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Things You Didn’t Know About Serial Killers
First, just how many are black.

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Most people think virtually every serial killer has been white. Almost all blacks probably agree with Nickole Cunningham, who is on San Franco’s committee to figure out how much the city owes blacks in reparations.

As she said last year, “Straight white men are serial killers. . . . I watch these shows — the most serial killers. . . . So they are a danger to society. . . [but] Not all of them.”

And it’s true that we still get headlines like “Why are so many serial killers white men?”

But even the FBI has a report that says this is a myth:

“Contrary to popular belief, serial killers span all racial groups. . . . The racial diversification of serial killers generally mirrors that of the overall U.S. population.”

Except that it doesn’t mirror the racial mix at all.

As we will find later in this remarkable report, since 1900, there has not been any time when blacks were not over-represented among serial killers, and in the 2010s and 2020s, blacks have been eight times more likely than whites to be serial killers.

Wouldn’t think that from reading the news, would you?

In fact, the two American serial killers with the largest number of kills — the top two — are both black men. I’ll start with a guy you’ve never heard of, Carl Eugene Watts.

As Wikipedia notes, he is “suspected of being the most prolific serial killer in United States history” and “the number of his victims may have exceeded 100.” As Wikipedia also admits, “Most of his victims were thin, attractive, white women” and they were between the ages of 14 and 44.

Watts did his killing in the ’70s and ’80s and got away with so many for several reasons.

He tortured the women — some died after he had stabbed them as many as 50 times — but he did not rape them and therefore never left DNA.

Also, his killings didn’t fit a pattern: “he used methods such as strangulation, stabbing, bludgeoning, and drowning” and he approached victims in different ways, so police didn’t associate the killings with each other.

Don’t you think the name of America’s number-one, champion serial killer should be better known? If Carl Watts had been white and killed 100 pretty black women, we’d all know his name.

Samuel Little is better known. “California inmate confesses to being a serial killer responsible for about 90 deaths.”

This guy had a pattern, but he was a drifter who committed crimes in 24 states from 1970 to 2005.

Mostly he killed prostitutes, many of them drug addicts. He had been a competitive boxer. He knocked them out or stunned them, and then masturbated as he strangled them. He would dump the body and then leave town. Since the bodies had no obvious wounds, police often thought the women had overdosed.

Little was an early devotee of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

He was also an artist and had a near-photographic memory for his victims. These are sketches he made of some of them victims, years after killing them.

Click here for a high-resolution version.

These women had all been unidentified, but his images were so good, some were actually used to ID women who had until then been known only as “Jane Doe.”

Little had no remorse and loved talking about his killings. A detective who interviewed him said, “He actually gets excited about describing his homicides and describing how he strangled his victims.”

Little, who was serving a life sentence, died peacefully in 2020, age 80.

Billy Chemirmir, also relatively well known, didn’t practice diversity.

He was charged with killing 24 elderly Texas women, but probably killed many more, perhaps even as many as 100.

All appear to have been white, with a sprinkling of Asians. From 2016 to 2018, he talked his way into the apartments of women in retirement homes, smothered them with a pillow, stole their jewelry, and sold it on eBay. He, too, left no DNA, and his victims were also often pronounced dead of natural causes — even though family members complained to police about missing jewelry.

Just to make it a truly all-American story, Chemirmir was an illegal immigrant from Kenya who got a green card by marrying an American. I couldn’t find out whether it was a sham marriage.

Chemirmir went to trial several times, but once in 2021 he got a hung jury: “11-to-1 Jury Spurs Mistrial for Accused Noncitizen Serial Killer.”

Just one juror — I could not learn the race or sex — refused to listen to arguments from other jurors and held out for acquittal. Victims’ families later spoke to the media. They were all white.

Chemirmir was later found guilty and sentenced to life in prison. Last year, he apparently made sexual comments about his cellmate’s children — and the man killed him.

Another well-known black serial killer was the “Beltway Sniper,” John Muhammad, who terrorized the Washington, DC area for 10 months in 2002.

He and his protégé Lee Malvo, who was 17 at the time, killed 17 people and wounded 10 more people.

They rigged a sniper’s nest in the back part of this Chevy Caprice and fired through a hole in the tailgate.

There was such terror in the region that people stayed indoors, knelt down behind tires while they pumped gas, and sprinted from parking lots into stores.

At trial in 2006, young Malvo testified — and the American press almost uniformly failed to report “The sniper’s plan: kill six whites a day for 30 days.”

Muhammad told his sidekick he hated America because of “slavery, hypocrisy and foreign policy” and because he believed “the white man is the devil.” He also told him to aim for pregnant white women. Muhammad had a plan to recruit more young blacks, train them to shoot, and sow terror across the country.

This is a jail-house drawing by Lee Malvo showing the White House in the cross hairs and two missiles about to hit it.

Credit Image: © Lee Boyd Malvo/Fairfax Co. Circuit Court via ZUMA Wire
Credit Image: © Lee Boyd Malvo/Fairfax Co. Circuit Court via ZUMA Wire

John Muhammad got a lethal injection in 2009; Lee Malvo got a life sentence because he was a minor at the time of shootings.

Credit Image: © Davis Turner/CNP via ZUMA Wire
Credit Image: © Davis Turner/CNP via ZUMA Wire

Here’s a story worthy of the big screen. In 1983, this inseparable pair, Abron Scott and Amos Robinson, killed two white girls and a Hispanic man and a Hispanic woman.

They raped the women with particular brutality.

In 2022, the two were doing life in prison for another joint murder when rape-kit evidence proved they had killed the white girls. So far, so unremarkable — except that it turned out that this guy, Robert Duboise, had been found guilty for killing one of the whites when he was 18, and had spent 37 years in the big house.

Here he is with family members the day he got out.

Wouldn’t this be an exciting screen drama about justice long denied? Except that it’s only innocent blacks who ever go to jail for the crimes of whites, right? So you could never sell this story.

I’ll tell you about just two more cases. John Floyd Thomas probably raped and strangled as many as 30 older women in the 1970s and 1980s.

When he was arrested in 2009, police called him LA’s “largest ever” serial killer.

He was in and out of prison, but when he was out, he sneaked into the homes of older, lower income women living alone — mostly widows — raped them and strangled them.

Every victim with which he was associated was white. I can find photos of only two.

His oldest victim was 92, likewise raped and murdered. DNA finally caught up with him. He has been in the big house since 2009 and is 87 years old.

And then there is Frederick Demond Scott, who killed five white men and one white woman in the Kansas City area in 2016, when he was 23.

He shot most of his victims on the Indian Creek jogging trail.

Here are the five men he killed.

Two years before he started killing, he was attending an alternative school. He said he wanted to shoot up the school, Columbine-style, and kill all white people. The last trace of him on the internet is two years ago: “Fredrick Scott gets new attorney, trial set for June 2023.”

I guess it’s just not big news when a guy says he wants to kill all white people, but manages to bag only six of us. He was just three shy of Dylann Roof’s body count, but never made the big time.

Credit Image: © Whitehotpix/ZUMA Wire
Credit Image: © Whitehotpix/ZUMA Wire

But let’s get the big picture from this detailed report, which I mentioned earlier and recommend very highly. Here are the percentages, by race, of American serial killers for every decade since 1900, with whites and blacks in the two left-hand columns.

As you can see, since 2000, whites have been only about 33 or 34 percent of serial killers and blacks are well over 50 percent. As it says at the top, these figures don’t include “organizational” killers — that would be gang or cult killers — who would almost all be black. In the third column from the left, there is a moderate percentage of Hispanic serial killers, but then not much of anyone else.

This table shows the race of victims chosen by black and white serial killers. The blue highlighted row is the percentage who killed only whites.

That would be 81.9 percent of white killers, while 17.8 percent of black killers also killed only whites. The yellow line shows that only 1.2 percent of white serial killers killed only blacks, and that 43.4 percent of blacks did. The 17.8 percent of blacks who killed only whites makes some of the examples I gave earlier seem cherry-picked. However, the figures in this table are for all serial killings since1900. I suspect that since the ’60s and into the 2000s, the percentage of blacks who kill only whites has increased substantially.

There is a lot more to say about serial killers. And I’ll say it. But not until next week. In the meantime, don’t take any guff about serial killers being white. For the last 120 years, the percentage of black serial killers has always been higher than their percentage in the population. And now, close to 60 percent are black. It’s time the media — and popular conception — caught up with the facts. But you could say that about a lot of things, couldn’t you?

(Republished from American Renaissance by permission of author or representative)
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  1. Excellent article. And about time.

  2. blacks have been eight times more likely than whites to be serial killers.

    As she said last year, “Straight white men are serial killers. . . . I watch these shows — the most serial killers. . . . So they are a danger to society. . .

    In just two quick quotes. The difference between actual facts (which are racist) and what females see on teevee. And guess which one guides society?

    Anyway, most of the people who actually understand the simple math in the first quote are white or asian males. This explains why asians are becoming considered white-adjacent when it comes to being called racist.

    •�Agree: Sir Jacob Rees-Dogg
    •�LOL: Rational Racist
  3. Pudinhead says:

    One wonders why the gals on The View don’t alert their sisters of this threat to them.

    •�LOL: Trinity
    •�Replies: @Jameson
  4. Trinity says:

    Lots of serial killers are also Hispanic like The Dating Game Serial Killer, Richard Rameriz, Juan Corona, etc.

    With the exception of Corona, Brown and Black serial killers ALMOST always choose Whites as their victims, particularly White females. Jeffrey Dahmer was one of the few White serial killers that chose SOME non white victims

  5. Serial killing takes foresight, planning, patience, and discretion after the fact. These are not traits associated with blacks.

    That they would be more likely than whites to want to engage in it is not controversial.

    That they’d have the ability to pull it off, to the proportional extent as the much more able races, is surprising indeed.

    •�Replies: @Bert
    , @superfluous man
  6. These serial killers are the victims of the antisocial environment in which they live and in general they always pay the debt to society.

    Worse are the political serial criminals who kill thousands of people for money but never pay for their crimes. Try to remember if someone paid for the deaths in Yugoslavia, Iraq or Libya and although they are crimes that never prescribe, justice does not work against them.

    Does anyone believe that those conspiring in the genocide in Palestine will end up in court?

    •�Replies: @KnutHamsun
  7. BuelahMan says:

    Who the hell would eat a black person? ewww

  8. Bob Sav says:

    There was a black serial killer in Boston in the 1970s. His victims were young white women. It was around the time of the city’s forced busing crisis. The media gave it almost no coverage because they feared there would be a white backlash.

    •�Replies: @M.Rostau
  9. Trinity says:

    Serial killer Carl Panzram was a globe trotter. Allegedly he was in Africa for a bit where he killed some Africans but fed them to crocodiles instead of cannibalizing the victims. MOST of Panzram’s victims were Whites in America though.

    Safe bet to say that at least 85% of all victims of Black and Brown serial killers are White females while it is very rare for a White serial killer to prey on non whites.

    •�Replies: @anonymous
    , @Eriska
  10. M.Rostau says:
    @Bob Sav

    That explains why we never hear of black serial killers.

    Media and academics protect them.

    That’s why nothing can change till the roof comes down. When all whites realize they are the only targets there will be action. Not one minute before.

    •�Agree: Pastit
  11. @BuelahMan

    Another black person. It’s been said that Idi Amin found them quite tasty.

    •�Replies: @Simon D
  12. Bert says:
    @Reg Cæsar

    Lesser ability of blacks to avoid arrest because of lesser “foresight, planning, and discretion after the fact” implies that the proportion of blacks who are motivated to be serial killers is much higher than the proportion quoted by Mr. Taylor. This inference would be relevant during any breakdown of civil order.

  13. Roger says: •�Website

    This article appears to be pointing out the fact that whites are getting the shaft from the media on the issue of mass murders in America. Perhaps this is true. I have not done the research and will not say anything about it. Jared Taylor will not want for agreement, though, as there are more than enough people who will only see the obvious and never get beyond that.

    I may be slammed for this, but the most important issue here is not the color of the killers or their victims, but that in at least two of these anecdotes, the investigating police were incompetent and failed to make the connection between the crimes.

    Samuel Little:

    “Mostly he killed prostitutes, many of them drug addicts. He had been a competitive boxer. He knocked them out or stunned them, and then masturbated as he strangled them. He would dump the body and then leave town. Since the bodies had no obvious wounds, police often thought the women had overdosed.”

    1) He was a boxer. He knocked women out or stunned them. What did he hit them with? Probably his fist. While he may have used a glove, the force of the blow(s) necessary to render them unconscious would have left a mark from bruising. Why didn’t the cops or coroners see those?

    2) He strangled the women. Strangulation leaves marks. As the cause of death, it is easily detectable. Any good coroner or cop should have been competent enough to notice the evidence. Why were these overlooked?

    3) He masturbated as he strangled them after he knocked them out. Three strikes. As anyone knows who watches the crime shows on TV, semen on clothing or skin can be identified as such by any detective worth his salt. It is possible, long-shot possible, that Little always used a condom to avoid spraying his juice on the victim, but that is not likely.

    Since this man killed almost 100 women over the years, wouldn’t it be a little strange that these little discrepancies were not noticed by those “trained” to see them? The police OFTEN thought they had overdosed, but reading between the lines, the assumption is that MANY times, perhaps a majority of them, the police suspected they were homicides. Unlike Carl Watts, this killer had a modus operandi. Someone should have seen it and tracked the bastard down forthwith.

    Billy Chemirmir:

    “He was charged with killing 24 elderly Texas women, but probably killed many more, perhaps even as many as 100. All appear to have been white, with a sprinkling of Asians. From 2016 to 2018, he talked his way into the apartments of women in retirement homes, smothered them with a pillow, stole their jewelry, and sold it on eBay. He, too, left no DNA, and his victims were also often pronounced dead of natural causes — even though family members complained to police about missing jewelry.”

    1) In two years, this man killed dozens of elderly women in and around Dallas, a fairly localized area, unlike Samuel Little who traveled widely and spread his crimes out.

    2) He smothered his victims with a pillow. Like strangulation, smothering leaves evidence which can be easily seen and should have been, even by the most incompetent coroner or cop.

    3) He left no DNA. In Dallas, in the late 2010’s. Almost unimaginable, but I’m trying.

    4) He stole their jewelry.

    At least 24 elderly women were smothered, an easily identifiable cause of death, yet it was OFTEN decreed that they had died of natural causes. Local area, smothering, theft of jewelry. Immediate suspicion of M.O. Immediate suspicion of incompetence on the part of the police.

    If Jared Taylor’s description of these events is accurate, then it shows something far more insidious and dangerous than the racial bias depicted. Criminal investigation, in the hands of the State and its investigators and goons is not to be trusted.

    Just ask Robert Duboise.

    •�Replies: @Anon
    , @Rich23
    , @King Edward I
  14. @Reg Cæsar

    “That they’d have the ability to pull it off, to the proportional extent as the much more able races, is surprising indeed.”

    Maybe not so surprising given the widespread incompetence of police in this country and the high rates of unsolved murders in many urban areas with large black populations. Democrat dominated jurisdictions often have bad track records for solving homicides or don’t report them to the FBI for political reasons. With better policing, higher case clearing rates and more accurate reporting the overall percentage of murders committed by blacks is probably at least 67% or so. The vast majority of murders committed by blacks are by black men who represent only about 6-7% of the overall population.

    Blacks in this country skew violent crimes statistics upward dramatically and are overrepresented in virtually every category of violent crime. At this point the only surprising thing is that these statistics are kept at all given the racial implications.

    •�Agree: usNthem
    •�Replies: @Pastit
  15. Trinity says:

    Carlton Gary aka Stocking Strangler raped and strangled elderly White women in the 1970’s and early 1980s.Yet another racist nigra serial killer.

  16. Pastit says:

    Haitians love them barbecued

  17. Sulu says:

    About 10 years or so ago I kept noticing a late middle age black man around town, always walking, never with a vehicle. I live near a town with a population of around 10,000. One day I was in the parking lot of my local library, in my vehicle, when he approached me and I failed to notice him till he was quite near. As I recall it was warm weather and the window on my truck was down. He started doing the “Jig shuffle” as he tried to talk his way into my truck so I could give him a ride somewhere. As if I would. Now I am way past being polite to blacks that show me the slightest form of aggression. And I consider panhandling aggression. I told him to hit the fucking road and when he took offense I produced a .45 and told him if he didn’t leave right now I was going to kill him. His eyes got as big as saucers when I produced the pistol and he decided to “didi mau.”

    The odds are he was just some worthless jig trying to bum a ride and probably money off me. But you never know. I have long since learned around blacks to never relax. Always be situationally aware. (I slipped up that time for a grand total of perhaps 10 seconds.) Always carry and don’t feel the need to be polite to any black trying to White guilt trip you into doing something for them. Never help them with anything because even if they are known to you all it will do is draw you into their web and I guarantee in the long run you are going to be the one continuously helping them. As a matter of fact I can’t recall even one time in my life any black person has ever helped me with anything. If the shit ever hits the fan in America they are all going to be targets. To hell with all of them!


  18. Pastit says:
    @superfluous man

    I would not be surprised to see the Biden administration halt crime statistics by race.

  19. anonymous[104] •�Disclaimer says:

    These non-white serial killers better up their games and start killing a lot more white females because I am sick of white bitches destroying the lives of White Men.

    •�LOL: Truth
    •�Replies: @Anon
    , @throtler
  20. anonymous[693] •�Disclaimer says:

    Black and Brown serial killers prey on white females and white females prey on their own men. Only in Jewmerica.

    •�Agree: Romulus
  21. Trinity says:

    Was the Atlanta Serial Killer a 600lb alligator dressed up like a watermelon 🍉?

    Impossible. Alligators are only in South Georgia.

  22. mike99588 says:

    Carl Eugene Watts. 20 – 80 – 100 who knows

    There’s a guy who killed the the wife of a former classmate. She was then a grad student. Her murder seriously altered the lives of her parents, siblings and husband. Her parents spents years making sure Texas did more, despite damn near releasing him for “good behavior” in prison.

    Despite being mentally damaged in some way(s), he was adept at evasion, escape and playing the system including nascent race card discounts.

  23. “He was also an artist and had a near-photographic memory for his victims. These are sketches he made of some of them victims, years after killing them.”

    Little wasn’t an artist, his drawings look like they were made by someone in grade six. If they were presented to a number of directors of an art galleries and they were told that a negro serial killer had made the drawings, they’d be fawning all over them trying to be the first to exhibit them.

    •�LOL: Trinity
    •�Replies: @Trinity
  24. Bernie says:

    Blacks believe all kinds of stupid things. A perfectly stupid race who are a massive burden.

  25. I’m willing to bet that White crimes rates are so low, they’re likely half or less of what’s actually reported — and even the reported figures are well-below our percentage of the population as a whole

  26. Atle says:

    Little’s drawings may be crude, but they are undeniably individual women. I suspect he really did have a strong memory.

  27. Anon[220] •�Disclaimer says:

    As if we didn’t already know that.

  28. Anon[220] •�Disclaimer says:

    If them homies had killed a hundred attractive black women … there woulda been no attractive black women left.

  29. GMC says:

    The Prison Review stats tells us that most inmates cost the taxpayer around 36,500.00 bucks a year and a Life Imprisoned case around 1,000,000 dollars per life sentence. The Life sentence for the Death Penalty { which would interfere with the the USG money laundering scam } costs around 2,000,000 bucks for a scum bag that has killed offensively. Sounds like a racket !

    The average Soc. Sec. for a person in their 60s is 15,500.00 bucks a year.
    It’s hard to find out the average USG or State or Muni pension payout since they don’t want the public to know much of anything.

    •�Replies: @anonymous
  30. eah says:

    OT (but speaking of ‘killers’)

    Many people on the Right jumped to the conclusion that the Sydney mall stabber was a muslim or some other foreign ‘terrorist’ (that’s something I don’t do, and advise against) — turns out that appears not to be the case:

    Westfield Bondi mall attack: Sydney knife suspect identified by police

    No idea who this guy is, or why he stabbed people, but the surname Cauchi is most strongly associated with Malta — its prevalence in Australia is also above average.

    But the response to the stabbings illustrates something about the abysmal state of the West:

    Australia PM hails cop who shot Sydney attacker as ‘a hero’

    A female cop shot the guy with the knife — obviously, it doesn’t take much to be called a ‘hero’ today, because she was never in any physical danger: she could have pumped half a dozen shots into him before he got anywhere near her — this will be used to justify female beat cops, which is not a good idea since women are vastly inferior to men physically (Pa. state police to alter fitness standards that kept out women, Nashville abandons physical ability test to hire more female police officers), and physical ability is often enough very important.

    Bondi Junction stabbing as it happened

    The ‘acting premiere’ of NSW is a gray-haired woman who says ‘this is not who we are’ (very profound, thanks for that) — apparently, official police communiques said the stabber ‘engaged with people’ and ’caused harm’ — the police commissioner in NSW is another woman (there is something weird and unnatural about women who seek police work) — etc.

    Aside from being horrible, these events try your patience and insult your intelligence.

    •�Replies: @Johnny LeBlanc
    , @eah
  31. Simon D says:
    @Catahoula Parish

    One of the most lurid allegations against Bokassa was that of cannibalism. Former President Dacko was called to the witness stand to testify that he had seen photographs of butchered bodies hanging in the cold-storage rooms of Bokassa’s palace immediately after the 1979 coup.[48] Photographs apparently showing a fridge in the palace that contained the bodies of schoolchildren were also published in Paris Match magazine.[61] When the defence put up a reasonable doubt during the cross-examination of Dacko that he could not be positively sure if the photographs he had seen were of dead bodies to be used for consumption, Bokassa’s former chef was called to testify that he had cooked human flesh stored in the walk-in freezers and served it to Bokassa on an occasional basis. The prosecution did not examine rumours that Bokassa had served some the flesh of his victims to visiting foreign dignitaries.[62]



  32. Jameson says:

    Especially with the death of OJ, they no doubt talked about that, it would have provided an excellent example of the danger.

  33. AlmaMater says:

    And we as a nation knew about the possibility of blacks being serial murderers all the way back in 1914. An Afro-Caribbean of West Indian descent, ostensibly from Barbados, named Julian Carlton, murdered 7 people at Frank Lloyd Wright’s Taliesin home in Wisconsin. As a handyman at the home, Carlton asked the foreman if he could have some gasoline to clean soiled rags. After retrieving the gasoline and an axe, Julian Carlton murdered with the axe Wright’s mistress and her 2 children. Then he barred the doors of the house and used the gasoline to set it afire. When those inside tried to escape, he murdered them with the axe.

    Yet our Congress still passed the Hart-Cellar Immigration Act in 1965.

  34. Why I live west of the 100th meridian and east if the Sierra. Except for clumps in major urban areas, almost no niggers in smaller towns and rural areas. However, there are a lot of spics.

    Avoid the groid. Always carry. Keep your head on a swivel. Stay sober. Don’t go out after dark.

  35. @Liborio Guaso

    Thanks for making a point that’s actually worth making. As you say, serial offenders are a product of a nihilistic and antisocial environment – this case is closed; we have the diagnosis and we know how to solve this (emphasis on literacy, community, co-operative business enterprises). Myself personally, I’m far more concerned about the nihilistic and antisocial behaviors of WASPs and Jews – who unlike blacks, are actually worth being concerned about given that they are manipulators and schemers with literacy, resources and a Police/Military/Surveillance/Media apparatus.

    You see, the nihilistic barbarism of blacks is completely amoral and suicidal, in a sense. It’s relatively contained – their actions either lead to direct self-destruction or they continue to chip-away at the demoralized and dejected neighborhoods in which they live. This sad tragedy isn’t reserved for blacks alone – I find pill-poppers in Appalachia to be just as nihilistic and self-destructive, their environments just as hollowed-out as “the hood.” And again, we already have the diagnosis and the remedy.

    Far more troubling to me is the nihilistic barbarism of the WASP/Jew precisely because it is disguised as Moral, and framed in an Order that will drag the entire world into degradation and chaos. What wicked works have been done by man under the guises of “law and order,” “moral destiny,” and “progress!” This is worth our immediate attention.

    •�Agree: Bro43rd
  36. clickkid says:

    David McGowan wrote the book on serial murderers and the connections many of them have:


    Buy the book in the usual places

  37. @eah

    Women cops are power-hungry tyrannical cunts. They love the power trip, but can’t back up their belligerence with any real physical force. Because they are so physically weak, they are quick to reach for the taser or the the firearm.

    In the old days, there were strict height, weight and physical fitness standards for cops. They used truncheons and night sticks instead of tasers (which are notoriously unreliable), and had to have the physical presence and strength to physically control a situation. Women cops are also the main reason (plus the bean counters) police now use the plinky 9mm plastic fantastic pistols. They can’t handle the recoil from a .357 magnum.

    Find and watch cop videos on Rumble. The child like voices of women cops attempting to brow beat perps are hysterically funny. Even better, female cops panic at the first sign of trouble. Take a look at these two cunts who poured fire into a woman’s apartment ….


    Women need to go back to the kitchen and the nursery. Play time is over.

    •�Replies: @Rich
    , @Mac_
  38. Just as enlightening as negro serial killer numbers is the absolutely nearly 100% negro involvement in mass shootings. Using the definition of mass shootings as any event where at least one is killed and three more wounded or killed, you will find that negroes are behind 30 to 50 such events each month.

    Devon Tracy has done some great reporting on this over the past 6 months or more. As these shootings are often rather spontaneous, having little aspect of planning, it’s obvious why negroes are so highly represented as shooters.

    I’m a little suspicious of Table 6.02 from 1970. Suspicious, as in, the huge numbers of unsolved murders from the Zebra killings in CA and across the country do not show up in that table.

  39. Is there a race which hasn’t produced a serial killer?

    •�Replies: @Trinity
    , @Thomasina
  40. @Trinity

    It takes a sadism driven by blood lust. Most victims are nobodies. Cops don’t care about the nobodies despite being nobodies with a state sanction costume. Wouldn’t repetition of the crime makes it easier? Seems to me like blacks are naturals for serial killing.

    •�Replies: @Trinity
  41. Agent76 says:


    When thinking about serial killers, one may imagine a devious-looking white man that is extremely introverted and lonely.


    Apr 16, 2021 Samuel Little: The Most Prolific Serial Killer In U.S. History – In His Own Words

    Tonight on Prime Crime: Part 1 of a special two-part episode. We delve into the story of the most prolific serial killer in United States history, Samuel Little.

    Video Link

    May 8, 2023 Samuel Little (Part 1): The Most Prolific Serial Killer in the U.S. | Prime Crime | A&E

    Part 1 of the life, crimes, and interrogations of the most prolific serial killer in U.S. history.

    Video Link

    •�Replies: @Arminius1933
  42. GMC says:

    Now let’s see the the stats on the serial killers in the USG, starting with the NeoCons, and ending up in the Military and Intel Agencies. That would make these guys look like – Nobodies.

    •�Agree: bike-anarkist, Romulus
    •�Thanks: Trinity
  43. Trinity says:

    “Serial killers do on a small scale what governments do on a large scale.” Richard Rameriz

    The spic had a point.Take the (((Bolsheviks))) and Israelis for example.

    Over 70,000 Black on White murders in South Africa from 1994-2014, pretty sure there were several Black serial killers roaming around there.

    •�Agree: Mac_
  44. Rich says:
    @Johnny LeBlanc

    I once saw a young Hispanic woman cop, about 5′ tall, getting harassed by a couple blacks on 37th St in Manhattan near 7th Ave. She was a tiny little thing and they were teasing her, putting their arms around her, knocking off her hat, all the while she was barking orders at them in an angry, very cop sounding voice. After a little while, some other cops came and broke up the situation with no arrests. She’s probably a deputy commissionr today.

  45. “The best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from black people; just get the fuck away.”

    — Scott Adams

    It’s not just the violence, it’s the huge chip on their shoulders. GTFO of blue jurisdictions. You’re going to lose.


  46. Mike Tre says:

    One thing not mentioned is the prevalence of homosexuality among male serial killers. I’m not suggesting all or even most serial killers are homos, but they are definitely represented many times over relative to their share of the total population.

    One other disturbing though: For every single negro serial killer that targets white women, there are likely hundreds or thousands more negroes who serial abuse white women.

    •�Replies: @Trinity
    , @Alexandros
  47. Trinity says:

    Well there are only 3 races. So the answer is no.

  48. Trinity says:
    @Old and Grumpy

    The only one I question is the female serial killer Aileen Wuornos. This woman’s life growing up was pure Hell. I honestly believe she killed Richard Mallory ( hopefully got the name right, the first victim in self defense) and maybe even the others as well. Street prostitutes are usually the most common victims of serial killers. Even prostitutes who are lucky enough to escape being a statistic can probably give you countless stories of physical abuse and humiliation.

    We were lied to for decades about most serial killers being White males. Think about how many Black serial killers have slaughtered Whites in South Africa. Think we would hear or read about from (((news sources.)))

  49. anonymous[826] •�Disclaimer says:

    I used to play golf with a guy who retired after 29 years as a county prison guard in CA. In 2017 he told me his pension was $109,000.

    •�Replies: @Rich23
    , @Anonymousrgc
  50. 1jonny says:

    I’ve had several black strangers help me out in some way. I guess I’m just lucky.

    •�LOL: Trinity, AlmaMater
  51. Pablo says:

    The Serial Killer The Grim Sleeper, is Black. The DC Sniper are two Black males. The tightly controlled American Media has a narrative they want to promote and so Black on White Crime is ignored. The Media Owners want to wage WAR on the White Race; they are Racists of THE most hateful kind.

  52. @Sulu

    It makes me sick to witness all the ‘goodwhites’ in rural country/towns pandering to the very few niggs in the area; the local politicos pushing for more section 8 housing for the ‘needy’ welfare cases. Grifting niggers getting grants and loans for scams to get more of the same; the victim class niggers meanwhile are laffing through their mudgums at stupid whitey competing to see whose virtue is the greatest.

    •�Agree: Sulu
  53. Raised in rural Oregon community with ‘sundown law’, I never saw a nigger until a visit to Los Angeles in 1959 ( age 13 ) – my first impressions were of ugly physiognomy, strange modes of walking and talking, etc- nothing like the ‘handsome’ specimens shown on the television of the day (same today- few truly ugly niggers are shown, only the high-white mulattos).

    My next experience was in the US Navy, 1965: shortly after the Navy decided on total integration in the service. It transformed my life; I have been a racist ever since. There were race riots (all hidden by the media), multiple stabbings and beatings aboard ships, murders were not uncommon. I actually joined a gang of inner-city Italian men to survive. I will never trust any nigger, or let one get within more than ten feet of me.

    The hardest thing for me these days is to convince all my youngest off-spring to stay the hell away from these savages.

    •�Agree: King Edward I
    •�Thanks: AceDeuce, Sulu
    •�Replies: @AceDeuce
    , @Sulu
    , @AlmaMater
  54. Anon[334] •�Disclaimer says:

    Well, this is nothing new. Below is todays excerpt from Guyana, a country with a 50% black population mostly responsible for 99% of the crime. Then to Africa where rape is at epidemic levels. Its baffling that in these countries where whores are as cheap as a cup of coffee that blacks rape and then still not content rob, mutilate and murder.

    Even black pimps in the US dont like their whores having black clients because they want more than they pay for, want their money back when serviced and beat, stab and shoot the girls at the slightest whim.

    In Congo, the Niggers have been eating each other since the beginning of time. In wonderful paradise Haiti, the Dindoos are at this again. Forget Surf and Turf with a side salad and baked potato, nothing like some black meat for dinner.

    People need to stay away from ALL blacks. The slightest trust or mistake could cost you your life ! No matter where in the world they are, blacks behaviour is the same. Enjoy the article::

    A leaked video has surfaced showing at least four males brutally gang-raping a girl believed to be 15 years-old at Port Kaituma, North West District, Region One. It is unclear when the rape took place, but the video was leaked on Saturday.

    Although the males tried to muffle the teen’s screams by placing a sheet over her face they could still be heard as one of the school boys raped the girl. The boy’s accomplices who were all half-naked cheered him. They were heard saying, “Send, Send. A got yuh cuz…send”.

    One of the adult males, who helped to pin the girl to the bed chanted, “show them how we does do it Reggie, show them how we does do it”.

    Kaieteur News learnt that police have been notified of the video and are currently making efforts to locate the female victim. This same gang was seen attempting to rape a boy in another leaked video.

    Police have since detained two of the juveniles seen in the video and according to reports they are showing no remorse for the heinous act they are accused of committing and have pledged allegiance to a Trinidadian gang called 6ixx. As the teens were being taken away by police for questioning one of them said “We na fraid a nobody. 6ixx all the time, 6ixx all the time.”

    Up to press time, Kaieteur News understands that investigators were still trying to locate the victim.

    Investigations are ongoing.

  55. Trinity says:

    I was sitting in a bar in Brandon, Florida called “Frenchies.” The bar is long gone but it was something of a landmark off highway 60 when Brandon was a sleepy, nearly all White suburb of Tampa. In walks a darkie who must have been 6’9”-6’10”, a carnival worker who was getting off work, a Catholic Church had a carnival every year down the road. The guy was tall but thin. I was stupid snuff to start drinking with the guy. After hitting another bar, Too Tall asks me to take him to 22nd and Lake in Tampa, a no go area for a White guy like me. I pull into a convenience store, ask the guy to go in and get some beer, he ain’t budging. Had to rassle the nigra out of my vehicle. hehe. Should have seen the look on his face as I left his sorry ass there.

    Cue: Uneasy Rider by CDB

    •�LOL: Sulu
    •�Replies: @NotAnonymousHere
  56. Anonymous[424] •�Disclaimer says:

    Is there any tenet of leftism that isn’t a lie? Anything in it not based on blind, unseeing, unthinking hatred for those of European descent?

    •�Agree: King Edward I, Sulu
    •�Replies: @King Edward I
  57. I guess it’s just not big news when a guy says he wants to kill all white people, but manages to bag only six of us. He was just three shy of Dylann Roof’s body count, but never made the big time.

    Hmmm Taylor. And (((who))) dominates the msm and hollywood?

    Scottish Presbyterians from Pennsylvania? Irish Catholics from Boston?

    Who oh who could be responsible for this massive racial anti White hypocrisy when it comes to reporting race and crime?

    Such a mystery….

    •�Replies: @Trinity
  58. Rich23 says:

    Indeed, your editorial comment while absent from the essay IS the most important fact.

    The thesis of your editorial comment is underscored no better than the case of Joseph DeAngelo.

    GSK….Golden State Killer
    EAR….East Area Rapist
    ONS….Original Night Stalker

    Perhaps the worst aspect was Law Enforcement’s public spectacle taking full-throated credit for tracking down One Of Their Own, Joseph DeAngelo.

    A Navy Guy no less

    •�Thanks: Roger
  59. Rich23 says:

    That’s more, far more, than my Navy CAPTAIN’S Pension

  60. Are they really homo sapiens? Or are they an archaic human primate like homo habilis?

    Would jewish groups like the ADL, wjc, etc allow scientists to study this possibility?

    Fat chance. LOL.

    If they are homo habilis, could this explain their inability (on the whole) to have impulse control?

    If it wasn’t for our jewish overlords demanding we not report/hear/repeat their evil deeds, would we permit them to live among us?

    If there truly was justice, since most jews are so obsessed with preventing black people from receiving any retribution for their vile deeds, all jews would be forced to live in israel, with hordes of these blacks animals. THAT would be poetic justice.

  61. NotAnonymousHere [AKA "Anogomous"] says:

    Did you at least get him to use a condom while he was repeatedly and vigorously taking you in your small car and also inside your automobile?

    Seriously dude, the That Time I Got Drunk and Did Something Stupid That Left My Butt Bleeding thread is down the hall. You were asking for it, this woman was not:


    •�Replies: @Trinity
  62. Trinity says:
    @King Edward I

    Liberals? 🤫 JT won’t say the J word.

    •�Agree: King Edward I
  63. Trinity says:

    No, but I bet your ass would have been taken. Are you gay? Fly away kike.

  64. anon[152] •�Disclaimer says:

    This article should be printed on sandpaper and shoved down the throat of every “journalist” in the western world. As far as the”media” not telling the truth: The federal reserve, the lusitania, pearl harbor, gulf of tonkin, the explosion of drugs in America, the mainstreaming of porn, watergate, genderbending chemicals in the food and water, atrazine and “vaccines”, 911, iraq, covid, the 2020 selection, etc. Can we all please stop expecting the “media” to tell us the truth?

    •�Agree: King Edward I
    •�Replies: @Trinity
  65. @Anonymous

    Is there any tenet of leftism that isn’t a lie? Anything in it not based on blind, unseeing, unthinking hatred for those of European descent?

    No, there isn’t. This is why I changed from being a far left winger. Virtually everything they believe relies on lies, deception, and hypocrisy.

    -they say they are against hate, but they endlessly hate on White gentiles
    -they say they are for treating everyone equally, but they say negative things about White gentiles that they would NEVER say about jews or non Whites.

    For this I like to play a game called “word swap”. I take sentences judaized lefttards have said/written, and I change the race. Then I ask, “would this be ok?”

    For instance…

    -American Jewish Professor Noel Ignatiev: “The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race. Until that task is accomplished, even partial reform will prove elusive, because white influence permeates every issue in U.S. society, whether domestic or foreign”….”Make no mistake about it, we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as the white race is destroyed. Not deconstructed but destroyed.”


    -Polish American Professor Joe B: “The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the jewish race. Until that task is accomplished, even partial reform will prove elusive, because jewish influence permeates every issue in U.S. society, whether domestic or foreign”….”Make no mistake about it, we intend to keep bashing the dead jewish males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as the jewish race is destroyed. Not deconstructed but destroyed.”

    -Jewess Susan Sontag: “The white race is the cancer of human history”


    -Irish philosopher Sean O’Neill: “The black race is the cancer of human history”

    -Baruch Efrati, a yeshiva head and community rabbi in the West Bank settlement. He said,
    Jews should rejoice at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity as a punishment for what it did to us for the hundreds of years we were in exile there. We will never forgive Europe s Christians for slaughtering millions of our children, women and elderly not just in the recent Holocaust, but throughout the generations, in a consistent manner which characterizes all factions of hypocritical Christianity


    -Bill Smith – a wiccan leader in Oregon. He said,
    White people should rejoice at the fact that jewish israel is losing its security as a punishment for what it did to us for the hundreds of years they subverted our people for jewish interests. We will never forgive jewish communists for slaughtering millions of our children, women and elderly not just in the recent Holodomor, but throughout the generations, in a consistent manner which characterizes all factions of judaism and jewishness.

    -Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them. Mary Frances Berry, former Chair, U.S. Civil Rights Commission


    -Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of jews and do not apply to them. Mary Frances Graz, former Chair, U.S. Civil Rights Commission

    -I don t think white [sic] people should love their whiteness. Better for everyone, I think, that we take a shot first at hating it . Robert Jensen, journalism professor at the University of Texas


    -I don t think black[sic] people should love their blackness. Better for everyone, I think, that we take a shot first at hating it . Robert Jenson, journalism professor at the University of Texas

    White leftists, jewish leftists, and non White leftists wouldn’t accept any of the rewritten things above. Therefore, they are complete and utter hypocrites when it comes to “tolerance”, “hate”, and racial politics. Judaized lefttards aren’t against “hate”. They engage in anti White hate incessantly.

    I got incredibly exhausted by their anti White hypocrisy. Today I don’t feel that either political party in America represents the interests of me or my people.

    This is a good essay. I highly recommend you share with any judaized “leftist” relatives you might have:


    •�Replies: @Johnny LeBlanc
  66. @Corvinus

    How’s things in YOUR MAJORITY WHITE NEIGHBORHOOD, Corviegirl?

    Nothing like peace and quiet, heh?

    You know if you’re looking to save some scratch, there’s some real bargains to be had if you ever decide to put your alligator mouth where your hummingbird ass is, and go dwell where your Black bothers and sisters makeup a majority.

    Not that that’s EVER going to happen, of course…lol

    •�Thanks: Sulu
  67. All blacks need to be sterilized.

    •�Thanks: Cloud Posternuke
  68. Trinity says:

    “Can we all please stop expecting the anti White kike media to tell us the truth?”

    Fixed that for ya.

    •�Agree: King Edward I
  69. eah says:

    >the abysmal state of the West


    A TV host has slammed the new global phenomenon of Muslims taking over public places to pray after a huge crowd blocked Martin Place near the Sydney Cenotaph last week.

    “I don’t think any Australian soldiers died for this”

    ‘The ANZACs didn’t die for this’: TV host blasts Muslims for taking over pedestrian street to pray near Sydney Cenotaph

    The Sydney Cenotaph is a memorial to the hundreds of thousands of Australian casualties in WWI.

    As I said before: this kind of thing comes from racial animus, and is done to signal racial conquest and the subjugation of Whites — white politicians who facilitate and support the migration of these people into Western countries are the worst kind of traitors.

  70. @Roger

    If Jared Taylor’s description of these events is accurate, then it shows something far more insidious and dangerous than the racial bias depicted.

    No Mr. clueless. What it shows is that the shylocks that dominate the msm don’t want their anti White, pro black narrative to be questioned….that is why they intentionally hide these crimes from Americans, you dolt.

    I remember reading about the beltway sniper in depth. Over and over again, he stated his hatred of White people and the fact that he specifically wanted to target White people…especially White pregnant women.

    A couple years later, I saw a program on cable about the killings. It was a one or two hour expose. The “expose” insisted that the killer had “no known motivation.”

    This is literally LYING.

    That is one of the main points of what Taylor is saying….that those that dominate the media are hiding the truth from the public. Their agenda is to DECEIVE.

    You are clearly too thick to understand what is crystal clear to many of us.

  71. Thomasina says:

    “Is there a race which hasn’t produced a serial killer?”

    The question should be: According to their share of the population, is there a race that produces a higher proportion of serial killers?

    The answer is “yes”. Ever heard of the 1970’s Zebra murders in San Francisco? These murders are never really talked about; it doesn’t fit the narrative. Purposely and intentionally targeting and killing White people.


    How about Wayne Williams, a young Black man who they believe is responsible for killing 28 young Black boys in Atlanta in 1979/80? We never hear much about Wayne either.

    •�Replies: @Rich23
  72. I would like to see a study that estimates how much lower our rate of rape and violent crime would be if there were no blacks or mexicans in the US.

    I bet it would be cut by over 70%.

    If dieversity is such a “strength”, would Japan’s crime rate be the same if say 20 million blacks and 15 million mexicans settled in Japan?

  73. @anonymous

    Yup. Years ago toll takers on NYC toll bridges racked up pensions between 200 and 300k with overtime scams.

  74. @King Edward I

    You should read the article you linked. The author is against anti-Semitism …

    I could say as much about a truly frightening phenomenon, left-wing anti-Semitism, but I’ll leave the topic to others better qualified. I can say that when I first encountered it, at a PLO fundraising party in Marin County, I felt as if I had time-traveled to pre-war Berlin.

    However, you are critical of Jews. It would be best to choose a different article to illustrate your journey.

    American Thinker is just another Con, Inc. site like RedState or Townhall. They suck Jew cock constantly.

    •�Replies: @King Edward I
  75. “Mostly he killed prostitutes, many of them drug addicts. He knocked them out or stunned them, and then masturbated as he strangled them.”

    A movie director depicting this two-handed activity would have to show simultaneous masturbation and one-handed neck-strangling.

  76. Rich23 says:

    “Mindhunter” the Netflix series about FBI’s serial killer profiling program quite superficially, gingerly treated the subject of Wayne Williams’ Atlanta child-killling spree.

    Another poster’s thesis supported by history. Neglect of this thesis is so profound a convincing case has been made that Atlanta PD, FBI, and the MSM scapegoated Williams out of convenience

    •�Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  77. AceDeuce says:
    @old coyote

    I’m a vet, and after I got out, I worked in places with a lot of other vets. A good friend of mine was a guy about 20 years older than me, a Navy vet–retired Master Chief with 24-26 years in. He was in from like 1959 or 1960 to the mid 80s, so during the VN War.

    Anyway, he told me that he had spent some time at the Naval base in Sasebo, Japan back in the late 60s. Like many other places then, ashore and afloat, there was a problem with groid “sailors” attacking White sailors.

    One night, a White sailor was found outside the base beaten to death by fists, feet, and some blunt object. It didn’t take Sherlock Holmes to figure out what happened. My friend said that the Navy told the guy’s parents, officially, that he was out in town drunk and was hit and killed by an unknown, presumably Japanese, driver who sped off. Too bad, so sad. I’m sure that wasn’t the only instance of that kind of cover up.

  78. Zane says:

    How many have been MKUltraed by the Jew-run CIA??

  79. @Johnny LeBlanc

    American Thinker is just another Con, Inc. site like RedState or Townhall. They suck Jew cock constantly.

    I didn’t realize. Thanks for the heads up. I love her #7 about White tribal loyalty. But I didn’t know she wasn’t yet red pilled on the jq.

    Hopefully some day she gets there.

    •�Agree: Johnny LeBlanc
  80. Eriska says:

    Of course white SKs and SKs in general are going to have white f victims. They’re the most refined and least aggressive.

  81. Mac_ says:
    @Johnny LeBlanc

    The argument is the same as ‘shouldn’t let women vote’. If juvenile time were over, men would be defending themselves and territory, not sit being dictated to ‘lockdown’ as if dogs. Do ‘police stop mass in-migration, or other threat etc. We used to deal with threat by cavemen clubs.

    Point, male thug cops same as females. Letting others dictate down our self defense, could only devolve people. The situation today is more danger than a hundred thousand years ago. Schemers didnt have drones back then.

  82. @BuelahMan

    Dahmer’s cannibalism was overemphasized in the media frenzy. From his statements it seemed more like an experiment than a prime motivator for the killings.

  83. @Mike Tre

    And most pedos are homos. Bad genetic health and bad behavior go hand in hand. Dahmer’s father was a round head weirdo himself who felt responsibility for bringing up such a son.

    There needs to be some research into round heads. You never hear anything about that.

  84. Sarah says:

    Always carry and don’t feel the need to be polite to any black trying to White guilt trip you into doing something for them. Never help them with anything because even if they are known to you all it will do is draw you into their web and I guarantee in the long run you are going to be the one continuously helping them. As a matter of fact I can’t recall even one time in my life any black person has ever helped me with anything. If the shit ever hits the fan in America they are all going to be targets. To hell with all of them!


    •�Replies: @GeneralRipper
  85. @Sarah

    Mr Sulu is correct. Blacks had a chance to behave like decent Americans after the “Civil Rights” movement. Instead they chose to keep the grift/grievance racket going, in the same spirit of their Marxist Jew mentors.

    Fuck them ALL now.

    Can’t wait til’ it’s open season on all of them…lol

    •�Thanks: Sulu
    •�Replies: @Sulu
  86. Sulu says:

    Can’t wait til’ it’s open season on all of them…lol

    If the shit ever hits the fan in America and there is no more law I have to suspect that jigs will be unwelcome where ever they go. They will pour out of the cities like rats leaving a sinking ship and rural White people will use them for target practice. There won’t be many left.

    I can think of several S.H.T.F. scenarios. Nuclear war or perhaps just plain old Civil War. A coronal mass ejection causing the electrical grid to go down, and not come back up. Or maybe an asteroid strike. In any case the Jigs will be met with bullets where ever they go. Most White men are smart enough to know what absolute pieces of shit niggers are. And if the S.H.T.F. the opinion of White women won’t count for squat because feminism will be dead the minute women can’t call a cop.

    I was told a story decades ago that I find amusing. Now I didn’t see this with my own eyes but had a couple high school friends tell me they saw it. Seems a young buck was riding around in his car and had ventured out beyond the street lights to one of the small rural communities near town. A group of White guys and girls were partying in a parking lot. The young buck, probably attracted by the White pussy, pulled up and asked if this was where everyone hung out. One of the White guys pointed and said, “No, we generally hang the niggers from that tree over there.” The young Jig got his car in gear and left in a bit of a hurry.

    Like I said, I didn’t see it but I take it to be fact. Simply because I knew some of the people involved and they laughed about it for months.


  87. Sulu says:
    @old coyote

    It transformed my life; I have been a racist ever since.

    I had a old college roommate that became a campus cop. He must have been 21 or 22. He told me that he wasn’t really racist until he became a cop and got a look at how much crime niggers are responsible for on campus. I know that the general population was about 12% back in those days so the percentage of jigs on campus must have been a much lower number. And yet, according to my roommate they were responsible for almost all of the rapes. And it was always black men and White women. And it was almost always date rape. Some young White girl would show up at the station disheveled and crying, claiming to be raped. The cops would invariably find the perp asleep in his dorm where he would be arrested and taken down to the station for booking.

    The first time or two my buddy saw this he claimed he was a bit shocked. But after he figured out that this was the norm he said he would find a certain amount of amusement in the look on the perp’s faces as it gradually dawned on them that they were in serious trouble and a little bit of White pussy was probably going to get them 10 years.

    Another thing that niggers can never figure out is how to behave during traffic stops. They invariably show attitude with the cops which leads to being arrested.

    I learned over 40 years ago that if you get pulled over you just pretend for 5 minutes that you are in the military. Keep your hands in sight and answer, “Yes Sir” or “No Sir.” Just show a little respect and if you have your papers and are only fucking up a little bit the cop will let you go. I have used that technique to my advantage many times and I have never been arrested in my life and I have had only one ticket for speeding when I was about 19. And the judge let me out of it.

    But can niggers figure this out? Not a chance. They are just too dumb.


  88. To be honest, I think being a serious serial killer requires intellect blacks don’t possess. They are just too stupid to be long term serial killers. It seems all their killing are impulsive emotional base killing they just happen to get away with.

    •�Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  89. AlmaMater says:
    @old coyote

    My mother, born in 1937, said that when she was a little girl, every time she saw a black person she cried and was afraid of them.

    I was selling something online, and a black woman came into my house to get it. My grandson, who was around 18 months old at the time, looked at her and started crying the loudest cry I ever heard from him.

    We need to trust our instincts, instincts that have been brainwashed out of us by the powerful media. The saturation of our nation with blacks is part of the plan to force us to get accustomed to their constant presence. It is devious.

  90. Arminius1933 [AKA "Einsatzgruppen in Williamsburg, Brooklyn"] says: •�Website

    The blacks are already targets, and the folks aiming the pistols are overwhelmingly black themselves. They turn each other into mincemeat in their own neighborhoods. At 13% of the US population,they are responsible for half the murders, mostly of other blacks. And then there’s the HIV infection rates. Again, they’re only 13% of the population but make up 40% of all cases, and a staggering 60% of all female cases, as per the CDC. When I see those worthless white sluts walking down the street with them, I always say the same thing to myself:she must be suicidal.
    As for helping them in any way, forget it under any circumstances. Often the black in apparent distress is setting you up for robbery, rape or even worse. In addition to being the worst tippers, niggers and spics are also the biggest deadbeats. I’ve personally lost over a $1,000 USD ” lending” money to subhumans, all of them gainfully employed. They have no sense of honor nor decency or obligation. And they think everything is available for free. The New York City MTA is bleeding millions due to largely black and brown freeloaders piling onto mass transit by the bus load,literally. They beat the fare only to go on to beat the passengers, in front of a bus load of witnesses while being filmed live on camera. And forget about calling the police. Those lazy pieces of shit only show up( if at all) after the fact, and in larger urban agglomeration like New York City the majority of the street gangs on welfare is composed of underclass ,useless 80 IQ niggers and spics. Not that the unemployable white trash taxfeeder pension bums are any better.They are the equivalent of social vermin. You don’t try to integrate vermin; you simply try to eradicate them.

    •�Agree: Sulu
  91. @Rich23

    The book the Netflix series was based on goes into the Atlanta Child Murders case in detail. The evidence against Williams for several of the murders is very strong. The problem is numerous unrelated child murders from the time (most likely perpetrated by relatives) were lumped together under the “Atlanta Child Killer” case. Williams’ supporters have exploited these discrepancies to falsely portray him as innocent of all the murders.

    •�Replies: @Rich23
  92. @WhiteBurnsBright

    , I think being a serious serial killer requires intellect blacks don’t possess. They are just too stupid to be long term serial killers

    Did you not read the article? Blacks are more likely to be serial killers than any other race and in some cases they’ve been the most prolific of all. So clearly they’re capable of it.

    IQ studies indicate that most serial killers fall in the average to below-average IQ range. It really doesn’t require much intelligence to pull off a typical serial-killer murder such as killing and dumping a street prostitute. The Son of Sam just walked up to random people, opened fire and ran off. Any idiot with a gun could have done it.

    High-IQ serial killers are the minority. It’s a Hollywood myth (think Hannibal Lector) that it requires particular cleverness to do what most of them do.

  93. Jackset says:

    Wake up! — American politicians did not notice yet how crimes increased in the Country
    after they opened the gates for “drugs.”

  94. @Corvinus

    Holy shit you are as retarded as ever.

    1. A majority of serial killers can be white men, while black men also represent a higher per capita rate. Because the white population is the majority, and about eight times greater than the black pop.

    2. The article you link was written in 2007. Which was 17 years ago, if you didn’t know. And since 2007, blacks have been an absolute majority of serial killers, which you would know if you had read either Taylor’s article or the one you linked (you didn’t read either).

    Why hasn’t Unz banned this libtard idiot with his thousands of worthless, zero effort posts?

    •�Agree: Rocky Road
    •�Replies: @Bro43rd
  95. Rich23 says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    We don’t genuinely presume folk to be innocent until proven guilty.
    Assigning murders to Wayne William’s rap sheet should always be opposed let alone the obviously criminal process involved to fraudulently pin murders on an involved 3rd party.

  96. Bro43rd says:
    @West reanimator

    It’s all about the word counts.

  97. Arminius1933 says: •�Website

    Sickening. As nauseating as Sam Little and his crimes are, we should be thankful that serial killers are an anomaly and not the norm. I wish that could be said for the 20,090 or so white women who are raped by black criminals every year., just in the United States alone.

    https://www.wichita- massacre.com

  98. throtler says:

    They should start killing more dumbass nasty guys like you.

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