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To Hear Mortal Hearts is the fourth and final part of Raiden Shogun's Story Quest, Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act I - Reflections of Mortality.


  1. Head to the Takatsukasa Clan's secret outpost
  2. Enter the secret outpost
  3. Talk to Ei
  4. Defeat the opponents blocking the path and proceed onward
  5. Reach the deepest area of the outpost
  6. Talk to Kujou Kamaji and Takatsukasa Susumu
  7. Witness the duel
  8. Listen to Ei's judgment
  9. Follow Ei out of the outpost
  10. Go to where Ei is
  11. Talk to Raiden Ei
  12. Give the Pass Permit back to Yae Miko
  13. Talk to Yae Miko


UI Quest Quest Description

Ippei says that Kujou Kamaji has gone to see the head of the Takatsukasa Clan. Ei decides to go there personally to settle the issue of the Tenryou Commission's internal affairs. Thus, you and Ei head out into the wilds, toward the secret base of the Takatsukasa Clan...
(Enter the Hidden Mountain Base)
Media:vo sglq004 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Whoa, look at how well-hidden this place is!
Media:vo sglq004 1 raidenei 01.ogg Ei: I can't think of a reason anyone would want to build a structure like this deep in the mountains.
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe to escape disasters.
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe to evade detection.
Media:vo sglq004 1 raidenei 02.ogg Ei: I feel something that doesn't belong here... I sense danger.
Media:vo sglq004 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Huh?
Media:vo sglq004 1 raidenei 03.ogg Ei: We should proceed with caution. The Kujou Clan descendant may well be in trouble.
(Approach first opponent)
Media:vo sglq004 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Why are there ronin here? This is a Tenryou Commission base!
Media:vo sglq004 2 raidenei 01.ogg Ei: Something is not right.
Media:vo sglq004 2 raidenei 02.ogg Ei: We must remove all those who stand in our way.
(Reach the deepest area of the outpost)
Media:vo sglq004 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Look, it's Kujou Kamaji! But who's he with...
Media:vo sglq004 2 raidenei 03.ogg Ei: Stay back. I will deal with this.

(Approach Kujou Kamaji and Takatsukasa Susumu)
Media:vo sglq004 3 takatsukasasusumu 01.ogg Takatsukasa Susumu: Almighty Shogun!
Media:vo sglq004 3 kujoukamaji 01.ogg Kujou Kamaji: Sh—Shogun, what are you...
Media:vo sglq004 3 raidenei 01.ogg Ei: Descendant of the Takatsukasa Clan. Explain what is going on here.
Media:vo sglq004 3 takatsukasasusumu 02.ogg Takatsukasa Susumu: Oh, we're just discussing some minor issues that have cropped up in the Tenryou Commission recently. Really, it's nothing worth the Almighty Shogun worrying about...
Media:vo sglq004 3 raidenei 02.ogg Ei: And these minor issues warranted the secluded location and the hiring of ronin and kairagi to keep guard?
Media:vo sglq004 3 takatsukasasusumu 03.ogg Takatsukasa Susumu: Well, there's there's been a lot of turmoil lately. It was just out of security considerations, that's all...
Media:vo sglq004 3 raidenei 03.ogg Ei: Silence.
Media:vo sglq004 3 raidenei 04.ogg Ei: Descendant of the Kujou Clan. Your turn.
Media:vo sglq004 3 kujoukamaji 02.ogg Kujou Kamaji: Alright. I came here intending to negotiate, but it turned out all they were interested in was a written confession from the Kujou Clan.
Media:vo sglq004 3 raidenei 05.ogg Ei: A written confession?
Media:vo sglq004 3 kujoukamaji 03.ogg Kujou Kamaji: Yes. A statement acknowledging every crime committed by the Kujou Clan since the inception of the Vision Hunt Decree, including all the recent misconduct...
Media:vo sglq004 3 takatsukasasusumu 04.ogg Takatsukasa Susumu: All factual statements of course. Not a single one of them fabricated.
Media:vo sglq004 3 kujoukamaji 04.ogg Kujou Kamaji: I can't deny that. But it also emphasizes the Takatsukasa Clan's achievements throughout the document, claiming that they stood steadfast all along and fought back against the crisis...
Media:vo sglq004 3 kujoukamaji 05.ogg Kujou Kamaji: These are all falsehoods.
Media:vo sglq004 3 takatsukasasusumu 05.ogg Takatsukasa Susumu: Says who? Why, you two-faced...! You're going back on everything you said!
Media:vo sglq004 3 kujoukamaji 06.ogg Kujou Kamaji: I'm just stating the facts. I'm sure the Almighty Shogun can discern the truth. All the Takatsukasa Clan is trying to do is make themselves look good, so they'll be first in line to replace the Kujou Clan!
Media:vo sglq004 3 kujoukamaji 07.ogg Kujou Kamaji: Why else would you push a false narrative in the written confession that paints your clan in a good light? And try to make me sign it under duress?
Media:vo sglq004 3 takatsukasasusumu 06.ogg Takatsukasa Susumu: What are you talking about? You're not under duress, we're just negotiating here! You've completely changed your tune!
Media:vo sglq004 3 raidenei 06.ogg Ei: I believe I now understand the situation.
Media:vo sglq004 3 takatsukasasusumu 07.ogg Takatsukasa Susumu: Don't listen to his nonsense. I'm sure you're well aware of the major failings of the Kujou Clan. Surely you of everyone knows — not a single word they say can be trusted!
Media:vo sglq004 3 raidenei 07.ogg Ei: Hmph. You are quite mistaken if you think your dispute is of any interest to me. Descendant of the Takatsukasa Clan, you wish to become the new Tenryou Commissioner. Do I understand this correctly?
Media:vo sglq004 3 takatsukasasusumu 08.ogg Takatsukasa Susumu: Uh, well... y—yes, of course! It's the eternal pursuit of everyone in the Tenryou Commission to offer our lives in service of the Almighty Shogun!
Media:vo sglq004 3 raidenei 08.ogg Ei: Then the situation is not as complicated as you seem to have made it. After all, I am the one who appoints the Tenryou Commissioner. The process is quite simple: Anyone who can beat me in a duel becomes the new Commissioner.
Media:vo sglq004 3 takatsukasasusumu 09.ogg Takatsukasa Susumu: Um, sorry... a duel with the Almighty Shogun?
Media:vo sglq004 3 raidenei 09.ogg Ei: The first Tenryou Commissioner demonstrated his will with the blade in his hand. That is why the title has been passed down within the Kujou Clan ever since.
Media:vo sglq004 3 raidenei 10.ogg Ei: If you want me to appoint a new clan, then naturally, there must first be a new duel.
Media:vo sglq004 3 takatsukasasusumu 10.ogg Takatsukasa Susumu: I... Uh...
Media:vo sglq004 3 raidenei 11.ogg Ei: Do you not know how to wield a blade...? Or do you simply doubt your abilities on account of your advanced age and declining physical condition?
Media:vo sglq004 3 raidenei 12.ogg Ei: Here you are talking about offering your life, and yet you are too afraid to face my blade?
Media:vo sglq004 3 takatsukasasusumu 11.ogg Takatsukasa Susumu: Um... Well...
Media:vo sglq004 3 raidenei 13.ogg Ei: Well, never mind. What about one of you, then? Anyone who can defeat me, Takatsukasa or not, will be appointed the new Tenryou Commissioner.
Media:vo sglq004 3 retainers 01.ogg Retainers: ...
Media:vo sglq004 3 raidenei 14.ogg Ei: Does not a single person dare to face me?
Media:vo sglq004 3 raidenei 15.ogg Ei: ...
Media:vo sglq004 3 kujoukamaji 08.ogg Kujou Kamaji: I...
Media:vo sglq004 3 kujoukamaji 09.ogg Kujou Kamaji: I will challenge you, Almighty Shogun!
Media:vo sglq004 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Whaaat!?
Media:vo sglq004 3 raidenei 16.ogg Ei: Descendant of the Kujou Clan. Regrettably, even if you win against me, it cannot atone for the wrongs committed under the Kujou name.
Media:vo sglq004 3 kujoukamaji 10.ogg Kujou Kamaji: I realize that. I don't stand a chance of winning against you anyway. I know full well that the mistakes my father made ought to spell the end of the Kujou Clan's legacy in the Tenryou Commission...
Media:vo sglq004 3 kujoukamaji 11.ogg Kujou Kamaji: Even when I was executing the Vision Hunt Decree, I had my doubts about my father's decisions. I knew that what I was doing was wrong.
Media:vo sglq004 3 kujoukamaji 12.ogg Kujou Kamaji: But that was as far as I went. I doubted, and I ruminated. I understood the situation perfectly well, but I took no action, and I didn't save a single person.
Media:vo sglq004 3 kujoukamaji 13.ogg Kujou Kamaji: I accept the Kujou Clan's decline as punishment for my deeds. I can't even say that I failed to prevent it... because in order to fail, you have to have at least tried.
Media:vo sglq004 3 raidenei 17.ogg Ei: To be brutally honest... for someone of your strength, there is nothing you could have done even if you had tried.
Media:vo sglq004 3 kujoukamaji 14.ogg Kujou Kamaji: Yes... I'm too weak. My father ignores me, my elder brother can't help me, and I even need Ippei to set me straight at times... It's the way it's always been...
Media:vo sglq004 3 kujoukamaji 15.ogg Kujou Kamaji: But if nothing else, then right here, right now, in the Kujou Clan's final hours, it is I who represent the clan, like my father before me! His duties are now mine to perform!
Media:vo sglq004 3 kujoukamaji 16.ogg Kujou Kamaji: Just as the Shogun said, a forefather of mine once showed his will with his sword...
Media:vo sglq004 3 kujoukamaji 17.ogg Kujou Kamaji: Then please, let me, Kujou Kamaji, end the story of the Kujou Clan in the same way that it began!
Media:vo sglq004 3 kujoukamaji 18.ogg Kujou Kamaji: This is my last chance to do something!
Media:vo sglq004 3 raidenei 18.ogg Ei: This is patently meaningless.
Media:vo sglq004 3 raidenei 19.ogg Ei: But I accept. Come forward.

(Cutscene begins — witness the duel)
Cutscene's Travel Log summary:
Kujou Kamaji falls down multiple times during the duel, but he gets up every single time, until his body reaches its limit. But even as he is about to lose consciousness, he does not give up, struggling with all his might to grab the handle of his fallen sword and initiate the challenge anew...
Media:vo sglq004 cs raidenei 01.ogg Ei: The Kujou Clan's honor was forged with courage, tempered with integrity, and shines beyond life and death
Media:vo sglq004 cs raidenei 02.ogg Ei: Show me whether your blade
Media:vo sglq004 cs raidenei 03.ogg Ei: Can bear the weight of your name
Media:vo sglq004 cs kujoukamaji 01.ogg Kujou Kamaji: Ready to learn, Almighty Shogun!
(After falling down and getting back up multiple times, Kujou Kamaji is unable continue the duel due to his wounds)
Media:vo sglq004 cs raidenei 04.ogg Ei: (Another anomaly in eternity...)
Media:vo sglq004 cs raidenei 05.ogg Ei: (Nevertheless, it appears that the Kujou honor still courses through your veins)
(Cutscene ends)

(After the cutscene)
Media:vo sglq004 4 raidenei 01.ogg Ei: Kujou Kamaji is wounded. Descendants of the Takatsukasa Clan, it is your responsibility to take care of him.
Media:vo sglq004 4 raidenei 02.ogg Ei: You may not have the courage to challenge me, but I trust that you are capable of attending to a small matter such as this.
Media:vo sglq004 4 takatsukasasusumu 01.ogg Takatsukasa Susumu: Yes, of course. I apologize... I'm sorry. So, so sorry.
Media:vo sglq004 4 raidenei 03.ogg Ei: I had heard that the Kujou Clan is no longer fit to shoulder the work of the Tenryou Commission. The search for a successor to the role of Tenryou Commissioner is indeed a matter of great urgency...
Media:vo sglq004 4 raidenei 04.ogg Ei: However, following this duel, I have decided to postpone the Kujou Clan's punishment for the time being.
Media:vo sglq004 4 raidenei 05.ogg Ei: In the meantime, I expect the Takatsukasa Clan to continue supporting the Kujou Clan as before.
Media:vo sglq004 4 takatsukasasusumu 02.ogg Takatsukasa Susumu: As you instruct, so it shall be done. We would not dare question the Almighty Shogun's will.
Media:vo sglq004 4 raidenei 06.ogg Ei: Finally, if you still think you can copy the Fatui's strategy of providing me with deceptive information to produce flaws in my judgment...
Media:vo sglq004 4 raidenei 07.ogg Ei: ...You will see me appear once again as I have done today — only next time, my blade will show no mercy.
Media:vo sglq004 4 takatsukasasusumu 03.ogg Takatsukasa Susumu: Understood. Thank you, Almighty Shogun, for your wisdom and mercy!
Media:vo sglq004 4 raidenei 08.ogg Ei: That will do. I will have the Okuzumeshuu continue the investigation from here.
Media:vo sglq004 4 raidenei 09.ogg Ei: Come with me. Let's find a quiet place. There's something I want to talk about with you.

Icon Quest Step Step Description

Kujou Kamaji has proved his will, and Ei has acknowledged it. You sense that Ei's attitude is different from normal. She might have something to say to you.
(Approach Ei out of the outpost)
Media:vo sglq004 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: When it's time to deal with a situation, you're just like the Shogun. So strict.
Media:vo sglq004 5 raidenei 01.ogg Ei: You think so? I thought I was rather accommodating. If it had been the Shogun... she would have decapitated Kujou Kamaji without a second thought.
Icon Dialogue Talk He was lucky.
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe that's what he was expecting.
Media:vo sglq004 5 raidenei 02.ogg Ei: I do believe he was prepared for that outcome. I could see it in his eyes.
Media:vo sglq004 5 raidenei 03.ogg Ei: The Kujou Clan has undergone a dramatic change from its glory days to its present decline. Kamaji is hardly a great heir to the Kujou name, but...
Media:vo sglq004 5 raidenei 04.ogg Ei: He has shown me how some things remain the same even as the world around them changes.
Media:vo sglq004 5 raidenei 05.ogg Ei: I also have you to thank. The things we experienced out on the streets and the photo you took of me, they helped me come to this realization, too.
Media:vo sglq004 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: So what's next for the Kujou Clan? Will they get to carry on being in charge of the Tenryou Commission?
Media:vo sglq004 5 raidenei 06.ogg Ei: Not a chance. Even if their heir was someone who showed promise, their past mistakes cannot be erased.
Media:vo sglq004 5 raidenei 07.ogg Ei: Still... I will give them a little more time. After all, they are not the only ones who have made mistakes.
Media:vo sglq004 5 raidenei 08.ogg Ei: The Shogun does not make mistakes — she is incapable of doing so. But I, as Ei, would like to offer my apologies.
Media:vo sglq004 5 raidenei 09.ogg Ei: I have much to contemplate in the days to come. But at least I can now see the way ahead.
Icon Dialogue Talk Will you rule Inazuma directly?
Media:vo sglq004 5 raidenei 10.ogg Ei: I think I'll leave that to the Shogun. The greatest threat to eternity is still the erosion that comes with time.
Media:vo sglq004 5 raidenei 11.ogg Ei: As I said, the Shogun has a robust system to protect her against modification. This is because I anticipated that I myself would change over time.
Media:vo sglq004 5 raidenei 12.ogg Ei: But I've made up my mind. So I will do what needs to be done, no matter how difficult it is.
Media:vo sglq004 5 raidenei 13.ogg Ei: Mmm...
Media:vo sglq004 5 raidenei 14.ogg Ei: This has certainly been a memorable series of events.
Media:vo sglq004 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Absolutely! You sorted out the Tenryou Commission and the people in the city got to see a happy and healthy Shogun. All the awful rumors will disappear in no time.
Media:vo sglq004 5 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: If you enjoyed your trip, we should get you out again some time!
Icon Dialogue Talk Next time, we'll bring you some souvenirs.
Icon Dialogue Talk Next time, we'll bring you some fun little trinkets.
Media:vo sglq004 5 raidenei 15.ogg Ei: No need. There's no place for such things in my life.
Media:vo sglq004 5 raidenei 16.ogg Ei: Also, please stop making it sound as if I somehow need the company.
Media:vo sglq004 5 raidenei 17.ogg Ei: Okay, I'm ready to head back now.
Media:vo sglq004 5 raidenei 18.ogg Ei: My period of solitude will now continue, but it will not last too much longer. I will leave you humans to deal with any minor issues in the meantime.
Media:vo sglq004 5 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Okay, see you next time!
Media:vo sglq004 5 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Considering a lot of what happened was pretty unexpected, things seemed to have worked out surprisingly well in the end.
Media:vo sglq004 5 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: The only thing left to do is return the Pass Permit to Yae Miko.

(Talk to Yae Miko)
Media:vo sglq004 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Miko, we're back! We had a great trip!
Media:vo sglq004 6 yaemiko 01.ogg Yae Miko: Did you now? Well then, you'll have to tell me all about it.
You tell Yae Miko about the various things that happened.
Media:vo sglq004 6 yaemiko 02.ogg Yae Miko: Hehe, how amusing. The Almighty Shogun goes downtown and suddenly she's like a wide-eyed country girl trying to find her bearings in the big city. Marvelous.
Media:vo sglq004 6 yaemiko 03.ogg Yae Miko: What a shame I didn't get to see it for myself.
Icon Dialogue Talk Only you would dare to say that.
Icon Dialogue Talk You and the Shogun enjoy teasing each other.
Media:vo sglq004 6 yaemiko 04.ogg Yae Miko: It's fine, she wouldn't mind. Really, she wouldn't.
Media:vo sglq004 6 yaemiko 05.ogg Yae Miko: So. From what you were saying, it seems that she has finally begun to comprehend what form eternity should take?
Media:vo sglq004 6 yaemiko 06.ogg Yae Miko: That's the most important outcome of this trip. To be honest, I wasn't expecting you'd make such great progress when I lent you the Pass Permit.
Media:vo sglq004 6 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Yeah. It seems like she's not gonna force everything to stay the same way anymore.
Media:vo sglq004 6 yaemiko 07.ogg Yae Miko: To put it nicely, even deities indulge in wishful thinking. To put it more bluntly, there are things that even The Seven can't do when faced with something even more powerful than themselves.
Icon Dialogue Talk The human heart?
Icon Dialogue Talk The Heavenly Principles?
Media:vo sglq004 6 yaemiko 08.ogg Yae Miko: Hehe. Take a guess.
Media:vo sglq004 6 yaemiko 09.ogg Yae Miko: Anyway. It sounds like you had a very pleasant trip and even had the chance to see Ei's less formal side.
Media:vo sglq004 6 yaemiko 10.ogg Yae Miko: Next time you wish to see her, you can come and take the Pass Permit from me again. She would never admit to it, but she does, in fact, get quite lonely.
Media:vo sglq004 6 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: What? But she said she doesn't need company...
Media:vo sglq004 6 yaemiko 11.ogg Yae Miko: Because she is a god. It's not that gods don't need the company of others, just that the idea of a god having company seems indulgent to her.
Media:vo sglq004 6 yaemiko 12.ogg Yae Miko: But you don't belong to this world. Perhaps you are just the company she needs.
(Quest ends)
(Talk to Yae Miko again after the quest ends)
The matter came to a close some time ago, but you'd still like to share the interesting things you experienced with Miko...
Media:vo dialog sglq004 yaemiko 01.ogg Yae Miko: Hmm? Was there something else you wanted to talk about?
Icon Dialogue Talk About Dango Milk...
Media:vo dialog sglq004 yaemiko 02.ogg Yae Miko: I have no doubt that she immensely enjoyed that drink. I'm sure she was as happy as can be.
Media:vo dialog sglq004 yaemiko 03.ogg Yae Miko: What she really wanted to say was this: "How soon do you think you could open a branch in the Plane of Euthymia?"
Icon Dialogue Talk About the Raiden Shogun...
Media:vo dialog sglq004 yaemiko 04.ogg Yae Miko: The puppet, yes. I've also heard that changing a puppet's operating rules is extremely difficult.
Media:vo dialog sglq004 yaemiko 05.ogg Yae Miko: It's most likely the first time in history anyone has faced this issue. You can imagine how hard it must be, given that it has successfully flummoxed the wise and powerful Ei...
Media:vo dialog sglq004 yaemiko 06.ogg Yae Miko: This is one problem that even the Musou no Hitotachi will not be able to solve.
Icon Dialogue Talk About light novels...
Media:vo dialog sglq004 yaemiko 07.ogg Yae Miko: Don't you think it's a fun idea, someone being reborn as the Raiden Shogun? That's all that light novels are supposed to be — a bit of fun.
Media:vo dialog sglq004 yaemiko 08.ogg Yae Miko: For her, though... yes, probably a little too avant-garde.
Media:vo dialog sglq004 yaemiko 09.ogg Yae Miko: Ooh, maybe I should commission a sequel: Reborn as Guuji Yae. What do you think?
Icon Dialogue Talk I've got nothing else to say.
(Dialogue ends)


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
13Perilous PathCity of Winds and IdyllsShadow Over Mondstadt, Kaeya's Gain, Mondstadt Glider, Justice, for Books' Sake, The Fond Farewell, Festering Desire (Quest), Archon's Rival, Involuntary Sacrifice, Blind Loyalty, Reckless Courage, To Hear Mortal Hearts, The Snowy Past, The Oni's Pride, Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers, A Centuries-Long Dream, As by a God's Side, Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies, Dream of Falling, Fragmented Testimony, Shade Upon Red Silk, The Truth Shrouded in Shadow, An Opportunity for Rebirth, Fiction and Reality Inside and Outside the Frame (Quest), Memories That Should Not Exist, Switcheroo, Pilgrimage of the Return of the Sacred Flame (Quest), Liyue Celebrates and Eight Adepts Face a Hidden Calamity
Event Gameplay
11Her Imperial MajestyThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 2To Hear Mortal Hearts (cutscene)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishTo Hear Mortal Hearts
Qiě Wén Tiānxià Rénxīn
And Now to Listen to the Hearts of the World
Qiě Wén Tiānxià Rénxīn
Soshite Yo no Koe ni Mimi wo Katamukeru
And Now to Listen Carefully the World's Voices
Korean부세에 기울이며
Busee Gwi Giurimyeo
Listen Carefully to the Transitory World
SpanishLa escucha de los corazones mortalesListening to Mortal Hearts
FrenchÀ l'écoute des cœurs mortelsListening to Mortal Hearts
RussianВнимая сердцам смертных
Vnimaya serdtsam smertnykh
Listening to Mortals' Hearts
Listening to Humans' Desires
VietnameseLắng Nghe Thiên Hạ Nhân Tâm
GermanSterbliche Herzen hörenTo Hear Mortal Hearts
IndonesianMendengar Hati Manusia FanaHearing Mortal Hearts
PortugueseEscutando o Coração dos MortaisHearing the Hearts of the Mortals
TurkishÖlümlü Kalplerin Sesini Duymak
ItalianPrestare orecchio a cuori mortali

Change History[]
