Posted this a couple of months ago, but it fits here as well
When I was a student, I needed a part time job to earn some cash. I got a job as a shelf stacker in my local Sainsburys.
It was a crap job anyway, paid crap wages, but it was work.
We got the stock in what they called "outers". A "outer" was a cardboard tray, usually with 24 cans or bottles of whatever the product was. wrapped in plastic.. We had to load 40 outers every half an hour to reach target. If I didn't work in an old store, with shelves half the size of the modern ones, this would not be a particular problem. As it was, for most products, we had to remove the packaging, and put the product on the shelf directly, arranging them some the labels were at the front. We also had to tidy up existing products. In an apparent effort to minimise time wasting, we were not allowed to talk, unless it was work related, or we were on a break. Even though I was in my mid 20s, I used to go home aching, barely able to move and needing a shower at the end of every shift.
We only hit the target on one occasion I am aware of.
One day, one of my colleagues actually did hit the target, and he went to the boss, expecting at least a "Well done". What he got was "Why are you telling me this? You could be stacking shelves and working on your next 40 outers.
Then, Blockbuster opened up a store near me. I applied for the job, and got it. While the job itself wasn't great, I enjoyed working there. I had a good team.
Anyhow, the minute I heard I got the Blockbuster job, I walked straight in to Sainsbury's, found my manager, walked him to the busiest part of the store, told him he could stick the shelf stacking job up his arse, and walked out.
Thankfully, for the current staff, that store has long since been refitted, and has full size shelfs now.