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The Return of Self-Determination

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The difference between white nationalism and black nationalism is that whites want to be free from other groups, while blacks want to keep us around to pay the bills. Malcolm X, Keith Ellison, and other activists began as “black nationalists” but ended up begging or threatening whites for handouts. They need us and they know it.

The Louisiana Supreme Court recently let St. George, a new city, break away from Baton Rouge. It was a narrow, 4-3 ruling and was the end of a 15-year legal battle. The New York Times explained that it “signaled victory for a campaign that . . . was built on frustrations about schools, crime, infrastructure and the resources devoted to that part of the parish.” In other words, it was built on frustrations about race.

Blacks in Baton Rouge are furious because it means whites will no longer subsidize a majority-black city. St. George will be majority white, and this alone is apparently immoral. “Opponents have argued that the St. George movement is inherently racist as it creates legal lines of segregation,” wrote the Associated Press. “St. George organizers have vehemently denied that, saying their goal is more localized control of tax dollars.”

The NAACP Baton Rouge Branch said, “The creation of a new municipality introduces considerable uncertainty around funding allocation for our schools, jeopardizing the cornerstone of our community’s future: education.” Education drove the campaign to begin with, mostly because Baton Rouge schools are dangerous.

The Daily Mail’s story about Mr. Browning was unintentionally revealing:

In the late 1990s, he accepted the offer to pursue his passion for sports coaching as a volunteer at Woodlawn High, also in East Baton Rouge.

The school was founded in 1949 . . . . In those days, it was all white.

By the time Browning joined, more than half of its students were black. . . .

But over the past few decades Baton Rouge’s public schools have started to struggle, plagued by ill-discipline and falling grades.

Woodlawn High, which has around 1,400 students, currently has a C letter grade. [It is now poor and 82 percent non-white.]

But most disturbing is its extensive record of violent incidents, many of which have been filmed by pupils and uploaded to YouTube. . . .

Some of the brawls appeared to be fought along racial lines. . . .

Corhonda Corley, a parental advocate for the NAACP, cited escalating “racial tensions.”

She highlighted anger among some black parents that discipline was being targeted at their children, while others were getting away scot free.

If blacks thought the problem was too much school discipline, that strengthens the case for separation. There can be no agreement about the common good when people are divided.

Mr. Browning said students would get “nose to nose” with teachers and curse them, and the effort to start a new city came after St. George tried to start a new school district. No one in the official campaign seems openly to defend racial self-determination. The group’s Facebook page claims that the areas selected to leave Baton Rouge were determined by support for separation, not by race. The new city will be about 70 percent white and 12 percent black.

Supporting Data” for the separation emphasizes crime, taxes, spending, and city services, but opponents remain focused on race. State Senator Karen Carter Peterson (D-New Orleans), who is black, said in 2019 that the then-attempted secession had “racial implications,” complaining that a “select few” should not be able to “pull out” after tax dollars had allegedly benefitted them rather than a “poor black neighborhood.” She was recently sentenced to 22 months in prison for spending campaign funds on gambling.

Other opponents have made a contradictory argument, saying that the new city will cost Baton Rouge $48 million in tax revenue, but also that St. George will be bankrupt. Which is it? The head of the Baton Rouge Metro Council wants the state supreme court to rehear the case.

The Louisiana Supreme Court’s ruling determined that St. George could pay for services and, more controversially, secession would not necessarily hurt Baton Rouge. It even argued that it may help Baton Rouge, because its population is declining and it can now save money by not having to serve so many residents.

The majority opinion concludes:

Incorporation improves the general welfare of the people [of St. George] and empowers self-determination. The people will decide what is in their best interest and govern accordingly. That is consistent with our constitutionally described purpose of government.

The dissent argued that secession was driven by “grandiose promises unsupported by facts.” It also complained that St. George didn’t have a good plan for services. The dissent loftily concluded therefore that people who voted for secession were not fully informed, and the majority vote was thus invalid.

Baton Rouge is losing population because it is a poorly run majority-black city. Whites foot the bill. The Buckhead area of Atlanta, Georgia, tried to break away from the city, but Republicans stopped it; it was more important to prop up Atlanta. Louisiana chose differently, and everyone should support this decision. Secession from states and cities is the best thing people can do right now. St. George has shown it is possible.

This should be the start of a nationwide movement. Nothing matters more to ordinary people than crime, taxes, and schools. These issues boil down to race, even if people don’t admit it or even realize it. Race realists and white advocates should take the lead in this new movement for self-determination.

(Republished from American Renaissance by permission of author or representative)
•�Category: Ideology •�Tags: Blacks, White Americans, White nationalism
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  1. anonymous[204] •�Disclaimer says:

    Kudos to the founders of St. George. I would love to study a detailed, step by step description of their struggle.

    •�Agree: Mr. XYZ
    •�Replies: @Mr. XYZ
  2. Great news! This goes to show that there is much that can be done if White people have the courage to act.

    Norman Browning seems like the kind of guy we can admire. He saw what White students had to deal with firsthand, and so worked to create a better educational environment for them.

    •�Replies: @Brooklyn Dave
  3. @Dave Chambers

    Let’s see if these white folks can keep drag queens out of this new school and a sex ed agenda that advocates an agenda for those far too young to even understand the insanity that is part and parcel of it. Many black folks would be against this as well, but they do not have the ability to counter it. It seems as though the only thing that really motivates ghetto blacks are entitlements.

  4. Renard says:

    If you are not free to secede, you are not free.

  5. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Muh Democracy.

    Tara Reade on Being Exiled to Russia After Accusing Joe Biden

    Video Link

    •�Thanks: Happy Tapir
    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  6. George B says:

    Example: Jackson, MS.

    Flight from the City of Jackson began in the 1960s after the Ross Barnett Reservoir was being completed. People are attracted to water. Yes most of this was white flight because they had the money and jobs and could afford to move. The City response to flight was to increase taxes and pass laws that made City employment only for those living in the city limits. As crime increased people fled in all directions South, West, East, and North. Jackson was surrounded with abundance of farm land.

    For years the City complained about white racism that caused loss of the tax base increasing alienation. Over the next 40 years the City became incapable of making good investments in all public works culminating in the complete failure of the potable water system from water meters that did not work, not collecting water bills, failure to keep the water treatment system functional, failure in trash and garbage pick up. Lots of corrupt dealings on City contracts.

    How can a restaurant, hospital, or any other business operate without potable water?
    The State of Mississippi had to take over the water plant.

    It’s even worse that stated above. Oh, Blacks do not want to live in Jackson either so there was/is a lot of Black flight. They must be racist too.

    •�Agree: Happy Tapir
  7. “St. George will be majority white…”

    If you build it, they (the blacks) will come.

    It remains to be seen how the St Georgians will keep themselves from being overrun.

  8. G. Poulin says:

    Of course, the black population of Baton Rouge could always settle down, form families, get jobs, and support their schools with their own taxes. Nah, what am I thinking?

  9. Anonymous[366] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Priss Factor

    Tara?! What the hell happended??!!

    Why do people let themselves go midlife? Don’t they realize how different they will look and feel if they are slim?

    Eat vegetables, drink water, stay away from sugar and processed foods.

    Older women into exercise and eating healthy are rare but it is the key to looking good:

  10. Mr. XYZ says:

    Agreed. I certainly support local secession and, of course, a large-scale voluntary eugenics program for everyone.

  11. Gordo says:

    Being the age I am I once thought it unthinkable that the USA would break up, but now it seems possible.

  12. Secession from states and cities is the best thing people can do right now. … Race realists and white advocates should take the lead in this new movement for self-determination.

    Don’t be ridiculous. There is no “self-determination” for Whites. There is Jew-determination. The Jew rules you, Whitey. Why don’t you admit this, Mr. Hood? Oh, I forgot: you’re one of those, you know, who “just can’t go there”. But if you can’t even Name the Jew, how the hell are you gonna achieve “self-determination”? Fat chance. I repeat: don’t be ridiculous.

    The Jews have determined that it is “racist” for whites to move away from blacks. The Jews do this for your own good, Whitey: so that your community can be vibrant and diverse like it should be. “Diversity is our greatest strength”. That phrase makes perfect sense, but only when uttered by a Jew.

    You think you have won a victory with White St. George being allowed to separate from Black Baton Rouge? Don’t get your hopes up: it will be short-lived. The Jews won’t allow it. A one-minute internet search and I already found a Jew who will fight this “victory” in the courts and reverse the decision:

    Segregation On-demand: Limiting Discriminatory Municipal Incorporations
    The nationwide protests sparked after the brutal death of George Floyd by a police officer in Minneapolis prove that despite the ongoing quest for equality in American society–among other things, by setting legal presumptions–discrimination, and sometimes even violence, against minorities in American society are still common. …

    The potential discriminatory use of municipal incorporation requires the assimilation of a mandatory examination of its racial and socioeconomic implications within the incorporation approval processes. … The socioeconomic and racial disparities in American society necessitate the assimilation of mechanisms that will help reduce them, and the roadmap proposed in this Article seeks to do just that.

    — Shai Stern, Associate Professor Faculty of Law, Bar Ilan University.

    So stop dreaming about “self-determination”. Whites are the slaves of the Jews and do whatever the Jews demand of them. The Jew wants Whites to stop running away from Blacks. And what the Jews want, the Jews get. So don’t get too confy, whitey of St. George, because the Jew will soon bus in about a hundred thousand blacks to your quaint little white community so it can be Diverse and Vibrant, just like the Jews like it. Oh, and prepare for just a tiny alteration in the name of your shiny new city: soon, sooner than you expect, it will be changed to St. George Floyd.

  13. It might be agreeable to Mr. Hood and many of his readers that little St. George has severed itself from the city of Baton Rouge. But I fear that this is a short-sighted victory. Ceding a big city in order to buy peace in a little suburb does not strike me as thinking big.

  14. KB5000 says:

    Could white counties on New York State leave for Pennsylvania, turning Pennsylvania red permanently, increasing its electoral vote count and reducing New Yorks?

    What about eastern Washington State or eastern Oregon leaving for Idaho? Northern California leaving for Nevada? Northern Colorado for Wyoming? Western Minnesota for the Dakotas? Northern Illinois? Maryland?

    Do we have the power to do this? Is the law on our side of this takes off? Do we have the willpower to fight for it, for ourselves, and for our families and futures?

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