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Stillness, the Sublimation of Shadow is the second act in Chapter II of the Archon Quests.

To unlock this quest line, players must complete Kamisato Ayaka's Story Quest, Grus Nivis Chapter: Act I - The Whispers of the Crane and the White Rabbit, and Yoimiya's Story Quest, Carassius Auratus Chapter: Act I - Dreamlike Timelessness.


  1. Amidst Stormy Judgment
  2. In the Name of the Resistance


Amidst Stormy Judgment

The Traveler and Paimon return to Komore Teahouse to learn about their next operation with Kamisato Ayaka and Thoma. However, they discover that Thoma is not present, with Ayaka arriving shortly after with news that the Tenryou Commission has taken him to the Statue of the Omnipresent God to become the one hundredth victim of the Vision Hunt Decree, which will be commemorated by a public ceremony where the Raiden Shogun will make a personal appearance. With hardly any time left before the ceremony begins, Ayaka is willing to storm in alone to rescue her friend. However, the Traveler and Paimon remind her that she cannot personally intervene without endangering the neutrality of the entire Yashiro Commission, and convince her to let them rescue Thoma instead.

After witnessing the Traveler use Electro powers without a Vision, the Raiden Shogun steps in, declaring the Traveler to be "an exception," which she deems to be "the enemy of eternity." Brandishing her might, the Raiden Shogun pulls the Traveler into an alternate dimension. The Traveler proves no match for the Raiden Shogun and is quickly incapacitated. Before she can finish them off, Thoma distracts her and escapes with the Traveler and Paimon. The Raiden Shogun orders the Traveler's arrest, vowing to "strike twice" next time.

In the Name of the Resistance

Now wanted criminals, Thoma tells the Traveler and Paimon to take refuge with the Watatsumi Army, which is leading a resistance against the Vision Hunt Decree, while he takes refuge in Komore Teahouse, safely within Yashiro Commission territory. Because the Resistance's whereabouts are secret, the Traveler has to find it themselves. While making their way westwards into the warzone, the Traveler and Paimon come across a lone Resistance soldier named Teppei surrounded by Shogunate troops. They rescue him and he readily agrees to take them to meet General Gorou, the Resistance's commanding officer. However, he warns them that the Resistance is at a disadvantage, as the Shogun's Army has the powerful Kujou Sara's leadership.

During their meeting with Gorou, the Traveler impresses him with their feats at the Vision Hunt Ceremony, and they are readily welcomed into the Resistance. Gorou has Teppei show them around the camp, and the Traveler helps a few soldiers they meet. A sudden attack by the Shogun's Army leads Teppei to suspect that there is a traitor within the camp, but before he can try and root them out, he is persuaded to use his skill in logistics to reinforce the camp's weak spots. Though he gets the job done, Teppei bemoans his inability to contribute further and make a name for himself on the battlefield.

When they go to report back to Gorou, they find that he has gone to the front lines to intercept the Shogun's Army, which is personally being led by Kujou Sara. Though she promises that she has only come for the Traveler, Gorou refuses to give them up. When the Traveler personally appears at the scene, Sara decides to propose a fight of honor — a ceremonial contest before battle in which two opposing sides are represented by their finest warriors. Gorou explains that this can give a weaker force a morale boost should their warrior win, though Sara's motivation is to capture the Traveler should they lose; he states that they should not feel like they have to accept, though the Traveler does so anyway. The Traveler's consecutive victories give the Resistance courage, and the two sides engage in direct combat. Though the Shogun's Army begins to get the upper hand, the Resistance's leader, Sangonomiya Kokomi appears with surprise mercenary reinforcements, among which are Beidou and Kaedehara Kazuha. With their advantage lost, Sara orders a retreat. Kokomi invites the Traveler to Watatsumi Island to discuss further plans for the counterattack against the Shogunate.


There are 3 Achievements obtainable from Stillness, the Sublimation of Shadow:

Achievement Category Description Primogem
To Brave the Lightning's Glow Wonders of the World Wonders of the World Become the target of the Vision Hunt Decree. 5
Revolutionary Outlander Wonders of the World Wonders of the World Successfully join the resistance. 5
Stillness, the Sublimation of Shadow Wonders of the World Wonders of the World Complete "Stillness, the Sublimation of Shadow." 10


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
02The Comrades' AmbushThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 2In the Name of the Resistance (cutscene)
03Trial of ThunderThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 2Amidst Stormy Judgment (cutscene)
04Shogun's AbdicationThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 2Amidst Stormy Judgment (cutscene)


  • In terms of numbers of quests, Chapter II: Act II is the shortest Archon Quest act in the game, having only two quests under it.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishStillness, the Sublimation of Shadow
Wúniàn Wúxiǎng, Pàoyǐng Duànmiè
Stillness & Nothingness, the Shattering of Mirage
Wúniàn Wúxiǎng, Pàoyǐng Duànmiè
Munen Musou, Houei wo Messu
Stillness & Nothingness, the Shattering of Mirage
Korean무념무상무념무상, 포영포영 절멸절멸
Munyeommusang, Poyeong-ui Jeolmyeol
Free From All Thoughts and Worries, Extermination of Transiency
SpanishQuietud, la sublimación de la sombraStillness, the Sublimation of Shadow
FrenchQuiétude, la sublimation de l'ombreStillness, the Sublimation of Shadow
RussianЗабвение, исчезновение теней
Zabveniye, ischeznoveniye teney
Oblivion, the Disappearance of Shadows
Rai Phawong Plong Khanueng
Without Worry, Removed Consideration
VietnameseTâm Vô Tạp NiệmTâm Vô Tạp Niệm, Bất Sinh Bất DiệtBất Sinh Bất DiệtHeart Without Thoughts, Neither Arising Nor Ceasing
GermanIn der Stille verschwinden die SchattenIn the Silence the Shadows Disappear
IndonesianKekosongan Pikiran, Kemusnahan BayanganEmpty Thoughts, Destruction of Shadows
PortuguesePermanência, a Utopia EternaPermanence, the Eternal Utopia
TurkishDinginlik, Kasvetin Yok OluşuStillness, Disappearance of Gloom
ItalianLa quiete, sublimazione dell'ombraThe Quiet, Sublimation of the Shadow

Change History[]

