A half-illuminated beast and highly-skilled legal adviser.
She combines adherence to the legal codices and reasonable flexibility to find the perfect balance in her work. She devotes herself to protecting the fairness of contracts in Liyue with her identity as a legal adviser and her unique experience and methods.—Description from the Official Website[1]
A well-known legal adviser active in Liyue Harbor. A brilliant young lady in whose veins runs the blood of an illuminated beast.
—In-game character attributes and profile page text
Yanfei enjoys appraisal, reading and is very knowledgeable on many topics — most notably the law, due to her career as a legal advisor. With a strong sense of justice, Yanfei does not mind traveling to help her clients should they have trouble in different parts of Liyue. She claims to have extensive knowledge of the laws of the other nations in Teyvat — though, she notes Fontaine's law to be the most difficult. She is well known by the people of Liyue for her knowledge and is considered the premier legal advisor of Liyue, a title that garners her many a client across the nation. Even Ningguang, the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing, states that Yanfei's memorization of the law allows her to quickly close loopholes in existing laws faster than she would have been able to herself.[2] When resolving disputes, Yanfei always gets all legal evidence beforehand to make a compelling and convincing argument. Although she can handle any case, she dislikes having to deal with civil suits. As many in Liyue do, Yanfei places a high value on the importance of contracts, though she is noted to place a higher value on them more than the average person due to the nature of her job.
Despite having the blood of an adeptus in her veins, Yanfei is not particularly concerned about her adeptal heritage and is one of the few who did not sign a contract with Rex Lapis due to being born in an era of peace. It is not through any adepti powers or abilities that she may have that she endeavors to make life in Liyue better, but through her profession. She is very active and often talks a lot, a stark contrast to her adeptus father, whom Madame Ping states to be more solemn. She spends her time much like an average human does, and unlike most adepti, Yanfei doesn't consider herself above mortals in any way.
Despite her playful nature, Yanfei takes her job seriously and practically, ensuring she and all involved parties of a case are well accounted for. She is also willing to do pro bono work as long as she isn't required to be deeply involved. Yanfei dreams of a day where people live honest and happy lives, and there is no longer a need for legal advisors. Should such a day ever come, Yanfei's backup plan is to become a rapper.
Yanfei enjoys tofu because of its versatility and availability. She dislikes cold food and she rarely eats them since her father told her that food was best served hot.
Yanfei uses the medium female model. She has a pale complexion, bright teal-green eyes with ovoid pupils, and salmon-colored hair that goes past her shoulders and fades to a pale peach at the tips. The hair around the sides of her head is chopped short at ear length in a fringe, revealing a pair of cream colored antlers[3] as a result of her xiezhi[4] heritage. In addition to this, the sides of her chest, ankles, and the backs of her hands have white diamond-shaped markings that resemble scales.
Official Introduction
Law is the cornerstone of Liyue's prosperity. This cornerstone needs to be continuously polished to pursue perfection. I have had many dealings with Yanfei in legal affairs, and I must give her credit for helping me uncover quite a number of flaws in our system of laws.
Yanfei is Liyue Harbor's top legal adviser. They say that she has memorized tens of thousands of legal codices and can skillfully apply the law in various situations. One can rest assured that she will aptly handle any legal case brought to her.
But this is not to say that Yanfei adheres blindly to the legal codices. Rather, she employs a degree of flexibility within the limits of the law and reason.
This half-illuminated beast protects the order of Liyue in her unique, effective manner.
All of Liyue's residents have heard of the famed Yanfei, no matter who you ask. Of course, as is the ancient rule in the City of Contracts, one seeking legal consultation or services from Yanfei must prepare a rather hefty sum as payment.
Character Stories
Character Details
Liyue is a port that prizes contracts and trade, and it is a place where wealth accumulates.
Merchants from various nations are active here, which has contributed to Liyue's abundance, but has also brought up many disagreements. The Tianquan, Ningguang, has written a very comprehensive compendium of laws to deal with this, but not everyone has the patience to study them.
Thus was born the role of the legal adviser in Liyue society. Highly familiar with Liyue's laws, they help those in need to navigate any contradictions, earning recompense for their efforts.
Yanfei is the premier legal adviser in Liyue Harbor.
She is always able to obtain the most benefits for her clients, insofar as the law will allow. Some even call her "the law that walks."
But in truth, what Yanfei — one of the few half-illuminated-beasts who have yet to sign a contract with Rex Lapis — really wants to do is live a free and happy life.
As for the copy of "The General Law of Liyue" that she carries around on her person, Yanfei has this to say:
"If you don't wish to be bound by the rules, you have to first understand them all."
Character Story 1
Friendship Lv. 2
As the most sought-after legal adviser in Liyue Harbor, Yanfei's rates are also top-of-the-line.
Even so, she never lacks for people coming to seek appointments. After all, merchants are not stingy about mediation fees, but are very picky indeed about the mediator.
"Money is no object — we must have Yanfei come and settle this matter for us."
Many rate Yanfei in this fashion, not only for her quick-thinking or her masterful oratory, but also because she very greatly emphasizes the cornerstone of the law — "fairness."
Her mediations often end in win-win situations, and even merchants with daggers drawn will temporarily set their prejudices aside.
Though she is unbound by a contract, Yanfei has made her own contribution to the peace and prosperity of Liyue.
Character Story 2
Friendship Lv. 3
As a legal adviser, Yanfei does have her fair share of weaknesses. An example is the mediation of civil disputes that involve emotions and relationships.
Divorces, inheritances, custody disputes, senior care, severances... The list continues.
It is said that upright officials are hapless in household affairs, and so it also is with Yanfei, who grew up surrounded by love — these matters fall right into her blind corner.
Sometimes, she will find that both sides have reason on their side, and other times she will find them to both be unreasonable. Child custody disputes are the absolute worst, as no matter how she settles them, the settlement will have a great psychological impact on the innocent children. Even if Yanfei chooses to soldier on, she will only tire herself out.
"Hopefully, everyone can meet the right person and be spared this particular grief."
Character Story 3
Friendship Lv. 4
As a result of her greatly tolerant nature, Yanfei has a wide variety of personal relationships throughout Liyue.
There is no need to worry about rubbing a sore spot, and you'll be able to get along with her whether you're an avid conversationalist or not.
Of course, this is true as long as you don't attempt to debate with her or start a conversation about the legal profession... Yanfei in work mode is a completely different beast to deal with.
Additionally, Yanfei has cultivated the habit of being overly rigorous from her long years of studying the law. When chatting, Yanfei will vigorously eliminate any ambiguity or loopholes present in the discourse and can seem like a bit of a chatterbox. When she realizes this, Yanfei is wont to knock herself on the head with a book in irritation.
However, so long as she constantly bathes in a sea of legal literature, this habit will probably be quite hard to break.
Character Story 4
Friendship Lv. 5
When investigating the law, Yanfei's habit is to look past the cold letters of the law to perceive their point of origin.
As such, she is also something of a master of "reading comprehension" in her relationships.
Once, the Traveler met Yanfei by chance and said, "Huh. Didn't expect to see you here."
This should have been a line that one might hear just about anywhere, but it wound up holding a completely different meaning for Yanfei.
"Didn't expect to meet you here" implied that the Traveler had at least thought about a scenario in which they would meet. Then why the use of "didn't expect"? One could only postulate that the Traveler had some expectation of where she might appear, and that her current location was not such a place. But whence came the expectation? Could it be that the Traveler had always been paying attention to her in secret?
"Does this mean that the Traveler...?"
Yanfei tossed and turned in bed that night, unable to sleep.
Character Story 5
Friendship Lv. 6
Yanfei's most prized possession is the steelyard balance that her father gave her.
It is said that this balance was a treasure given by Rex Lapis that can be used to measure the value of all things. For convenience, Yanfei tends to use Mora to balance the scales, which is to say that she uses Mora to evaluate objects.
The prices of many objects have slowly changed over the years, but weighing an object with this balance only gives its value at the time Mora was created, leaving the rest to Yanfei to exercise her own wisdom and judgment.
Across the measurements of countless objects, Yanfei is able to see the changes in Liyue. Some objects that were once common have become vanishingly rare, and some exotic objects of the past have been rendered pedestrian today.
This steelyard balance reminds her that many things cannot be valued by the standards of the world.
Yanfei once tried to weigh the value of a Vision, but no matter how much Mora she added, the scales would not be balanced.
In frustration, she placed on the scale the box at her waist, which contained her heavy, handwritten legal notations. Only then did the weights at last even out.
Codex Finalem
Friendship Lv. 4
This is the most special of the many legal treatises that Yanfei collects.
As opposed to the codices that grow heavier and more complicated with time, this book is unbelievably light and thin.
After opening it and getting past the prologue, one will find naught but the most basic few principles of the law inscribed.
As Yanfei sees it, this is the final form of the law. In the far future, the law will have entered into the people's hearts. All people will be amiable, modest, and live happily in this world. The halls of judgment will lie empty and the mountains of legalese shall be caked in years of dust.
Though this may sound like something very far off, for someone like Yanfei, in whom flows the blood of an illuminated beast, living till that day is hardly a great accomplishment.
"Hmm, but if I think about it more deeply, I'd be out of a job then, wouldn't I?"
After encountering one of Xinyan's performances by chance, Yanfei was quite taken by this new wave of performance art.
That said, learning an instrument from scratch proved to be a bit difficult, so after consulting a great many resources, Yanfei came to what she considered to be a decent backup plan.
If such a day were to arrive, she would just become a rapper.
For someone who can recite tens of thousands of words' worth of Liyue law from front to back within an hour, speed at least should be no challenge.
Friendship Lv. 6
Yanfei's father is an illuminated beast, while her mother is an ordinary mortal merchant. Born into peaceful times, Yanfei did not sign a contract with Rex Lapis, but instead has one with her parents to "live happily."
As Liyue's leading legal exegete, she is no stranger to exploiting some existing loopholes in the law — at times for herself, and sometimes for others.
It has been made clear often enough that Yanfei is not a stickler for the rules and has no wish to be shackled by strictures.
Still, she contributes to the betterment of Liyue as she seeks her own pleasure, and will not use these loopholes for ill.
When making amendments to legal loopholes each year, Ningguang the Tianquan will often study Yanfei's doings, as if she were Liyue's unofficial legal troubleshooter.
In a sense, one could argue that Yanfei makes the laws better at the lowest possible price... This principle is also the reason why she has never been convicted of exploiting any such loopholes.
Yanfei believes in "no structure without laws," and what she wishes for is to "live as one pleases without overstepping."
Everyone in Liyue, adeptus or mortal, protects it in their own way.
That is why Yanfei possesses a Vision, one that is of equal weight to her principles.
Yanfei: Impartial | |
![]() |
Obtain: Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Yanfei Description: Justice, signed in scarlet. |
Bestia Iustitia | |
![]() | Meaning: Beast of Justice |
Quests and Events
Archon Quests
World Quests
- Moonlight Merriment
- Part II: Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go
- Fleeting Colors in Flight
- The Exquisite Night Chimes
- Arataki Blazing Armor Beetle Battle Boot Camp
- Springtime Charms
Web Events
- Side by Side We Venture
- An Unforgettable Journey
- The Great Banquet of the Adepti
- Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues
- Taking Pictures and Recounting Good Times
- Canvas of Starlight Memories
- Herbal Remedies
- Discover Teyvat
Character Trials
- Archon Quest End of the Line in Interlude Chapter: Act II - Perilous Trail
Quest Domains
- Realm of Snaring Illusions — Archon Quest End of the Line in Interlude Chapter: Act II - Perilous Trail
- Hyakunin Ikki 2021-09-02
- Perilous Trail
- Tablet Analytics
- Hyakunin Ikki 2022-10-10
- Adventurer's Trials
- Second Blooming
- Misty Dungeon: Realm of Water
Test Run Events
- Kamisato Ayaka, Yanfei, Chongyun, Ningguang — 2021-07-21
- Tartaglia, Ningguang, Chongyun, Yanfei — 2021-10-13
- Zhongli, Ganyu, Xingqiu, Beidou, Yanfei — 2022-01-25
- Yelan, Xiao, Yanfei — 2022-05-31
- Wanderer, Arataki Itto, Faruzan, Gorou, Yanfei — 2022-12-07
- Sangonomiya Kokomi, Wanderer, Faruzan, Rosaria, Yanfei — 2023-07-25
- Neuvillette, Kaedehara Kazuha, Xingqiu, Yanfei — 2024-04-02
- Clorinde, Alhaitham, Sethos, Bennett, Thoma — 2024-06-05
- Emilie, Yelan, Yanfei, Razor — 2024-08-06
- Kinich, Raiden Shogun, Thoma, Kujou Sara, Chevreuse — 2024-09-17
- Xilonen, Chiori, Dori, Candace — 2024-10-09
Character Mentions
Character Stories
Character | Stories |
As "a renowned legal expert from Liyue": |
- ↑ Yanfei isn't named in Eula's story, but Amber tells the story about Eula saving Yanfei. The story is further elaborated in Eula's and Yanfei's voice-overs.
Character Voice-Overs
Character | Voice-Overs |
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- Say... (2021-07-28)
- Date... (2022-07-28)
- An Appointment... (2023-07-28)
- This One's on Me... (2024-07-28)
- Yanfei (Chinese: 烟绯 Yānfēi) is Chinese for "smoky scarlet."
- Her constellation, Bestia Iustitia, is Latin for "Beast (of) Justice," referring to her illuminated beast bloodline.
- Yanfei's burst "Wrath of the Flame", elaborated upon in her voice-overs, is a pun that was lost in translation. The original is "Fire-eating punishment" (Chinese: 食炎之罚 shí yán zhī fá), which is by lore based on Rex Lapis's "Rock-eating punishment" (Chinese: 食岩之罚 shí yán zhī fá). Both of these are homophones and are ultimately a pun on the phrase "Punishment for breaking a promise" (Chinese: 食言之罚 shí yán zhī fá).
- Her father is an adeptus who campaigned with Rex Lapis in the past. Like Ganyu, this makes Yanfei a half-adeptus.
- Yanfei's father is likely a xiezhi, an East Asian mythological creature described as a "righteous beast" and a symbol of justice and law.
- Her hat resembles a "xiezhi hat" (Chinese: 獬豸冠 xièzhì guān), a hat worn by legal officers in ancient China.[5]
- The music track featured in her Collected Miscellany video is titled "Marching of Xiezhi".[6]
- She is the second 4 star character to get a Collected Miscellany video, the first being Rosaria.
- Yanfei shares her English voice actor, Lizzie Freeman, with Teucer.
- Yanfei is known by these titles and or aliases:
- Legal advisor lady (by Arataki Itto)
- My savior (by Arataki Itto)
- Liyue's top legal advisor (by Yelan)
- Contestant with Super OP Gear (during the Arataki Blazing Armor Beetle Battle Boot Camp event)
Other Languages
Character Title: Wise Innocence
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Wise Innocence | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 智明无邪 Zhìmíng Wú Xié | |
Chinese (Traditional) | 智明無邪 Zhìmíng Wú Xié | |
Japanese | 無邪気な知恵 Mujaki-na Chie | Innocent Wisdom |
Korean | 순수순수한 지혜지혜 Sunsuhan Jihye | Pure Wisdom |
Spanish | La Letrada Inocente | The Innocent Jurist |
French | Sage innocence | Wise Innocence |
Russian | Непорочная мудрость Neporochnaya mudrost' | Pure Wisdom |
Thai | ความไร้เดียงสาอันแสนแยบยล | Very Wise Innocence |
Vietnamese | Cơ Trí Ngây Thơ | Innocent Wisdom |
German | Naive Weisheit | Naive Wisdom |
Indonesian | Wise Innocence | — |
Portuguese | Inocência Sábia | Wise Innocence |
Turkish | Masum Bilgelik | Innocent Wisdom |
Italian | Saggia innocenza | Wise Innocence |
- ↑ Official Genshin Impact Website: Yanfei
- ↑ Ningguang's Voice-Over: About Yanfei
- ↑ Yanfei's Voice-Over: More About Yanfei: II
- ↑ Soundtrack: Marching of Xiezhi
- ↑ Baidu Baike: 獬豸冠
- ↑ Official Soundtrack Album: The Stellar Moments Vol. 2