Loveita began the game in a powerful position, winning the first Head of Household competition, and quickly creating a strong alliance between her and Sharry Ash. Loveita attempted to target Kelsey Faith, due to her close relationship with Jared Kesler. However, Loveita was blindsided once Kelsey stayed in the house, and her pawn, Paige Distranski, was evicted. Loveita became a house target the following week, due to her poor head of household reign, and her blatant alliance with Sharry. Loveita and Sharry found themselves nominated alongside each other next week by Jared. Loveita was able to survive the block as most of the other houseguests found Sharry to be a greater overall threat. Loveita quickly took power again, winning the head of household competition. Loveita took a different approach to this HoH reign. Loveita decided to attempt to break up her rivalry with the Third Wheel alliance, by creating a Jury Deal with them. Loveita decided to target one of the many floaters in the house. Loveita found Cassandra Shahinfar to be the most threatening to her game of the floaters, after a comment was made by her after the Head of Household competition, and decided to nominate her alongside Christine Kelsey. Loveita used her position as Head of Household to solidify bonds with Dallas Cormier and Joel Lefevre, which proved to help her stay safe the following week. Loveita was blindsided once again after Cassandra gathered the votes to stay in the house. Loveita managed to remain safe the following week after Joel won Head of Household, and managed to evict her rival Kelsey. After Maddy Pavle won Head of Household during the Double Eviction, Maddy set her target on Loveita, due to her competition threat, and not trusting her, despite being loosely aligned with her. Loveita was put up as a replacement nominee after the veto was used and despite a campaign from Dallas, Loveita was evicted by a vote of 7-2, placing 12th.
Loveita, Mitchell Moffit, Kelsey and Christine Kelsey are the only houseguests to always vote with the majority during their stay on Big Brother Canada 4.
Joel Lefevre is the only houseguest on Big Brother Canada 4 to keep Loveita safe.