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World-Order Narration is the third part in the Teyvat storyline Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act VI - Bedtime Story.


  1. Return to Vimara Village
  2. Check on the hilichurl
  3. Check on the hilichurl
  4. Check on the hilichurl
  5. Talk to Amadhiah
  6. Talk to Bahram
  7. Deduce your current situation
  8. Go to the place Atossa once indicated
  9. Enter the realm of consciousness
  10. Talk to Caribert
  11. Look for Atossa

Gameplay Notes[]

  • From steps 1 to 8, the player will be in a Special Story Mode.
    • If the player leaves this mode, they will be teleported to the main overworld in front of a rift at the crossroads between Vimara Village, Gandharva Ville, and Sumeru City. Entering the rift will resume the special story mode from the most recent step, and the player will spawn near the objective. During the Special Story Mode, the sky will be set to sunset and will not change regardless of the time spent.
    • The Paimon Menu button is replaced with an exit button (as in Domains) which displays a notice when used:
      • Hint: You are currently in a special story mode. You will be able to continue it even if you leave. Do you wish to leave?
    • Most other menus are also not accessible through the UI, hotkeys, or Shortcut Wheel, including the Party Setup, Map, Time, and Settings menus.
    • The minimap:
      • Displays a temporary red world border.
        • When approaching the border, Paimon will prevent the player from going further while saying a unique voice line.
      • Will always be lit up, regardless of whether or not the player has unlocked the Statue of The Seven.‍[ver­i­fi­ca­tion need­ed]
      • Does not show the map icons for Teleport Waypoints or Waverider Waypoints, as they are not present in the special story mode world.
      • Does not show the player's map pins, even if they have some set in the bounded area on the normal map.
    • This mode has its own set of collectible items (Harra Fruit, Zaytun Peaches) and wildlife, independent of those found in the main overworld. Some entities are only found in either the special story mode or the main overworld, while others are present in both.
      • Collecting items or killing wildlife in one will not affect the presence of any entities in the other.
      • Wildlife do not drop anything other than their normal amount of energy particles and orbs.
      • Wildlife respawn when the special story mode is re-entered. No items respawn.
    • Hitting trees will not yield wood.
    • Enemies typically found near Vimara Village (Fungi, Rishboland Tigers, etc.) are removed in this mode.
    • Teleport Waypoints, Waverider Waypoints, Four-Leaf Sigils, and Fishing Points are removed in this mode.
      • If the player's party falls, they will respawn at the beginning of the area (near the Hilichurls).
    • Most gadgets cannot be used. Gadgets that can be used include: Wind Catcher, NRE (Menu 30), Memento Lens, Peculiar Pinion, Red Feather Fan, Windblume Festival Commemorative Balloon, Jumpy Dumpty Party Popper, Adepti Seeker's Stove, Warming Bottle, "Special Analysis Zoom Lens," most "equipment" gadgets, and gadgets that are not located in the "Gadgets" tab of the Inventory, such as the Aranyaka gadget and Case Records.
      • When attempting to use the Dendro Treasure Compass, it will state that the player is "not currently in Sumeru."
      • Although the Seed Dispensary cannot be "used," its contents can still be viewed (which is what "using" the Seed Dispensary does) from the Inventory screen. Additionally, having the Seed Dispensary equipped will still allow the player to obtain seeds as usual.
    • Most Vimara Village NPCs have their standard dialogue when spoken to, and can be targeted by Nahida's All Schemes to Know.
      • At step 4, Amadhiah changes to his quest-exclusive dialogue and loses his All Schemes to Know dialogue.
    • As the Time menu is inaccessible, the time of day cannot be changed until the story advances.
  • During step 10, the active party will be limited to the Traveler.
    • The player cannot sprint, jump, climb, attack, or access menus.
    • If the player leaves this domain, they will be teleported to the main overworld in front of a rift at Atossa's tree, and the active quest step will change to "Enter the realm of consciousness".
  • Completing step 9 grants the Wonders of the World achievement The Proof of Existence.
  • Completing the quest grants the Wonders of the World achievement Bedtime Story.


UI Quest Quest Description

As Dainsleif guessed, the "false memories" are a trap laid by the Abyss Order. The Ley Lines are disturbed again. Something is probably underway once more...
(Continues from previous quest)
Media:vo szaq303 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: The Abyss Order's on the move... The Ley Lines are all out of whack...
Media:vo szaq303 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: We better hurry back to Vimara Village and see what's going on!
(Attempt to go Out of Bounds)
Media:vo szaq303 22 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Where are you going? We still haven't finished what Dain asked us to do!
(Approach the Hilichurls)
Media:vo szaq303 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hey, look at those Hilichurls over there...
Icon Dialogue Talk They seem strangely... calm?
Media:vo szaq303 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Weren't they acting super agitated just a little while ago? Why are they so calm all of a sudden?
As you approach the hilichurls, you suddenly hear a voice in your head...
(TravelerTraveler): (Wait... I hear something...)
Media:vo szaq303 2 caribert 01.ogg ...In the new world, they bade farewell to the shrouded sun.
Media:vo szaq303 2 caribert 02.ogg At last, they no longer needed to dwell on their suffering, or try to differentiate between various thoughts of blasphemy.
Media:vo szaq303 2 caribert 03.ogg Such was the price they paid, and thus their souls became cleansed and pure.
Media:vo szaq303 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: ...Did you hear that? What was that sound just now...?
Icon Dialogue Talk You heard it too, Paimon?
Icon Dialogue Talk It was someone's voice...
Media:vo szaq303 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: It sounded so gentle. Could that voice be... comforting the Hilichurls in some way?
Media:vo szaq303 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: This is weird... Let's check if this is happening anywhere else.
(Approach the next group of Hilichurls)
Media:vo szaq303 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Looks like the same thing is happening over here too. The Hilichurls are calm...
Media:vo szaq303 3 caribert 01.ogg ...You see? We're both still here.
Media:vo szaq303 3 caribert 02.ogg We've reclaimed an endless amount of time to love.
Media:vo szaq303 3 caribert 03.ogg Release your tears. You no longer need to hold back your sorrow.
(TravelerTraveler): (It's that voice again...)
(Approach the next group of Hilichurls)
Media:vo szaq303 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Over there! It looks like they're sleeping...
Media:vo szaq303 4 caribert 01.ogg ...In the end, he whispered softly,
Media:vo szaq303 4 caribert 02.ogg "Sleep well, Father. Sleep well, my beloved people."
Media:vo szaq303 4 caribert 03.ogg "When you awake, that which differentiates us shall be no more."
Media:vo szaq303 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: ...It almost sounds like a poem, or some kind of story.
Media:vo szaq303 4 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Well, now that the Hilichurls have calmed down, Vimara Village should be safe at least.
Media:vo szaq303 4 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Let's put this situation to the side for now. Dain said this might be our chance to find the missing villager, so we should head back to Vimara Village before it's too late.
(Talk to Amadhiah)
Media:vo szaq303 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Grandpa Amadhiah, is everyone alright? The Abyss Order seems to be up to something nearby...
Media:vo szaq303 5 amadhiah 01.ogg Amadhiah: The Abyss Order? This is the first I'm hearing of it...
Media:vo szaq303 5 amadhiah 02.ogg Amadhiah: Thank you for your concern, but as far as I'm aware, it's been business as usual here in the village.
Media:vo szaq303 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Well, that's good to hear.
Media:vo szaq303 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Oh! Also... You didn't happen to come across any clues about the missing villager while we were gone, did you?
Media:vo szaq303 5 amadhiah 03.ogg Amadhiah: Huh? Someone's gone missing, you say? Who would that be?
Media:vo szaq303 5 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Huh...?
Icon Dialogue Talk You don't remember?
Icon Dialogue Talk Things just got even more complicated.
Media:vo szaq303 5 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: You know... The young guy from Vimara Village... The one you've been looking for all this time. You posted a commission with the Sumeru Adventurers' Guild...
Media:vo szaq303 5 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: That's kind of the whole reason we're here, actually... Your missing person's commission.
Media:vo szaq303 5 amadhiah 04.ogg Amadhiah: Ah, I do apologize, you two... I hope I'm not worrying you too much. I'm sure it's just my age making me forgetful again...
Media:vo szaq303 5 amadhiah 05.ogg Amadhiah: At least right now, I can't seem to recall whatever it is you're referring to... Perhaps you should try asking someone else?
Media:vo szaq303 5 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: But, how is that... *sigh* Alright. Thanks for your help, Grandpa Amadhiah.
(The Traveler and Paimon leave)
Media:vo szaq303 5 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Something's definitely not right. We just talked to Grandpa Amadhiah about the missing villager. There's no way he could've forgotten all about him just like that...
Media:vo szaq303 5 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: What do you think, (TravelerTraveler)? Could everyone's memories of the missing villager have been erased again?
Icon Dialogue Talk It's too early to say.
Icon Dialogue Talk We should check in with the others first.
Media:vo szaq303 5 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: You're right. We should narrow down the possibilities first... Let's go ask someone else, then!
(Talk to Amadhiah again, optional)
Media:vo szaq303 6 amadhiah 01.ogg Amadhiah: A missing villager... Did I really forget something so important? As the chief, I can't afford to be so negligent.
(Talk to Bahram)
Media:vo szaq303 7 bahram 01.ogg Bahram: Someone's gone missing? Who?
Media:vo szaq303 7 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: *sigh*... Just as expected...
Media:vo szaq303 7 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Um, that guy you said a bunch of nice things about earlier? The one you always used to chat with...
Media:vo szaq303 7 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: He's around twenty years old... You said he was a kind, warm-hearted sort of person...
Media:vo szaq303 7 bahram 02.ogg Bahram: Oh! I know who you're talking about...
Media:vo szaq303 7 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Really? You remember?
Media:vo szaq303 7 bahram 03.ogg Bahram: There aren't many young people who've earned that kind of praise from me. If you're certain that's what I said...
Media:vo szaq303 7 bahram 04.ogg Bahram: Then, there's only person who fits the bill — no doubt about it... But, why'd you say he's gone missing?
Icon Dialogue Talk Have you seen him recently?
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you know where he went?
Media:vo szaq303 7 bahram 05.ogg Bahram: Yeah! I just saw him leave the village. There was someone else with him too. They couldn't have gone far.
(The Traveler and Paimon leave)
Media:vo szaq303 8 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Strange... Bahram seems to remember him... And, apparently, he just saw him?
Media:vo szaq303 8 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Do you think maybe... It's not that there's something wrong with people's memories, but that we've somehow returned to a time before he went missing?
(TravelerTraveler): (I doubt returning to the past would be that simple.)
(TravelerTraveler): (Given everything Dain mentioned about disturbances with the Ley Lines, I'd say it's far more likely this is related to memories in some way...)
(TravelerTraveler): (I need to think carefully... What's really going on...?)

(The Traveler enters Contemplation)
(What's really going on...?)
(Interpret — People have forgotten about the missing person)
Media:vo szaq303 9 hero 01.ogg Media:vo szaq303 9 heroine 01.ogg (TravelerTraveler): Just like what happened with Greater Lord Rukkhadevata, no one remembers him, because there's been a change in people's memories.
(Interpret — We've returned to a point before the disappearance took place)
Media:vo szaq303 9 hero 02.ogg Media:vo szaq303 9 heroine 02.ogg (TravelerTraveler): If we really did travel back to a time before he disappeared, that could explain why the villagers said he hadn't gone missing.
(Interpret — We are presently traversing someone's memories)
Media:vo szaq303 9 hero 03.ogg Media:vo szaq303 9 heroine 03.ogg (TravelerTraveler): If this person only exists in people's memories... Maybe we're in someone's memory right now...
(Submit the wrong conclusion — People have forgotten about the missing person)
Media:vo szaq303 9 hero 04.ogg Media:vo szaq303 9 heroine 04.ogg (TravelerTraveler): No... Bahram still remembers him. He just forgot about the fact that this person went missing.
(Submit the wrong conclusion — We've returned to a point before the disappearance took place)
Media:vo szaq303 9 hero 05.ogg Media:vo szaq303 9 heroine 05.ogg (TravelerTraveler): Time travel is extremely difficult to perform. The current situation probably has something to do with the disturbances in the Ley Lines...

(Submit conclusion — We are presently traversing someone's memories)
After analyzing all that happened in detail, you believe the most plausible explanation is "We are presently traversing someone's memories."
Media:vo szaq303 10 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Right! Paimon totally forgot about the Ley Line disturbances. We're in someone else's memory...
Media:vo szaq303 10 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Just like how you entered your sibling's memory last time!
Media:vo szaq303 10 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: That would also explain why we seem to be at a time before he went missing... It's a memory, after all.
Icon Dialogue Talk If we really are in someone's memory...
Icon Dialogue Talk Then this is our chance to find him.
Media:vo szaq303 10 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Right! If he's someone who only exists in people's memories, then we're finally on the same turf!
Media:vo szaq303 10 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: But, didn't Bahram just say he saw him leave the village with someone? Where should we go look for him...
Media:vo szaq303 10 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Who knows how long this Ley Line disturbance is gonna last... We might not have that much time. And we don't even know whose memory this is...
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's go through what we know so far...
Media:vo szaq303 10 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Good idea! That'll help us narrow things down.
Media:vo szaq303 10 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: We pretty much figured out that the missing villager has the ability to...
Icon Dialogue Talk Implant memories into the minds of others.
Media:vo szaq303 10 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Right, that! Could we try to figure out a bit more about him using what we know of his ability?
Media:vo szaq303 10 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Like, does it maybe leave a trace that would somehow give him away?
(TravelerTraveler): (Hmm... Implanting memories into the minds of others must be an imperfect process. There's no way the new memories could perfectly blend in with the old ones. There has to be some kind of tell...)

(The Traveler enters Contemplation)
The weakness in the missing person's ability is...?
(Interpret — Scenes from false memories will not change)
Media:vo szaq303 11 hero 01.ogg Media:vo szaq303 11 heroine 01.ogg (TravelerTraveler): All the memories seem to be set in or near Vimara Village, but I'm still not sure if they're restricted to this location.
(Interpret — Time does not pass within false memories)
Media:vo szaq303 11 hero 02.ogg Media:vo szaq303 11 heroine 02.ogg (TravelerTraveler): If time was allowed to pass within the false memories, there's a higher chance they might conflict with someone's original recollection. That would make it much harder to avoid suspicion.
(Interpret — False memories are easily forgotten)
Media:vo szaq303 11 hero 03.ogg Media:vo szaq303 11 heroine 03.ogg (TravelerTraveler): There's a difference between memories that arise from lived experiences and those that are implanted into the mind. Perhaps it has something to do with time.
(Submit the wrong conclusion — Scenes from false memories will not change)
Media:vo szaq303 11 hero 04.ogg Media:vo szaq303 11 heroine 04.ogg (TravelerTraveler): No... Based on what we know so far, there isn't any evidence to support that conclusion.
(Submit the wrong conclusion — False memories are easily forgotten)
Media:vo szaq303 11 hero 05.ogg Media:vo szaq303 11 heroine 05.ogg (TravelerTraveler): Maybe not... We don't have any way to prove whether certain memories were simply forgotten, or never existed in the first place.

(Submit conclusion — Time does not pass within false memories)
After analyzing all that happened in detail, you surmise that the weak point of this ability is that "Time does not pass within false memories."
Media:vo szaq303 12 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: No wonder! All this time, and the sky hasn't changed a bit. That must mean... Time isn't passing!
Media:vo szaq303 12 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: That's the tell of the fake memories!
Media:vo szaq303 12 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: The implanted memories are basically taking place outside the regular twenty-four hours of the day.
Media:vo szaq303 12 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: If the memories included the regular passage of time, it would be easy for people to tell that something was off.
Media:vo szaq303 12 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Like, there could be overlap or something... People might start to wonder why they remember doing two different things at the same time of day.
Media:vo szaq303 12 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: That's why he makes sure the memories take place at a specific moment in time, rather than over a period of time.
(TravelerTraveler): (If we consider this in conjunction with what we already know, then the question of whose memory this is... seems to have an obvious answer...)

(The Traveler enters Contemplation)
In whose memory is this place?
(Interpret — Atossa)
Media:vo szaq303 13 hero 01.ogg Media:vo szaq303 13 heroine 01.ogg (TravelerTraveler): The color of the sky... coincides with the moment in time she described.
(Interpret — Dainsleif)
Media:vo szaq303 13 hero 02.ogg Media:vo szaq303 13 heroine 02.ogg (TravelerTraveler): Dainsleif had memories implanted into his mind... Could it be that it's happened more than once?
(Interpret — Amadhiah)
Media:vo szaq303 13 hero 03.ogg Media:vo szaq303 13 heroine 03.ogg (TravelerTraveler): We thought Chief Amadhiah forgot about the missing villager, but it turns out we're at a moment in time before the village issued the commission.
(Submit the wrong conclusion)
Media:vo szaq303 13 hero 04.ogg Media:vo szaq303 13 heroine 04.ogg (TravelerTraveler): No... That doesn't seem right... I need to think about this some more.

(Submit conclusion — Atossa)
After analyzing all that happened in detail, you are convinced that this is within the memories of "Atossa."
Media:vo szaq303 14 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Oh, right! That's exactly what Atossa described!
(A flashback begins)
Media:vo szaq303 14 atossa 01.ogg Atossa: Come to think of it, every time we talked, it always seemed to be around dusk, just like right now.
Media:vo szaq303 14 atossa 02.ogg Atossa: Time always passed by really slowly. Even when it felt like we'd been talking for hours, the sun would still be at the same position in the sky...
(Flashback ends)
Media:vo szaq303 14 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Yep, that has to be it! This is definitely Atossa's memory!
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's go.
Icon Dialogue Talk To the tree.
Media:vo szaq303 14 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Yeah! That's where they'll be!
(Approach Atossa)
Media:vo szaq303 15 atossa 01.ogg Atossa: ...So, you see, Granny Jehiet was a mercenary when she was younger. She just talks like that out of habit. She's not trying to scare the children on purpose, hehe...
Media:vo szaq303 15 atossa 02.ogg Atossa: Oh, there I go again... always talking about my own things. Do you, maybe, have anything you want to share?
Media:vo szaq303 15 atossa 03.ogg Atossa: Um... It's okay if you don't. You could also just... Talk about what you think of me?
Media:vo szaq303 15 caribert 01.ogg ???: Oh, I... I think you're an incredibly strong and thoughtful young woman.
Media:vo szaq303 15 caribert 02.ogg ???: You'll meet many amazing people and live a very happy life... You won't miss someone like me...
Media:vo szaq303 15 atossa 04.ogg Atossa: Huh...? Are those your friends over there?
(TravelerTraveler): (We finally found him. But why does he look kind of familiar...?)
Media:vo szaq303 15 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Oh, right. This version of Atossa hasn't met us yet...
Media:vo szaq303 15 caribert 03.ogg ???: Friends? I guess you could say that. It must have taken them a lot of effort to find me...
Media:vo szaq303 15 caribert 04.ogg ???: So... I should see what they need. I'm sorry, Atossa. We'll have to continue this conversation another time.
Media:vo szaq303 15 atossa 05.ogg Atossa: Another time, huh... Um, yeah! Okay! I'll head back to the village, then. Talk to you... some other time!
Media:vo szaq303 15 caribert 05.ogg ???: It's nice to see you, (TravelerTraveler). I believe this is the first time we've met.
Icon Dialogue Talk You're...
(TravelerTraveler): (Factoring in the memories, the Abyss Order, the Loom of Fate, and everything else, I need to think of the one person that can connect all of this together...)

(The Traveler enters Contemplation)
The true identity of the "missing person" is—
(Interpret — Chlothar Alberich)
Media:vo szaq303 16 hero 01.ogg Media:vo szaq303 16 heroine 01.ogg (TravelerTraveler): The founder of the Abyss Order, the man who broke the curse of immortality.
(Interpret — Caribert Alberich)
Media:vo szaq303 16 hero 02.ogg Media:vo szaq303 16 heroine 02.ogg (TravelerTraveler): "Born into abject sorrow, he shall now become the Loom of Fate."
(Interpret — "The Visionary" Vedrfolnir)
Media:vo szaq303 16 hero 03.ogg Media:vo szaq303 16 heroine 03.ogg (TravelerTraveler): Dain's brother, one of the Five Sinners of Khaenri'ah, the one who stole the power of the Abyss.
(Submit the wrong conclusion)
Media:vo szaq303 16 hero 04.ogg Media:vo szaq303 16 heroine 04.ogg (TravelerTraveler): No... That doesn't seem right... I need to think about this some more.

(Submit conclusion — Caribert Alberich)
After analyzing all that happened in detail, you believe his true identity is that of — "Caribert Alberich."
Media:vo szaq303 17 hero 01.ogg Media:vo szaq303 17 heroine 01.ogg (TravelerTraveler): You're... Caribert Alberich.
Media:vo szaq303 17 caribert 01.ogg Caribert: Oh... You know me? That's quite the surprise. I don't believe I've met you before...
Media:vo szaq303 17 caribert 02.ogg Caribert: Ah, I see. It was the memory, wasn't it? Your sibling's memory. You saw... the me from back then.
Media:vo szaq303 17 caribert 03.ogg Caribert: This is Atossa's memory. I came here to say goodbye to her...
Media:vo szaq303 17 caribert 04.ogg Caribert: But, I suppose I'll just leave her a message instead. Come, let's find somewhere else to talk...

(Talk to Caribert)
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 01.ogg Caribert: *panting*
Icon Dialogue Talk What is this place?
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 02.ogg Caribert: I suppose you could call it the realm of my consciousness. I'm someone who no longer exists in the real world, after all... as you well know.
Icon Dialogue Talk You look quite exhausted.
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 03.ogg Caribert: Ah, it's nothing. I still have enough strength to play the part of a good host. I've always hoped that I'd get the chance to talk to you like this, and now, the time has finally arrived.
(TravelerTraveler): (This is a rare opportunity for me as well. I should try to learn as much information from Caribert as I can.)
Icon Dialogue Talk What exactly happened to you?
Icon Dialogue Talk What exactly is the Loom of Fate?
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 04.ogg Caribert: Extreme sorrow and pain... Hope and regret coursing through your veins... and a degree of Abyssal power that defies comprehension...
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 05.ogg Caribert: Father told me that once I possessed all those elements, I would become the Loom of Fate.
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 06.ogg Caribert: But, despite his intentions for me, I never truly became the Loom of Fate. I was merely used as a means for its "construction"...
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 07.ogg Caribert: In truth, I died the moment I set everything in motion.
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 08.ogg Caribert: The "person" you see before you now is nothing but a remnant of consciousness leftover within the Loom of Fate.
(TravelerTraveler): (Caribert is dead... That's why he no longer exists outside of people's memories.)
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 09.ogg Caribert: As for your question... The Loom of Fate is a device capable of weaving Ley Lines.
Icon Dialogue Talk Weaving... Ley Lines?
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 10.ogg Caribert: In its primitive form, it can only be used to create and implant memories. But, as more of it is completed, its power becomes stronger and stronger... Until finally, it has the power to weave real Ley Lines of its own.
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 11.ogg Caribert: Once fully completed, the moment it gains the power to weave Ley Lines, it loses the lower-level ability to influence memories...
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 12.ogg Caribert: ...But it also becomes a tool that can change the entire world.
Icon Dialogue Talk So that was the source of your ability to implant memories?
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 13.ogg Caribert: Yes. I have the ability to control the Loom in its semi-completed form. I suppose you could think of it as a form of compensation...
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 14.ogg Caribert: ...After all, its existence cost me my life.
(TravelerTraveler): (So the memories that suddenly appeared in Dain's mind were implanted by Caribert through the half-finished Loom of Fate...)
(TravelerTraveler): (That makes sense... But, I'm still lost as to why he went so far as to "introduce" himself to all the residents of Vimara Village...)
Icon Dialogue Talk But why did you implant memories of yourself...
Icon Dialogue Talk Into the people of Vimara Village?
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 15.ogg Caribert: Ah, that... I was wrong to implant those memories. I'm sorry I caused so much trouble, not only for everyone in the village, but for you as well.
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 16.ogg Caribert: I just... wanted them to feel like I once existed in this world...
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 17.ogg Caribert: As if... I had a chance at life.
(TravelerTraveler): (So that's why... I would have never guessed.)
(TravelerTraveler): (But... is there any kind of meaning to this?)
(TravelerTraveler): (Does only existing in people's memories really count as living?)
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 18.ogg Caribert: ...Heh, I know what you must be thinking...
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 19.ogg Caribert: Why would I do something so meaningless...
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 20.ogg Caribert: ...
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 21.ogg Caribert: But I just... I just couldn't accept it.
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 22.ogg Caribert: I had to know what it would be like if I had my own life — what kind of person I would be, what other people would think of me...
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 23.ogg Caribert: Chief Amadhiah, Bahram, Granny Jehiet... Atossa...
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 24.ogg Caribert: What would it be like if I could live alongside them — no cataclysm, no curse, just a quiet life in a peaceful village.
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 25.ogg Caribert: I was curious, so I selfishly... tried to have my own life.
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 26.ogg Caribert: Even if... Even if that meant piecing together the version of myself that could have been... one memory at a time.
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 27.ogg Caribert: I know it sounds stupid, hehe...
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 28.ogg Caribert: After all... my life ended a long time ago.
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 29.ogg Caribert: Any chance at living was stripped away from me when I was eight years old, my consciousness left to mature in an illusory world of nothingness.
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 30.ogg Caribert: Even the form you see before you is nothing but an invention based on my father's appearance — an imagined version of what I would look like if I had had the chance to grow up.
(TravelerTraveler): (...In the end, this all stems from the tragedy that occurred in Khaenri'ah back then...)
Icon Dialogue Talk You know...
Icon Dialogue Talk Everyone is looking for you.
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 31.ogg Caribert: I know... But, there's nothing I can do to make them find me.
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 32.ogg Caribert: If I could exist in the real world, I would return without a second thought and surprise them with the suddenness of it all. But, well... That's not possible for me.
Icon Dialogue Talk As I understand it...
Icon Dialogue Talk Even though you only appeared in their memories...
Icon Dialogue Talk Your existence was a great comfort to them.
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 33.ogg Caribert: ...
Icon Dialogue Talk They all believe you once lived among them.
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 34.ogg Caribert: I know.
Icon Dialogue Talk Well, now that I've found you, let's continue this conversation some other time.
Icon Dialogue Talk Dain might still need my help...
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 35.ogg Caribert: Captain Dainsleif, Twilight Sword, you mean? Ah, no need to meet up with him. Things should already be settled on his end.
Icon Dialogue Talk Settled?
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 36.ogg Caribert: Exactly. As someone who could only exist in people's memories, the fact that I'm able to talk to you in my consciousness like this can only mean one thing...
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 37.ogg Caribert: The Loom of Fate has already been completed.
Icon Dialogue Talk What!?
(TravelerTraveler): (The Loom of Fate is already complete? That means the eye of the first Field Tiller must have fallen into the hands of the Abyss... Could something have happened to Dain?)
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 38.ogg Caribert: No need to worry about Captain Dainsleif. He's absolutely fine. The only reason he lost the eye was because I happened to guess exactly what he was planning.
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 39.ogg Caribert: Captain Dainsleif has had the eye inside his body this whole time, hasn't he?
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 40a.ogg Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 40b.ogg Caribert: His plan was to lure the Abyss Order to a false location, capitalizing on their pursuit of the eye in order to have the chance to confront the (‍princessprincess/princeprince‍)...
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 41.ogg Caribert: He would then hand the eye to you, and tell you to take it away from that location.
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 42.ogg Caribert: That way, Captain Dainsleif could accomplish his own goal and ensure the safety of the eye all at once — a very thorough plan.
Icon Dialogue Talk But...
Icon Dialogue Talk Dain never handed me the eye.
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 43.ogg Caribert: That's right. Because, in his mind... he had given it to you already.
(TravelerTraveler): (Wait, does that mean he gave Dain a... false memory!?)
Icon Dialogue Talk You made him think that! When?
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 44.ogg Caribert: Before you two entered that false location...
Caribert makes the scene of what transpired at that time appear before you...
Media:vo szaq303 18 dainsleif 01.ogg Dainsleif: (TravelerTraveler), wait...
Media:vo szaq302 4 hero 01.ogg Media:vo szaq302 4 heroine 01.ogg (TravelerTraveler): Hm?
Media:vo szaq303 18 dainsleif 02.ogg Dainsleif: ...
Media:vo szaq303 18 dainsleif 03.ogg Dainsleif: ...We've no time to lose. Let's head inside.
(TravelerTraveler): (So when Dain froze up back then, it was because a false memory was being implanted in his mind... No wonder...)
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 45.ogg Caribert: That was when I implanted the memory of him handing you the eye.
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 46.ogg Caribert: Given the tense situation at that time, Captain Dainsleif failed to notice anything out of the ordinary and took that memory to be real.
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 47.ogg Caribert: ...I'm sorry, (TravelerTraveler), but I needed the Loom of Fate to be completed, and to do that, we had to retrieve the eye.
(TravelerTraveler): (So, Dain had the eye this whole time... until the Abyss Order took it away. I'm not sure there's anything we could have done.)
Icon Dialogue Talk Now that the Loom of Fate is complete...
Icon Dialogue Talk What are you planning on doing with it?
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 48a.ogg Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 48b.ogg Caribert: I promise I'm not trying to conceal anything from you... But, I truly have no idea what the (‍princessprincess/princeprince‍) is planning.
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 49.ogg Caribert: Teyvat's Ley Line system is deeply entrenched in the planet. Creating new Ley Lines can neither "replace" nor "extend" the ones that already exist...
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 50.ogg Caribert: In the face of everything they could be planning, I fear I'm too insignificant to even get a glimpse of the bigger picture.
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 51.ogg Caribert: In any case, I had my own use for the Loom of Fate, and my goal, at least, has been achieved.
Icon Dialogue Talk Your goal?
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 52.ogg Caribert: You remember my father, don't you? Chlothar Alberich. I believe you saw him in your sibling's memory.
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 53.ogg Caribert: After he used the power of the Abyss to restore consciousness to my Hilichurl form, I suffered from an indescribable level of mental anguish.
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 54.ogg Caribert: To comfort me, my father told me a story... That this was a fairytale world, where I had to take on the form of a little monster...
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 55.ogg Caribert: That story managed to dispel my fears... even if just for a moment.
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 56.ogg Caribert: My goal was simple — to use the Loom of Fate in its near-completed form, when its ability to create memories was at its strongest...
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 57.ogg Caribert: To implant a specific memory into the minds of the Hilichurls.
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 58.ogg Caribert: In that memory, I would tell them a story... just like my father did for me. It was a story of fairy tales and love... But, more than anything, it was the story of us.
(TravelerTraveler): (So the thing that caused the Hilichurls to calm down back then was Caribert's story...)
(TravelerTraveler): (So that was his goal... That was the only thing he wanted.)
(TravelerTraveler): (He had a device as powerful as the Loom of Fate at his disposal, and all he wanted to do with it was to offer the Hilichurls a moment of comfort and peace...)
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 59.ogg Caribert: I can't change the world, not when I lost the very right to exist within it. Implanting those memories... that was the most worthwhile thing I could offer.
Icon Dialogue Talk Perhaps.
Icon Dialogue Talk I think... It was very meaningful indeed.
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 60.ogg Caribert: All that's left of my existence is a wisp of residual consciousness tied to the Loom of Fate. In truth, that trace of my consciousness should have dissipated long ago... My goal was the one thing that allowed me to hold on all this time.
Media:vo szaq303 18 caribert 61.ogg Caribert: But now, the bedtime story... is finished, and it's finally time to rest.
Cutscene's Travel Log summary:
An exhausted Caribert sits beneath the tree, his eyes closed peacefully.
You watch as his figure gradually dissipates in the wind, even as the sound of your sibling's voice suddenly comes from behind you.
You turn around in disbelief. (‍SheShe/HeHe‍) really is standing there... but you cannot touch one another.
(A cinematic plays)
(As soon as Caribert dissipates, the Traveler's Sibling enters the space)
Media:Vo szaq303 cs heroine 01.ogg Media:Vo szaq303 cs hero 01.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): ...Ah, looks like I was too late to see Caribert one last time
(The Traveler reaches out to touch their sibling, but their hand passes right through)
Media:Vo szaq303 cs heroine 02.ogg Media:Vo szaq303 cs hero 02.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): Caribert's consciousness is gone, and this space will soon disappear along with it
Media:Vo szaq303 cs heroine 03.ogg Media:Vo szaq303 cs hero 03.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): Neither of us belongs here. That's why we are not tangible
Media:Vo szaq303 cs heroine 04.ogg Media:Vo szaq303 cs hero 04.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): Were that not the case... I'd love to hug you too
(Cinematic ends)
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 01.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 01.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): Well... How about a conversation?
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 02.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 02.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): The chance to just stop and talk like this is certainly not easy to come by... Wouldn't you agree?
Icon Dialogue Talk Yeah.
Icon Dialogue Talk I almost can't believe it's real.
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 03.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 03.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): That battle earlier was tough...
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 04.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 04.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): The one against Dain, I mean.
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 05.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 05.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): I didn't expect that after everything, he would still hesitate to raise his sword against me...
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 06.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 06.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): Were it not for that... Perhaps I'd still be no match for the Twilight Sword. Even after five hundred years.
Icon Dialogue Talk What exactly are you planning?
Icon Dialogue Talk What are you going to do with the Loom of Fate?
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 07.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 07.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): The Loom of Fate, huh... I still haven't found a way to utilize it to its full potential, but there's still time...
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 08.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 08.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): ...Before the Heavenly Principles "awaken."
Icon Dialogue Talk The Heavenly Principles are still asleep?
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 09.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 09.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): Yes, for five hundred years now, ever since the cataclysm in Khaenri'ah. There's been no sign of activity...
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 10.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 10.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): Not long ago, you witnessed the Hydro Archon destroy her divine throne, yes?
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 11.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 11.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): Such a flagrant disregard for the "rules," and still Celestia took no action... I suppose that's proof enough of the Heavenly Principles' situation.
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 12.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 12.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): However, the Heavenly Principles will awaken... We just don't know when that will be, or what might trigger it.
Icon Dialogue Talk You really hate the Heavenly Principles, don't you?
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 13.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 13.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): You could say that.
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 14.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 14.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): Just look at Caribert. He was so pure and single-minded... The space we now find ourselves is a perfect representation of who he was — quiet and peaceful.
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 15.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 15.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): Even as a Hilichurl, seeing the terrible sight within the mirror wasn't enough to taint his spirit.
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 16.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 16.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): He brought comfort to the people of this world... even though he was denied the very right to be a part of it...
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 17.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 17.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): So, ask yourself this... Who was it that deprived him of that right to exist?
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 18.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 18.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): Of course, that's only one example. My feelings about the Heavenly Principles are too complicated to explain in just a few words...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 19.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 19.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): ...
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 20.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 20.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): ...(‍AetherAether/LumineLumine‍)?
Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 21.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 21.ogg (‍AetherAether/LumineLumine‍): You're the only one in this world who calls me that.
Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 22.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 22.ogg (‍AetherAether/LumineLumine‍): There's so much I wanted to ask you, but for some reason, I'm not interested in asking those questions right now.
Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 23.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 23.ogg (‍AetherAether/LumineLumine‍): There's just one thing I have to ask, one thing I could never understand...
Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 24.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 24.ogg (‍AetherAether/LumineLumine‍): Why... Why can't we continue our journey together?
(The camera briefly cuts to the carved statues of Atossa and Caribert)
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 25.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 25.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): ...
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 26.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 26.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): At the end of my journey, I arrived at a place known as "The Sea of Flowers at the End."
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 27.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 27.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): Do you remember? A long time ago, when we traveled between worlds together...
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 28.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 28.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): You told me... You wanted to find a place in the universe where that one flower was in full bloom.
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 29.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 29.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): To have a place like that suddenly appear before me...
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 30.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 30.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): Well, would you think of that as a coincidence?
Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 31.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 31.ogg (‍AetherAether/LumineLumine‍): You mean...
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 32.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 32.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): I miss you too, (‍AetherAether/LumineLumine‍).
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 33.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 33.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): But as this war continues to rage, and as I continue to seek that final answer...
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 34.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 34.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): I don't even know how to face myself sometimes... let alone my own (‍brotherbrother/sistersister‍).
Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 35.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 35.ogg (‍AetherAether/LumineLumine‍): ...
You notice intense spatial disturbances...
Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 36.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 36.ogg (‍AetherAether/LumineLumine‍): What's going on?
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 37.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 37.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): This space has lost its tether... I doubt it'll be able to exist much longer.
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 38.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 38.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): In fact, aside from our inability to physically interact with each other, there's something else you should know about this space. With Caribert gone, we won't be able to remember anything that happened here...
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 39.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 39.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): Everything in this space will be wiped from existence... including all memory of our reunion.
Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 40.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 40.ogg (‍AetherAether/LumineLumine‍): You're only telling me this now...
There is still so much left to say, but the spatial disturbances have become too extreme. You can no longer hear each other's voices...
Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 41.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 41.ogg (‍AetherAether/LumineLumine‍): ...!
Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 42.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 42.ogg (‍AetherAether/LumineLumine‍): ...!!!
Media:vo szaq303 19 heroine 43.ogg Media:vo szaq303 19 hero 43.ogg (Traveler's SiblingTraveler's Sibling): "..."

Media:vo szaq303 20 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: *yawn*... So sleepy. Paimon's head still feels all fuzzy...
Media:vo szaq303 20 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Paimon woke up a little earlier than you, so Paimon will fill you in. The villagers said they saw us sleeping near the village yesterday. They couldn't wake us up no matter how hard they tried, so they decided to just bring us back here.
Media:vo szaq303 20 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Oh, and Dain came by just now. It looked like he was injured...
Media:vo szaq303 20 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: He didn't say anything, though. Just made sure that you were alright and left... Kinda seemed like he had a lot on his mind... But, that's Dain for you...
Icon Dialogue Talk He never changes, does he?
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm having trouble thinking straight right now...
Media:vo szaq303 20 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Hmm, let's think for a second. We were in that memory, and we saw that guy you called Caribert...
Media:vo szaq303 20 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: He was the missing villager we'd been trying to find, right? And after that... Paimon doesn't remember what happened...
Icon Dialogue Talk Caribert and I talked for a while...
Icon Dialogue Talk He told me about the Loom of Fate.
Media:vo szaq303 20 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Wait, really? What a score!
(TravelerTraveler): (I guess our commission is complete, then. The missing villager, the person who only existed in people's memories, was Caribert all along...)
(TravelerTraveler): (But, now that he's gone, I'm not sure how to explain things to the villagers...)
Media:vo szaq303 20 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Well... What happened after that?
Icon Dialogue Talk After that...
Icon Dialogue Talk Huh, I can't seem to remember...
(TravelerTraveler): (Maybe I'm just tired? I feel like something else happened, but why can't I remember...?)
(TravelerTraveler): (I'm not sure why... But, it almost feels like I lost something...)
Media:vo szaq303 20 bahram 01.ogg Bahram: Ah, there you are! Haha, sleep well?
Media:vo szaq303 20 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Bahram? You sure seem happy. Did something good happen?
Media:vo szaq303 20 bahram 02.ogg Bahram: Something good? Hm... wasn't anything good or bad, I'd say.
Media:vo szaq303 20 bahram 03.ogg Bahram: It's just that, well... The village organized another search party yesterday. It didn't feel right to leave all the searching to the adventurers.
Media:vo szaq303 20 bahram 04.ogg Bahram: So there we were, searching away, when suddenly this one guy said it all came back to him...
Media:vo szaq303 20 bahram 05.ogg Bahram: According to him, one day around dusk, he was passing by this one tree outside the village, and he saw our missing villager.
Media:vo szaq303 20 bahram 06.ogg Bahram: There he was, sleeping under that tree all by himself. His parents came a little later to wake him up, and they all left together. They looked like quite a happy family, apparently.
Media:vo szaq303 20 bahram 07.ogg Bahram: And, after that, well... We all started to feel like that really is what happened... Kinda strange that we forgot all about it for so long...
(TravelerTraveler): (So, that's how Caribert said his goodbyes... That was the last memory he gave them.)
Media:vo szaq303 20 bahram 08.ogg Bahram: Oh, and we also remembered his name — Caribert. Now, that's not a name you hear everyday. Would've been helpful if we remembered it sooner.
Icon Dialogue Talk That is a unique name.
Icon Dialogue Talk Make sure you remember it this time.
Media:vo szaq303 20 bahram 09.ogg Bahram: Well, I hope he's happy wherever he is. And we're all relieved now that we know what happened.
Media:vo szaq303 20 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Seems like everyone thinks Caribert left the village. That's probably for the best... At least they have some sort of explanation now.
Icon Dialogue Talk Caribert is gone. The Loom of Fate is now complete...
Icon Dialogue Talk And no one else will try to change the villagers' memories.
Media:vo szaq303 20 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Hmm, Paimon wonders how Atossa's doing. Maybe we should go check on her? If she hasn't "remembered" like everyone else, we can tell her what happened.
Media:vo szaq303 20 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Paimon didn't see her in the village just now, so... She's probably at the tree! C'mon, let's go talk to her!

(Approach Atossa)
Media:vo szaq303 21 atossa 01.ogg Atossa: ...
Media:vo szaq303 21 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hey, Atossa! How's it going?
Media:vo szaq303 21 atossa 02.ogg Atossa: Oh, it's you two. I was just about to go looking for you. I wanted to thank you.
Media:vo szaq303 21 atossa 03.ogg Atossa: I was part of the search party, so I... remember what happened to Caribert now.
Media:vo szaq303 21 atossa 04.ogg Atossa: Honestly... I just... can't believe I forgot something so important...
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe he wanted you to forget him.
Media:vo szaq303 21 atossa 05a 1.ogg Atossa: He always seemed to appear out of nowhere, and now... he left just as quickly...
Media:vo szaq303 21 atossa 05a 2.ogg Atossa: If Caribert wants me to forget about the time we spent together, then I'm willing to try.
Media:vo szaq303 21 atossa 05a 3.ogg Atossa: I relied on him for a lot of things. But, I'm sure with enough time, even the deepest of attachments can fade.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm sure he wouldn't want you to forget him.
Media:vo szaq303 21 atossa 05b 1.ogg Atossa: It's funny, but... I have this feeling he told me the same thing. I just can't seem to remember when...
Media:vo szaq303 21 atossa 05b 2.ogg Atossa: I guess it doesn't really matter, anyway. Life is made up of a series of memories. As long as I hold onto our time together... He'll always be a part of my life.
Media:vo szaq303 21 atossa 05b 3.ogg Atossa: I'm just happy I got to meet him. So, who cares what happens in the future, right?
Media:vo szaq303 21 atossa 06.ogg Atossa: ...
Media:vo szaq303 21 atossa 07.ogg Atossa: Okay, I'll admit, I'm just putting on a brave face.
Media:vo szaq303 21 atossa 08.ogg Atossa: I was dumped.. wasn't I?
Media:vo szaq303 21 atossa 09.ogg Atossa: ...Otherwise, why would he just leave like that without saying goodbye?
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm sure... he had his reasons.
Media:vo szaq303 21 atossa 10.ogg Atossa: Hehe, you don't need to comfort me. I'll be okay.
Media:vo szaq303 21 atossa 11.ogg Atossa: It's just like Caribert said... It's the things we overcome that make life more precious.
Media:vo szaq303 21 atossa 12.ogg Atossa: And, y'know... If he has a heart, maybe he'll come back and see me one day.
Media:vo szaq303 21 atossa 13.ogg Atossa: Anyway, thanks for all your hard work, you two. I promised I'd help Granny Jehiet with something, so I should head back. Goodbye!
Media:vo szaq303 21 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Well... That should be it, right? Everyone's lives can go back to normal now...
Media:vo szaq303 21 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Oh, right! Weren't you about to tell Paimon what happened after your conversation with Caribert?
(TravelerTraveler): (Right... What was it that happened...? I can't remember...)
(TravelerTraveler): (Huh? It feels like there's something in my pocket...)
Media:vo szaq303 21 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Uh. A picture? Where'd that come from? Let Paimon see...
"You must get along with each other, the two of you."
(Obtain Group Photo From an Unknown Time Group Photo From an Unknown Time)


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
25Everlasting PromiseThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 4World-Order Narration
26Meeting and PassingThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 4World-Order Narration (Cutscene)


  • After completing this quest, the dolls of Caribert and Atossa can still be found sitting in their tree near Vimara Village.


  1. The message is written in Sumeru Script: "Farewell, Atossa. I apologize for making you know me unwillingly. Still, I don't wish you to forget me."
  2. The message on the photo is written in Sumeru Script: "You two should get along well as siblings"

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishWorld-Order Narration
Yǐ Shìjiè zhī Gé de Sùshuō
Yǐ Shìjiè zhī Gé de Sùshuō
Sekai Kibo no Katari
World Structure Narration
Korean세계급 이야기
Segyegeup Iyagi
SpanishUn relato para el mundo enteroA Story for the Whole World
FrenchConversation sur la structure du mondeConversation About the Structure of the World
RussianПовествование о мировом порядке
Povestvovaniye o mirovom poryadke
World Order Narration
VietnameseTường Thuật Về Trật Tự Thế Giới
GermanErzählung vom Gefüge der WeltNarration of the World's Structure
IndonesianNarasi Tatanan DuniaWorld-Order Narration
PortugueseNarração da Ordem Mundial
TurkishDünyanın DüzeniOrder of the World
ItalianNarrazione dell'Ordine mondiale

Change History[]

