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Molly Jo is a secondary character from the Disney Channel animated series Amphibia.



Molly Jo is a nice girl with an appreciation for those who do the right thing. She was quick to befriend the new local hero "Frog-Man" (actually Sprig Plantar) after seeing him save several people, including herself, from a bus accident. However, the thing she hates the most is glory hounds who put lives in danger for the sake of attention, as seen when she reprimanded Sprig and her grandfather, Robert Otto, for fighting and putting the city at risk to get attention. She can also be forgiving if people make up for their mistakes, such as when she reconciled with Sprig after he and Otto repaired the damage they caused.

She is also loyal to her friends, as seen when she choose to save Sprig from an FBI bade even after learning he is a frog from another dimension and that saving him would involve getting in problems with the federal government. She is also as friendly with Sprig as before.

Physical appearance[]

Molly Jo is a young human girl slightly than Sprig, with waist long blonde hair dyed pink on her left side and light green on the bottom. Her outfit consists of a white t-shirt with a brown sweater vest, a green skit, black leggings, and dark blue-gray boots with spikes on the back, as well as toes, stars, and stud-like buttons all of them colored in black. She also wears in her right wrist a spiked bracelet, and a black shoulder bag that has on it the image of a hot pink cat.

Role in the series[]

In "Spider-Sprig", Molly Jo first appears riding on a school bus when it suddenly loses its brakes and starts careening down the streets out of control. Her grandfather, Otto tries to stop the bus, but a superhero named "Frog-Man" manages to catch the bus and rescue everyone in time, including Molly and Otto. She thanks Frog-Man for saving her, much to her grandpa's jealousy.

Shortly later, Molly Jo is caught in the middle of the fight between Frog-Man and his grandpa Otto, who was using a powerful robotic arm, and confronts the two over how foolish to be influenced by their egos while showing them the damage they caused to the city. After the two clean up the mess they made, Molly Jo forgives Frog-Man and her grandpa, with her and Frog-Man becoming being friends. When she asks if she can see his face, he refuses, saying it would "give her nightmares", later using his tongue to go off into the sunset. After Frog-Man leaves, her grandpa Otto is arrested because of the damage he caused before.

Sometime later, Molly Jo was called by Anne when the Plantars were kidnapped by Mr. X and the FBI. Molly Jo met up with Anne and her parents at a warehouse along with Ally and Jess, Humphrey Westwood, and two women from the Thai Community where she learned that the Plantars were frogs from another world. Though Molly Jo was surprised to learn that Frogman was a frog she agrees to help save them. Molly Jo, Anne, Anne's parents, Ally, Jesse, Dr. Jan, Terri, Humphrey, and the Thai women head to the FBI base to rescue the Plantars. During the rescue, she planted Panda-Tron on the computer in order to give the Thai Women access to enter the base.


  • The character is inspired by Mary Jane Watson, from the Spider-Man comics. Her initials are even "MJ", which is one of the character's nicknames.
    • She also has a blonde hair, similar to Gwen Stacy, albeit Molly Jo's is dyed with pink and green colorations. However, Gwen Stacy also has her blonde hair dyed with pink colorations at times.
    • Additionally, she is the granddaughter of Robert Otto, who became an enemy of Sprig's in his "Frog-Man" identity. This is similar to how Harry Osborn is the son of Spider-Man's archnemesis, the Green Goblin.
  • At first glance, Molly looks a bit like Sasha, but with dyed pink and green highlights in her hair.


External links[]

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Anphibia logo
Shows: AmphibiaChibi Tiny Tales

Video Games: Disney All-Star RacersDisney Heroes: Battle Mode
Books: Marcy's Journal: A Guide to AmphibiaThe Art of Amphibia

Anne BoonchuySprig PlantarPolly PlantarHop Pop PlantarBessieOne-Eyed WallyLeopold LoggleIvy SundewFelicia SundewSylvia SundewMaddie FlourRosemary, Lavender, and GingerMr. FlourSadie CroakerStumpyAlbus DuckweedTritonio EspadaApothecary GaryMayor ToadstoolToadieSasha WaybrightMarcy WuZappapedeBarryCaptain GrimePercyBraddockGiant HeronsFroboLysil and AngwinGeneral YunanBog, Fens, and MireLady OliviaKing AndriasJacindaWigbert RibbitonPriscilla PaddockPearl PaddockCaptain BeatrixMr. BoonchuyMrs. BoonchuyThe CoreDominoDomino IICloak-BotTerriDr. JanAlly and JessMolly JoHumphrey WestwoodMr. XDr. FrakesLeifBarrelKing AldrichMother Olm
Season One: "Anne or Beast?/Best Fronds" • "Cane Crazy/Flood, Sweat & Tears" • "Hop Luck/Stakeout" • "The Domino Effect/Taking Charge" • "Anne Theft Auto/Breakout Star" • "Sprig Vs. Hop Pop/Girl Time" • "Dating Season/Anne Vs. Wild" • "Contagi-Anne/Family Shrub" • "Lily Pad Thai/Plantar's Last Stand" • "Toad Tax/Prison Break" • "Grubhog Day/Hop Pop and Lock" • "Civil Wart/Hop-Popular" • "Croak & Punishment/Trip to the Archives" • "Snow Day/Cracking Mrs. Croaker" • "A Night at the Inn/Wally and Anne" • "Family Fishing Trip/Bizarre Bazaar" • "Cursed!/Fiddle Me This" • "The Big Bugball Game/Combat Camp" • "Children of the Spore/Anne of the Year" • "Reunion"

Season Two: "Handy Anne/Fort in the Road" • "The Ballad of Hopediah Plantar/Anne Hunter" • "Truck Stop Polly/A Caravan Named Desire" • "Quarreler's Pass/Toadcatcher" • "Swamp and Sensibility/Wax Museum" • "Marcy at the Gates" • "Scavenger Hunt/The Plantars Check In" • "Lost in Newtopia/Sprig Gets Schooled" • "Little Frogtown/Hopping Mall" • "The Sleepover to End All Sleepovers/A Day at the Aquarium" • "The Shut-In!" • "Night Drivers/Return to Wartwood" • "Ivy on the Run/After the Rain" • "The First Temple" • "New Wartwood/Friend or Frobo?" • "Toad to Redemption/Maddie & Marcy" • "The Second Temple/Barrel's Warhammer" • "Bessie & MicroAngelo/The Third Temple" • "The Dinner/Battle of the Bands" • "True Colors"
Season Three: "The New Normal" • "Hop 'Til You Drop/Turning Point" • "Thai Feud/Adventures in Catsitting" • "Fight at the Museum/Temple Frogs" • "Fixing Frobo/Anne-sterminator" • "Mr. X/Sprig's Birthday" • "Spider-Sprig/Olivia & Yunan" • "Hollywood Hop Pop/If You Give a Frog a Cookie" • "Froggy Little Christmas" • "Escape to Amphibia" • "Commander Anne/Sprivy" • "Sasha's Angels/Olm Town Road" • "Mother of Olms/Grime's Pupil" • "The Root of Evil/The Core & The King" • "Newts in Tights/Fight or Flight" • "The Three Armies/The Beginning of the End" • "All In" • "The Hardest Thing"

AmphibiaWartwood SwampToad Tower Newtopia (Newtopia Castle) • Los Angeles
See also
Welcome to AmphibiaNo Big DealCalamity BoxSuspicious IslandFwagon