List of all Archon Quests in Genshin Impact.
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Archon Quest -
Ritou Escape Plan -
When All Becomes a Monument -
The Opera of Noirceur and Blancheur -
Lost in Prosperity -
Journey of Stars and Flames -
Where All Hopes Lie -
The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call
All items (175)
- A Dance of Destruction
- A Decision (Archon Quest)
- A Flower Blooms in a Prison
- A Forest of Change
- A Fuel Named "Fate"
- A Lamenter at Fate's End
- A Long Shot
- A Moment's Respite
- A Swordmaster's Path Is Paved With Broken Blades
- A Tea Party Most Thorny
- A Toast to Victory
- Abyss Mage (Quest)
- All Names are Noble
- Amidst Stormy Judgment
- An Impromptu Change of Plan
- An Organization Known as Wangsheng
- Apocalypse
- As by a God's Side
- As the Sun Rises and Sets
- As Though Morning Dew
- At Tunnel's End, Light
- That Green Fellow
- The Arrival of the Sabzeruz Festival
- The Black Serpent Knights' Glory
- The Causality of the Sabzeruz Festival
- The City of Rains and Remembrance
- The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival
- The Continuation of the Sabzeruz Festival
- The Crux Clash (Quest)
- The Empty Illusions of the Sabzeruz Festival
- The End of the Sabzeruz Festival
- The Flickering Light Splits in Twain
- The Floating Palace
- The Fond Farewell
- The Four at Loggerheads
- The Gaze From a Certain God
- The Grave of the Guarded
- The Kabukimono's Finale
- The Meaning of Meaningless Waiting
- The Missing Village Keepers
- The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call
- The Omnipresent God
- The Opera of Noirceur and Blancheur
- The Proscribed, Hidden in Plain Sight
- The Realm Within
- The Samsara of the Sabzeruz Festival
- The Servant's Path
- The Surging Darkness
- The Trail of the God of Wisdom
- The Truth Shrouded in Shadow
- The Truth, Lost With the Rain
- The Unexpected Guest
- Those Who Yearn for the Gods' Gaze
- Three Poignant Perfumes
- Three Wishes
- Through the Predawn Night
- To Reclaim an Ancient Name
- To Whence the Smoke Drifts
- Turning Point