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Flemish Nationalists Restore Congo Monument to Its Former Glory
Just Who Was Behind the East African Slave Trade?

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NL: Het Vlaams Belang heeft genoeg van de hypocriete verontschuldigingscultus. Brussels senator Bob De Brabandere en Kamerlid Dries Van Langenhove herstelden dan ook symbolisch het Congomonument in het Jubelpark.FR: Le Vlaams Belang en a assez de l'hypocrite culte des excuses et de la contrition. Le Sénateur bruxellois Bob De Brabandere et le député fédéral Dries Van Langenhove ont donc symboliquement réparé le monument dédié au Congo qui avait été censuré et qui se trouve dans le parc du Cinquantenaire.

Posted by Vlaams Belang Brussel on Thursday, July 2, 2020

Two young Flemish nationalist politicians have symbolically restored a century-old monument to the Belgian Congo. The reason? Not for any particular sympathy for Belgium’s colonial past, but because the monument mentions a taboo fact: the Belgian annihilation of the Arab/Muslim-led slave trade in eastern Congo.

The Monument features a statue of a Belgian crushing an Arab man, with the text: “Belgian military heroism annihilates the Arab slaver.” The word “Arab,” which was chiseled out, has been restored.

The politicians who did this are Senator Bob De Brabandere and Representative Dries Van Langenhove – whom I have previously interviewed for The Unz Review. Van Langenhove has enjoyed a meteoric rise to the national scene through his ability to organize a new generation of patriotic young men and to his leading spectacular direct actions.

The moment was immortalized in a video – in Dutch and subtitled in French – of impressive production value. I translate De Brabandere’s statement below, from the French:

Of course there were many things that happened in the Congo which were unacceptable. But that does not mean that we need to tolerate vandalism in our streets.

One does not need to be a royalist to understand this, a bit of common sense is enough. What’s more, we need to end this cult of repentance. The left-wing political elite is apologizing on behalf of the entire population for events which do not concern them.

This behavior is particularly hypocritical. Indeed, slavery exists today in the far-left North Korea, as well as Africa and the Arab World.

But the left-wing thought-police wants to hide this reality. To not frighten the politically-correct ‘beautiful souls,’ the monument dedicated to the Congo in Jubilee Park has been censored.

The Flemish Movement [Vlaams Belang, VB) has therefore symbolically restored this monument to its former glory. The Flemish Movement is very clear: Let’s stop the destruction of our monuments, let’s end the cult of repentance, let’s protect our heritage!

Don’t expect #BLM and its enablers to start demanding that Arabs pay reparations to Black people.

The Flemish Interest party (Vlaams Belang or VB), which seeks to establish an independent Flanders, is generally known for its hostility to the Belgian State and indifference to Belgian history as such. This event has led to some to wonder if VB can become a “pan-Belgian” patriotic movement, focused primarily on immigration, rather than linguistic and financial conflicts with French-speaking Belgians.

Such a shift has indeed already happened, with impressive speed, in Italy’s Lega (Nord), which used to focus on breaking northern Italy from unproductive and corrupt southern Italy. The same happening the Flemish Movement seems unlikely, but given the creeping Afro-Islamization of the Belgian population and the swift radicalization of globalist-egalitarianism, such a reaction may be called for.

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  1. Flemish Crypto JZ aka White Nationalists Neo Nazis Supremacists Colonialists Slavers Racists etcetera etcetera

    I’ve lived in Europe my entire life and I know what people are and aren’t capable of

    Nobody talks 1888 Yiddish Ghetto Chique in the real world that is

    •�LOL: Pheasant
    •�Troll: anonymous1963
    •�Replies: @fnn
  2. SteveK9 says:

    Video will not play … anyone else?

  3. There should be monuments to the victims of multicultural ideology, the victims of promiscuous refugee policies, the victims of historic jewish-led bolshevism and predatory finance, the victims of neocon wars, and the victims of the current wave of Progressive-liberal insanity.

    The turmoil of the age we live in deserves a descriptor. One can now speak of the 1960’s as the ‘civil rights era’. What will we recall about the post-‘war on terror’ period 2010 to 2025, how will its history be written, and who will write it?

    The Age of Woke? The Calm before the Storm? The End of the American Empire?

  4. fnn says:
    @Sya Beerens

    Lifting weights can bring about radical personality changes. When I was in basic tng, the dumbass army thought constant running and being yelled at was the trick.

    •�LOL: Sya Beerens
  5. Alfa158 says:

    I was surprised to learn how strong the Flemish nationalist identity seems to be. There is a mystery series called Professor T which has been produced for television by several different European countries. I caught several episodes on PBS of the one produced by the Flanders Film Board. We tend to think of Belgium as a French speaking country, (the Walloons), Hercule Poirot and all that. I have only passed briefly through Belgium so never really had a close look at it.

    This Flemish series depicts Flanders as if it were a separate country. Everyone speaks Flemish Dutch, all the actors seem to be Flemish. At least in the episodes I watched, I did not see a single document, street sign or business sign in French. And amazingly I never saw any non-European (immigrants) colonists at all. This was a modern production but could have been filmed in Europe in 1950 as far as the ethnic content. I figure it can’t really be like that and with Brussels as the capital of the EU, how the production company managed to get this made without being blown up by EU diversity Kommandos is more of a mystery than the cases Professor T solves. Highly recommend, watch it before it gets disappeared.

    •�Thanks: Sya Beerens
    •�Replies: @Sya Beerens
  6. BLM is this month’s Extinction Rebellion same purpose different clowns

    African Americans/Europeans in this case, aren’t throwing pseudo tantrums about “race” inferiority to “white” colonisers like hormonal Bolsheviks on crack


  7. @Alfa158

    Flemish people are the nicest Europeans as far as I’m concerned…..

  8. It’s interesting to read through a number of contemporary reports of the events that earned international enmity for Belgium and Leopold II and their administration of the Independent State of the Congo, such as the infamous Casement report and the notes that were exchanged between the governments of the time. One cannot help but wonder how much was real, as admitted to by the Belgians to a limited degree with the observation that those who were caught committing atrocities were brought to justice and punished, and the further observation that the scale of atrocities in the Congo was no worse than in the territories of other colonial powers.

    Yes, one should expect this sort of statement from an accused party, but it does beg the question of how much of these reports was actually a propaganda war to advance other nations’ designs on the territories. The Brits were particularly pernicious in attempting to profit from the misfortunes of other colonial powers, and it is little surprise that the strongest condemnations of the Belgians comes from the UK.

    The Belgians were particularly inept in administration, with disease taking a huge toll on the population of the Congo, but it is nothing short of fraud to pin the deaths of millions in the Congo on Belgians as genocide, even moreso fraud to suggest it was genocide causing much of the depopulation of the region when a lot of it was also attributable to the natives upping sticks to surrounding colonies because they didn’t like working for the Belgians. The true story of the monument is lost in the fantasy of the genocide.

    •�Replies: @Digital Samizdat
  9. It would be great if Flanders became an independent nation. One of the main reasons for Islamization is because of its very ties to Franco-Wallonia.

  10. @The Alarmist

    The Brits were particularly pernicious in attempting to profit from the misfortunes of other colonial powers, and it is little surprise that the strongest condemnations of the Belgians comes from the UK.

    Good point. FWIW, I’m sure most people’s negative view of Belgian colonialism (as distinct from colonialism generally) has to do with the ongoing popularity of Joseph Conrad’s old novel Heart of Darkness. Though Conrad was originally from Poland, when he wrote that novel (in English) he was based in London, so I’ve always suspected that he made the Belgians the bad guys rather than the British in order to make sure that the public would not object to the story.

  11. This is such BS, Arab slave merchants were less than 5% of Arab civil trade with E. Africa, which according to all accounts was based on spices, minerals and timber. Their slavery was mostly for domestic purposes not the huge slave plantations of the new world; Slaves in the Muslim world usually became part of the family. The implication is that their slavery was is on par with Western Mercantile Slavery. This is a disgusting ruse for giving cover for the Barbarism of Western Colonialism that was inflicted on Africa, which continues in different forms to this day in the DRC. Please this is just a right wing distraction, from people that want to keep fighting with poor neighborhood immigrants who they must compete with now rather than focusing on their true socio-economic problems. Keep in mind historically Muslim societies had real open societies for all religions, races, and nationalities from day one, long before Europe even knew learned the meaning of the word egalitarianism. Durocher is great at running away from the real problems of his beloved Europe, like who really owns and controls Europe economically and politically?

    •�Thanks: Sya Beerens
    •�LOL: anonymous1963
    •�Troll: neutral
  12. Iris says:
    @Tommy Thompson

    This is a disgusting ruse for giving cover for the Barbarism of Western Colonialism that was inflicted on Africa,

    Well worth repeating.

    “Slavery” is used as an umbrella word to conceal very different realities.

    In Ancient Greece, slaves were employed for law enforcement and tax collection. Not an “inferior” position in any way.

    Over History and in almost all Mediterranean civilisations, fighters captured as prisoners of war were “enslaved”. At the time, there existed no more civilised way of treating POW; it was better than executing them, eating them, etc…

    The Ottoman empire developed a specific form of “slavery”; up to 10% of large urban centres could be made up of “slaves”, who exerted all type of functions including bureaucratic ones. The goal was to increase and diversify the empire’s population. Most of those who converted to the official religion were freed. Children born to slave mothers were free, their mothers could not be sold and became free at the death of their “owner”.
    Being a “Slave” was not a black-and-white status, with many intermediate freedoms permitted. “Slaves” could take part in legal agreements, marry free subjects, and even own their own “slaves”. Foremost advisers to the Sultan, called “kul”, could be immensely rich and poweerful “slaves”.

    As per the Arabs, if they had really carried out large scale slave trade from Africa, this would show in their genetic make-up, just like African features are obvious in so many Americans, Cubans, Brazilians, etc.. But it does not.
    Genetic studies of North-African populations, the closest from Sub-Saharan Africa, show that they have circa 10% of Black African DNA, almost exclusively from female ancestry, wives and concubines.

    The serious and rational question to address should be: what would be the usefulness of a purported large-scale slave trade? Only the Americas, for their agricultural organisation, and the Roman Empire, due to its land confiscation processes, required “real” slavery. Russian serfdom nowhere compares in cruelty, as it involved local people, was based on kinship and linked to the estates.

    •�Disagree: anonymous1963
  13. @Tommy Thompson

    Their slavery was mostly for domestic purposes not the huge slave plantations of the new world; Slaves in the Muslim world usually became part of the family.

    Author Don Don Petterson estimates that between 40,000 to 50,000 slaves were taken to the island of Zanzibar in East Africa every year under Omani Arab rule and that 30% of these died on plantations due to the harsh treatment.

    Added to this scientific research indicates that about three out of four slaves died before reaching slave markets in the region.

    In 2019 Senegalese author Tidiane N’Diaye told Germany’s Deutsche Welle (DW) the following.

    Most of the African authors have not yet published a book on the Arab-Muslim slave trade out of religious solidarity. There are 500 million Muslims in Africa, and it is better to blame the West than talk about the past crimes of Arab Muslims.

    Colonialism that was inflicted on Africa, which continues in different forms to this day in the DRC. 

    Tippu Tip whose real name was Hamad bin Muhammad bin Juma bin Rajab el Murjebi, was an Afro-Arab slave trader who did claim Eastern Congo for the Sultan of Zanzibar. This was eclipsed by the advent of Europeans.

    Keep in mind historically Muslim societies had real open societies for all religions, races, and nationalities from day one, long before Europe even knew learned the meaning of the word egalitarianism.

    Try telling that to the untouchables of African descent in Yemen.

    Video Link

    •�Agree: anonymous1963
    •�Replies: @Tommy Thompson
  14. @Iris

    By inference killing someone with a pistol isn’t really manslaughter unless you use a machine gun.

    SJW zealots do the same switch on Gandhi. They claim his derogatory towards blacks have been misunderstood plus he fought the real ‘racists’ i.e. European colonists.

  15. @Amerimutt Golems

    In reply to A Golem, yes, we must make the tiny and I need to re-emphasize, the word tiny Arab slave trade that had no economic system to make use of even a small fraction of the gargantuan slave system established by the West between Africa and the New World. We are told that Arab slavery should be placed on par or worse than that of Western colonialism. Arab slavery was also color blind and as carefully explained by Iris’s comment, had totally a different social – economic structure and customs from the Western colonial one.

    Unfortunately, Durocher and his Flemish rightist parliamentarians are proud to give new cover and comfort to the mass genocide inflicted on Africa by King Leopold, British, French and German colonial governments on behalf of their enterprise to plunder the riches of Africa. Laying a wreath and upholding the unparalled barbarism of Belgium’s colonial project should disgust everyone. A statue claiming that the intent of Belgium’s colonial thrust into Congo was to rid it of Arab slavery must be a joke of some sort.

    It is always convenient to blame another, especially Muslims, the perennial bad guys for the supposed ‘Christian’ West. I strongly question the number of 50,000 slaves imported yearly to Zanzibar, as tiny Zanzibar’s entire population was only a few hundred thousand in the 20th century. The evidence for such numbers is lacking for such a small island and economy that traded largely with tiny Oman.

    What we are being told to believe by Durocher is that there was a ‘silver lining’ in the Western colonial enterprise into Africa, that was the ending of the minor Arab slave trade, but in actuality it ended the important commercial trade between Arabia and Africa that went on for many centuries before the Europeans landed. By removing the pre-existing Arab and Indian traders Africa could be swallowed in whole and without competition by the Mercantile Colonialists of Europe.

    Mind you, no one ever really discusses that few benefits of Europe’s African plunder reached the average European, who deserve little blame for this shameless enterprise that genocided and pauperized millions. Disappointingly, till this day the European public fails to fully condemn and distance themselves from this colonial enterprise that was falsely carried out in their name, rather than to place the blame where it fully belongs on the mercantile banking backed colonial trading companies that today exist in other forms.

    •�Agree: Iris, Sya Beerens
    •�Replies: @Sya Beerens
  16. @Iris

    Agree on Greece. The slave was part of the family. Homer’s Odyssey makes that clear.

    •�Replies: @Almost Missouri
  17. @Ann Nonny Mouse

    I don’t disagree, but I also don’t see why being a contrived part of someone else’s family is somehow superior to having a family of one’s own, even in slavery.

  18. @Tommy Thompson

    When we talk about European slavery and colonialism we’re not talking about Europeans but the European elite. When the European elite talks about Arab slavery they’re not talking about the Arab elite…..but about Arabs…..the Arabs they torture rape and bomb for a living.

  19. Malla says:
    @Tommy Thompson

    Keep in mind historically Muslim societies had real open societies for all religions, races, and nationalities from day one, long before Europe even knew learned the meaning of the word egalitarianism.

    Are you out of your freakin mind???

    •�Replies: @Agathoklis
  20. @Malla

    “Keep in mind historically Muslim societies had real open societies for all religions, races, and nationalities from day one, long before Europe even knew learned the meaning of the word egalitarianism.”

    That is definitely not the experience of the Greeks and other Christians under Ottoman Turkish Islamic rule. You should read up on the Christian Genocide of Anatolia.

    •�Replies: @Malla
    , @Tommy Thompson
  21. Robjil says:

    World history is more complex than we think. Zanj rebellion is one example.


    During the Zanj Revolt, which lasted nearly 15 years from 868-883 AD, tens of thousands of people met their deaths in lower Iraq. Such an incredible level of bloodshed during this 15-year span led contemporary historians like Al-Tabari and Al-Masudi to view the Zanj revolt as the most vicious and brutal uprising of the many disturbances plaguing the Abbasid central authorities. The Zanj were a group of black slaves from East Africa who were brought to work in the salt pans of the Shatt al-Arab in order to clear away the nitrous topsoil that made the land arable. Modern scholarship documents that the quotidian hardships endured under the oppression of agricultural slavery were worse than those endured under the more common form of domestic slavery or concubinage in the 9th century. Many scholars maintain that Arab Ali b. Muhammad’s leadership provided the precipitous force for the Zanj revolt that rallied the strength of thousands of slaves to rise up against their masters. (1


    The Black Sea Slav Trade is another example

    Over the course of three centuries the Crimean Khanate raided and pillaged Southern Russia in order to feed an ever-growing slave market which was centered in Istanbul. Both parties had specific interests which defined how the trade in this taboo commodity would affect their states. As slave raiding became the major source of income for the Crimean Tatars, the frequency of raiding became directly influenced by Anatolia’s need for slaves. Consequently, events and attitudes in Anatolia are reflected in a graph of this commodity. The sheer volume of slaves used in Anatolia in both elite and common circles shows that slaves were in demand. Islamic attitudes toward slavery, especially the practice of manumission, which created a non-recycling slave population that had to be replaced from without, shows partially why this demand increased. The bureaucratization of the slave trade by the Porte once they learned they could make immense amounts of money by taxing the trade further emphasized the increase in demand for slaves. More slave raiding and trading meant more tax revenues from the Porte.

  22. Malla says:

    That is definitely not the experience of the Greeks and other Christians under Ottoman Turkish Islamic rule.

    Thanks. Same with the Hindus in India.

  23. @Malla

    Actually the experience of any non-Muslim people under Islamic control has been a nightmare.

    •�Agree: Malla
    •�Replies: @Undocumented Shopper
  24. @anonymous1963

    In fact, Hindus were treated even worse than Christians. The reason for it was that Hindus, as pagans, were not “People of the Book.”

    •�Replies: @Malla
  25. @Agathoklis

    I for one would like to see some real documentation of the claimed genocide of Anatolian Greeks, most historians took it that most were integrated into the Turkic Islamic society over time following the creeping invasion of Seljuk and later Ottoman Turks into Byzantine Anatolia; If you are talking about the post WWI Greco-Turkic war, then one needs to look at the activities of the Greek army when it invaded Anatolia and what actions took place against the Turkish population and what their ultimate aim was before repelled by Ataturk’s army. Only a few decades earlier Greece during its independence struggle from the Ottoman rule managed to ethnically cleanse i.e. genocide and or expel the Greco and Turkic Muslims from present Greece, Thrace and Crete.

    I have read a number replies to my earlier mention of the open and tolerant Arabo-Islamic societies that seems to have stirred up a tirade of denials and counter claims; Sorry but the facts speak for themselves, large and prosperous Christian and of course Jewish communities existed on the Arab side of the Mediterranean since medieval times, while on the ‘Christo-Euro’ side of the Med, ethnic cleansing of Arabo-Islamic populations is a matter of historical record by European historians; with only their architectural ruins remaining, their populations who lived in basic harmony with their non Muslim neighbors were savagely removed during the Reconquista of Spain and the Vaticans Holy War on multi-cultural and multi-religous Norman ruled Sicily; A modern day example is surely the bloody Bosnia conflict, which ‘cleansed’ Bushnak Muslims from large parts of the BH region.

    Unfortunately I am finding this post by Durocher as a magnet for traditional European anti-Muslim bigots who seem afraid to investigate the origins of their false and old style propagandized historical beliefs dating from the Crusades against the hated ‘Other.’

    If I may throw a final smoke grenade in the lap of this boring bigoted claims without legs: European history by most accounts, not mine, is replete with bigoted and intolerant conflicts pointed in many directions, first and foremost at other national, cultural , linguistic and even religious groups (Christian sects included), whereas far more tolerance was to be found in the Islamic side of the Mediterranean, where pograms against Christians was not common place. Of course, we must omit the early 21st century Western backed “Islamic” mercenary armies (of Isis, etc) waging war basically on Muslim countries and communities of the M.E. as not being a genuine internal development nor should the early 20th century Armenian genocide be necessarily considered as a natural Muslim event, as orchestrated by the Masonic directed by the anti- Islamic Young Turks on behalf what seems to be other nefarious players (but of course each will have to their point of view on this matter) except the the secular nationalist-European minded Turks, which till this day deny this sad historical event, which was recognized as in other surrounding Muslim ME countries . The Armenian and Greek Christians had a privileged role in the Ottoman empire especially when compared to their Arab Muslim and Christian compatriots.

    •�Replies: @Malla
  26. Cking says:
    @Tommy Thompson

    For centuries, Islam invaded and took over half of Europe, threatening Catholic founded Western Civilization. The history of Europe is brutal, no less so in relations to Islamic Imperial Power. Frankish Power in Europe was made possible after October, 723, the Battle of Tours in western France, Charles Martel triumphs over the forces led by Abdul Rahman A Ghafigi. On to, El Cid sweeping the Muslims from the Spanish Peninsula, the Reconquista, the 1358 end of Muslim rule in Spain. October 1571, Pope Pius V’s organization of the Holy League, a naval force comprised of several Catholic states defeated the Ottoman fleet at the Battle of Lepanto; checking Islam’s power in the Mediterranean. This victory showed Europe she could beat the Ottoman Imperial forces but it would take another 100 years to settle Europe’s borders with the Ottoman Turks. Poland herself was invaded by the Ottoman, fought back at terrible odds, and performed the 1678-1683 rescue of Europe by joining the relief force coalition led by King John of Poland that lifted the Siege of Vienna. “We Came, We Saw, God Conquered’. Then again, in 1697 Prince Eugene of Savoy Commander in Chief of the Hapsburg Army, defeated the Ottoman at Zenta that led to the 1699 Treaty of Karlowitz. We have a history with Islam, you can’t imagine what we would have lost, it should not be forgotten.

  27. @Malla

    Islam existed the Arabian Peninsula in the 6thCentury AD. The Romans and Persians had mutually weakened their empires through extensive warfare. Thus, Islam spread rapidly.

    No other ideology on this planet has killed as many people. In India alone, the Muslims killed 50 million over 6 centuries.

    The Arabs depopulated the Mediterranean coastline of Southern Europe and parts of Spain and France’s Atlantic Coasts. They aggressively sought slaves everywhere they went.

    The Ottomans had a demand for eunuch harem slaves. They preferred to buy a eunuch so slavers would castrate boys and see which ones lived. Over 80% died.

    The standard line is that Buddhism died out in India. Not true. The Muslims destroyed Nalanda Monastery, burned all the holy books and killed every monk they could get their hands on.

    The apologists and syncophants for Islam are far and wide. It is a vicious, brutal and intolerant political system. No freedom to leave. Only the freedom to pay a tax to continue to practice your current faith, even though Islam is the newest major faith on the planet and has virtually nothing to offer.
    The idea that American slavery was particularly bad is laughable. Black slaves were very expensive and lightly whipped. The only way anyone in America was dying from slavery was on large plantations from overwork in the blazing sun. No one was whipping expensive slaves to death.
    Even more dishonest than muslims painting a happy picture of their ‘golden age’ and their system of slavery is the denial of the fact that slavery in the New World was a Jewish financed and operated business. When you look into the records, the financing often came directly from City of London Jews who sent their ships to West Africa to be filled then sent to Sephardi Jewish agents in the New World who then sold them onto Sephardi Jewish plantation owners in Brazil or Surinam or Georgia.
    The blood libel against Europeans for the slave trade is so incredibly dishonest it is astounding. The only people who buy it are morons who know little history or those who wish to distort the past to shield THEIR ancestors who were the real criminals.

    When was the last time anyone heard a Muslim or Jew apologize FOR ANYTHING.
    Absolute, bloody liars and hypocrites.

    •�Agree: anonymous1963
    •�Replies: @Reg Cæsar
    , @Malla
  28. songbird says:

    Since erecting statues of Africans seems to be in vogue in Europe right now, they should cast a bronze statue of Tintin defeating the black witch-doctor, so Flemish kids can enjoy it.

  29. @steinbergfeldwitzcohen

    The idea that American slavery was particularly bad is laughable. Black slaves were very expensive and lightly whipped.

    Why were they expensive at all? What intrinsic value did they possess?

  30. Malla says:

    Thanks, I am in agreement with you.

    The standard line is that Buddhism died out in India. Not true. The Muslims destroyed Nalanda Monastery, burned all the holy books and killed every monk they could get their hands on.

    True but before that the Brahamanists Hindus destroyed Buddhism in India by a thousand cuts, Islam just cut off the head of a dying, poisoned religion.

  31. Malla says:
    @Undocumented Shopper

    Very true. However Mughal Emperor Akbar somehow tried to “include” Hindus among the people of the books.

  32. Malla says:
    @Tommy Thompson

    Unfortunately I am finding this post by Durocher as a magnet for traditional European anti-Muslim bigots who seem afraid to investigate the origins of their false and old style propagandized historical beliefs dating from the Crusades against the hated ‘Other.’

    LOL you have not been to India to speak with most Hindus. Europeans are and have been nice guys compared to what is happening in India right now.

    •�Replies: @Anon
  33. Anon[224] •�Disclaimer says:

    Old Europeans were traditionally very hostile to Islam and quite militant too. If Hindus had the militancy of Euros during the Crusades, they would not have been conquered so easily.

    Maybe Euros are different now.

    •�Replies: @Malla
  34. Malla says:

    Well it is Hindus who are becoming militant now. And it is only going to rise it seems as the Hindutva RSS becomes ever more powerful and calls for revenge for the Islamic invasion and rule of India.

    •�Replies: @JohnnyWalker123
  35. @Malla

    What’s your interpretation of the movie “Eyes Wide Shut” (by Stanley Kubrick)?

    •�Replies: @Malla
  36. calling for revenge for historic Muslim rule of India, that is clearly insane; are you giving cover for the barbarism of the Indian state and right wing Hindutva fascists to subjegate and cleanse Jammu Kashmir, which is a majority Muslim population with no rights to speak of; Malla seems to be brimming with hate and revenge for past Indo- Muslim rule, not for the plunder and barbarism of the East India Company, that says a lot of the mindset of the likes of the Hindu facists; sorry but any honest observer will say the Muslims today are being roundly subjegated in the BJP India. Malla needs to get a life, and end her fanatical bigotry, not a healthy outlook.

    •�Replies: @Malla
    , @Malla
  37. steinbergfeldwitzcohen says

    The standard line is that Buddhism died out in India. Not true. The Muslims destroyed Nalanda Monastery, burned all the holy books and killed every monk they could get their hands on.

    Please, where are the honest historical sources for this; Hinduism supplanted Buddhism in India, well documented by Indian Hindu historians, please stop the bs; Muslims :murdered “50 million Hindu Indians” that is a very tall order, where are sources and facts???? Muslims are the most genocided of the major religous groups; What bothers Hindus is that maybe the lower castes converted to Christianity and later Islam to escape their slave like caste system, that is what historical records demonstrate. I am not going to argue with the nut cases on this blog further, it is pointless.

    •�Agree: Iris
  38. Malla says:
    @Tommy Thompson

    You are obviously an idiot. Everybody on unz knows I hate the Hinduvadi crackpots. I never said I supported them, all I am saying, that is where India is moving towards, towards revenge. I have also written against the Indian occupation of the Kashmir valley as well as the North Eastern region of India.

    not for the plunder and barbarism of the East India Company

    The EIC plundered far less than many Islamic invaders like Nadir Shah of Persia and Ahmed Shah Durrani of Afghanistan. Also the British EIC did more for the rights of lower castes than any other power since the Buddhist period.

    Hinduism supplanted Buddhism in India, well documented by Indian Hindu historians

    Agreed. And the extreme brutality committed against Hindus (of all castes) by foreign Islamic invaders is well documented by Islamic historians of their time. Even Ibn Butata wrote of desolate Indian villages where all were enslaved by the foreign Muslim rulers.

    is that maybe the lower castes converted to Christianity and later Islam to escape their slave like caste system

    Agreed that is why the Brahmical element within the Hindu right (not the whole Hindu right) hate Muslims and Christians. Though many upper caste Hindus became Muslims and Christians for various reasons, Islam and Christianity gave an escape route for lower caste Hindus and Brahminists (not all Brahmins are Brahmanists, many Brahmins today oppose this) assume all Christians and Muslims (not completely true) today are lower caste people “who have escaped”. And hence to bring them back “into their fold’ to bring back slavery. However in South Asian muslims too there is a type of caste system, the upper Ashrafi mulims (those who have Persian, Arab, Turkish, Uzbek/Uyghur) ancestry and lower Asahi Muslims.

    •�Replies: @Anon
  39. Malla says:

    Well, I will keep it short. It is about elites (mostly Jewish) and the hidden world they live in. Dr. Harford (Tom Cruise) is an “outsider” and in the movie he seems like a WASP who feels like an alien in the Judeo Babylonian city of New York (strangely named after the English city of York with a beautiful ancient Cathedral) who does not have a clue of how things run behind the scenes. Of a mafia like elites doing their (real or fake) Satanic rituals, where all the elites know each other, where they use models and super models in their Satanic rituals. Such Satanic mantras are either Christian or Muslim prayers spelled/played backwards. In the movie the chant song in the Satanic ritual is a Romanian Orthodox Christian chant played backwards.
    Dr. Hartford the outsider happens to take a peek into such a secret elite ritual thanks to his piano playing buddy (who loses his life) but from the very beginning the elites know he is not one of them. The Jewish guy Ziegler actually warns and softly threatens Dr. Harford at the end of the movie to keep quite. And his family is followed around like in they toy store full of bunnies (symbolism). Being a Kubrik movie there is a lot of symbolism hidden throughout the movie which needs a keen eye. Kubrik also uses blatantly Jewish (Ziegler) and WASP (Harford) names to make a point. Dr. Hartford might be a successful WASP doctor in New York with rich clients, he is a very very successful man with a beautiful wife, he is what we average goyim want to be but he means shit int he bigger scheme of things, where things at the top are run by a mafia like elite.

  40. Anon[224] •�Disclaimer says:

    Upper and lower caste Indian Muslims are basically 100% Indian ancestry. A lot of them pretend to have foreign ancestry to assert status.

    Ashraf Muslims are just former upper castes, pretending their “foreign” ancestry makes them the descendants of Prophet Muhammad’s Arab warriors.

    •�Replies: @Malla
  41. Malla says:
    @Tommy Thompson

    that says a lot of the mindset of the likes of the Hindu facists;

    The Hinduvadis hate both the British and the Islamic invaders, both are foreign invaders according to them. And their anger toward the brutal Islamic invasions is understandable, but I do not support attacking today’s Muslims for that.

  42. Malla says:

    A lot of them pretend to have foreign ancestry to assert status.

    That is true, many Muslims have surnames like Khan (Mongol) and Sheikh (Arab), not sure if they are descended from Ghenghis or some Arab Sheikh. But since there were many Persians, Turks, Uzbek/Uyghurs (Mughals) and Arabs in India, I am sure smoe of their genes got deposited. The Moplah in Kerela, South India have Arab ancestry.

    One more point this Tommy Thompson misses is that when the Arabs conquered Persia, they called the native Persians “Ajams” or “barbarians”. Native Persians were discriminated against even Muslim Persians and the society was a lot like Apartheid South Africa. This was during the Omayyad and only during the Abbasid Caliphate did this discrimination stop.

    Similarly when Ibn Butata the famous North African traveller came to India, the Turkish Sultans of India did not trust the native Indian muslims and called them “ajams”. They were happy to have a Arab come to their court and he was immediately given the post of Qadi (religious judge).

  43. OttoVB says:

    To the reporter of this article.
    Vlaams Belang is a pure flemish political party which means the people in Flanders speaking Netherlands. And believe me, also people of VB.

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