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The Sanbugyou or Tri-Commission (Japanese: 三奉行 San-bugyou, "Three Commissioners") is a collective term for three organizations which oversee every matter in Inazuma.[1] It is roughly equivalent to the Liyue Qixing and the Eight Trades in Liyue,[1][Note 1] as well as the Knights of Favonius in Mondstadt.

The Tri-Commission meets together at Tenshukaku to decide on government affairs. In the Archon Quest A Flower Blooms in a Prison, Kamisato Ayaka says that whenever the Yashiro Commission made a proposal to repeal the Vision Hunt Decree, it was promptly vetoed by both the Tenryou Commission and the Kanjou Commission. This implies the existence of some sort of council or committee where proposals must pass through, and that the Yashiro Commission cannot present their proposal directly to the Raiden Shogun. This is similar to the Hyoujousho (Japanese: 評定所), the highest organ of government in the Tokugawa shogunate, which was a council comprised of the highest government officials and the bugyou.

The Three Commissions[]

Name Leading Clan Commissioner Responsibility
Tenryou Commission Kujou Clan Kujou Kamaji (acting/proxy)
Kujou Takayuki (formerly)
Head of Public Security
Handles military and police affairs
Enforces the Vision Hunt Decree
Enforces the Sakoku Decree (illegal entry and exit)
Kanjou Commission Hiiragi Clan Hiiragi Chisato (acting/proxy)
Hiiragi Shinsuke (formerly)
Financial Arm of Inazuma
Manages the finances of nation[2]
Supervises the borders of Inazuma
Handles mercantile and bureaucratic affairs[1]
Enforces the Sakoku Decree (legal entry and exit)
Yashiro Commission Kamisato Clan Kamisato Ayato Cultural Representative of Inazuma
Responsible for ceremonial affairs, celebratory events, and public festivals
Manages shrines and temples
Considered to be the commission closest to the Raiden Shogun[2]


  • The San-bugyou was a real group in the Tokugawa shogunate; it was comprised of the jisha-bugyou (Japanese: 寺社奉行), kanjou-bugyou (Japanese: 勘定奉行), and machi-bugyou (Japanese: 町奉行), which oversaw temples and shrines, accounting, and cities, respectively. The jisha-bugyou was the highest in status, the kanjou-bugyou was second, and the machi-bugyou was last in status.
    • There were also many other bugyou in the Tokugawa shogunate besides the three in the San-bugyou, but the three bugyou of the San-bugyou were considered the most prominent. For example, there was the gaikoku-bugyou (Japanese: 外国奉行 "foreign [affairs] commissioner") which oversaw trade and diplomatic relations, and the douchuu-bugyou (Japanese: 道中奉行 "roadway commissioner") which was in charge of all road-related affairs.
    • The jisha, kanjou, and machi-bugyou seem to correspond respectively to the Yashiro, Kanjou, and Tenryou commissions in Genshin Impact. However, the commissions in Genshin Impact seem to take on the duties of multiple bugyou of the Tokugawa shogunate. For example, the Kanjou Commission seems to have the duties of both the kanjou-bugyou and the gaikoku-bugyou of the Tokugawa shogunate.
  • The Tri-Commission is mentioned in the descriptions of the following 2 Furnishings:


  1. While the English text of Atsuko during A Path Through the Storm says it is equivalent to "the Eight Trades under the Liyue Qixing" (emphasis added), both the Chinese and Japanese equivalents of the line simply say "Qixing, Eight-Trades."

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
Three Bugyou[※][※]
Three Bugyou
Three Bugyou[※][※]
FrenchTrois CommissionsThree Commissions
Sam Sam-nak Ma-ha-am-nat
Three Superpower Offices
VietnameseHiệp HộiHiệp Hội Tam CựcTam CựcTri-Pole Association
GermanDreierverwaltungTriple Administration
PortugueseComissão TriplaTriple Commission
TurkishÜçlü Heyet
ItalianCommissione Trilaterale

Change History[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Archon Quest, Chapter II, Prologue - Autumn Winds, Scarlet Leaves, Part 1: A Path Through the Storm
  2. 2.0 2.1 NPC Dialogue: Naoe Hisamasa

