The Raiden Shogun is the awesome and terrible power of thunder incarnate, the exalted ruler of the Inazuma Shogunate.
With the might of lightning at her disposal, she commits herself to the solitary pursuit of eternity.—Description from the Official Website[1]
Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, who promised the people of Inazuma an unchanging Eternity.
—In-game character attributes and profile page text
The Raiden Shogun is a firm believer of what she believes to be eternity — a place in which everything is kept the same, regardless of what goes on. She is honorable in her conduct and is revered by the people of Inazuma.
The Raiden Shogun exists in two forms — Ei, her true identity, and the Shogun, a puppet created by Ei to oversee Inazuma in her stead while she meditates in the Plane of Euthymia. This puppet follows a set of directives programmed into her, which are extremely difficult to modify. The Shogun is cold and stern in personality, even callous at times; she is limited in emotional expression, has no likes and dislikes, and has no need for recreation.[2] In none of her voice lines does she ever use contractions (eg. "it's", "can't"). The Shogun thinks of herself as Ei's assistant[3] and carries out her creator's exact will, unable to act on her own volition. If her usual functions are disabled, the Shogun becomes ineffectual. Due to limited protocols as a result of Ei's initial indifference towards anything other than "eternity", the puppet is able to be manipulated by external influences. For example, the Kujou Clan and Fatui persuaded her into initiating and maintaining the Vision Hunt Decree.
While Ei has a more stern demeanor than the average person, she is notably more emotive and sociable than the Shogun. Unlike the Shogun, Ei has preferences, such as a love for sweets and passion of martial arts. Due to her dedication to eternity, Ei maintains a wary attitude on the idea of change. However, she demonstrates curiosity rather than disdain towards new affairs, such as the appearance of the Traveler[4] and the customs of the modern world.[2] Due to having lost many of her loved ones over the centuries, Ei is driven by a fear of further loss, wanting to preserve Inazuma. To this end, she previously sealed herself in the Plane of Euthymia to keep herself from the effects of erosion. She created the puppet Shogun to ensure immunity from the decay of her physical body.[4] While in the Plane of Euthymia, Ei was indifferent to anything that did not affect her pursuit of eternity and had a low opinion of human ambition due to it resulting in loss and suffering and therefore, making it incompatible with eternity.[5] While in the Plane of Euthymia, she was not unmoved by loneliness, as Ei is shown enjoying Yae Miko[5] and the Traveler's company.
In spite of her flawed actions, Ei is devoted to Inazuma, simply longing to protect it and her people. After she is convinced that her actions were destructive, Ei shows remorse and is willing to change her perspective regarding eternity to become a better ruler. She also gained a newfound respect for the idea of human ambition and its achievements.
The Raiden Shogun uses the tall female model. She has pale skin, purple eyes with light blue pupils, and long, dark violet hair that becomes lighter at the ends, which glow when she uses her Elemental Skill or her Elemental Burst. She also has a beauty mark below her right eye.
Official Introduction
Eschew the Ephemeral World. Abide in Unchanging Eternity.
Her Excellency seeks to rid herself of the mundane delusions of the world, but only in an attempt to overcome the cycle of life and death. No one truly understands her, yet she does not deign to make herself understood... Her Excellency the Shogun is simply full of contradictions.
The undisputed supreme ruler of Inazuma.
Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, promised the people of Inazuma an unchanging eternity to last throughout the ages.
After purging all sentiment with merciless lightning, the solitude of her mind became a secluded space free from mortal joys and woes...
Over the long years, the road to eternity has been dark and desolate, but Her Excellency the Shogun has never wavered, not even for a moment.
For true unchanging eternity is found only in the stillness that manifests itself when all noise is stripped away.
Character Stories
Character Details
Since the dawn of life, humankind has always borne an intense yearning for and curiosity about the world. This is the anchor point of their cognition and is the foundation of all reason.
The world of the people of Inazuma is also thus. There, thunder, lightning, wind, and rain were primordial facts of life, as well as light, and the sea... and the Raiden Shogun.
Babes nestling in their mothers' arms hear tales of the Shogun's slaying of many gods and conquering of other races.
When young men and women roam the islands, they see the gorge split asunder by a blade of lightning and the pale, still-standing bones of the giant snake.
Soldiers take to the battlefield with "glory to the Shogun and her everlasting reign!" upon their lips.
The people work in contentment and peace, knowing that the Shogun and her loyal Tri-Commission are there.
The great name of the Raiden Shogun has long shaken off the shackles of mere life, becoming the eternal traditional belief of Inazuma.
People trust in this great name and its might, believing that their descendants shall witness the same sights, that the same faith will form the foundations of their inner worlds, and that this will pass on from generation to generation.
This is the eternal paradise that the Almighty Shogun promised her people.
Character Story 1
Friendship Lv. 2 •
Omnipresence Over Mortals
The true name of the Raiden Shogun is "Raiden Ei."
In her long road, she has witnessed the price that Inazuma has had to pay for progress over the hundreds and thousands of years.
The happiest years of her life had passed her by, and those she once considered friends became her foes. In the end, she even lost the reason for which she had wielded her sword.
"Where there is progress, there must be loss."
Ei believed that this was the iron-clad rule of the world, with time as its merciless enforcer.
The greatest and most prosperous nation of men collapsed overnight, and even that most ancient Liyue Harbor would say farewell to its Geo Archon. The winds of parting came whistling in from the outer edge of time.
However resounding the Raiden Shogun's name, centuries later, millennia later... Someday, Inazuma would lose the protection of its deity.
As a warrior, she was wary of all foes. Even if that enemy was a crisis as intangible as time's passage, she had to find a countermeasure, a weapon she could use to defeat it in time.
Her answer? "Eternity." Only Eternity could freeze all things under the sky, make Inazuma truly deathless.
"Then, while things are still good, let us have stillness... Let us march towards Eternity."
Character Story 2
Friendship Lv. 3 •
Omnipresence Over Mortals
For beings with a perishable form of flesh to pursue Eternity, they must first solve the unavoidable problem of lifespan.
This limited time troubled Ei greatly, until one day when a mysterious technique came before her eyes as if by a stroke of fate.
Using such techniques, one could create intricate puppets indistinguishable from true life.
In theory, this puppet could perfectly imitate everything about Ei. It could surpass the limits of her lifespan and defend Inazuma forever. Yet, how could creating a copy of an Archon be a simple affair?
Ei conducted countless experiments to this effect, discarded a great many failed products, and spent an unimaginable amount of time and resources—
But at last, by her dogged pursuit and warrior's spirit, she was able to create a flawless puppet.
The newborn Raiden Shogun sat there silently, listening to Ei speak all about her, "her," and even about them. The future of Inazuma was here, inscribed upon a gorgeous blueprint.
The automaton had but one question to ask Ei: "There is no turning back from forsaking your form. Do you regret nothing?"
"Your existence is my answer."
Then, Ei transferred her consciousness into her blade, and thus was born the Plane of Euthymia.
Character Story 3
Friendship Lv. 4 •
Omnipresence Over Mortals
Before Raiden Ei became the Shogun, she was a samurai responsible for seeing that the previous Shogun's orders were carried out.
The previous Electro Archon, Raiden Makoto, was no great fighter, and the things Ei had charge over were mostly matters of warfare and slaughter. However, Ei also had moments of repose away from battle, sitting with her friends under the sakura trees and playing karuta.
Due to her character, Ei was always the most wooden player. She was never the final victor, nor did she ever have a taste of the prizes that the Kitsune Saiguu reserved for the winners.
Thus, she poured the effort that she put into swordsmanship into karuta practice, often pestering Makoto or Mikoshi Chiyo to karuta matches, or spending much time by moonlight reading the poetry inscribed on the cards out loud.
At last, the day came that under the sakura trees, Ei would defeat opponent after opponent. Even the mighty tengu would be felled after a hard-fought battle, and thus was she crowned the champion.
Ei let out a victorious whoop at her victory, only to be greeted by the sounds of her friends' laughter. Only then did she realize that she had lost her usual composure entirely, before snapping both arms back down and reverting to her usual cool facade.
Of course, her friends did not intend to make sport of her. Indeed, they understood her character and the manner in which she had worked ever so hard to come out on top.
As for the Kitsune Saiguu, oh, how amused she looked as she presented Ei with some pastries.
"I said it was a reward, yes, but it was simply some hand-made cakes of mine. I didn't think that you would be so concerned about it, Ei. Well then, enjoy the spoils of your victory to your heart's content."
Ei was hardly one to be greedy for snacks. But as a samurai, she firmly believed that what she lost must be reclaimed. These pastries were more akin to a vindication of her desire to win.
—But it was not long before that cool demeanor of hers broke into a smile again. The cakes were lovely — just like the taste of victory. As for her clumsy attempts to hide that smile, one could only say that it was an entertaining sight all around for her friends.
To this day, Ei still often remembers that sakura tree.
...Even though she has not gone to see it in a long time, and even though no one sits under it anymore, she wishes that time might stop forever.
Character Story 4
Friendship Lv. 5 •
Omnipresence Over Mortals
Ei still remembers the way in which Makoto greatly loved the scenery of Inazuma, its cuisine, and the stories of its people — and how she loved telling Ei all about it.
Though they both understood the concept of erosion well, Makoto was unlike Ei, who worried about the future more often. Instead, Makoto's energies were focused on the present.
"It is precisely because we know that this scene is but a fleeting shadow that we should enjoy it all the more."
Then, Ei could only smile wryly, realizing that she, the kagemusha, was even more old-fashioned than the real Raiden Shogun. She thought to herself that she must learn to be more leisurely, just like Makoto.
Yet the times changed all too quickly, all but catching Ei off guard. Before she knew it, her hands already held the blade that the dying Raiden Makoto had passed on to her.
This day, the kagemusha was now the true Raiden Shogun.
And it was on this day that Ei truly felt the agony of erosion.
As time marched forward inexorably, even this blade, this sakura... All life on Inazuma would fade before her eyes.
This was the foundation of Inazuma, and it was the thing that the Raiden Shogun must defend.
"If you look at it this way, thinking ahead is not meaningless, nor is it vain arrogance."
Having resolved herself, her life exceeded its mortal shell, and eternity descended upon the mortal plane.
Character Story 5
Friendship Lv. 6 •
Reflections of Mortality
One night, Raiden Ei entered a beautiful dreamscape while meditating.
Here, there was nothing left between heaven and earth but her, and a "her" that was akin to looking into a mirror.
The automaton's voice flowed into her ears like a sigh: "the eternity you resolved to establish in your heart has been shaken by the countless wishes of the people. Thus, you have become my enemy."
Back when she was creating the puppet, Ei had considered all the hidden risks involved.
She believed that anything was possible — including the worst-case scenario... in which she too would someday become a threat to Eternity.
But she had to press on. She had to reach Eternity. This, she would not permit to be stayed by any outside force.
The puppet's words were something that she had asked herself long ago:
"You believe that you are more firmly convicted now than you were yesterday, and that is why you are presently correct. Is that so?"
"Do you presently have some new ideas, or have you, too, fallen victim to inexorable 'erosion'?"
Their faces were the same, but they spoke of different ideals. The battle with herself, with her past, would come someday.
But it was not this day. Ei knew well that she was not yet ready.
Her heart was clear, and she would have remained in that state, but hearing the cries of her people, she had to command her feet to stop.
The sky above the mirror was no longer empty, and all about the silent halls, she heard the cry of crows. Dawn was coming. The samurai must take up her sword.
This dream was ever so real, and it, too, passed like a shadow.
Musou Isshin
Friendship Lv. 4 •
Omnipresence Over Mortals
A sword that, once passed on, has accompanied Ei to this day.
This sword has had two wielders, and has witnessed both time and eternity.
It was born from Raiden Makoto's divine might, but it was never once sharpened. It took after its owner, of course, for Makoto was not one for battle. It was but a symbol, a sign of true peace.
The day Makoto passed on, it was given into Ei's hands. The sword was stained with blood, then, and as the blade drew its first taste of crimson, the dripping ichor was blown aside by wild winds and blazing thunder.
Makoto gave it the name Musou Isshin, and desired to have it witness an Inazuma as lovely as a dream and the noble hearts that dwell in this world.
Ei did not change its name. For she, too, had looked out over that vast scene of beauty, and the sight of it had engendered a stronger, purer dream in her own heart.
The aesthetic of lightning is precisely to capture that which is precious amidst fleeting transience.
Friendship Lv. 6 •
Omnipresence Over Mortals
Before she came to dwell in the Plane of Euthymia permanently, Ei was troubled for a time concerning where she might store her Gnosis.
She no longer had any need of it, but such an important item could not simply be placed anywhere. She had initially intended to have it modified into a energy supply device, but no matter what she did, her techniques had no effect on the Gnosis at all.
And that was when she thought of someone: the cunning and clever Yae Miko. She was not precisely someone to be trusted, but she was in many ways also Ei's best choice.
Upon hearing this request, Miko could not help but joke: "Aren't you afraid that I might just sell this off?"
"You understand the value of a Gnosis. Even if you sold it, I trust that you would have exchanged it for something of equal value, and that is no easy price to pay."
With someone of Yae Miko's character, it would be no surprise if she ever sold the Gnosis, yes, but she would not allow herself to lose out in any such exchange.
Such, then, was the tacit agreement between the two old friends. Yae Miko understood Ei's intent and took the precious Gnosis with a smile.
"Well, this is your idea, not mine. Don't end up regretting this, now."
Raiden Shogun: Enlightenment | |
![]() |
Obtain: Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with the Raiden Shogun Description: Not simply Ei, and not merely the Raiden Shogun. Observe yourself also with one stormy eye, and you will someday reach a breakthrough. |
Imperatrix Umbrosa | |
![]() | Story Chapter: Imperatrix Umbrosa Meaning: Shadow Empress |
Quests and Events
Raiden Shogun
Archon Quests
- Chapter II
- Prologue: Autumn Winds, Scarlet Leaves
- Follow the Wind (cinematic)
- Act II: Stillness, the Sublimation of Shadow
- Act III: Omnipresence Over Mortals
- Prologue: Autumn Winds, Scarlet Leaves
Story Quests
Web Events
- Side by Side We Venture
- An Unforgettable Journey
- Taking Pictures and Recounting Good Times
- Canvas of Starlight Memories
- Discover Teyvat
Archon Quests
Story Quests
- Hues of the Violet Garden
- Akitsu Kimodameshi
- Part I: Test of Courage
- Duel! The Summoners' Summit!
- Round 3: Cards Out! Grievances Begone
- Iridescent Arataki Rockin' for Life Tour de Force of Awesomeness
- Enchanted Tales of the Mikawa Festival
- First Night: As Though Caught in a Dream
- Second Night: As Though Beholding Illusions
- Final Night: As Though Surrounded by Thunder
- After-Night: As Though Kissed by Dew
Character Trials
- Cleansing Light in Raiden Shogun's Story Quest, Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act II - Transient Dreams
- Farewell to the Past in Raiden Shogun's Story Quest, Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act II - Transient Dreams
Quest Domains
- Hidden Mountain Base — To Hear Mortal Hearts in Raiden Shogun's Story Quest, Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act I - Reflections of Mortality
- End of the Oneiric Euthymia — Farewell to the Past in Raiden Shogun's Story Quest, Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act II - Transient Dreams
- Misty Dungeon: Realm of Light
- Vibro-Crystal Research
- Perilous Trail
- Tablet Analytics
- Second Blooming
- Vibro-Crystal Verification
- Brewing Developments
- Divine Ingenuity: Collector's Chapter
- Purgation Counterstrike
- Triumphant Frenzy
- The Great Fayz Reaction Debate
- Endless Forms Most Martial
- Of Thorns and Crowns
Test Run Events
- Raiden Shogun, Kujou Sara, Sucrose — 2021-09-01
- Raiden Shogun, Sangonomiya Kokomi, Bennett, Xinyan, Kujou Sara — 2022-03-08
- Raiden Shogun, Kamisato Ayato, Rosaria, Sayu, Kujou Sara — 2022-12-27
- Raiden Shogun, Yoimiya, Chevreuse, Kujou Sara, Bennett — 2024-01-09
- Kinich, Raiden Shogun, Thoma, Kujou Sara, Chevreuse — 2024-09-17
Character Mentions
Character Stories
Character | Stories |
Character Voice-Overs
Character | Voice-Overs |
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As Baal:
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As Baal:
Sender | Mails |
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- The Raiden Shogun is one of the characters with ornaments that glow. While wearing her default outfit, Narukami's Law, when the Raiden Shogun's Elemental Burst is ready, the three objects on her outfit with the Electro symbol on them will glow the way other characters' non-Vision gems glow along with their Visions. The three objects are her left pauldron, the ornament on her waist at the front, and the fan-like ornament on her waist at the back.
- When switching to the Raiden Shogun when her Elemental Burst is ready, the projected elemental symbol that is typically seen over other characters' Visions is not seen anywhere while wearing her default outfit, Narukami's Law.
- The Raiden Shogun's default outfit, Narukami's Law, subtly displays a duality of character between its left and right sides. When viewed from the right, one sees her ornate kanzashi, long lavender sleeve, and the flowers in her hair and at her ankle, highlighting her elegance; however, looking from the left, one sees the pauldron on her shoulder and her unbrokenly dark-colored hair, sleeve, and sock, making her appear spartan and warrior-like. Even the cut of her bangs follows this pattern, sharp and blunt from the left and flowing more organically from the right.
- Unlike Venti or Zhongli, whose constellation names follow the form of "~ Dei" (Latin:
"~ of God"), Raiden Shogun's constellation name does not follow this pattern. This may be because both Venti and Zhongli are part of the original Seven, while Ei is not, as she originally took the role of the original Electro Archon's kagemusha. - As she directly governs Inazuma, everyone is also aware of her identity, a stark contrast to Venti and Zhongli in which only few people know of their true identities.
- Ei's birthday, June 26, is likely based on an incident during the Heian period in the Enchō era. In Enchō 8, on the 26th day of the 6th month, lightning struck the Japanese imperial palace in modern-day Kyoto.
- Beyond simple fear of losing those closest to her, it is hinted that Ei's obsession with a never-changing eternity is to prevent Inazuma from suffering the same fate as Khaenri'ah as a result of the Heavenly Principles.
- She is the only playable character who cannot cook.
- She is the second character to be both a playable character and a boss, with the first being Childe.
- She is also the first Archon to be fought as a boss, although only twice in the story domain Plane of Euthymia.
- The Raiden Shogun is proficient in two weapons — swords and polearms, using the former as part of her Musou no Hitotachi and the latter, which was the Engulfing Lightning, during the player's fight against her in Amidst Stormy Judgment and later, The Omnipresent God. She shares this trait with many other prominent Inazumans.[Note 1]
- The Raiden Shogun is hinted to be ambidextrous, as in her Elemental Burst animation, she pulls out the Musou Isshin from her chest with her right hand, but in the cutscenes of Inazuma's Archon Quest, she holds both her sword and polearm with her left hand.
- She is loosely based on Raiden Mei from Houkai Gakuen 2 and Honkai Impact 3rd, both of which are HoYoverse games, as the two share a plethora of connections:
- The two harness the power of lightning (Electro).
- Raiden Shogun's real name, "Raiden Ei" is similar to Raiden Mei's name.
- They are both voiced by Juhuahua in Chinese and Miyuki Sawashiro in Japanese.
- They are very similar in appearance, with both having long purple hair and purple eyes.
- Raiden Mei is the 3rd Herrscher (Herrscher of Thunder) while the Raiden Shogun is the third among the Seven Archons to appear.
- In one of the Online Honkai Mangas, There is a chapter called "The Wrath of Baal," where it shows Mei's first appearance as the Herrscher of Thunder.
- The Raiden Shogun shares a similar appearance as well as her Chinese and Japanese voice actresses with Acheron from Honkai: Star Rail, also another HoYoverse game featuring a version of Raiden Mei.
- The Raiden Shogun's Japanese voice actress, Miyuki Sawashiro, has a couple of roles that share a few traits with Ei:
- Kirari and Ririka Momobami are twins from the anime series Kakegurui, just like Ei and Makoto who are also twins and are both voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro.
- Kaiser de Emperana Beelzebub IV from the anime series Beelzebub is a demon baby who can electrocute anyone when he's upset. Ei's Archon name, Beelzebul is derived from Beelzebub and can control lightning.
- Bishamon from the anime series Noragami is a goddess of war and also has many names. She is a member of the Seven Gods of Fortune and has purple eyes. In mythology, Bishamon is said to be male much like Beelzebub (Ei's archon name). Ei is a member of The Seven Archons of Teyvat and also has purple eyes.
- The Raiden Shogun on release had no indicator on-model to indicate Elemental Burst charge (aside from a change to the Resolve Stack Circle). This was later added, but it is too subtle to notice.
- In the Serenitea Pot, the model for the Raiden Shogun does not glow until completing Omnipresence Over Mortals.
- Raiden Shogun does not have Electro particle spillover effects, nor does the Electro symbol project big, when her Elemental Burst is ready.
- The tip of the Raiden Shogun's hair glows when she uses her Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst. This seems to be a trait shared with other Archon characters.
- The Raiden Shogun is one of two characters who does not have a visible breath when exposed to Sheer Cold in Dragonspine, owing to her nature as a puppet; the other character with this distinction is the Wanderer.
- The Raiden Shogun is the first major character to kill another, with her execution of La Signora after she is defeated by the Traveler in Duel Before the Throne.
- She is also the first character to slay a Fatui Harbinger.
- Raiden Shogun is also known by these aliases or titles:
- Narukami Ogosho
- Master of the Euthymic Plane
- Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder
- Raiden Shogun is mentioned in the descriptions of the following 15 Furnishings:
- In Shinto mythology, Raiden (Japanese: 雷電 Raiden) is another name for Raijin, a god of lightning, thunder, and storms. Raiden also means "thunder and lightning" in both Japanese and Chinese. The title Shogun (Japanese: 将軍 Shougun) refers to the title of military dictators who ruled over Japan prior to the Meiji Restoration in 1867.
- Raiden Shogun's constellation name, Imperatrix Umbrosa, means "shadow empress", referring to her original role as her twin sister's kagemusha.
Haiku & Waka
In her Character Demo, Raiden Shogun recites the following haiku which follows the 5-7-5 syllabic structure.[6]
English | Chinese | Korean |
Waking world, you seem, Woven from the stuff of dreams, All shall fade away. |
于此浮世中, 不独入寝可成梦, 事事皆虚空。 Yú cǐ fúshì zhōng, Bù dú rùqǐn kě chéng mèng, Shìshì jiē xūkōng. |
부세(浮世) 속에서 잠을 자야만 꿈을 꾸는 게 아니다 모든 게 덧없도다 Buse sog-eseo Jam-eul jayaman kkum-eul kkuneun ge anida Modeun ge deod-eopdoda |
In the Japanese version, specially, the poem was replaced by a famous yet perfect fit waka, from the Kokin Wakashuu (Japanese: 古今和歌集 "Collection of Japanese Poems of Ancient and Modern Times"), an early anthology of the waka form of Japanese poetry.
Japanese | Translation[7] |
寝るが内に Nuru ga uchi ni |
When in sleep – |
見るをのみやは Miru wo nomi ya wa |
Is only what we see then |
夢と言はむ Yume to iwamu |
To be called a dream? |
はかなき世をも Hakanaki yo wo mo |
This fleeting world, too, |
うつつとは見ず Utsutsu to wa mizu |
I cannot see as reality. |
Other Poetry
- The Raiden Shogun's "Chat: Idleness" voice-over in Japanese is derived from the Turezuregusa (Japanese: 徒然草 Tsuredzuregusa, "Essays in Idleness"), a famed classic collection of essays written by Yoshida Kenkō between 1330 and 1332. Specifically, it is derived from the preface (Japanese: つれづれなるまゝに日暮らし硯にむかひて心にうつりゆくよしなし事をそこはかとなく書きつくればあやしうこそものぐるほしけれ Tsuredzure-naru mama ni hikurashi suzuri ni mukaite kokoro ni utsuriyuku yoshi-nashi-goto wo sokohatonaku kakitsukureba ayashuu koso mono guruoshikere).
- ↑ Gorou and Kujou Sara are mentioned to have used swords despite using bows as their primary weapons, while Kamisato Ayato is mentioned to use both swords and polearms.
Other Languages
Character Title: Plane of Euthymia
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Plane of Euthymia | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 一心净土 Yīxīn Jìngtǔ | Pure Land of One Mind[※][※] |
Chinese (Traditional) | 一心淨土 Yīxīn Jìngtǔ | |
Japanese | 一心浄土 Isshin Joudo | Pure Land of One Mind |
Korean | 일심정토 Ilsim-jeongto | Pure Land of One Mind[※][※] |
Spanish | La Entidad de la Eutimia | The Entity of Euthymia |
French | Plan euthymique | Euthymic Plane |
Russian | Царство эвтюмии Tsarstvo evtyumii | Empire of Euthymia |
Thai | ดินแดนแห่งใจที่บริสุทธิ์ | |
Vietnamese | Nhất Tâm Tịnh Thổ | Pure Land of One Mind[※][※] |
German | Utopische Gefilde | Utopian Fields |
Indonesian | Plane of Euthymia | — |
Portuguese | Plano da Eutimia | Plane of Euthymia |
Turkish | Zihnin Dinlenme Yeri | Resting Place of Mind |
Italian | Piano dell'eutimia | Plane of Euthymia |
- ↑ Official Genshin Impact Website: Raiden Shogun
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Story Quest, Raiden Shogun, Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act I - Reflections of Mortality, Part 2: To Traverse the Mortal Plane
- ↑ Story Quest, Raiden Shogun, Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act I - Reflections of Mortality, Part 1: The Lonesome Euthymia
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Archon Quest, Chapter II, Act III - Omnipresence Over Mortals, Part 4: The Servant's Path
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Archon Quest, Chapter II, Act III - Omnipresence Over Mortals, Part 8: The Omnipresent God
- ↑ Bilibili: 《原神》角色演示-「雷电将军:净土裁断」
- ↑ Wakapoetry: Kokin Wakashuu XVI: 835