my contention that the notion of East and West when it comes to Mediterranean civilizations is more theoretic than real.
Everything you say is false, and you’re really not worth wasting time with.
Obviously you do not know (if you are white) about the roots of your civilization, culture, language and literacy. It’s never too late to start studying. To begin with, look at the adjacent text AC: Something Lost…
While we wait for the ‘vampire’… (btw, it’s a Serbian word adopted by the whole world) …
In the most ancient times, long before the Greeks (then that name did not exist) even existed, there was an advanced civilization in the Danube region (modern Serbia).
In short, there came migrants from the Caucasus (G2) who were well received by the natives (then there were no wars nor did one group oppress the other). No genetic imprint remained from them in Europe because they also scattered in all directions after the arrival of nomads from the Russian steppes, who committed genocide against the natives. Some returned to their old Caucasian homeland and their descendants are Ossetians.
Their genetics did not remain in Europe, but some toponyms did. Among others, it is ‘Iber or Ibar’ what is the name of the river in Kosovo (Serbia), T(ibar) (river in Rome), Ebro (river in Spain), as well as the whole of Iberia-s (Spanish and Caucasian). The word Bosnia (‘forested area’) is thought to be of the same origin, so as the Roman province of Moesia (now central Serbia).
#167 Odyssey
“(…) Bosnia (‘forested area’) (…)”
Are you sure?
If the name “Bosnia” is connected with woods then this land maybe should be called more properly “Lesnia” or “Lasnia” or maybe “Sosnia” from Slavic “las” – forest or “sosna” – pine tree.
Read my comment No 141 and save your time!
Epirus is in the Northwestern part of Greece.
Iberia or Siberia are variations of Epirus, which means endless high mountainous area.
The only way to follow the traces of global civilization is to follow the origins of religion.
Archeological discoveries are mainly made by digging out tombs and temples.
The Bible is being used, as a reference with true value influencing heavily todays western history.
So for example we all know how much overemphasized the Egyptian pyramids have been in comparison with the pyramids of Central and North America or in Asia.
The western colonialists used the Christian religion to inflict an inferiority complex to the occupied indigenous populations.
The first colonialists in history were the Greeks. They were successful creating thousands of cities (known and unknown) around the globe because they did not conquer by force the local tribes. Instead, they incorporated them in their religion and their language.
Very few people today realize that everything that has to do with arts and civilization originated from religion. Architecture, painting, music, poetry, sculptures, theater, language, fashion, sports, human relationships, laws, political systems, economy etc.
Now going back to the Jews their first religion was by the Samaritans. They were pagans believing in stones and in pigeons. Samaritans like the Habiru originate from Epirus. Yahweh like Christ derived from the Dionysus cult (Yahweh is Iacchus from the Eleusinian mysteries). The pigeon is the symbol of Aphrodite the twin sister of Dionysus. (Vine and Venus).
In classical Greece, they were not allowed to name their kids using the sacred name of the gods. Instead of Dias (Zeus), you were called Diogenes or Diagoras instead of Apollo you were called Apollodoros etc. The same was for the heroic names of the holy epics of Iliad and Odyssey. Agamemnon, Achilles, Ector, Odysseus, Patroklus were not given to the Greeks until the late 18th century AD. Helen became a Christian name after Constantine the Great but it was never used before then.
The city of Athens dedicated to the goddess was named in plural for the same reason. Athinai instead of Athina (ΑΘΗΝΑΙ not ΑΘΗΝΑ).
Therefore, the third Commandment of Moses was in use thousands of years before the fictional existence of Moses.
By no means Iam not claiming that the Greeks and the Jews are the same people or relatives.
I am talking about religious influences mainly.
I didn’t say that ‘Bosnia’ is a Serbian (or proto-Slavic) term but a toponym (probably) left by the Caucasians in the Balkans (like the Ibar River in Kosovo and the Roman province of Moesia, now central Serbia). I have read it and it is not my finding.
I have already said that the descendants of those Caucasians, today’s Ossetians, whose ancestors brought from the Balkans a white physiognomy and a Serbian (proto-Slavic) word – Tbilisi (just as other Serbian toponyms simultaneously went from the Danube to today’s Poland).
#171 Odyssey
“I didn’t say that ‘Bosnia’ is a Serbian (or proto-Slavic) term but a toponym (probably) left by the Caucasians in the Balkans (like the Ibar River in Kosovo and the Roman province of Moesia, now central Serbia).”
You are right, I didn’t read your comment correctly. I apologize.
“Bosnia” – which word from Caucassian language(s) gave name to this country?
Thanks for the information but I have no knowledge of what you mentioned. That deserves some research to look for historic facts that corroborates the theory.
A riot broke out when it was discovered that extremist jews had dug long tunnels around a synagogue. Part of a Mossad front etc?
An 18th century Austrian engraving depicted bearded Jewish soldiers having difficulties with drill. One is saying “Ah weh”. I couldn’t find it in a Google search, though. It was included in a sort of encyclopaedia of Jewish history I read decades ago.
Hanukah, however you spell it, is a made up Joo-ish holiday to stick it to Christians. It demeans Christmas 🎄 by forcing Christians to say happy holidays instead of Merry Christmas. Now in many schools it has been turned into the winter festival or ‘festivus’ as joked about on Seinfeld.
(((They))) say it was needed because the Joo-ish children were ‘so sad’ because of all the celebration during this special time of the year by those inconsiderate Gentiles. That’s Bullshit. From the people who brought us Jewlywood.
BTW, this asterisk * of Judaism was elevated about the time the Zionist project took off in the later part of the 19th century. Coincidence? No. Beware the Power of The Cabal, get familiar with The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and read the Controversy of Zion by the great Douglas Reed.
So true… and here’s the proof.
Excerpts from Deuterocanonical books:
The tunnels are Just to spy on the women in the women’s ritual bath.
‘Tis possible for two people in Biblical times to share similar names, unless you are a Moslem who thinks Maryam the mother of Jesus be the same woman as Miriam the sister of Aaron.
Poasts like this one you did, is how you get trollrated, akhi.
As to the author, although I can quibble a few points of fact (the Cyrenaic author of 2 Macc didn’t do 1 Macc), overall he’s done pretty well and he’s not plagiarised anyone. If anything he would have done better reading Honigman more closely.
Am I the only one here that likes kim chi more than matzos and gefilthy fish?
As I have said many, many times. Are Asian “religions”, religions? I think yes and no. There is external supernatural, but the comcept of timelessness, Consciousness, and that beyond the Self.
You are completely delusional and ignorant, the Jewish people were basically Iranian like the Parthians that are mentioned in the article. All of the depictions show equivalent Caucasian faces, you’re confusing much later developments with thousands of years ago.
There’s nothing in any biblical writing that suggests aesthetic resentment against the Greeks or anybody else, only detesting their heathen practice. Because they were homosexuals, and careless about eating food like pork and other abominations.
Let’s be honest, you just admitted your inner queer.
So someone who never cut up a frog wants to make MEDICAL DIAGNOSES AND DICTATE TREATMENTS??? Doesn’t that bother you much?
We had safety foremen in the factories 60 years ago. BUT THAT WAS A FUCKING FACTORY!! with belts and wheels and welders, etc. Different animal.