mm has written 129 reviews for films during 2020.
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy 2011
Before I watched this, I read that in post production, Alfredson had a tough time cutting this down from 3 and 1/2 hours down to the 2ish it ended up being.
With that in mind, I noticed a half dozen or so weird editing moments, mostly when it came to dialogue. Random lines layered over transition shots like “Did you get the keys to Control’s flat?” that hint at a more robust runtime.
As it is, Tinker…
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy 2011
Film is by and large a subjective medium, except when it comes to the last 5 minutes of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.
Nothing beats it. Nothing.
The Irishman 2019
Criterion Collection.
Now that it’s out on Criterion, I’ll take a break from this. I want to really build the anticipation before I watch it again in a few years, since I can already recite some scenes from memory lol.
Any clumsiness you can attribute to the first couple thirds, whether it be youthifying, the actors playing younger than they are, whatever, is overshadowed by that last hour.
That last damn hour. Good lord. I love it as your basic,…
The Irishman 2019
I Heard You Paint Houses
Well, it's official. I've spent a day of my life watching this, my (still can't believe I'm saying this) favorite movie of all time. I've written and talked about it a lot already, but for this entry, I want to hone in on the four things that make this so special to me.
The Performances
De Niro. Pesci. Pacino. 3 names that will never be forgotten as long as movies are made or even thought… -
The Irishman 2019
First movie of the year. First movie of the decade. First movie of the life, really.
I honestly never thought something could challenge JFK as my favorite movie, but here we are.
It’s what it is.
Interstellar 2014
My first time seeing this in theaters since November 2014.
Man, what a powerful film. The kind of power that reminds me why I love movies in the first place.
There’s a chance down the line (especially if I have kids) where this leapfrogs The Dark Knight as my favorite Nolan. (Edit: 8/30, it is now)
Not loving this movie is baffling to me.
Interstellar 2014
It says ‘stay.’
In prep for daddy’s eventual 11th film, as well as a farewell to my beloved apartment in Manhattan, I came into this watch ready to cry. I did.
I’m not going to argue that this is Nolan’s tightest film, or even his best, but I will die on the hill that to date, it is the movie that best encompasses his skills as a storyteller. And it’s just great to see him make a movie as good…
The Godfather Part II 1974
“Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners.”
Michael Corleone pulls the world down around him. No one is safe from his rage.
The Godfather Part II walked so Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again could run.
P.S. The flashbacks rule. I’m just an idiot.
The Godfather Part II 1974
Long movies are the best movies.
Things really fell into place with this latest viewing of Godfather: Part II. Yes, even the flashbacks I was meh on before have grown on me. Exponentially in fact.
Literally the only fault I can find is the cut between the abortion scene and Vito arriving back in his hometown. It’s awkward to say the least.
Everything else is simply some of the best filmmaking we’ve ever seen. This movie expands the scope of…
V for Vendetta 2005
Been feeling the pull of this movie for quite some time, and I finally gave in. Glad I did. V for Vendetta is even better than I remember it being, which is no small feat because the last time I saw it, the movie jumped up several spots on my favorites list.
While the visual style could have been a little more dramatic, that’s the only part of this I would ever dream of critiquing. Every minute of this is…