Grounded Wiki
New Game Plus!
This article contains content only accessible in New Game+ mode.

The Infected Ant is an infected variant of either a Red Worker Ant, Black Worker Ant, or Fire Worker Ant that spawns in places of them in their Anthills if a Infected Ant Queen is present. They are about the same strength as a Fire Worker Ant but drop unique Resources for special crafting.

To spawn an Infected Ant Queen, the player needs to feed any ant queen their "Infected" offering variant. Doing this will kill the ant queen but going into New Game+ or progressing to another New Game+ will cause Infected Ants to spawn unless the player goes to another New Game+.


Infected Ants act mostly identically to all other worker ants, but do oddly lack most of the aggressive desires expressed by other infected foes and their brethren, Infected Soldier Ants.

Interactions With Player[]

The Infected Ant is hostile toward the player and have no way to be pacified, including offering an item to their queen.

Interaction With Other Creatures[]

Infected Ants are passive to and will defend Infected Soldier Ants when they are threatened by other creatures. They can commonly be seen getting into fights with the non-infected soldier ants they share an anthill with, as the soldier ants will commonly attack Infected Ants.

Advanced Loot Table[]

This is a more advanced covering of the loot-table of Infected Ant. Each item has an independent chance and count, in which the chance is the chance it can drop and the count is the amount of items that have that chance. If a count larger than 1 is in one section, then each item has an independent chance from one another (EX: Instead of getting say 2 of a resource, you can get 1 with a 70% chance and another with an additional 70% chance). In terms of Stealing, it can take one item from every section of the loot table, so even if an item count is say 5, the player will only steal one from that section.

Creature Loot Tables also tend to have large amounts of 1% items, which is intended to make stealing more rare items harder, as the player is more likely to steal the large amounts of 1% items than a singular 50% item.

Note: For consistency sake, all duplicate categories have a multiplier next to them, but function as unique loot types when say using Stealing.


Item Count Chance Additional Info
Infected Ant Head 1 20% -
Infected Ant Head 1 1% -
Infected Ant Part 1 100% -
Infected Ant Part 1 50% -
Infected Ant Part x4 1 1% -


At the point of the game the player should be at, Infected Ants should not be a problem due to their similar power to Fire Worker Ants. Not only this, but due to frequent infighting in the anthills they spawn in, the player may not even need to start a conflict to kill an Infected Ant, either waiting for other ants to kill it or killing it as it is weakened. This is especially common if the Fire Anthill becomes infected, with the Infected Ants commonly struggling.


  • The fungus primarily grows out of the Infected Ant's head, in a very similar manner to the Zombie Ant Fungus.
  • Many files refer to Infected Ants as "Infected Ant Black", hinting that other variants of Infected Ant were likely planned for Fire Worker Ants and Red Worker Ants.
  • The fungal growth on the head of the Infected Ant originally had no visual texture on update 1.4's release, and used a placeholder texture.

