“This is not going to be a war of Ukraine and Russia. This is going to be a European war, a full-fledged war.” So spoke Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky just days after berating the U.S. for beating the drums of war.
It is not hard to imagine how Zelensky’s words must have fallen on those European ears that were attentive. His warning surely conjured up images of World War II when tens of millions of Europeans and Russians perished.
Zelensky’s words echoed those of Philippine’s President Rodrigo Duterte on the other side of the world at the Eastern edge of the great Eurasian land mass: “When elephants fight, it is the grass that gets trampled flat.” We can be sure that Duterte, like Zelensky, had in mind WWII which also consumed tens of millions of lives in East Asia.
The United States is stoking tensions in both Europe and East Asia, with Ukraine and Taiwan as the current flashpoints on the doorsteps of Russia and China which are the targeted nations. Let us be clear at the outset. As we shall see, the endpoint of this process is not for the U.S. to do battle with Russia or China but to watch China and Russia fight it out with the neighbors to the ruin of both sides. The US is to “lead from behind’ – as safely and remotely as can be arranged.
To make sense of this and react properly, we must be very clear-eyed about the goal of the U.S. Neither Russia nor China has attacked or even threatened the U.S. Nor are they in a position to do so – unless one believes that either is ready to embark on a suicidal nuclear war.
Why should the U.S. Elite and its media pour out a steady stream of anti-China and anti-Russia invective? Why the steady eastward march of NATO since the end of the first Cold War? The goal of the U.S. is crystal clear – it regards itself as the Exceptional Nation and entitled to be the number one power on the planet, eclipsing all others.
This goal is most explicitly stated in the well-known Wolfowitz Doctrine drawn shortly after the end of the first Cold War in 1992. It proclaimed that the U.S.’s “first objective is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival, either on the territory of the former Soviet union or elsewhere….” It stated that no regional power must be allowed to emerge with the power and resources “sufficient to generate global power.” It stated frankly “we must maintain the mechanism for deterring potential competitors from even aspiring to a larger regional or global power.” (Emphasis, jw)
The Wolfowitz Doctrine is but the latest in a series of such proclamations that have proclaimed global domination as the goal of U.S. foreign policy since 1941 the year before the U.S. entered WWII. This lineage is documented clearly in the book by the Quicny Institute’s Stephen Wertheim “Tomorrow, The World: The Birth of US Global Supremacy.”
Let us consider China first and then Russia, the foremost target of the U.S., first. China’s economy is number one in terms of PPP-GDP according to the IMF and has been since November, 2014. It is growing faster than the U.S. economy and shows no signs of slowing down. In a sense China has already won by this metric since economic power is the ultimate basis of all power.
But what about a military defeat of China? Can the U.S. with its present vastly superior armed forces bring that about? The historian, Alfred McCoy, answers that question in the way most do these days, with a clear “no”:
“The most volatile flashpoint In Beijing’s grand strategy for breaking Washington’s geopolitical grip over Eurasia lies in the contested waters between China’s coast and the Pacific littoral, which the Chinese call “the first island chain.”
“But China’s clear advantage in any struggle over that first Pacific island chain is simply distance. …The tyranny of distance, in other words, means that the U.S. loss of that first island chain, along with its axial anchor on Eurasia’s Pacific littoral, should only be a matter of time.”
Certainly the U.S. Elite recognizes this problem. Do they have a solution?
Moreover, that is not the end of the “problem” for the U.S. There are other powerful countries, like Japan, or rapidly rising economies in East Asia, easily the most dynamic economic region in the world. These too will become peer competitors, and in the case of Japan, it already has been a competitor both before WWII and during the 1980s.
If we hop over to the Western edge of Eurasia, we see that the U.S. has a similar “problem” when it comes to Russia. Here too the U.S. cannot defeat Russia in a conventional conflict nor have U.S. sanctions been able to bring it down. How can the U.S. surmount this obstacle? And as in the case of East Asia the U.S. faces another economic competitor, Germany, or more accurately, the EU, with Germany at its core. How is the U.S. to deal with this dual threat?
One clue comes in the response of Joe Biden to both the tension over Taiwan and that over Ukraine. Biden has said repeatedly that he will not send U.S. combat troops to fight Russia over Ukraine or to fight China over Taiwan. But it will send materiel and weapons and also “advisors.” And here too the U.S. has other peer competitors most notably Germany which has been the target of U.S. tariffs. The economist Michael Hudson puts it succinctly in a penetrating essay, “America’s real adversaries are its European and other allies: The U.S. aim is to keep them from trading with China and Russia.”
Such “difficulties for the U.S. were solved once before – in WWII. One way of looking at WWII is that it was a combination of two great regional wars, one in East Asia and one in Europe. In Europe the U.S. was minimally involved as Russia, the core of the USSR, battled it out with Germany, sustaining great damage to life and economy. Both Germany and Russia were economic basket cases when the war was over, two countries lying in ruins.
The US provided weapons and materiel to Russia but was minimally involved militarily, only entering late in the game. The same happened in East Asia with Japan in the role of Germany and China in the role of Russia. Both Japan and China were devastated in the same way as were Russia and Europe. This was not an unconscious strategy on the part of the United States. As Harry Truman, then a Senator, declared in 1941: “If we see that Germany is winning the war, we ought to help Russia; and if that Russia is winning, we ought to help Germany, and in that way let them kill as many as possible.. . ”
At the end of it all the U.S. emerged as the most powerful economic and military power on the planet. McCoy spells it out:
“Like all past imperial hegemons, U.S. global power has similarly rested on geopolitical dominance over Eurasia, now home to 70% of the world’s population and productivity. After the Axis alliance of Germany, Italy, and Japan failed to conquer that vast land mass, the Allied victory in World War II allowed Washington, as historian John Darwin put it, to build its “colossal imperium… on an unprecedented scale,” becoming the first power in history to control the strategic axial points “at both ends of Eurasia.”
“As a critical first step, the U.S. formed the NATO alliance in 1949, establishing major military installations in Germany and naval bases in Italy to ensure control of the western side of Eurasia. After its defeat of Japan, as the new overlord of the world’s largest ocean, the Pacific, Washington dictated the terms of four key mutual-defense pacts in the region with Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, and Australia and so acquired a vast range of military bases along the Pacific littoral that would secure the eastern end of Eurasia. To tie the two axial ends of that vast land mass into a strategic perimeter, Washington ringed the continent’s southern rim with successive chains of steel, including three navy fleets, hundreds of combat aircraft, and most recently, a string of 60 drone bases stretching from Sicily to the Pacific island of Guam.”
The U.S. was able to become the dominant power on the planet because all peer competitors were left in ruins by the two great regional wars in Europe and East Asia, wars which are grouped under the heading of WWII.
If Europe is plunged into a war of Russia against the EU powers with the U.S. “leading from behind,” with material and weapons, who will benefit? And if East Asia is plunged into a war of China against Japan and and whatever allies it can drum up, with the U.S. “leading from behind,” who will benefit?
It is pretty clear that such a replay of WWII will benefit the U.S. In WWII while Eurasia suffered tens of millions of deaths, the US suffered about 400,000 – a terrible toll certainly but nothing like that seen in Eurasia. And with the economies and territories of Eurasia, East and West, in ruins, the U.S. will emerge on top, in the catbird seat, and able to dictate terms to the world. WWII redux.
But what about the danger of nuclear war growing out of such conflicts? The U.S. has a history of nuclear “brinksmanship,” going back to the earliest post-WWII days. It is a country that has shown itself willing to risk nuclear holocaust.
Are there U.S. policy makers criminal enough to see this policy of provocation through to the end? I will leave that to the reader to answer.
The Peoples of East and West Eurasia are the ones who will suffer most in this scenario. And they are the ones who can stop the madness by living peacefully with Russia and China rather than serving as cannon fodder for the U.S. There are clear signs of dissent from the European “allies” of the U.S., especially Germany but the influence of the U.S. remains powerful. Germany and many other countries are after all occupied by tens of thousands of U.S. troops, their media heavily influenced by the U.S. and with the organization that commands European troops, NATO, under U.S. command. Which way will it go?
In East Asia the situation is the same. Japan is the key but the hatred of China among the Elite is intense. Will the Japanese people and the other peoples of East Asia be able to put the brakes on the drive to war?
Some say that a two-front conflict like this is U.S. overreach. But certainly, if war is raging on or near the territories of both Russia and China, there is little likelihood that one can aid the other.
Given the power of modern weaponry, this impending world war will be much more damaging than WWII by far. The criminality that is on the way to unleashing it is almost beyond comprehension.
John V. Walsh, until recently a Professor of Physiology and Neuroscience at the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, has written on issues of peace and health care for Asia Times, San Francisco Chronicle, EastBayTimes/San Jose Mercury News, LA Progressive, Antiwar.com, CounterPunch and others.
But who is going to fight the Russians?There’s not a continental NATO member that would take casualties on behalf of this supposed cause. They thought the Americans were going to protect them, remember, not the other way around. With the WWII analogy the US has no Russia and China equivalents with which to sic on the current Russia and China. It only has a collection of midgets armed and pushed to the fore. They wouldn’t be able to do much and would fall apart despite American instructions to fight to the end. Who wants to die for this American created conflict when the Americans aren’t even there with them but are watching from afar with binoculars?
US is the only country that has actually used nuclear weapons and has been engaging in nuclear brinksmanship ever since. The level of recklessness involved has indeed been criminal. One miscalculation could set things off. All American wars have been expeditionary wars of choice so there’s limited willingness to endure a lot of casualties as was shown in the increasing chaos during the Vietnam war. There has to be a Pearl Harbor or 9/11 type event to shock the public into anteing up the required cannon fodder. Maybe such an event is already planned.
The criminals are Jews — the owners of the mainstream media, owners of the politicians and advisors to Biden on foreign policy.
It’s the governments that cause all the problems in the world. The people in any area have no issues with their neighbors. It’s always some gov’t bureaucrat that writes up a new tariff, opens up a military base, builds a new weapons system, that causes a mirror action from the other side that just ratchets up tensions.
On balance gov’t is a terrible idea.
The priest and the warrior. The charlatan, who makes a profit out of the superstition and, after freeing himself from the fear of the devil, cultivates it in others. And the bully, who procures the invasion and pillage of his neighbors, that he may return laden with booty and followed by slaves. These two, hand in hand, have succeeded in imposing upon primitive society customs advantageous to both, while tending to perpetuate their domination of the masses. Profiting by the indolence, the fear, and the inertia of the crowd, and thanks to the continual repetition of the same acts, they have permanently established customs which have become a solid basis for their own domination.
Peter Kropotkin
This goal…this destiny was envisioned long before the cold war ended. At the end of WWII, it was thought, by those that craved wealth, power, and world domination, that the United States was in an excellent position to obtain that goal. Those avaricious bastards, and their more recent cohorts, have worked assiduously, for 76 years, to obtain that goal…and have no intention of allowing anything or anyone to prevent it.
And most of all, the idiot gentiles that allow it.
That is really Mearsheimer’s theory. The US dominates its own region, and wants to stop any other power dominating in its own region, because then it could interfere in other regions, like the US does. So the US understands it has to undermine the security of all other major powers. Its simply power politics and nothing to do either exceptionalism or entitlement. The US strategists understand their country’s status stems from America having the worlds most powerful economy and having total security in their own region.
The article is as cogent as it is depressing – so it´s either the USraeli yoke
forever, working for the Jew and getting pissed on … or WWIII.
In the end we won´t be spared the war anyway – between USrael and Europe
it will be a race of who crumbles first under the jogger onslaught, while China
is doing alright thank you; it´ll be dollar collapse then war – if there´s any other
outcome I can´t see it.
(Sean: The world´s most powerful economy had to steal Japan´s trade surplus
at gunpoint in 1987 and hasn´t gotten better since)
One can see why ((Jew)) agitators are indispensable to the modern “indispensable” nation. When it fought “clean,” the nation shrunk from war. 60k deaths in Zionist LBJ’s Vietnam fiasco, and it was done. What to do? Send in the ((Jew)) agitators and agent provocateurs, the Neolibs and Neocons. Get them to agitate foreign populations consistent with the agenda above, like ((Victoria “Fuck the EU” Nuland)) and her Maidan Square stunt.
But the U.S. was playing with fire. Zionist fanatics and psychotics go balls to the wall on anything they touch. And so the ((Jews)) were given free reign to organize 9/11 and the War on Terror. And so the ((Jews)) were given free reign to organize the Plandemic. And so the ((Jews)) have used Ukraine to bring us to the brink of WW3 with Russia and China. And so the ((Jews)) have used MSM and infotainment and academia to cultivate tens of millions of drooling Zoglodyte useful idiots right here at home… Meanwhile, Judeophiles condemn “anti-Semitism” and demand “tolerance” and even Zionist worship of ((Jews)) who aren’t even Jews.
What an absolute jackass “elite” Americans have bought themselves with this fake, ZOG “democracy.” Oh, what a wicked web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.
It cannot be stressed too forcefully – regardless of the intrigues of Jews, Africans or Arabs, too many Whites support, defend and finance their (our) own enemies.
Interesting thoughts. Some observations:
1. The United States of WWII – an industrial and technological powerhouse, an economic autarky self-sufficient in resources and with no vulnerable external supply lines – no longer exists. How can it fight China – even by proxy – when its economy is critically dependent on Chinese manufacturing?
2. Perhaps there is indeed a grand strategy, but never underestimate greed. The western oligarchs wanted to loot Russia, to strip mine it of resources bought at 5 cents on the dollar. Putin frustrated this effort, so of course the western elites hate him. And China: the American elites transferred the core of America’s manufacturing to China, and they made a lot of money off of all that lovely cheap labor. They figured that China would be a nice docile low-wage manufacturing colony, but the Chinese had other ideas. Now the elites are panicking over China’s rise as a nationalist anti-financial-parasitism competitor state – for how much longer will the profits of American-owned factories in China continue to flow to the American elite? – but there isn’t much they can do about it. Those industries aren’t coming back, and China is slowly accreting the remaining technologies that it does not currently possess.
Beautiful article. But, Mr. Phibbs hit the nail on the head. It’s ALWAYS the Jews who are causing problems. They are the epitome of evil. The great Bobby Fisher Chess Master, former Jew, warned the world.
Tell me one good thing in this world that Jews support. Turn over any rock, there will be a Jew. This may sound like so-called hate, but look at history. Look at the Talmud for crying out loud. The Talmud says, “even the BEST of the Gentiles should be put to death “. And Jews expect Gentiles to just ignore those words. Seriously? They are sociopathic psychopaths.
IsRaHell is the one giving our technology to the Chinese CP. Remember the Jew hero Jonathan Pollard?
How do we allow it?Most people had no idea the Jews owned all media.These facts are kept from the people.Don’t blame the victims, a..hole.
The way for the USA to vanquish potential enemies is to export its #1 product: Wokacity.
Right now, China and Russia aren’t fertile ground for this particular pathogen to take root, but if we can export some chosenites to run their media and import a hundred million third-world migrants, it shouldn’t take too long.
China’s so large that 100 million might not be enough, but Africa is up to the task of supplying a billion or two of surplus humanoids this century. Matt Yglesias will have to wait to get his extra billion into America: other countries need wrecking too! O Brave New World.
Mot americans wanted no part of war in europe but when it became plain there was no alternative they went full-bore and we basically had an industrial revolution right there with unprecedented war production which, by some estimates, only beat axis efforts by about 90 days or so. In other words had things gone a little differently or the US had delayed any longer, Europe could well be speaking german today and not by choice.
Some people say stalin killed more russians than the germans ever did, and that the lend-lease program was the deciding factor in turning the war in russia’s favor, and the rest is history. The germans were ruthless S.O.B’s and took russian civilians under fire along with any soldiers they could find. One thing they could not find was fuel, another was food, and the russian winter put paid to the rest.
WWII killed est. 80 million worldwide, including est. 15 million russians, and had the us not thrown ‘all in’ with the other allies, that number would have been a lot higher. Lest we forget, and in their collective name, ‘never again’.
The author seems to think that peoples in Europe & Asia think that the US “threatens” them.
In which parallel universe does he live in?
Just ask Baltic peoples, Poles, Ukrainians, Romanians, Czechs, Uzbeks, Armenians, Georgians, Taiwanese, Japanese, South Korea… who do they think is threatening them.
A completely myopic article.
No, the endpoint is to defend Israel über alles.
This is not some crazed anti-Semitic conspiracy theory. I caught Mark Levin’s opening monologue on the radio tonight, and he basically argued that if the U.S. didn’t stop the Russians at the Ukranian border, then dictators everywhere would be given a free hand. He claimed the Russians would invade Serbia and Bosnia, the North Koreans would start launching missiles, and China would take Taiwan.
(Yawn. Probably not, but even if all of this happened I couldn’t care less. Not. My. Problem.)
But then Levin whipped himself into a froth — and this was the point to it all — that if the U.S. let dictators everywhere have a free hand, then Iran and Hezbollah would end up going after Israel!
So basically, the reason why we need to stop Putin at the Ukranian border is to defend Israel.
This is straight from the mouth of a Jewish Zionist neocon.
The Zionist neocons have co-opted U.S. foreign policy to serve the interests of Israel. Mearsheimer and Walt were in disbelief as to the extent that U.S. foreign policy undermined American interests in order to promote Israeli interests. They ask “Why is the United States willing to set aside its own security in order to advance the interests of another state?”
“Given the power of modern weaponry, this impending world war will be much more damaging than WWII by far.” But the Europeans, Japanese, Filipinos, and South Koreans don’t seem to be in the fighting spirit. China would squash Japan like a bug. Japan like Germany has been castrated over WWII. They seem to be happier and more peaceful now.
Even the Indians must realize that no good will come from a three front nuclear war with Pakistan, China, and Russia. They’d be crazy to follow the American elite’s siren call to war. How is America supposed to get any of its allies, Russia, and China into a fight? Hire some Japanese/German whack job to Oswald some Russian/Chinese elite with the aid of the CIA like how WWI was started? Then what? Try to do some arms sales before these allies get squashed like Ukraine if it tries to fight over its secessionist territories? The feud between India and China is the only one with legs. I suppose some of the other members of the 5 eyes may want some action but they all would lose in a fight.
I’m curious to see what happens to Nord Stream 2. I expect the Germans will give into pressure and surrender at least for awhile. China and Russia must realize that they are surrounded by weenies and the only threat against them is the US Dollar. America has already economically hollowed itself out by playing in the sandbox, and engaging in economic war against its own people. If the Chinese were smart they’d lead the world out of the US Dollar global reserve currency.
This assumes the USA is led by rational people. The only way to stop China from dominating the world is to ally with Russia. Yet American fools are forcing an alliance between Russia with China.
World War II also consumed millions of lives in Poland and Ukraine. Poland was used in 1939 as Ukraine is being used today.
Video Link
Please stop spreading this BS. Governments are not distinct from the populations they govern, unless they are occupation regimes imposed from without. Civilians are fully responsible for their governments’ actions and are legitimate targets in war.
Greed trumped geo-strategy. With the US Empire eventually going the same way as the British Empire – a once profitable concern starting to lose money, no longer able to compete or deal with nationalist unrest and related security costs.
If geo-strategy had been the main US concern rather than making money, they could have played the triangle so that Russia-China threatened each other, rather than combining to defend themselves against the US.
IOW, if the US had played fair with Russia after 1989 (Russia at that point wanted to integrate with the West) and hadn’t exported its industrial base to China in search of excess profits, then the current US outlook would be much brighter. The ZioGlob did this to themselves through their own greed.
Can’t. Not even in theory.
A couple years back a turning point was illustrated by a computer company and nobody outside of industry even noticed.
Apple needed a specific screw for its drive and not one company in North America made it. It had to special order the thing from China just to get one screw.
In 1943-44 the USA manufactured not only war materiel for half our allies, but we also built entire factories that could be assembled in Russia like a jumbo DIY kit. This is extensively documented in Werner Keller’s book East Minus West Equals Zero which was the subject of great public debate when it came out in 1962.
Since then, Americans have been trained to be “sophisticated global consumers” which means not caring where stuff is made, only how cheap it it. Because of that, we are now hollowed out to the point any war that might hit the US mainland will end the minute the supply line from outside the borders is disrupted. Probably the first weekend.
“As we shall see, the endpoint of this process is not for the U.S. to do battle with Russia or China but to watch China and Russia fight it out with the neighbors to the ruin of both sides. The US is to “lead from behind’ – as safely and remotely as can be arranged.”
“Some say that a two-front conflict like this is U.S. overreach. But certainly, if war is raging on or near the territories of both Russia and China, there is little likelihood that one can aid the other.”
I wonder what makes the author think the war won’t come to the US? If the US sends its military to fight Russia or China and the fighting is more than an occasional skirmish, both those countries would surely want to bring the war to the US. The question is, are their navies big enough so they can attack the US shore? I think they would find a way. The US is behaving similar to how it behaved before WW II, when it was stoking hatred against Germany but there was no Zelenskyy to tell FDR to shut up. In fact, his equivalent in Churchill was encouraging him and asking him to declare war on Germany. Even though the US did not declare war on Germany, FDR ordered the US Navy to attack the German Navy when it was spotted. Hitler knew the US would soon officially attack Germany so he declared war on the US after Japan did and immediately sent the then tiny German navy across the ocean and U boats attacked American shipping. Technology has come a long way since 1941 and if Russia and China join forces they could make a real mess of US coastal cities. I’m assuming no nuclear weapons are being used in the war fought. Of course, if nuclear weapons are used or even if the war just gets nasty enough there is no reason for these countries not to start launching nuclear missiles on American cities.
A naive idea. It is true that governments create great mischief, but the hate of peoples is a real thing. Israeli settlers would leave their Palestinian neighbors alone and mind their own business? Extreme Ukrainian nationalists would embrace their Russian or Polish or Jewish or Hungarian neighbors in friendship if there was no government? Get real.
“Biden has said repeatedly that he will not send U.S. combat troops to fight Russia over Ukraine or to fight China over Taiwan.’
Seriously? We are supposed to believe him like we did LBJ, FDR, and Wilson?
first half was ok, but second half was very off the mark. There is no country strong enough to beat russia now in europe, same for china in asia. and then not to mention nukes are in play now. the great power games before nukes are null and void. Which is why I think whatever USA is doing in ukraine and taiwan is just stupid and suicidal. it will either spark nuclear war or pull the clothes off of USA, show the world it is naked without powers. either way, usa loses.
“ And most of all, the idiot gentiles that allow it.” and those gentiles end up getting a pittance from the war loot.
Americans are not the problem.
Europeans are not the problem.
Russians are not the problem.
Arabs are not the problem.
Asians are not the problem.
Here’s the problem:
Vital Statistics: Metropolitan Areas With The Largest Jewish Population Worldwide
World Jewish Population
Indicators on World Jewry
Metropolitan areas with populations with Jewish parents (PJP) above 100,000
Metro Area
Jewish Population
% of Metro
% of World Jewry
Tel Aviv
New York – Newark – Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA
United States
Los Angeles – Long Beach – Anaheim
United States
Miami – Fort Lauderdale – Pompano Beach
United States
Philadelphia – Camden – Wilmington United States 419,850 6.8% 2.1%
Paris France 337,600 2.8% 1.7%
Washington – Arlington – Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV
United States
Chicago – Naperville – Elgin, IL-IN-WI
United States
Boston – Cambridge – Newton, MA-NH
United States
Beersheba Israel 247,600 60.4% 1.2%
San Francisco – Oakland – Berkeley, CA
United States
United Kingdom
Buenos Aires
*Rank by total Jewish and non-Jewish population.
Sergio DellaPergola, “World Jewish Population, 2021,” in Arnold Dashefsky and Ira M. Sheskin (eds.), The American Jewish Year Book, 2021, (Cham: Springer Nature, 2021).
What’s the most practical, effective, and humane solution?
RR said:
Certainly not true but is often repeated as being factual.
Does America have the world’s most powerful economy? Really? Good! Double military spending! But … but … but what’s that I hear going down the drain?
Facts can be discovered, with some effort, by people who want to know. Prominent Jews do not make any attempt to hide their lineage; they are in fact proud of it, usually to ridiculous extremes. I believe it is observably true that Whites frequently and knowingly act against their own interests and even survival. You might disagree, “your mileage may vary” as they say.
WW2 never ended. The USA contacted the German Nazis as early as 1943 to ensure post-war collaboration, transfer of Nazi technology and the escape of Nazi leaders, probably including Hitler. Nazis like Klaus Barbie were soon employed in working for the CIA, and Nazis ran the US space program.
Meanwhile tens of thousands of fascists from the Baltics, Ukraine, Croatia, Slovenia etc, were granted refuge in the Anglosphere, where they never abjured their fascist and racist ideology, and inculcated it in their spawn. After Gorbachev’s surrender, they returned to their former States and re-asserted fascistic rule, joined NATO, and began persecuting any Russian populations left over from the Soviet days.
So, here we are, fascism and Nazism under the aegis of the USA again rampant. Prospects are very grim, indeed.
The answer is simple: The countries of Europe and Asia play nice with the USA, smile and nod, always agree. But they delay, defer, drag their feet, make exceptions to the US’ blockades and “sanctions” and “rules”. Oh no, we won’t trade with China and Russia! We just need to buy some gas, wheat, vodka, computers, robots, solar panels, missiles, and so on. And we’re only going to sell them a bunch of stuff too: nothing important. Don’t worry, USA, we fully support your rules. And we’re still thinking about buying a few hundred of your F-35s (snark).
Even Japan can do that. It has agreed to offer gas to Europe, “If Russia invades Ukraine”.
“Justice may be delayed, but it will not be denied. The time when the U.S. acted arbitrarily in the world under the pretext of so-called ‘democracy’ and ‘human rights’ is over.”
Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Wang Wenbin, 12/14-21
As you shall see, “the endpoint of this process is not for the U.S. to do battle with Russia or China but to…” be finally at the receiving end of China’s and Russia’s hypersonic missiles in the Americas. There will be the Jewmerican wishful destruction within Asian or European neighbors too, namely wherever evil JewS has been allowed to install its rockets to the ruin of the indigenous people.
“The US lead from behind’ – as safely and remotely as can be arranged –” is wishful thinking.
Tsyrkon; exemplary:
300-400 kg nuclear head, (re. 15,000 kt TNT), delivery speed: Mach 7 – 8 (9 878 km/h)
Straight line flight distance from
Cuba whereabouts – Miami Bitch 264.72 mi (426.02 km); 2 minutes, 59 seconds
Cuban waters – Washington Dicks 1,176.39 mi (1,893.22 km); ca. 12 minutes
Cuba waters – Jew-Yolk-City: 1,332.29 mi (2,144.12 km); ca. 13 minutes
“Wolfowitz”; translated: dt. Witz = engl. joke;
Wolf-o-witz – “Wolf”-oh-joke.
The Wolfowitz is in the end “a joke” onto himself, a big blend(er) known when reality hits home especially in form of hypersonic missiles and enough new tech in all spheres of intercontinental combat.
For military porn go and see the angry drunken sailor – he will give you a bottle of wodka (over the head that is), hopefully it will wake you up:
To cite Wikipedia
Ambassador Drexel Biddle in Warsaw backed the Polish dictatorship in its bizarre foreign policy contortions.
FDR squeezed Chamberlain telling him if he did not guarantee Poland US might not be there for Britain later…….
The machinations of FDR included using US Navy Signals Traffic to communicate with Winston Churchill at the Admiralty behind PM Chamberlain’s back.
FDR schemed his way to dismantle British Empire in a European conflict that Britain – as an offshore island – had no relevance to Poland but USSR did
The Jews/Americans have absolutely zero desire for direct military confrontation with China (or Russia). Watch Soros’ rant about Xi and China from a few weeks ago and all will become clear.
The Jews/Americans still have delusions that they can “regime change” Xi and Putin through color revolutions, media brainwashing, staged atrocity porn (think White Helmets) etc. After these regime changes, China will return to being compliant slaves to the Anglos and Jews and Russia will return to the Yeltsin years.
This is what the Jews/Americans actually believe will happen. Their pathetic failures in Kazakhstan and Hong Kong have not deterred them at all.
Such false flag has to be really, really spectacular to unite the American people, make them forget about their economic conditions and turn them firmly against Russia and China…
👌Revealing but do you have any source ?
I thought the Japanese elite were unwilling to take a hit, and allowed their economy to zombify with debts?
Stalin would have swept the board had the Allies not opened a Second Front on 6 June 1944. Bagration was in full swing before Allied soldiers landed in France and Kesselring had them bogged down in Italy.
USA was essential to UK but less so to USSR – after all Texas produced 50% global oil supply in 1940 and UK had to ship oil from USA amid U-Boats in the Atlantic and a US Admiral who refused escorts to British merchantmen
“But what about a military defeat of China? Can the U.S. with its present vastly superior armed forces bring that about?”
Apparently Professor Walsh is not an expert on military matters. The US emphatically does not have “vastly superior armed forces”, although many people are deceived by the typically American yardstick of spending. Certainly the US military budget, which continually grows, has often approached the total of those of all other nations combined. But that means nothing. Indeed, the US armed forces have been seriously weakened by defence contractors who have brought profiteering to a fine art, and nowadays often pretend for years or decades to be polishing the latest high-tech weaponry only to deliver nothing useful in return for untold billions of dollars.
Russia and China understand that their defence is a life or death matter, and ensure that they get the very best weapons and equipment at fair prices – and, above all, quickly.
The USA has a large army, which however has repeatedly proved unable to defeat Iraqis, Afghans, and going back further Koreans or Vietnamese. Indeed the USA has hardly ever won a real war despite being at war for almost its entire history. Even if the US army were effective, it could not even begin to fight China until landed there. How would it get to China? Transport ships would be sunk and planes shot down. Even if, by some miracle, a US army landed in China, it would instantly be in breach of Field Marshal Lord Montgomery’s second law of military strategy: “Never fight a land war in Asia”. (His first and third laws are “Never invade Russia”).
To get anywhere near China, the US army would need the US navy to establish control of the seas around China. That simply can’t be done. The Chinese navy now has more ships than the US navy, and they are state-of-the-art, bristling with missiles and torpedoes.
How about air power, the great US standby? That is no good either. US aircraft cannot even reach China or its seas without taking off from carriers or allied countries. But such allies would thus be declaring war on China, which they wouldn’t be willing to do as it would be suicidal. US carriers would be sunk before they got within hundreds of miles of China.
That leaves missiles. Here too, China can trade punches with anyone, using ballistic or cruise missiles with conventional or nuclear warheads.
The last time the USA sent its most powerful forces to fight China, it was lucky to escape with a fighting stalemate in Korea after coming frighteningly close to utter rout. Since then China has had over 60 years to improve its defences, which are now world-class.
Lastly, if the USA attacks either Russia or China the other one is sure to join in. They understand very clearly that “we must either hang together or hang separately”.
Let’s hope so🙏 Let’s them to become conscious of this trap and to side with Russia and China respectively 🙋
The US produce more lawyers, sergeants and actors than the rest of the world together, and they are running an excellent propaganda system. The combination of Hollywood trash with the mandatory pro-US indoctrination in the schools of their satellite countries ensures that at least the two-digit-IQ segments of the population “are convinced that the US are the place where the souls of good people go” (Terry Pratchett).
However, those who have a habit of thinking for themselves see through the bluff easily. Just ask Hungarian people, Bavarians, residual German conservatives… they understand that it is the economic instability and political insanity of the US that is the greatest current threat to peace and prosperity, and that the import of millions of aggressive halfwits from the Global South coupled with the enforcement of wokeism on native Europeans is tantamount to a genocide in slo-mo.
We do not “feel threatened” – we know that the US are attempting to exterminate us and replace us with chimps.
“The US was the overwhelming choice (24% of respondents) for the country that represents the greatest threat to peace in the world today. This was followed by Pakistan (8%), China (6%), North Korea, Israel and Iran (5%). Respondents in Russia (54%), China (49%) and Bosnia (49%) were the most fearful of the US as a threat”.
Governments evolve over time to become distinct from the rest of the population. Their officials become richer via graft and corruption. Laws are written that exempt the ruling class to punctuate the distinction. They have their own healthcare plan the population has no access to. They are protected by a special police force that serves only them. These are just the most obvious differences.
I’ve read some of your comments on other articles and always concluded you’re a provocateur but lacks the brains to be effective.
There is a group of mentally deficient lunatics in the US called Protestants who worship Jews. Not a single so-called leader has the courage to tell Americans that Jews are destroying the west.
These people follow Mark Levin and Ben Shapiro.
The only thing that I absolutely hate about western culture is this: our ancestors allowed Jews to live among them. That sealed our fate.
Christianity is to blame I suspect.
Yes, people do have real hate and many times for religious reason. They get to act out that hate when gov’t provides the means. The Palestinians and jews lived peacefully for quite some time before the jew gangs of the irgun and hagana started their terror operations. It took leadership to provoke the violence. The jew settlers were placed on land stolen by their gov’t. They invested in that land and now consider it their own. The true owner wants his land back. Gov’t created the condition for the problem.
The average person just wants to get on with a peaceful life, not hurting anyone and not getting hurt. A Russian and Ukraine would pass each other on the street and neither would do more than possibly say hello or good morning as they passed. It takes a firebrand to agitate for the terminally stupid to move toward violence against someone he’s never met. That’s the role gov’t plays. It institutionalizes violence by forming armies comprised of their vicious morons. Gov’ts then start creating arbitrary rules to limit trade between countries, to use propaganda against the “other” and to even make illegal that which the culture regards as normal, like outlawing the Russian language and the average idiot can’t tell he’s being conditioned for political purposes.
It is gov’t or possibly some other organizing force like religion that bring issues to the point of starting a war. Without gov’t the modern implements of war, such as aircraft carriers, fighter jets, missiles, etc wouldn’t exist. They are created specifically to be used under gov’t supervision for offensive purposes.
I’m not naive. You’re being willfully blind to the underlying entity that creates the conditions for conflict.
Nothing like that, we have NATO Poles trained as special forces and willing fighters. The Czechs would help also. They would go in as ISIS-Ukraine, that false flag will get a new name, of course. We’ve been doing this for, at least, a generation already. Remember, the CIA also created Al Qaida, ostensibly to fight the original USSR invasion of Afghanistan. I think both sides will settle.
There has to be a Pearl Harbor or 9/11 type event to shock the public into anteing up the required cannon fodder. Maybe such an event is already planned
What do you think the Covid scam was all about? Our own Mr Unz is busy hypothesising that the Chinese deliberately released a bioweapon. A weapon that used to be called the flu. 🙂
The real bioweapons are the harmful fake vaccines. Other than installing Bluetooth hardware in billions of people and promoting VAIDS (Vaccine-induced AIDS), I am not sure of their role. There is probably a link to 5G and the thousands of tiny satellites being launched by Mr Musk.
I suspect there are several different overlapping conspiracies with different, and perhaps conflicting, objectives.
Psst… The Covid-19 Vaccines cause AIDS… Pass it on…
Video Link
True, that is their avowed aim, but currently the carpet is being pulled from under their feet.
Yes. US economic and political elites, high on greed and hubris, are too much of a burden, a very heavy overhead, for Americans and many others as well.
The State magnifies traits and trends that are inherent to the people under its jurisdiction, and sometimes the magnification goes to insane limits.
They were marginalised by the Catholics who regard usury as a sin. It was the Protestant Reformation, the legalization of usury and the privatisation of the issue of the currency that gave them power, wealth and respectability.
Ask any Russian reighbor, I said.
They all loathe Russians & cannot even look at them without disgust.
America is for them an attractive abstraction.
{ Our own Mr Unz is busy hypothesising that the Chinese deliberately released a bioweapon.}
Maybe I don’t remember correctly, but my recollection is that Ron hypothesized that it was the US that released a bioweapon in China hoping to cripple it economically. But didn’t work quite as expected and the blowback caused massive economic disruption to US. According to Ron, US didn’t really expect Chinese would react so rapidly and so massively to prevent the spread of Covid in China.
How boring!
Carlton Geyer, a poolish perpetrator crying victim and are at it again?!
You shit Polacken are responsible for the tension and for the Jewmerican crimes in Europe!
I would like to write an article about Poolish “history”, which is nothing but genocides and landgrabbing against other peoples. The Poolish are the genociders per se and best friends with Jewmerica.
Pierre Valmigère:
“Does France know that this Poland is not yet satisfied with its 40 percent of foreign origin, and that it is driven by the desire for grandeur and mileage madness to the point of wanting to absorb Silesia from Bytom to Opole, the whole of Ukraine, Danzig, and East Prussia? – Vilnius is the first attack of this nationalistic fever. – I have before me the speeches of its statesmen, its newspapers and books. Never in history has the hunger for land been driven to such madness. And the peoples of whom it has taken possession it tyrannizes, it insults, and it demoralizes.”
“We are aware that war between Poland and Germany cannot be avoided […] Our ideal is to round off Poland with borders on the Oder in the west and the Neisse in Lusatia and to annex Prussia from the Pregel to the Spree. No prisoners will be taken in this war, there will be no room for humanitarian sentiment.”
Polish Marshal Rydz-Smigly:
“Poland wants war with Germany, and Germany will not be able to prevent it even if she wanted to.”
“Zoglodyte”–brilliant coinage. Thanks
Ya I agree – Covid is a war on public but the public is wearing out its patience – thin – I would suspect.
But fighting on 2 fronts against an enemy that is waiting for you is a whole nother fight – indeed. If the US cuts loose with all its missiles and hardware on Russia at once – Russia will do the same and then holy shit will occur. China would have to be hit too.
There are just too many variables and too many small or medium armies hanging out all over the world – in Ukraine, Turkey, EU, Middle East, Central Asia, Japan, So. Korea, etc. and they all have to be on the same page – which means a lot of dead soldiers and people. And is everyone going to follow the USAs lead and go First ?
My quess is that the vacant embassies in Kiev are Israeli wired with mini nukes along with some other sites – that might get more Ukies want to fight- after it’s blamed on Russia . Maybe some Nato bases are wired too – as the Turks have a big army and want Crimea – Our imaginations today run wild, but then we are taliking about some really demented M Fers.
The US lifeline was absolutely essential to the survival of the USSR, even Stalin admitted that the USSR and Great Britain could not have defeated Germany on their own. The ‘arsenal of democracy’ was very keen on supplying an imperialist totalitarian autocrat with whatever he desired. The influx of resources like aluminum and petrol was of especially great importance, the former because the engines of the T-34 and KV tank series were made from that material, and the latter because US fuel was of higher quality than Soviet fuel.. Operation Uranus for example would not have been possible without the influx of lend-lease resources and military equipment, in fact Zhukov had to postpone the operation by ten days because the aircraft allocated for the operation lacked the necessary motor fuel and lubricants which were to be delivered by lend-lease shipments. There are many other examples where American aid shifted the odds in favour of the Soviets materially speaking.
That’s not even to mention the hundreds of thousands of trucks and jeeps delivered to the Soviets, which allowed Soviet armies to mobilize in time for the defense of key regions, and shift their armies around faster than the Germans could, who were more reliant on horses.
If we put things on a balance sheet, Soviet production far exceeds what the Americans gave to them in total, but this gives a wrong impression, because American aid came at crucial times which tipped the odds in favour of the Soviets, resulting in battles won which otherwise would have been lost.
Finally, we have to consider other factors beyond quantifiable aid of resources and hardware. It is also the case that the Soviets had a free hand in inspecting US factories so that they could copy American ways of manufacturing things and copying them. What Soviets learned from the Americans is hard to quantify, but nevertheless important in the struggle against Germany. (and ultimately, in becoming a superpower rival to the US)
Video Link
It is only misplaced sentiment that gives that tiny slice of a small demographic any power. The man who gets fleeced playing a rigged craps game has only himself to blame.
It is all very confusing, but this article does not have the truth.
The turn of events could have been regarded as hilarious but for the tragic possibilities that lie ahead. It definitely is very educational if we care to think through just a bit.
The US, at the forefront of hyping up the crisis, is ‘out of it’ even before anything serious starts. Let the menials and vassals do the dying, US lives are far too precious. Their token “tough measure” is to levy economic sanctions from hell on Donbas. Now that is a true easy-peasy since there is almost no trade to begin with.
The UK is acquiring some serious reputation as a pirate state: having previously confiscated Venezuelan gold, it now is moving-in to swallow Russian financial assets.
The dolts ruling Germany have declared that they will shut down NS2 to keep Russian gas out. Now, as German industry becomes uncompetitive, Germany begins to deindustrialize, and Germans shiver in their cold homes without gas, Mr. Putin must be getting really scared.
The US seems to be achieving the true aim of NATO: Keep the Russians out, the Germans down, and the US in control of Europe.
Mr. Che Guava
Can you tell us this truth to which you refer?
Thank you
“Why should the U.S. Elite and its media pour out a steady stream of anti-China and anti-Russia invective?”
Rhetoric apart, the invectives against Russia is regional in nature, i.e. allow it to “conquer” the Ukraine to settle its domestic constituency, but China is another case which will require a major surgical treatment to slow it down, which means allowing Chinese to think that since Russia got away on its western front with shenanigans, it too will be allowed to takeover Taiwan without serious consequences, but that in the end would prove to be a vast illusion, for then the hegemon will enter the fray and the unruly dragon will be beheaded, permanently to its ultimate sorrow.
Coronamania is wearing thin, but govts are determined to keep up the bullshit.
One of my closest friends, she has harsh working hours so I haven’t been able to confirm what she meant (I tried), called me last week to say ‘I have had a third corona jab and have a sore throat.”
From the way she expressed it, the sore throat seems to be from jab number three.
I can’t be sure of that, tomorrow is a state holiday, so must check (although I have to work).
She also took the seasonal flu shot, which is pretty crazed if the seasonal flu is just counted as corona.
The doubly sad thing is that she had always been sceptical throughout 2020, but had a slow change of mind in 2021, under relentless media and govt. propaganda pressure.
What a boneheaded article. No mention of the group that controls US, UK, Germany, France, Ukraine, Canada, Australia, and Israel.
Clearly the real hegemon does not want a war with China. They apparently DO want to destroy Russia, probably to settle ancient grievances.
As for the US, after they get all from us they want, they will let it dry up and blow away, as one prominent member of the actual hegemon once said.
Intelligent people have known this for decades…what’s your problem?
Many times the victim is to blame for their lack of awareness.
I notice you felt compelled to add an ad hominem…this is indicative of someone who has no logic in their argument. But the best part was you’re such a chickenshit you didn’t spell out asshole…if you are going to call someone an asshole spell it out.
To write on war without naming DaBastahds WHO WANT WAR – https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2019/09/who-wants-war.html?m=0 – is either ignorance or willful negligence.
I disagree with the endpoint espoused here. It is about constructing the final chapter on the US and Britain by having them tragically perish by their own foolish hubris stained swords. It also seems like the victorious grand chess masters are setting up the Chinese century with Russian resources. Sadly Mackinder rules still apply.
May 15, 2017 Ukraine: US-Installed Fascist Rule in Europe’s Heartland
Will Donetsk Rejoin Russia? The nation shares a near-1,500 mile land and sea border with Russia. Stop NATO’s Rick Rozoff earlier explained Ukraine is “the decisive linchpin in plans by the US and its NATO allies to effect a military cordon sanitaire, severing Russia from Europe” – a sinister plot perhaps intended as prelude to nuclear war.
Sep 9, 2016 US funded Ukrainian army is terrorizing civilians, 2016
Russell Bentley is a former US marine, that now fights for the Donbass, Eastern Ukraine, against the US-funded Ukrainian army.
Video Link
Your first sentence is correct. The way to conquer China, in particular, is to make them woke fools like us. The problem lies in a few areas, however: the commanding style of government in China will actively try to prevent this, and more than likely China is doing all it can to make America more woke, rather than vice-versa. We’re so hung up on nonsense genders and non-existing racism that we’ve backed ourselves into a corner.
Yes, Mr. Unz has written several articles hypothesizing that the US military unleashed the Covid bioweapon during the military games held in China shortly before the breakout. Obviously, Alfred didn’t read any of them.
Yes – I agree completely. The US should be forging ties with Russia to stem Chinese imperialism. Russia is actually a more seasoned, experienced super power. China is new at this and even more brutal than the bear. Instead, the total incompetence we have in office now along with his cabinet of fools…is doing exactly the opposite by driving Russian into the arms of China.
Right now what the US should be doing is working to ensure Ukraine will never be a member of NATO and at the same time offering some type of favorable trade deal with Russia.
If the United States s ruled by those who want to maintain its position as a world controlling empire how do you explain their unwillingness to secure its own southern border?
Empire builders and maintainers may not be nationalists, but their first allegiance is at least to the territorial integrity of the empire’s base.
The answer is that the United States is now ruled by globalists intent on undoing all nations and replacing them with one world GloboHomo.
If China or Russia launches any nuclear weapon into US coastal cities, its game over. Protocols exist for nearly automatic retaliation on a massive scale. The US advantage is that with missile launching capability from many points around the world, our missiles could actually reach their targets first, even if launched second.
The US military, while being weakened by woke nonsense and poor leadership by mostly non-patriots, is still a terrible force to be reckoned with.
Eventually China and/or Russia are going to see their opportunity in the southwest US and back Mexicos bid to take back the the southwestern states of Arizona, New Mexico, and all the way up to Utah and including Utah. You say there’s not a chance? With the help of Russian and Chineses arms and training Mexico could give us a run for the money and especially if we are in a state of internal dissension.
The Eurasian supercontinent is the future, where anything of any relevance will be happening, and America will be a forgotten land beyond the ocean that will only serve as a target for not too bright immigrant hordes descending on it like packs of jackals attracted by its fake glossy advertisements and Hollywood lies. America knows this and that is why all this trying to wreck whatever it can. It’s time is up but it doesn’t want to fade away honourably so it will have to be dumped onto the trash heap of history one way or another for the world to recover form the wounds it inflicted on it and to prosper. In other words America is a goner any which way you look at it.
I had the strange virus in 2020-21 and it started with a sore throat from hell – lost my taste/smell senses etc. – got a little pneumonia in the right lung but I had good meds -{ I’m in Russia }. I tried telling a few friends in the states to stay away from the mRNA jabs but they all went out and got them – 2 Karens and my Brother took the jabs – they don’t listen. And the doctors are liars too –
My 73 yr old brother took Moderna and his 2nd jab , he was down for 10 days and 3 mos. later – a double bypass and 1 heart valve job. We don’t have a history of heart disease in the family – we live long.lol He’s still recuperating 4 mos now. A lot of People have been totally programmed and propagandized in the States. My brother has figured out that I wasn’t joking. Its Crazy.
I hope you are right.
Fuck that nation of satanic subhuman Juden-slaves.
Finally we are seeing the end of Muttmerica in our lifetime. Anyone taking bets China will reunite with Taiwan this year?
This is weird, why would you think china or russia will only launch nukes against coastal cities of usa? when that time finally comes, it will be every single nuke going out. I am 100% sure when I am saying this, it would not be just the russia, china, usa eating nukes, most mid tier and up would also be the targets.
Rebel Roy’s attitude is more dangerous than any machinations of the Tribe. The key to understanding White America is not that we are sheep being led to the slaughter, innocent babes cruelly duped, but that we have been fools and softies. Nothing is worse in America than being a “meanie”—except possibly being a “racist.” Millions of White Americans had their noses glued to Super Bowl and even ate up the halftime show. They can’t give up on the NFL and will flock to enlist as cannon fodder for the next war for “muh America.” It is not the Jews who are primarily responsible for developing absurdities such as the Summer of Floyd and the Branch Covidian cult. It is the work (or non-work) of Whites who have gone soft and who no longer have the balls to slam the door in the salesman’s face.
What a lot of “experts” and talking air heads don’t get is that America cannot fight a successful foe across the globe and win. Those days are gone. Neither Russia or China are little tots like Middle East Countries. I know this well because I was involved in sealift for the US Navy and Armed Forces for many years. I also know the state of our military today. It is a paper force. It cannot project power, due to incompetence from the top down. It is a laboratory for social experimentation and jocular manipulation by The Chosen Elite, The Talmud Termites..
There is no way of landing a large expeditionary force and supplying it for a protracting engagement. Nor or our satellites to be taken as reliable and ready. Both Russia and China have developed methods to disable our military satellites that includes direct missile attack, particle and focused laser beams, and direct sat to sat interception.
It takes 3 American military personnel to equal 1 Russian or Chinese equivalent.
Today, America is used up, having squandered its natural wealth and health. The country is bankrupt and an amalgamation of peoples who do not jibe, relate or otherwise belong together to make a cohesive polity. It’s a market, a sports team, a place to get stuff, where, as Frederic Bastiat and Nietzsche said:
“Everyone wants to live at the expense of the state. They forget that the state lives at the expense of everyone.”
― Frédéric Bastiat
“The state is that great fiction by which everyone tries to live at the expense of everyone else.”
― Frédéric Bastiat
“Now, legal plunder can be committed in an infinite number of ways. Thus we have an infinite number of plans for organizing it: tariffs, protection, benefits, subsidies, encouragements, progressive taxation, public schools, guaranteed jobs, guaranteed profits, minimum wages, a right to relief, a right to the tools of labor, free credit, and so on, and so on.”
― Frédéric Bastiat, The Law
“The worst thing that can happen to a good cause is, not to be skillfully attacked, but to be ineptly defended.”
― Frédéric Bastiat
“Each of us has a natural right, from God, to defend his person, his liberty, and his property.”
― Frédéric Bastiat
“Slavery, protection, and monopoly find defenders, not only in those who profit by them, but in those who suffer by them.”
― Frédéric Bastiat
“The politician attempts to remedy the evil by increasing the very thing that caused the evil in the first place: legal plunder.”
― Frédéric Bastiat
State is the name of the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly it lies; and this lie slips from its mouth: “I, the state, am the people.”
-Fredrich Nietzsche
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.
Barry Goldwater
What’s in Donbas? Some Russians? Total Mobilization for…gag…for all out war in the Eastern part of Europe …what the fuck.
I’ll bet against. The Taiwanese are tough. They’ll fight.
And the Ukrainians who ‘elected’ a Jew as president. A Joo-ish comedian in a prior ‘life’. A classic tragic 😭 comedy 🤣.
The US cannot supply weapons to its clients during a future war. Why?
Atlantacism depends on blue water navies, and trashipment of goods guarded by said navies.
Hypersonic weapons have rendered the US Navy as impotent.
When or if war breaks out, those with short land logistics protected by air power will have supply chains that can deliver.
In other words, the globo homo hegemon is boxed in.
The Powell doctrine of taking months to build up troops won’t be allowed.
Russia moved troops to their border with Ukraine practically overnight thus freaking out the Atlantacists.
Only a dumbass would fight for the Donbas.
Now imagine an eternity together in Hell, pagan godless brothers and sisters, in unspeakable torment, to the unending beyond.
I am currently in Hungary and have talked to both of my neighbours there. Does this satisfy Your Lordship?
Yes, they are not really fond of Russia, but royally pissed off about the EU and the USA.
A fitting fate for a pathetic, evil, tapeworm-like conglomeration of mulatto subhumans. Keep celebrating 1945.
Come mutts, earn your tickets to hell.
I’m confused. So, World Jewry is anti-Russian while Jews in Ukraine are pro-Russian?
And lotsa clown show.
It is always the assumption in the US, China’s economy is solely dependent on exports and manufacturing. It may be true in the 1990s and perhaps early 2000s. It is not now. All you need to do is to look at the export% of a country’s GDP to know. China and the US are in the bottom 30 of the export to GDP ratio. European and South East Asian countries are the highest.
That tells us who is more vulnerable to external events and can be manipulated to choose sides.
Turleykin on the Ukrainian mess.
Video Link
There are more than 25countries facing USA Sanctions and guess WHO is helping them overcome those sanctions (financial/weapons)…ISRAEL yes ISRAEL ….Americas best ally..huh????
WHY is ISRAEL helping with weapons/financial means those countries under USA Sanctions?????
Feb 20, 2022 IMMINENT: Ukrainian attack on Donbass
Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky due to give order to attack Donbass – Head of DPR, D. Pushilin. (@00:33)
Both Republics of the Donbass have issued their civilian populations notice of evacuation.
Video Link
What does Russian recognition of the Donbass Republics really mean? Russian support, Russian protection? That was never in doubt, but now it’s OFFICIAL. And above all, it means Ukraine and their Western masters are “having a cow”, as the great political pundit Bart Simpson might say.
Video Link
That’s my impression as well. For historical reasons they have problems with Russia.
Initially they welcomed the EU – but that was only until it changed into Gayeropa and Brussels started sending them all kind of woke dictates. Socially, they’re traditionalists (many Christian) better aligned with Russia.
And the western white Goyim, in particular in the US, are happy to get on their knees and kiss the bloody Zionist ring.
Because all those sanctions have been levied on behalf of Judenland and the Zionists make billions by reaching out to those helpless and hapless countries with finance and weapons that are given to them, free of charge, by the US. The whole charade is designed to benefit the kingdom of Zion and their ascendancy to rule the entire world.
At least half the Taiwanese will go over to their Homeland right away. The brainwashed, pro-Western, compradores, like the scum in Hong Kong, will scuttle off, if they can, to their ‘friends’ in the West, only to realise that they are just ‘slopes’ in Western eyes.
You’ve just enumerated, via the lunatic Bastiat, most of the reasons why the USA and UK are such hell-holes. ‘There is no such thing as society’, of Thatcher, RIH, deserves to be there, too. Meanwhile States that believe in society, like China and Russia, are leaving you in your libertarian dust.
Vicious, racist, hate-crazed garbage, but the truth of it. The US wants Russia onside for the Great Cause-the Race and Civilizational War to destroy China, once and for all, and secure global White, Western, Judeo-Christian rule, FOREVER.
America is guided by a Jewish doctrine, the Wolfowitz Doctrine. Says it all really.
Not surprising if America can shamelessly steal Syria’s oil and poor, starving Afghanistan’s reserves. America has now become an empire of petty thieves.
NATO was a multinational military force created during the cold war to oppose the USSR’s fictitious intention to conquer the world. When communism failed, NATO had no reason to exist anymore. Instead the US took control and changed its mandate to now use it to impose it’s will all over Europe through its military force and to threaten encirclemenmt on China and Russia by extending invuitations to join in to countries with a direct border with the two, only meant as a direct provocation, regardless of the consequences and the tensions created in the region by such aarrogance and indifference.
NATO’s defensive role has been distorted into a direct military and territorial threat to Putin and Xi Jinping and it should be disbanded immediately, the empire has no right to use european countries to do its dirty work. it’s like calling a US military intervention a “coalition” or a “UN led intervention”, it is a totally dishonest misrepresentation and a vicious imperial manipulation signed USA big and bright. Furthermore, all the US wars and invasions since WW2 were based on lies, and 20 million people around the world lost their lives as a result, I wonder what makes them think they havet the right to intervein and unilaterally impose preemptive sanctions wherever and whenever it feels like it, Taiwan and Ukraine are clearly none of it’s business, yankee go home dammit, you’re playing with our lives!
The US is the Chosen Nation enforcing the interests of its Chosen People overlords.
No. I know China and Taiwan. The Taiwanese have mettle. They will fight. China is a paper tiger. Chinese families will not sacrifice their the only son of their only son for Taiwan.
Eloquently stated. The Jewish elites have used this country up sucked it dry and left it a sterile dying corpse. Soon enough they will move on to new fields of depredation.
WWIII will genocide all 95% of humanity. War, famine, hunger, disease, pandemic, etc, etc, etc… Are you (the people) wanted? No. Nobody wants wars only the warmongers and the zionist-globalist-satanist-masons (Luciferians of the NWO) who have a father as Satan wants it. This war will have no winners. So sad. Stop it now, please.
But the ((Jews)) just made it crystal clear to Whoopi that they’re not the White race, but the Chosen Race, and demanded she publicly stipulate as much. And when she did, she officially became a Zionist.
Mulga, you’re a brainwashed Marxist layer of defense of Zionists and ((Neocons)), insisting they’re Muh…White supremacists, knowimgly or unknowingly shilling for the Hebe-Yid Chosen Race that HATES Whites, HATES Blacks, HATES Asians, HATES humanity…
All of you “The world is coming to an end unless we immediately take radical measures!” hysterics, whether preaching Marxist measures, neocon measures, or shitlib measures, are amped up tools of the ((Jews)).
The only “radical measures’ we need to take is a return to Christian-based Logos, which yes, necessarily means putting Hebe-Yids and their tools back in their monkey cage. So on second thought, I’d probably be hysterical, too, if I was in with the Hebe-Yid albatross.
The President of Ukraine is dreaming, in my opinion. This will not be a full fledged European war. Europeans are tired of war. They have been host to the most devastating wars in history. They have suffered on a scale that most people could only imagine. For generations now, peace has reigned in Europe and Europeans like it, just as most Americans, Canadians, Mexicans and others do. Peace, makes you soft. It’s not a statement of disproval, or an opinion. It simply does. I would be surprised if Europe allows itself to be drawn into another war, unless they have learned absolutely nothing and are looking for the stimulation of being miserable once again.
John Walsh is spot on in this analysis. Ukraine and Taiwan are both proxy wars for the US, just like Syria was a proxy war to weaken Iran, and Yemen is a proxy war to keep Saudi Arabia occupied and continuing to divide the Islamic world. In addition to keeping the Military Industrial Complex including the CIA and US media in business, it also helps us sell more weapons to Taiwan and Saudi Arabia, and scares our allies into coughing up more dough (or at least continue to put up with) NATO and US bases in South Korea and Japan.
It is similar to the strategy Britain employed in the 17th and 18th century, when they financed/egged on the “war of independence” in the Netherlands (against Spain) and financed Prussia’s wars on France to keep their two biggest Atlantic adversaries Spain and France occupied, so that they have no resources left to develop their navies, allowing England to dominate the high seas and monopolize the Atlantic trade route, which enabled the rise of the British empire in the 18th century. Read Rise and Fall of the Great Powers by Paul Kennedy.
And who stood to gain the most from all the wars in Europe in the 17th through 20th centuries? The bankers of course, specifically the Rothschild family. In his two volume book on the Rothschilds, Niall Ferguson discussed how Nathan Rothschilds of the UK made the bulk of the family’s fortune in the 18th century by acting as the go-between to “help” convert war bonds issued by Bank of England to local currencies in Netherlands, Russia and Prussia to pay off these allies and keep the wars going.
Not much has changed since. The same group of trouble makers are continuing to make trouble for the world while they laugh and pocket all the profits. Wars are always enormously profitable for the few while impoverishing the many. Now that this group of unscrupulous warmongers have gotten a stranglehold on the world’s lone superpower, there will be no end to their machination.
Whenever there’s a war anywhere, you can be sure the Jews stand to benefit at the end of the day. Mel Gibson was spot on when he said Jews caused all wars. Unfortunately they’ve had plenty of help from stupid gullible gentiles from both the left and right serving as their useful idiots.
Thanks to the Jews’ stranglehold on this country, we have become the most evil, petty, insecure, dishonest, hypocritical, degenerate, vengeful and belligerent shithole superpower in history. Here’s hoping the rest of our “allies” wake up soon and help China and Russia foil their plan for a Jew World Order.
what were we supposed to see in the second vid?
Dr. Duke.
Vile and disgusting Cuckpan.
Russia should keep Kuriles forever.
Unless the war goes nuclear the American aligned world would lose with local military powers other than Russia and China having been hobbled for fear of uprisings. If the war went nuclear general consensus is there would be no winners, however, can we really be sure there would be no winners when one side’s ballistic missile technology is so far ahead of the others? What would a pre-emptive limited strike on American command and control look like if carried out with submarine launched hypersonic missiles?
Something to keep an eye on.
Appeasement never works. Jewish Power has been appeased over and over. Jews got what they wanted in Middle East and North Africa. Totally ruined nations. Jews got what they want in Ukraine. And Jews are never satisfied and demand more and more. Jews ordered Ukraine to intensify shelling of Eastern Ukraine to force a Russian response. Of course, the Jewish-run media blame Russia for the ‘invasion’. Same old garbage from Jewish Supremacists.
When will the appeasement of Jews ever end? Never because Anglos are now the biggest most pathetic cucks of Jews.
Western Power is now essentially Jewish Supremacism + Anglos cucking to Jewish Supremacism by taking globo-homo up their ass and sucking on BLM cock.
Anglos appeasing Jewish craziness is worse than Chamberlain ‘appeasing’ Hitler.
Thank you. (((Mulgay dumblebrain))), a regular poster on this site, knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s not here to debate you. He’s here to push a narrative.
Germany’s UN ambassador Antje Leendertse said in the meeting that Russia has revealed its true intentions, with its order to deploy troops to eastern Ukraine’s separatist-held regions.
“Russia has repeatedly insisted that it was not party to the Ukrainian conflict. Today it unmasked itself and shows that it always has been,” Leendertse told the Council.
Nato was created to keep Germany down, America in and Russia out, according to its first secretary.
You can not take the Germans seriously, can you ? If you look closely you will notice that Germany is not a free country. As a matter of fact the situation is the same with many of the so-called free and democratic Western countries. When the United States declared Bash’shar Al-Assad as a dictator for defending his fatherland against Islamic terrorists supported by the West all Western countries followed the instruction given to them by the Whitehouse. Germany doesn’t have the character to protest even when the United States (Biden with his I want to die and take the world with me attitude!!) with its unprovoked aggression against Russia leads the world into a total destruction.
Yes, I agree we live in the world that is far from being free and fair, but still, it does not seem or act as suicidal to me right now, and it has to figure out soon how to deal with a mad Kremlin Dreamer who has been acting lately like a street thug.
Two Austfailian PMs defied Thanatopolis DC. Whitlam was removed by the CIA using its long-term asset John Kerr. Kevin Rudd upset Israel, and was less than hysterical in attacking China, so a cabal of US Embassy ‘protected sources’ in the ALP Right knifed him after ONE negative public opinion poll, replacing him with Gillard, an utter incompetent, but boot-licker to both US and Israel and an arse-kisser of Hillary Clinton. The rest were avid arse-lickers.
The leaders of the West, the true behind the scenes powers, are diabolists. Make no mistake about it.
You KNOW Taiwan do you Whitey? You think you know the Chinese, but like all Orientalists you think that the true Chinese are inferior to your type and compradores like the Hong Kong terrorists and Taiwanese independence seekers are simply striving to become Western or ‘fully human’ as the traitor Liu Xiao-bo stated. Why don’t you lead the defence of Taiwan yourself, you hero?
To smear a sheelshocked, terrorized inmate suffering from a Stockholm Syndrome on top of it, with “not having a charakter”, is “nice”; or rather French for a people who stood up twice against the world Kabal with everything it had to give.
Not an advantage. Russkies and Chinese can hit us with nuclear-armed missiles from submarines from anywhere, even very close to our shorelines.
Because they are, and I don’t question the veracity of what you said: stupid as hell. Their well being depends on the good will of the “decadent West”.
Without the EU, Hungary would have sunken into somewhat better Bulgaria. Adding hysterical Orban’s propaganda, Hungarians are pitted against all their neighbors- Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, Serbia – of course, just at the rhetorical level.
Hungarians are pissed with EU cultural & demographic policy (gays, migrants, Islamophilia,..). Generally, I support their position re. these matters. But- they should then move out of the EU & live on their own, not as profiteers of EU funds.
Or better, they should join Russia in some kind of financial or economic union. And reap the results of their decision.
Why do they stay in the EU & live, basically like Greeks, like leeches? Why not try to live on your own?
And you won’t find such idiotic statements in Estonia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Poland, Czechia…
I still think that Germany and Germans are Europe’s only hope against the Jews and their Anglo-Saxon muscle men. I think that is why the Jews are determined to destroy Germany economically, socially and culturally as they are scared it will rise again from the ages
Another problem with those countries is that the West has created a brain drain, which serves the West best, and so what you’re left with in the home countries are the less brainy. And the more corrupt.
Thank you. Very much rings of truth.
Have had a similar experience to how you describe yours, but it was many years ago, from a normal flu or cold, at the time the doctor didn’t act like the sky was falling, just some medicine and a few days of bed rest.
I didn’t contact my friend today, too caught up in work, but will tomorrow. Am worried abt. her, the way she spoke sounded like it was a consequence of jab no. 3, not the reason for having it.
It, the coronamania, is clearly manipulation. E.g., why are Pfizer and Moderna indemnified against any damages ever? Obviously, their people knew their experimental jabs were likely to be damaging, and their cronies and serfs in public health, political office, and the media, who also have even higher masters to serve, or more precisely, arseholes to lick, just play along.
Seriously sorry to hear of your brother’s plight.
It is all insane, the insanity is clearly demonstrable by comparing stats with any flu or bad cold season. Only diff. is, almost no trouble for the very young, except that this enforced mania forces trouble and problems on them, too.
Not even ‘very young’, anyone reasonably fit and below 80 or so never had much to fear from this mass-hysteria-made phenomenon.
I don’t know how this
exactly works, but I suspect that the mRNA legal indemnity only applies in U.S.A. courts, maybe and maybe not Israel, maybe and maybe not E.U. zio-slave states. Of course, like many similar decisions over many years, it would have no monetary or practical effect, but worth a thought.
Dare to struggle, dare to win, and all, and I still agree with that principle .
Yes, a recent poll apparently shows about half the population voted for immediate reunification with the mainland. I believe the poll did not include the hundreds of thousands of Taiwanese Chinese already working/schooling in the PRC.
You can see how misinformation spreads all over the internet, especially the social media. Two facts are often ignored: 1) the official name for Taiwan is the Republic of China, so even a moron ought to know its inhabitants are Chinese, 2) that from the 1950s to the early 60s it was the Republic of China (Taiwan) that annually threatened to invade the mainland. It took China’s explosion of the atomic bomb in 1964 for Taiwan to give up the threats (though they continued to claim, with US support, that they were the true representatives of China until the Nixon visit).
Amazing how you Hasbara trolls are allowed to run buckwild around here.
Howz your father? What? He does not care much about you?
Well, at least here you get attention and even paid for it.
The negro-sickxons and other lesser euros have always been jealous of the German people and they will remain so until the end of time.
Unbelievable to even fathom the level of EVILness of jewzio machine. I have seen HARDworking common pop/mom busineses go broke and have their properties foreclosed..IRS Liens…all the money/properties/ going to GoldmanSachts banking cartel. Now using the fake virus pandemic to create a FOOD hyperinflation…inyecting people with POISON…killing old people/children/…NO way they are the “chosen people” this the most Ungodly/UNnatural MONSTERS…who/how/when will someoen stop them?????
That’s pretty much the reason China and Russia have no real friends in their neighborhoods, whereas most cozy up to the US. Uncle Sam will never invade and annex those countries. Can’t say that about either China or Russia, although the EU is highly invested in the notion that their personal virtue is what has kept the peace over the decades since WWII. Oddly-enough, that notion must have infected the ex-Warsaw Pact states in the EU, since currently, these states have a fraction of the military capabilities the Russians made sure they maintained during the Cold War. Today, the EU member ex-Warsaw Pact and Baltic states combined have fewer front-line jet fighters than Taiwan, despite an economy triple the size.
I really dont know why are these nincompoop hanging around here when they’ve learned nuthing at all….zero, nada, zilch
China has friendly relation with all 14 neighbors except India.
I heard Indians are aryans,
hmmm, it figures,.
aryans are peace incapable.
FUS invaded NAM, BOmbed the hell outta LAOS, CAMBODIA..10M dead civilians.
GI’s still terrorrising teen girls in jp and sk.
They had no choice idiot
aSk Caitlin JOhnstone
Is there AI algorithm to filter out these
nincompoop ?
Too much poop, too little time
This is the real deal….
To understand events in Ukraine, one must recognize the Jewish control of US foreign policy, that goes back over 80 years. Then, there is the ancient hatred that these people have for Christian Russia.
Many Jews have ancestors who were expelled from Russia in Tsarist times, and of course they were instrumental in the “Russian” revolution over 100 years ago. The question about who orchestrated the 2014 coup in Ukraine is also pertinent.
Given these facts, is it any wonder that the news media has been agitating for war with Russia 24/7 for months now?
In any case, the USA has nothing to gain by further meddling in this affair, and everything to lose.
You forgot Berbers, Turks, & other orientals.
Sorry for not replying sooner – I missed your reply somehow. Ya, I never thought that that I was in a deadly situation – just a stranger flu and I can look back and see that I get the flu once every 10 years or so. My problem is that there are Bioweapons labs across the border in Ukraine { verified} and who knows what is being let loose in the environment when the wind is blowing in our direction. This is a big scam but look at how many millions of snakes , are in on it . Disgusting.
You are correct – but it is very scary to realize that most Americans have absolutely no clue about what you wrote….
So tough they had to retreat from the Mainland to the island losing the fight in the first place huh? So tough they have homo parades now huh? It’s doubtful the PRC does it – but not because the Taiwanese are tough and will fight. In fact about 70% said it’s a dumb idea because they know they can’t win. Where do you get your info from?
The US won’t invade??? Except the US invades countries all the time… Grenada – Panama – Afghanistan – Iraq…. Not to mention materially backing invasions in Libya and Syria…. And that’s not to mention all the coups and color revolutions sponsored – which is against the UN charter – on every continent except Antarctica. Countries fear US retaliation for not obeying orders… Don’t confuse that for love.
My friend confirmed that her bad throat was the result of the booster.
I continue to be irritated at her for taking it at all, I suppose living with her 70s plus mother ‘You have to, otherwise you will infect your mother’ would be in
That coronamania is a blatant lie has clearly been true since spring of 2020.
No numbers more are dying than from a flu, or bad cold, but political and bureaucratic monsters have their own ugly game.
Your reply is amusing, but not taking the possible poison is permitted.
I am very disappointed at this, people who have multiple shots, my mother and some friends included. Why take a ‘vaccine’ which is admitted by the makers of it to have no effect on preventing anything? Obviously, they have chosen insanity.
Too bad.
Wuflu is no worse than any of the minor flus or even flu-panic varieties for decades, at least, check the stats for yourself, if you dare, it is all the biggest lie ever.