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Genshin Impact Wiki
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This page contains information about a past event that may or may not return in a future version.

Time moves on like a spinning wheel, and it appears that another year has passed since your journey with Paimon began. Use your brush to paint together with Paimon, and preserve precious memories from your trip in this moment.

Canvas of Starlight Memories is a Web Event in Version 3.1. It is a part of the Two Year Anniversary Community Events.

>>Click to Take Part in Event<<

Event Duration[]

  • 2022/09/28 - 2022/10/12 11:59
  • Rewards cannot be claimed after the event ends. Please claim them in time.*


  • Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 10 or above can participate in this event.
  • The data from the Canvas of Starlight Memories event will be collected up to September 25, 2022 00:00 (UTC+8) (there may be a margin of error of about 30 minutes) and is valid only for Travelers who are Adventure Rank 10 or above before the cut-off time.

Event Description[]

  • Travelers can click on different chapters on the event page to watch their own travel memories.
  • When you finish viewing these memories during the event, click on the chests in the different chapters to get viewing gifts.
  • More details about the rules of the event can be found on the event rules on the event page.

Event Rewards[]

Watch travel memories and take part in the sharing event to obtain a total of:

Mora 40,000 Mora
Mission Reward
Complete the commemorative drawing for the chapter "The City of Wind and Song"
Primogem 30
Cecilia 3
Complete the commemorative drawing for the chapter "The Harbor of Stone and Contracts"
Primogem 30
Qingxin 3
Complete the commemorative drawing for the chapter "The Islands of Thunder and Eternity"
Primogem 30
Sakura Bloom 3
Complete the commemorative drawing for the chapter "The Rainforest of Lore"
Primogem 30
Sumeru Rose 3
Complete the commemorative drawing for the chapter "Footprints of the Traveler"
Primogem 30
Mora 40,000
Edit and share your travel memories
Primogem 20
Mystic Enhancement Ore 5
View other people's travel memories
Primogem 10
Mystic Enhancement Ore 5


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
04Bustling Afternoon in MondstadtCity of Winds and IdyllsAn Unforgettable Journey (Act III: Mondstadt), Canvas of Starlight Memories (The City of Wind and Song), Shadows in Motion (stage I)
Locations, Serenitea Pot
31Vagrant WanderingForest of Jnana and VidyaCanvas of Starlight Memories (The Rainforest of Lore)
Locations, Quests, Domains, Serenitea Pot
01LiyueJade Moon Upon a Sea of CloudsVibrant Harriers Aloft in Spring Breeze (Felicitous Festivities interface), Canvas of Starlight Memories (The Harbor of Stone and Contracts), Starlit Sky, Shadows in Motion (stage II), Overture of Wandering Notes (minigame #3)
Locations, Quests, Serenitea Pot
09Dream of Scattered PetalsRealm of Tranquil EternityWhen Flowers Bloom, Journey With a Gentle Breeze, Canvas of Starlight Memories (The Islands of Thunder and Eternity)
Locations, Quests, Serenitea Pot
02Fragile FantasyVortex of LegendsTraveler's Picture Book 2021-12-03, Canvas of Starlight Memories (Footprints of the Traveler), Wishes From Teyvat
17Moonlike SmileVortex of LegendsFestive Challenges (Ballads of Breeze, challenge #4), Enchanting Journey of Snow and Stars, Canvas of Starlight Memories (menu), Wishes From Teyvat, An Invitation to Memories From Mimo


The nickname and profile picture in the "Canvas of Starlight Memories" web event match the nickname and profile picture in the your game. If you change your nickname or avatar in the game, there will be a certain delay for the change to be reflected on the page. Please be patient.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishCanvas of Starlight Memories
Huì Yì Xīngchén
Sketching the Starry Sky of Memories
Huì Yì Xīngchén
Hoshiboshi ni Tsuioku wo Egaite
Drawing a Recollection in Stars
Korean추억의 별자리
Chueok-ui Byeoljari
Constellation of Memories
SpanishRecuerdos estelaresStellar Memories
FrenchSouvenir stellaireStellar Memory
RussianПолотно звёздных воспоминаний
Polotno zvyozdnykh vospominaniy
Canvas of Star Memories
Khwam Song Cham Khong Duang-dao
Memory of the stars
VietnameseVẽ Hồi Ức Ánh Sao
GermanEine Erinnerung an die SterneA Memory of the Stars
IndonesianLukisan Kenangan BintangPainting of Star Memories
PortugueseEstrelas e MemóriasStars and Memories

Change History[]
