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Genshin Impact Wiki

Zaytun Peaches are a Cooking Ingredient found in Sumeru.

How to Obtain[]

Zaytun Peaches grow in groups of four on a single stem. They are found in the wild throughout Sumeru.

See the gallery or the Teyvat Interactive Map for specific locations.

Additionally, the following NPCs give Zaytun Peaches after following a certain dialogue branch for the first time:

Shop Availability[]

There are 4 Shops that sell Zaytun Peach:

Item NPC Mora Cost Stock Notes
Zaytun Peach Zaytun Peach Aramani 240 10 3 Days
Zaytun Peach Zaytun Peach Azalai 280 10 Every 2 Days
Zaytun Peach Zaytun Peach Eugenie 240 10 Every 3 Days
Zaytun Peach Zaytun Peach Hamawi 240 10 3 Days


Icon_Jade Field_SmallJade Field for 2 days 22 hours
Icon Jade Field Recipe
Zaytun Peach 4 Zaytun Peach

Craft Usage[]

There are 2 items that can be crafted using Zaytun Peach:

ItemCraft TypeRecipe
Red Dye Red DyeDyeZaytun Peach Zaytun Peach ×1
Selva Salad Selva SaladCookingZaytun Peach Zaytun Peach ×2
Mint Mint ×2
Sumeru Rose Sumeru Rose ×2


The fruit of a forest shrub. Its flesh is firm and sweet. It is said to have a calming effect on the mind.
In the past, Zaytun Peaches were once used as ornamental plants due to their cute appearance. However, its medical properties were discovered over time, and it has now become a very common commercial product, ironically very seldom noticed for its aesthetic value.



  • Zaytun is Arabic for "olive" (Arabic: زيتون zaytūn).


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishZaytun PeachArabic: Olive Peach
Chubby-Chubby Peach
Zaitun Tou[2]
Zaytun Peach
Korean뚠뚠 복숭아
Ttunttun Boksung'a
Plump-Plump Peach
SpanishDuraznolivaPeacholive[• 1]
FrenchPêche zaytunZaytun Peach
RussianПерсик зайтун
Persik zaytun
Zaytun Peach
ThaiZaytun Peach
VietnameseĐàoĐào ZaytunZaytun Peach
GermanZaytun-PfirsichZaytun Peach
IndonesianZaytun Peach
PortuguesePêssego ZaytunZaytun Peach
TurkishZaytun ŞeftalisiZaytun Peach
ItalianPesca di ZaytunZaytun Peach
  1. Spanish: Portmanteau of durazno "peach" and oliva "olive."

Change History[]


  1. Furnishing: The Crisp Sweetness
  2. Archon Quest, Chapter III, Act II - The Morn a Thousand Roses Brings, Part 1: The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival (Japanese Voice-Over)

