Beyond the Smoke and Mirrors is the third act in Chapter V of the Archon Quests.
- All Names are Noble
Two days later at Natlan's Adventurers' Guild branch, Piltzin shares intelligence about the Abyss' movements with Katheryne. As he leaves, the Traveler and Paimon walk up and ask if there's anything to do. She tells them that due to the rapid threat of the Abyss, the Pyro Archon decided to have the Scions of the Canopy and the guild work together to disseminate information and tackle threats more efficiently. To that end, the Archon is gathering forces to have them stationed across the nation. Katheryne reminds them to take a rest just as Kachina comes across them, feeling well enough to travel to the stadium and sign up to be one of the stationed warriors. Xilonen had told her that she was making the Traveler an Ancient Name and was all ready to begin, having set aside her regular commissions to focus on the job.
Heading to the "Children of Echoes", Kachina leads the Traveler and Paimon to Xilonen's workshop. Xilonen is taken by surprise to see that the person she was forging an Ancient Name for was an outlander, as Mavuika had neglected to tell her about it, only that the person was a traveler and that it would be "quite difficult". Noting that if Mavuika had told her she would have only argued with her about it, she explains that making an Ancient Name for an outlander is impossible, even if they had done many great deeds. Kachina tells Xilonen that she saw plenty of them in their handbook, but Xilonen clarifies that the deeds had to be done in Natlan so the Night Kingdom could record them, but even if they had, the Night Kingdom doesn't record deeds done by someone that isn't Natlanese. Despite the seemingly impossible task, Xilonen chooses to view it as proof of Mavuika's confidence in her and intends to complete it as a test of her abilities. First, they would need to be acknowledged by the Wayob; Paimon suggests talking to the Children of Echoes' Wayob they met before, though Xilonen points out that it might not be the best contender, so the Traveler wonders if they would need to have all six Wayob acknowledge them.
Xilonen is unsure if that would be the way forward, so she decides they should consult with Citlali, an expert on all things Night Kingdom and Wayob, though she points out that she's often busy, holed up in her room and obtaining an audience with her was hard. Paimon then awkwardly explains it could be harder, as they had broken her Spiritspeaker Stone in the process of rescuing Kachina. Xilonen states that they should point to her that it was a task ordered by the Archon, believing that she would not defy her. Xilonen also decides to write a letter in support of the Traveler, which Kachina suggests having Kinich deliver, a seasoned negotiator with whom Citlali is familiar.
Kinich meets up with the group at the nearby Statue of The Seven, where he accepts the letter and plans to apologize to Citlali for what happened with the Spiritspeaker Stone. Xilonen learns that the Traveler and Kachina are aware of the plan, while Kinich informs them that the person who rescued Capitano was Ororon, a member of the Masters of the Night-Wind, though he spends most of his time living alone. When Citlali had realized he was missing, Ororon was gone for quite a while, though Paimon wonders as to how she was the first to know he was missing if she spent most of her time cooped up in her room. Kinich is not sure if Ororon voluntarily or involuntarily joined the Fatui, and thus assumes that Citlali would be eager to clear his name to the rest of the tribe. Having to wait for Citlali's response and Kachina needing to pack ahead of her deployment assignment, the group parted ways.
Two days later, the Traveler and Paimon return to Xilonen's workshop, who tells them that she did not respond to the letter. However, she might be at the Stadium of the Sacred Flame, though she is not there either. This prompts Paimon to complain about her age just as she actually arrives and scares her. Xilonen apologizes to the Traveler and Paimon for not telling them that Citlali looks much younger than her title suggested, though Citlali herself was also unsure as to how to approach them without making it awkward as she was the last to arrive. Xilonen then tells Citlali of what Mavuika had tasked her to do. Citlali agrees to help them with the Ancient Name if they can help prove Ororon's innocence. Citlali holds the Traveler's hand to examine their past, remarking that they have a plethora of experiences beyond that which most mortals could only dream of, before sensing something on them. She dispels the presence, telling them that it was the residue of several souls clinging to their body when they visited the Night Kingdom.
Citlali agrees to follow Xilonen's proposal, though the decision ultimately lies with the Lord of the Night, as the matter is far outside the Wayobs' jurisdiction. She explains that the Lord of the Night is an entity in the Night Kingdom that uses the power of the Sacred Flame to repel the Abyss. As the Lord of the Night is currently in slumber, the only way they can communicate with it was to enter its "dream" by going into a trance. Xilonen offers to get the needed materials to perform the rite, while the Traveler and Paimon would help track down Ororon. Citlali reveals that she had arrived late as she spent some time investigating Ororon's home, noting that his Phlogiston Aphids were off and there were marks made by Snezhnayan weapons. She is not sure as to why the Fatui would be interested in a young man in his twenties, though does not leave out the possibility that he had accidentally caught their attention. She decides they'll start investigating based on his last known location.
- To Whence the Smoke Drifts
Arriving at Ororon's last known location after sunset, Citlali states that an eyewitness had seen Ororon speak to several Fatui. She still finds it hard to believe that he would willingly side with the Fatui, prompting Paimon to ask about him. Citlali states that Ororon was an orphan who was raised by the tribe. The aphids were leaving behind a trail of phlogiston, though the Traveler and Paimon are unable to see it until Citlali assists them. As they follow the trail, they hear Citlali's thoughts of insecurity, a side effect of her spell. They soon find an abandoned campsite, where Citlali notices a symbol which was known to the tribe as a distress signal.
Further up the trail, Citlali realizes a fight had taken place and the trail went into separate paths. She takes one, while the Traveler and Paimon take the other. As they follow the trail, it suddenly ends. The Traveler wonders what was going on just as a voice tells them that they were adept at sensing the wind beneath the earth, falling unconscious and into the Night Kingdom. A man sneaks up from behind and orders the Traveler not to move, as they have nowhere to escape in the Night Kingdom, a domain the Masters of Night-Wind have mastery over. The man introduces himself as Ororon, who tells them the paths were set up by his friend to quickly set up a meeting.
Capitano greets the Traveler, who had heard about them from his colleagues and had expressed a desire to meet them in person. He explains to the Traveler about his goals, motivations and mistrust of Mavuika, believing it was not worth blindly following her plan. He tells them if they wished to know more, they should meet him east of the Stadium, but warns them not to tell anyone else as he did not want a conflict. Ororon asks the Traveler not to tell Citlali of the meeting, as he was trying to avoid having her get involved. The Traveler's soul returns to reality, where Paimon had been worried for them. Citlali then arrives, though the Traveler decides not to inform either of their meeting. Citlali managed to find a Fatui camp and believes Ororon might be held there.
They confirm that Ororon is in the camp as a Fatuus named Kosterlitzky orders Ororon to get back to work. Citlali explodes with anger and they beat up all the Fatui, before scolding Ororon for forgetting the warnings that he had been taught. She then asks why he had saved Capitano, and he tells her that if he hadn't, they would have gone for her instead. Nonetheless, with Ororon safely recovered, they return to the Speaker's Chamber and give a report to Coyopa, who tells Ororon to return once the Archon had made her decision. As Citlali brings Ororon away to look for lodging, the Traveler discloses their meeting with him and Capitano when they collapsed. Paimon is surprised to learn of the revelation, but agrees to help them regardless.
The following night, the Traveler and Paimon head to the meeting spot. Ororon appears first, and upon confirming the coast is clear, calls Capitano over. Capitano believes he was right with his judgement, stating that despite their intentions, he had learned from Childe that they were passionate about the unknown and willing to take risks; as such, he did not want them to be an enemy, but rather an ally. If they were to continue on the current path, they would end up fighting him, and he believes that once he told them the truth, they might consider his proposal instead. Capitano does not believe Mavuika's plan would be successful, as he is not sure if the two heroes would appear, and even if they did — their power might not be enough, and all of Teyvat would suffer for her mistake. He reveals that there was another plan that she did not tell them, though executing it would cost dearly. Believing she is plagued with doubt, she would ignore the harsh reality until it was too late for the plan to actually work.
Paimon is not convinced by his logic, believing that he was there to grab the Gnosis for the Tsaritsa. The Traveler realizes that the backup plan involves the Gnosis, and Capitano states that his plan could be implemented if they reach an agreement. However, he cuts himself off and inexplicably disappears, while Ororon senses something coming — a furious Citlali, who had suspected something was off when they had been separated. Citlali is angered that Ororon was colluding with the Fatui and demands an explanation, though he is not able to explain it. Before she could discipline him, Paimon intervenes.
The Traveler is upset that Citlali had interrupted a crucial moment in the meeting, but believes that Ororon might know something. As they walk back to the stadium, Ororon tricks the group by grinding a powder that causes an illusion, claiming that what he was doing was in Natlan's best interests. Citlali becomes even more furious, but the Traveler manages to calm her down and asks about his "duty." Citlali suggests they talk over a meal, and they head to the Weary Inn. Citlali consumes large amounts of alcohol and ends up getting drunk, while ordering another drink from the owner. Chanca is surprised to see that Citlali had made friends with the outlanders. Citlali becomes even more drunk and soon falls asleep, seemingly becoming sound before she jolts herself back up, scaring Paimon. The Traveler and Paimon disclose to her that when she used her spell on them, they could hear her thoughts, leaving her completely embarrassed.
Citlali asks them to follow her to a secluded spot in the stadium for a casual conversation, where she expresses her insecurity about her tribe calling her old. She also reveals that Ororon is a unique outlier in the tribe, as he has an incomplete soul, something which is taken as a bad omen by the tribe. As such, they tried to use him as a vessel to hold souls from the Night Kingdom and asked her for approval. She disapproved, though they still went with it regardless — the ritual failed and Ororon escaped with his life, though he was upset that he was not able to contribute. As Citlali leaves, the Traveler decides to ask Mavuika about the backup plan.
- The Flickering Light Splits in Twain
Returning to the inn to rest, the Traveler and Paimon are woken up by a commotion outside the inn. They find Citlali outside, who reveals that the Abyss had launched a nation-wide attack, including her own tribe and thus has to go back to oversee efforts. As they head outside, they find Mualani, Chasca, Chuychu and Iansan. Iansan informs them that the Abyss attacked the Masters of Night-Wind, Children of Echoes, Collective of Plenty and numerous outposts all at once. Chasca and Chuychu were trying to look for survivors in the wilds, while Iansan would return to her tribe and Mualani would head to the Children of Echoes. The Traveler informs them that they need to speak to Mavuika. She learns from them they met the Captain and asks if the backup plan was true, which she confirms; but doing so would erase everything from the Night Kingdom, including their history and culture. Even then, there was a risk of corrosion if the Ley Lines were not repaired, thus making the attempt futile as it would eventually happen all over again. She asks them to keep the matter a secret, though she wonders how he was aware of the plan.
Mavuika states that she cares for the people and wants them to win in the safest way possible, thus her current plan was the best choice for the moment. She also reveals that she would participate in the defense, as while she isn't as strong as a god would be, she was already an experienced warrior before she ascended. She tells them that they would need to track the Captain to learn of his plan for Natlan before bidding them farewell as they head to the Children of Echoes to assist Mualani. With the people heading to safety, all that was left is a caravan ambushed by the monsters. They rescue the caravan, and the Traveler informs them of Capitano's intel. They agree that his plan was not in Natlan's best interests; the Traveler and Paimon return to the Speaker's Chamber to see what the intelligence officers had acquired.
The two find Chasca and Chuychu, who reveal that the Fatui were defending people from the attacks. While they did not sense an ulterior motive, they overhear the Captain being mentioned and decide to trail them back to their camp to gather intelligence. Chasca initially tries to enter alone, but Chuychu forces her to take her along. Cooperating with each other, they sneak past the Fatui and cause a distraction by throwing a stink bomb near some Capybaras, causing the Fatui and a local tribe to begin arguing. Chasca manages to discover that the Fatui were looking for the "Source Mechanism," though is unsure as to why they were interested in it. As two Fatuus decide to bring the item back to the Captain, Chuychu decides to continue following them, though one of the Fatuus overhears them and gives chase. They managed to chase them off and found more mechanisms, but believing they were waiting to trap them, decided to return to the Stadium.
Mavuika thanks the two for their efforts and decides to have all the scholars familiar with the Secret Source gathered to see what the Captain's plan would be. They head to the stadium's north entrance and bid the two farewell. After they leave, they try to compile all of the information, but believe that they're one step away from the answer. Citlali then arrives, revealing that Ororon had returned to defend the tribe. While he kept his distance from her, Citlali reveals that his soul periodically needed to be stabilized and thus had Ifa deliver a replacement gem for him. The bag also contained a spell that copied all of his memories into the old gem, so they would be able to see what he was hiding. Citlali intends to go alone, but the Traveler convinces her to take them and Paimon along.
As Ororon tends to his garden, he is first approached by a local tribesman who tells him about the Fatui. Later that night, Capitano visits him, asking him why he lived alone before asking if he knew Citlali. He senses his lie and takes his leave, prompting Ororon to chase after him to see what the Fatui were planning. He tracks them down to a camp, though a subordinate accompanying him, Tarko, spots him. Capitano states that he isn't a threat before Tarko becomes dizzy. Sensing that souls from the Night Kingdom had escaped, Capitano uses a spell to dispel the souls, surprising Ororon. Capitano tells Tarko to remain alert for further disturbances, though their primary objective is collecting information.
A few days later, Capitano heads to the stadium to confront Mavuika, ordering two subordinates with him and the others to stay behind and retreat if the plan fails. As he is injured by Mavuika, Ororon senses a familiar soul trying to escape; realizing that the lead would be lost if Capitano dies, he decides to intervene and save him. Capitano reveals to Ororon that he was looking into the Night Kingdom, though he tries to keep him out of the plan until Ororon reveals that he also could sense the truth.
In another camp, Capitano believes that rather than placing a net to stop the damage, the only way to save Natlan would be to reconstruct its Ley Lines.
With the memory over, Citlali is angered that Ororon can't let go of the past, though they quickly focus on the task at hand. With Capitano intending to rebuild the Ley Lines in a manner similar to the Loom of Fate, manipulating them would result in everyone's memories being affected. Seeing how serious he was with the plan, they decide to inform Mavuika immediately.
There are 3 Achievements obtainable from Beyond the Smoke and Mirrors:
Achievement | Category | Description | ![]() ![]() |
The General in His Labyrinth | ![]() |
Officially meet with the Fatui Harbinger "The Captain." | 5 |
The Sacrifice Not Offered | ![]() |
Just what is he searching for... | 5 |
Beyond the Smoke and Mirrors | ![]() |
Complete "Beyond the Smoke and Mirrors." | 10 |
No. | Soundtrack Name | Album | Played In |
12 | Silhouette and Silk Steps | City of Winds and Idylls | Cooking Appointment, Cooking Showdown, Know Thyself, Know Thy Enemy, Legend of the Darknight Hero, A Flower Blooms in a Prison, Unexpected Encounter (following suspicious fellow), Venti's New Plan (stealth mission), Rite of Descension (stealth mission), Jnagarbha Day (Isak's quick time event), The Lone Isle Glimpsed Through Fog (Quest) (musket shooting challenge), The Flickering Light Splits in Twain (Chasca's and Chuychu's quick time event) Event Gameplay |
10 | Bequeathed to the Beloved | Land of Tleyaoyotl | The Flickering Light Splits in Twain Locations |
33 | Metaphor for Calamity | Land of Tleyaoyotl | Past and Future, To Whence the Smoke Drifts, The Flickering Light Splits in Twain, For the Same Land |
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Beyond the Smoke and Mirrors | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 镜与谜烟的彼方 Jìng yǔ Míyān de Bǐfāng | The Other Side of Mirror and Mysterious Smoke |
Chinese (Traditional) | 鏡與謎煙的彼方 Jìng yǔ Míyān de Bǐfāng | |
Japanese | 鏡と謎煙の彼方 Kagami to Meien no Kanata[!][!] | The Other Side of Mirror and Mysterious Smoke |
Korean | 거울과 연기 너머 Geoulgwa Yeon'gi Neomeo | |
Spanish | Más allá del humo y los espejos | Beyond the Smoke and the Mirrors |
French | Au-delà de la fumée et des miroirs | Beyond the Smoke and Mirrors |
Russian | За дымом и зеркалами Za dymom i zerkalami | Beyond the Smoke and Mirrors |
Thai | อีกด้านของกระจกและกลุ่มควัน | |
Vietnamese | Bên Kia Của Gương Và Khói | Beyond the Smoke and Mirrors |
German | Jenseits des Rauches und der Spiegel | Beyond the Smoke and Mirrors |
Indonesian | Di Balik Asap dan Cermin | Behind the Smoke and Mirrors |
Portuguese | Além da Fumaça e dos Espelhos | |
Turkish | Dumanın ve Aynaların Ötesinde | |
Italian | Oltre il fumo negli occhi |
Change History[]
- Fixes Citlali's audio quality issues from the Version 5.1 Archon Quest
- Optimizes certain English translations
- Kachina's recorded lines activated
- Beyond the Smoke and Mirrors was released.