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Putin Outlines the 'Moment of Truth'

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President Putin’s plenary session performance (address + Q&A) at the annual Valdai Club meeting in Sochi felt like a high-speed train on cruise control.

Totally cool, calm, comfortable, in full command of a Himalaya of facts, no political leader anywhere – recent past and present – would even come close to delivering what amounts to an extensive, detailed world view deeply matured over a quarter of a century at the highest geopolitical level.

Putin began his address referring to the October 1917 revolution, drawing a direct parallel with our turbulent times: “The moment of truth is coming”. In a clear tribute to Gramsci, he stated how a “completely new world order” is “being formed before our eyes.”

The subtle reference to the recent BRICS summit in Kazan could not possibly escape critical minds across the Global Majority. Kazan was a living, breathing testimony that “the old order is irrevocably disappearing, one might say, has already disappeared, and a serious, irreconcilable struggle is unfolding for the formation of a new one. Irreconcilable, first of all, because this is not even a fight for power or geopolitical influence, this is a clash of the very principles on which relations between countries and peoples will be built at the next historical stage.”

As concisely as possible, that should be taken as the current Big Picture framework: we are not mired inside a reductionist clash of civilizations or the “end of History” – which Putin defined as “myopic” – but facing a make-or-break systemic clash of fundamental principles. The result will define this century – arguably the Eurasia Century, as “the dialectics of History continues.”

Putin himself quipped that he would drive into “philosophical asides” during his address. In fact that went much further than a mere refutation of unilateral conceptual fallacies, as “the Western elites thought that their monopoly is the final stop for humanity” and “modern neoliberalism degenerated into a totalitarian ideology.”

Referring to AI, he asked rhetorically, “will human remain human?” He praised the building of a new global architecture, moving towards a “polyphonic” and “polycentric” world where “maximum representation” is paramount and the BRICS are “coming up with a coordinated approach” based on “sovereign equality.”

Six Principles For Global Sustainable Development

Sovereignty had to be one of the predominant themes during the Valdai Q&A. Putin was adamant that Russia must “develop our own sovereign AI. As algorithms are biased and give massive power to a few big companies that control the internet, the need is imperative for “sovereign algorithms.”

Answering a question on Eurasian security and the US as the dominant maritime power v. a multipolar Eurasia, he stressed the “consensus and desire in Eurasia for an anti-hegemonic movement”, and not for Eurasia constituted “as a bloc”. That’s the appeal of Eurasia’s “multi-vector foreign policy”, implying “more political independence”. The key example of “harmonizing interests”, Putin stressed, is the Russia-China partnership, and that was also what “made BRICS successful.”

Compare it in contrast to “the inability in Europe to establish a system of “indivisibility of security” and to “overcome bloc politics”; Europe instead went for NATO expansion: “After the end of the Cold War there was an opportunity to overcome bloc politics. But the US had fear of losing Europe. The US installed almost a colonial dependence. Honestly I did not expect that.”

Putin introduced a fascinating personal experience tidbit referring to a conversation – in German – with former German chancellor Helmut Kohl in 1993, when Kohl said flat out that “the future of Europe” is linked to Russia.

Yet that ended up leading to “the most important problem on our Eurasian continent, the main problem between Russia and European countries: the trust deficit (…) When they tell us that ‘we signed the Minsk agreements on Ukraine only to give Ukraine an opportunity to rearm, and we had no intention of resolving this conflict peacefully,’ what kind of trust can we talk about? (…) You have directly publicly stated that you have cheated us! Lied to us and deceived us! What kind of trust is that? But we need to get back to that system of mutual trust.”

Putin then added that Europe should consider becoming part and parcel of a Chinese concept straight from Chinese philosophy (“they do not strive for domination”). With panache, he stressed that the Chinese uber-geoeconomic trade/connectivity project should be interpreted as One Belt, One Common Road.

And that extrapolates to Central Asia, with all those nations “very young in their statehood” interested in “stable development”. For Russia-China, there’s “no competition” in the Heartland: “we only have cooperation.”

Putin once again enumerated what he considers the 6 key principles for global sustainable development: openness of interaction (implying no “artificial barriers”); diversity (“a model of one country or a relatively small part of humanity should not be imposed as something universal”); maximum representativeness; security for all without exception; justice for all (erasing “the gap between the ‘golden billion’ and the rest of humanity); and equality.

“Make Civilizations, Not War”

On Ukraine, this was the money quote: “If there is no neutrality, then it’s difficult to imagine any kind of good neighborly relations between Russia and Ukraine.” In a nutshell: Moscow is ready for negotiations, but based on facts on the battlefield and what was agreed upon in Istanbul in April 2022.

That may be interpreted as a direct message to President Trump. To whom the door is open: “Russia has not damaged its relations with the US and is open to their restoration, but the ball is in the Americans’ court.”

Putin on US Presidents (he met quite a few): “All of them are interesting people.” On Trump: “His behavior when there was an attempt on his life, I was impressed. He is a courageous person. He acquitted himself valiantly.” On the open door: “Whatever he does it’s up to him to decide.” Then Putin offered his own congratulations for the re-election – on the record. The dialogue may be on: “We are willing to talk to Trump.”


Putin extolled Russia-China relations as part of their strategic partnership as being “at the highest level in modern history.” He also praised his own personal relation with Xi Jinping. That paved the way for the real killer, when it comes to US-Russia-China: “If the US had chosen a trilateral cooperation instead of double constraint – everyone would win.”

An excellent question by Brazilian economist Paulo Nogueira Batista Jr – a former vice-president of the NDB, the BRICS bank – led Putin to clarify his own position on de-dollarization. He stated flatly that “my role is to see ideas shaped that we then propose to our partners”.

The key target is “proposing to create a new investment platform using electronic payments.” That will address the “most promising markets” in the near future – South Asia, Africa, parts of Latin America: “They will need investment, technologies.” And “tools independent from inflation” – with regulation “through Central Banks and the NDB. We agreed to have a working group meeting regularly at government level. We are in no hurry.”

So that puts to rest any scenario of an immediate BRICS financial bombshell – even as “two-thirds of our trade is being serviced in national currencies” and among BRICS the figures are also high.

BRICS Bridge will be tested – soon. As for creating a single currency, that’s “premature. We need to achieve greater integration of economies, increase the quality of economies to a certain – compatible – level.”

Then, the bombshell: “We never wanted to abandon the dollar!” That goes a long way to explain Putin’s own view on de-dollarization: “They are undoing it with their own hand – the power of the dollar.”

All of the above is just a sample of the width and breath of themes addressed by the President during the Valdai Q&A. The forum itself offered precious nuggets all across the spectrum. Some participants – correctly – noted the absence of “the majority of the majority”: youth and women. Africans were impressed with “the sharp mind of Russian bureaucracy.”

A Chinese view noted how “the Chinese don’t swim against the current; they cross the river and reach the other bank.” There was a near consensus that development should be “based in different cultural values of civilizations” – actually Putin’s own view. Also imperative is the “need for aggregate authority” among the Global South.

A Greek insight was particularly powerful when it comes to the civilizational approach to politics: “Civilizations don’t clash. States do.” Thus the new – playful – motto that could guide not only BRICS but the whole Global Majority: “Make Civilizations, Not War.”

(Republished from Sputnik by permission of author or representative)
•�Category: Foreign Policy •�Tags: BRICs, China, Russia, Vladimir Putin
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  1. Pepe missed the most important thing.

    They did not want a currency, so the russian prime minister announced a global gold market. Which mean that excess currency will be exchanged against gold. Which mean gold is back as the international currency.

    •�Replies: @ThreeCranes
  2. Aragorn says:

    You cant eat gold 😉
    At least we can maybe get rid of the zeros, so not Run Unz instantly confiscate them, as soon you tell that Newtons laws are valid in “US”.
    Are you starting to understand how the clown spectacle “society” works ?

    •�Replies: @Face_The_Truth
  3. Notsofast says:

    (…) When they tell us that ‘we signed the Minsk agreements on Ukraine only to give Ukraine an opportunity to rearm, and we had no intention of resolving this conflict peacefully,’ what kind of trust can we talk about? (…)

    glad to hear vvp mention this, as trump brags about ending the war in 24 hrs, lol. trump is rumored to want an 800mi. dmz, with british and e.u. “peacekeepers” and ukraine joining zato in 20 years time. haven’t they already kept the “peace” enough? this would seem to be offering the russians the “korea deal”, like bolton wanted to give kim the “libya deal”.


    “If there is no neutrality, then it’s difficult to imagine any kind of good neighborly relations between Russia and Ukraine.” In a nutshell: Moscow is ready for negotiations, but based on facts on the battlefield and what was agreed upon in Istanbul in April 2022.

    That may be interpreted as a direct message to President Trump. To whom the door is open: “Russia has not damaged its relations with the US and is open to their restoration, but the ball is in the Americans’ court.”

    it seems it’s deja vu all over again, here we go again, has the u.s. learned anything from history? i don’t think they can, zionists are incapable of learning, as they are so chosen and superior, just like they are incapable of keeping agreements.

    Video Link

    •�Agree: Haxo Angmark, brostoevsky
    •�Replies: @Haxo Angmark
    , @Wokechoke
  4. @Notsofast

    yup. That’s what it is: accelerated sell-out to (((Zelensky))) regime. Trumpstein also promised a $500 billion “platinum plan” for Ukes, moar weapons, etc.

    probably Putin won’t go for it. But then he signed on to Minsk1-2…..and got bit.

  5. JasonT says:

    “the need is imperative for “sovereign algorithms.”
    No. The need is imperative to eliminate AI immediately. Machine intelligence is anti-human.

    “The key target is “proposing to create a new investment platform using electronic payments.””
    No. The need is imperative to eliminate AI immediately. Machine intelligence is anti-human.
    The tenor of Escobar’s current masturbation of words is no different than what we see from the U.S. words on the matter, only the earthly controlling center is different in Escobar’s proposals. The ultimate controlling center is the same.

    •�Replies: @Face_The_Truth
  6. Wokechoke says:

    Let’s station James Bond on your border there, next to Crimea.

  7. @JasonT

    It is beyond my common sense to think that, surgeons will perform operations on their patients on the operating tables with the help of artificial intelligence for utmost accuracy.

    It is absurd to think that, commercial passenger-airplanes will fly LA to London — with artificial intelligence — without any human-pilot where airline companies will save plenty of money for not having to hire humans to pilot a commercial jetliner.

    It is weird to ride a taxi-cab that is driven by artificial intelligence instead of an actual human-driver, which will make Uber a company of the bygone era!

    It all seems that, there has to be higher and higher unemployment of humans in every developed country due to widespread usages of artificial intelligence.

    Then, auto-workers’ unions will clash with the management(s) in order for non-working workers to receive monthly salaries without actually having to work in assembly-lines.

    So, there will be lots of changes and challenges for millions of unemployed Americans to overcome!

  8. @Aragorn

    Nobody eats gold.

    When the U.S. Federal Reserve institutes zero-interest policy in order to avoid making interest-payments on $36 trillion national debt, foreign trade-partners may want payments in gold instead of in fiat U.S. dollar-bills.

    •�Agree: brostoevsky
    •�Replies: @Haxo Angmark
  9. It seems that Putin’s speech at the Valdai Club was pretty groundbreaking. Americans always miss such international developments due to a plethora of distractions. Trump’s election was historic, but I’m inclined to believe that developments in BRICS+ and particularly Russia will drastically change the future and are ultimately more significant. On February 22nd 2022 Vladimir Putin put himself in the driver’s seat. It’s gonna take a long time for all of this to come together, but it’s moving indefinitely in that direction.

  10. Curiously, the first alarm about Trump’s electoral victory has been the billions that he managed to increase his fortune and, as an extra, the case of his main political front man who finally managed to have Tesla over a billion dollars thanks to the electoral victory.

    Everything seems to be a dance of millions. And that must be worrying.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  11. A real moment of truth would be the Ruble untied from the Shekels & shackels of Jewish oligarchy on top of Russia.
    BRICS „have all the resources in the world“; see natural resources giants Russian Federation, South Africa…
    According to you, BRICS is positioning itself as a real alternative to the Jewed down West. As a supposedly real alternative to the negative force (Judaism is). BRICS surely must be better and not just the same spread wider to „multiple poles“.

    Will BRICS…

    …make public utitilities like electricity and gas free for all native citizens?
    …have free interest on loans, banks state owned, loans to native citizens 0% by law?
    …rulers only have one house themselves when every native citizen owns one house and one only?
    …provide newly married native couples with a grant large enough to start a household/home and a family?
    …provide free education and medical treatment?
    …provide natives wanting to live on a farm, with free land, appliances, seeds and livestock?
    …pay 50% of the price of a new car?
    …have a gasoline price of 15 cents per liter?
    …have no foreign debt and all wealth accounted for at home?
    …give native citizens unable to find work after school an average salary?
    …link natural resources sales incomes directly to the bank accounts of all native citizens?
    …give native mothers who give birth to a child a grant of $ 5000?
    …make 25% of native citizens graduates?
    …secure all natural elements as common public goods and ensure water supply in deserted lands?

    That could be called a multipolar world,

    (It was the world of a Gaddafi, before the Jews had him depoled, while „the Global South“ watched it on TV in 15 Minute City prisons).

  12. Aragorn says:

    Exactly, you cant eat gold. The working cast is a slave cast, which think its better of feed.
    So it will slave for they which own zeros, or gold, no difference.
    When they are ordered to mass murder at the hospitals, they will do it, because they are slaves.
    They have already done it.

    The fixation with gold seems to have a beginning in South Africa, and maybe even as slaves for another planet. Stick your fucking gold up your ass.

    •�Troll: Bro43rd
  13. @Face_The_Truth

    nope. First, there will be no “zero interest policy” at the Third Rothschild National Bank…for the obvious reason that Third Rothschild National Bank (alias Federal Reserve) would stop buying and warehousing ever-spiraling U.S. Treasury-issued debt…..and so would everybody else involved.

    and second, that policy would only apply to future debt sales…..not to the $36 trillion debt that currently exists. And which, BTW, is now accruing at a rate of +$1 trillion every 90 days. Qualitatively, ‘Murka is heading for a financial black hole by c. 2030-35, when annual interest payments on debt alone will eat up the entire annual FedGov revenue; already, 1/3 of the budget consists of interest payments. Then comes debt default, a credit freeze spiraling downward, accelerating-reinforcing business collapses/unemployment….and a deflationary depression that will make the 1930s look like raging prosperity.

    “payments in gold”. You and I have more gold in our teeth than there is in Fort Knox. And Fort Knox (like the “Federal Reserve”) has not had a full audit in decades. Where did the 8,000 tons as of the last audit go? I don’t know for sure, but I’d bet it’s a small demi-state at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea.

    paging: Mefobils…..perhaps he can see a way out of this. I cannot.

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