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�Jef Costello Archive
The Problem of Thomas Sowell

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Nathan Cofnas, the Cambridge philosopher of biology who was fired from his job last April for thoughtcrime, has posted trenchant criticisms of Thomas Sowell’s views on race differences. Given the influence Dr. Sowell has had, and continues to have, these posts deserve wide attention. Dr. Cofnas published one on his blog and the other on X.

Dr. Sowell is the world’s most famous black conservative. The author of some 60 books, he is widely read both by conservatives and libertarians. Probably everyone reading this article has been influenced by his work, directly or indirectly. In only the second semester of my teaching career, I assigned Dr. Sowell’s book A Conflict of Visions to one of my classes.

The thesis of this book is that the root cause of the liberal-conservative divide is a disagreement about human nature. Liberals exhibit what Dr. Sowell calls the “unconstrained visionâ€: essentially, they believe that there are no inherent limits on the power of human beings to perfect themselves and the societies they live in.

Conservatives, who adhere to the “constrained vision,†think the opposite: There are inherent limits on what we can do and be. The conflict over transgender ideology is a perfect example of this difference — one that Dr. Sowell didn’t see coming (his book was published in 1987).

The basic thesis of A Conflict of Visions and the examples Dr. Sowell uses to support it are valuable, and it is a book I still recommend. Some of Dr. Sowell’s other books deal with race differences and black social pathologies, but he is sometimes less than objective on these topics.

Dr. Cofnas begins his blog post by praising Dr. Sowell, in words with which I agree:

As one of the few intelligent, non-grifter conservatives to rise to prominence, Dr. Sowell has guided hundreds of thousands if not millions of people in a better direction. He is a brilliant advocate for libertarian economics and a wise social commentor.

But Dr. Cofnas takes aim at Dr. Sowell’s highly influential version of the “cultural explanation†for racial differences in behavior and achievement: that they are due to acquired cultural traits. Dr. Sowell rejects the hereditarian theory, endorsed by Dr. Cofnas, which holds that differences are due, at least in part, to innate characteristics.

Dr. Cofnas acknowledges that Dr. Sowell, unlike most critics, deals with hereditarianism in a fairly evenhanded way, eschewing ad hominem attacks. Yet both his critique of hereditarianism and his case for environmentalism are weak.

Nathan Cofnas
Nathan Cofnas

Though Dr. Sowell does not endorse the “woke†thesis that black problems are due to white racism, he still ends up pinning the blame on white people. How? His version of the “cultural explanation†is that those problems are due to blacks adopting the culture of white Southern rednecks. That culture, in Dr. Cofnas’s words:

included an aversion to work, proneness to violence, neglect of education, sexual promiscuity, improvidence, drunkenness, lack of entrepreneurship, reckless searches for excitement, lively music and dance, and a style of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions, and flamboyant imagery.

Dr. Sowell’s proof for this thesis seems to consist mainly in an attempted disproof of the claim that genetics could have anything to do with black — or white — shortcomings. For example, he notes that on the Army Alpha test given to recruits during the First World War, blacks from four Northern states averaged higher scores than whites from four Southern states.

Dr. Sowell argues that this was because Northern blacks had absorbed the culture of Northern whites, whereas the lower-scoring Southern whites were dragged down by “redneck culture.†However, while Pennsylvania blacks outscored Mississippi whites, those same blacks did not score at the same level as Pennsylvania whites.

Dr. Cofnas cites Arthur Jensen, who noted that within each state the black-white gap is roughly comparable to the black-white gap in the nation as a whole. Thus, within each state, blacks score significantly lower than whites, even if they may score higher than whites in some other states. (Dr. Sowell also cites Jensen but, as Dr. Cofnas shows, he misunderstands him.)

Dr. Cofnas offers “selective migration†as a plausible hereditarian explanation for why Northern blacks might score higher than some Southern whites: The most intelligent blacks went North for a better life. Many were mulattos.

Dr. Sowell, as Dr. Cofnas points out, seems to believe in “racial genetic homogeneity.†Differences in average intelligence of groups of blacks and whites in different geographic areas does not mean that only environmental factors explain these differences. Subgroups within races are not genetically identical. There are no such things as “generic†black and white people.

As an aside, I will mention a further problem with Dr. Sowell’s theory. As a Southerner, I don’t recognize the “rednecks†in Dr. Sowell’s explanation. I don’t see much “aversion to work†and “improvidence†in the whites around me whom Southerners might call rednecks.

In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, rednecks immediately went to work sawing fallen trees, helping neighbors clear debris, and sharing food. Southern blacks looted stores, robbed homes, and cursed our governor for not instantly restoring water and electricity.

Residents and volunteers clean up on Oct. 1, 2024, after the French Broad River flooded downtown Marshall, North Carolina. (Credit Image: © Travis Long/The News & Observer via ZUMA Press Wire)
Residents and volunteers clean up on Oct. 1, 2024, after the French Broad River flooded downtown Marshall, North Carolina. (Credit Image: © Travis Long/The News & Observer via ZUMA Press Wire)

It seems to me that Dr. Sowell, who was raised in New York City, is describing what we Southerners call “poor white trash†and not rednecks. Of course, this is a terminological objection; Dr. Sowell could just as easily say blacks got their dysfunctional culture from poor white trash.

And it is the case that blacks and white trash — and not just in the South — do have a great deal in common. However, this leads to a problem for Dr. Sowell: who influenced whom? It’s plausible that poor white trash have been influenced by blacks. I am not endorsing cultural explanations; poor white trash do have lower IQs than more successful whites — and lower IQs than some blacks.

But it is both heredity and environment that make individuals and groups what they are. White trash have a long history of aping blacks. We see this today in low-class whites who dress like gangbangers and imitate black speech patterns and mannerisms.

Dr. Sowell is sometimes shockingly unable to see heredity at work. Dr. Cofnas quotes from Dr. Sowell’s Black Rednecks and White Liberals (2005):

Among nineteenth-century Negroes in Philadelphia, . . . there were major behavioral differences between [mulattos and blacks]. The mulatto neighborhoods had lower crime rates and a higher percentage of their children attending school, as compared to the black neighborhoods, even though it can hardly be claimed that school attendance or crime rates are genetically predetermined.

Dr. Sowell is right: school attendance and criminality are probably not directly determined by genes, but they are influenced by traits that are: intelligence and conscientiousness.

How can Dr. Sowell not see how heredity is the obvious explanation for the social differences between mulattos and blacks? The lines above are followed by:

All across the country, North and South, the elite of the Negro community were lighter in complexion than the masses — and very self-conscious, and sometimes snobbish, about that fact.

A hereditarian would argue that mulattos were more successful because their parents had interbred with whites, but Dr. Sowell insists on nebulous “cultural†explanations for group differences. For example, he cites the fact that blacks who immigrated from the West Indies tended to do much better than native-born blacks. West Indian blacks in New York at one point had an average income 28 percent higher than native blacks, and in the early 1970s, all black federal judges in New York were of West Indian ancestry.

Dr. Sowell draws a non sequitur conclusion: “Neither race nor racism can explain such differences.†He attributes the success of West Indians to a culture superior to that of redneck-influenced American blacks. Dr. Cofnas asks the crucial question:

If West Indian black culture produces such good results in New York, why doesn’t the culture work its magic in the West Indies? Countries like Jamaica and Grenada continue to exhibit results that are consistent with lower average IQ.

The hereditarian explanation for the success of Caribbean blacks is, once again, selective migration. In all likelihood, it was the more intelligent black West Indians who emigrated. Again, Dr. Sowell does not recognize genetic variation within populations.

Dr. Cofnas’s most devastating objection to Dr. Sowell is to point out that his cultural explanation of racial differences applies only to descendants of black slaves in the US. Throughout the world, blacks exhibit exactly the same characteristics Dr. Sowell claims that American blacks picked up from Southern white rednecks.

Dr. Cofnas notes that Dr. Sowell does not even look at recent psychometric data and instead cites problematic studies from the 1920s and ’30s. Dr. Sowell makes much of the fact that black children adopted by white parents tend to score higher on IQ tests than other blacks, but he seems not to know that these higher scores disappear as the children enter early adulthood and as IQ become more heritable. Adopted blacks end up scoring just like other blacks.

Dr. Cofnas also critiques Dr. Sowell’s account of the alleged miracle of Dunbar High School. Dunbar was an all-black school founded in 1870 in Washington, DC that supposedly achieved amazing results with what Dr. Cofnas calls “the pull-your-pants-up-and-show-some-respect strategy favored by mainstream conservatives.†In Black Rednecks and White Liberals, Dr. Sowell claims that students were not selected with IQ tests, but by the time they made it through Dunbar, the average IQ was as high as 111.

Dr. Cofnas comments:

Anyone familiar with intelligence research knows that such results are unprecedented. If what Dr. Sowell reports is even 50% true, it would radically alter our understanding of intelligence, heritability, race, and society.

The trouble is that no one can find any evidence to support Dr. Sowell’s claim. When he discusses Dunbar again in Intellectuals and Race (2013), he drops the claim about black IQ.

Dr. Cofnas treats Dr. Sowell with great respect, but argues that that one reason he has managed to skate by for so long with these bad arguments is that he has not been held to as high a standard as his white colleagues. White conservatives have always been so pleased to have a black academic on their side, they have tended to do nothing but praise Dr. Sowell. Liberal critics have mostly left him alone — because he is black and opposes hereditarianism. This has not been fair to Dr. Sowell. He is obviously a highly intelligent man who would have benefitted from fair-minded but tough criticism.

Jane Freeman, Bill Buckley and winner of the 2003 Bradley Prize, Thomas Sowell (Credit Image: The Washington Times/ZUMAPRESS.com)
Jane Freeman, Bill Buckley and winner of the 2003 Bradley Prize, Thomas Sowell (Credit Image: The Washington Times/ZUMAPRESS.com)

One final criticism: Dr. Sowell does not seem to recognize that his apparent belief in the infinite malleability of people by “culture†belongs more to the “unconstrained vision†of liberalism than to the “constrained vision†of conservatism that he champions. His weak arguments about racial differences must stem partly from wishful thinking.

I remember years ago discussing Dr. Sowell with a friend who agreed that Dr. Sowell must be a very smart black man. After a long pause, he added, “He’s got to be very lonely.†If I were a black of Dr. Sowell’s intellectual caliber, I might find the truth about racial differences and heredity hard to accept. For that reason, I cannot judge him too harshly. And I will continue to read him, but with a critical eye.

(Republished from American Renaissance by permission of author or representative)
•ï¿½Category: Ideology, Race/Ethnicity •ï¿½Tags: Academia, Antiracism, Blacks, Racial Reality, Racism, Thomas Sowell�
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  1. BrooLidd says:

    Kudos to Nathan Cofnas for effectively demolishing Mr. Sowell’s racial theories. The latter’s faulty reasoning and selectively/capriciously chosen source material make it shockingly easy to do.

    I can’t say any of this excites me. I don’t plan to use any of Mr. Cofnas’s arguments to ‘wake up’ anyone about race.

    No one needs to be awoken.

    No one needs to read a book to be enlightened about race. No one needs me to explain race to him. Everybody’s lying eyes tell them everything they need to know.

    Everybody knows, but intense conditioning renders many (most?) incapable of admitting the truth to themselves. ‘Cognitive dissonance’ they call it.

    Oh well. I’m tired of it all. I’m sick of it all. I don’t care. The white race cannot be saved. F**k’em.

    Mr. Costello, you write

    Liberal critics have mostly left [Sowell] alone — because he is black and opposes hereditarianism. This has not been fair to Dr. Sowell. He… would have benefitted from fair-minded but tough criticism.

    You also write

    If I were a black of Dr. Sowell’s intellectual caliber, I might find the truth about racial differences and heredity hard to accept. For that reason, I cannot judge him too harshly.

    See the problem?

  2. Anon[167] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    A thoughtful, respectful appraisal of Dr. Sowell. Thank you, Jef.

    •ï¿½Agree: Sew Crates Hymerschniffen
  3. How clever of Sowell to blame black dysfunction on Southern whites, the default demon of all American problems.

    •ï¿½Agree: ld, OilcanFloyd, Pop Warner
    •ï¿½Replies: @Pythas
    , @Grey Ghost
    , @Bill
    , @SMK
  4. Thomas Sowell is a high-IQ man. A PhD. An academic. (Amongst other things.)

    That said, they put him on a pedestal: His INFLUENCE is mostly manufactured, not organic.

    He is a White man, this Dr Sowell, who happens to be Black.
    Ethnic Nationalists don’t have good responses to that:
    Say, a Congolose who genuinely is Irish. Say, a Japanese who genuinely is Italian – and, vice-versa.
    Surely, extremely rare. But happens.

    Recently, on Thomas Woods’ Podcast:
    A Black man whom I know nothing about (so, I won’t be unfair to him), but who doesn’t look very smart, has one talking point: Thomas Sowell!

    It is sad. It works as proof of Racial Differences: Black people are sooo ethnocentric (compared to White people) they can only “be on Free-Market’s side” if people who “look like them” do.

    The video:

    Video Link

    •ï¿½Thanks: Agent76
    •ï¿½Replies: @Poupon Marx
    , @Rich
    , @Anon
  5. I might agree with Confas for very different reasons but did he ever see a “gene”? Or see a mitochondria? According to eminent biologist Harold Hillman all we have ever been able to see is clumps of cells with an outer membrane and a dark spot in the center assumed to be a nucleus and shaped like a flying saucer with a dome in the middle. Electron microscopes are tools of con artists. Same with an atom. We’ve never seen an atom, an electron, a neutron, etc. These are all social constructions. Confas wants to make out he has hard evidence for his assertions. But where is it?

  6. anarchyst says:

    Coming of age among blacks and observing their many idiosyncracies was an education in itself. It was easy to observe that there are indeed differences between the races.

    Whites who have never lived among blacks are not only uninformed, but readily accept the false notion that “there is only one race–the human race”.

    Even Muhammad Ali (nee Cassius Clay) recognized and publicly stated that there were racial differences that were immutable. His observation that although genetically it was possible for a German Shepherd dog and Chihuahua dog to “mate” it is highly unlikely.

    Ali attributed the same to race itself, urging blacks and whites to “stay in their respective lanes”. Ali was vehemently against race-mixing.

    As to Thomas Sowell, he still refuses to admit that there are immutable racial differences. His “blind spot” is blaming whites for the failures of today’s blacks.

    •ï¿½Agree: EL_Kabong
    •ï¿½Replies: @Proteus Procrustes
  7. @Vergissmeinnicht

    Essentially true, what the author writes and alleges. I’ve read Dr. Sowell for years, starting back to my immediate post college years. A long, long time. He is invaluable in his field, which is economics, comparative you might say. Very wise and courageous.

    Like most highly trained specialists, who burrow deep down into a field, subject matter, he has his blind spots. There are very few that do not. His long interrogation and discussion by Peter Robinson (all on YouTube) is essential, as of course his books.

    Too many people look at the World and its players on the Great Stage as either/or, black or white, all good or all bad. Reality is analogue and a continuum ultimately, not digital and fixed. Hence, the folk wisdom of “half full vs, half empty”, “most of a loaf is better than no loaf”. Despite these apparent and elementary axioms, many people regress into infantism, and over simplification. These unrealisms speak more to the writer and speaker, than the subject of their calumny.

  8. Jake11 says:

    Nathan Cofnas is a jew.

    •ï¿½Replies: @BrooLidd
    , @Mike The Kike
  9. BrooLidd says:

    Thanks. I wondered about that.

    ‘Nathan’ is a jewish name.

    Jewish identity—concealed by altered surnames—is often revealed by first names: Benjamin, Aaron, Isaac, Rachel, Sarah, Rebecca, Abigail, Miriam, etc.

    The lead female character in B-grade movies seems always to be named Rachel.

    I find Hollywood movies, especially B-grade Hollywood movies, so saturated with jewish signals that they’re unwatchable.

    The more aware you become of the signals, the more sickening movies become.

    •ï¿½Agree: EL_Kabong, HdC
  10. BrooLidd says:
    @Wayne Lusvardi

    Electron microscopes are tools of con artists. Same with an atom. We’ve never seen an atom, an electron, a neutron, etc. These are all social constructions.

    Like viruses.

    Thanks for your comment. It worked like a little electric shock on my brain. [What ‘is’ ‘electricity’? LOL]

    We’re lulled by ‘experts’—by ‘scientists’—into believing hypotheses are facts.

    Maybe they are.

    Maybe they aint!

  11. S1 says:

    Liberals exhibit what Dr. Sowell calls the “unconstrained visionâ€: essentially, they believe that there are no inherent limits on the power of human beings to perfect themselves and the societies they live in.

    Sounds about right…

    ‘Some men see things as they are, and say why. I dream of things that never were, and say why not.’ Robert Kennedy

    •ï¿½Replies: @The Germ Theory of Disease
  12. S1 says:

    Liberals exhibit what Dr. Sowell calls the “unconstrained visionâ€: essentially, they believe that there are no inherent limits on the power of human beings to perfect themselves and the societies they live in.

    This is what I call LBJ’s ‘Perfect World’ speech given on December 12, 1972, his last public speech before his death a little over a month later.

    With the modern progressives/liberals you’re dealing with what amounts to a cult/religion which teaches and believes that they can make things perfect, when the reality is things simply aren’t perfect, and one does the best they can.

    There’s no dealing with these folks. The best thing one can do is to strive to succesfully separate themselves from these persons and their beliefs, and ‘the problem’ will ultimately take care of itself.

    See Jonestown.

    Starting at 1:02…

    ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day, and we can’t overcome all the injustices, or, make this a perfect world overnight. But, we are on our way and we are going to do just that, before it’s all over.’ Lyndon Baines Johnson

    Video Link

    •ï¿½Replies: @Abdul Alhazred
  13. Arco says:


    Sowell served more as priest than philosopher. His understood, but never stated, function was to sanctify certain political positions. As in most matters of contemporary social contention, white social preferences are illegitimate when opposed by large non-white majorities. Thus they require consecration by a member of the higher “minority†caste to be eligible for mainstream consideration.

  14. Franz says:

    Long time back, in Chronicles, Murray Rothbard referred to Sowell as an “affirmative action economist”.

    This was seen as bad for the right, and other Chronicle writers praised Sowell in later issues

    I thought it odd that Rothbard bothered to have an opinion of Sowell at all. Most of Rothbard’s career was as an anarchist economist who wrote a fine history of the American Revolution from a totally Black Flag and Jewish point of view. Fun if you’re in the mood for that, but deservedly obscure. Sowell would have found Rothbard’s thinking just plain inexplicable.

    Mercifully the two never seem to have met. Rothbard died before any sort of controversy was possible.

  15. Oh. So culture has no effect whatsoever on how people act, eh?

    Heredity, of course, is why all Mexican children love jalapeno ice cream, and all American children despise it. Mexicans are born with the jalapeno ice cream gene, and Americans are not.

    It’s as simple as that. See. I’ve proved it. Now I’m a gene scientist, too. Trust the science. Everything is heredity.

  16. Jef Costello: “Dr. Sowell is right: school attendance and criminality are probably not directly determined by genes, but they are influenced by traits that are: intelligence and conscientiousness.”

    The logic here seems a little shaky. The assumption seems to be that if a negro criminal could be made more intelligent and conscientious, he’d automatically stop being a criminal. But wouldn’t it be equally likely that he’d only be a more intelligent and conscientious criminal? They say that crime doesn’t pay, but a glance at contemporary culture shows that it can pay very well for those intelligent and dedicated enough to get away with their crimes. Being more intelligent and conscientious wouldn’t necessarily make negroes more willing to assimilate into white culture. These animals could well become even more vicious and destructive than they already are.

    But perhaps Costello means that if — let’s say by genetic engineering — all the little pickaninnies were suddenly made more intelligent and conscientious, it would release the inner white child he seems to imagine dwells within each of them. He’s saying that then they’d all be good little Oreos, stay in school, get degrees, and wouldn’t become criminals in the first place. But surely, just changing those two characteristics wouldn’t be enough to cause such a miracle. It would do nothing to change the prevailing negro culture of criminality and hatred of white people in which they’d continue to be raised. We’d still get the same amount of negro criminals, only more intelligent and conscientious ones, genetically enhanced versions capable of even more violence and destruction.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Commentator Mike
  17. @S1

    RFK (or his speechwriters) lifted that line from the Irish playwright/social comedian George Bernard Shaw, who wrote it in a play, as a line in the mouth of Satan.

    Just sayin’.

    •ï¿½Thanks: S1, Adam Birchdale
  18. Kat Grey says:

    Sowell sees everything through an African American prism. How does he explain the fact that low IQ Sub-Saharan Africans are importing violence and criminality across Western Europe despite there obviously being no link between them and white American southerners?

  19. Dunbar High School: Although it was well before my time, I’m a Washington (area) native and Dunbar’s segregation era history remains one of my favorite local history footnotes. I direct your attention to the Wikipedia entry, specifically at the very end.:

    “Until 1954, Fairfax County, Virginia, had no secondary schools for black students. Dunbar and several other District of Columbia public schools accepted black students from the county before that time

    Now, I admit I don’t know for certain, but by inference the following seems reasonable: It’s worth reminding folks that Virginia was very much on board with “Jim Crowâ€, which would last several more years. Yet a presumably “racist†public school system saw fit to send, probably at considerable expense, talented Negro students to Washington D.C. (quite a long commute, I might add) for a quality education that local public schools couldn’t provide. Why no mention of a similar action from the much closer Arlington County, just across the Potomac from D.C.? Perhaps it’s possible that wealthy Negroes were paying the costs to send their children, but that seems unlikely, because Blacks were a tiny fraction of Fairfax’s population in the 1950s and they were far from affluent. Even today, after decades of liberalization, out-of-control immigration and urbanization, the Black population of that county remains under 10%. I submit this footnote to the history of segregation as an interesting anomaly – Fairfax’s behavior seems very much at odds with the Liberal legend that the Evil White Man did everything in his power to keep the Negro down.

  20. anon[363] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    I have criticized Thomas Sowell several times online for these shortcomings. I do not respect his mistaken views….they contribute to continuation of misunderstanding and the status quo, which are hurting the United States. All people, including black people, should understand their true nature, including their qualitative measurements, in order to become their best, genuine selves. Having an IQ which is lower than someone else’s is no cause for alarm or denial, and no excuse for bad behavior. Pretending to be something you’re not is a prescription for failure and misery. Promoting such false notions effects the same thing.

    •ï¿½Replies: @JoeJoe
  21. Thomasina says:

    “Oh. So culture has no effect whatsoever on how people act, eh?”

    Oh. So heredity has no effect whatsoever on a people’s culture, eh?

    “Everything is heredity.”

    That’s not what the author said. He said, “But it is both heredity and environment that make individuals and groups what they are.”

    “Michael Jordan made you look slow, but Bird made you look stupid.”

    Jordan used his superior athleticism and longer (Black) Achilles tendons to take flight, while Bird used his superior brain (always three moves ahead) and hand/eye coordination.

    One gets all the accolades, one is almost forgotten.

    When Michael Jordan is asked who the best players he ever played against were, and he mentions Bird, people stop him mid-sentence and say, “Bird? You’ve got to be kidding! Bird isn’t athletic, he can’t jump, he’s slow.” Blah, blah. Michael Jordan just responds with, “You don’t understand.”

    And they don’t. They’re too stupid (or ignorant/biased) to understand.

    Both these players used what “nature” gave them.

    It’s “okay” to laud Jordan for his athleticism. What’s not okay (and very few admit it) is to say that Larry Bird won by being more intelligent. Somehow that just won’t fly with the Black community.

    •ï¿½Thanks: anarchyst, Adam Birchdale
    •ï¿½Replies: @obwandiyag
    , @showmethereal
  22. @Thomasina

    Ah. I see. You inherited the dumb jock gene.

    •ï¿½Replies: @RestiveUs
  23. Donn says:

    I used to admire Thomas Sowell but have grown weary of his rationalizing and denying important racial differences. He’s black and can’t admit of those differences. I sympathize, but white people owe blacks nothing. Whites have a right to self segregate, to associate freely with the people of their own choosing and do not owe it to blacks to admit them to white society.

    I don’t care if their IQ are higher or lower or if they’re better athletes and better singers and dancers because of their natural sense of rhythm. I want racial separation. Period. If they’re as good as we are, let them build a civilization that is just as good as ours. They had Africa for 10,000 years and what did they achieve? Buying, selling and eating each other.

    Look at the slave trade. White men figured out how to use African labor to produce huge material wealth. African kings never figured out how to use African labor to produce anything. Black kings enslaved black labor and exported black labor….exported human beings rather than export the product of labor of human beings. It’s fashionable to condemn colleges and universities and other enduring enduring businesses or institutions that were founded by white men with the profits of slavery.


    White men used black people’s labor to create wealth, something Black kings never learned to do. Black kings could not make black labor productive. White men could make black labor productive. It’s that simple. Slavery was wrong. The slave trade was an abomination. But….the slave trade was ended by white men, not by black men who profited from it.

    •ï¿½Agree: Carroll Price, EL_Kabong
    •ï¿½Thanks: Katrinka, anarchyst
    •ï¿½Replies: @Old and Grumpy
  24. Listen to Andrew Joyce & Professor Kevin McDonald to understand the true nature of mr Cofnas.

  25. Trinity says:

    Rednecks are some of the hardest working people on the planet. “Aversion to work?†That is laughable. MOST rednecks never had a 40 hour a week job, a 60 hour week is the norm, and these are jobs where you actually WORK instead of hanging around a water cooler or sipping coffee in an air conditioned office. Some lame ass in Jew Yawk looking down on Southerners. Living in Florida for a spell I always found it hysterical when some bumpkin from Ohio, Indiana, or say Michigan would make fun of rednecks. Next to Mexicans and Orientals, rednecks are the hardest workers out there in any job that requires some form of physical exertion and stamina.

    The term “white trash?†Another laugh. We all have learned recently that the rich whether White, Black, or Kike are some of the trashiest people on the planet. These creeps will boink man, woman or child. Hell, The Diddler is kissing his own mother on the lips, Trump talked about how he would probably have sex with Ivanka if she wasn’t his daughter, etc. The trailer park people look pretty classy next to REAL trash. And seriously, Northerners claiming to be more intelligent than Southerners is hysterical. They don’t call them “the filthy rich†for nothing, not to mention how many of these pompous ass clowns are just freaks.

    •ï¿½Agree: BrooLidd
    •ï¿½Replies: @Looger
    , @Poupon Marx
    , @Frau Katze
  26. asterix says:

    It’s maybe a bit rough to hold someone on that point of race and IQ, after what happened to Watson. Cofnas a latter day victim. Sowell may have private views he keeps to himself.

    There’s truth in IQ differences between people and clearly genetics are in play. It’s obvious in school and society. It was a normal topic until the latter part of the 20th century and especially the new millennium, progressively more taboo.

    A person who cannot become literate beyond a certain grade is going to find school difficult if compelled to remain. The left approach is to lower standards and reframe education in terms of the reductionist oppressor and victim model as a white system, when history speaks otherwise.

    Sowell well reasoned historical counterweigh to the prevailing narrative of slavery, but enumerating the volume of white slaves versus continental African. I see him as a peaceful man as a result and would not begrudge him for ‘blind spots’ where such views are a sure fire recipe to be on the pointy end of the offenderati

    •ï¿½Replies: @Drapetomaniac
  27. ghali says:

    Cofnas is a dirty bigot who doesn’t know what is what. I do not believe that Cofnas understands any of Dr. Sowell’s writings and thinking. Cofnas is another Anglo bigot like Peter Singer. Both use racism and bigotry to climb the populism stage.

  28. White trash have a long history of aping blacks. We see this today in low-class whites who dress like gangbangers and imitate black speech patterns and mannerisms.

    I would observe that a majority of whites, maybe those under 50 years old, are now, to varying degrees, mimicking black speech patterns and mannerisms. Certainly the media is driving this. But it’s disturbing how comfortable whites have become with moronic negro “Englishâ€.

    “Baby daddy/momma†is now just regular white speech y’all. Within 20 years there will be no verb conjugation whatsoever. It finna be dat way motherf**ker.

  29. HuMungus says:

    The only problem with Sowell was that he was not born White.

    His views would be more popular if he was! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. Rich says:

    How do you know Sowell’s IQ? Have you seen the test? He doesn’t have a PhD in Engineering. His degrees are in “economics”. And he received them after the US had been desperate to pin medals on black chests. He has reached the correct conclusions on many issues, including welfare, taxes and law and order, but this doesn’t make him a genius, it means he has common sense. But his glaring mistake in thinking the portrayals of “hillbillies” in the movies of his youth was representative of “rednecks” shows he ain’t really all that bright.

  31. Thomm says:

    Well, even Ann Coulter, like Dr. Sowell, takes the entirely opposite view from what HBD people believe, as she believes it is entirely a question of nurture :

    See Ann Coulter at 3:07 :

    Video Link
    She says that the violent crime rate delta between blacks and whites outright disappears 100% if the out-of-wedlock births factor were taken into account. This is directly opposed to what the HBD WNs over here believe, unless you take births to single mothers as itself driven by HBD-explained proclivities.

    So Ann Coulter does not believe in HBD. According to her, reduce births to black single mothers (72%) to the white level (still 29% of births to white mothers, which is not low by any means), and the black rate of violent crime will fall to the white level. So she is definitely not in sync with the HBD crowd.

    Then again, Ann Coulter has always been unusually fond of black men :

    •ï¿½Replies: @Adam Birchdale
    , @Liosnagcat
  32. SafeNow says:

    A few years ago, I had occasion to deal with a small company located in a large town in Alabama. I was ordering a custom product, and I am a perfectionist, and so my interactions were fairly extensive. As a Californian, I was taken aback by the patience, courtesy, and expertise with which these “white trash†southerners answered my many probably stupid worries and questions. Yes, I know, that’s only an anecdote. But you know the cliche – – the plural of anecdote is data.

    •ï¿½Replies: @RJ Macready
  33. .☆☆☆☠ï¸â˜†â˜†â˜† ®[AP©CALYPSE NOW NEWS]â„¢ ☆☆☆☠ï¸â˜†â˜†â˜†.

    Video Link

    Video Link

  34. ghali says:

    BS. You and Cofnas have no clue about Dr Sowell’s theory. You are drowning in hatred of the “Other”.

    •ï¿½Troll: Richard B
    •ï¿½Replies: @Liosnagcat
  35. Sowell is a “Good Black”. In other words, more like white folk.

    How rediculous to think that simply mixing blacks and whites would benefit blacks.
    And we must note “White Flight” and the creation of relatively new, vast “Non- Diverse” areas….areas that were predominantly white,now predominanyly black. Why?

  36. Dennis Dale says: •ï¿½Website

    This is inane. AmRen quoting Cofnas on Sowell is my idea of hell. Accompanied by a comment thread debating Nature v Nurture, replete with the same old glib and trite rejoinders of the Nurture camp, unimproved over the decades, makes it hell squared.
    For what it’s worth, there has to be ZERO hereditary contribution to a trait for nurture, or culture, to be explanatory of these trends. Because culture is replicable, heredity is not. F–k people!

    •ï¿½Thanks: Liosnagcat
  37. Nat X says:

    Us dindoos live rent free in the minds of you incel yts…

    •ï¿½Replies: @A_Hand_Hidden
  38. @Wayne Lusvardi

    . . . but did he ever see a “gene�

    One needn’t see a gene to witness heredity at work. Genes need not even exist; they can simply be a construct, the need for which came about as a result of the obvious heritability of traits.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Wayne Lusvardi
  39. @ghali

    You are drowning in hatred of the “Otherâ€.

    Of course, since anyone differing with your point of view must be hate filled.

    How silly.

    •ï¿½Agree: Madbadger
    •ï¿½Replies: @Cloverleaf
  40. RJ Macready [AKA "RJ Macready(Antarctica)"] says:

    One of the biggest lies casually thrown around everywhere is that Middle Americans are low IQ, “racist”, rude etc etc etc. The term “redneck” is casually said everywhere(I think it is a part of daily jargon now), and nobody bats and eyelid. When the truth is- and I say this with lots of experience and interaction- they are some of the friendliest, accomodating and helpful individuals I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet and experience. And I say this as a brown Indian(dot from India).

    I used to say in the 2000s when there was still hope and happiness around that heaven is Middle American small towns. I cannot speak for other whites- say from England or France or Germany etc, but White Americans were for the most part the friendliest people without any airs or arrogance. Some white women were bitchy and egoistic but on average less than women of any other race. But overall small towns with white population would be the best places to live and exist. That could have been the ideal society! America could have been heaven. I feel bad. I feel sad.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Madbadger
  41. dearieme says:
    @Wayne Lusvardi

    Indeed. Has anyone ever seen a force, or a stress tensor, kinetic energy, potential energy, angular momentum, entropy, enthalpy, an electric field, a magnetic field, …?

    I’m beginning to wonder whether this website is infested with false flag commenters whose aim is implying that all Unz readers are morons.

    •ï¿½Agree: 36 ulster
  42. Anon[427] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Thomas Sowell is racially a black man but culturally a white man. It is possible to transition culturally from one race to another, but requires honest self reflection and conscious effort, so very few do it. However some racial differences will always remain.

    I made that jump myself, but I’m aware that it’s impossible to fully be what you are not.

    •ï¿½Replies: @RJ Macready
  43. This Confusion of the Races is a minority whites-only thing and does not extend to the SAN* peoples who, at present 89% of the total population, will shortly inherit the earth.

    *Semitic, Asiatic & Negoid.

  44. Rangewolf says:

    Jared Taylor is my hero. He is the only man in the world that ever figured out that niggers are stupid. And has been riding that hobbyhorse for 40 years.

    •ï¿½LOL: Hinz, Hulkamania
  45. Anon[170] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    He wants equitable outcome for his kind…the selfish gene.

  46. Anon[224] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    If West Indian black culture produces such good results in New York, why doesn’t the culture work its magic in the West Indies? Countries like Jamaica and Grenada continue to exhibit results that are consistent with lower average IQ.

    WI black culture doing well in NYC is like saying a grossly obese man with a walker is doing better than a paraplegic. Blacks in the WI were generally excellent students when governed by a colonial power. There was no fucking around then.

    However, once independence was granted and blacks governed blacks, ALL blacks felt they did not need to strive. The consensus was that law and order, the education system and everything else was a plot by Whitey to keep them subservient and enslaved. Black politicians pimped this attitude promising their subjects lot would be better but all the while robbing their countries blind. Whereas a colonial governor would be removed from office, a black PM was there to stay even if it meant using force of arms to remain in office.

    Another destructive influence was the creeping black American culture which perverted and polluted everything from food to crime to music. WI kids who would have strived to be Doctors, Lawyers or Accountants now wanted to be rappers and gangsters. Locally grown food was shunned and scorned for American fare. Having a breakfast of cassava, plantain, eddoes etc was considered slave food. Sugary breakfast cereals and fast food was the fashion with an explosion in previously unknown western diseases.

    Hence while in the colonial era and shortly after when its effects slowly died away, WI students surpassed western numbskulls. No longer !

    From Africa to the Caribbean to the UK, Canada and the US, blacks, without Whitey’s work and study ethic imposed on them, reverted back to jungle bunny level. If they want to move ahead they must adopt disciplines, practices and habits that made western civilization what it is.

    Since they wont, black run countries, cities and towns are slowly reverting to a Congo/ Serengetti/ Kalahari primitive lifestyle. And so, what were once Caribbean jewels now make shitholes look like Utopia. If you want anything fucked up, put a Negro to run it.

    What WI music was like and the trash it is now. Enjoy !

    Video Link
    Video Link

  47. Anon[170] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    He wants equitable outcome for his kind…the selfish gene.
    What’s the ivory tower game though? Fear, guilt?

  48. @Wayne Lusvardi

    That’s some nice poison you have there. How about you put it in some other well. On some other website. You pathetic fucking Yiddish grifter.

    •ï¿½LOL: 36 ulster
  49. Katrinka says:

    I wonder if Thomas Howell resides in a White neighborhood?

  50. @BrooLidd

    Sowell’s view that blacks we3r ‘fronded top adopt a white culture that was and is very bad itself based on s errors of WASP prejudices that have been necessary to creating all things Modern E English imperial. That g=beguins with the fact internal British Isles pol[tics by actual WASPs are based 100% of being thoroughly anti-Celtic and anti-Catholic. IN each the ‘anti’ is both very specific (i.e. anti Celtic language usage and anti-Catholic Mass and other sacramentals allowed) and broadly cultural (opposition to all things that determine basic morals and character and identity that clearly are Celtic, as opposed to Angle and Saxon, and other Germanic tribal, and are Catholic, as in historic Christianity as opposed to heretical new ideas born invariably from some land ruled by the descendants of pagan Germanic pirate warlords.

    As Anglo-Saxon Puritanism was a Judaizing heresy that was rather widely recognized to be itching to unleash massive revolutionary violence, everything done by those acquiring political and economic paper to stamp out all things Celtic and Catholic would necessarily mold a new ‘national’ character that would follow the logical dictates of the Judaizing heresy.

    Being a thorough Judaizing heresy, Anglo-Saxon Puritanism instilled in its True Bekuevers that all other peoples, all non-Anglo-Saxon Puritans were inherently inferior, which meant that they were inherently immoral and, as the Talmud belabors, were also physically dirty and lazy and . To0 the Puritan, he was the Jew chosen bu God to be saved which was marked by his Race (Anglo-Saxon Puritan), and that meant that all those around where he lived in those islands are chosen by God to be damned, and thus those were races/tribes of evil, dirty trash. As Good had made them as they were in order to damn them, the only thing the created to be Saved Anglo-Saxon Puritan could do is culturally force them to embrace Puritan values and serve the goals. political and economic as well as spiritual, that emanated from Puritan preaching. Those inferior British Isles peoples could never be true Anglo-Saxon Puritans, but they could be forced to serve what true Anglo-Saxon OPurtisans wanted done for the glory an good of Giod.

    Naturally, such people would develop views of other peoples that exactly mirror how Talmudic Jews have always seen other peoples: inherently inferior, inherently bad, incapable of being saved except as rare individuals elected by God while the group was defined to be damned for all eternity. That means brutal rule over them, including acting to keep them as poor qs possible while Anglo-Saxon Puritan leader would feast on their poverty. And that meant that Puritians would develop very strong biassed against those people, and keep them even when they ha d,manhed to make a particular group serve them willingly at some point.

    And so the big winners of of arch-Judaizsingh has eo English Reformation kept all the old biased hatreds of all peoples in the British Isles that thy and the ancestors had sen as Celtic and/or Catholic, even when they had been forced to leave their actual native languages behind and had been forced into some form of Protestantsm.

    The term ‘redneck’ is first used as pejorative by those Judaizing winers of the Puritan power grab in the latter 17th century against both Scots and the peoples of northern English. In some cases, those who were specifically targeted as rednecks were families of old Catholic gentry, and in other cases they were what the bosses of Angl0-Saxon Puritan rule called ‘Dissneters,’ (which meant they were willing to accept basic Protestantism but in some factor rejected specific Anglo-Saxon Puritan teachings.) Such people, according to Wealthy Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs) were fit only to wear rednecks. When a person is hanged by rope, the loetiver mark is a bright red ring around the neck. rednecks are the non-WASP peoples native to the British Isles not accepted as racially pure Anglo-Saxons and thus are so inferior to true Anglo-Saxons that they are fit only to be hanged.

    True Anglo-Saxons are saved by the Race their Tribe, just like Jews according to the Talmud, and all other are damned an so Anke day God as inferior in all ways and as dirty.

    So what Spwell does is take all those WASP biases against all natives of the British isles, and also the European continent, and sallow them as fully valid and then assume that the poor innocent Bantu had had his nibbler culture stripped from him and replaced with redneck couture, which had to be as negative as could be imagined.

    If those were true we would know from the real word that the non-WASP peoples native to the British Isles would be all these negative stereotypes in living action wherever they got stuck because off the politics that destroyed their home areas. But the car opposite is what occurred, whether in Nirthjn America or Australia of New Zealand, etc. They would rather quickly clear land and build settlements and plot farms and deal with the natives fairly harmoniously, and create new communities that worked well.

    In Australia we had the best ‘experiments’ because all early settlers were transported criminals who had served their time and had now ay to pay to get home. And these settlements made up all all convicted criminals managed almost immediately to create new communities that were decent for families., that had very little violent crime. It did not matter whether hose ‘British’ former criminals were from London or Wales or north England or Scottish Lowlands or Highlands or any part off Ireland. The same things came to fruition: once freed, the vast majority made lives a sports off growing communities that that worked well for all. Those who chose then to commit crime found that their former convict mates would have none of it. Local systems made certain that while crime dominated all parts of London that were not truoyn RICH, crime would not dimainte and define tawniest created by freed prisoners whose Amin crimewwas that their peoples were not WASPs.

    So what Sowell did is accept the biases of the descendants of a Revolutionary Ruling Class that had become filthy rich beyond measure by winning revolutions and then created new systems of government, economic exchange, and jurisprudence designed to make tian their wealth while making certain none of the losses in Revolution grown from Judaizing heresy could ever become powerful enough to oppose them in any sense.

    In one sense, what Sowell did made perfect sense: he flow th4e dictates of what had been setup by the Yankee WASPs as spoils for winning what they called The Civil War: all things WASP ewer to be crammed down everybody’s throats. Rewards would be contingent upon not upsetting that WASP set of biases too much. Thus Sowell in this is positioning the Negro to be the victim of white trash cultures, as defined by WASPs, and thus a group that was rightfully accorded the status of Numinous Negro by Yankee WASPs in their 19th century kulturkampf against all other whites.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Etruscan Film Star
  51. There was always something about Mr Sowell that sat awkwardly with me and it was his take on the Jews,

    He, to my knowledge, has never had a go at them and their wildly disproportionate power, all I have heard him say is that ‘jealousy’ is the root of antisemitism, because the Jews are just so smart blah blah.

  52. Sowell is the Black Boas: just as was the case with Franz Boas, Thomas Sowell is driven not by the search for truth based on evidence, but by a desire to push a certain Jew-narrative. It’s all ideological, not science. Sowell was elevated by the Jews beyond his merit because he provided a convenient Boas-like narrative, probably fed to him by the Jews themselves.

    The Jews are hard-pressed to find intelligent Blacks as their frontmen, simply because they’re so damn rare.* But when they do find one, the Jews flood the Jew-controlled media spotlights on him and propel him to ultimate intellectual stardom. That’s evidently what they’ve done to Sowell:

    Thomas Sowell turned 90 yesterday. An economist at the Hoover Institution, Sowell is possibly the most fascinating and productive scholar in the world.

    Thomas Sowell, An Intellectual Giant – An American sage turns 90
    by David R. Henderson – Wednesday, July 1, 2020

    Now, there is a price to pay, as all star shabbos goys like Sowell learn very quickly: you must propagate the Holocaust lie. You must scream at the top of your lungs: “The Holocaust was the worst crime in human history!”. And that’s exactly what Sowell was forced to do:

    The horrors of the Holocaust should have permanently discredited anti-Semitism but that ancient and venomous hatred has had a recent resurgence in Europe.

    Is Anti-Semitism Generic?
    By Thomas Sowell – Saturday, July 30, 2005

    There’s basically no point in trying to refute a shabbos goy like Sowell. He has been raised to intellectual semigod status by the Jews and those who try to criticize his ridiculous racial theories will be shot down by the Jew media. I just typed into the Jew-controlled google search box “Kevin MacDonald” and “Franz Boas” and this was the first result:

    In a society divided between racists and anti-racists, openly irrational, hateful ideas are elevated to the center of public discourse. Which is, of course, exactly what people like Kevin MacDonald want.

    American Racist
    A Q&A with Kevin MacDonald, the country’s most influential white identitarian ideologue – by David Samuels

    So, whereas Thomas Sowell is “an intellectual giant”, a “sage”, MacDonald is an “ideologue”, a “racist”, an “anti-Semite”. Right. Oh, how the Jews love to turn reality upside down and inside out — damn them! Forget Jew-controlled Sowell and read one of the most fascinating chapters in any book you will ever read on the Jewish Question: “The Boasian School Of Anthropology And The Decline Of Darwinism In The Social Sciences”, in Kevin MacDonald’s chef d’oeuvre, The Culture of Critique. [*see below more tab]

    The Jews who control all the top universities would love to fill them with African Americans to block the entrance of as many whites as possible. The problem is that the pool of black candidates who would make the cut based on meritocracy is essentially ZERO or statistically insignificant. A report titled Adult Literacy in America, published in 2002, shows percentages by race of those able to achieve a “level 5†of proficiency in “prose†section of the survey:

    Whites: 4%
    Blacks: 0%
    Hispanics: 0%
    Section I, p. 33

    Level 5
    At this level, tasks may require the respondent to search for and integrate information across multiple, dense texts; construct syntheses of similar and contrasting ideas or points of view; or evaluate evidence-based arguments.

    Black engineers, lawyers, doctors, and judges would obviously need to be up in Level 5 to perform their duties — but basically those blacks who do achieve Level 5, if any, are statistically insignificant.

    •ï¿½Agree: Cloverleaf
    •ï¿½Thanks: Odd Rabbit, BrooLidd
  53. Dr. Acula says:

    Firstly, thanks for the article. Fair and interesting, the perfect length.

    Secondly, you should have mentioned that Nathan Cofnas is a Jew. That’s why he does not defend Bunetes (or what his name is), who was recently kicked out of the Manhattan Institute for criticizing Israel. This although Bunetes defended Nathan Cofnas when HE got cancelled.

    This also explains why Nathan Cofnas only talks about Blacks (and is right about them), but never about Jews. The same as that student at Harvard (?) who recently went viral when he said that blacks behave badly on campus.

    Nathan Cofnas Is basically the same as Amy Wax: Containment. They talk about blacks all day long, and say a lot of important and right truths, but NEVER talk about the Jews.

    This is because the chosen ones recognize that the right increasingly enters dangerous waters for them. They MUST talk about these issues in order to not lose the Right.

  54. @Dr. Robert Morgan

    There’s two types of crime: the low street level type with its muggers, petty criminals, burglars, etc. and that at the top of society perpetrated by politicians, businessmen, financial swindlers and other corrupt White collar criminals. Obviously the latter tend to be more intelligent people (e.g. Jews) while the former are at the lower IQ scale (e.g. blacks). But then we have to ask ourselves who are more damaging to society at large, and also which ones would be easier to control and police.

    So, yes, trying to correlate IQ with criminal behaviour may not be very useful, especially since the more intelligent tend to get away with their crimes.

  55. Emslander says:

    Gee, that sure was a logically constructed takedown of the Great Thomas Sowell. NOT!

  56. @Wayne Lusvardi

    If you’re not trolling, I think you should read some basic philosophy of Science. Then you will realize that those “I-can’t-see-them” things are precisely the most important concepts in a scientific theory. Those concepts are called trans-empirical or trasempirical, and Science can’t work without them.

    Some examples: field, enthropy, genus, frame-of-reference, chemical valence, center-of-gravity, and of course any average value.

    In fact, the better the theory, the more transempirical concepts it contains.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Wayne Lusvardi
  57. Notfred says:

    If things are explained by differences between different groups of people within the same “racial†categories, doesn’t the explanatory value of those racial categories disappear?

    Haven’t thought it through. Just asking.

    I am a “redneck†myself with three sigma intelligence test scores, and having lived among black people and rednecks, I can safely say neither is the enemy of the other. They share a common enemy in those who seek to set them against each other.

    The traits Cofnas says are characteristic of rednecks (according he says to Dr. Sowell) strike me as being the common traits of the vast majority of mankind. It is pretty much only a certain strain of Puritanical Protestantism and its intellectual fore-bearer that seek to impose a different vision of humanity on the rest of us.

  58. @Jake11

    Nathan Cofnas is a jew.

    So is Ron Unz. You know, the guy who owns the website you’re posting on.

    What’s you point, dipshit?

  59. RJ Macready [AKA "RJ Macready(Antarctica)"] says:

    The legendary filmmaker Stanley Kubrick would also belong on that esteemed list of becoming a culturally white man or woman whilst not being white. Very rare instances I can think of. The writer Joseph Conrad? Maybe.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Simon D
    , @Alden
  60. @Fin of a cobra

    So, whereas Thomas Sowell is “an intellectual giantâ€, a “sageâ€, MacDonald is an “ideologueâ€, a “racistâ€, an “anti-Semiteâ€.

    The stark reality is that Sowell, whether you agree with him or not, is actually an influential academic and thinker.

    McDonald is a second-rate hack who nobody ever would have even heard of if not for his rabid jew-hatred.

  61. HT says:

    For all his intellect, Sowell won’t admit that his own race has a substantially lower average IQ than Whites and that their lower intelligence is the real source of their social dysfunctions. He blames it all on welfare but they were given welfare because they cannot prosper in a civilized country without all kinds of assistance.

    •ï¿½Agree: Dragoslav
  62. Looger says:

    Oh. So culture has no effect whatsoever on how people act, eh?

    Why don’t you ask yourself that while observing the (capital B) Black community in its element in the shittiest parts of town of every USA city, where things like simply greeting one another on the street are affected by gangsta culture and especially young men hating each other immediately?

    Patrice O’Neill on his hundreds (thousands?) of Opie and Anthony appearances had more intelligent things to say than Thomas Sowell on the subject (I don’t know Sowell’s work besides youtube snippets, guessing here)

    Why did Blacks emulate poor whites? Because they didn’t have a culture on their own, compared to other slaves of that time, say like the Irish. So they adopted what they saw for better or worse (many instances obviously worse).

    Patrice observed how Black women especially treat all men they’re introduced to like criminals, like trash, “show me something” where white women were by contrast pleasant and hopeful with everyone they meet.

    It’s been observed by many child-raising experts that Black people don’t give their children a proper learning environment, mothers use baby words only with them for too long, the differences when Black foster children are raised by white families it’s startling the differences in outcomes (and maybe IQ).

    What’s funny to me is that when looking at the black schoolhouse pictures from the 1950s / 60s, it’c clear that behavior was recognized as something to adjust and the children appear to sit in their seats and pay attention – somehow with integration that’s been lost completely and the results speak for themselves.

    Perhaps integration leads to white kids bothering black kids for drugs, and some of them adopting that income stream as a result. I’ve certainly observed this in Canada with Native children going to school with whites. Many of the most intelligent Natives ended up dealing weed and mushrooms to us whites because we kept asking. Maybe integration ain’t the way?

    Heredity, of course, is why all Mexican children love jalapeno ice cream, and all American children despise it. Mexicans are born with the jalapeno ice cream gene, and Americans are not.

    Why are the Germans like they are today? Behavior AND genetics. Maybe it was recognized centuries ago and genetics was changed by behavior – like husbands being chosen by the girl’s father for example (a practice in Germany that continued into the 1920s at least). Germany in the 1500s resembled Nigeria today – religious strife, beheadings, chaos. SOmehow they made it to now with inventions, science, real actual progress.

    It’s as simple as that. See. I’ve proved it. Now I’m a gene scientist, too. Trust the science. Everything is heredity.

    It’s a starting point but anyone with a brain can see that the best genes don’t help children growing up in broken homes. We’ve all observed this in our lives with the needless waves of boomer divorces and its affect on generation X children. Promising youth becomes addicted to pharma, varsity athletes start hanging around the arcades instead of the gym (or whatever time waster fills in for today).

    American Blacks are going backwards in both directions.

    Good luck with that. You won’t have whitie forever with endless gibbs, welfare projects to live in, food stamps, monthly guilt payments by white women redirecting white mens’ money by voting for dumb shit.

    Eventually all that will expire.

    Picture what THAT transition will look like…

    •ï¿½Replies: @Poupon Marx
  63. @anarchyst

    “Ali attributed the same to race itself, urging blacks and whites to “stay in their respective lanesâ€. Ali was vehemently against race-mixing.”

    When comparing himself to Joe Frazier, Ali used the term pretty to describe himself which was that Frazier was pure black and Ali had some white in him. Without the race mixing of the former slave owners with their female servants, the likes of Muhammad Ali would not have been produced.

  64. boba says:


    `The prophet Elijah was walking on the road and met the Evil Lilith and all her band. He said to her: Where are you headed for, O you Unclean One, and you Spirit of Defilement, and all your band, where are they going:”

    And she answered and said to him: “‘My lord Elijah, I am on my way to the house of a woman in childbirth, Mercada…, the daughter of Donna, to give her the sleep of death and to to take her child which is being born to her, to suck its blood, and to suck the marrow of its bones, and to seal its flesh.”`

    ‘Elijah, blessed be his memory. said to her: “‘With a ban from the Name (i.e., God ), blessed be He, be you restrained and be you like onto a stone.”‘ And she answered and said to him:

    “For the sake of Yahweh. release me from the ban and I shall flee and swear to you in the name of Y, the God of Israel. that I shall desist from this woman in childbirth and her child which is being born to her. and shall surely not harm her. And every time that they mention my names, or I see my names written, I and my band shall have no power to do evil or to harm. And these art my names: Lilith…’

    Hebrew Goddess, Raphael Patai, 1967 (Jewish Historian)

  65. Sam J. says:

    I read a great deal of Thomas Sowell’s work. Articles, books. I can’t remember if it was a book or article, but when I read the same notion as you posted here,

    “…His version of the “cultural explanation†is that those problems are due to blacks adopting the culture of white Southern rednecks.

    I never read another word of his, because if you can get something so fundamentally wrong, then there’s no use reading anything else you say.

    This idea of ignoring people who say incredibly foolish things has served me well over the years. Until I got older I didn’t recognize that there was a great deal of people writing things with a lot of truth but, deliberately, spiked with lies and distortions. Not saying Thomas deliberately did this, but if not, then he is foolish. All you have to do is look at Blacks who have never set foot in the South and see, that his hypothesis is false.

  66. Looger says:

    The term “white trash?†Another laugh.

    I use the term myself but in a different context, white trash small town BC is my origins and I can recognize behavior patterns / personality traits (obnoxious and inviting ourselves into all nearby conversations for example) or (nowadays) old-timey skills from growing up hunting / fishing / shooting / canoeing.

    White trash has unabashedly always hated jooooos and recent other-culture immigrants.

    We “learned college folk” should listen to them more.


    My ex-wife is from England, and somehow married (in Alberta) two different easy-going big fellas from small town British Columbia. It’s like she can smell the protective instincts on us or something. Though the other guy lost an eye early on to a beebee gun so he didn’t grow up shooting… as much.
    •ï¿½Thanks: Trinity
  67. Sir Queer Stalin should be in jail for murder.

    Try taking the knee in the shower for your darky pets there😂

  68. I think Sowel’s essays on topics OTHER than race are quite insightful. These form the bulk of his work and his interest for intelligent readers. Sowell defends blacks so as not to appear to be an Uncle Tom to his people, but I imagine he knows what the truth is. Moreover, if he came out into the light with hereditarianism, he would be thrown into the outer darkness, like any of us would. We wouldn’t be having this discussion, and we would never have heard of him.

    I consider that in that book, white liberals and black conservatives, or whatever it is, he comes very close to Holocaust denial. For example, he has an essay examining the character of Germans in history, coming out very positive and humanitarian for the Germans. For example, Germans took up arms to defend Armenians during the so-called Armenian genocide. The unstated implication is how would a people this humanitarian and noble commit the worst crime in history?

    I don’t understand why it’s hard for blacks to accept that there are differences in IQ between groups. Whites accept that Asians and certain sub groups like say Jews are smarter than themselves. We don’t worry about it all the time or talk about it all the time.

  69. John1955 says:
    @Wayne Lusvardi

    =did he ever see a “gene� Or see a mitochondria?=

    Part 3, Chapter 3


    ‘But the rocks are full of the bones of extinct animals — mammoths and mastodons and enormous reptiles which lived here long before man was ever heard of.’

    ‘Have you ever seen those bones, Winston? Of course not. Nineteenth-century biologists invented them. Before man there was nothing. After man, if he could come to an end, there would be nothing. Outside man there is nothing.

    ‘We control life, Winston, at all its levels. You are imagining that there is something called human nature which will be outraged by what we do and will turn against us. But we create human nature. Men are infinitely malleable. Or perhaps you have returned to your old idea that the proletarians or the slaves will arise and overthrow us. Put it out of your mind. They are helpless, like the animals. Humanity is the Party. The others are outside — irrelevant.’

    ‘We control matter because we control the mind. Reality is inside the skull. You will learn by degrees, Winston. There is nothing that we could not do. Invisibility, levitation — anything. I could float off this floor like a soap bubble if I wish to. I do not wish to, because the Party does not wish it. You must get rid of those nineteenth-century ideas about the laws of Nature. We make the laws of Nature.’

    ‘But you do not! You are not even masters of this planet. What about Eurasia and Eastasia? You have not conquered them yet.’

    ‘Unimportant. We shall conquer them when it suits us. And if we did not, what difference would it make? We can shut them out of existence. Oceania is the world.’


  70. Big Sowell fan here. I’ve read his autobiography and was surprised by what a prickly character he is or was in his private life. He comes across as someone who’s had a fair amount of conflict with both whites and blacks in his younger days, and would be well aware of his status as a token black for conservatives and disdains it.

    I’ve read a dozen or so of his books. He makes a big deal out of culture and geography, and a lot of people in this thread seem not to appreciate just how critical he is of black people. But I remember being dumbstruck by a passage in one of his books, I think it was Race and Cultures. He said that one of the black community’s problems is that the welfare state beginning in the 60s subsidized large numbers of single black mothers who’d had babies with black men who had psychopathic traits. Prior to the establishment of the welfare state, most of those women would not have procreated with those men, rightly seeing them as bad marriage/father material. But now that they had the welfare state to support them, they could have children with these men without worry.
    So it was that men with psychopathic traits spread their genes throughout the black community in huge numbers starting in the 60s, and the community deteriorated as a result.

    I was astounded. Sowell was the first conservative intellectual I’ve seen say that the welfare state has been dysgenic to blacks. And he’s black. A white conservative couldn’t have said that, of course.

  71. I have to push back on all these claims about Sowell being highly influential. He’s a great thinker and writer, and has been a big influence on me, but I’ve never seen evidence that he has any sort of influence in the conservative world whatsoever. Maybe 1 out of every 200,000 conservatives has even heard his name, let alone read anything by him. And liberals, as has been said, ignore him completely.

  72. JoeJoe says:

    Well said! The truth about self or any aspect of life can be uncomfortable but when accepted, it always leads to a more fulfilled, peaceful and productive life. Jesus said it best: ‘I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the father except through me.’ Truth is the only way to authentic life.

  73. @S1

    Human progress and the attainment of perfection is a scientific fact which is universal relative to humanity as the love of truth, agape, is not confined to one race or culture.

    •ï¿½Disagree: S1
  74. @Happy Tapir

    “I consider that in that book, white liberals and black conservatives, or whatever it is, he comes very close to Holocaust denial. For example, he has an essay examining the character of Germans in history, coming out very positive and humanitarian for the Germans. For example, Germans took up arms to defend Armenians during the so-called Armenian genocide. The unstated implication is how would a people this humanitarian and noble commit the worst crime in history?â€

    He also has an essay in the book arguing that Jews aren’t unique in history, but are one of many middleman minority groups around the world, all of whom are disliked by their host groups because of their roles in society.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Happy Tapir
  75. But it is both heredity and environment that make individuals and groups what they are. White trash have a long history of aping blacks. We see this today in low-class whites who dress like gangbangers and imitate black speech patterns and mannerisms.

    As for whites “aping blacks” — careful, Costello! You’re getting awfully close to crimespeak — it happens not only among “white trash”, but this mimeticism is present in all American whites (who are 99.5% European, on average).

    We’re talking about behavior, here — so yes, the environment does, to a large extent, “make individuals and groups what they are”. So it is no wonder that Americans, having lived so long alongside a black minority, would show the black influence in their behavior (and it’s even more evident in us Brazilians).

    One of the most fascinating reads on this topic is a Carl Jung 1936 essay titled “Your Negroid and Indian Behavior”, which can be downloaded right here on TUR, thanks to Unz’s efforts in scanning old articles. It’s really worth a read! Here are some quotes:

    The way the American moves shows a strong tendency toward nonchalance. It is evident in the way he walks, how he wears his hat, how he holds his cigar, and how he speaks. Americans move with loose joints and swaying hips. This characteristic of primitive Negro women is frequently seen in American women, while the swinging gait of the men is fairly usual.

    It would be difficult not to see that the Negro, with his primitive motility, his expressive emotionality, his childlike immediacy, his sense of music and rhythm, his funny and picturesque language, has infected American behavior.

    The Negro, by his mere presence in America, is a source of temperamental and mimetic infection which the European can’t help noticing, for he sees the hopeless gap between the American [Negro] and the African Negro.

    if I relied solely on the theory of heredity, I should be completely at a loss to explain how the Americans descending from European stock have arrived at their striking peculiarities. … a much better hypothesis to explain the American temperament, and it lies in the fact that the United States are pervaded by that most striking and suggestive figure — the Negro. …Now what is more contagious than to live side by side with a rather primitive people?

    Your Negroid and Indian Behavior, by Carl Jung

  76. @Fin of a cobra

    I think you got carried away there, by feedback in your usual diatribe of detailed and extended Jewish disparagement. Which is by itself not negative, but you fell into your own trap of partial faults or omissions signifying that the whole is the same as the part.

    The part is the shortcomings or Sowell’s perception Israel and Jews, plus his deficient analysis of race, IQ, and prosperity attainment. On the latter, he is mostly wrong, but not completely. The great majority of Sowell’s work is invaluable, groundbreaking, and revelatory. Millions of have found it so, from academics to the general populace. And he has been speaking heretical views on sociology and economy for decades.

    As I have have elucidated many times, 98%+ on the commentators here will never participate in any action to free themselves from the bondage and victimization of the Kosher Nosetra. And they will not even take the step of moving physically to another venue. It is human nature that when a person feels helpless to change or modify a system, his voice, vituperation, and condemnation grow louder and more strident. This is a psychological mechanism to compensate for inaction. This comedic vignette has played on countless movies, films, plays, etc, and other dramas. Barney Fife of Middle or Dingleberry TV series.

    Most of you have not encountered near death experiences, or physical threats to your life, and therefore inherently lack the confidence in a successful outcome of a mortal effrontery. Jews are trained and skilled in confrontational tactics and humiliation. They spend a lot of time on this, virtual and concrete. Most Whites buckle in a very short time. The meek shall inherit the Earth. Six feet under.

    For me, I simply shrug off his mistaken view of the two issues above. This constitutes about 10% of his work and thought. I simply use the other 90%.


    In my professional career as a senior maritime engineer, I have supervised hundreds. Most of them, like most of us, are not evenly talented and learned in all aspects of marine engineering. Some where outstanding in some specialties and mediocre or even less in others. Would I completely reject that asset due to his not perfect high score on all subjects? Of course not. That would be stupid. I simply assigned him to those areas of his strengths and highest ability. If I had to assign him to something outside those most accomplished areas, I would make up for the missing knowledge myself or get someone to get over the hump, particularly, or give him a more detailed instruction or tutorial.

    As I’ve said before, by this time feeling a bit tired with such recalcitrance of inertia and regression, I suppose I just might return to insulting people for their repeated stupidity in the face of edification and enlightenment.

    Engineering Experience:

    Many Marine Engineer jobs are available to candidates with experience in other engineering sectors. For example, the below list of engineering skills can be learnt in the Aerospace and Aviation industry, but are still relevant to jobs in the Marine industry:

    Mechanical – Knowledge of machines and tools, including their designs, uses, repair, and maintenance.
    Engineering and Technology – practical application of engineering science and technology.
    Mathematics – Knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, statistics, and their applications.
    Design – Knowledge of design techniques, tools, and principles involved in production of precision technical plans, blueprints, drawings, and models.
    Administration and Management – Knowledge of business and management principles involved in strategic planning, resource allocation and coordination of people and resources.
    Chemistry – Knowledge of the chemical composition, structure, and properties of substances and of the chemical processes and transformations that they undergo.
    Production and Processing – Knowledge of raw materials, production processes, quality control, costs, and other techniques for maximising the effective manufacture and distribution of goods.
    Building and Construction – Knowledge of materials, methods, and the tools involved in the construction or repair of houses, buildings, or other structures such as highways and roads.

    The fallacy of composition and division makes the assumption that one part of something will apply to the whole, or that the whole must apply to all the parts.
    Example of Fallacy of Composition and Division

    Composition: Each part of this chair is cheap, so the whole chair for sale must be cheap.
    Division: Healthy brains think. Healthy brains are comprised of nothing but brain cells. If healthy brains think, then the individual brain cells can think too.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Fin of a cobra
  77. @Donn

    Didn’t those plantations also get indentured white servants to do some of the work? Wonder how much of the work whitey did? While I’m at it, how many mixed race slave kids actually came from poor white bloke rather than Mr. Rich? Hmm…could this be why TS blames southern whitey for southern blackie? Anyway it does seem white rich folks from all over have some sort of strange savior complex when they see a black person. Not sure how Thomas Sowell would explain that one. Nor would he want to admit he is a beneficiary of that complex. Wonder could this be considered the cootie theory of racial natures.

    •ï¿½Agree: Pfhil
    •ï¿½Replies: @Trinity
  78. Trinity says:

    Even hood rats know the truth. Blacks like Candace Owens, Jesse Lee Peterson, Thomas Sowell are just willing to tell the truth because they can have a bunch of gullible Whites buy their books, watch their podcasts as they become wealthy. Remember Colon Bowel aka Colin Powell? I knew an ex Brigadier General (White of course, not many DEI officers back then) who just adored him some Colon Bowel. I use to hear other White cuckholds go over the top lauding Bowel Boy with praise. Well, we all know that the first chance Bowel received he threw Whitey under the bus. Sowell isn’t saying anything brilliant, hell a reasonably intelligent 10 year old can figure out the Race Problem, it’s just he can have a book published and might be able to articulate it a bit better. Sowell is no genius, he’s just an actor for (((the regime.))) Btw, I asked that Brigadier General why he liked Powell so much and somehow he was muffled for a minute or two before coming up with lame shit like, “he’s a good manâ€, etc.

    Cue: Money For Nothing by Dire Straits

    •ï¿½Agree: Pfhil
  79. @Song For the Deaf

    Which Sowell books would you recommend in particular?

    •ï¿½Replies: @Song For the Deaf
  80. Trinity says:
    @Old and Grumpy

    There was very little of poor Southerners mixing with Blacks, minuscule in fact, they might have befriended Blacks but it was two face RICH Whites like Strom Thurmond who slept with Blacks. Haha, probably Yankees and Europeans all classes as well. Robert DeNiro isn’t a good ole boy, just check out that awful attempt at talking with the worst impression of a Southern accent in the remake of Cape Fear. Kike men have a thing for Blacks whether they be male or female, check out Hollywood and the music industry.

    Cue: Mo Money More Problems Featuring Mace, Puff Daddy and The Notorious B.I.G

    •ï¿½Agree: Alden
  81. @dearieme

    I have wondered this about red pilled and/or j-pilled podcasters who also decide to throw in an interview with a “flat earther” or other nonsense. Just whose side are these people on?

  82. @Fin of a cobra

    There’s more. I have worked with-they worked for me-many American Blacks. And some Africans. The latter are almost always different. They come from a self-created culture and societies that have rules, norms, and consistency.

    There is some merit to what Sowell writes about American Blacks and Hillbilly culture. The latter I have been exposed and immersed in. My fellow classmates and I would very frequently go the many banjo and fiddle contests in West Virginia, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, etc. I have spent time meandering through these area and sub-cultures. Baltimore used to have quite a lot of descendants from economic migrants for the factories and industries. Even some of my classmates in Engineering School in Baltimore were from these areas. I spend a day and night in a Western Virginia jail for excess speeding on back roads on my Norton Commando. I had to call a friend for bale. In the jail with me were the inbred, yokel underclass, the No Winners of the Genetic Lottery.

    There IS such a thing as White Trash, and some shipmate Whites have admitted it, with mirth and self deprecating humor. Many of these people are self-effacing and gentle and kind. They are different. Some are very violent and volatile. Many of these people had traditionally gone into the Army.

    One African I worked with and got to know well, was exactly like a White. Hard working, proud of his work, honest, and a “squared away” guy. He told me that his wife was pursuing a college degree, and that he had two children, who he said that his wife and him are “very strict” with. They hated American Black Culture-all of it, as trash, perfidious, evil, blasphemous. They children were discouraged to choose friends carefully, ignore the majority of Blacks, and judge people by their character. He despised all the race hustlers, Black political leaders as dishonorable liars. It was obvious the HE was colorblind. Conservative and traditional values all the way.

    He and his wife made sure that the children knew and absorbed their African culture of values, music, norms, mores, etc, etc. Without my prompting him, he railed about Blacks who paint America as “racist”, saying he never encountered any. When you work in the Engine Department, you get to know your shipmates, and usually become closer as time and work progresses. He was as good or better than anybody else. He as a non-licensed assistant.
    I’ll never forget the way he talked about American Black culture; like sewage and disease bearing filth.

  83. Thank you so much for this post. I have noticed in his posts that Sowell did tend to denegrate poor southern whites, “white trash.” But I have a sneaking suspicion that these “white trash” folks aren’t called “white trash” just because of lower IQs or lacking a desire to work or become educated, or whatever. As explained in various videos by lecturers and profs at famous colleges including Hillsdale (the most “un-woke” college in the US…I suscribe to their “Imprimus” newsletter), the reason these folks are considered “white trash” is (drum roll please) their ancestry and likely DNA (that is, innate characteristics). Most of these “white trash” folks…from Appalachia to the Mississippi Delta regions…are descended from indentured servants from Ireland and Scotland, that is. Scots-Irish or Irish, who had to pay their ways to this nation due to (among other reasons) the “highland clearance” where Scots and Scots-Irish were forced off their lands in the 1600s and 1700s. After paying their indents, they were given (to use the expression) “40 acres and a mule” or whatever from the holder fo the indent. (Also, this could also be based on Hoffman’s “They Were White and They Were Slaves”…not all Scots-Irish coming here were indentured; some where actually slaves). And then you have white sharecroppers…they weren’t all black, you know. Esp. true regarding the Mississippi Delta regions. Were they lazy? No. But they sure as heck weren’t educated! So, thanks again for exposing Sowell’s lack of regard for folks not as educated as he is! A bit of a hypocrite if you know what I mean!

  84. It’s obvious. He’s an intelligent and cultured man embarrassed to be part of a group with so little achievement in intellectual life.

  85. phil says:

    Sowell was awarded tenure by the economics department at UCLA. There were serious misgivings about doing so. The deliberations were not, of course, made public, but much gossip leaked out about some faculty having sympathy for affirmative action.

  86. Sowell says the failure of black americans is due to association with southern rednecks? Then why are black AFRICANS so poor and backward.?

  87. @Trinity

    Country roads. West Virginia. Take me home where I belong. Mountain Mama.

    Muslim nomads. There are many who live with very little, less than Hillbillies, but live better:

    Nomads of Russia. Many tribes.

    •ï¿½Thanks: EL_Kabong
    •ï¿½Replies: @Trinity
    , @Trinity
    , @Trinity
    , @Anonymous
  88. Simon D says:
    @RJ Macready

    Conrad was a Pole of aristocratic descent. Do you mean that he adopted the persona of an Englishman?

    •ï¿½Replies: @RJ Macready
  89. @Liosnagcat

    I have no problem with making hypotheses but a hypothesis has to withstand falsification. Genes are a hypothesis just like the atom. Stand alone hypotheses are not science. But they can be a Paradigm.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Liosnagcat
  90. Linus says:
    @Wayne Lusvardi

    In related news… the Earth is flat!

    •ï¿½Replies: @Wayne Lusvardi
  91. @Looger


    So many people like Brazilian music. And there is a lot to love. Most of you have no idea. The thing is, Brazilian music is almost exclusively derived from its African roots. The rhythm and time, etc. The heart of Brazilian music is Bahia and Rio de Janeiro.

    Luis Bonfa:

  92. Alden says:

    Thomas Sowell is 1 pro Israel 2 blames black Americans violence and aggression on White Redneck southern s back in slavery days. Not true as the poor southern red necks didn’t have slaves Didn’t even live around slaves.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Poupon Marx
  93. Dragoslav says:
    @Happy Tapir

    Whites accept that Asians and certain sub groups like say Jews are smarter than themselves. We don’t worry about it all the time or talk about it all the time.

    It’s a myth. That’s why. Whites know that it’s untrue.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Pythas
  94. @andreyfuss

    You might have a reading comprehension problem. To clarify, I do not believe either Sowell’s historical comparison approach or Cofnas’s genetic approach to race. There are very real differences that are not cultural or genetic. Just as there are very real differences between men and women beyond social roles. From what I know about Autism, my guess is racial differences are biological and related to metabolic traits. That said, I do not believe a pen and paper test to measure something vaguely defined such as IQ is a valid measure of anything but how much one has been modernized. Go lecture someone else.

  95. Linus says:

    Total strawman. The hereditarian position never says, “100% genetic”. Usually, the ‘starting point’ is something closer to 50%, although it all depends on details, like what measures are being assessed, what age groups, etc. Your stance on this appears no different from one of my blue-haired students.

  96. Alden says:
    @RJ Macready

    So you believe Poles are not White? They’re a lot blonder and bluer than Germans or British.

    •ï¿½Replies: @RJ Macready
  97. @Linus

    And what pray tell am I to make of that snarky statement? An innuendo that I am a flat earther? Do you have something adult like to contribute to the discussion?

  98. @asterix

    Anyone who has wealth that they create taken away from them by force is a slave.

    Governments are the biggest slave owners, bar none.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Pythas
  99. @Alden

    Alden, he is talking about Blacks picking up bad habits in the Northern factory cities, during the migrations from the South.

    The “Great Northern Migration” refers to the large-scale movement of African Americans from the rural South to Northern industrial cities, primarily between the early 1910s and the 1970s, driven by the desire to escape Jim Crow laws, racial violence, and limited economic opportunities in the South, seeking better jobs in Northern factories and a chance for a better life; this is also commonly known as “The Great Migration.

    The migration of white Southerners to the North and other parts of the United States, known as the “Other Great Migration”, occurred between 1910 and 1970. Millions of white Southerners left the rural South in search of better futures, and settled in states like California and Ohio, often taking jobs in manufacturing hubs.
    The migration had a significant impact on American politics and culture, and its effects are still felt today.

    The migration also coincided with the Great Black Migration, when former agricultural workers moved to the North for the economic boom.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Agent76
    •ï¿½Replies: @Alden
  100. My maternal grandfather died of black lung from his many years as a coal miner. John Henry was reputed to have worked just one county from where he raised the family.

    My mom told me of a black man that worked with grandpa who’d had a hand cut off in a mine; She said prior to the accident he’d been heard to say, “V8 I hears you hummin!” The man wasn’t given the insurance payout because of this. He didn’t need to work as hard John Henry but he damned sure should’ve tried working more like my grandfather did.

  101. @Poupon Marx

    you fell into your own trap of partial faults or omissions signifying that the whole is the same as the part.

    I wasn’t referring to Sowell’s complete body of work, just his take on Blacks & race. If I had explicitly trashed all of his work, based on his intellectual dishonesty in the case at hand — which is blatant and revolting — then you could have accused me of falling into a trap. If I had written what some other commenters have, then you could have accused me of that. Here is Sam J. at comment #66 above, for example:

    I never read another word of his, because if you can get something so fundamentally wrong, then there’s no use reading anything else you say.

    I think Sam has a point there, though I don’t know if I’d go that far. Because I understand you gotta cut these public figures some slack: they are under enormous pressure from the implacable Jews. They know they would be crushed by the Jews if they were to write some verboten things. So some write in coded language, while others just avoid what the Jews have prohibited — race, intelligence, “Holocaust Denial” — and live with that. That doesn’t mean we can’t extract some precious nuggets from their writings, especially if we know how to extrapolate from what they’re saying to what they would have said, if we weren’t all living under the Heel of the Jew.

    Here is an example for you: Robert Plomin. And right here on TUR there is an article about his book Blueprint — which is very apropos to Costello’s article above — in which James Thompson writes the following:

    Plomin has written the book that summarizes his career, the one that he previously avoided writing because of what he describes as his own cowardice. … Deliberately absent from the discussion is any mention of genetic group differences. Questioned in an interview about this omission Plomin said “That’s the third rail†and questioning moved to other matters. Wise.

    Nature’s Egg and Seed Plan
    ggose: generalist genes of small effect
    James Thompson

    “Cowardice”. “Third rail”. “Wise”. What is Thompson talking about, without ever mentioning it? The Jews! Those tyrannical bastards who have bastardized everything in academics and society in general. We can’t open our mouths, we can’t search openly for the truth because the fucking Jews and their minions will hunt us down and cancel us or worse. If they don’t even spare other Jews, like Cofnas, what do you think they’ll do to us? If you say anything that falls outside of the Jewverton Window, you’re fucked — or, better yet, you’re Watsoned:

    “Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory revoked the honorary titles held by its longtime leader James D. Watson on Friday, describing as “unsubstantiated and reckless†his recent remarks about genetic differences in intelligence among racial groups.” — Amy Harmon

    Watson Watsoned Again for Saying: “And Yet It Moves”
    Steve Sailer

    Gotta love that title. Sailer does have a way with words, though he, too, avoids the “Jew rail”. We each make our choices. Sowell made his. He knows where the Jews drew the red lines for him and he won’t cross them. Fine. Maybe his other work has something valuable in it for you — so go for it. But just admit it: his ideas on race are blatantly dishonest and should be trashed, just as many commenters on this thread have done.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Poupon Marx
  102. @Wayne Lusvardi

    Good grief. What a lack of knowledge …


    Amazing! First ever photograph inside a hydrogen atom


    Blue chromosome DNA and gradually glowing flicker light matter chemical when camera moving closeup. Medical and Heredity genetic health concept. Technology science. 3D illustration rendering stock photo

    •ï¿½Thanks: Frau Katze
  103. Dr. Cofnas’s most devastating objection to Dr. Sowell is to point out that his cultural explanation of racial differences applies only to descendants of black slaves in the US. Throughout the world, blacks exhibit exactly the same characteristics Dr. Sowell claims that American blacks picked up from Southern white rednecks.

    I say:

    Thomas Sowell is a nasty Black snot twat; in fact, Thomas Sowell is a Black liar cad lantern-holder for the American Empire’s ruling class. Tim Scott and Clarence Thomas are similar Black cad scoundrels. Larry Ellison and Harlan Crow have bought and paid for Tim Scott and Clarence Thomas.

    Remember, Thomas Sowell viciously attacked the Scotch-Irish people by suggesting that Black criminality and Black violence were learned behaviours that the Black slaves on plantations aped from their Scotch-Irish plantation overseers.

    Thomas Sowell would have you believe that Blacks were innocent little lambs of a sweet nature until such time as they had exposure to the violently psychotic Scotch-Irish slave plantation overseers!

    It is the Scotch-Irish people that are innocent little lambs of a most sweet and benevolent nature!

    The only thing that riles up the Scotch-Irish people is when some frigging dope nitpicker says you should call them ‘Scots’ instead of SCOTCH.


    We be no Eerish, we’re Scoatch!

    Ephraim Givens is of my blood and Givens is Scotch-Irish with or without the Mc.

    Tweet from 2015:

  104. Pythas says:
    @Clyde Wilson

    I guess black sub-saharan african dysfunction and backwardness is also the fault of Southern Whites…

    •ï¿½Replies: @Days of Broken Arrows
  105. Pythas says:

    Like I’ve said before Dragoslav then why do so many of these asiatics and negroes and jews and others flood into Western Culture and Civilization?

    •ï¿½Replies: @Alden
  106. eah says:

    I haven’t read enough of Sowell’s work to have an opinion about whether in the nature vs nurture question, overall he’s more on the nature or more on the nurture side.

    But it’s definitely true that a number of important socioeconomic metrics have worsened much more markedly among Blacks than among other races/ethnic groups since the advent of the Civil Rights era, including marriage and illegitimacy rates.

    Why Has Marriage Declined Among Black Americans

    In 1960, roughly 74% of whites were married, and the rate dropped to 56% in 2008. That is a big drop, but not compared to the plummeting marriage rate for blacks. In 1960, 61% of blacks were married, but by 2008 it was only 32%. Blacks also get divorced more often and remarry less frequently than whites.

    So the drop in the marriage rate among Blacks has been 2x that among Whites during the same period.

    And here you can see a graphic showing that illegitimacy rates have risen far more and are today dramatically higher among Blacks compared to Whites.

    So it’s natural to wonder if factors related to nurture are in part responsible.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Song For the Deaf
  107. Has anybody here actually read Sowell, let alone Black Rednecks and White Liberals?

    Because he doesn’t say half the things you people attribute to him.

    Sowell doesn’t blame black problems on white people *at all*. The whole point of his scholarship on race is to demolish all black victimhood narratives, which he clearly despises. He’s spent his entire life demolishing any claim that whites are responsible for black behavior – and that white liberal saviors can do anything to change it. He doesn’t blame white red necks for black behavior at all. He blames black people and black culture for black behavior. He merely explains that behavior by pointing out its continuity with poor white southerner behavior – and contrasts it with the behavior of the talented tenth of blacks who came predominantly from the North.

    •ï¿½Replies: @John Johnson
    , @Bill
  108. Pythas says:

    Drapetomaniac it’s not the government. that word is an abstraction like something out there in the ether. It’s these low-life individuals who collaborate with each other who believe fervently in slavery and thievery. Many of these curs have a natural depravity, its part of their every being of who they are. They belong to a kleptocracy and they love it and actually brag about it to everyone who doesn’t belong. Most of them are just criminals in nice clothes that’s all…

  109. @Mike The Kike

    Perhaps his point is that, as you should already know, jew, almost all jews are saboteurs and untrustworthy and, at best, not worth reading / paying attention to.

    For example, while this website has many good articles, including most of those by Ron Unz, Unz is nevertheless in full support of indiscriminate mass immigration to, and the browning of, America and the West, and he holds the same, ridiculous, reality-denying views as Thomas Sowell with regard to IQ, i.e., that racial IQs are largely or entirely environmental.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Hang All Text Drivers
  110. Sowell has always been an ideological black proxy of Jews as blacks are ideologically, politically, and culturally. That is why Jews like one of the creators of modern Judeo-libertarianism Milton Friedman promoted him. It is to get the white majority population to think “You see they are just like us. The differences are just environmental”.

  111. Thomas Sowell is a Con Inc deceiver that preys upon conservatives that have a poor grasp of statistics.

    What do his critics expect?? That he the truth about race? About as likely as a butcher telling you what is in sausage.

    The product relies on deceit.

    If these Con Inc hucksters admit that society is not merely the result of good government and individual morals then the whole narrative falls apart. Suddenly it’s not bugaboo socialism that is holding back Black areas. Or the comical “unions ruined Detroit” even though neighboring Windsor also lost their auto industry and yet didn’t become a hellhole.

    Con Inc is a scam and Sowell is a leading con artist.

    It’s unreal that conservatives can accept that defensive ends are more likely to be Black but in other areas it must be bugaboo socialism or bad morals from single parents. Well those single parents seem able to create plenty of athletes.


    The conservative equivalent of liberals not seeing irony of getting ecstatic over having a mulatto to use in politics. LOOK AT THS MULATTO WE FOUND. HE IS SO ARTICULATE. HE PROVES THAT RACE IS A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT.

    White men need to grow up and face reality as it is. Thomas is a story teller for children.

  112. Trinity says:
    @Poupon Marx

    Love that song. Remember watching the Orioles warmup between innings at the old Memorial Stadium and that song was playing and I can still picture Boog Powell was almost doing a jig. Haha. Of course, Thank God I’m A Country Boy has been the traditional song played during the 7th inning stretch in Baltimore for decades. IF you want to claim Baltimore as a “Northern†city, it was a city full of working class Southerners, my father and uncle had moved there from Georgia to work for General Motors, met plenty transplants while there.Detroit, Chicago, and St. Louis would be 3 more towns that drew a lot of working class Southerners. Now the migration pattern has reversed itself, it is towns like Dallas, Atlanta, Tampa, Charlotte, Nashville that are drawing not only Northerners but people from as far away as California. I see California tags all the time in Georgia of all places. Have no idea why they want to move in or near Atlanta or even the mountains, this place sucks and I can’t wait to go back to Florida.

    •ï¿½LOL: Poupon Marx
    •ï¿½Replies: @Poupon Marx
  113. anonymous[200] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Sowell is a manufactured character, similar to the parts Denzel Washington or Morgan Freeman play.
    He was created for whites as a new form of the Magical Negro–the black savior of the white hero.

    Over time this narrative trope went from being the janitor with poor English to the noble butler and finally the judge.
    Sowell as you may notice, does not appeal to blacks–his audience is white.
    Just another race hustler created to prevent European folk from reinforcing their own culture.

    •ï¿½Agree: OilcanFloyd
    •ï¿½Thanks: Trinity
  114. @Happy Tapir

    ‘Vision of the Anointed’ is pretty good. It’s an attack on establishment policymaking and ideals, hence the subtitle: ‘Self-Congratulation as a Basis For Social Policy.’

    ‘Intellectuals and Society’ is a great argument for not allowing intellectuals (who are usually liberal) anywhere near public policy, written by an intellectual.

    ‘Economic Facts and Fallacies’ uses economic facts to show how feminist and minority grievance claims have no basis in reality.

    ‘Basic Economics’ is a good intro to the subject, with lots of political insights from a libertarian pov.

    I seem to recall ‘Race and Culture’ being chock full of interesting observations as well.

  115. @Pythas

    I was just going to say that anyone who believes black American dysfunction is caused by American culture hasn’t looked around the world.

    Haiti, Jamaica, Africa, etc. You’re not getting Sweden or Norway, let’s put it that way.

  116. @eah

    Sowell’s been saying that same thing for 50 years. The Great Society was a disaster for black people, marriage rates, crime rates, welfare dependency, etc.

    He shows that while black illegitimacy and crime rates have historically always been substantially higher than white rates, they only became drastically higher as a result of Civil Rights.

  117. Alden says:
    @Poupon Marx

    I read his articles in National Review. Back before it turned into an Israel propaganda outlet

    I read them. He blamed White southern red necks bad influence in blacks going as far back as the 1600s Honor culture dueling culture quick to take offense extreme macho behavior.And I know all about the great northern migration ruined so many cities .

    •ï¿½Replies: @Poupon Marx
  118. Alden says:

    I always say, if China’s so great why are they pouring into America like the starving Irish during the potato famine,??,

    •ï¿½Agree: Frau Katze
  119. @Clyde Wilson

    Mr. Sowell has enlightened me. I always thought the dysfunction of southern working class whites was caused by so many of them adopting black culture.

  120. @Fin of a cobra

    Maybe his other work has something valuable in it for you — so go for it. But just admit it: his ideas on race are blatantly dishonest and should be trashed, just as many commenters on this thread have done.

    I don’t agree. Read my other comments related to this subject and my recitation of experience among Blacks. He may be fractionally wrong, but AGAIN, that does not make him completely wrong on race. His implicit point is that while genetically and statistically Blacks have lower IQs than Whites, that difference may be more variable due to nurture factors and milieu.

    An example is Harlem in the 1920s. And the Black neighborhoods in the Texas city I was born in. When left alone, they created their own sub-culture and institutions. This was an organic development. Later on, the great migration ruined Black AND White families due to living, working, and inorganic existence, including government intervention of FDR and forcing by government. It is somewhat complex to unravel. Just as I posted the chaos and entropy of White Hillbilly Appalachia, so followed the destruction of Black communities. The same and different.

    A different way of putting it is that there are Black people that can live harmoniously, hold good jobs, achieve higher education, and build a society, just like Whites. BUT there are less of them. AND the interference and “help” by Whites is almost wholly destructive, while the Jews use Blacks to destroy and eradicate Christian Whites. Jews in the entertainment industry drove Black culture to the filth and degradation of today. They created and drove the 1960s youth and culture alternative everything.

    The biggest difference between you and me is experience. What I know is from observation and interaction. I’m a field researcher type, pure induction. Your sources are vicarious, the experiences and thoughts, and realities of others. That is not a pejorative comment.

    •ï¿½Replies: @John Johnson
    , @Fin of a cobra
  121. @Alden

    I look at it as a FACTOR, one causative agent. I’m a Buddhist. Causation is serial and parallel. The more you know, the more paradox disappears or changes. Some factors are hidden, some are unknown. Some knowledge lends itself only to indirect understanding.

  122. Dr. Cofnas treats Dr. Sowell with great respect, but argues that that one reason he has managed to skate by for so long with these bad arguments is that he has not been held to as high a standard as his white colleagues.

    Sowell skates because his prejudices match those of the average elite white conservative. I’ve worked with black and white youth in small towns and inner-city areas of the South, and the one thing that is obvious is that many poor white kids can be coached up. The same isn’t true for most black kids. Even in schools where blacks make up 90% or more of the students, whites are almost always at the top of the class. That’s my experience.

    It’s obvious that desegregation has massively harmed lower and working class white kids in the South. But nobody cares about that, since those kids somehow deserve to be harmed. Lower class whites in the South have always been caught between the white elites who wanted to keep them in their place, and dysfunctional and subpar blacks who destroy everything around them. The southern populism of mid twentieth-century whites was an attempt to get out from between those two groups and establish their own society, which they did by moving from rural areas to mid-sized towns and populating the suburbs of larger cities of the region. Things were working pretty well until immigrants and desegregated blacks started arriving and working their magic.

    Northern transplants tend to disprove any myths of their own superiority.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Happy Tapir
    •ï¿½Replies: @John Johnson
  123. @Thomm

    It’s not a question of “what HBD people believe”, it’s a question of looking at the evidence and judging it fairly and correctly. The evidence for intelligence being predominantly genetic is overwhelming.

  124. Trinity says:
    @Poupon Marx

    Btw. I have seen places just like that in New York State, Pennsylvania and I am sure I can find them in any “Northern†state you can name. While living in NYC I would often catch bus to upstate New York to places like Newburgh, Poughkeepsie, Middletown, etc., maybe gamble in Atlantic City (dump) go to Belmar or Wildwood New Jersey (dumps) etc. Take a gander at how trashy and rat infested some places in The Big Apple happen to be, even in Manhattan. Ride the subway, take the Staten Island Ferry, hop on a bus or go to the park. LOL. 😠I met great people in New York and had a blast in the 1980s partly because I was a 20 something but living in Florida I have heard tons of Yankee bullshit about how great things were “up North†and how Florida was full of backwoods inbreds. Oh yeah, that’s the reason why so many transplants come from “up North.†Looks like those trailers were abandoned years ago, no different than abandoned row houses in Philly or Bmore or rat infested projects in the Bronx. 🤣🤣

    I had some New Jersey nitwit tell me the hot sauce in New Jersey was better.

  125. Agent76 says:

    “Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism†Ayn Rand

    Oct 18, 2024 Should Society Be Assumed to Be the Cause or Cure of Racial Disparities?

    Oct 21, 2024 Socialist Democrats Don’t Want You to Know This About The Soviet Union

  126. Richard B says:

    Great comment BrooLidd! Thanks!

    The white race cannot be saved.

    Not so sure about that. Though I do understand the sentiment, and the point, seen in relation to the rest of your excellent comment, is certainly well taken. But, to the extent it is true, the same can be said for the human race. Of course. Think about it.

    Every other race, no matter where they are regarding IQ, have adopted the ideas and institutions of the West (White Man Bad) without being able to adapt to them. That includes the high IQ among them, for example Jews whose modernty is still inhibited by a pre-modern history that they can’t seem to shake for the life of them, as events of late have only made too obvious for all to see. And what are ideas and institutions but adaptational mechanisms. They don’t work, we don’t work.

    And yet, who among the high IQ elite and thier low IQ proxies, both of whom are currently gloating about the death of the West and White Man Bad, are even talking about their future from the point of view of human adaptation. None of them.

    That would explain their maladaptive behavior today. Rats flee from a sinking ship for the same reason humans do. They don’t like to drown. But that doesn’t mean they can swim. So even if they abandon ship in time, they’re still going down.

  127. @Thomm

    Saying that the difference in crime rate between blacks and whites would disappear in the absence of black illegitimacy is like saying that pigs could fly if they only had wings.

    Pigs will never have wings, and blacks will always have sky-high illegitimacy. It’s hereditary.

    Black crime is simply a result of their high illegitimacy rate, the tendency for which is, again, inherited.

  128. Trinity says:
    @Poupon Marx

    Slavs, Turks, or Sand Niggers?


    Give me Clyde, Skeeter, and Cooter any day?

    Dis be how we do it in Kahsakhstan , yo.

    U gotz to be a dirty kike.

  129. Chris Moore says: •ï¿½Website

    Though Dr. Sowell does not endorse the “woke†thesis that black problems are due to white racism, he still ends up pinning the blame on white people. How? His version of the “cultural explanation†is that those problems are due to blacks adopting the culture of white Southern rednecks. That culture, in Dr. Cofnas’s words:

    “included an aversion to work, proneness to violence, neglect of education, sexual promiscuity, improvidence, drunkenness, lack of entrepreneurship, reckless searches for excitement, lively music and dance, and a style of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions, and flamboyant imagery.”

    Sounds like the degenerate, grifter jew, who bounces between the two extremes of unbridled pathology: Judeofascism/Zionism and Bolshevism/cultural Marxism, and is hence bipolar/schizo. Which partially explains why the jew degenrate has clamped down in Israel and is trying to clamp down in the Anglosphere. That, and the Zionist golden calf: kosher central banker’s fiat Ponzi, to be eventually run out of Jerusalem.

    So what we can conclude is that those voodooists prone to Synagogue of Satan thought patterns — including jive talking jews, Blacks, Globohomo/Clownworld trannies (the Sodom and Gomorrah of this era) and even Petrodollar Islamists (who want their slice of the jew grift) are derelict reprobates who end up as either as “victim” slaves or soulless slavers.

    Sowell (and libertarians) refuse to name the Synagogue of Satan. Sowell’s descendents will likely end up as slaves or slavers.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Trinity
  130. @Thomasina

    In turn Jordan and Magic are much smarter than Lebron James. That’s why he isn’t on their level. Only the dumbed down think he’s as good.

    That said Magic did get the better of Bird several times. But no question Bird’s IQ and discipline and grit made up for some of his lack in terms of athletic ability.

  131. Che Guava says:

    Jalapeno ice cream doesn’t exist.
    Try to use less inapt examples.

    •ï¿½Replies: @obwandiyag
  132. Trinity says:
    @Poupon Marx

    No problem. 😉

  133. Trinity says:
    @Chris Moore

    Some poster described the kike as a “crybully.†That definitely is spot on.

    The thing cries out as IT striketh thee…..

  134. What if the content of the melanin in skin played a role in a person’s industriousness? Is it not possible moving a black person from sunny sub Sahara Africa to North America is likely to lead to a vitamin D deficiency? Vitamin D is a hormone with receptors in nearly every cell of the body. Vitamin D deficiency is just one factor important for metabolism and ultimately for mitochondrial function. Mitochondrial function has a lot to do with both a person’s mental health and certainly their energy levels. In this case genetics might not directly determine such qualities as industriousness and conscientiousness but be an indirect cause. I you have low levels of D known to be associated with depression which can lead to low energy and a lack of industriousness. It helps in order to be conscientious to have certain minimal levels of energy and alertness. Also, on a similar note the higher mortality of the black community in COVID probably had little to do with inferior healthcare for minorities and much more to do with low vitamin D levels and associated immune dysfunction.

  135. @Wayne Lusvardi

    Genes might exist, or they might not. It’s really not important to the discussion, since heredity (for which non-existent genes would be merely a proxy) is not in dispute.

  136. @Song For the Deaf

    Has anybody here actually read Sowell, let alone Black Rednecks and White Liberals?

    Because he doesn’t say half the things you people attribute to him.

    He writes libertarian race denying bullshit. I’ve read plenty of it.

    Sowell doesn’t blame black problems on white people *at all*.

    Not true. Blaming White Democrats is a form of blaming White people. Instead of the normal practice of blaming racist Whites it’s the “big government” urban Whites that are to blame.

    The whole point of his scholarship on race is to demolish all black victimhood narratives, which he clearly despises.

    You are naive. He is a Con Inc huckster that does not want a real discussion on race.

    What happens if we try charter schools and they don’t fix the racial gap? Well that already happened and yet Sowell is still an advocate of charter schools. He promotes the ye old libertarian theory of lazy teacher’s unions. It’s a load of bullshit that serves the investor class and he knows it. Bill Gates spent around 200 million on this theory and then quietly went back to funding a cure for malaria. Want to guess the likelihood of that being discussed on Fox/Newsmax or by Sowell?

    •ï¿½Agree: Alden
    •ï¿½Replies: @Alden
  137. Trinity says:

    So the Southern man taught Blackie TNB? I guess all those Blacks raping and butchering Whites in South Africa were Southern fried transplants. The kike really has a hard on for Southerners. Strange considering how ignorant MOST Southerners are of the Jewish Problem.

    The only thing the Southern Whitey taught Blackie was religion and cooking. What the average idiot calls “soul food†is nothing more than Southern cooking. I have eaten more collard greens and neck bones than 90% of those nigras out there. Keep in’ it a hunnert, troop.

    Cue: How Do You Want It by 2 Pack hehe. 🙃

    •ï¿½Thanks: Alden
  138. @OilcanFloyd

    It’s obvious that desegregation has massively harmed lower and working class white kids in the South.

    The modern education system sandbags White kids in practically every state. That is half the point of Common Core. The creator even said that the intent is to have equal racial outcomes.

    I knew a conservative teacher in multi-racial area and even he ended up resenting the White kids. He practically ignored them and they still had the best grades. I support encouraging the best in all kids but a lot of teachers have egalitarian beliefs (including Christian conservative) and these realities end up mocking them.

    Even in schools where blacks make up 90% or more of the students, whites are almost always at the top of the class. That’s my experience.

    That’s after the White kids have been trying to keep their heads down to not attract attention. White kids will get a beating in Black areas if they are too “unequal” in the classroom. They will sometimes take a Black or punk persona as to not attract attention. It happens out of self-preservation. The smarter White kids are in fact more likely to do it. They have to pretend that they don’t care.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Alden
  139. @Adam Birchdale

    Unz is nevertheless in full support of indiscriminate mass immigration

    He is? First time i heard that.

    •ï¿½Agree: Frau Katze
    •ï¿½Replies: @Adam Birchdale
  140. @Liosnagcat

    Black crime is simply a result of their high illegitimacy rate, the tendency for which is, again, inherited.

    No. Black crime is due to their low intelligence. Most read and do arithmetic at the first grade level. They can’t get jobs so it’s crime – and welfare.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Liosnagcat
  141. @Liosnagcat

    Black crime is simply a result of their high illegitimacy rate, the tendency for which is, again, inherited.

    But that makes it sound like children of Black two parent households would have below or average crime rates.

    That isn’t the case and someone pointed out years ago that Black kids from 6 figure homes are more likely to commit crimes than poor Whites. That study was ignored by everyone.

    Liberals and conservatives simply don’t want to know. They don’t want a real discussion because they don’t want to know the truth.

    Sowell is rich because he is very talented at not telling the truth. He sells Leave it to Bantu fantasies to conservatives and they lap it up. My conservative friend that taught in a multi-racial school never spoke of Sowell after the experience. He also stopped blaming unions for the schools.

    He really didn’t talk politics after the experience and had a “been to Vietnam” type look.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Liosnagcat
  142. @Poupon Marx

    A different way of putting it is that there are Black people that can live harmoniously, hold good jobs, achieve higher education, and build a society, just like Whites. BUT there are less of them. AND the interference and “help†by Whites is almost wholly destructive, while the Jews use Blacks to destroy and eradicate Christian Whites.

    I don’t buy the conservative theory that doing nothing for Blacks would help them. Not for one second.

    Yes there are middle class Blacks that can do well and they flee to the burbs. Corporations in the burbs are happy to hire them for the sake of diversity.

    So the rest get abandoned and then what? Where is the private market to solve this problem? Answer: it can’t. The urban cores get turned into wastelands and our conservatives drone on about morals and bad socialism.

    A great irony of desegregation is that it allowed middle class Blacks to abandon Black areas for comfy homes and “safe schools” in the burbs. I don’t have all the answers but letting the private market gods sort it out clearly isn’t working. Have you ever been to an area like Baltimore? It’s f-cking insane. Do you want to open a business in these areas? I truly hate liberals but we need to get past these conservative fantasies of the market somehow being a cure-all.

  143. Alden says:
    @John Johnson

    Right it’s all Phil Burton’s and Lyndon Johnson’s fault because until 1964 absolutely no one in America got any kind of welfare at all. Sowell is just another black grifter hustler And pro Israel

    Something conservatives either don’t know and if they don’t know do their best to deny So they can blame it all on Johnson.

    Every state including Mississippi had welfare; state funds disbursed through the counties

    . About the only thing Burton and Johnson did was create federal disability thus relieving states of some but not all disability responsibility They created federal disability SSI payments for those who didn’t work ten quarters for SSA for retired or disabled people who worked and contributed to SS

    Conservatives complain about both decent wages and welfare truth is, low wages result in high welfare costs.
    Decent wages result in low welfare costs.

    •ï¿½Replies: @John Johnson
  144. @Happy Tapir

    Whites accept that Asians and certain sub groups like say Jews are smarter than themselves. We don’t worry about it all the time or talk about it all the time.

    I don’t. Asians, like Whites, are a far more complete group than Jews, which is why they also build civilizations. But superior? I don’t see any reason to believe so. Jews lucked their way into power. Whites don’t need Jews, or any other group, to have stable and advanced civilizations

  145. Anonymous[298] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:
    @Poupon Marx

    I live in West Virginia – it is a very poor state because it is a state that adores parental influence – it is a state that your whole life depends upon your being born with the right parents and their ultimate influence in the community. For instance – if you want to get on with the state Highway Department – you better have relatives that worked, and did well, with them the hierarchy,. Otherwise, you will always wonder why you were always on the outside. No one picks themselves up by their own bootstraps in West Virginia – it is always their relatives. It is also a state with a declining population. Nothing there is a straight deal

  146. Jerr says:

    For there will never cease to be poor in the land ……

    The poor you will always have with you………

  147. Alden says:
    @John Johnson

    Before it went pro Israel every year National Review published SAT scores by race and income. And every year Whites from families with incomes of $10,000 had average SAT scores of 1100 and blacks with family incomes of $70,000 had SAT scores around 450.

    Affirmative Action $70,000 incomes of course. Many affirmative action black lawyers and judges can’t read above third grade level. And move their lips while struggling to read. I observed this for the 27 years I worked in the criminal courts building.

  148. RJ Macready [AKA "RJ Macready(Antarctica)"] says:
    @Simon D

    I meant his stoic demeanor in real life (reading his biography at the moment) and interest and passion for anglo culture. And to think that he only properly learnt the English language in his late 30s!

  149. RJ Macready [AKA "RJ Macready(Antarctica)"] says:

    I have no idea about the pole’s history and background. Slowly I am learning about the true nature of the world(mostly from this site), and things are shocking as it is about the true character of Jews and how they blend in. I get routinely shocked to see many people who I considered white turn out to be Jews. For example Harrison Ford! Winona Ryder!

  150. 36 ulster says:

    I believe you’re on to something.

  151. @Trinity

    Nathan Cofnas lives in England. He’s probably never been to the American south.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Trinity
  152. Voltara says:

    What’s the point of this? Everyone knows the truth. Sowell is a diversity hire who repackages platitudes and we’re supposed to be astonished.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Alden
  153. RestiveUs says:

    Wow, that’s some counter-argument!

  154. I read this essay on Cofnas’ Substack. I was dubious about parts of it and left this comment. He had this theory about low IQ “fringe Britons†who supposedly settled the American South.

    I didn’t mention the American South in my comment as I’ve never been there.

    Just one comment about different populations of whites in North America. I don’t think we can conclude that “fringe†Britons were lower IQ. I’ve never been to the southern US but I live in Canada.

    The country was heavily settled by Scottish Highlanders. Yet Canada does not seem that different from New England, that got more ethnic English.

  155. Bill says:
    @Clyde Wilson

    Exactly. Sowell is a minstrel, just like all the other “black conservatives.” He is smarter and aims at a higher-toned white audience, resulting in lots of cash and prizes for him, but it is only a more refined version of the same schtik.

    •ï¿½Agree: Richard B
    •ï¿½Thanks: Alden
  156. @Poupon Marx

    Listen, while I appreciate your personal tidbits — you’ve led quite an interesting life — the fundamental difference between you and me is this: I read the damn article and I engage with it. You don’t. I contend that you certainly didn’t get this idea from the article:

    [Sowell’s] implicit point is that while genetically and statistically Blacks have lower IQs than Whites

    The hell it is! Not only did you not get this from the article, you didn’t get this from any of Sowell’s writings — period. Did you really read his books? If so, give me the quotes in which Sowell comes anywhere near saying something like “Blacks have lower IQs than Whites”, like you say. I contend that, if Sowell came out and said that Blacks have lower IQs than whites, what would happen to him is the same thing that happened twice to James Watson: the Jews would Watson him. He would be Watsoned so damn fast he wouldn’t have time to keep his shekels in his pockets. Sowell would never dare.

    Read the article again, Poupon, unless you want to be charged with the most vile crime a commenter could be accused of on this forum: functional illiteracy. Here is the key quote for you:

    Dr. Sowell rejects the hereditarian theory, endorsed by Dr. Cofnas, which holds that differences are due, at least in part, to innate characteristics.

    And here is a quote from Sowell himself:

    There are few, if any, issues more explosive than the question of whether there are innate differences in intelligence among the various races. … No one knows if this is true — and this is just one of the many things that no one knows about race and intelligence.

    Chapter 5, “Race and Intelligence”
    Intellectuals and Race, by Thomas Sowell

    •ï¿½Replies: @Poupon Marx
  157. Are these people heavily influenced by blacks?

    This is a pretty typical group of White Southerners.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Richard B
    •ï¿½Replies: @Trinity
  158. Pbar says:

    I heard Thomas Sowell say, on a talk show, that talking about black IQ “permanentizes the problem.” In other words, it makes black dysfunction seem to be set in stone, and not subject to correction.

    Of course, arguments about the effect of beliefs rather than the truth of those beliefs, should have no place in science, and that is a thing that Thomas Sowell was well aware of, in other spheres of discussion. But by saying this, he seems to admit, “If black IQ is intractably low, that would be bad, so it must not be the case”. This is very bad reasoning, and not something he is usually guilty of.

    Unfortunately for us all, black intelligence, all over the world, as measured by any method ever conceived, is shockingly low. The only way that might improve is if the more intelligent blacks reproduced more than the less intelligent, but of course we are subsidizing the opposite of that.

  159. Trinity says:

    To be honest that type of people remind me more of the people I met in rural Nebraska, southern rural Illinois, or rural Missouri while spending time in Omaha, Nebraska.

    Georgia is nothing like that in small mountain towns above Atlanta. The people are quite unfriendly, look to rip off tourists, shysters on par with Jews. The flatland rednecks from Macon on down are far more trustworthy, honest, and better people. Virginia is a beautiful state, and a border state, not in the Deep South. Even long ago there were major cultural differences between a border state like Virginia and a state like Alabama. Hell, Georgia is like 2 separate states, there is Northern Georgia above Macon not counting Augusta which is like South Georgia and Atlanta and the mountains. Parts of Northern Georgia are like Little Mexico, cities like Dalton, Gainesville, are heavily populated with Beaners.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Trinity
    •ï¿½Replies: @Richard B
    , @OilcanFloyd
  160. @Che Guava

    Why do you fucking idiots even attempt to type?


    “In order to make this delightfully spicy mole ice cream, the owners bring four types of chili peppers from Michoacán Mexico, grinds ‘em up, and peppers (!) them in with a chocolate base.”


    Mexican ice cream tends to be bolder in flavor, with ingredients like chili, Mexican cinnamon, and tropical fruits



    •ï¿½Replies: @Che Guava
  161. @Fin of a cobra

    I believe you and others are not thinking properly on what Sowell is referring to and touching upon. Part of his general outline of hypotheses are that of the empirical variety, able to be quantified, and verified and replicated. That would be the difference in measured IQ in the present. The correlation is high between races and IQ. Within races, the internal variation can be quite varying, from a spectrum distribution aspect.

    Many years ago, psychometric researchers were surprised that IQ levels of certain groups got higher over time. This was noticed, catalogued by a psychologist named James Flynn, and became known as the Flynn Effect. A brief overview:

    The Flynn effect is the observed increase in intelligence test scores over time, named after researcher James Flynn:
    The Flynn effect is a statistical phenomenon that describes the increase in average IQ scores over time. The effect is most significant with tasks measuring fluid intelligence, such as the Raven’s Progressive Matrices.
    Flynn’s research showed that intelligence scores for a population increase over time by 5 to 25 points. The effect was documented by Flynn in a study on intelligence quotient (IQ) score gains in the standardization samples of successive versions of Stanford-Binet and Wechsler intelligence tests.
    Some potential factors that may contribute to the Flynn effect include:
    Education: The tenor of education has changed, with more people having access to higher quality education.
    Access to information: The internet has made it quicker and easier to digest information than in past decades.
    Exposure to complex tasks: The world has become more complex, with new inventions and developments that require a developed mind to engage with and understand them.
    Nutrition: Enhanced nutrition during the prenatal and early postnatal stages may be a factor.
    Having fewer siblings: Parents who don’t have to split their attention amongst a large number of children may offer increased support and attention.
    In recent years, the Flynn effect has weakened and reversed in several Western countries. This may indicate that the Flynn effect was a transient phenomenon that temporarily masked an underlying dysgenic trend.


    Now this is a relatively short term phenomenon. Simply put, if a person’s brain, esp. the frontal cortex, is used for higher thought, i.e. abstract thinking, then it will be reinforced to do better on tests that require the same process and method. This makes sense, as time on a job, or physical workouts produce more ease and higher performance. In fact, it’s axiomatic.

    Now, consider this same set of mechanisms and producers over a longer term. Let us take the Western Civilization as an example. Western Civilization as a milieu, analog to plankton rich seas to a baleen whale, provide more stimulation, exercise and excitation to that part of the brain involved in reasoning, logic, problem solving and symbol representation. This population or cohort will be, correspondingly, develop these skills, “strengthening” by exertion and particular tasks.

    Over a longer time period, let us suppose that Africans and other Third World populations move into higher cognitive positions in a society and the native population increasingly moves to the menial, less cognitive, simple and basic employment-by what ever mechanism. Let us say also that this new population has a higher fertility rate, produced more high end workers in absolute terms than that of the declining population.

    All geneticists postulate that higher IQ, and specific IQ related abilities are passed down through the genome at a high correlated rate. In the old days of Western Civ, high IQ families had many children, and a higher percentage of them survived into adulthood versus lower IQ, less prosperous ones.

    Regression To The Mean. What is happening today, is that the rapid past increase in IQ in the West, is regressing toward the mean. This is due to many factors, some of them organic and some due to unfortunate, but self-inflicted harm and detriment by the West to itself, internally. The lower IQs of the invaders, new settlers, is drifting toward a progressive mean due to improved living and learning conditions-statistically speaking. Under present trends, this IQ reversal will advance steadily, as long as societal, population and demographic trends continue.

    IQ variation and deviation thus can be seen as a reversal interaction. Better nurture , over a long multi-generational period creates selective breeding based on the desirability and valuation of certain traits, abilities, and personality clusters. IQ is NOT something like skin color, or strong differential physical traits. It is based on the co-mixture of similar genes, that through randomness in new genome formation, statistically favors the more common traits found in the progenitors. Musicians produce more musicians than the mean; mathematicians produce more….etc, etc. Ashkenazim Jews are a relatively small gene pool where over inbreeding has produced adverse effects, like that of my rheumatologist who had both breasts removed due to the gene that produces a 70% greater chance of breast cancer. But her in-group has high average raw intelligence.

    Circling back to Sowell, one has to now ponder and profoundly think of the reverberatory overtones of the word INNATE. It must be qualified by a time stamp and circumstance, whether that will be uninterrupted and continuous, etc, et al. Entre use of Asian thought and resolution/discovery by analogy, parallel, and similarity.

    I have walked aboard several ships as Chief or First Engineer (in charge of work force and execution), and found disorder, disrepair, dysfunction. Several times I had been told, “It’s always been like that” regarding certain items of machinery or systems. IOW, I was told this was INNATE AND INHERENT. SOMEHOW. What I found was a static response situation. Either under repaired and attended, or mis-repaired and neglected, as if it were fated to be that way. Kismet, Karma, Predestination, Permanence. Buddha said that nothing is permanence; everything is impermanence and changing.

    Reversing the “innate”.. First, just look, observe the obvious and not obvious. Then study the construction, operation, and manufacturer’s manual. Then study the Machinery History. Then talk to those who worked on the item(s) or who did and what they did. Then, if not running, then run and do some tests. Then explore certain relevant components. Simplest first and then progressively likely to be involved. Replace, modify, refurbish, upgrade re-manufacture, part(s) to make the machine or system whole.

    Innate does not always mean or necessitate the idea and integrally immutable.. As I have submitted and construed.

  162. Richard B says:

    Valid and interesting points Trinity, as usual.

    But, as you well know, a far more important point is found in the bigger picture. Which is that the hositle elite, their useful idiots and paid proxies, make no distinction between the crooked hillbillies in the small towns above Atlanta, the flatland rednecks from Macon on down, the Virginians featured in the video Oilcan Floyd shared, and you and me, and Oilcan Floyd. We’re all the same to them. Targeted for destrucion.

    The big question is whether or not we’re capable of uniting to defend ourselves in the same way we’re being attacked – as a single group. Maybe, maybe not. But it is possible.

    After all, stranger things have happened in history. So, who knows? Time will tell.

    •ï¿½Agree: Trinity
    •ï¿½Replies: @Alden
  163. Ward Kendall says: •ï¿½Website

    Thomas Sowell is an intelligent outlier to negroes as a whole. Even so, all his intelligence cannot outweigh the enormous harm that the presence of negroes inflict upon this country. As it stands, I would gladly forego his presence in America if it also meant that his lesser genetic brothers and sisters were to vanish as well.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Alden
    •ï¿½Replies: @Alden
  164. @Trinity

    Georgia is nothing like that in small mountain towns above Atlanta. The people are quite unfriendly, look to rip off tourists, shysters on par with Jews. The flatland rednecks from Macon on down are far more trustworthy, honest, and better people.

    I have to disagree. I live on the Georgia coast, but I’m from north of Atlanta. I have pretty much the opposite view that you have. Part of my family is from the mountains and hills of North Georgia, and the other side is from South Georgia, and both sides are descended from North Carolinians and Virginians who came to Georgia in the 1700 and 1800s.

    The people in the video I posted remind me very much of the places I remember, as well as my relatives and the people I saw and knew, but most of those people are dead now. I remember places like Dalton before the Mexicans and transplants. They were very different, and much nicer places. So was Atlanta and the metro area.

    I didn’t just choose the video at random. The town in the video is a place where some of my ancestors lived. I have pictures of some of them, as some older relatives stayed in touch, oddly enough after so long. The county in Georgia where they settled was given the same name, which is interesting, since there are places in Texas and California named after the same Virginians who gave their names to the original towns in Virginia they left. Some groups in the area went to Texas and California, according to family lore.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Trinity
  165. Dr. Cofnas treats Dr. Sowell with great respect, but argues that that one reason he has managed to skate by for so long with these bad arguments is that he has not been held to as high a standard as his white colleagues.

    I disagree. In order to counter Dr Sowell’s arguments, one would have to state that blacks have on average lower innate intelligence than whites. Few in the mainstream dare to suggest this. Dr Sowell has engaged with the subject matter and suggests that blacks have not benefited as much as whites from the Flynn Effect. He may be wrong, but he is a cut above the liberals who deal with these awkward questions by shouting “racist”, or by dishonestly inventing nonsense like “stereotype threat”.

    The problem with human genetics is that it is a dismal science – more so than economics. We are each constrained by our genetic inheritance. There is strong evidence that, on average, this depends on race. It is foolish to jump to conclusions about the ability of an individual based on race alone. It is equally foolish not to reach such conclusions when averaging over a million individuals of the same race. But this nuance is lost in public discussion.

    The unbearable and dismal nature of the subject encourages alternatives that are pleasing but wrong. The modern belief in such things as systematic racism, unconscious bias and so on, is akin to Lysenkoism – and, through misallocation of huge sums of money, is nearly as disastrous.

    •ï¿½Replies: @John Johnson
  166. SMK says: •ï¿½Website
    @Clyde Wilson

    Are Southern whites or whites as a group to blame for the dysfunction, violence, crime, anarchy, mayhem, and warfare, between gangs and nations, of blacks in Haiti and the countries of sub-Saharan Africa?

    •ï¿½Replies: @SMK
  167. @Alden

    Something conservatives either don’t know and if they don’t know do their best to deny So they can blame it all on Johnson.

    They also never speak of Nixon who also signed a huge amount of race fiction based social spending while his private tapes reveal that he didn’t believe in it on a personal level.

    Nixon believed that the government should go ahead and discriminate against Whites in order to build a Black middle class.

    He actually expanded Affirmative Action beyond what the Democrats had requested.

    Nixon was one of the first Con Inc racial realists. He accepted race but still took the position that society needed to lie and remove merit based systems.

    Conservatives complain about both decent wages and welfare truth is, low wages result in high welfare costs.

    Yes and they are perfectly fine with a foreign corporation paying garbage wages even if it means higher national costs. They are idiots and largely in part because they decided to swallow a lie after WW2. Once you pretend that race doesn’t exist then you have do develop all kinds of explanations and policies to explain the inequalities. It just leads to stupidity because you are ignoring the most obvious answer in the room. I’ve seen the results of this stupidity first hand and it works against everyone. Black students suffer when Gud Whites decide to bury the results and not give them the extra help that they need. Black/White students most likely benefit from specialized learning styles but admitting that is a grave sin to the modern liberal or conservative.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Alden
  168. @James N. Kennett

    The problem with human genetics is that it is a dismal science – more so than economics.

    It is not a dismal science when Western society has driven itself into a maddening dystopia by trying to believe in fiction.

    The existence of race does not require a dystopia nor does it affirm fascism.

    Few here realize how much toiling there is behind the scenes to make the clowniverse even appear believable. They have no idea as to how many H1-Bs are working technical positions to prop up the White man’s fiction.

    Most Blacks already know that race exists. The science of race wouldn’t be some great revelation to them. The main problem is with isolated Whites that live in the burbs and make decisions based on television. That includes Christian conservatives.

    Literally billions of dollars per week are spent on trying to maintain a fictional view. Imagine if those billions went to infrastructure based jobs programs or health care instead of meaningless make-work based on egalitarian fantasy. Our industries would be far more efficient if they went back to merit based hiring.

    Human genetic denial is a massive burden. We have few candidates in politics due to the contradictory beliefs one must maintain in regard to race. 99% of the population is not capable of remembering all the nuances and double-think. Whites in politics have to pretend that race doesn’t exist while being acutely aware of it and where they have to maintain complete dishonesty.

    •ï¿½Agree: James N. Kennett
  169. Che Guava says:

    Read the links you provide, all seem like nonsense, all bad advertising sites, sure, I have a blender, so I place avocadoes (which quickly rot) and Jalapenos in it, and hypothetically have an ice-cream maker, then mix them all up together, it is nonsense.

    •ï¿½Replies: @obwandiyag
  170. @obwandiyag

    There’s been nobody claiming everything is purely hereditary yet you pretend and lie that they do. I name you, and I name you jew

  171. @Nat X

    Many times dindoos also live rent-free in private apartments

    As a former landlord, many’s the dindoo I had to go through the lengthy eviction process with, much to my sorrow. Usually requiring $50 cash to run a credit / background check was enough to send the dindoos scrabbling out of the office like they’d just seen a certified letter with their random assembly of letters “name” on it

    •ï¿½Replies: @Nat X
  172. JamesinNM says:

    There was a scientific article published a number of years ago which I cannot locate that stated there were 5 people groups and for members of those groups that remained sufficiently pure, they could be distinguished by the shape of their teeth. Is anyone willing and capable of initiating and continuing unbiased research on people’s similarities and differences? The truth will be revealed at the final judgement. Seek all truth with all your heart.

  173. Alden says:
    @John Johnson

    Thanks one quibble; why should Whites give blacks the extra help they need? After what blacks have done to us Whites? Long before the civil war.

    Just one example In the 1830s in his 20s 6’4 strong farm laborer Abraham Lincoln was beaten almost to death by a gang of black robbers in New Orleans. He was an entrepreneur. Built a raft loaded it with goods floated south on the Mississippi to New Orleans
    Sold the goods in New Orleans, bought new product took a riverboat home and sold the goods.

    It was a black organized robbery gang. Robbed the merchants after they sold what they brought south to New Orleans. Big business

    Philadelphia kept crime stats starting early 1800s. Very high crime rate for blacks.

    1580s England Queen Elizabeth after numerous requests issued a decree banning the importation of black Africans because they were “ licentious idle thieves and brawlers “
    No sympathy no help. For blacks.

    Nixon created the Hispanic affirmative action race by executive order. Nixon accelerated desegregation in schools and housing. Expanded school bussing to every state. Just another traitor to the White race Nixon’s DOJ filed a pro plaintiff a friend of the court brief in the affirmative action case Griggs vs Duke Power 1973

    . Like John Kennedy who signed executive order 10925 mandating that every federal agency , every federal contractor and every state and local government that takes federal money “ take affirmative action to hire negroes†on March 6 1961 7 weeks after he became president. An EO written by his Jew friend Arthur Goldberg. A much higher percentage of negro loving Jews voted for Kennedy than Catholics.

    What does that tell you about John Kennedy? Or every president since Truman?

    •ï¿½Replies: @John Johnson
  174. Alden says:
    @Richard B

    Trinity and anarchist are my favorite commentators .

    •ï¿½Thanks: Trinity
  175. Alden says:
    @Ward Kendall

    Sowell is intelligent in negro terms. Probably 105 IQ A negro genius. Average American negro IQ 85 40 percent under 80 IQ.

    And this after 200 to 400 years in America about 25 percent White DNA many much higher And the entire country turned upside down and inside out trying to raise their intelligence level. Plus hundreds of billions probably one trillion spent since 1953. All down the drain. And not just the criminal welfare retard class.

    All those affirmative action incompetent retards in government and elected office in every major city in the country. DC 19th century foreign diplomats used to call our capital Africa. And not just because of the climate hot damp malaria and typhoid Because of the African marauders.

  176. SMK says: •ï¿½Website

    How can race denialists, including Sowell lamentably, explain why 19 of the 20 poorest nations are black countries, and Haiti is 19 on the list, and contend that this has nothing to do with race and connate racial group differences, nothing to do with the low average intelligence of blacks.

    The only non-black country amongst the 20 poorest nations is Afghanistan, and this reality has less to do with race and IQ than with the Taliban and decades of war with the Soviet Union and then the United States.

  177. @BrooLidd

    Mr. Costello, you write

    Liberal critics have mostly left [Sowell] alone — because he is black and opposes hereditarianism. This has not been fair to Dr. Sowell. He… would have benefitted from fair-minded but tough criticism.

    You also write

    If I were a black of Dr. Sowell’s intellectual caliber, I might find the truth about racial differences and heredity hard to accept. For that reason, I cannot judge him too harshly.

    See the problem?

    Superb point.

    And I share your despair.

  178. @Wayne Lusvardi

    Lusvardi, I like the way you think.

    Many good people on here seem to feel threatened when their sacred cows are exposed. It’s uncomfortable. The Jew-Pill seems plenty enough for them.

    Well. At least there’s that.

  179. Nat X says:


    “As a former landlord…”

    Glad we ran your incel ass out of business!!!


    •ï¿½Replies: @A_Hand_Hidden
  180. @Mike The Kike

    Though it pains me to state the obvious, here goes. If there are several critters known to inhabit a field that a friend is traversing, many of them benign but also including snakes, of which perhaps thirty percent are venomous, it is not untoward for one to warn the friend, “Hey buddy, watch out for the snakes. This field has them.”

    Everyone who is not a “dipshit” knows that only some snakes are venomous, but that it pays to critically assess each one — because of the potential downside.

    Is it really that hard to understand? Is that why you couldn’t figure it out, Snake?

  181. @Nat X

    Yes, landlording is a bit unseemly, don’t miss it. Especially after reading my main man Hudson and learning about rentier income. And don’t get me wrong I admire dindoos; living life in the moment w/o a worry or thought about tomorrow seems very relaxing.

    •ï¿½LOL: Corrupt
  182. @Che Guava

    You seem to be retarded.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Che Guava
  183. Che Guava says:

    Not at all. Just that all of the recipe sites that you cite seem a little fake.

    Never having visited Mexico, I don’t know, perhaps they like to make savoury ice-cream, my angle is from Asia, many shaved-ice desserts, but no chili, although it is popular in food in general. The only type of ice-cream that would seem strange to others is durian-flavoured ice cream.

    Since chili is from the Americas, I sometimes wonder how Indian or Korean food, etc. would have tasted five hundred years ago. In India, would guess they had used peppercorns at times.

    Japanese cuisine,chili never caught on.

  184. @Alden

    Thanks one quibble; why should Whites give blacks the extra help they need? After what blacks have done to us Whites? Long before the civil war.

    I was talking about Black students. Giving them the help they need would require their own curriculum.

    If liberals truly cared about Black students then they would want them to have their own teachers and classrooms. There is enough evidence to suggest that they benefit from a tailored learning approach and without pressure to compete against other races. The only way for this to happen would be to accept racial differences.

    I think it’s a fair compromise with racial realism and it would only be for students.

    For the record I don’t support forcing Whites to carry Blacks as adults. I support public education but I do not expect it to create equal outcomes. The desire for equal outcomes is what causes White egalitarians to go mad and try to intervene at the adult level. That includes Christian conservatives that think they can fix inequality with “free market” ideals.

    Nixon created the Hispanic affirmative action race by executive order. Nixon accelerated desegregation in schools and housing.

    I’m fully aware of that and consider him to be one of the worst presidents of all time. He privately knew that race was real but supported discrimination against Whites in order to build a Black middle class. Well that was the basis and he probably knew it was unlikely to work.

    Nixon and LBJ did an incredible amount of damage to this country. The number of Democrat bills signed by Nixon is staggering.

    What does that tell you about John Kennedy? Or every president since Truman?

    They hate reality and eventually turn against Whites out of spite. I have seen this happen to Whites that have lived in multi-racial areas. The reality is much worse than they imagined and they turn against their own kind.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Alden
  185. @Hang All Text Drivers

    Black crime is simply a result of their high illegitimacy rate, the tendency for which is, again, inherited.

    No. Black crime is due to their low intelligence. Most read and do arithmetic at the first grade level. They can’t get jobs so it’s crime – and welfare.

    Fair point. I’ll rephrase:

    Whether or not the high illegitimacy rate of blacks contributes to their high crime rate, it’s worth noting that the tendency toward illegitimacy is an inherited trait. It cannot be wished away.

  186. @John Johnson

    You made some great points. I’ll rephrase:

    Whether or not the high illegitimacy rate of blacks contributes to their high crime rate, it’s worth noting that the tendency toward fostering illegitimacy is an inherited trait. It cannot be wished away.

  187. @Kaiser Wilhelm

    TL, TS/DR

    Too long, too stupid, didn’t read.

  188. @Hang All Text Drivers

    Yes, Unz supports indiscriminate mass immigration. He’s written several articles on this website where he claims, against the evidence, that various groups/peoples around the world such as hispanics have about the same levels of intelligence and industriousness as North-Western Europeans and thus should be allowed into America where they can be assimilated without too many problems.

    For intelligence, we have conclusive evidence that it’s largely genetic (80%+), and that different races have different average IQs, approximately as follows:-

    Jews: 106
    East Asians (Chinese, etc.): 105
    Western Europeans: 100
    Eastern Europeans: 97
    Hispanics: 86
    MENA: 84
    Indians: 82
    Sub-Saharan Africans: 70

    IQ strongly correlates with other positive traits such as industriousness, social skills, avoidance of crime, ability to defer gratification, etc. So it’s obvious that large numbers of significantly-lower IQ groups cannot be allowed into America or European countries without significant costs and societal problems.

  189. Alden says:
    @John Johnson

    Negro children don’t deserve any more help than White Aslan Hispanic Pacific Islander dot Indians now considered a poor marginalized oppressed minority deserve help.

    Black public school students have been given 71 years of extra help And they have not improved one bit.

    You are a dipshit stupid brainwashed liberal who thinks retard blacks “deserve “ all sorts of extra help denied to non black students. Zombie brain useful idiot is what you are. Blacks “ deserve “ extra help as they merrily destroy the public school system. Heard the latest? A 6 year old black savage seriously injured his first grade teacher.

    Black school children deserve absolutely nothing nothing but what White Asian Hispanic and other school children get.

    You don’t know any public school teachers who’ve tried to teach black retards do you? You’re just a liberal progressive off in Dream Land. Extra help for blacks but deny non blacks the same help. 71 years of extra help for blacks has not worked. And you want hundreds of billions more spent on extra help for blacks.

    Why don’t you be a progressive and find a volunteer tutoring group to give black kids the extra help they need and deserve poor little darlings. Better yet, volunteer to give tutoring help to the poor oppressed darlings in your local juvenile hall or Youth Authority prison.

    I wonder what the workmen’s compensation insurance companies charge school districts? More than the Wcom insurance companies charge construction companies. Probably about the same as they charge mining companies which is the most dangerous occupation according to Wcom insurance firms. 5 percent black savages in a school is dangerous. 10 percent is the tipping point to very dangerous.

  190. Alden says:

    Black crime is not caused by the fact most of them are bastards or their low IQ or living in the ghettos or any other factor but one.

    It’s genetics like blue eyes or brown or black skin or frizzy or straight wavy or curly hair Black crime all over the world is caused by genetics.

    Crime is an undesirable gene. Like addiction to alcohol and drugs. Like hot tempers and provoking fights. All those undesirable things are genetic. Can’t be improved by burdening the tax payers teachers and non black students with extra help for the dumbest most vicious disruptive and dangerous school children in America.

  191. anarchyst says:

    Blacks are a separate sub-human simian species which (unfortunately) has the ability to reproduce with fully human Whites and Asians…NOT a good thing.
    All one has to do is to observe normal black behavior which closely approximates simian behavior.
    Any “chimp-out†against a White or Asian is always a “group chimp-out†by blacks, never a one-on-one confrontation.
    Not only do they attack vulnerable Whites and Asians, they hoot and holler and jump around like their simian relatives in the African wild. It turns out that majority black urban areas are no different than the African wild.
    Even in spats among their own kind, discussion and accommodation is not a part of the picture. Impulsive behavior, and the desire to use violence as the first response is always the norm among blacks. A recent black “chimp-out†on a cruise ship is but one example.
    Diane Fossey and Jane Goodall, where are you?
    I will NEVER consider blacks to be anywhere near the level of Whites or Asians.
    Blacks are like children who need a strong hand and the fear of real punishment to get them to behave themselves. Blacks ARE “sub-human†simians and must be relegated to and banished to their own separate societies.
    I walked out of a Catholic Mass during the heady “civil-rights (for some)†days when the priest declared that “blacks not only were as good as whites, but were better than whitesâ€. I never went back…
    If I had my way, segregation would be reinstated; blacks would be relegated to their own areas, their own businesses and education systems.
    We would all be better off.
    P. S. My children and grandchildren have all been given the “talk†which is reinforced from time-to-time…

  192. gro jo says:

    “I remember years ago discussing Dr. Sowell with a friend who agreed that Dr. Sowell must be a very smart black man. After a long pause, he added, “He’s got to be very lonely.—
    Blacks who were as or more intelligent than Sowell.
    1- Marie Maynard Daly a biochemist who “made important contributions in four areas of research: the chemistry of histones, protein synthesis, the relationships between cholesterol and hypertension, and creatine’s uptake by muscle cells.[3]”
    2- Thomas Owusu Mensah an engineer “who contributed to the development of fiber optic manufacturing and nanotechnology.[2] He had 14 patents, and was inducted into the US National Academy of Inventors in 2015.[3]”
    3- George Washington Carver “American agricultural scientist and inventor who promoted alternative crops to cotton and methods to prevent soil depletion.[2] He was one of the most prominent black scientists of the early 20th century.”
    4- Percy Lavon Julian “American research chemist and a pioneer in the chemical synthesis of medicinal drugs from plants.[1] Julian was the first person to synthesize the natural product physostigmine, and a pioneer in industrial large-scale chemical synthesis of the human hormones progesterone and testosterone from plant sterols such as stigmasterol and sitosterol.”
    5- Jesse Eugene Russell “He pioneered the field of digital cellular communication in the 1980s through the use of high power linear amplification and low bit rate voice encoding technologies and received a patent in 1992 for his work in the area of digital cellular base station design.”
    6- Christopher J. Chetsanga “is a prominent Zimbabwean scientist who is a member of the African Academy of Sciences and The World Academy of Sciences.[1][2] He discovered two enzymes involved in DNA repair.[3]”
    7- Ernest Everett Just “Just’s primary legacy is his recognition of the fundamental role of the cell surface in the development of organisms. In his work within marine biology, cytology and parthenogenesis, he advocated the study of whole cells under normal conditions, rather than simply breaking them apart in a laboratory setting.”
    8- Elmer Samuel Imes “was an internationally renowned American physicist who made important contributions in quantum, demonstrating for the first time that Quantum Theory could be applied to the rotational energy states of molecules, as well as the vibration and electronic levels. Imes’s work provided an early verification of Quantum Theory,[1][2] and his spectroscopy instrumentation inventions, which include one of the earliest applications of high resolution infrared spectroscopy, led to development of the field of study of molecular structure through infrared spectroscopy.[1][2][3]”
    9- Jesse Ernest Wilkins Jr. “was an American nuclear scientist, mechanical engineer and mathematician. A child prodigy, he attended the University of Chicago at the age of 13, becoming its youngest ever student.[2][3][4] His graduation at a young age resulted in him being hailed as “the Negro Genius” in the national media.[5]”
    10- David Harold Blackwell “was an American statistician and mathematician who made significant contributions to game theory, probability theory, information theory, and statistics.[1] He is one of the eponyms of the Rao–Blackwell theorem.[4] He was the first African American inducted into the National Academy of Sciences, the first African American full professor (with tenure) at the University of California, Berkeley,[3][5][6] and the seventh African American to receive a Ph.D. in mathematics.[7] In 2012, President Barack Obama posthumously awarded Blackwell the National Medal of Science. ”
    Some of the people listed were a bit older than Sowell, most of them were young enough to befriend him. CONCLUSION: The author doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Ignorance isn’t a good look for someone who claims to be ‘superior’.

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