In one of the more famous Zen Buddhist riddles, or koans, an army officer meets with a monk and attempts to frustrate the contemplative monastic. “A man has been raising a goose in a bottle since it was a tiny gosling,” the officer explains. “Now it is fully grown and has no space left in the bottle. Without hurting the goose, and without breaking the bottle, how can the man get it out?” The monk doesn’t answer the question and instead moves the conversation to the weather. A little while later, the meeting coming to an end, the officer stands up to leave and approaches the door. As he reaches for the handle, the monk cries out “Oh officer!” As the officer turns, the monk smiles and continues, “There. It’s out!”
This particular koan is a good example of koans in general, in that the reader or student is presented with an impossible riddle, an intellectual trap that is totally unsolvable by logic. The goal is to sublimate the thinking mind to the instinctual mind that takes precedent in living “in the moment,” or “being present.” The koan came to mind recently while I read the horrifying news from Britain that a man has been found guilty of incitement to hatred merely for producing stickers bearing such non-aggressive slogans as “Reject White Guilt”, “Nationalism is Nurture”, and “We will be a minority in our homeland by 2066.”
How has British speech legislation been used to secure this criminal conviction and, to return to the idea of the koan, how can pro-White advocates advocate for anything when even the more passive elements of their argument have been criminalized? The riddle is straightforward: What can be said when saying anything runs the risk of imprisonment?
The Public Order Act 1986: A Jewish Contrivance
Samuel Melia, a long-serving activist and a figure apparently well-known and liked in British nationalist circles, has been convicted under section 19 of the Public Order Act 1986, which makes it a criminal offence to publish or distribute “written material which is threatening, abusive or insulting.” In the wording of the legislation, someone is guilty of an offence if “(a) he intends thereby to stir up racial hatred, or (b) having regard to all the circumstances, racial hatred is likely to be stirred up thereby.” Melia was also convicted of “encouraging or assisting the commission of the offence of racially aggravated criminal damage,” presumably because, in an act of race terrorism, the stickers may have left tiny residues of glue upon removal.
As far as legal texts go, there is much left to interpretation in the Public Order Act 1986. It’s a highly subjective piece of work. Consider, for example, the necessary but inevitably tendentious speculation on a defendant’s intentions. This is to say nothing about “regard to all the circumstances” or how exactly the likelihood of “stirring up hatred” is to be measured. The document has always been vague, and because it has remained unaltered for almost 40 years, we might assume that this was by design.
Britain’s speech law is demonstrably Jewish in origin and design. The impetus behind the Public Order Act 1986 can be traced back to the 1910s with early murmurings among Britain’s Jewish elite about the potential criminalization of anti-Semitism. Following the Jewish bombing of the King David Hotel, then British administrative headquarters for Mandatory Palestine, in 1946, Jewish delegates attempted to pass a resolution “outlawing anti-Semitism” at that year’s annual Labour Party Conference.[1]P. Medding, Studies in Contemporary Jewry: XI: Values, Interests and Identity, 108. However, the bombing cost the Zionists a great many non-Jewish friends within the Labour movement, and the proposal was crushed. Following the notorious Sergeant’s Affair, in which Jewish terrorists murdered British soldiers in barbaric fashion, another explicit proposal to outlaw anti-Semitism was introduced in the House of Commons, but was rejected at its first reading in 1948. Direct and explicit efforts such as these continued to fail. In Race Politics in Britain and France: Ideas and Policy Making Since the 1960s, Erik Bleich notes that “during the late 1950s and early 1960s Jewish groups sought laws against anti-Semitic public speeches made during this era, but there is little evidence that this pressure achieved substantial results.”[2]E. Bleich, Race Politics in Britain and France: Ideas and Policy Making Since the 1960s, 42.
Further attempts to achieve speech laws were attempted through stealth, in that they concerned race more generally rather than Jews explicitly. These measures were also introduced, though unsuccessfully, with the assistance of willing White M.P.s with a track record of assisting Jews. Bleich notes that “a small number of individual Labour Party Members of Parliament repeatedly proposed anti-discrimination laws. In the early 1950s, Reginald Sorensen and Fenner Brockway each introduced ‘color bar bills’ designed to prevent discrimination against blacks on British soil.”[3]Ibid, 41.
(E. Bleich, Race Politics in Britain and France: Ideas and Policy Making Since the 1960s, 42.) Brockway attempted no less than nine times over nine years to achieve laws against ‘discrimination’ and free speech. Although the full extent of the involvement of these politicians with Jews is unknown, a record of Parliamentary debates shows that Sorensen had been involved in assisting Jews since at least the 1930s, even participating in a 1945 symposium titled “The Future of the Jews,” where he gave a lecture to his mostly Jewish audience on “Our Common Humanity.” We have evidence that around the same time, Brockway was breaking the law by assisting Jews with forged passports and documents enabling them to enter Palestine.[4]C. Knowles, Race, Discourse and Labourism, 172.
Since 1945, the Board of Deputies of British Jews had also been working on drafting a “group libel law” that it eventually hoped to get passed in Parliament.[5]D.S. Wyman, The World Reacts to the Holocaust, 617. Efforts to further tighten libel laws were made in 1952, when Jewish M.P. Harold Lever introduced a Private Members’ Bill modifying Britain’s libel laws for the first time in over fifty years. However, Lever’s efforts were later mauled by a hostile Parliament to such an extent that by the time his Bill became an Act of Parliament, his provisions were not extended, as he and his co-ethnics had hoped, to cover groups.[6]C. Adler (ed), The American Jewish Year Book, 1953, 234. Britain’s first legislation containing any such provision as prohibiting ‘group libel’ was introduced in Parliament by Frank Soskice, the son of David Soskice — a Russian-Jewish revolutionary exile. Scholars Mark Donnelly and Ray Honeyford state that it was Soskice who “drew up the legislation” and “piloted the first Race Relations Act, 1965, through Parliament.”[7]M. Donnelly, Sixties Britain: Culture, Society and Politics, p. 115, & R. Honeyford, The Commission for Racial Equality: British Bureaucracy Confronts the Multicultural Society p.95. The Act “aimed to outlaw racial discrimination in public places,” though it was soon felt, in Jewish circles, that it hadn’t gone far enough. Crucially, the 1965 Act created the Jewish-led ‘Race Relations Board’ and equipped it with the power to sponsor research for the purposes of monitoring race relations in Britain and, if necessary, extending legislation on the basis of the ‘findings’ of such research.
In 1985, another Jew moved to criminalize expressions of White racial solidarity when M.P. Harry Cohen introduced a “Racial Harassment Bill” to Parliament. Sociologist Rob Witte reports that Cohen’s attempt only failed because of “lack of parliamentary time.”[8]R. Witte, Racist Violence and the State: A Comparative Analysis of Britain, France, and the Netherlands, p.71. The following year, Cohen made a second attempt, which failed, only for Jews to return to more stealthy methods when racial elements were included with the much broader Public Order Act (1986).
The Public Order Act had been introduced to Parliament by Leon Brittanisky (renamed Leon Brittan) and supported primarily by Malcolm Rifkind, a descendant of Lithuanian Jewish immigrants. It was another clever piece of work. Brittan’s team had been tasked with drafting a White Paper on Public Order to deal with a series of miners’ strikes and demonstrations. Although issues of race were not remotely related to the events provoking the White Paper, Brittan saw that the government was eager to pass legislation restricting the miners as soon as possible and, sensing that the wide-ranging bill would endure little opposition, he ensured that additional elements were included, such as the criminalization of “incitement to racial hatred.”[9]T. Brain, A History of Policing in England and Wales Since 1974, p.104. It is Brittan’s clever little addition which has posed problems for more vocal racial nationalists in Britain today, and has led to the criminal conviction of Samuel Melia for “stickering.”
Legislative Evolution
In the early years of the Act, sentencing on conviction was a maximum of two years in prison and this was normally reserved for blunt expressions of animosity towards non-White groups. John Tyndall for example, founder of the British National Party, was one of the earliest victims of the Public Order Act and was sentenced in 1986 to 12 months in prison, serving four. In 1998, Tyndall’s successor Nick Griffin was given a nine-month suspended sentence for publishing his Who Are The Mindbenders? pamphlet in the course of which he pointed out Jewish influence in the British mass media and how this had flooded the nation with “anti-British trash.”
The Act was problematic, and had a gagging effect on British nationalism, but its reach was sufficiently blunt, and sentences relatively short, for Jonathan Bowden to remark during one of his speeches in the late 2000s that one could still discuss many controversial topics in public so long as this was done in an abstract or slightly indirect way. This seemed partially proven in 2004 when Nick Griffin was arrested and charged again, this time for remarks he made in a pub about Muslims and Islam. Although subjected to a trial, both Griffin and his co-accused Tyndall were found not guilty. Today, however, we can have no doubt that Bowden’s analysis no longer applies.
The vague wording of the Act has allowed the transformations in British culture to carry it to greater extremes without the need for an entirely new law. And there can be little doubt that culture has shifted radically further to the Left in the last 20 years. An amendment led to the extension of the maximum sentence from 2 to 7 years, with the result that sentences are now averaging 3–4 years rather than 10–12 months.
More important, the law has been gradually reinterpreted in light of new cultural ‘understandings’ of hate. ‘Hate’ used to mean that you had extreme and quasi-violent feelings of animosity towards a particular individual or group, but we now live in an age where hatred can be something as simple as insisting on the biological basis of gender, or conducting a survey of intelligence or crime alongside racial taxonomies. Hate has moved from being understood as an active and aggressive position against a given entity, to being something as banal as adopting a neutral or non-radical position on a sensitive cultural question treasured by the Left. Crucially for Mr. Melia, ‘hate’ now also encompasses the position that Whites as an ethnic group have interests and should defend them. Stickers with slogans like “No White Guilt” are seen as hateful, and part of an extreme and dangerous ideology. In such a context, we can assert that Britain has criminalized White self-defense.
Hate Crime Entrepeneurs
The increasingly extreme reach of British hate speech law has led Civitas: Institute for the Study of Civil Society, to call for the government to “hold an inquiry to determine, review and potentially repeal all elements of the law that conflict with freedom of speech, for example: Section 127 of the Communications Act, offences of stirring up hatred under the Public Order Act 1986, and the offence of ‘indecent or racialist chanting’ under the Football (Offences) Act 1991.” Of particular concern to Civitas are what it calls “hate crime entrepreneurs,” or “groups with a vested interest in presenting their members as victims of hate crime” and are thus able to “influence hate crime legislation.”
Civitas point out that the very concept of hate speech has led to a loss of freedom orchestrated by an unelected elite of lawyers and intellectuals.
Each new Act of Parliament and clarification of police guidance introduces a more subjective element into the law. The state, either through the Crown Prosecution Service or the police, comes to define what is offensive, threatening or abusive. Such understandings are grounded in a perception of the ‘lived experiences’ of ‘victims’ as members of historically oppressed groups and a belief that words can have an impact as harmful as an act of physical violence. … Every aspect of people’s lives will come under legal scrutiny in order to promote a set of state sanctioned values that have been determined by lawyers rather than voted on by the electorate.
Civitas explain that “identity groups are represented by ‘hate crime entrepreneurs’ who are incentivized to report ever increasing harms experienced by members of their community. The law comes to play a role in affirming the identity of victim groups, recognising suffering, re-educating offenders about the ‘correct’ way to think and sending a message to the rest of society about the values deemed ‘appropriate’.” In other words, society is undergoing an incentivised brainwashing and the reduction of freedom across the board. All minority identity groups have a vested interest in expanding definitions of hate crime to encompass the groups they represent, and obviously they have a vested interest in seeing increased reporting of hate crimes committed as a basis for their own future fundraising.
The groups insinuate themselves, in undemocratic fashion, into the police and legal structure, with one group noted by Civitas as boasting “we have also established joint training between the police and Crown Prosecution staff to improve the way the police identify and investigate hate crime.” So the very manner in which the police see crime and speech is being determined by non-elected minority agents. Civitas also make some comments which match up well with the historical and contemporary record of Jews ensuring their place as a privileged and protected elite within Western societies.
Such organizations lobby for better protections for their members. In order to secure these protections, they are incentivized to increase the reporting of hate crimes committed against members of their particular identity group. This lends itself to ever looser definitions of hate crime and ever more expansive cohorts of victims. Furthermore, many groups that lobby on behalf of particular communities receive government funding for their work. For example, Challenge It, Report It, Stop It reports on plans to support a range of groups such as the Jewish Museum, Show Racism the Red Card, Searchlight Educational Trust [founded by a Jewish communist] and Faith Matters’ Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks (MAMA) project.
Jewish, Muslim, and other groups hold almost constant “meetings with legal and academic experts, police and the Crown Prosecution Service (‘CPS’), charities and civil society groups, and numerous individuals with an interest in hate crime laws.” The hate crime entrepreneurs thus “play a significant role in determining the assumptions and theoretical underpinnings for the Law Commission’s analysis.”
In other words, it is the activities of these groups, as well as the problematic Jewish-led Public Order Act 1986 itself, that have led to the current predicament of Samuel Melia for mere stickering. Mr Melia is the victim of a vast and corrupt “hate crime” industry that is fuelled both by material greed and by a seething and entirely genuine hatred of the native peoples of the British Isles. To that extent we can say that the nation is in fact host to a hate crime of gargantuan nature and scope, but that it is totally forbidden, and now illegal, to speak its name.
[1] P. Medding, Studies in Contemporary Jewry: XI: Values, Interests and Identity, 108.
[2] E. Bleich, Race Politics in Britain and France: Ideas and Policy Making Since the 1960s, 42.
[3] Ibid, 41.
[4] C. Knowles, Race, Discourse and Labourism, 172.
[5] D.S. Wyman, The World Reacts to the Holocaust, 617.
[6] C. Adler (ed), The American Jewish Year Book, 1953, 234.
[7] M. Donnelly, Sixties Britain: Culture, Society and Politics, p. 115, & R. Honeyford, The Commission for Racial Equality: British Bureaucracy Confronts the Multicultural Society p.95.
[8] R. Witte, Racist Violence and the State: A Comparative Analysis of Britain, France, and the Netherlands, p.71.
[9] T. Brain, A History of Policing in England and Wales Since 1974, p.104.
Pretty sure Marshall Yeats is Andrew Joyce. Good article.
Hate speech (the verbal expression of a human emotion) is permitted under the first amendment. I’m Ok with people speaking against the first amendment. But I HATE people who legislate against it.
these fiends have been aggressively pushing their dark agenda for years, shaping public opinion as to what “we” can and more importantly cannot accept.
well unfortunately for them, they have pushed so far and hard, that they have lost their fig leaf, granted to them by the vatican, the council of trent and both houses of congress, as well the white house, all of which are thoroughly irrelative. like the buck naked idiot emperor, the entire world sees the whole ugliness of the tyrant, in spite of his own, self-imagined magnificent garb.
hate crimes/hate speech/misinformation/disinformation is the new 2+2=5 and it won’t work anymore.
Little by little very harsh things are said. But in reality the so-called United Kingdom was one of the first cases of killing to steal land by the Anglo and Saxon invaders. And of course it is a land of racism, hatred and greed.
Land of professional assassins like the famous privateer founding fathers of the nation and it would be a true blessing for humanity if it were the first nation to disappear from the planet.
In Florida, violation of the First Amendment to the Constitution is already occurring…
DeSantis may have done some good pushing back against the covid plandemic policies, but when it comes to his slavish kowtowing to jews and israel, DeSantis rates a big fat zero.
DeSantis signed two laws affecting non-jewish Floridians while in israel.
One law codifies and prosecutes “hate speech” specifically mentioning anti-semitism as a special category which will be vigorously prosecuted.
A Florida resident was recently sentenced to 30 days in jail for passing out flyers criticizing israel. He was cited for “littering”.
Another law requires the attendance of ALL Florida schoolchildren at jewish freak shows known as “holocaust museums”. This is a state-sponsored direct promotion of “holocaustianity” which IS a “religion” and as such is prohibited by the Constitution of the united States. Gotta get ’em while they’re young–brainwashing.
Florida has already codified anti-BDS legislation into law and requires all businesses and individuals doing business with the state of Florida to abide by anti-BDS mandates as a condition of doing business with the state.
This is the tactic they’re using in the US.
Per wiki, 37 states either have laws against calling for a boycott of Israel or are working them up. If you’re American it’s probable that you are already under the thumb of this insane little ruse. Like the income tax, it won’t stay little.
Letting our politicians take those free holidays in Israel was the dumbest mistake we made since the Volstead Act.
4HONESTY solution to the conundrum
Religious unbending insistence on UTTER SCIENTIFIC HONESTY is the only way out. #TrueSpeech (free speech regarding factually true #HateFacts) must not be restricted. See
They call us “racist”, we call them dishonest.
Truth is no Legal Defense in Racism Persecution Trials
It’s an island. The Anglo-Saxons do not appear to have left an archeological trace of moving in violently. No great sediments of burned cities in their archeological levels and era.
In the historical record only the Romans and the Normans look like they recorded their massacres and left traces in the archeology. Consensus today is that Anglo Saxons arrived in small numbers in a collapsed Roman colony and may have been auxiliary Roman mercenaries left behind as the Empire waned.
The Romans founded cities that still endure but had become depopulated before the rise of English, the Normans built castles and dungeons that still endure, to hold the English captive.
AngloSaxons intermarried and interbred with the Britons in what we might call a normal pattern of small wars and assimilation of the winners and losers over time. Even the Normans intermarried and interbred with the Anglos.
The Jews are just wiping out the Arabs in a total replacement in the 21st Century and a ding it with 2000lb bomb.
On 12-05-23 h. res. 894 was passed. The house resolution states that anti-Zionism is antisemitism. It’s official freedom of speech is null and void. The resolution sponsor was Jew Rep. David Kustoff (R-TN) no shock there.
Quousque tandem abutere patientia nostra?
Conclusion: Zionism = Judaism;
Hate speech “It’s ok to be white”. Saying that is now a crime. Ouch! I’m not allowed to feel ok with me because it’s a crime. I’m coerced into behaving guilty by simply breathing.
The worst is that is a start.
Bloody Fight For An Elite That Despises You?
Video Link
„As the officer turns, the monk smiles and continues, “There. It’s out!” “Yes”, says the officer, goes, gets the bottle, returns and smashes it on the monk(ey)’s head, so that the bottle breaks and the goose lives. “Now the goose is out. Next time you are a blender, you might get the noose and now go and feed the goose! You God cheating bludger!““
If a country hates the USA or Great Britain , it gets sanctioned or bombed out, but if a person in either country speaks his or her own mind – and it sounds like a disagreement or fact – off to jail you go. There are few useful governments left in the world , maybe – and we will see this shortly.
The Governments ” gravy train jobs” that go along with all this treason, only show how weak and greedy people get when their economy is reversed , and the Private sector gets paid way less than the Government employees do.
When the Private sector was up and running and the wages were good and when there was/is a decent number of jobs for everyone, the Gov couldn’t control that much of the populace, but they could sneak in their traitorous laws that would later hurt the whole country.
So, the Fed, State, Muni Governments had to break the decent private economy and offer jobs that got paid, at first, like the private sector and then went 5Xs what the private sector got , hired 5Xs more people than they needed, and so this not only covered up all their looting and criminal actions, but made it possible to have so many people on the gravy train { wages and pensions}, so that a good per cent of the population wouldn’t go against their masters.
This was my own personal theory after having conversations with my friends that were retired military and retired government workers. They all take the governments side, no matter how good the evidence is against the corruption etc. When I lived/ retired in Ukraine pre 2014 – “hey no problem G , how are you doing” , but as soon as the War started, the propaganda reved up , and I went along living where I’ve always lived – now it’s Russian —Oh you’re a commie , anti American, bla bla bla America is the best country in the world. lol Well boyz and girls, not any more , and they will all see the reality someday.
I know it’s easier said than done in
most cases, but I would advise all good white people of the UK to leave while they can. Obviously things are a disaster here in America as well, but the accelerated timeline they (along with Canada and some other European countries) are on has made it completely unlivable for a sane, pro-white individual. Get out. Britain is dead and it isn’t coming back.
When America inevitably breaks apart, we have vast territory here that will provide refuge for the good people that remain, and in the meantime it’s a lot more difficult for the Jews to throw you in prison for wrongthink. The UK will soon be a Moslem caliphate ruled over under the partnership of Mohammed and Shlomo.
Excellent article.
Thank you.
An article on the use of NUDGE w/ reinforcement of BIT(behavioral insights teams) since 2011 in England would be more productive.
From the BBC website on 15 May 2023-
Headline – Pembrokeshire: James Allchurch jailed for racist podcasts
Taken from the article – ‘A podcaster has been jailed for two and a half years for distributing racist and antisemitic content.’
‘During the trial, the jury was told by prosecutor Jonathan Rees that the podcasts were “highly racist, antisemitic and white supremacist in nature“.’
‘Allchurch used the alias Sven Longshanks, a reference to King Edward I, who was also known as Edward Longshanks and was responsible for expelling Jewish people from England in 1290.’
I was a regular listener to radioalbion (Radio Aryan) where Sven Longshanks (James Allchurch), made some very informative podcasts on British History, and also made some very reserved comments on the ‘Jewish Question’, the Islam menace in the United Kingdom, (where Pakistani rape gangs are operating in every large town and City in England) and on the fake narratives and that came out of World War 2.
Poor James Allchurch was sentenced to 30 Months in Prison, for free speech in the United Kingdom, but I suspect mostly for talking about the Jewish question and their bogus narratives.
Remember the signs held up in German train stations by smiling, nubile young German girls, after Angela Merkel announced, “We can do this,” and the very dark skinned LOL, 16 to 35 year old ‘Syrians’ began flooding into Europe?
Would these nubile young German girls have done this if the ‘refugee’ influx had consisted of 18 year old Thai girls? That was Andrew Anglin’s very perspicacious question.
There is a gender-related aspect to the racial catastrophe engulfing us.
I’m not one to ‘connect the dots.’ Commenters on this website are masters at dot-connecting.
It has been reported (in one of David Irving’s books, I think) that after America entered WW2 and GIs began pouring into Britain, Churchill was horrified by the way in which British women were ‘throwing themselves’ on a certain portion of the new arrivals, the very dark skinned ones.
Excellent article. Unfortunately the same is happening in the US.
As for myself, I will like or hate anything or anyone of my choice and I don’t hesitate to express it publicly. No doubt I’ll be forced to spend some part of my elderly years sitting in a prison cell like Ursula Haverbeck.
Very interesting you mention Leon Brittan and his Cousin Malcolm Rifkind…both Jews at top levels of MI5 and MI6 in UK. Leon Brittan was a paedophile known to abuse children in Elm Guest House and was once stopped by border police returning from Holland with Child porn VHS tapes of himself. The border inspector signed an affidavit to attest to this. Rifkind he MP in charge of MI5 had a cousin know to fuck kids on tape….so not surprising to find this blackmailed scum pushing stupid hate crime laws….soon it will be a crime to call Jewish paedophiles out as being sexually attracted to children will be a “protected characteristic”. Absolute scum these Zionist filth that run this septic isle…
Nobody wants diseased Anglos coming to their country. Stay on your faggot island and die, please.
You are correct and the Rehnquist court should’ve declared these hate crime laws unconstitutional when they had the chance. Groups that oppose the actions of the forced integration state will be driven underground, like the first Night Riders who wore hoods for an actual reason. JFK once said, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable.” Our ruling class has become too myopic and too inbred to see that now. Another generation and it’s going to be very bad in the streets of America.
The level of fear emanating from the Borg is both encouraging and frightening.
why would they keep us alive?
From the very fluid, knowledgeable style, the mass of carefully-researched historical information, the well-judged pace, perfect reasoning and flawless presentation, I think you’re absolutely correct – especially publishing first in Andrew’s main haunt, the Occidental Observer. Thanks for the spot. I thought there were definite suggestions in Yeats’ last couple of articles but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I’ve been missing Joyce’s intellectual brilliance the last few months.
I confess I’d be very interested to know why he’s changed his pen-name.
Of course, the ruling class will always criminalize opinions that undermine its theoretical reason for rule.
Here’s the thing, though. In ten or a hundred years, a nationalistic, anti globalist, ruling class will finally have succeeded in its struggle for control, as happened in the Soviet Union in the eighties and nineties. The new ruling class will have all these legislative and prosecutorial models. It will control opinion in as robust a manner as the current crop of perverts, probably even more systematically.
“Free speech”, as they say, is never free. The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was written and promulgated at a time in the U.S. when everybody agreed on stuff. When Lincoln came along and wanted to suppress opinions that were friendly to the Confederacy, he passed and enforced laws that criminalized such opinion.
The pendulum swings.
Thank you. I studied English Literature and its history at the University of Oxford – including the products of the “dark ages” – and this Guaso cretin doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I doubt he’d know the difference on sight between Old English and Japanese.
Thank you for responding with a few simple historical facts about the Saxons. I couldn’t be bothered to reply to the spastic.
Good thing (((the good guys))) “won” WWII or the Brits would be ruled by ” fascists” and speaking German.
Hmm, wonder how many WWII vets are still alive? There can’t be many or they would be very old, a hundred years old + or damn near it at the youngest.
Remember this classic from Dumbya Bush, ” they hate our freedoms.” And who is (((they))) you monkey looking goober?
So instead of being raped by German soldiers, British tarts are being raped by darker skinned mongrels and negroes. I doubt the Germans would have raped 2 million British women had they “won” the war in the first place. Remember how many German women were raped by (((the good guys.)))
Cuckish modern day Germans? Well look at how the Germans were conditioned and beat down physically and psychologically to hate themselves by (((the good guys.))) At least the Germans have an excuse. What are the excuses of those scrappy British Bulldogs or fiesty Americans???
Invading young men carrying flags crossing illegally. Check
Destroying monuments. Check
Raping the indigenous women. Check
Rewriting history and laws. Check
Sounds like a war to me.
If this is the case, then all those third world peoples now flooding into the United Kingdom ought to leave, and leave right now. Why would they want to live in a land of “racism, hatred and greed” when they could be enjoying all the benefits of black majority rule countries like Haiti?
Come to think of it, they could be joined by all those millions of third worlders who have migrated into the British Isles in the decades since the Windrush. I am sure if they were offered a service for remigration out of the racist, hating and greedy land of UK they would leave and leave immediately.
Then in their new lands and through the magic of one-man-one-vote they could build that better world they are always promising.
As others are saying hate primordial hate speech laws have already been introduced in the USA, but I think that it will be a while before the first amendment is overtly ignored (or repealed) by legislators. Instead I think that the regime has offloaded the task to civil law. You will see people claiming that some or other comment resulted in harm with judges and juries then deciding on ruinously large settlements. The threat of material ruin through lawfare will be the way it will done in America, at least in the early stages. You can expect to be sued soon by someone claiming that an article and/or stray comment caused some or other hate crime. The claimant will demand essentially all of Ron’s assets. The judge will rule in favour of the claimant.
You, HeebHunter, and Supply & Demand should have a gay threesome orgy, and in-between moans you can titillate each other by talking about how much you hate white/anglos. Even though at least two of you ARE white. Sick pups.
The problem with this black pill theory is that it’s just repeating what the leftists are telling us. Maybe that means the black pillers are simply leftists?
If the Muslims were organizing the conquest I might agree. However it’s 30% of whitie at war with the other 70%. The Muslim stock coming in can’t help itself and displays such incompatibility as raping young girls, stabbing people randomly, and running neighborhoods down to turd world shit holes.
If the Muslims truly could take over they’d use restraint, or as during the original Muslim conquests, come in either with hard power horses and swords or soft power with civilization, architecture, water works, farming.
As it is were dealing with a thousand year separation from the original actual scary muslims, these ones have been marrying their cousin for a millenia and are slow and stupid.
They’re merely a tool of the leftist, they didn’t hatch this scheme. They think they’ll take over because their history says so but modern Islam and islamists is FAR removed from their own history and capabilities.
They used to be able to barely maintain the civilization they took over, now they constantly fall backwards and require nearby helpful Christians to sell them or give them technology.
We just need to defeat the leftists. The Muslims are not going to organize and fight the way that we still can.
It’s a shame we’ve let it slide this far but I know enough Pakistanis, Sudanese, Somalians etc. that I look into their eyes and do not see ability.
I just see dependence on welfare handouts, I just see them chasing white pussy, I just see them hanging around in gangs downtown waiting for government housing to open up.
I’m not afraid.
Gross Cuckstain is a terrorist totalitarian state.
“Remember how many German women were raped by (((the good guys.)))”
I visited the former East Germany somewhat soon after the wall fell and westerners were allowed entry and visitation.
I clearly noticed that the East German population I came in contact with looked different from the West German population I had come in contact with.
I supposed that the East German population was significantly fathered by Russians (the good guys).
Britain’s speech law is demonstrably Jewish in origin and design.
Will Thomas Friedman be held accountable for his ‘HATE SPEECH’ against Iranians in Britain?
I doubt it because he is a racist zionist jew.
And of course it is a land of racism, hatred and greed.
You just failed reading comprehension.
Then you use the example of one of the Colonial West’s most egregious violent oppression on victims of colonialism.
The sentiments he expresses are only relatively true 18th century onward.
Unfortunately, he mis-attributes the negatives to the wrong people.
Aren’t white/anglos responsible for Western countries?
Civil war, they’re led by natives.
I think as most things we hear about WW2, absolute nonsense. While I’m sure some very poor girls and prostitutes might have made themselves available to negroes, the vast majority of British women were turned off by them. We would see their descendants in Britain today but we don’t.
I wouldn’t put it past Churchill to have fantasized about all those big burly black men though. It being rumored that he was a closet homo.
White does not equal Anglo. Anglos are a slave subrace within the white race.
Quem alloquere, tosca? Catilinam?
A part of the population of Germany was already Slavic because Germany inherited a large part of its land from former Prussia. There’s an intact group of Slavic people who still live in Germany called the Sorbs, they’ve lived there for at least 1500 years. There’s also a fair amount of variation in the way Germans look, in the south the people mainly have Alpine features, while in the north and northwest, the people tend to look more Nordic. As for the the Russians leaving behind a large genetic legacy, I doubt it because most women who got pregnant through rape, would’ve ended it through abortion whether spontaneous or induced. I have posed this question ( of the mass rapes) to a number of people who grew up in East Germany during and after ww2, they say there was no talk about it. I would assume that it was a very touchy subject at the time, but people do talk and things get around. I don’t think that it was as widespread as we are led to believe. The American occupation of the past 79 years has left a much larger imprint on the German population, this wouldn’t be bad as the white Americans have Germans as their largest ethnic group, but they had to bring their foul negroes with them and their horrible genetics.
Please use capital letters at the start of your sentences, it makes your text look really bad when you don’t.
“This is what they did to us to control our bodies and minds during the fake covid “pandemic”. Never forget. Never forgive.”
More hate speech….
Police in Michigan city put on alert after ‘Islamophobic’ WSJ opinion piece
The WSJ published the piece on Friday headlined as “Welcome to Dearborn, America’s Jihad Capital.”
It looks like the WSJ is now the Charlie Hebdo, American version.
Who wrote the piece?
Steven Stalinsky.
Every bit of the “hate” legislation in the West is a direct result of ridiculous Jew Holyco$t veneration.
Video Link
Who exactly made you God to presume to dictate their ultimate fate?
As dire as things certainly are it’s ‘over’ for the British and, or, it’s component peoples, only when the last of them have given up or been eradicated, and no hope remains of any sort of restoration.
That end state of affairs is for the British people(s) themselves to determine, not presumptive outsiders.
>I confess I’d be very interested to know why he’s changed his pen-name.
During his appearance on Millenniyule 2023, Kevin MacDonald was asked about Joyce, and said it had been some time since he’d heard from him, that he was having trouble contacting Joyce, and he thought Joyce was having some personal issues (including perhaps a divorce, I seem to recall MacDonald mentioning that, but I don’t really remember for sure).
Per TOO website, all articles by Yeats have appeared in 2024 — so the timeline seems to fit, i.e. assuming MacDonald did finally manage to contact Joyce and convinced him to start writing again (the last article by Joyce on TOO was published on 28 Feb 2023).
So if Yeats is a pen name for Joyce, it could be due to the personal reasons for Joyce’s absence — but I don’t know.
That seems about right: as follows –
(a) about half of white women (the obese, ugly, tattooed pramfaces, plus the “schoolteacher”/Karen-from-HR demographic), plus
(b) soyboy Gamma males (the bottom 10% of males in the mating market) and paedophiles.
Two things are worrisome:
(1) almost every household entrusts their children to the schoolteachers;
(2) more than half of both (a) and (b) are on psychotropics (SSRIs, diazepenes, etc) and can be primed for sudden extreme violence.
The small minority of criminal opportunists – rape gangs etc – are not the main problem, because they’re not the ones telling white girls to be trusting towards people from cultures for whom Western values are irrelevant.
Not gonna happen brother
As fun as it looks this site is 100 % controlled opposition
1) Worked at Amazon during the start of covid (maintenance). Day one of the school lockdown I was testing a smartpac machine (the thin filmy single-item packages). Was greeted on the conveyor to tote after tote of the same homeschooling book. I personally sent hundreds myself just in case the blue badge Amazon employee would be slow on the draw.
Even before that homeschool registrations were skyrocketing 30% per year when the teachers go on strike. Encourage those strikes! Go for it teachers! “Workers” of the world unite!
2) Big pharma has taken over the youth unfortunately. Parents too. We are the pharma civilization. It’s why the “heel” faction in my boardgame “Canadian Warlords” is “Prozakhistan.”
It also has a lot to do with school shootings and violent outbursts in general. That and not letting kids run the energy out. I recall calisthenics, recess, and gym class – I’d be surprised if kids in school still had 1/3 of those left.
True, they are the symptom of what’s cooking here in the brains of the leftists.
HOWEVER – judging by the size of the crowds of counter-protests, and the parents waking up to what is going on in the schools, I do have some hope in a rising general awareness.
And here in Canada the backbone of mistrust of the schools and sexual “education” seems to be from Muslim parents.
It’s ALMOST LIKE the inherent contradictions of your average leftist are tearing their shit down fast!
Wales however does need some help…
Video Link
Streisand effect.
I doubt it – any litigation will just put Unz in the limelight while the people who would be the plaintiff in such a case would probably prefer it to remain in the “dark web” – that is to say the non-ranked non-google-friendly internet.
It’s the social media sites, the facebags and the twatters, that anyone gives two fucks about.
If all the rest of the internet is grounds for being sued, then make some new sites and FILL THE FUCKING COURTS WITH CASES!
At that point it’s time to choke the system with paperwork.
Which incidentally is what Solzhenitsyn did to the gulag complaint department! They had to build new warehouses and requisition new employees just to catalogue the fucking gripes.
The original inhabitants of today’s Germany were Serbs, and the Germans are fairly recent immigrants from Asia. The falsified mainstream history declared them to be Goths which is as untrue as it is untrue that the Germans were Aryans.
Over time, the Germans attacked the Serbs and seized their territory. They also assimilated the Serbs (even Adolf said that a large part of the Germans are actually Serbian, he says of ‘Slavic’ origin). From those Serbs, the Germans took physiognomy (e.g. Prussian). T
The Serbs founded Berlin and gave it the Serbian name in the 6th century, they lived there for 600 years and only then did the Germans come there. And all other old cities, especially in eastern Germany, have Serbian names (Leipzig, Dresden, Brandenburg, etc.). Even the oldest royal house is of Serbian origin (House of Hohenzollern). Martin Luther, Leibniz, Bismarck, Empress Catherine are of Serbian origin. At the beginning of World War II, there were still 500,000 Serbs, and now there are 60,000.
Queen Boudica leading the Iceni and allied Celtic tribes razed the Roman cities of Camulodunum (Colchester) and Londinium (London) in the failed uprising of AD 60. Scorched layers of those ancient cities remain today.
Ridiculous but funny as hell.
Jews. It always comes down to Jews. The true enemy of the west.
I do not understand the koan described in the first paragraph of this essay.
I am puzzled over the meaning of the final sentence, “It’s out!” Perhaps this could mean (1) the goose that has been raised inside the bottle is now outside the bottle. But how did the goose get out of the bottle? Or perhaps it could mean (2) the goose, still trapped inside the bottle, is now outside the room. But this cannot be, because the narration stops before the officer opens the door. And it is unfair to use “out” in two different ways (outside the bottle; outside the room).
Somebody please explain.
Supposed bottom line of that riddle: „Out of sight, out of mind“;
Usually monks have ofcourse no solution for any problem; the bottle-goose-Bs is a pseudo-problem anyway.
The monkey starts distracting by talking about the weather. And the mind of the (naive) army officer wanders respectfully with the monkey to „the weather“;
(like a sweet little girl wanders innocently for sweet promises with the abuser to brutally loose her sweetness and subsequently be saddled with huge gravings).
Keep clear of all priests, politicians, gurus, mind coaches, new (c)age teachers unless you want to be saddled with more “riddles”.
All wisdom is within you. Just(is) enquire and reflect honest and earnest with you, son of God, for you and The Father are one. (And do not “believe” Kurt Knispel. Why believe if you can know?!)
The Jew, the possessed, hence untrue enemy of himself!
Cheating the (br)other is cheating yourself.
Murdering the other is murdering yourself.
Yes, the original Serbs/Sorbs. But surely with the immigrant Serbs from Serbia proper since WWII there are a lot more now.
#Hatefacts are truths that must not be spoken, truths that will get censored
Sorbs are Slavs and Jesus a Jew?
Pan-Slavism, a Bolshoi – Jewish & hyena – project of DIVIDEETIMPERA by paning slavism down the throat to uproot Germans. Have you not got enough on your plate with Russia being the largest country on earth with over 100 ethnicities and over 185 lingos? No! Russia is to small for Bolshois & hyena! You can never get enough, hence you can never get to the truth that the Sorbs (also known as Wends, not to be confused with the tribe of the same name) are a Germanic tribe in central Germany! Like the Kashubians and Masurians in northern eastern Germany! Their settlement area is Lusatia in Brandenburg and Saxony, centered in Bautzen. The approximately 55,000 people do not speak a Germanic language – which is a striking peculiarity like today striking Turkish in Germany – but Wendish, which is closely related to Polish and Czech. Their cultural autonomy and bilingualism was guaranteed both during the German Empire and later under National Socialism and during the period of your GDR on our soil and our people incl. our Sorbs. The Turks are now forming a political party. And the poison green fascists – the ones that tell us to fight against our Russian brat – are telling us that the Turks rebuilt Germany after the Second Jewish (Bolshoi) World War against all things Amalek, which ofcourse contains the RUS.
Contrary to Bolshoi propaganda, the Sorbs are not Slavs!
Their affinity with Poles and Czechs is dialectic only, with the two Sorbian standard languages occupying an intermediate position between Polish and Czech. Culturally, the Sorbs are not strikingly different from the rest of Germany (not today FRG with 55 mio imports out of 83 mio population). E.g. the argument that the Sorbs’ white mourning dress is Slavic is untenable, as white was predominant throughout Germany for a long time until it was replaced by black. The culture of the Sorbs is German, perhaps even more conservative than in other German regions. The Sorbs are also hardly noticeable from a racial point of view, although the Nordic proportion is somewhat higher, just like in the Frisians who proudly say of themselves that they have never been conquered and also state: „Lewer duad üs Slaw“ – prefer to be dead instead of Slaw.
Instead, they are Germanic tribes. The language remnants of the Sorbs (not a tribal name, but the area around Zörbig) stem from the fact that the Eastern Church had proselytized here. There they wanted (as the diversity of languages was perceived as pagan and non-divine – Babel) a uniform Christian world language like in Eastern Rome, where Greek predominated. Monks therefore carried Greek-Glagolitic or Church Slavonic to the tribes. Some islands of the earlier mission remained, namely in the inaccessible swamps (Spreewald, Sorbs), where the Slavic language of the Eastern Church had already gained a foothold.
An example of the modern Slavophile playground is the Surpen, also called >sorabisurbivendiSorbenSlavic< Sorbs, even though they represent a linguistic minority in Germany that emerged from the confessional development. Their ancestors are the Herulian Heveller and the closely related Sprewani in today's Spreewald region with their former center in Kopernik/Köpenik, who belong to the Herulian Wilzen/Liutizen and had absorbed remaining Semonen/Sueben or the Vandalic Lusizen with Hermundurian-Thuringian admixtures (Sueben) in Lusatia. All of them are therefore of Germanic origin.
The customs of the Sorbs still show no differences to Germanic customs. The attempt to use the conspicuous fact that the Sorbs have white mourning clothes and no black ones as evidence of Slavic origin was already refuted in the 1950s by Walther Steller: White was the predominant mourning color in the Middle Ages and came to Germany from France (re. Je suis aka Jesus); only much later did black mourning dress begin to replace white throughout Western Europe. The fact that the Sorbs did not follow this development is thus islandish, but not proof of a non-Germanic origin. The fact that white is basically the Slavic color of mourning is also in no way tenable. Have a look at Russian mourning culture today.
In the course of Pan-Slavism, which assumed that all peoples of Slavic language were ethnically related, the Sorbs were seen in Prague and Moscow as a related people who were under German rule. The German Reich was therefore repeatedly accused of pursuing a policy of oppression or even extermination of the Sorbs. The fact is, however, that similar to the Frisians in northern Germany, many Sorbs saw themselves as members of the German people and not as a national minority. Moreover, only very few Sorbs really knew Sorbian, and there was little interest in promoting it, not least because German is the tool of truth than a dialectic hardly understood outside the Wendei swamps.
(On a personal level I like Russian very much and hear a lot of German expressions in it. All idioms are identical. I think Russia is really German and there used to live millions of Germans, hence Russia belongs to Germans. How about that? Heil Germanirussia! Do you like it? May the Russians and not the Jewkrainians and not the Muscovites be victorious and get out of this war stronger! Slawa Russia! Live and let live!)
The more outrageous the statement, the more likely it is that the left – the ones that left truth – will believe it.
The article is most important, though comment is more relative to this territory, base problems are same, incursion, ignorance, use of words, or failure, goes to some having power over others. Consider if paper ‘law, or supposed ‘constitutions’, are hate speech, dominance schemes, also monotheism religon, also first part of ‘first amendment, search ‘kol nidre’ lying. I think the mirage of temporary ‘money diminished sense of suspicion in people, though should have been opposite.
At base, ‘anti hate speech, Is hate speech. Hate is natural.
A scheme to know is pilpul, also accusatory inversion or projection.
— ‘ Civitas point out that the very concept of hate speech has led to a loss of freedom orchestrated by an unelected elite of lawyers and intellectuals. ‘
The fact is scrawling ‘law, is using words, to claim away other’s ability, or for position, ‘govt or ‘judges, which are concocted words. An ignored example of wordsmithing is ‘courts, to the point ‘judges claim they can act ‘sua sponte’, on their own, or, ‘with malice, and, still have ‘immunity. Problem is ignoring, not using our own words, not to them, they dont give a rip, but with others around us, to create own ideas.
Using words, is also omitting words, note they don’t use the word neutral, to describe judges or ‘rules of conduct. Instead they use ‘independent, which people assume means neutral but doesn’t. ‘in, infers group. Or if yet assume means separate, then ‘independent’ –is acting from self position, so Isn’t neutral, as if deciding between other’s positions. The scribble in constitution ‘article three ‘good behavior’, means nothing since that is subjective. The word neutral, has only one meaning.
‘impartial is another, ‘ Im partial’, again break down, also compare word neutral. Another tactic is combining, ‘fair and impartial’, which ‘im partial’ cancels ‘fair. With all the word scribbling between ‘state and ‘courts, its something to notice they use the word ‘enjoy when dictating people cant sue them, ‘judges ‘enjoy immunity’, or ‘state actors ‘enjoy immunity. Bit of taunt.
Ignoring words, hands away self determination. Reacting, sharing knowledge is basic. Last example of a word thought of recently, ‘anarchy, is as much nonsense as ‘hate speech. Living without dictators doesn’t have a label, we lived a milion years that way, its just living, being actually responsible. Suggest make note, no such thing as ‘anarchy.
If ‘anarchy’ were a thing it would be saying cavemen were ‘anarchists, which would be dumb. If want labels, few can use, natural persons, or self defensivest, or tribalest, socialest, e instead of i. Of course we can make our own words.
Ability depends on using ability, natural rights or natural law.
Appreciate the article, and agree with others, well written, should be shared.
The Palestinians don’t pretend to themselves “free speech” will change the political situation and somehow remove the Jews occupying their country.
I wholeheartedly agree.
That’s very interesting – thank you very much for providing what information you have. With his immense historical knowledge, his absolutely clear understanding of the JQ, and his utter refusal to countenance any kind of excuses for what our ((( enemies ))) are doing to us, I have thought for a long time that Andrew Joyce would make a very fine, reliable and completely trustworthy White Nationalist leader. But I believe I read somewhere a few years ago that he is unable to consider it for personal reasons – I may be mistaken.
He was definitely always one of the more insightful and incisive dissident figures — many people miss his online presence — I often see screencaps of old Joyce tweets — I’ve even seen bat signal memes calling for Joyce to return.
These “problems” can be utterly eliminated, and it doesn’t require speaking a single word.
Doesn’t want to be incarcerated. May I say this?
But, you see, your solution requires some words. Would you care to provide them ?
Perhaps what black soldiers were in England behaved temperately.
It’s OK-further down Friedman admits that the Israelis are the leeches of the region, himself a particularly gross specimen, bloated with the blood of Gazan children.
Here in Austfailia, hatred is the lingua franca of the Right. Hatred of the Indigenous, hatred of welfare recipients, hatred of workers, unions, environmentalists, other political ideologies and parties, hatred (a BIGGIE) of the Chinese, hatred of supporters of other football teams, hatred of the young, hatred of the useless old, hatred of renewable energy and EVs etc.
And fueling the process for fifty years has been the Murdoch cancer, an Evil machine of hatred that does little but hate and fear-monger and preach the Nirvana of unbounded greed. It specialises in hate campaigns against all the above when they threaten profit in ANY way, and carries out obsessive vendettas, even decades after the hate figure has died, as with the eminent historian, Manning Clark, dead since 1991.
Naturally the Murdochites, Jew and goy alike, are the most crazed advocates of the genocide and mass child murder in Gaza, and bitter enemies of those with the human decency to oppose it, who are slandered every day by some of the vilest creatures imaginable.
At the time this article was written and published, Melia had not been sentenced — in early March 2024 he was sentenced to 2 years in jail — here is an article about that:
The tyrannical jailing of Sam Melia
His heavily pregnant wife, Laura Towler (this will be their 2nd child, they already have a daughter who’s still a toddler), deputy leader of PA along with Mark Collett, is on Telegram:
Telegram/Laura Towler
Something worth noting that Laura Towler wrote about the sentencing hearing (link):
And from an earlier post (link):
A couple of articles about Kirklees:
Kirklees child sexual exploitation: 42 charged by police
Kirklees grooming trial: Girl, 12, repeatedly raped by three men
Names of the men: Khurum Raziq, Nasar Hussain — per the BBC, a third man is ‘unfit to stand trial’ and ‘cannot be named’ — but his name isn’t the most important thing — the important things are the race of the girl (undoubtedly white) and the ethnicity of her rapists (Pakistani).
Also from Laura Towler (link):
Some may recall that Mehdi Hassan also clearly did not understand the concept of per capita (link) — the people presiding over the demographic destruction of the West, and enforcing its ideological regime of racial egalitarianism, are not just statist sycophants, they are idiots.
Be very careful with your vocabulary.
Persons “disabled” with the vision problem of myopia or who identify as incestuously inclined are likely to feel “hated” and victimized. You could find yourself spending some time “doing time”!