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The path of war approaches its end, all eyes fixed upon the hero's back.
The crushing burden of "fate" and "rules" weighs heavy upon this place, making each step forward a staggering effort.
Yet the sun has proclaimed its intention — to burn away both shackles and the self, and in their place, usher in a new chapter for humankind...

Incandescent Ode of Resurrection is the fifth act in Chapter V of the Archon Quests.


  1. Subterranean Ruins
  2. As the Sun Rises and Sets
  3. Journey of Stars and Flames
  4. Where All Hopes Lie
  5. When All Becomes a Monument


Subterranean Ruins

Mavuika requests the Traveler's presence; believing that their Ancient Name is ready to be forged, Paimon suggests taking a rest at the Weary Inn, wanting to be at their best when they receive it. As they fall asleep, the Traveler soon finds themselves in the Night Kingdom. Continuing on the path set to them, they wonder if the Night Kingdom would be healed once the Abyss was driven out for good. They soon find a wall of light, before finding several figures trying to get through it. Approaching the wall, they walk through it, noting that they were frozen when they did so and that the souls outside were in torment.

They soon discover Capitano and Guthred, though they do not appear to see her. Capitano tells his "soldiers" to continue pressing on, stating that he would fulfill his promise to bring them to the destined place. A noticeable rift also appears on his chest and the Traveler is brought back to reality, where Paimon asks if they were all right.

As the Sun Rises and Sets

The Traveler and Paimon head to the Speaker's Chamber, where they find Mavuika alongside Xilonen and Citlali. They were discussing about the plan to enter the Night Kingdom, which Xilonen and Citlali assure that the Traveler's Ancient Name would be forged in time. Mavuika tells them that she intends to head to the deepest parts of the Night Kingdom in three days' time; if Xilonen could not forge the Ancient Name, she would have to go herself. Xilonen swears that she wouldn't fail her task and she leaves with Citlali, while Paimon is worried about leaving the Traveler, even if only for a brief moment. Mavuika suggests that they relax before the big day, despite the Traveler's insistence that they wanted to help out further. She reveals that she paints as a hobby, though her duties often prevented her from doing so.

As Mavuika heads into her room, the Traveler hears a knock on the door and tells them to enter. Kachina and Mualani arrive, telling the Traveler that they were extending an invitation to them for a huge feast before the big battle. The Traveler accepts, but then decides to have Mavuika attend it too, much to everyones' surprise. However, knowing that the Archon is also participating in the battle, they agree and extend the invitation to her, which she likewise accepts.

The group heads to the People of the Springs, where Kinich arrives with a delivery for Amina. Amina is worried about the deliveries, as the amount of supplies given were far too much for the party she had originally intended. Amina is surprised to see the Traveler, and even moreso when she spots the Archon. She reveals that the party was being set due to the Traveler's role in Natlan, and thus people were wanting to give their well-wishes for the upcoming battle. When Amina talks about how Atea would normally handle logistics, Paimon asks about her status. The group reveals that she had passed shortly after the attack on the tribe and mourned her passing. Mualani quickly perks the group back up, knowing that Atea would not want them to be upset and drags Kachina away. Mavuika then tells Amina that everyone was invited to attend, and any leftover supplies would be bought by the Speaker's Chamber to be redistributed as needed.

As the party kicks off, Iansan remarks about a dream she had about her Saurian companion, who perished during the battle against the Abyss. The others also join in on their memories, and the Traveler reveals that they dreamt of Capitano and many souls. Ororon believes that their case is a natural outlier compared to that provided by the divine throne, and reveals a ritual that could help them learn more about Capitano's future. Ororon looks into the vision and remarks about Guthred, stating that he was the one who tried to steal his body earlier. He also learned of another name, Thrain, a legendary Natlan hero, though they are not sure if Capitano is actually said hero. He also realizes that Guthred's soul had persisted for hundreds of years, something which would not normally be possible, and sensed an amalgamation of souls in Capitano's body. Mavuika suggests that he ask him directly, much to his surprise, but he agrees to do so. They return to the feast and conclude it.

The group departs on their own paths, while Kachina tells the Traveler that Xilonen is nearly finished with their Ancient Name. The Traveler accompanies her outside the Stadium, where she remarks how she brought them there and met Kinich and Mualani. Kachina thanks the Traveler for encouraging her and wishes to do the same for them. Later, they stop at an area where they first met Toto, though she remarks that he wouldn't be around the area for a while. Continuing further down the path, they encounter a Tepetlisaurus named Hanwi, who Kachina introduces as Ayo's mom. She is pacing back and forth, and when they ask her what's wrong, she darts off, prompting them to follow her. They soon find Ayo and discover that he's still despondent due to the deaths of his grandparents, not even recognizing Kachina's steak. The Traveler believes that he could be suffering from Abyssal Corrosion Syndrome and decides to administer some medicine to him, perking him back up to normal. Kachina, Hanwi and Anpao thank the Traveler.

Arriving at the Statue of the Seven, Kachina offers them an invitation for a meal if they choose to as she leaves. The Traveler and Paimon head to Xilonen's workshop, where they find Citlali. Citlali knew they had gone for the feast and tells them that despite several headaches, Xilonen was able to create the Ancient Name. Right on time, she arrives with it, revealing its name as "Tumaini," or hope. While the Ancient Name forging was simple, Xilonen points out that they need to test it to make sure it works, as it was the first time in Natlan's history that an outlander was given an Ancient Name. Xilonen brings them to a barbecue restaurant, while also pointing out that it has top-tier alcohol, gaining Citlali's interest. After dinner, Citlali reveals to the Traveler that she is worried about their and Mavuika's safety. They head to the Sulfurous Veins and conduct the test there. Citlali notes everything is fine with the Traveler's resonance while Paimon spots many souls emerging. Citlali states that it was normal, but retracts that statement as she notices more souls than usual.

Citlali has Xilonen stop the test and explains that the Traveler's soul was so powerful that it attracted everything nearby, including souls that could not enter the Night Kingdom, left it, or not even from Natlan. Not all of the souls would return to the Ley Lines and would simply be forgotten, so the group decides to save as many as they can. They approach one soul, discovering it was Vichama. Vichama thanks Citlali for using the Spiritseeker Stone and revealed how he died during the battle, though upset he was rejected by the Night Kingdom. Citlali promises to bring him there, as he deserved it as a hero. Citlali successfully sends him to the Night Kingdom, and Vichama thanks them, hoping that everyone would be safe as his final wish.

Citlali tries her best to save as many souls as possible, eventually reaching Zumalli; however, as she moves in to do so, the Abyss corrupts him, prompting Xilonen to kill him as sending him to the Night Kingdom wouldn't help, much to Citlali's disappointment. They soon discover two Teptlisaurus souls, Hnaska and Cetan. Ayo suddenly appears, delighted to see his grandparents again. Citlali tries to send the souls back to the Night Kingdom, but they refuse, wanting to stay with Ayo to the very end. She reluctantly respects their decision, and the Traveler explains what they saw in their own dream. Citlali is surprised that Khaenri'ahns would be in the Night Kingdom, but decide to look into that later. Xilonen tells them to give their Ancient Name to Mavuika when they return to the Stadium, so she could explain its name and meaning to the people.

Journey of Stars and Flames

Arriving at the Stadium, the Traveler is greeted by the Natlanese. When they reach the center, they reveal their Ancient Name, to the surprise of many. Mavuika asks them to come up to her, and she reveals the name to them, who are grateful that the war would finally be over. Mavuika rouses the crowd with a rallying speech, teleporting herself and the Traveler into the Night Kingdom to end the threat for good.

They arrive at a small "pit stop" to gather their bearings and talk to the chiefs and friends from the tribes, who wish them luck on their battle. Before they leave, Mavuika tells them they needed to split up — much like the tumors during the invasion, the enemy had a core of similar functionality. She would find and destroy the core, while the Traveler would head to the lair. Before they leave, Paimon reminds them of her support and that they aren't alone; by the time they left, Mavuika had already ventured deep into the Night Kingdom. After defeating a Cryo-aligned herald, Mavuika senses a familiar presence, revealed to be her sister, Hine, who promises to support her.

Elsewhere, the Traveler approaches a pylon guarded by riftwolves, only for a group of Natlanese led by Atea to emerge and assist them in eliminating it. The Traveler tells Atea that the square behind them could allow her to talk to Mualani again, though Atea is content enough to having met each other in a dream. She and the others remain behind to ensure the corrosion wouldn't reach the square, as doing so would mean that the Abyss could surge back into Natlan again. As they proceed past the gate, they encounter the same suffocating fog as before, just as a barrier emerges to protect them. The barrier is maintained by Mallko and Vichama, who were happy to fight together again and assist the Traveler in navigating the perilous terrain.

During a fight against several Tenebrous Mimesis, Bona and Cocouik arrive to assist the Traveler and Vichama. Venturing deeper inside, they encounter a stronger mimesis, but Guthred appears and allows them to dispatch of it with ease. Bona realizes that Guthred is not from Natlan, but Guthred states that he was a story created by the Masters of the Night-Wind, thus allowing him to manifest. Eventually, the spirits reach their limit due to the Ley Lines, but encourage the Traveler to finish the enemy for the good of all people. They soon discover the path before them is destroyed and wonder how they could get through, only for Chuychu and a qucusaur to appear. Like Atea, Chuychu had visited Chasca in her dreams and is content with how fast she matured. Chuychu gives them an iktomisaurus and qucusaur to allow them to reach their destination, and they arrive at a circular arena, where the heroes 500 years ago emerge to bless the Traveler. Yohualtecuhtin, Lord of the Night, sends several seelies to guide the Traveler to Mavuika.

Where All Hopes Lie

The Traveler arrives to find Mavuika fighting Gosoythoth and arrive on the scene, avoiding all of its attempts to stop them in their tracks. Believing they wish for the agony of death, Gosoythoth transforms into a massive, sword-wielding dragon. The Lord of the Night grants the Traveler the power of Pyro in response. During the battle, Gosoythoth uses a power to control the Traveler, while Mavuika is thrown into a realm where the void tries to sow doubt in her. These attempts fail, and Mavuika declares that her fate is to end the war once and for all. Back in Teyvat, the Sacred Flame extinguishes, to everyone's horror, but Kachina manages to perk the crowd back up and strengthen them.

With the newfound support, Mavuika and the Traveler destroy Gosoythoth for good, returning to Teyvat.

When All Becomes a Monument

Mavuika holds a celebration ceremony to commemorate the Traveler's deeds in saving Natlan, with many Natlanese watching. Chasca bestows a feathered crown on the Traveler as they partake in the festivities, signing autographs and taking pictures with the people. At the end of the festival, Citlali arrives and tells the Traveler to follow her. She explains that despite their act, Mavuika is still slated to die. As she went to help restore the Night Kingdom, they need to figure out where they could connect to the Lord of the Night, and deduce that the fallen city of Ochkanatlan would be their best bet. When they arrive, they find a massive rift with several eyes looking down on Teyvat, which Citlali believes is the Ruler of Death keeping an eye on Teyvat.

Ronova states that she has no interest in Teyvat, but as the price for using her powers, declares her death as payment. Mavuika states that the Lord of the Night is still weak, and the Abyss could still pose a threat in the future. As such, by placing her life in the Sacred Flame once more. She avoids their questions about her own interests, even though the Traveler desire to have her partake in the future she created. As Ronova orders the Lord of the Night to kill Mavuika, she notices her pause and asks why. The Lord of the Night states that another approaches to take her place and must wait for them to arrive, much to Ronova's irritation.

Ororon arrives with Capitano, who knows that Mavuika should share in the future she made for her people; as for him, he had been longing for death to open the gates of the Ley Lines for his people. He reveals that his heart was modified to contain the memories and souls from the Ley Lines into knowledge, and over the years, accumulated many souls. As such, by merging his existence with the Lord of the Night, he could give them the peace they desired. Capitano wishes to get revenge on Ronova for her curse, as he, like many other Khaenri'ahns, were innocent from the atrocities committed by the Five Sinners of Khaenri'ah. Due to the immortality granted to him by her, it would create a paradox that not even she could resolve.

Capitano tells Ronova to either forsake her rules or create a paradox, and the shade seemingly picks the latter, stating that the curse must still stand. Thus, Capitano fuses his life force with the Lord of the Night, preventing her from dying. The Lord of the Night expresses regret for not valuing human life now that she can live forever and returns to the Night Kingdom. Mavuika realizes that Capitano was right as Natlan still needed a leader, and the five pay their respects to him before leaving. Back at the Speaker's Chamber, Mavuika writes a letter for Hine and burns it to "send" it to her, stating how Natlan is now in peace. To pay their respects to the fallen, the Traveler leaves behind the crown that they were given earlier.

Returning to the stadium, they find Sadigua telling a story to several children, one that talks about their recent acts. He notices the Traveler but does not call them, instead focusing on his story and finishes it. Seeing that they are now celebrated as heroes in Natlan, the Traveler and Paimon leave to continue their adventures. But they decide to ask Mavuika about their next journey and also about Gnosis as well. Mavuika later reveales that Capitano had been requesting Tsaritsa to abolish his mission to steal Pyro Gnosis, which was granted. But she worries if another Harbringer will attempt to steal it. Mavuika decides that she is going to prepare for the worst case scenario in mind, if something happened with Gnosis. She later suggests that Traveler should go to Nod-Krai instead Snezhnaya because she's aware of it's situation and they have confilct with them, making it worse, so she wants Traveler to prepare for everything in Nod-Krai before going there. Additionally, she has seen Dottore's men snooping around in Natlan lately and she warns Traveler about Dottore's true plans: he wants people who have power to control all elements without needing a Vision, but she fears that would be too ambitious and also dangerous. She also suspectes that they have been investigating about Teyvat's false sky.


There are 5 Achievements obtainable from Incandescent Ode of Resurrection:

Achievement Category Description Primogem
Moment of Awakening Wonders of the World Wonders of the World Echoes of past and future lie hidden in the land of dreams. 5
Unfinished Journey Wonders of the World Wonders of the World There are still many things for you and your companions to experience together. 5
The War to End War Wonders of the World Wonders of the World At long night's end comes the dawn of "hope." 5
A Human-Made Miracle Wonders of the World Wonders of the World Seize final victory for Natlan. 5
Incandescent Ode of Resurrection Wonders of the World Wonders of the World Complete "Incandescent Ode of Resurrection." 10


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
46As the Feather FallsEternal Sun, Eternal WantDespair Engulfs the Heavens, Threadlike Whispers, Wailing Cacophony, As the Sun Rises and Sets


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishIncandescent Ode of Resurrection
Chìliè de Huánhúnshī
Fiery Poem of Resurrection
Chìliè de Huánhúnshī
Shakuretsu no Hangon no Uta
Fiery Poem of Resurrection
Korean뜨거운 환혼시
Tteugeoun Hwanhonsi
SpanishOda incandescente de la resurrecciónIncandescent Ode of Resurrection
FrenchOde à la résurrection incandescenteOde to Incandescent Resurrection
RussianПылающая Ода воскресения
Pylayushchaya Oda voskreseniya
Blazing Ode of Resurrection
VietnameseBài Thơ Về Sự Tái Sinh Rực Rỡ
GermanGlühende Ode der AuferstehungGlowing Ode Of Resurrection
IndonesianSyair Kebangkitan yang MembaraPoems of Burning Resurrection
PortugueseOde Flamejante da RessurreiçãoFlaming Ode of Resurrection
TurkishDirilişe Yakılan Ateşli Ağıt
ItalianOde incandescente della resurrezioneIncandescent Ode Of Resurrection

Change History[]

