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Bygones Times Like Dust Passing is the third part in the Teyvat storyline Archon Quest Interlude Chapter: Act I - The Crane Returns on the Wind.


  1. Go to the worksite to ask around for news
  2. Ask Master Zhang about Wonder Cores
  3. Go to the southwestern side of Mt. Tianheng
  4. Use Visions to find the Starsplinter Iron Starsplinter Iron (0/2)
    • With the exceptions of Venti and Zhongli, characters' Visions glow bright yellow and emit noise when near a Starsplinter Iron.
      • This includes Aloy who got a strange Vision despite being an outlander.
    • Nothing happens on characters who do not have a Vision on them (Traveler and Raiden Shogun).
    • One can be found in a straw hut in the south, and another can be found at the top of a rock pillar north of the straw hut.
  5. Ask the old man for information about Subrosium
  6. Search for records left behind in the village
  7. Continue searching for record concerning ore
  8. Talk to Shenhe
  9. Go to the middle of the lake
  10. Wait until evening (around 17:30)
    • If the quest does not proceed with a cut scene after waiting, check your Quests window. It could be locked by another quest, such as Hereafter: The Trail of Pervases.
  11. Look for Subrosium Subrosium
  12. Give the two types of ore you found to Master Zhang

Gameplay Notes[]


UI Quest Quest Description

Only two materials left to find. Time to ask around at the worksite.

(Optional, talk to Changfeng at the partially-constructed Jade Chamber)
Media:vo dialog shlq003 changfeng 02.ogg Changfeng: The Jade Chamber belongs in the sky amongst the clouds!
(Optional, talk to Leming at the partially-constructed Jade Chamber)
Media:vo dialog shlq003 leming 02.ogg Leming: The next step is to build the pavilions on the upper layer while we wait for the Wonder Cores and the Adepti Sigils.
(Optional, talk to Lizheng near the construction crane)
Media:vo dialog shlq003 lizheng 02.ogg Lizheng: The basic structure is beginning to take shape, but there is still a lot of work to do... Get back to it.
(Optional, talk to Anshun near the wooden boxes)
Media:vo dialog shlq003 anshun 02.ogg Anshun: I heard that Lady Keqing has gone to Guyun Stone Forest.
(Optional, talk to Siqin who is standing guard)
Media:vo dialog shlq003 siqin 02.ogg Siqin: We're halfway there. I must keep my wits about me and continue to ensure the safety of the site for the remainder of the project!
(Optional, talk to Liang who is standing guard)
Media:vo dialog shlq003 bright 03.ogg Liang: I heard a good few of my comrades have been sent over to Guyun Stone Forest. I sure hope they'll be safe out there...
(Optional, talk to Qiqi next to the Liyue Harbor Dockyard entrance)
Media:vo dialog shlq003 qiqi 01.ogg Qiqi: Oh, it's you.
Icon Dialogue Talk Qiqi! What are you doing here?
Media:vo dialog shlq003 qiqi 02.ogg Qiqi: Seaside. Dangerous.
Media:vo dialog shlq003 qiqi 03.ogg Qiqi: Qiqi is helping. With the evacuation.
Icon Dialogue Talk "Dangerous"?
Icon Dialogue Talk "Evacuation"?
Media:vo dialog shlq003 qiqi 04.ogg Qiqi: Yes. Ningguang said there's something bad in the sea.
Media:vo dialog shlq003 qiqi 05.ogg Qiqi: So she sent Qiqi, to evacuate everyone.
Media:vo dialog shlq003 qiqi 06.ogg Qiqi: But, no one will listen to Qiqi. So instead, Qiqi is guarding this place.
Media:vo dialog shlq003 qiqi 07.ogg Qiqi: If danger comes, Qiqi will protect everyone.
Media:vo dialog shlq003 qiqi 08.ogg Qiqi: Don't go near the sea. It's too dangerous.
(If the player visits Guyun Stone Forest)
Media:vo shlq003 3 shenhe 02.ogg Shenhe: The zombie called Qiqi is right. A great wrath brews in the sea.
Media:vo shlq003 3 shenhe 03.ogg Shenhe: I don't know where this wrath comes from. So let's keep our distance for the time being.

(Approach the worksite)
Media:vo shlq003 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Look, look, (TravelerTraveler)! The Jade Chamber is floating into the sky!
Media:vo shlq003 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: But it seems to be tied down by something...
Media:vo shlq003 1 baiwen 01.ogg Baiwen: That's because it's not finished.
(If the player has met Beidou prior to the quest)
Media:vo shlq003 1 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Hey, Baiwen! And hey Beidou! And hey, um... person Paimon doesn't know...
(If the player has not met Beidou prior to the quest)
Media:vo shlq003 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Hey, Baiwen! And hey, um... people Paimon doesn't know..
Media:vo shlq003 1 baiwen 02.ogg Baiwen: Given the enormous scale of the Jade Chamber, we split the construction work into two phases to make sure the structure remains balanced.
Media:vo shlq003 1 baiwen 03.ogg Baiwen: Before we find some suitable Plaustrite, we build the Jade Chamber's keel at ground level.
Media:vo shlq003 1 baiwen 04.ogg Baiwen: Once the Plaustrite is ready, we place it into the keel and let the partially-constructed Jade Chamber rise up to the height of the surrounding mountain peaks.
Media:vo shlq003 1 baiwen 05.ogg Baiwen: The remainder of the construction work is then carried out at that altitude. Once everything is ready, we release the iron tethers and allow the Jade Chamber to rise to its target altitude.
Media:vo shlq003 1 changgui 01.ogg Changgui: Miss Baiwen, we've brought some new materials to submit—
Media:vo shlq003 1 baiwen 06.ogg Baiwen: One moment. I'll be right there.
Media:vo shlq003 1 baiwen 07.ogg Baiwen: The construction work has only been able to progress this rapidly thanks to the Plaustrite provided by you. Lady Ningguang is most grateful and looks forward to seeing more of your work.
(Baiwen leaves)
Media:vo shlq003 1 beidou 01.ogg Beidou: Wow! Can't believe you sourced the Plaustrite so quickly — it's the key piece of the puzzle. Looks like you beat us to the punch.
(If the player has met Beidou prior to the quest)
Media:vo shlq003 1 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Beidou... you're joining the Jade Chamber contest too?
(If the player has not met Beidou prior to the quest)
Media:vo shlq003 2 beidou 02.ogg Beidou: Wait, I know you. You're the one who fought against the Fatui and Osial, right? Sure enough, your reputation precedes you.
Media:vo shlq003 2 beidou 03.ogg Beidou: Pleasure to meet you, I'm Beidou, Captain of The Crux.
Media:vo shlq003 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Beidou... are you here to join the Jade Chamber contest too?
Media:vo shlq003 1 beidou 02.ogg Beidou: Sure am. I happened to get my hands on a chunk of Sunset Vermillionite on a voyage a while back, so I figured I'd bring it over.
Media:vo shlq003 1 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Huh, so even though it's rare, we're not the only ones who managed to get hold of it...
Media:vo shlq003 1 beidou 03.ogg Beidou: Oh, I've got some introductions to do: This is the renowned Ms. Yun, or Yun Jin, probably the most famous figure in the Liyue opera scene.
Media:vo shlq003 1 yunjin 01.ogg Yun Jin: Greetings.
(If the player has met Beidou prior to the quest)
Media:vo shlq003 1 beidou 04.ogg Beidou: These two are Paimon and the Traveler, both good buddies of mine, and this is... Um, sorry, I'm not sure we've met...
Media:vo shlq003 1 shenhe 01.ogg Shenhe: Shenhe. I am their... friend.
Media:vo shlq003 1 beidou 05.ogg Beidou: Hahaha... Good to meet ya! A friend of a friend is my friend too — or as I like to say, a mate of a crewmate is part of the crew!
(If the player has not met Beidou prior to the quest)
Media:vo shlq003 2 beidou 06.ogg Beidou: These two are Paimon and (TravelerTraveler), I'm sure you've heard of them before. And this is... um, sorry, I'm not sure we've met.
Media:vo shlq003 2 shenhe 01.ogg Shenhe: Shenhe. I am their... friend.
Media:vo shlq003 2 beidou 07.ogg Beidou: Hahaha... Good to meet ya! Well, from today on, I guess all of us are friends!
Media:vo shlq003 1 beidou 06.ogg Beidou: Ms. Yun is also here for the contest. Turned out she needed to borrow a boat, so we came together.
Media:vo shlq003 1 yunjin 02.ogg Yun Jin: It's an honor to finally meet you both. I've heard much about you. Ms. Shenhe, though we are only meeting for the first time, I have a feeling that we will get along very well indeed.
Media:vo shlq003 1 yunjin 03.ogg Yun Jin: To be honest with you all, I am in great need of this opportunity to ask Lady Ningguang a question. That's why I joined the contest. Thanks to my father's connections, I was able to acquire a specimen of the Plaustrite required. Fortunately, it was approved for submission, despite being a little on the diminutive side.
Media:vo shlq003 1 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Wow... So it looks like the three of us are competitors now!
Media:vo shlq003 1 yunjin 04.ogg Yun Jin: Excuse me for prying, Ms. Shenhe, but... are you competing as well?
Media:vo shlq003 1 shenhe 02a.ogg Media:vo shlq003 1 shenhe 02b.ogg Shenhe: No. I don't have any questions for Ningguang. I just wanted to help (‍himhim/herher‍) win.
Media:vo shlq003 1 yunjin 05.ogg Yun Jin: In that case... I have a proposal to make.
Media:vo shlq003 1 yunjin 06.ogg Yun Jin: Lady Ningguang said that the first three contestants to procure all three materials will be awarded the chance to ask a question. Well, there are three teams here. We can split the prize between us.
Media:vo shlq003 1 yunjin 07.ogg Yun Jin: Instead of competing against each other, we could work together to secure the top three places between us. What do you think?
Media:vo shlq003 1 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Sounds great! But how does that change things, exactly?
Media:vo shlq003 1 beidou 07.ogg Beidou: Haha... I think I see where you're going with this, Ms. Yun.
Media:vo shlq003 1 beidou 08.ogg Beidou: The Plaustrite was the most difficult item to source by a long shot. Luckily, all three of us managed to get our hands on it. The two remaining items aren't quite so rare, so as long as one of us finds a way to source it, the other two can hop on the bandwagon.
Media:vo shlq003 1 beidou 09.ogg Beidou: How'd I do? Is that what you had in mind?
Media:vo shlq003 1 yunjin 08.ogg Yun Jin: Precisely.
Media:vo shlq003 1 shenhe 03.ogg Shenhe: Huh. Interesting approach.
Media:vo shlq003 1 beidou 10.ogg Beidou: Okay then! Alright, I'll go first. I have some leads on these "Wonder Cores."
Media:vo shlq003 1 beidou 11.ogg Beidou: From what I've heard, the core itself is really not that difficult to make. The hard part is getting hold of the ore used as raw materials. I'm gonna head back to the ship and ask Suling if he's heard of them, you guys—
Media:vo shlq003 1 yunjin 09.ogg Yun Jin: We will head into town and seek advice from Master Zhang of Hanfeng's Ironmongers. Thoughts, (TravelerTraveler)?
Icon Dialogue Talk Sounds good. Let's go.
Icon Dialogue Talk You can trust Master Zhang's smithing skills.
Media:vo shlq003 1 beidou 12.ogg Beidou: Wonderful. We'll split into teams then, and whoever makes progress first brings all of us a step closer to victory.
Media:vo shlq003 1 beidou 13.ogg Beidou: I'm gonna take off — see you later!
(Beidou leaves)
Media:vo shlq003 1 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Okay. Let's go.
Media:vo shlq003 1 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: By the way, what question are you gonna ask Ningguang, Yun Jin?
Media:vo shlq003 1 yunjin 10.ogg Yun Jin: I'm looking for a venue to host the performance of our new opera. Lady Ningguang has excellent judgment, so I would like to hear her opinion.
Media:vo shlq003 1 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Whoa... What's the opera called? Paimon wants to go see it!
Media:vo shlq003 1 yunjin 11.ogg Yun Jin: The opera is a labor of love by my father. He wrote it based on a popular urban legend about an evil spirit and an adeptus.
Media:vo shlq003 1 yunjin 12.ogg Yun Jin: It's called "The Divine Damsel of Devastation."

Icon Quest Step Step Description

You meet Yun Jin rather by chance. She suggests looking for Master Zhang and asking him some questions.
(Talk to Master Zhang)
Media:vo shlq003 3 masterzhang 01.ogg Master Zhang: Hmm? Ah, hello. Are you here for something off-the-shelf? Or do you need something forged?
Media:vo shlq003 3 yunjin 01.ogg Yun Jin: Excuse me, Master Zhang, we were wondering if you'd heard of something called a "Wonder Core."
Media:vo shlq003 3 masterzhang 02.ogg Master Zhang: Of course I have. Sorry, um... who's asking?
Media:vo shlq003 3 yunjin 02.ogg Yun Jin: My name is Yun Jin. Perhaps you don't know me, but I believe that you've forged some weaponry for my father in the past, for stage use.
Media:vo shlq003 3 masterzhang 03.ogg Master Zhang: Yun Jin? Stage use? ...Oh! So... you must be Ms. Yun?
Media:vo shlq003 3 masterzhang 04.ogg Master Zhang: Ahem, sorry, my brain's finally caught up! It's not used to doing much beyond bashing a hammer all day... Everyone's heard of you, Ms. Yun! Even folks who don't make it to the opera all that often, like myself.
Media:vo shlq003 3 masterzhang 05.ogg Master Zhang: So. You're here to ask about Wonder Cores, huh? As it happens, I do know how to make them. Matter of fact, I made some for Lady Ningguang back when she was building the original Jade Chamber.
Media:vo shlq003 3 masterzhang 06.ogg Master Zhang: The types of ore needed to make Wonder Cores are a little hard to come by. Lady Ningguang supplied them herself last time — I don't suppose you've brought any yourselves?
Media:vo shlq003 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: No... We were gonna ask you what kinds of ore we need!
Media:vo shlq003 3 masterzhang 07.ogg Master Zhang: Sure. Well, you'll need two kinds: Starsplinter Iron and Subrosium.
Media:vo shlq003 3 masterzhang 08.ogg Master Zhang: If I remember correctly, Lady Ningguang sourced her Starsplinter Iron from the Mt. Tianheng area. They say it resonates with Visions.
Media:vo shlq003 3 masterzhang 09.ogg Master Zhang: It could take some work, but if you stick with it, you'll find some eventually. As for the Subrosium, though... that's trickier. It's all but unheard of on the market...
Icon Dialogue Talk Then... where do we start?
Media:vo shlq003 3 masterzhang 10.ogg Master Zhang: Uh... I'm really not sure, sorry. What I've heard is that the people around Mt. Tianheng have some sort of magic trick that can pinpoint the location of the stuff.
Media:vo shlq003 3 masterzhang 11.ogg Master Zhang: Of course, it's probably just hearsay. If you want my advice, start by looking for Starsplinter Iron around Mt. Tianheng, and if you run into any locals, ask them a few questions about Subrosium.
Media:vo shlq003 3 shenhe 01.ogg Shenhe: Mt. Tianheng...
Media:vo shlq003 3 yunjin 03.ogg Yun Jin: Interestingly enough, the story of "The Divine Damsel of Devastation" also takes place on that mountain.
Media:vo shlq003 3 yunjin 04.ogg Yun Jin: I hear the view there is quite spectacular. A favorite destination of the adepti, in fact.
Media:vo shlq003 3 yunjin 05.ogg Yun Jin: Perhaps it can give me some inspiration. Let's not delay, we should head straight there.

Icon Quest Step Step Description

According to Master Zhang, Starsplinter Iron may be found in places where Visions shine brightly. As for Subrosium, you'll have better luck asking the locals...
(Approach the marked spot)
Media:vo shlq003 4 yunjin 01.ogg Yun Jin: I came to Mt. Tianheng once with my father as a child. I remember it being such a long climb that I could barely feel my legs by the time we reached the top.
Media:vo shlq003 4 yunjin 02.ogg Yun Jin: This is quite a trip down memory lane for me... Look at these majestic towering peaks and the gently flowing streams. It's like setting foot in paradise.
Media:vo shlq003 4 yunjin 03.ogg Yun Jin: No wonder the legend of "The Divine Damsel of Devastation" is said to have taken place here. "Adepti wander oft where mortals seldom stride." Indeed, this looks like a place that one might expect to be frequented by adepti.
Media:vo shlq003 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: "The Divine Damsel of Devastation" is your upcoming opera, right? And the story takes place in Mt. Tianheng, huh... Seems like you have a real connection with this place!
Media:vo shlq003 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: What's the story about, though?
Media:vo shlq003 4 yunjin 04.ogg Yun Jin: It's... the story of a girl becoming a hero.
Media:vo shlq003 4 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Cool, a hero story! They're Paimon's favorite!
Media:vo shlq003 4 yunjin 05.ogg Yun Jin: The legend first arose in this area. It is said that there used to be a prosperous village on the mountain.
Media:vo shlq003 4 yunjin 06.ogg Yun Jin: In that village, there was a loving couple who were completely devoted to one another. One day, a terrifying monster appeared.
Media:vo shlq003 4 yunjin 07.ogg Yun Jin: The wife was out collecting herbs and was captured by the monster. Her husband was so distraught at the news that it broke his spirit, and drove him to madness.
Media:vo shlq003 4 yunjin 08.ogg Yun Jin: The vile and vicious monster told the villagers, "If you want to live, you must sacrifice a child to me!"
Media:vo shlq003 4 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: What a nasty piece of work! Ugh! Paimon sure hopes this monster gets put in its place!
Media:vo shlq003 4 yunjin 09.ogg Yun Jin: But the monster was so terrible and so strong that all within the village were terrified of it. They had no choice but to give in to the monster's demand.
Media:vo shlq003 4 yunjin 10.ogg Yun Jin: Just while they were discussing whose child would be given over to the monster, a little girl suddenly stood up and came forward.
Media:vo shlq003 4 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: No! Don't do it, little girl!
Media:vo shlq003 4 yunjin 11.ogg Yun Jin: Unbeknownst to anybody else, she was concealing an exorcist's blade. She approached the monster's lair, feigning fear and trepidation... When she finally arrived, she courageously drew her sword and entered into a fierce struggle with the monster, from which she eventually emerged as the victor.
Media:vo shlq003 4 yunjin 12.ogg Yun Jin: Her extraordinary abilities drew the attention of the adepti, and they took her as one of their own. Her story became the stuff of legends... But alas, the paths of mortals and adepti seldom cross, and she would never again re-enter the mortal world.
Media:vo shlq003 4 yunjin 13.ogg Yun Jin: "And so, destined to grace the mortal realm for but a brief moment, she vanished like a wisp of smoke into thin air." That's how the opera ends.
Icon Dialogue Talk (Look at Shenhe.)
Icon Dialogue Talk (Remain silent.)
Media:vo shlq003 4 shenhe 01.ogg Shenhe: I really like this story.
Media:vo shlq003 4 shenhe 02.ogg Shenhe: But I personally think that perhaps the little girl was... not as brave as the opera makes her out to be.
Media:vo shlq003 4 shenhe 03.ogg Shenhe: I'm not sure she deserves all the praise she is given.
Media:vo shlq003 4 yunjin 14.ogg Yun Jin: I've never considered that before.
Media:vo shlq003 4 yunjin 15.ogg Yun Jin: Opera is always an interpretation of the events it purports to portray. A certain degree of deviation from the truth is always inevitable.
Media:vo shlq003 4 yunjin 16.ogg Yun Jin: When my father wrote the script for this play, I suppose his intention was to inspire his audience with the character of the divine damsel.
Media:vo shlq003 4 shenhe 04.ogg Shenhe: Mm. I think it's a great story. The ideal story.
Media:vo shlq003 4 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Well... it sure inspired Paimon! Let's go get ourselves some Starsplinter Iron! Yeah!
(After collecting the Starsplinter Iron)
Media:vo shlq003 4 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: This should be enough Starsplinter Iron. Now we just need to find that "Subrosium"...
Media:vo shlq003 4 yunjin 17.ogg Yun Jin: I think I saw a village on our way here.
Media:vo shlq003 4 yunjin 18.ogg Yun Jin: Master Zhang said we should ask the locals for help. Why don't we try there?

Icon Quest Step Step Description

Having obtained enough Starsplinter Iron, Yun Jin suggests asking locals about where Subrosium may be found.
(Approach the old man)
Media:vo shlq003 4 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Hey, there really is someone here!
Media:vo shlq003 4 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Yun Jin, looks like you were right. Excuse us, Sir! Can we ask you something?
Media:vo shlq003 4 mingjun 01.ogg Villager: ...
Media:vo shlq003 4 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Huh, he didn't seem to catch that, (TravelerTraveler)...
Media:vo shlq003 4 yunjin 19.ogg Yun Jin: Hello, Sir. We were just passing by and wanted to ask if you happened to know anything about Subrosium.
Media:vo shlq003 4 mingjun 02.ogg Villager: ...
(The villager points with his finger)
Media:vo shlq003 4 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Is he tryna tell us to look for clues in the village...? Well, whatever. Guess we're on our own here.
Media:vo shlq003 4 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Shenhe, Yun Jin, (TravelerTraveler), let's have a look around!
Media:vo shlq003 4 shenhe 05.ogg Shenhe: Sorry, you can go ahead without me. I'd like to have a word with this gentleman.
Media:vo shlq003 4 shenhe 06.ogg Shenhe: If that's okay with you... Uncle Mingjun?
Media:vo shlq003 4 mingjun 03.ogg Mingjun: It's... it's...!
Media:vo shlq003 4 shenhe 07.ogg Shenhe: Shenhe.
Media:vo shlq003 4 mingjun 04.ogg Mingjun: Shenhe... You're alive? The rumors were true? So, all these years...
Media:vo shlq003 4 mingjun 05.ogg Mingjun: I'm sorry, I don't know how to find Subrosium. But I think you can find some information in the village...
Media:vo shlq003 4 mingjun 06.ogg Mingjun: This place is deserted now. No one ever comes here. So you can rummage around all you want.
Media:vo shlq003 4 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Huh? You know this guy, Shenhe?
Media:vo shlq003 4 shenhe 08.ogg Shenhe: ...
Media:vo shlq003 4 yunjin 20.ogg Yun Jin: Thank you, kind sir. We'll go and take a look around.
Media:vo shlq003 4 yunjin 21.ogg Yun Jin: Don't worry. Mingjun has no ill intention towards Ms. Shenhe. She'll be quite safe.
Media:vo shlq003 4 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Okay. Then let's see what we can find in this village.
(Talk to Mingjun or Shenhe)
Media:vo dialog shlq003 shenhe 01.ogg Shenhe: I came back here once before, a few years ago. Alone. I hid it from Master at the time.
Media:vo dialog shlq003 shenhe 02.ogg Shenhe: It was deserted then, too, except for a few low-life bandits. Everyone and everything I remembered was long gone. But as people were passing by, they stopped to admire me... they praised me, telling me I gave off the aura of an adeptus.
Media:vo dialog shlq003 shenhe 03.ogg Shenhe: I tried explaining to them that I wasn't an adeptus, just an ordinary person who came from this village. But no one believed me.
Media:vo dialog shlq003 shenhe 04.ogg Shenhe: When I saw how run-down all these houses were, I felt at a loss. It was like I took a look at the world and, on the surface, it looked like a vast realm with so many places I could go. Then I looked a little closer. And there was nowhere for me to go at all.
Media:vo dialog shlq003 mingjun 01.ogg Mingjun: Suddenly, so much time has gone by, and everything has changed.
Media:vo dialog shlq003 shenhe 05.ogg Shenhe: Last time I visited, I felt so upset. But today... I don't know why, but it feels different.
Media:vo dialog shlq003 mingjun 02.ogg Mingjun: It is easy for your mind to run wild when you are alone. But this time, you are with your friends, aren't you?
Media:vo dialog shlq003 shenhe 06.ogg Shenhe: Yes, my... my friends.
(Pick up the Ragged Notebook)

You found a ragged notebook in the village. It records the sad story of a father who sought to revive his wife by sacrificing his daughter Shenhe.

(Opens Ragged Notebook)
The doctor said you were gravely ill. Don't worry. I will give everything I have to save you.

My heart bleeds whenever I see you getting wearier, your illness beyond treatment. How I wish I could suffer the pain for you...

You said you had no regrets in this life and that you only wish for me to take good care of Shenhe. But you regret nothing, why the tears?

I don't know what I've been doing lately. Though I still breathe, I feel like an empty shell. I have read all the ancient texts I could get my hands on, looking for ways to save you — but it is utterly futile.

I finally found it! It was Mingjun! He had kept the book that could save you hidden! I took it and followed its instructions to summon a god and offer a sacrifice...

The god appeared. I told him that I was willing to exchange my life for yours. He kept silent and only pointed at our daughter, Shenhe.

The god said her fate was to bear the curse of calamity and that she was prone to bring harm to those close to her. The god also said that she might even have been the cause of your death. In that case, I thought I should...

I left her in the cave that the god mentioned. Three days have passed, and still, no news. I grow restless from waiting, seized by an ominous feeling...

I am sorry, my love. Forgive me! You too, Shenhe — please, forgive me! How stupid I was! How blind! Let me apologize to both of you... in person.
(Dialogue is the same regardless of whether "Ragged Notebook" is picked up first or second)
Media:vo shlq003 5 yunjin 01.ogg Yun Jin: What's this...?
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe this is the true story of "The Divine Damsel of Devastation."
Media:vo shlq003 5 yunjin 02.ogg Yun Jin: So... Shenhe is the divine damsel?
Media:vo shlq003 5 yunjin 03.ogg Yun Jin: Now that I think about it, she does behave rather like an adeptus, and she is about the right age...
Media:vo shlq003 5 yunjin 04.ogg Yun Jin: So that's why I've been getting the strangest feeling whenever I chat with her. I should've noticed it earlier.
Media:vo shlq003 5 yunjin 05.ogg Yun Jin: According to this text, the "divine damsel" from the opera was actually the daughter of the loving couple.
Media:vo shlq003 5 yunjin 06.ogg Yun Jin: And... she didn't volunteer. She was... sacrificed to the monster. By her own father.
Media:vo shlq003 5 yunjin 07.ogg Yun Jin: ...
Media:vo shlq003 5 yunjin 08.ogg Yun Jin: The truth is even more lamentable than the opera. Now I understand why Shenhe said the girl was not as brave as people think... It wasn't her choice to enter that ghastly situation. She was forced into it.
Media:vo shlq003 5 yunjin 09.ogg Yun Jin: It looks like my father may need to make a few revisions to his beloved opera...
(Obtain Ragged Notebook (Bygones Times Like Dust Passing) Ragged Notebook)
(Pick up the Records of a Changing Village)

You found a migration record in the village, which records how a family was shattered and the village was forced to relocate.

(Opens Records of a Changing Village)
A branch family of exorcists used to live in the east of the village, but in around two weeks, the mother died of disease, the young daughter went missing, and shortly after, the father hanged himself on a tree in the yard of his own house.

It has been confirmed that traces of an evil god's remains were found in the village.

The villagers are panicking as no one is certain whether the evil god's remains are gone for good.

Do be careful when you are in this area.
(If the player picked up "Records of a Changing Village" first)
Media:vo shlq003 6 yunjin 04.ogg Yun Jin: The remains of a god... an abandoned village... Mt. Tianheng...
Media:vo shlq003 6 yunjin 05.ogg Yun Jin: Does this mean that the true story of "The Divine Damsel of Devastation" happened right here, in this village?
Media:vo shlq003 6 yunjin 06.ogg Yun Jin: The time frame certainly matches, so it seems we're in the right area. Let's keep looking around.
(If the player picked up "Records of a Changing Village" second)
Media:vo shlq003 6 yunjin 01.ogg Yun Jin: So it seems that Shenhe's father thought he was summoning a benevolent deity using a magic incantation, but in fact he summoned an evil god's remains, which took the form of a monster.
Media:vo shlq003 6 yunjin 02.ogg Yun Jin: His obsessive yearning for his deceased wife led to a terrible tragedy, the villagers moved away in fear without ever learning the truth... and now this place is deserted.
Media:vo shlq003 6 yunjin 03.ogg Yun Jin: Still, I do wonder what the connection is between Shenhe and Mingjun.
(Obtain Records of a Changing Village Records of a Changing Village)
(After reading Ragged Notebook and Records of a Changing Village)
Media:vo shlq003 7 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hmm, we've looked everywhere but still no mention of Subrosium.
Media:vo shlq003 7 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Let's have a look over there!
(Pick up the third scroll)

You found a text named "Mountainous Miscellany," which records the method to find Subrosium.

(Opens Mountainous Miscellany)
Magic engraved on Subrosium does not wear off easily. Some believe the stone to be a bridge between the living and the dead.

However finding Subrosium is no easy matter. You need to be at the right place at the right time.

Legend has it that you may find Subrosium if you stand in the middle of the lake south of Mt. Tianheng at dusk and look in the direction of the setting sun.
Media:vo shlq003 8 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: This is it!
Media:vo shlq003 8 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: So basically, we need to go to the middle of the lake south of Mt. Tianheng at dusk, and we'll find us some Subrosium.
Media:vo shlq003 8 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Let's go back and tell Shenhe the news.
(Obtain Mountainous Miscellany Mountainous Miscellany)

(Approach Mingjun and Shenhe)
Media:vo shlq003 9 mingjun 01.ogg Mingjun: One year when I was back visiting, I heard a story about a white-haired adeptus from a merchant passing by. I never imagined it was you.
Media:vo shlq003 9 mingjun 02.ogg Mingjun: I was a very close friend of your father's. I could have stopped him from performing the summoning ritual — I had plenty of chances, but... I couldn't bring myself to stand up to him. I just let things happen, let it all escalate, and... Well, we all know how that story ended.
Media:vo shlq003 9 mingjun 03.ogg Mingjun: I bring flowers back here every year, and each time I wish I had a chance to apologize to you.
Media:vo shlq003 9 shenhe 01.ogg Shenhe: Apologize for what? If you'd stopped him, he'd only have found another way.
Media:vo shlq003 9 shenhe 02.ogg Shenhe: There is nothing he wouldn't have done for his true love. Nothing.
Media:vo shlq003 9 mingjun 04.ogg Mingjun: Do you still... hate him?
Media:vo shlq003 9 shenhe 03.ogg Shenhe: I don't know what I feel. I'm told my fate is to bear the curse of calamity, so my master bound my soul with red ropes to curb my aggression. But it also dampened my emotions, making me dispassionate like the adepti.
Media:vo shlq003 9 shenhe 04.ogg Shenhe: So if you ask me how I feel about the past, if I hate my father or not... The truth is, I feel nothing at all.
Media:vo shlq003 9 mingjun 05.ogg Mingjun: It must have been so tough for you all these years...
Media:vo shlq003 9 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Shenhe, we're back!
Media:vo shlq003 9 mingjun 06.ogg Mingjun: Oh, then I will leave you all in peace. Shenhe, it brings me some solace knowing that you are okay.
Media:vo shlq003 9 mingjun 07.ogg Mingjun: I'll tell you more about the old times next time we meet.
Media:vo shlq003 9 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Thanks, mister! We found some info in the end!
(Mingjun leaves)
Media:vo shlq003 9 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Shenhe, look! This tells us how to find Subrosium. All we gotta do is go to the middle of that lake!
Media:vo shlq003 9 shenhe 05.ogg Shenhe: Hm? Let's go then.
Media:vo shlq003 9 yunjin 01.ogg Yun Jin: ...
Media:vo shlq003 9 yunjin 02.ogg Yun Jin: Ms. Shenhe, there's something I'd like to talk to you about.
Media:vo shlq003 9 yunjin 03.ogg Yun Jin: Just now, in the village, we found your father's diary... It turns out that many of the details in "The Divine Damsel of Devastation" are not true to the facts. So I'd like to change them.
Media:vo shlq003 9 shenhe 06.ogg Shenhe: Why?
Media:vo shlq003 9 yunjin 04.ogg Yun Jin: I know I say that opera always deviates from the truth, but now that the main character is standing right here in front of me, I cannot simply dismiss your lived experience in favor of my father's fiction.
Media:vo shlq003 9 shenhe 07.ogg Shenhe: It's okay. I like your version.
Media:vo shlq003 9 yunjin 05.ogg Yun Jin: Huh?
Media:vo shlq003 9 shenhe 08.ogg Shenhe: My master once said that the day I learn how to use my strength for the good of others is the day that I can truly become part of human society.
Media:vo shlq003 9 shenhe 09.ogg Shenhe: So I hope that one day, I might be brave enough to stand up and protect others, just like the girl in the opera.
Media:vo shlq003 9 shenhe 10.ogg Shenhe: But I've never thought this way before and I wonder whether I will continue to think in this way.
Media:vo shlq003 9 yunjin 06.ogg Yun Jin: Don't worry. I believe you will.
Media:vo shlq003 9 yunjin 07.ogg Yun Jin: In fact, I think maybe you've already started to become the person you aspire to be. You just haven't had the opportunity to see it for yourself yet.
Media:vo shlq003 9 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Shenhe, Yun Jin, cut the chit-chat! Let's go!
Media:vo shlq003 9 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: We can't let someone else beat us to it!

Icon Quest Step Step Description

Some records you find in the village indicate the location of the Subrosium you're looking for. Question is, will finding it be that simple?
(Optional, talk to Anshun at the building site)
Media:vo dialog shlq003 anshun 01.ogg Anshun: The fact we were able to complete the construction work on schedule is a testament to everyone's hard work.
(Optional, talk to Changfeng at the building site)
Media:vo dialog shlq003 changfeng 01.ogg Changfeng: The Jade Chamber looks magnificent...
(Optional, talk to Liang at the building site)
Media:vo dialog shlq003 bright 01.ogg Liang: Finally, we can relax a little. It's been quite stressful recently with so many people flocking here.
Media:vo dialog shlq003 bright 02.ogg Liang: Fortunately, the construction here has gone off without a hitch. I can only hope the same is true for my comrades at Guyun Stone Forest.
(Optional, talk to Siqin at the building site)
Media:vo dialog shlq003 siqin 01.ogg Siqin: I can't wait to see the Jade Chamber ascend!
(Optional, talk to Lizheng at the building site)
Media:vo dialog shlq003 lizheng 01.ogg Lizheng: I don't know about anyone else, but this has been a challenging project for me... Let's get a drink after work.
(Optional, talk to Leming at the building site)
Media:vo dialog shlq003 leming 01.ogg Leming: The construction work on the Jade Chamber is now complete. Once we install the Wonder Cores and the Adepti Sigils, we can let it rise to altitude.
(Optional, talk to Xiao northwest of the village and Teleport Waypoint after swimming to the middle of the lake once)
Media:vo dialog shlq003 xiao 01.ogg Xiao: What brings you here?
Media:vo dialog shlq003 xiao 02.ogg Xiao: Have they found a solution to the danger in the sea?
Icon Dialogue Talk What danger in the sea?
Media:vo dialog shlq003 xiao 03.ogg Xiao: Ningguang didn't tell you?
Media:vo dialog shlq003 xiao 04.ogg Xiao: Something has happened in Guyun Stone Forest. According to the contract, as an adeptus, I should not get involved for now.
Media:vo dialog shlq003 xiao 05.ogg Xiao: But these things can be unpredictable. I have a contingency plan of my own.
Icon Dialogue Talk Xiao, what do you...
Media:vo dialog shlq003 xiao 06.ogg Xiao: Only a single mountain lies between here and Liyue Harbor.
Media:vo dialog shlq003 xiao 07.ogg Xiao: If things get out of control, I will defend this place myself.
(After grabbing the Subrosium)
Media:vo shlq003 10 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: That's everything we need! Let's head back and report in!
Media:vo shlq003 10 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Paimon's curious if Beidou's made any progress...

Icon Quest Step Step Description

Both the Starsplinter Iron and Subrosium are in your hands. With these, Master Zhang will be able to construct the Wonder Cores.
(Talk to Master Zhang)
Media:vo shlq003 10 masterzhang 01.ogg Master Zhang: Goodness...
Media:vo shlq003 10 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: S—So, are they okay?
Media:vo shlq003 10 masterzhang 02.ogg Master Zhang: This is some top-quality ore you've found. I think I'll get a good end product out of these.
Media:vo shlq003 10 masterzhang 03.ogg Master Zhang: Guess now it's my time to shine...
Media:vo shlq003 10 beidou 01.ogg Beidou: Hey everyone. How's the A-Team doing?
Media:vo shlq003 10 beidou 02.ogg Beidou: I ran into a bit of a brick wall on my end. Suling's never seen a Wonder Core before, and says it'd take a lot of research for him to get up to speed...
Media:vo shlq003 10 masterzhang 04.ogg Master Zhang: Leave the Wonder Cores to me. I'll work on them while you go about your business.
Media:vo shlq003 10 masterzhang 05.ogg Master Zhang: Don't worry, it won't take me too long.
Media:vo shlq003 10 yunjin 01.ogg Yun Jin: Much obliged, Master Zhang. We should look into the Adepti Sigils next, but where should we find items relating to the adepti?
Media:vo shlq003 10 shenhe 01.ogg Shenhe: I'll sort that out.
Media:vo shlq003 10 beidou 03.ogg Beidou: Oh? You got this then?
Media:vo shlq003 10 shenhe 02.ogg Shenhe: Yes. I have been training with the adepti for years. I know a thing or two about making sigils.
Media:vo shlq003 10 shenhe 03.ogg Shenhe: When we first met, I told you I came for the Jade Chamber, not the contest.
Media:vo shlq003 10 shenhe 04.ogg Shenhe: In fact, I came specifically to deliver Adepti Sigils. Master heard that Ningguang was planning to rebuild the Jade Chamber, so she sent me to deliver some Adepti Sigils to her.
Media:vo shlq003 10 shenhe 05.ogg Shenhe: Master also said she hoped that I can take this opportunity to rejoin human society. But now that I'm here, I wonder if I've been removed from the world for too long. There's so much basic knowledge that I lack.
Media:vo shlq003 10 shenhe 06.ogg Shenhe: Maybe it won't work for me to stay here after all. But either way, I'm very glad to have met you, and I'll take care of those Adepti Sigils.
Media:vo shlq003 10 beidou 04.ogg Beidou: Without knowing the ins and outs of your situation, I can't say whether you should stay or not.
Media:vo shlq003 10 beidou 05.ogg Beidou: But now that our paths have crossed, we'll always have a connection. So if you're ever feeling down, come find me on my ship. There'll be a drink waiting for ya.
Media:vo shlq003 10 shenhe 07.ogg Shenhe: Thank you.
Media:vo shlq003 10 shenhe 08.ogg Shenhe: So... Master Zhang, I'll need to use your facilities to make the sigils.
Media:vo shlq003 10 masterzhang 06.ogg Master Zhang: Fine by me, I'm actually curious to see how the adepti arts work. Maybe I'll learn something.
Master Zhang and Shenhe start making the Wonder Cores and the Adepti Sigils.
Media:vo shlq003 10 shenhe 09.ogg Shenhe: Phew...
Media:vo shlq003 10 shenhe 10.ogg Shenhe: The sigils are ready. Though they are in some respects inferior to my master's, I can assure you there will be no quality issues.
Media:vo shlq003 10 masterzhang 07.ogg Master Zhang: I've finished forging the things you asked for too.
Media:vo shlq003 10 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Great! Let's go submit them before someone else gets there ahead of us!
(Obtain Wonder Core Wonder Core and Adepti Sigil Adepti Sigil)


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishBygones Times Like Dust Passing
Wǎngshì Rú Chén
The Past is Like Dust
Wǎngshì Rú Chén
Kako wa Chiri no Gotoshi
The Past is Like Dust
Korean티끌과도 같은 과거
Tikkeulgwado Gateun Gwageo
A Dusty Past
SpanishEl pasado es como el polvoThe Past is Like Dust
FrenchUn passé telle la poussièreA Past Like Dust
RussianПыль прошлого
Pyl' proshlogo
Dust of the Past
The Past is Like Dust
VietnameseChuyện Xưa Như Cát Bụi
GermanWenn der Staub der Vergangenheit erzählen könnteIf the Dust of the Past could tell
IndonesianWaktu Berlalu Layaknya Butiran DebuTime Passes Like Grain of Dust
PortugueseO Passado como uma Poeira
TurkishRüzgar Gibi Esip Geçmiş ZamanlarTimes Passed By Like the Wind
ItalianTempi andati come polvere nel vento

Change History[]

