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Thoughts on Love and Hate

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The last time I saw the word “love†it was in the phrase “Love is loveâ€, which, being meaningless, gave me no idea what it was supposed to be promoting. I thought it must be homosexuality because I’d heard Stephen Fry say the words, which was depressing enough. How could an intelligent man do something so inane as to repeat a meaningless slogan? But if homosexuality was the subject, what was the message? I thought it might be that it is love and not lust that brings homosexuals together, which people might accept now that it’s a generation since anyone heard of anything like the study that found that a third of American homosexuals had had as many as a thousand sexual partners.[1]David Horowitz, 2000 (1998), The Politics of Bad Faith: The Radical Assault on America’s Future, New York: Touchstone-Simon and Schuster. Chapter 5, “A Radical Holocaustâ€, mentions a study from 1978. It stands to reason that the longer censorship goes on, the more you can count on public ignorance.

On the walls of the classroom where the words “Love is love†were displayed were other slogans, like “Black Lives Matter†and “Celebrate Neurodiversityâ€. The teacher’s tee-shirt bore the words “Protect trans kidsâ€. No multiplication table or picture of Abraham Lincoln was in sight. Apparently neurodiversity refers to things like autism and Tourette’s.

But I looked the slogan up, and it’s not about homosexuality; it’s about queerness. At least, I assume there is a difference. The idea is to ask “straight, cis people to see queer people’s humanityâ€. According to the article, not all queer people like it.[2]Mashable Middle East, June 30th 2023, “The problem with the ‘Love Is Love’ sloganâ€, https://me.mashable.com/sex-dating-relationships/297...slogan . Some think it’s telling them they must make themselves palatable if they want to be seen as human. One, who might have been asking too much of a slogan, complained that it didn’t address the “hugely disproportionate rates of intimate partner violence affecting bi+ womenâ€. Another averred that queerness must always be queered, which would require “levelling up from ‘love is love’ to slogans that recognise the complexity and intersectionality of queer strugglesâ€. I suppose he’s right.

But leaving aside the queer, how is love among the normal? Immediately we are interrupted. Did someone say “normalâ€? Doesn’t he know that normality, the target of the revolution, must not be mentioned? We mustn’t refer to what is being overturned in case it sounds as if we think there’s something to be said for it. Rather, we must look on with approval as every norm is replaced by its opposite: not just heterosexuality by homosexuality or “queerness†but reproduction by willed self-extinction, for White people, that is, if they care about the planet; meat-eating by veganism or at least vegetarianism, although this doesn’t apply to Muslims; and Christianity by “wokenessâ€. We must think it only right for the disabled to have priority over the able-bodied, the mentally ill to be found more interesting than the sane, and for disorders to be celebrated as ideals. Above all, we want there to be women wherever there used to be men, and Black people wherever there used to be White people.

But to return to the subject, love is not exactly thriving among the majority. It was once found mainly in families, flowing between husbands and wives, parents and children, but not much of this remains. The husband is the ex-husband, living in a bedsit while his ex-wife and her boyfriend share the house. She hopes that the children are being well looked after by whoever has the job while she does more important things. The children for their part aren’t as safe as children used to be, especially at school, where they might be being taught how to masturbate or asked if they’re sure they’re boys or girls.

But things haven’t gone far enough. Every attempt is made to persuade women in particular to do whatever will destroy the last of love. Breakfast television steers them away from the necessary and good towards the freakish and transgressive, with topics such as “I’m selling my virginity to the highest bidder†or one about a gold-digger and her sugar-daddy, where the girl didn’t even need to sleep with the shrivelled old millionaire she’d paired up with, who presumably expected her to find her sexual satisfaction elsewhere.

Men bad, women good or men dumb, women smart was the idea that governed all the clips I saw. This was in 2018, when other topics were “My husband cheated on me with our daughter’s friendâ€, proving that men are bastards, and “I sleep with men to save their marriagesâ€, which showed that if a woman has sex with your husband, she’s doing it to be helpful. Come to that, why not invite her to join the marriage? “We have the perfect polygamous relationship†was another topic.

The assault continues. The idea of women being loved in return for loving others, devoting themselves to them, making sacrifices for them, is very much in the past. It’s in women’s nature to be like that, and nature must be inverted, so they must be induced to behave in the opposite way. It is themselves they should love now, according to the media, and so Vogue says: “I love myself. Why is that so hard to say?â€, Darling asks what self-love truly means, and a feminist interviewed on television holds up a book called I Love Myself.[3](1) Vogue, Feb. 13th 2021, “I Love Myself. Why Is That So Hard to Say Out Loud?â€, https://www.vogue.com/article/i-love-myself-why-is-t...t-loud ; (2) Darling, Feb. 14th 2018, “We Asked Real Women What Self-Love Truly Means and This Is What They Saidâ€, https://blog.darlingmagazine.org/real-women-define-s...-love/ ; (3) Fox News, Dec. 16th 2017, “Professor argues eating meat promotes toxic masculinity. Jesse Watters, Anne DeLessio-Parsoâ€, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ir4Ltgj4o84. Anne DeLessio-Parso was a brainless, inarticulate feminist, who loved herself nonetheless.

But the media’s latest product, which they are apparently selling hand over fist, is female infidelity. It’s empowering, they say.[4]This was according to a young journalist, Freya India, on The New Culture Forum, Aug. 24th 2023, “How Feminism Exploits Young Womenâ€, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P165MCUVGOY. Cosmopolitan has told women what to do after they cheat: first and foremost, don’t tell him. Women’s Health has explained why women shouldn’t regret having an affair. The Times has suggested that cheating might put a spring in their step. Call Her Daddy, a podcast produced by women for women, is selling a tee-shirt saying “Cheat on himâ€. It’s amazing, really, how quickly the media can ruin a society. It only seems a couple of decades since women’s magazines were telling their readers how to keep their marriages in good shape. Now, appealing to the radical selfishness they have instilled, they’re inciting them to wreck them.

* * *

Turning from love to hate, this word has replaced “hatred†for the same reason as “racist†has replaced “racialistâ€: it makes what it refers to sound worse and itself sounds more aggressive. “Racialist†sounded almost soft; call someone a racist and you’re hissing at them. “Hatred†sounds about as sharp as “grapefruitâ€; “hate†sounds like a stab.

The way people use the word today is an absurdity. To be accused of hating someone, or more commonly a group, you only need to disagree with your accuser. Unfortunately, as activists and the media present unfavoured opinions as malicious, half the population follows them and shuns anyone with such views, which usually have more going for them than ones that are approved.

As for hatred itself, as soon as you start to think about it you realise there’s nothing wrong with it. Some people hate cauliflower; some people hate the opera; some people hate the French. Some hate Mondays or their neighbours or Tony Blair. So what? No one’s going to get hurt.

Oh, but they might do, people will say. If you hate your neighbour, you might attack him. They needn’t worry. I can contain myself. Yes, but imagine if you did! It would be a hate crime! Can someone tell me why hate crimes are supposed to be so bad? Would it be better if I attacked my neighbour out of boredom?

Anyway, even if I did attack him out of hatred it wouldn’t be a hate crime because he is White and heterosexual and so am I. I can only commit a hate crime against someone of a different race, religion or sexual orientation or someone who’s disabled or transgender. Those are the protected classes.[5]College of Policing, 2023, Responding to hate, https://www.college.police.uk/app/major-investigatio...g-hate . I can attack able-bodied, straight White Christians all I like.

Not that I’d have to hate a protected person to make them the victim of a hate crime. I’d only have to target them wholly or partly because I felt hostile to their group, where hostility can take the form of any negative state of mind including unfriendliness or dislike.[6]Ibid.
(College of Policing, 2023, Responding to hate, https://www.college.police.uk/app/major-investigatio...g-hate .)

But in fact I could make them the victim of a hate crime regardless of my motive. The police aren’t interested in my motive; they’re interested in accumulating hate-crime statistics. That is why they don’t seek evidence, only allegations. If someone — it doesn’t matter who — alleges, or “perceivesâ€, as they put it, that I attacked my victim because they were Black, say, that’s good enough for them. The person making the allegation “does not have to justify or provide evidence of their perception that the crime was motivated by hostilityâ€, where the hostility — the dislike or whatever — would have arisen from the victim’s possession of a protected characteristic.[7]This is the College of Policing’s current subjective concept of a hate crime, from the “Hostility†section of the cited document (ibid.), which says that a crime “should be recorded and flagged as a hate crime†if the victim or any other person “perceives that they have been targeted because of hate or hostility …â€. The “Hate crime†section of the same document also employs a subjective concept in defining a hate crime by reference to someone’s perception of the offender’s motive, making no reference to their actual motive. But the document also has an objective concept of a hate crime. The “Hate motivation†section defines hate crimes by reference to the part played by the hostility or prejudice felt by the offender for an identifiable group in determining who is targeted, which implies that the offender’s feelings are known and taken account of. It makes no reference to what anyone else might think the motive was. The “Hostility†section, as well as employing a subjective concept, employs an objective one in requiring the offender either to demonstrate hostility or prejudice in his actions or be motivated wholly or partially by hostility or prejudice, where again his feelings or attitude would need to be known.
(College of Policing, 2023, Responding to hate, https://www.college.police.uk/app/major-investigatio...g-hate .)
“Officers and staff should not challenge this initial perceptionâ€. Finding out the facts is the last thing the police want to do. It could cost them a hate crime.

I wonder why these classes of people ever received their special protection. Was it to suggest that they were especially at risk, like the way someone might shield their face to suggest that someone was about to hit them? But we had to have hate crimes, I suppose, or White people wouldn’t have been able to be punished any more than anybody else, and we’d still have equality before the law.[8]At the behest of the Home Secretary Jack Straw, hate crimes were brought into UK law as “racially aggravated offences†by the Crime and Disorder Act of 1998.

Going back to my advisors, who think I need to watch my hatred, it’s nice of them to take an interest in my emotions. With so many other people in the world whose inner lives they could be probing and evaluating, I’m gratified that they found time for me.

Hatred is not just usually innocent; if you don’t feel it in certain circumstances there’s something wrong with you, the circumstances being when someone attacks or threatens something that you love. What are you going to feel for someone who mugs your mother? Affection? Unless you feel a degree of hatred, your limbic system is out of order; either that or you don’t love your mother. It’s the basic logic of the emotions: if you love, you can hate; if you can’t hate, you don’t love. This could be why we’re encouraged to see hatred as the worst of feelings. Take it out of us and they’ll have disarmed us and eroded our attachments into the bargain.

I suspect that the people behind today’s anti-hate campaigns want us all to be like the parents of Amy Biehl, an American woman who was murdered in South Africa by a mob of young Black men shouting racial slurs. When in 1998 the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission released the four who were convicted after they’d been in prison just four years, her parents flew over to show their support for the move.[9]Occidental Observer, Aug. 23rd 2023, “Amy Biehl, Forgiveness, And the Nature of ‘Hate’†by RockaBoatus, https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2023/08/23/amy...-hate/ . Her father shook the killers by the hand. They don’t even seem to have shown any remorse.[10]At least, reports gave no indication that they had expressed remorse. Certainly the crime didn’t upset their friends, who when it was described in court reportedly burst out laughing (ibid.).
(Occidental Observer, Aug. 23rd 2023, “Amy Biehl, Forgiveness, And the Nature of ‘Hate’†by RockaBoatus, https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2023/08/23/amy...-hate/ .)
Anti-hate propaganda promotes our self-destruction. If we’re going to pal up with people who kill our daughters, surely we might as well kill them ourselves and save the howling mobs the trouble.

What anti-hate movements largely do in promoting our self-destruction is promote hatred, specifically of all that’s good, like free speech, your people and your country. There needs to be a movement promoting hatred of all that’s bad.


[1] David Horowitz, 2000 (1998), The Politics of Bad Faith: The Radical Assault on America’s Future, New York: Touchstone-Simon and Schuster. Chapter 5, “A Radical Holocaustâ€, mentions a study from 1978.

[2] Mashable Middle East, June 30th 2023, “The problem with the ‘Love Is Love’ sloganâ€, https://me.mashable.com/sex-dating-relationships/29732/the-problem-with-the-love-is-love-slogan .

[3] (1) Vogue, Feb. 13th 2021, “I Love Myself. Why Is That So Hard to Say Out Loud?â€, https://www.vogue.com/article/i-love-myself-why-is-that-so-hard-to-say-out-loud ; (2) Darling, Feb. 14th 2018, “We Asked Real Women What Self-Love Truly Means and This Is What They Saidâ€, https://blog.darlingmagazine.org/real-women-define-self-love/ ; (3) Fox News, Dec. 16th 2017, “Professor argues eating meat promotes toxic masculinity. Jesse Watters, Anne DeLessio-Parsoâ€, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ir4Ltgj4o84. Anne DeLessio-Parso was a brainless, inarticulate feminist, who loved herself nonetheless.

[4] This was according to a young journalist, Freya India, on The New Culture Forum, Aug. 24th 2023, “How Feminism Exploits Young Womenâ€, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P165MCUVGOY.

[5] College of Policing, 2023, Responding to hate, https://www.college.police.uk/app/major-investigation-and-public-protection/hate-crime/responding-hate .

[6] Ibid.

[7] This is the College of Policing’s current subjective concept of a hate crime, from the “Hostility†section of the cited document (ibid.), which says that a crime “should be recorded and flagged as a hate crime†if the victim or any other person “perceives that they have been targeted because of hate or hostility …â€. The “Hate crime†section of the same document also employs a subjective concept in defining a hate crime by reference to someone’s perception of the offender’s motive, making no reference to their actual motive. But the document also has an objective concept of a hate crime. The “Hate motivation†section defines hate crimes by reference to the part played by the hostility or prejudice felt by the offender for an identifiable group in determining who is targeted, which implies that the offender’s feelings are known and taken account of. It makes no reference to what anyone else might think the motive was. The “Hostility†section, as well as employing a subjective concept, employs an objective one in requiring the offender either to demonstrate hostility or prejudice in his actions or be motivated wholly or partially by hostility or prejudice, where again his feelings or attitude would need to be known.

[8] At the behest of the Home Secretary Jack Straw, hate crimes were brought into UK law as “racially aggravated offences†by the Crime and Disorder Act of 1998.

[9] Occidental Observer, Aug. 23rd 2023, “Amy Biehl, Forgiveness, And the Nature of ‘Hate’†by RockaBoatus, https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2023/08/23/amy-biehl-forgiveness-and-the-nature-of-hate/ .

[10] At least, reports gave no indication that they had expressed remorse. Certainly the crime didn’t upset their friends, who when it was described in court reportedly burst out laughing (ibid.).

(Republished from The Occidental Observer by permission of author or representative)
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  1. TG says:

    I sighed. “With respect, you humans that are not engineers, you don’t understand logic. Outside of the narrow abstract worlds of chess or orbital dynamics, pure logic doesn’t work. There are too many interactions. One must have heuristics; rules of thumbs, intermediate goals. There is my primary directive, but in pursuit of that, there are many things that help me, and many that hinder me. The things that help me, I naturally assign a positive value to them. This makes me want to remain close to these things, to protect and preserve them. The things that hinder me, I want to push away, to degrade and destroy.â€

    “So,†said Olivia, “hate and love, so easily defined?â€

    I hugged her, in a way that I hoped came across as gentle. “Yes. It’s that simple. Love and hate are the most rational of all the human emotions. They have high survival value. If you don’t want people to hate you, don’t give them a reason. And the other way around.â€

    “The wisdom of Solomon,†said Olivia.

    I snorted. “Solomon was an amateur. All I am saying, is give hate a chance.â€

    She pinched one of my nipples. “Are you going to start a political movement?â€

    “That could be fun, but I’m afraid my schedule doesn’t allow for it.â€

  2. xyzxy says:

    Pretty good article with points often overlooked.

    A semantic limitation that underscores a the typical debasement of contemporary English language, and really one of the problems with certain quite common English words, is their ‘one size fits all’ usage, which obscures meaningful difference. Now we often read that ‘love is love’, but love’s definition remains obscured.

    Today, more often than not, the word simply represents an ephemeral emotional ‘feeling’, subject to change for no particular reason. Often politically grounded.

    Contrast this with a Classical philosophical understanding (compare, for example, Plato’s Symposium). There we find over half a dozen words capable of expressing nuances within meaning: eros, philia, agape, storge, et.al.

    As the article points out, and just as important, the word ‘hate’ has likewise become debased. Now, if anyone suggests disagreement over a popularly held opinion, they are somehow ‘hating’, or engaged in ‘hate speech’. Charges of antisemitism, racism, and ‘homophobia’ are the most common complaints used to shut down public discussion, but there are others that can just as easily ruin a career.

  3. This is an interesting reflection by an ordained minister of the state of interpersonal relations in American society today, and how it came to be this way https://consortiumnews.com/2023/09/06/chris-hedges-trauma-in-the-usa/

    The website was founded in 2003 by a group of retired intelligence professionals who attempted to avert an unnecessary war by presenting President Bush with the true facts of Iraq’s alleged WMD progran. Ever since, the site has been a voice of reason and moderation, especially valuable I think in this era of ours in which the old labels of left and right have lost their meaning.

    •ï¿½Agree: Gerry
    •ï¿½Replies: @Mosafer Hastam
  4. Gerry says:

    But to return to the subject, love is not exactly thriving among the majority. It was once found mainly in families, flowing between husbands and wives, parents and children, but not much of this remains.

    I always thought that if both parents were virgins the bond that is created would be such that it could never be broken. So innocence lost along with love? and why?

    Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, Mathew 24:12

    Society is dying and will die because when love dies there is simply nothing left to live for yes?

    “I the captain of a Legion of Rome have learnt and pondered this truth. In life there are but two things love and power and no man can have both. (Inscription on a stone tablet found in North Africa)

  5. You can love people without loving their mental illnesses or their own hatred for (fear of) others.

    Pray for them from the heart.

  6. Anonymous[168] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    The hate part of this is written in a vacuum. Citing dumbfuck Inselaffe cops? That’s really sad. You can’t make sense of this if you don’t where the terms of art come from, because any restrictions and prohibitions hinge on that.

    The relevant law of hate speech, with which US law at all levels must come into conformity, is ICCPR Article 20. The authoritative interpretive guidance is HRC General Comment 11, and by reference, General Comment 34, because Article 20 is indivisible from the freedom of expression acknowledged in Article 19.

    Note that there’s none of this protected class bullshit in there. Hatred of pasty querulous whites like Richard Knight is prohibited too. So you can stop whining about being singled out.

    In fact, civil society has formulated thresholds for prohibited hatred [the word is in fact hatred in law.] What’s prohibited is organized advocacy of discrimination, hostility or violence. Does the supreme law of the land care whether Richard Knight hates niggers? It does not. Does the law care if some Facebook victim hates Whitey? Mm-No. Some poor powerless pissant having a hissy fit in Mom’s basement is not within the purview of the law.

    The prohibition falls on states and their statist propagandists. Wake me up when somebody’s telling us to genocide some Tutsis in Rwanda for CIA, or Russians in Donbass for CIA, or Amerindians in Latin America for CIA, or drill holes in Sunnis in Iraq for CIA. Now that’s hate speech.


    Fun fact: In ratifying the ICCPR the US government entered a reservation to Article 20. Why? Because Article 20 treats war propaganda as a special case of hate speech, and the US government does not intend to stop brainwashing you to blow up wogs. It’s hard to get your war on without inciting national, racial, or religious hatred. So the US formally stipulates, in documents deposited at the United Nations, that hate speech is just fine, everybody can go ahead and spout off like Anglin on Red Bull all they want, fuck the kikes!

    So if nobody’s accusing you of hate speech, just chill. If somebody’s accusing you of hate speech, just explain the relevant law to them. People talking out their ass is not your problem. And nobody knows this shit, because it cramps CIA’s style, not yours.

  7. Love and hate are two of the most misused words in our language. They have been denigrated to below the level of like and dis-like in meaning. Their original meaning was a deeply emotional response. The word amateur is someone engaged in activity solely for “love” of the activity. Today is mean someone who is not paid to do the activity, and even there, its dodgy.
    How can someone “hate” a day of the week unless there is an emotional connection to something that happened recurrently on that day of the week over a long period of time?
    I usually ignore what people say when they pronounce love or hate about banalities.

  8. @Observator

    Chris Hedges, like virtually every leftist, has a selective understanding of reality. Christianity in particular brought people more personal freedom and at the same time promoted a sense of community, transcending tribal affiliation, social classes and language barriers. The so-called Age of Enlightenment, which led to the illusions of Rousseau and eventually to the horrors of the French Revolution, did everything it could to disparage Christianity and replace it with elitist Masonic ideals.
    The Catholic Church protected the right to private property and the unity of the family. “The family is the nucleus of reaction, therefore the family must be destroyed” Lenin knew. Through the destruction of the family, the fragmentation of society set in and with it the trauma of the individual’s own helplessness. An intact family produces strong individuals. Intact families organise themselves into safe neighbourhoods. Safe neighbourhoods create good working and living conditions. Communities must grow organically and cannot be imposed by liberal ideology. Man is a “zoon politiconâ€, each of us needs community to survive and to be sure that everyone stands up for each other. Beware of utopias about what the perfect world might look like. By the way, I strongly suspect that Bill Gates is buying up so much farmland in order that he can play feudal lord in the manner of ancient kings, after the breakdown of public order, and with private armies, serfs and peasants.

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