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Genshin Impact Wiki

Court of the Upright is an outdoor gift set favored by the companion: Kujou Sara and Kamisato Ayato.

The blueprint is obtainable from a Remarkable Chest on Tsurumi Island.

How to Obtain[]

Obtained from a Remarkable Chest north of the Moshiri Kara domain. This chest does not require completing A Particularly Particular Author, the first quest in the series Through the Mists. It is available on the first day of Tsurumi Island's Three-Day Cycle.

Required Furnishings[]

Character Interactions[]

Interaction Rewards

The following characters favor this Gift Set:

Kujou SaraElectro Kujou Sara
Primogem 20
Vajrada Amethyst Fragment 1
Mora 20,000
Kamisato AyatoHydro Ayato
Primogem 20
Guide to Elegance 2
Mora 20,000

Interaction Dialogue

If a character's favorite furnishing set is placed in the same realm as the character for the first time, the character will automatically teleport to the furnishing set. Interacting with the character will initiate a special dialogue, after which the character will teleport back to their original position.

Kujou SaraElectro Kujou Sara
Media:vo mimitomo dq kujousara courtyard 01.ogg Kujou Sara: Impressive. This courtyard is every bit as striking as the headquarters of the Tenryou Commission.
Media:vo mimitomo dq kujousara courtyard 02.ogg Kujou Sara: Maintaining an orderly residence incentivizes us to adhere also to the rules that give order to our lives.
Media:vo mimitomo dq kujousara courtyard 03.ogg Kujou Sara: I must commend you for your insight in having discerned this principle.
Kamisato AyatoHydro Ayato
Media:vo mimitomo dq ayato courtyard 01.ogg Kamisato Ayato: This is a truly exceptional design. The architectural style borrows from the Tri-Commission mansions, and the general arrangement is very aesthetically pleasing.
Media:vo mimitomo dq ayato courtyard 02.ogg Kamisato Ayato: The familiar environment makes me feel right at home, and good company only adds to the exquisiteness of the occasion.
Media:vo mimitomo dq ayato courtyard 03.ogg Kamisato Ayato: Hmm, truly delightful.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishCourt of the Upright
Zhènggé zhī Tíng
Court of the Upright
Zhènggé zhī Tíng
Seitouha Teien
Garden of the Orthodox
Korean정격의 정원
Jeonggyeok-ui Jeongwon
Garden of Formality
SpanishPatio de la justiciaJustice Patio
FrenchCour d'intégritéCourt of Integrity
RussianСад справедливости
Sad spravedlivosti
Garden of Justice
VietnameseĐình Viện Chính Thống
GermanHof der AufrichtigkeitCourt of Sincerity
IndonesianAula KeadilanCourt of Justice
PortugueseCorte da Justiça
TurkishAdalet Bahçesi
ItalianCortile della giustiziaCourtyard of Justice

Change History[]

Version 2.6

Version 2.2

  • Court of the Upright was released.

