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Custodian of Clouds is the third part in the Teyvat storyline Archon Quest Chapter I: Act I - Of the Land Amidst Monoliths.


  1. Search for Cloud Retainer
    • Go to the round table in the middle of the pond.
  2. Look for traces of food offerings (0/3)
  3. Offer up food to Cloud Retainer
    1. Offer the Delicious Matsutake Meat Rolls
    2. Offer the Delicious Mora Meat
    3. Offer the Delicious Jewelry Soup
  4. Search for Cloud Retainer
  5. Meet Cloud Retainer


UI Quest Quest Description

Following Moon Carver's instructions, you arrive at Mt. Aocang in order to seek out Cloud Retainer.
(Interact with the large talisman at the top of Mt. Aocang, optional)
Mysterious Barrier: (Jueyun Karst is where the adepti dwell, so perhaps this is the abode of one. But there seems to be no way to enter...)
(Approach the stone table in the middle of the pond)
Media:vo lyaq005 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hey, who put this table here? They've even set it ready for dinner, there's a wine jug and everything...
Media:vo lyaq005 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Ooh, they even have the guests' names carved into the seats! "Here sits Retainer..."
Media:vo lyaq005 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: "Here sits Guizhong..." "Here sits Rex..."
Media:vo lyaq005 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Maybe "Rex" is short for "Rex Lapis"? But Paimon has no idea about "Guizhong."
Media:vo lyaq005 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: As for "Retainer," hmm... That's it! When Moon Carver was going through the names of his adepti buddies, he said there was one called "Cloud Retainer."
Media:vo lyaq005 2 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: So, this must be where Cloud Retainer and the other adepti have their dinner parties!
Media:vo lyaq005 2 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Hehe, how about we cook up some extra-special dishes for the adepti? We're sure to get Cloud Retainer's attention that way!
Media:vo lyaq005 2 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: But... What do adepti even eat, anyway? Paimon has no idea...
Media:vo lyaq005 2 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Hmm, people must make offerings here all the time. Guess all we can do is look around the area for any leftovers, maybe that'll give us some ideas.
Media:vo lyaq005 2 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Do you think maybe it's at all possible that the adepti might like to try some... Sticky Honey Roast?

(Examine traces of cooking at northwestern pot)
Media:vo lyaq005 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Someone has definitely cooked here before. D'you think they were making an offering?
Media:vo lyaq005 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Looks like they didn't use all the ingredients. Let's see here... we got some Snapdragon, some Lotus Heads, some Tofu... Whatever they were cooking, it sounds complicated!
Media:vo lyaq005 4 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Hey, look over there... They left some notes, too.
Media:vo lyaq005 4 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Yep, it's a doozy! Paimon's not surprised they had to write it all down, it's a lot to remember... We should read it carefully.
(Obtain Tofu Tofu ×4 and Recipe: Jewelry Soup Recipe: Jewelry Soup)
(Examine the traces again)
Media:vo dialog lyaq005 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: What would you call a dish that's made from Snapdragon, Lotus Heads, and Tofu? Hmm...

(Examine traces of cooking at the northeastern pot)
Media:vo lyaq005 8 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: It's very clean here. Whoever cooked here last obviously likes to keep things neat and tidy...
Media:vo lyaq005 8 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Paimon bets they were making an offering to the adepti...
Media:vo lyaq005 8 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Looks like we got us some Matsutake and some Raw Meat...
Media:vo lyaq005 8 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: And what do you know, the recipe is right here. This chef was a super organized person...
(Obtain Recipe: Matsutake Meat Rolls Recipe: Matsutake Meat Rolls)
(Examine the traces again)
Media:vo dialog lyaq005 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: What do you get if you cross Matsutake and Raw Meat? Hmm...

(Examine traces of cooking at the southeastern pot)
Media:vo lyaq005 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Whoa... The ground is covered in flour. *tsk* What a messy chef...
Media:vo lyaq005 6 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Hmm, seems there's meat in this pot, but Paimon can't tell which kind.
Media:vo lyaq005 6 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Do you think whoever cooked this made it as an offering to the adepti?
Media:vo lyaq005 6 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Hmm... Paimon can't quite imagine an offering made of flour and meat...
Media:vo lyaq005 6 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Huh? Our messy chef dropped a piece of paper on the floor... Ew, and there's a huge footprint on it too...
Media:vo lyaq005 6 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: But footprint aside, maybe it has something to do with this mystery dish?
(Obtain Flour Flour ×2 and Recipe: Mora Meat Recipe: Mora Meat, if not already obtained)
(Examine the traces again)
Media:vo dialog lyaq005 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Paimon's so curious, what kind of dish uses only flour and meat?

(After offering the dishes and entering the domain)
Media:vo lyaq005 13 cloudretainer 01.ogg Cloud Retainer: One senses the presence of a Sigil of Permission...
Media:vo lyaq005 13 cloudretainer 02.ogg Cloud Retainer: One knows not why you have come, though the sincerity of your offering is clear... Hence, you shall be granted an opportunity.
Media:vo lyaq005 13 cloudretainer 03.ogg Cloud Retainer: Find your way through mine abode, and you shall receive an audience with the adeptus whom you seek.
(After activating the first mechanism)
Media:vo lyaq005 13 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Look, that platform is moving!
Media:vo lyaq005 13 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: So that's what this button is for...
(If the player attempts to go down the right-hand path from the second mechanism before completing the Pyro puzzle)
Media:vo lyaq005 13 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: There's no way for you to get up there...
Media:vo lyaq005 13 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Where's a wind current when you need one...
(If the player fails to solve the Pyro puzzle)
Media:vo lyaq005 13 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Paimon thinks that you're doing this all wrong!
Media:vo lyaq005 13 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Try activating the mechanisms again... but pay more attention this time!

(At the end of the domain)
Media:vo lyaq005 14 cloudretainer 01.ogg Cloud Retainer: One is most impressed. The path that leads through this abode defies those of ordinary abilities.
Media:vo lyaq005 14 cloudretainer 02.ogg Cloud Retainer: The one before you is the adeptus, Cloud Retainer. Now, speak of the matter which brings you here.
Icon Dialogue Talk Did you build this whole place?
Media:vo lyaq005 14 cloudretainer 03a.ogg Cloud Retainer: You surmise correctly. This place did oneself build, as did one design the mechanisms within.
Icon Dialogue Talk Did you design all those mechanisms?
Media:vo lyaq005 14 cloudretainer 03b.ogg Cloud Retainer: You surmise correctly.
Media:vo lyaq005 14 cloudretainer 04.ogg Cloud Retainer: In fact, even Guizhong and Rex Lapis themselves found one's technological accomplishments to be worthy of commendation.
Media:vo lyaq005 14 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: This place is huge! And there are so many mechanisms... Do you really have this whole place to yourself?
Media:vo lyaq005 14 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: What's it even for? Did you build it as your private mechanism workshop or something?
Media:vo lyaq005 14 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: It's just like the stories say. The adepti leave the human world, find somewhere to go be a hermit, and then they research and invent all these amazing things...
Media:vo lyaq005 14 cloudretainer 05.ogg Cloud Retainer: One is simply not partial to the tedium of social interaction, and wished to find some peace and quiet.
Media:vo lyaq005 14 cloudretainer 06.ogg Cloud Retainer: Find it one did... Shortly after which, you arrived bearing your Sigil of Permission...
Media:vo lyaq005 14 cloudretainer 07.ogg Cloud Retainer: But enough! State the matter which brings you here, at once! You have disturbed the tranquility of this place for long enough.
You explain what happened in Liyue Harbor.
Media:vo lyaq005 14 cloudretainer 08.ogg Cloud Retainer: Rex Lapis... Assassinated!?
Media:vo lyaq005 14 cloudretainer 09.ogg Cloud Retainer: How can this be!? Such a heinous crime... Who would dare?
Media:vo lyaq005 14 cloudretainer 10.ogg Cloud Retainer: The notion is so preposterous as to be unbelievable... one shall have to verify the truth of the matter independently...
Media:vo lyaq005 14 cloudretainer 11.ogg Cloud Retainer: ...Perhaps one shall quash Liyue first, then convene with the other adepti–
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Excuse me!?
Media:vo lyaq005 14 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Wait, what!? Did you just say "squash Liyue Harbor"? Are you seriously gonna wipe out the whole city?
Media:vo lyaq005 14 cloudretainer 12.ogg Cloud Retainer: Only a response of sufficient magnitude can negate the possibility of further incidents.
Icon Dialogue Talk But the adepti are sworn to protect the city...
Media:vo lyaq005 14 cloudretainer 13a.ogg Cloud Retainer: It is as you say. We have protected Liyue Harbor under the leadership of Rex Lapis for 37 centuries. But in the face of this coup by nefarious actors... exceptional measures must be taken.
Icon Dialogue Talk Aren't you supposed to protect the people there?
Media:vo lyaq005 14 cloudretainer 13b 1.ogg Cloud Retainer: It is as you say. But if Rex Lapis has indeed been murdered, then Liyue is in great peril. To delay in quashing the threat is to invite further disaster.
Media:vo lyaq005 14 cloudretainer 13b 2.ogg Cloud Retainer: It is precisely because one does not wish to see further suffering that exceptional measures are deemed necessary at this exceptional time.
Media:vo lyaq005 14 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Yikes! Quick, you gotta think of something! She wants to squash Liyue flat, and it doesn't seem like she's bluffing!
Icon Dialogue Talk You accepted our offering, that makes this a contract.
Media:vo lyaq005 14 paimon 06a 1.ogg Paimon: Exactly what Paimon was gonna say! We made all that delicious food, and gave every last bit of it to you!
Media:vo lyaq005 14 paimon 06a 2.ogg Paimon: We were hoping you might help Liyue out... not wipe Liyue out!
Media:vo lyaq005 14 paimon 06a 3.ogg Paimon: ...Or at least let's... y'know, discuss it first? Can't hurt for you to get a second opinion.
Media:vo lyaq005 14 cloudretainer 14.ogg Cloud Retainer: "Contract..." A cruel irony that you should appeal to the notion after the merciless murder of the God of Contracts himself.
Media:vo lyaq005 14 cloudretainer 15.ogg Cloud Retainer: The people of Liyue seem quite content to dispense with their contracts. They are quite adept at taking that which is composed of black and white, and turning it gray...
Media:vo lyaq005 14 cloudretainer 16.ogg Cloud Retainer: Nevertheless... Since you come here in the name of contracts, far be it from one to abandon one's own contractual obligations.
Media:vo lyaq005 14 cloudretainer 17.ogg Cloud Retainer: Least of all when you come bearing a Sigil of Permission... *sigh* Rex Lapis infused these sigils with adeptal power when he first cast them. That power once aided humans in battle.
Media:vo lyaq005 14 cloudretainer 18.ogg Cloud Retainer: Most of the sigil's power has long since worn off... It is but a keepsake now.
Media:vo lyaq005 14 cloudretainer 19.ogg Cloud Retainer: This keepsake cannot be taken as proof of your trustworthiness. One must investigate the claims that you make independently.
Media:vo lyaq005 14 cloudretainer 20.ogg Cloud Retainer: This, no doubt, is Moon Carver's very reason for summoning us.
Media:vo lyaq005 14 cloudretainer 21.ogg Cloud Retainer: Your audience with the adeptus before you is now concluded. Leave at once, and disturb me no further.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishCustodian of Clouds
Liú Yún
Retaining the Clouds[• 1]
Liú Yún
Retaining the Clouds[• 1]
Custodian of Clouds
SpanishPreservadora de NubesCloud Retainer
FrenchL'Adepte des nuagesThe Adeptus of the Clouds
RussianХранитель Облаков
Khranitel' Oblakov
Cloud Keeper
Cloud Retainer
VietnameseLưu VânLưu VânRetaining the Clouds‍[※][※]
GermanStehende WolkenStanding Clouds
IndonesianCloud Retainer
PortugueseRetentora de NuvemCloud Retainer
TurkishBulutlara HükmedenRuler of Clouds
ItalianLa custode delle nuvoleThe Cloud Keeper
  1. 1.0 1.1 Chinese and Japanese: Referring to Cloud Retainer.

Change History[]

Version 1.2
  • Fixed issues affecting several lines of Paimon's dialogue whereby the audio for multiple lines was spliced together.

Version 1.0

  • Custodian of Clouds was released.

