Getting up close and personal with Concorde, Concordski, and Buran Geek's Guide The Reg flies to Germany to visit the Speyer and Sinsheim palaces of engineering marvels Geek's Guide13 Aug 2024 | 64
Is it a bridge? Is it a ferry? No, it's the Newport Transporter Geek's Guide to Britain Industrial elegance on the Usk Geek's Guide01 Oct 2021 | 65
Vaccine dreams: A trip to Oxford to see a biscuit tin, some bed pans and ChAdOx1 nCov-19 Geek's Guide to Britain No, not the title of an undiscovered Douglas Adams book, it's medical history in the UK Geek's Guide10 Sep 2021 | 29
Western Approaches Museum: WRENs, wargames, and victory in the Atlantic Geek's Guide To Britain Anonymous Liverpudlian building was once home to the strategists who beat Germany's U-boats Geek's Guide12 Jul 2021 | 57
The Eigiau Dam Disaster: Deluges and deceit at the dawn of hydroelectric power Geek's Guide To Britain A trip to beautiful Snowdonia lakes takes in early hydroelectric experiment... and a tragedy for a village Geek's Guide11 Jun 2021 | 40
The Wight stuff: Marconi and the island, when working remotely on wireless comms meant something very different Geek's Guide to Britain Planning a post-lockdown trip to the isle off England's south coast? Don't miss the interesting bits Geek's Guide05 May 2021 | 37
Rewriting the checklists: 50 years since Apollo 13 reported it 'had a problem' – and boffins saved the day Part two It's instrumentation. It must be instrumentation. It wasn't instrumentation. Final part of The Register's look at Apollo 13 Geek's Guide14 Apr 2020 | 22
Come kneel with us at UK's Cathedral, er, Oil Rig of the Canal: Engineering masterpiece Anderton Boat Lift Geek's Guide To Britain Give a Cheshire cheers to a true waterway wonder Geek's Guide04 Mar 2020 | 75
German scientists, Black Knights and the birthplace of British rocketry Geek's Guide to Britain El Reg visits Westcott and the Isle of Wight in search of more of Britain's forgotten rocket centres Geek's Guide27 Jan 2020 | 42
Talking a Blue Streak: The ambitious, quiet waste of the Spadeadam Rocket Establishment Geek's Guide to Britain Memories of missiles on the moors of Cumbria Geek's Guide27 Nov 2019 | 98
Orford Ness: Military secrets and unique wildlife on the remote Suffolk coast Geek's Guide to Britain Shingle spit and you'll miss this science and history on t' beach gem Geek's Guide24 Sep 2019 | 43
The Central Telegraph Office was serving spam 67 years before vikings sang about it on telly Geek's Guide to Britain Farewell to St Paul's telco treasury Geek's Guide19 Sep 2019 | 61
What made a super high-tech home in Victorian England? Hydroelectric witchery, for starters Geek's Guide to Britain Forget the scones and gardens, Cragside house is engineery Geek's Guide18 Mar 2019 | 99
Are you aware of the gravity of the situation on Mars? Why yes, say boffins: We rejigged Curiosity to measure it Shock after accelerometers hacked, in the old-school sense, and rock density probed Geek's Guide01 Feb 2019 | 22
Blueprint of modern construction can be found in a tech cluster... of 19th century England Geek's Guide to Britain The world's first iron-framed building will return to service soon Geek's Guide27 Sep 2018 | 27
Mirror mirror on sea wall, spot those airships, make Kaiser bawl Geek's Guide to Britain The North East's Zeppelin warning system is largely forgotten Geek's Guide31 May 2018 | 69
Take-off crash 'n' burn didn't kill the Concorde, it was just too bloody expensive to maintain Geek's Guide to Britain Yet Filton display shows it's among the world's best-loved aircraft Geek's Guide01 May 2018 | 245
Fancy a viaduct? We have a wrought Victorian iron marvel to sell you Geek's Guide to Britain Myth, legend and the lucky escape of Bennerley Geek's Guide21 Mar 2018 | 79
Life's a beach – then you're the comms nexus of the British Empire and Marconi-baiting hax0rs Geek's Guide to Britain Inside Porthcurno's world-spanning telegraphy web Geek's Guide15 Feb 2018 | 45
Worcestershire's airborne electronics warfare wonderland Geek's Guide to Britain What Bernard Lovell did before Jodrell Bank Geek's Guide12 Jan 2018 | 39
Microsoft open sources PostgreSQL extensions to muscle in on NoSQL Analysis But will it set a real standard for MongoDB alternatives?
I'm a security expert, and I almost fell for a North Korea-style deepfake job applicant …Twice Remote position, webcam not working, then glitchy AI face ... Red alert!
UK, US, Oz blast holes in LockBit's bulletproof hosting provider Zservers Huge if true: Brit Foreign Sec says Putin running a 'corrupt mafia state'
'Key kernel maintainers' still back Rust in the Linux kernel, despite the doubters Rustaceans could just wait for unwelcoming C coders to slowly SIGQUIT...
After Copilot trial, government staff rated Microsoft's AI less useful than expected Not all bad news for Redmond as Australian agency also found strong ROI and some unexpected upsides
A win at last: Big blow to AI world in training data copyright scrap You gotta fight ... for your Reuters ... to party
Google confirms Gulf of Mexico renamed to appease Trump – but only in the US Updated So now everyone's happy
February's Patch Tuesday sees Microsoft offer just 63 fixes Patch Tuesday Don't relax just yet: Redmond has made some certificate-handling changes that could trip unprepared admins
Man who binned 7,500 Bitcoin drive now wants to buy entire landfill to dig it up More than a decade on, waste experts say the odds of finding those coins are next to nil
Probe finds US Coast Guard has left maritime cybersecurity adrift Numerous systemic vulnerabilities could scuttle $5.4T industry
Hotter than the Sun: JET – Earth’s biggest fusion reactor, in Culham Geek's Guide to Britain A star performer producing fission-free plasma power Geek's Guide25 Sep 2017 | 143
Fancy that! Craft which float over everything on a cushion of air Geeks' Guide to Britain A hidden British engineering gem: The Hovercraft Museum Geek's Guide15 Sep 2017 | 100
Everything you never knew about mail: The Postal Museum opens Plus: We take a sneak peek at London's other tube network, Mail Rail Geek's Guide28 Jul 2017 | 20
Reg reader turns Geek's Guides to Britain into Geek's Map of Britain Too lazy to plug GPS co-ords into satnav? Fear not, gypsythief has saved you Geek's Guide21 Jul 2017 | 36
Extreme trainspotting on Britain's highest (and windiest) railway Geek's Guide to Britain Tibet? Pah! A £20m ride puts the Highlands at your feet Geek's Guide04 Jul 2017 | 110
Lochs, rifle stocks and two EPIC sea gates: Thomas Telford's Highland waterway GEEK'S GUIDE TO BRITAIN Feats of engineering, projections busted - the Caledonian Canal Geek's Guide03 Apr 2017 | 52
Going underground: The Royal Mail's great London train squeeze Geek's Guide to Britain Uber cars, Amazon drones? Pah! Driverless deliveries from a different age Geek's Guide06 Dec 2016 | 68
Turing, Hauser, Sinclair – haunt computing's Cambridge A-team stamping ground Geek's Guide to Britain From Acorns to bedrooms Geek's Guide26 Sep 2016 | 54
Avoiding Liverpool was the aim: All aboard the world's ONLY moving aqueduct Geek's Guide to Britain Barton Aqueduct – where heavy metal shifts H2O Geek's Guide28 Jul 2016 | 75
Inside Electric Mountain: Britain's biggest rechargeable battery Geek's Guide to Britain Swallow massive lake, regurgitate, repeat Geek's Guide16 May 2016 | 186
The field at the centre of the universe: Cambridge's outdoor pulsar pusher Geek's Guide to Britain Radio astronomy, sheds and high-explosive ordnance Geek's Guide12 Feb 2016 | 34
Come on kids, let's go play in the abandoned nuclear power station Geek's Guide to Britain After oil, before shale: the future that never was Geek's Guide26 Jan 2016 | 141
Bletchley Park remembers 'forgotten genius' Gordon Welchman Head of Hut Six 'a disastrous example to others' – GCHQ Geek's Guide27 Sep 2015 | 78
Bookworms' Weston mecca: The Oxford institution with a Swindon secret Geek's Guide to Britain The 400-year-old Uni library with a big-box backer Geek's Guide18 Sep 2015 | 25
Rock reboot and the Welsh windy wonder: Centre for Alternative Technology Geek's Guide to Britain Biomass and the pit Geek's Guide21 Aug 2015 | 41
Get thee behind me, Satanic mills! Robert Owen's Scottish legacy Geek's Guide to Britain Inside the works of Scotland's industrial revolutionary Geek's Guide11 Aug 2015 | 30
The Great Barrier Relief – Inside London's heavy metal and concrete defence act Geek's Guide to Britain Waves against the machine Geek's Guide14 Jul 2015 | 87
Planet killer: Ex-army officer's Welsh space-rock mission Geek's Guide to Britain Tunguska, Chelyabinsk... Powys Geek's Guide06 Jul 2015 | 22
Taming the Thames – The place that plugged London's Great Stink Geek's Guide to Britain How Joseph Bazalgette flushed the capital into the modern age Geek's Guide30 May 2015 | 74
Bridge, ship 'n' tunnel – the Brunels' hidden Thames trip Geek's Guide to Britain Monument to a trio who left their mark on Blighty Geek's Guide04 May 2015 | 50
Saturn's rings, radio waves ... poetry? At home with Scotland's Mr Physics Geek's Guide to Britain James Clerk Maxwell's house Geek's Guide06 Apr 2015 | 24
Marconi: The West of England's very own Italian wireless pioneer Geek's Guide to Britain A trip to the Lizard King's monument Geek's Guide23 Feb 2015 | 81
Suffering satellites! Goonhilly's ARTHUR REBORN for SPAAAACE Geek's Guide to Britain BT's sat comms site repurposed Geek's Guide25 Nov 2014 | 48
Kingston's aviation empire: From industry firsts to Airfix heroes Geek's Guide to Britain Sir Thomas Sopwith's suburban Surrey hub Geek's Guide24 Oct 2014 | 58
Measure for measure: We visit the most applied-physicist-rich building in the UK Geek's Guide to Britain Like an ass whose back with kilograms of Concorde bows... Geek's Guide12 Jun 2014 | 42
IBM Hursley Park: Where Big Blue buries the past, polishes family jewels Geek's Guide to Britain How the internet of things has deep roots in the English countryside Geek's Guide10 Apr 2014 | 46
Mosquitoes, Comets and Vampires: The de Havilland Museum Geek's Guide to Britain When the British aerospace industry was more than just British Aerospace Geek's Guide20 Dec 2013 | 114
How the UK's national memory lives in a ROBOT in Kew Geek's Guide to Britain El Reg visits the National Archives Geek's Guide11 Dec 2013 | 52
TAT-1: Call the cable guy, all I see is a beautiful beach Geek's Guide to Britain 57 years on, Reg man visits scene of first transatlantic voice call Geek's Guide14 Oct 2013 |
Bletchley rebooted: The crypto factory time remembered Geek's Guide to Britain High commands and dirty words in German – the story retold Geek's Guide20 Sep 2013 | 6
Meet the world's one-of-a-kind ENORMO barge-bowling bridge of Falkirk Geek's Guide to Britain When is a wheel not a wheel? When it's a lift Geek's Guide27 Aug 2013 | 40
Boffins, Tunnel Tigers and Scotland's world-first power mountain Geek's Guide to Britain The hollowing heroes who reversed nature Geek's Guide23 Jul 2013 | 74
Hanslope Park: Home of Britain’s ‘real-life Q division’ Geek's Guide to Britain The Buckinghamshire haunt of spooks, BOFHs and boffins Geek's Guide05 Jul 2013 | 32
Love in an elevator.... testing mast: The National Lift Tower Geek's Guide to Britain El Reg shows where you can go and get truly shafted Geek's Guide04 Jul 2013 | 55
Rise of the machines, south of Milton Keynes Geek's Guide to Britain Computers make a noise at TNMOC Geek's Guide29 Jun 2013 | 38
INSIDE GCHQ: Welcome to Cheltenham's cottage industry Geek's Guide to Britain 'If this nerve centre didn't exist, neither would I' says Reg man Geek's Guide24 May 2013 | 70
The bunker at the end of the world - in Essex Geek's Guide to Britain Open for 40 years, pointless for 39 of them... Geek's Guide22 May 2013 | 123
BT Tower is just a relic? Wrong: It relays 18,000hrs of telly daily Geek's Guide to Britain Reg goes inside and up Blighty's telecoms spire Geek's Guide21 May 2013 | 89
Reg man bested in geek-to-geek combat - in World War 3 nerve centre Geek's Guide to Britain Dom Connor and the cool Cold Warriors Geek's Guide28 Mar 2013 | 31
Blighty's revolutionary Cold War teashop computer - and Nigella Lawson Geek's Guide to Britain Nuclear missile with your sponge finger, sir? Geek's Guide27 Mar 2013 | 44
Inside Adastral: BT's Belgium-sized broadband boffinry base Geek's Guide to Britain Drive-by bragging rights Geek's Guide26 Mar 2013 | 73
Reg man goes time travelling at iconic observatory Geek's Guide to Britain Jodrell Bank: The visitors' centre at the start of the universe Geek's Guide25 Mar 2013 | 49
Boffin road trip! The Reg presents Geek's Guide to Britain Geek's Guide to Britain Brains that made Britain exposed, mapped and viewed Geek's Guide21 Mar 2013 | 56