The first post-cold war assault on Russia by the West began in the early 1990s well before the expansion of NATO. It took the form of a U.S.-induced economic depression in Russia that was deeper and more disastrous than the Great Depression that devastated the U.S. in the 1930s. And it came at a time when Russians were naively talking of a “Common European Home” and a common European security structure that would include Russia.
The Disastrous Russian Depression Resulting from Western supervised “Shock Therapy.”
The magnitude of this economic catastrophe was spelled out tersely in a recent essay by Paul Krugman who wondered whether many Americans are aware of the enormous disaster it was for Russia. Krugman is quite accurate in describing it – but not in identifying its cause.
The graph below shows what happened to Russia beginning in the early 1990s as a result of the economic policies that were put in place under the guidance of U.S. advisors, the economist Jeffrey Sachs, perhaps the foremost among them. Sachs describes his contribution here. These policies drive an economy abruptly from a centrally planned economy with price controls to an economy where prices are determined by the market. This process is often described as “shock therapy.”
The plot shows that, upon the onset of “shock therapy” in 1991, the economy of Russia crumbled to 57% of its level in 1989, a decline of 43%! By comparison the U.S. economy in the Great Depression of the 1930s fell to 70% of its pre-Depression level, a decline of 30%. The life expectancy dropped by roughly 4 years in Russia during that period. Poverty and hopelessness became the norm. From my experience, few Americans know of this, and fewer still understand its magnitude.
“Shock Therapy” Applied to Poland Did Not Result in Prolonged Depression. Why?
The data for Poland are also shown for comparison in the chart above. Why? Because “shock therapy” was also carried out in Poland beginning two years earlier than Russia, in 1989. A glance at the graph above shows the striking difference between the two and the graph below reinforces that view. Below the real GDP’s for both Russia and Poland normalized to a value of 100 for the first year of their transitions to a market economy are shown in a 2001 IMF staff paper by Gerard Roland, “Ten Years After…Transition and Economics.” (China is also included by Roland. One lesson is that China moved to a market economy without “shock therapy,” did so with astonishing success and without putting itself at the mercy of the largesse of the U.S.)
It is immediately clear that Poland went through a brief downturn lasting two years but recovered quickly, unlike Russia which continued in a slump for 16 years. Why the difference between the two? A big part of the answer is provided by economist Jeffrey Sachs who was in the forefront of advisors for the transitions in both countries and hence is a man who knows whereof he speaks. As Sachs put it in an interview here on DemocracyNow!, he was present during a “controlled experiment” where he could observe what led to such different outcomes. He says:
“I had a controlled experiment, because I was economic adviser both to Poland and to the Soviet Union in the last year of President Gorbachev and to President Yeltsin in the first two years of Russian independence, 1992, ’93. My job was finance, to actually help Russia find a way to address, as you (the interviewer, Juan Gonzalez) described it, a massive financial crisis. And my basic recommendation in Poland, and then in Soviet Union and in Russia, was: To avoid a societal crisis and a geopolitical crisis, the rich Western world should help to tamp down this extraordinary financial crisis that was taking place with the breakdown of the former Soviet Union.
“Well, interestingly, in the case of Poland, I made a series of very specific recommendations, and they were all accepted by the U.S. government — creating a stabilization fund, canceling part of Poland’s debts, allowing many financial maneuvers to get Poland out of the difficulty. And, you know, I patted myself on the back. ‘Oh, look at this!’
“I make a recommendation, and one of them, for a billion dollars, stabilization fund, was accepted within eight hours by the White House. So, I thought, ‘Pretty good.’
“Then came the analogous appeal on behalf of, first, Gorbachev, in the final days, and then President Yeltsin. Everything I recommended, which was on the same basis of economic dynamics, was rejected flat out by the White House. I didn’t understand it, I have to tell you, at the time. I said, ‘But it worked in Poland.’ And they’d stare at me blankly. In fact, an acting secretary of state in 1992 said, ‘Professor Sachs, it doesn’t even matter whether I agree with you or not. It’s not going to happen.’
“And it took me, actually, quite a while to understand the underlying geopolitics. Those were exactly the days of Cheney and Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld and what became the Project for the New American Century, meaning for the continuation of American hegemony. I didn’t see it at the moment, because I was thinking as an economist, how to help overcome a financial crisis. But the unipolar politics was taking shape, and it was devastating. Of course, it left Russia in a massive financial crisis that led to a lot of instability that had its own implications for years to come.
“But even more than that, what these people were planning, early on, despite explicit promises to Gorbachev and Yeltsin, was the expansion of NATO. And Clinton started the expansion of NATO with the three countries of Central Europe — Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic — and then George W. Bush Jr. added seven countries — Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and the three Baltic states — but right up against Russia. …..”
The Neocons at Work, Carrying Out “The Wolfowitz Doctrine,” the Latest Expression of the Post-WWII U.S. Drive For Total Global Domination.
It is quite clear that the goal of the United States was not to help Russia but to bring it down, and Sachs correctly links that to the US quest for global hegemony first set forth in the months before Pearl Harbor and reiterated by the neocons who are now its champions. Among them Sachs mentions Paul Wolfowitz whose “doctrine” sums up the goals of the post-Soviet era with the words:
“Our first objective is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival , either on the territory of the former Soviet Union or elsewhere, that poses a threat on the order of that posed formerly by the Soviet Union. This is a dominant consideration underlying the new regional defense strategy and requires that we endeavor to prevent any hostile power from dominating a region whose resources would, under consolidated control, be sufficient to generate global power.”
“We must maintain the mechanism for deterring potential competitors from even aspiring to a larger regional or global role.”
What better way to achieve this goal than to reduce the economy of Russia to a basket case? Sachs draws a direct line from the Great Russian Depression of the 1990’s and early 2000’s to the expansion of NATO, the U.S. backed coup of a duly elected President in Ukraine in 2014 and on to the U.S. proxy war in Ukraine, also designed to “weaken” Russia. The hand of the US was at work every step of the way.
NYT’s Krugman Fails to Discuss the Hand of the US in the Great Russian Depression – not part of the Narrative That’s Fit to Print.
In his article Krugman describes the difference in outcomes between Poland and Russia but he does not describe different factors that distinguish the two countries and might serve as causes of the different outcomes. Sachs points out one such cause which he witnessed firsthand.
Krugman makes no mention of Sachs’s experience which Sachs himself has discussed repeatedly in interviews (like the one quoted for example, here) and in various written accounts going back to 1993 and a lengthy account in 2012 wherein he describes the lack of aid from the West as his “greatest frustration.” Sachs’s account is no secret and certainly a competent economist would know of it.
Certainly there were other factors contributing to this tragedy which Sachs himself discusses here. But there is no doubt that the actions of the US and the West were critical factors in the Great Russian Depression. An understanding of this goes a long way in making sense of events leading up to the present moment of U.S. proxy war in Ukraine and the brutal sanctions imposed on Russia. This understanding, however, does not fit the narrative to which the NYT confines itself – and its readers.
John V. Walsh, until recently a Professor of Physiology and Neuroscience at the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, has written on issues of peace and health care for the San Francisco Chronicle, EastBayTimes/San Jose Mercury News, Asia Times, LA Progressive,, CounterPunch, Consortium News, Scheerpost and others
thank you for this excellent analysis, i had never heard sachs explanation before. even if he is painting himself as an unwitting accomplice (which i find hard to believe), it is most telling the sachs has come out so strongly against the american government on both ukraine and covid. it seems to me that he might be reading the tea leaves and is trying to get on the right side of history. add to this musk and the twitter files (i thought musk was going to release the fauci files this week), seems like something might be in the offing.
i recall just many times the forced post Maastricht (czech, irish, paris even) that the euro market was supposed to rival the us market and more than 430 million people, so is it about russia at this point or is it really about europe ( whatever the fuck that is, 27 members? 55? Schengen? who fucking knows? Germany?) and the euro? the united states of Europe cannot stand, gtfoh! no way wasp zog chicom will let that happen, eu in whatever form is a COW to be milked. fuck Germany and the Bundesbank, and the ECB. Schroder spent his political capital and years in Moscow and then they just blew up his multi-billion dollar fantasTech under water cash machine baby! the united states is now the leading LNG exporter in the world ahead of QATAR, and that gas is coming mainly from TEXAS (bush clan) and Pennsylvanian and Canadian shale.
the qatari iranaian pars gas fields in the persian gulf represents cubic KILOMETERS of natgas, no cubic meters, like trillions of cubic meters, no this is trillions of cubic KILOMETERS of natgas, orders of magnitude larger than anything in the shale us permian basin (new mexico texas, tho i think off the coast of south america, guinea, Venezuela, is a lot of oil and gas much bigger than Persian gulf, think about that, cubic kilometers of oil and gas, and how politics is maneuvering there) or the Pennsylvania Marcellus Shale. (although I think in abiotic oil, oil is everywhere, its false scarcity), btw how do we know this? looking at the amount of money oil majors like exxon are declaring and investing in geographical places, like off the coast of south american nations; billions of dollars buying rights and licenses to drill offshore and discovering and hitting jackpots.its plural. networked. chinese us always involved in the big chunks. eu like total and italians and then iranians, get smaller chunks.
they all work together.
the political economy of the Pennsylvania marcellus shale is interesting because they send up fracked OIL from Pennsylvania up to Canada and then they, the Canadians, use that OIL to super-heat water to get oil and gas out of the oil sands and then send that back down south to the US, mainly to companies that frack oil and gas and send that back up north 🙂 lol.. nice right? i swear this is true
the top 20 biggest banks put in $730 Billion dollars in NEW oil and gas deals between 2019 and 2021, the last year I have data for tho i think 2022 data is already out.
anyway, that three quarters of a trillion dollars put into new oil and gas and fossil fuels, in just 2 yrs, including the shutdown covid years and continuing, was led by JP morgan chase and jaime dimon, his bank led the way w roughly $60 billion on new oil and gas deals, and in 2021, jaime got a$56 million dollar bonus, you think he cares about inflation? or the price of oil? or natgas(methane)? or his carbon assprint? no he is going to make sure his bank JPM CHASE, leads in making new oil and gas deals fossil fuels in 2023 and on; despite EEE ESSSS GEEE blhahhh
also, fyi, as jpmchase let the way in new oil/gas deals to tune of $55 billion plus in 2019-2021, on the COAL side, COAL, COAL FUCKIGN COAL + ESG …LOLLLL come on gtfoh!
WELLS FARGO, (my bank) in the same period, 2019-2021 led the way in new COAL deals, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, wells fargo is a huge democrat briber “donor”.
fuck me<<<>>>> there is no way out. NO.EXIT.(bichezzzzz…)
Rissia was gaslighted .It was demorazlied and it questioned everything about itself .At some stage glassnot and prestorica sugued into self doubt and aversion to anything that was a legacy of Soviet .
Whatever were the shortcomings of the Soviet, the unawareness of the west history on the world stage for over 200 years years shouldnt been one. But it was . History inflcited on other would find new victims.
Why did they trust West?
In reality the entire world or at least the entire non-Arab nations from 1991 to 2003 were blaming Iraq for its destruction . Iraqi intellectuals residing in the west also did . Emperer had no clothes but no one noticed . Same view worked its magic in Egypt and Libya in 2011.
We take the exuberance of confidence ,display of wealth,and visibility of the massive raw power as evidences of greatness in every realm imginable . Russia fell for that .
J Sachs even if he wanted wouldnt possibly have gotten an audience with genuine Russian leader or expert.
West always finds someway to destroy the genuine and effective leaders or planner and create one they could buy,bribe,and control .Then they demonize the former and put on a pedestal the later until someone more malleable shows up.
This is the real explanation: “Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country.” – John McCain
Even Jeffrey Sachs admits this “Russia’s economic mainstay, oil and gas production, was already plummeting by the late 1980s, and this was causing a financial catastrophe for the government because oil revenues were a vital source of budget income and foreign exchange”
China and Poland are and were net oil and gas importers not net oil and gas exporters like Russia so they actually benefited from lower oil prices, whereas Russia severely suffered financially, fiscally and economically during the 1990s when oil prices tanked and were at generational lows:
Putin had much higher oil prices at his back for most of those two decades, Yeltsin didn’t. So, lots of luck involved on Putin’s part…Image Source:
Russia was/is so desperate to be respected. It tried to convince the world that it was an equal superpower with the USA but was really just a poser. A couple more kicks in Putin’s balls and Russia will be down for the count! There can only be one superpower and that is the the USA all the way.
How Putin’s dream of a new Russian empire was destroyed on the fields of Ukraine
Far from restoring Russia’s greatness, the president’s war has reduced it to a third-rate power
By Daniel Johnson
1 January 2023
Sachs: a junky talking on the subject of detox. A Euro-Russo entity, harmony of dynamics, means the Cabal has to rewrite it’s scripts. Sachs is here to explain away their [Cabal] focus on dominance of the globe, or the village for that matter. Chaos, not complexity is their partner [the ones being part of conventional enumeration cannot be trusted, hence dipping into a toxic pool of data to feed arguments to the contrary].
Who funded, salaried, tipped Sachs on “personal investment opportunities”. A dead rat fed to the public to put lipstick on another round of deceit. Coincidentally Jewish.
Ritter, McGregor, they seem to be correct-fully [narrow, the term to their advantage used: focused] militarily within the pre-concept of the meaning of winning, the context being within the territorial borders of Ukraine. This is deceitfully wrong, intentionally, to prevent a clash between their personal interests and the global narrative and reprimand [Assange, even the bottom fish Ye].
A long drawn conflict is favorable to the finance Cabal, migration issues are favorable to those Pack-man Jewish interests. Putin pummeling Ukraine territory and infrastructure is a wet dream. Europe drawn down, is more then equi-local to Russia down, means larger Europe to be down, alas inroads to the same kitchen sink.
The reason the obfuscation rings, is Sachs [the intention seems to be prominent, the Cabal has plans for his], Scholtz, Stoltenberger [etc.], and yes Ritter [not sure, he is quite ignorant enough (Alexander Mercouris certainly is), to have come to his conclusions without coaxing]. McGregor knows the what and where, how the tainting is done. The main motives of such individuals are short-term personal ego, not much more then getting even with the apparatchik Washington in the case of McGregor. Enumeration, extending a lease on book contracts, or any other scam to float their careers, avoiding hand to hand corruption.
As long as the questioning [@unz, @blogs] is dumb enough, the answers look obvious.
I said most similar things ten and eleven months ago, my opinions are not after the facts. Now send me to the end of the queue of comments.
“Putin had much higher oil prices at his back for most of those two decades, Yeltsin didn’t. So, lots of luck involved on Putin’s part…”
Luck has had very little to do with it. First, Putin always recognized that oil prices could plummet. Among other things, Putin worked hard to get Russia invested in distribution as well as production of oil. The contracts took work and those pipelines didn’t just appear out of nowhere. Even before Putin became President, he had the ordeal with the Chechens which was successfully resolved. You might even say Putin evolved a new strategy for negotiation that he has used both at home and abroad. Too bad the US and NATO are unable to engage in the give-and-take necessary for effective diplomacy. This is probably why Putin was a go-between for the US and Iran. Unfortunately his efforts were wasted because the US decided that might makes right as long as they have the advantage militarily.
Putin is a relentless problem solver who doesn’t wait for lucky breaks. Russia is a huge country that suffered an economic collapse in the midst of an overwhelming onslaught of foreigners attempting to exploit its every weakness. Yeltsin was a corrupt late stage alcoholic who followed the naive Gorbachev (or was he a sellout?) both struggling to keep the RF together. Neither man had a strong enough will to prevent catastrophe. That Russia didn’t break apart right after the USSR failed may have been what was due to luck.
What I’ve read so far makes it clear why the war on Grozny was so important: one region leaving would start ongoing turmoil since the other ethnic enclaves would soon demand independence as well. The Ukraine or, at least the four regions claimed by Russia, should have been dealt with during the breakup of the Soviet Union. And is a good example of the kind of ongoing conflict that would manifest elsewhere if not prevented. It’s definitely not luck keeping the RF together.
It would seem that Jeffry Sacks is being rehabilitated from being a 1991 financial vulture herder to a 2023 peace dove. The spin factor writ large.
On the contrary, it is the bankster infested West which is finished. Uncle Satan’s magic chequebook AKA the currency reserve status of the US dollar, will soon be a thing of the past. The process has already begun and will accelerate from here. Soon the only thing left of the US empire will be the economically devastated vassal state known as the EU and they won’t be able to buy squat. Even the US itself is crumbling, economically and socially, and the future looks grim. The only thing the US has left is a big overpriced army, a lot of nukes and the smoke and mirrors industry.
Yes, a new gatekeeper in the making, the best way to control the opposition is to be the opposition.
Sachs often shows that within his framework, he is an honest man. And what he describes fits perfectly with the plans we should know have been in place for many years. To wit, send largesse to nations near Russia to make them allies who owe the US for when the US intends to start waging proxy war against which is to lead to full war at some point.
The Deep State was adamant that there never would be peace dividend after the Cld War. The Anglo-Zionist Deep State has 1 religion: WAR.
That’s why the Brit Deep State created the 2 party system of voting, along with 2 Freemasonic Lodges. Fake competition, with the Deep State always directing the major actions behind the scenes.
It is about keeping Western and Central Europe totally subservient to the Anglo-Zionist Empire as key part of the plan to break up Russia and steal most of its natural resources in order then take out China and literally rule the entire globe.
Anglo-Zionism is an insatiably greedy monster, which means it does nothing but plan and execute warfare, most of it economic warfare.
Underestimating Putin is just crazy. The sucker climbed high in the KGB and just compare that for 30 seconds with what his detractors have done.
One of the tidbits in Whitney Webb’s Epstein book which I liked but don’t know the veracity of: she argues against Putin having sizable influence with Trump in a round a bout manner. She says Trump has been corrupted by Russian money. Belonging to Putin’s internal enemies. She names this guy as number one:
They claim he is a free man in Moscow so if he was Putin’s enemy before they have negotiated a peace now.
“How Putin’s dream of a new Russian empire was destroyed on the fields of Ukraine”
You are buying into distortion and outright lies. What is a fact is that most people currently writing about Russia have no evidence backing their assertions. You’re also failing to recognize the significance of the Eastern economic bloc. Countries that won’t submit to US demands and those already under sanctions, have a huge, thriving market available to them.
Thanks for your in-depth feedback!
Putin is blue-eyed and blue-eyed persons are known to be superior long-term strategic and creative thinkers so I’m not underestimating him in the least, but to deny that considerable luck (e.g. China joining WTO, etc. two years after Putin took office, which dramatically increased oil consumption/demand globally “Chinese dependence on oil imports could grow to 30-35% of its total consumption in 2005, reaching almost 45% in 2010.“) was involved on his part is being myopic, IMHO.
China’s dependence on crude oil imports has dropped for the first time in the past two decades in 2021, from 73.6 percent in 2020 to 72 percent in 2021, official figures said. or
Image Source: China’s Net Oil Import Problem or
slight correction: he/it/she is selling distortion and outright lies… 50¢ a post.
i just can’t quite bring myself to trust him. he’s still not telling the full story of covid, painting it as a lab leak from wuhan rather than a deliberately engineered bioweapon. of course he might not want to be murdered by the deep state but this makes me feel he is still a deep state asset, just the trump faction (same with elon and tucker) that is still trying to overthrow the bush/cheney (clinton, obama, biden, etc) zioneocons. the only difference between them is that the trumpian deep state, wanted better relations with russia, in order to attack and dominate china, where as the rabid pnac madmen wanted to attack both simultaneously. this may well be a deep state civil war over who gets to be captain and how to rearrange the deck chairs on the titanic. no matter the outcome they both serve their israeli masters.
One of the What Ifs…suppose Russia/USSR had stationed troops in Kuwait at the airports or Iraq/Kuwait border back then?
btw the US built an army of around 900,000 to liberate Kuwait City with perhaps less than 200 dead. In 100 Days. 20 years later the US was in Baghdad getting fucked up by Arabs. 35,000 US casualties by the end.
The financial catastrophe was planned. Note that Paul Craig Roberts always insists that Reagan’s goal was ending the Cold War and Mutually Assured Destruction when dealing with Gorbachev. Reagan had other plans for the USSR, financially.
As an aside, in 2003 a US Court ruled that the assets were Wanta’s. The Government has been blocking the liquidation.
Any analysis of that period without taking into account Joan Quigley’s influence on the Reagans is incomplete, IMHO.
Weaponized Political Astrology
In 1988, Don Regan shocked the world with his revelation that much of President Reagan’s schedule was handled by an astrologer via machinations of the First Lady. This astrologer was Joan Quigley, who would later write her own book What Does Joan Say detailing the work that she did for the Reagan administration.
Video Link
For those unfamiliar with the sinister plot to expand NATO.
Video Link
The US doesn’t “liberate” Arab countries. It had no business in Kuwait. The US murders Arabs and destroys their countries for Jews and Israel. The US is also rotting from the inside out. It entered the world stage in 1917 and it would benefit the world if it exits it soon.
Check this Jew/Ukrainian/Russian out more. YBM Magnex collapsed and investors lost their invesment. YBM Magnex began in Canada at Calgary as corporate entity Practec —more big money came out of London Enland to Calgary to buy a present day heavy weight tarsands entiry–whose owner new resdes in Switzerland who claims he got this money from??
History Fail.
Regarding the Western Plans to subjugate RUS, Author needs to study up on what happened from towards the end of WW2.
As I posted about two years ago, I have played chess against hundreds of Russians, and they tend to favor what chess players call “quiet moves.” (Americans are more impatient, reckless, and rude in the chat.). I can’t prove it, but I suspect this can be extrapolated to the Russian leaders. (For the record, I did not win very many of those games.)
Btw, regarding the billions in military equipment given to the Ukrainians, there’s an old saying: You can give me a dental drill, but that doesn’t make me a dentist.
Kicking a man while he’s down. The payback could be a bitch, but then, who would want to be you?
I guess the US should annex Russia if their people and leaders aren’t accountable for what they do and DC rules them just because they hired an adviser that happened to be American. It’s Americans who forced Russians to be corrupt too!
Also lol@pretending the Soviet industry wasn’t pure trash by the 90s.
I think you have the US and Russia mixed up. It’s Russia who stole most of her territory by murdering people.
Fracking in the USA has NEVER made a dime in profits, and relied on all the years of cheap money thanks to the Fed. In return your get oceans of polluted water, full of poisonous chemicals like benzene and heavy metals and radioactive waste. And the innumerable fracking wells, drilled because the ‘resource’ depletes so rapidly, leak methane, and will leak it for years or decades, adding to global climate destabilisation. A perfect example of capitalist neoplasia at work.
Buying into distortions = not believing cheap Russian agitprop
Fossil fuels represent the greatest asset class in history, valued in the tens of trillions. Given a choice between that loot and Life on Earth, including that of their own children and grandchildren, the capitalist does not hesitate for a nanosecond in choosing the lucre. That’s the kind of Satanic imps that they are.
I wish I could save posts like yours and come back later to hold you by the scruff of your neck and rub your nose in your clueless BS.
Wake up Woke! The US DID NOT have 35k CASUALTIES in Iraq. If you can’t post straight info, why do you bother?
Here’s the real data courtesy of Mr. Google:
“As of July 19, 2021, according to the U.S. Department of Defense casualty website, there were 4,431 total deaths (including both killed in action and non-hostile) and 31,994 wounded in action (WIA) as a result of the Iraq War.”
One difference between Russia and Poland was Russia had been longer in the communism game going back to 1917. In contrast, communism came to Poland only after WWII.
Whereas generations of Russians were led to be proud of communism as a Russian thing, homegrown on Russian soil, the majority of Poles always regarded communism as something imposed on Poland. They saw it as just another form of neo-imperialism of the Russian Empire.
So, when it was time for Poles to move to capitalism, they did so with greater enthusiasm. They felt liberated, not only from communism but from Russian yoke. Indeed, Russian-ness and communism were conflated as one. Also, as communism had been around for only 40 t0 45 yrs, many Poles still remembered a time before communism.
In contrast, as communism had lasted over 70 yrs in Russia, it was the only system that Russians knew. Also, as communism became associated with the Great Patriotic War and Russian superpower status after WWII, Russians were rather proud of communism even if they grew aware that communism was lagging way behind the capitalist West in terms of wealth and living standards.
At any rate, when communism ended in Poland, many more Poles were willing to take part in the free market enterprise. Also, being more Westernized despite the Soviet yoke, Poles were more adept at working with the West. They were less like deer in the headlights. A
s such, it meant Jews had less of a chance of totally taking over as there were plenty of Poles(in Poland and also in the US) who were willing to roll up the sleeves and get the economy working.
Also, as the author stated, the West needed Poland as a satellite, and it would have been counter-productive to suck it dry. Poland, Czech Republic, and Hungary were especially favored for economic aid and development.
In contrast, Russians only knew communism and didn’t know what to do in the new order. The ONLY group with connections and ‘creativity’ were the Russian Jews with their smarts and precious connections to Western Jews. If more Russians had been like Poles and ready for market economics, Jews would have less of a chance to gain so much power.
Jews did something really clever to take over the Russian economy, maybe the greatest bait-and-switch in history. Jewish advisors called for equal shares of the national economy for all Russians. This seemed fair on its face. After all, the Soviet Economy has been about public ownership, or socialism. So, if Russian assets were to be privatized, the fair thing would have been to give everyone equal shares. So far so good.
But Jews had a trick up their sleeves. They pulled financial strings to scandalously under-value the Russian economy. Indeed, at the time, all of Russian economy was valued below that of Switzerland. So, even though everyone got equal shares, the shares were nearly worthless.
And as times were hard, many Russians figured on selling their shares for easy cash, which wasn’t much but still something. (It’s what Mr. Potter tries to do during the panic in IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE.)
Well, guess who bought up much of those shares? The Jewish gangster-oligarchs who got easy loans from World Jewry. They bought it for penny on the dollar, but once they’d accumulated much of it, Jewish financial globlaists corrected the valuation of the Russian economy. As a result, what the Jewish oligarchs paid for in cents became mega bucks. Overnight, they became super-billionaires with 50% of the Russian economy in their hands. Imagine paying $100 for something and then having its value shoot up to $100,000 the week after. The biggest looting operation in world history. Jews did it. (Of course, Jews pulled something similar with bubble and housing bubble and massive bailouts, but the Western economy survived the shock because it’s so much bigger.)
Btw, I don’t think Wolfowitz Plan was the real reason. If the US was really committed to the prevention of any new great power(even locally), it would not have brought China into the world economic system. The reason why Russia was hit hard was because it could be had, and Jews wanted it. Jews knew that Chinese are industrious and have work ethic. Also, as pro-markets as Deng was, he and CCP tightly held onto power.
In contrast, Gorby was soft. Decent man, but soft. And Yeltsin had some balls but was a boor and drunk. Gorby was shoved aside, and Yeltsin was clueless, a clown. And Russians had grown utterly dependent on the state and didn’t know what to do with the new freedoms. So, Russia was ripe for Jewish picking, and Jews didn’t mind raping the country because of their historical animus toward Slavs.
But there was a silver lining to this. Had the West been nicer and more helpful, it’s possible Russia would have turned into Big Poland, and then it would be more open to the cesspool influences of the degenerate West. It was the bitter experience of the 1990s that finally sobered Russians up and made them value national sovereignty. It taught them not to trust outside forces.
Also, instead of going with total capitalism, they opted for something closer to fascist economics, a combination of capitalism and socialism.
As long as Russia & friends do not, at least selectively, start competing with Jewmerica’s greatest export sector – criminal war – the world will get worse and worse.
Now the first step is to re-export the war from Jewkraine back to Jewmerica.
I found out out about how bad things were in Russia when our fur prices in Alaska – {from trapping} – were cut in half. In the mid to late 80s and up to around 1992, we were getting over 100 bucks for a good size martin, same for beaver,wolverine, lynx etc. and wolf was going for 400 bucks. This was great subsistence money for winter work out in the bush areas. Once the fur price dropped , I called up the main buyer and he explained that Russians are trapping really hard and entered into our market because there were no jobs left , since the CCCP has disintegrated. This also spread into the Canadian trappers prices. We were homesteading and trapping up near the Alaska range between the Yenlo mts. – upper Yetna R. when this took place.
This was a simple example how the greedy One World Order and there evil agendas trickle down to the working people through the World. They have no clue , neither do they care. Our Crusades against the Muslims in the Mid East should have been directed to these greedy bastards instead.
“Manpad” – man portable air defence
“RPG” – antitank-fist – rocket propelled grenade
“MTI” anti-tank mine
Give a hand…
…to Jewmerica with love from Russia?
Russia should flood America with America’s favourite toys – give those four to anyone in need in America and the Jewkraine war will grind to a halt and surrender yesterday.
Civil war for America – with love from the rest of the Americanised (i.e. raped) world!
Collins dictionary definition. So Wokechoke is right and you are wrong.
Russia is an evil Empire…! It is an expansionist power, with no democratic traditions! Russia will lose this war against Ukraine, be charged with genocide, trillions $$$ on reparations, the Russian Federation will be dissolved, its oil (and other mineral resources!) will confiscated! It’s military secrets (if any!) will be given to NATO and Russia will be NO more! The same will happen to Serbia….
Where are you from?
Go back to your bathhouse you f**kin drama queen. You talk absolute bullshit. That’s you: bullshit through and through. Give me – the albeit limited – democracy of the market to the tyranny of ratbag Globalist Agendaists like you any day.
BTW, since you viscerally hate Australians: I again ask where are you from?
Communism was a “German thing” imposed by a German agent Lenin funded by the German Reich and sent in a sealed train to Petrograd in 1917 to usurp the pro-British regime of Alexander Kerensky.
Poland was recreated 1918 and turned into a Fascist dictatorship after 1926 increasingly anti-Semitic and hosting opponents in prison camps.
Russia was as much a basket case in 1918-20 as in 1991 – it was invaded by USA, France, UK, Japan, with at least 150,000 troops.
USA made the collapse of USSR much much worse just as it exploited UK after 1945 by cutting off Lend-Lease and demanding dismantling of Exchange-Equalisation Account and trying to obstruct the Attlee Government.
USA is a Coloniser actively seeking submission of any other state. Submission or War is US policy.
Gorbachev was seduced by Western adulation and his wife Raisa who led him up the garden path. He was supposedly a Communist schooled in Marxism-Leninism and comprehending Western Imperialism but seemed to be ignorant of the doctrine of his own Party and State. He imported Yeltsin to Moscow – a man of no particular renown and created a drunk and highly corrupt individual manipulated by Berezhovsky who needing a “roof” to protect himself after Yeltsin’s inevitable fall – found Putin and hoped the Siloviki would protect him.
Yeltsin and Gobachev were traitors to USSR just as Gaidar was to Russia itself. It was the old Mossadeq issue – steal natural resources using Khordokovsky as a front for Exxon. USA on its strip-mining expedition through every continent on a scale that would have made A H look like a small-time German predator
In fact neocons did not really reiterate. This policy continued throughout the so-called “Cold War”. The history of NATO begins in the aftermath of World War II, when British diplomacy set the stage to “contain” the Soviet Union and “stop the expansion” of Soviet power in Europe.
Of course, “containing the Soviet Union” and “stopping the expansion of Soviet power in Europe” was only propaganda to hide the real goal: conquering the Soviet space.
Here is a comment I put on the article (comment 150):
Of all the things I’ve read on UNZ Review, this is certainly the most interesting. Everything else now seems to me to be just an afterthought.
Now I suddenly see “the big picture”.
I now see the history of the 20th and 21st century in a completely different light.
Tomorrow, the World The Birth of U.S. Global Supremacy by Stephen Wertheim
Walsh describes Western actions in denying Russia financial support in the 1990s and hints at the close connection of Wolfowitz et al. Nowhere does he explicitly mention the heavy Jewish Neocon involvement in all of this. Especially, he does not mention the massive Jewish involvement in the Pillage of Russia.
Sachs and other US advisors, many from Harvard University, and mainly Jewish, got Yeltsin to sell state assets in a “privatisation” project. It was not such. It did not get a proper market price for the assets, and the proceeds were not used for the benefit of the Russian people. They were sold at knock down prices to people who became rich oligarchs as a result. Surprise, surprise, a large percentage of these people were Jewish.
The financial measures taken against Russia must be understood as part of a larger strategy to devastate Russia and to enrich themselves and their fellow ethnics by American Jewish Neocons. The money derived from these acquisitions continued to be sent abroad by these oligarchs for many years afterwards. The financial measures might have caused Russia considerable problems, but it was the selling of state assets at nominal prices to largely Jewish oligarchs that really caused the meltdown.
Again, Walsh mentions none of this.
Without a shadow of a doubt, Gilad Atzmon would call Jeffrey Sachs ‘controlled opposition’. His ‘explanations’ on the Jewish run “Democracy Now” (Atzmon calls this museum exhibit of Controlled Opposition (covering up for the Jewish role) “Democracy Later”…are notable for what they cover up far more than what they explain.
In particular, JUST WHAT IS IT THAT DRIVES US FOREIGN POLICY? Is the thesis of Mearsheimer & Walt 2006 The Israel Lobby & U.S. Foreign Policy
not the most authoritative analysis of that?
And implicit in that analysis is the central role played by the Neo-Cons and the funding of almost ALL U.S. politicians.
But what hasn’t been analysed (at least to my lights) is the REAL basis of support and ideological foundation of the Neo-Cons. Are they just a bunch of Jews suspended in space sprouting what comes in their heads and inspired by some contorted version of Trotsky’s Theory of the Permanent Revolution as so many on the “Right” would have us believe. I don’t think so. I say they are the authentic voice – not of some continuity of a hundred years of US foreign policy as Sachs claims, but of the modern domination of the US and global economies by the very Jewish run Finance Capital.
That’s what Sachs and “Democracy Now” seek to cover up. Just like he and they – and most of the Jewish dominated Left – from Far Left to the Democrats – do.
Thanks for seeing the pattern, obvious to none. Alexander Mercouris, admittedly catering to the biggest denominator, squatted right in the middle of the trap. “Professor” …and licking.
See my comment higher up (#8 for what it is worth).
Note, no-one better, the right side of the soul, Ron Unz has tried to project the new savior [Jef. Sachs] earlier on, way ahead of the curve. For what it worth, over a month ago.
It could be interpreted as a weakness needle point to the elite Finance Cabal, their sockets finds not always a plug any longer. The Haitian/gender/color trick wears off. Seems compared to her, Sachs looks like a rabbi to the villager.
Thanks for seeing the pattern, obvious to none. Alexander Mercouris, admittedly catering to the biggest denominator, squatted right in the middle of the trap. “Professor” …and licking.
See my comment higher up (#8 for what it is worth).
Note, no-one better, the right side of the soul, Ron Unz has tried to project the new savior [Jef. Sachs] earlier on, way ahead of the curve. For what it worth, over a month ago.
It could be interpreted as a weakness needle point to the elite Finance Cabal, their sockets finds not always a plug any longer. The Haitian/gender/color trick wears off. Seems to her, Sachs looks like a rabbi to the villager.
Video Link
I believe Sachs. So with regards to Russia he was set up. The neocon plan was to build up Eastern Europe/ NATO and break Russia – and they nearly succeeded.
This “sinister plot” came first:
World War II Allies: U.S. Lend-Lease to the Soviet Union, 1941-1945
Even before the United States entered World War II in December 1941, America sent arms and equipment to the Soviet Union to help it defeat the Nazi invasion. Totaling $11.3 billion, or $180 billion in today’s currency, the Lend-Lease Act of the United States supplied needed goods to the Soviet Union from 1941 to 1945 in support of what Stalin described to Roosevelt as the “enormous and difficult fight against the common enemy — bloodthirsty Hitlerism.”
• 400,000 jeeps & trucks
• 14,000 airplanes
• 8,000 tractors
• 13,000 tanks
• 1.5 million blankets
• 15 million pairs of army boots
• 107,000 tons of cotton
• 2.7 million tons of petrol products
• 4.5 million tons of food
By U.S. Mission Russia, 10 May, 2020.
It is surely no coincidence that all of the BRICS countries except Brazil historically experienced “strip-mining” by the Jewish-British-American coalition. Russia: Jewish totalitarian communism, India: colonization, China: opium addiction and theft of refined precious metals, South Africa: slaughter of Boers and seizure of diamond deposits. Perhaps Brazil is in BRICS as a prophylactic measure. It has a relatively small per capita Jewish population, but it can easily infer the decline of the U.S. as being caused by the Jews.
See Larry Romanoff’s “The Richest Man in the World.”
Hasbara trolls blather. That’s how they make a living. One gets used to it and stops paying attention. Yet, sometimes one of you manages to combine such vast amounts of chutzpah and inanity in such a small, high-density package that it stands out, it radiates. It emits chutzpah and inanity waves. It’s beyond physics or chemistry. It’s alchemy. You post is one such. Congratulations.
History shows it is impossible “to prevent the emergence of a new rival”, a victor in one phase always thinking victory is absolute. But victory cannot be permanent because what people fight over, power, is impermanent – an illusion.
Luck has noting to do with economy!
Mr. Sachs and Mr. Walsh are probably right. Naomi Klein’s general denunciation of the “shock doctrine” (vilifying “neo-liberalism”) is too broad.
On the other hand, Sachs deliberately (and Walsh involuntarily?) ignores the points Anne Williamson and – among others – Steve Sailor made: namely that Americans (above all, American Jews) plundered Russia for immediate gains, not as a part of a geopolitical strategy. This may or may not be the case. Perhaps we cannot expect Mr. Sachs to touch that subject – but Mr. Walsh might have done it.
Excellent summary NSF!
That’s exactly it, somehow this most brilliant professor seems to have realized it all with great difficulty and only in retrospect, which is simply not credible.
His whole explanation is also full of holes, inconsistencies, and anachronisms.
In the video interview he contrasts how all his recommendations for economic aid to Poland were accepted and how the analogous ones for Russia were rejected. He then adds the story:
Is it really possible to believe that he didn’t ask why that was the case? Why they weren’t going to fund the project of ostensibly helping Russia which he was leading ?
Why he stayed on from the Bush to the Clinton Administrations and watched the policy continue unabated until he quit in 1993, obviously so that the shit-show he had help orchestrate wouldn’t get associated with him.
In his 2012 CYA document (a decade later!!!), he describes his reason for quitting as:
Nothing about the US policy which was explicitly described to him that the US wasn’t going to support Russia at all!
In the interview he says:
Here he’s also playing politics, Cheney and Wolfowitz left office in 1992 and although Rumsfeld signed the PNAC document in 1997, in the 1989-1992 time frame was CEO of a company. Sachs leaves completely out of his narrative the fact that the starving of Russia policy continued unabated during the Clinton years without the PNAC signatories being near the visible levers of power. And he himself quit the project in 1993, during the Clinton Administration.
As for his supposed frustration at the time (in the 1992-3 time frame), the obscure Columbia University article is woefully little, no op-Ed’s, no interviews. Not exactly St Thomas More.
I think that it’s very important that before we go on to discuss the current predicament in world politics, as Walsh’s article tries to do it’s very important to understand who all the culprits were who set the wheels in motion toward this conflict back then.
Sachs is being a little too bashful about his role in the planned demolition of Russia.
The sad truth here is that if the US/UK really wanted to dismember Russia and the USSR, all they had to have done was withheld Lend Lease from the blood thirsty Judeo-Bolshevics.
Why were Roosevelt and Morgentau so desperate to save the USSR? Because WWII was a war created by and for the benefit of Judea.
As the war was drawing to a close, the US then supplied Stalin and the Soviets with the Currency Printing Plates for the Occupation Marks which were backed by the US Treasury.
Connecting the dots, it appears that Morgentau and White got those plates sent to the Soviets on behalf of Judea. All those millions (likely around 6 million) Jews, who had been evacuated to Eastern USSR from places like Crimea as the Wehrmacht advanced, needed to be funds for their invasion of Palestine.
Mr. Walsh fails to recognize that WWI, the Depression, WWII and the Cold War were all about “weakening” Christian Europeans through war, starvation and genocide. That the Russians started at a far lower level of prosperity than the US is not really relevant. The US was starved of many food stuffs like Butter and Meat that were requisitioned and sent off to the USSR by US Jews in order to prevent her collapse after Barbarossa.
What happened to Russians after the break up of the USSR does not hold a candle to what was done to Germans and Germany by Russians acting on behalf of Judeo-Boshevics. East Prussia, Pomerania and Silesia were totally ethnically cleansed of millions of Germans. All of Eastern Germany and Europe were then stripped of everything of value as the Russian Rapist Army raped and robbed everything up to the Elbe.
The “US and the West” are merely provinces of the ZOG empire, and have been since at least WWI. Germany tried to roll it all back, but ZOG sent its US, UK and USSR armies against Germany and in the end not only destroyed Germany, but the German spirit as well.
This is not a “US proxy war” in Ukraine. All of Nato and Nato’s “friends” are participating in the sanctions and providing weapons and ammunition to the ZOG province of Ukraine on direct orders from Hebrews. The “Great Russian Depression” was not created by Americans, it was created by supremacist Jews who have been seeking to take vengeance on ALL the European Amaleks for centuries. It is all documented in the pamphlet “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” secretly handed out at the First Zionist Congress in Basel in 1897.
Yes this is correct, and my note here is to put into context those moral delinquents who push a reductionist criterion regarding economy that works upon what is described as “primitive accumulation” to which in the case of Russia, or any other country, concerns treating the nation as nothing other than a source of raw materials to be exploited at sub par pricing standards…
The issue is that the former Soviet Union, and then thus Russia, represented and represents, world class scientific capabilities, in advance of the west in various regard, to which it was political-economist Lyndon LaRouche who properly recognized these capabilities, inclusive of a certain preservation of classical tradition in education.
LaRouche understood that the Soviets had made advances in plasma physics and lasers which represented a great potential for humanity as a whole, and that understanding that both sides had a Dr. Strangelove faction, that thus the strategic plan of the SDI Strategic Defenses Initiative was as regards employing such scientific capabilities in both camps towards mutually developing such advances towards employing that which could prevent a launch of a first strike by either side
LaRouche understood that not only was the Soviets in economic collapse, but the west itself, as fully presenting itself now, where the SDI represented a ‘Science Driver’ for ensuring that credit was used as in investment in human capabilities, and not as a float for derivatives markets and hedge fund hyenas, but rather to that which would make nuclear fusion a reality, and thus end take energy wars out of the equation.
President Reagan understood LaRouche’s proposal, but Reagan’s administration was not corrupted by astrologers per say, but rather by the Bush/Skull and Bones pirates and traitors serving the British Empire, who then tried to assassinate Reagan and did succeed in ‘Railroading’ Larouche and associates into jail….
I think the reason that Ron Unz started to print his articles is the fact that Sachs did say that the virus was engineered in a US bio weapons lab. (He’s probably going to correct your comment himself on that account)
What a surprise: Jewish fingerprints were all over that crime scene.
The Harvard Boys Do Russia
The immediate aftermath of the Cold War was a disaster for Russian male life expectancy — Putin said in a recent speech that they hadn’t forgotten about all of that.
Fracking has been around since at least the 40s. In fact, it was a highly profitable technology change to the industry. What hasn’t been around so long and what is much more economically marginal is horizontal drilling.
Israel did a lot of that and is still doing it.
The reason that Jesus gets whacked is that he challenged the Jewish capitalism or looting both the Roman and Persian Empires by Jewish networks. The sack of Jerusalem revealed the warchest the Jews had accumulated over several decades of the Temple Tax. The wealth was used by Jews to fund various Persian or Roman aristocrats in subverting each to suit Jewish needs. The Gold was extracted from either Empire. Eventually they’d have built their own military and overrun Egypt Syria and much of Arabia.
However I’m by no means certain that Jesus was real, but the writer knew what was going on.
Are you really so uninformed as to not know that “casualties” has ALWAYS referred to killed AND wounded? Do you ever read any accounts of battles or military history? I would think you would at least Google instead of advertising your lack of knowledge.
How is the US/ NATO going to crush the Russian spirit ? There is not a single Russian today who did not lose a relative in WW2 to either Adolph or Stalin..
This is a people accustomed to hardship and privation going back hundreds of years. The West, is a geographical feature of pansies and marshmallows.
Cut the power, restrict the weed, shut down the video games and porn, sever welfare perks and the majority turns to weeping mush.
Americans do not have the staying poer. In fact,they are cunts ! If things get serious you will see all those Chinese, East Indian and Black immigrants are going to flee. They embrace the country only for what they can suck out of it.
The US is no longer a homogeneous group standing together and able to face hardship and disaster. It is a diverse group of usually hand to mouth refugees and border jumpers each looking out for their own personal interests AND under the control of parasitic leeches who are despised world wide and have been expelled from 109 countries. The US is in fact like a solid looking plank eaten by woodants. It is hollow !
There is nothing worse than suffering injustice, abuse and deprivation, but nothing builds self confidence more than enduring hardship. Just ask any Russian !
How will the fruitcake blowhards in the West overcome that kind of spirit ?
If need be, PR China could play the same role for Russia and even easier to supply as they share a long border.
Both Covid and Ukraine were brought to the world courtesy of the Zionist/Neocon Jews, a thorn in the side of the world.
Every article about Russia on the UR now attracts more and more of these troll propagandist types; it’s like they’re mass producing them on some Internet farms.
Tel Aviv. Mossad. A nondescript building full of computer hackers that 24/7 attempt to hack, disrupt, disseminate disinformazione, and here they are, posing as simpletons, highly educated or knowledgable. This latter type are fatuous and transparent liars. The other type like John Johnson, wear you out with completely inverted declarations, lies, and characterizations that are fiction. They all omit details that would overturn their amoral shite.
Johnson’s aim is to wear you down by answering and responding to his trash talk, just as the simulated or real 12 year old drop out, “Shitposter_in Chief.
Agreed, but if I may, with almost zero disrespect, ‘a word to the wise:’
If any are unaware of it, may I recommend “Don’t think of an Elephant” by George Lakoff? He writes that IF you use one of your opponent’s words, phrases or any of their imagery, THEN you invoke that opponent’s ‘frame,’ and associatedly cede control of the content and discussion, to your *utter* detriment. Just trying to be ‘nice,’ rgds
It’s nothing new. Destroyed the entire south, there is no longer a way to live off the work of others if it is not following the old tradition of killing to steal, after the indigenous genocide and the African extermination with slavery, the only way is to return to Hitler’s plans, to seize the Great Russia and then all of Asia and continue to steal.
Sachs went along with the looting and theft in 1990’s Russia for a paycheck, which came on top of his cushy perch at Harvard. After getting paid by the US Government to lend an Ivy League gloss to the looting of Russia, he moved to Columbia at the turn of the century for more of the same, mostly at the global scale as a tool of the US-led UN.
Sachs is the epitome of a US Establishment Economic Hit Man as described by Perkins. He is lipstick on the pig of US Imperial plunder, giving the UN and the US war machine Ivy League validation, and has recently been tasked with creating an escape hatch for the Satanists that run our country on their idiotic and devastating campaigns with Covid and Ukraine.
Sachs’ efforts will not save anybody, nor make up for the damage already done, but for the gullible imperial acolytes who want to write the history books after the fall and keep their jobs while pretending that they cared at the time, his rhetoric is an indispensable template.
I appreciate Unz giving Sachs so much coverage over the past months. Sunlight and open discussion are always the best disinfectant.
“It’s Americans who forced Russians to be corrupt too!”
Sadly, the US is nothing but corrupt. The lack of morals or even restraint in indulging in avarice may not be as bad as our other problem of confusion. If it weren’t for the pursuit of ill-gotten gains, our elite would exist in a state of stupefaction.
Russia is the defender of Christians and the Christian church everywhere in the world, God bless Russia and the Russian people.
Zionists are destroyers of nations and humanity, it is what they do, it is in their DNA.
Great points, thanks!
Maybe a reference would help, I mean other than the data you personally seem to have.
China, India, Russia, America have suffered at the hands of Judea but all them are too cowed to speak out against Israel.
The Greens forget they are not the Creator of this universe. Just like Covid the true science has been canceled and when you look at which creature puts out more CO2 over the last 100 years, you’ll find it’s the trees. Now is there some common sense technologies that can produce cleaner effiencies, yes there are. However, for the West to tell the rest of the world on the cusp of their industrialization that they should stop using fossil fuels. when it is the West that brought us here is disgeniuine. Adding to this an example of bad science, EV batteries have unethical inputs and very costly recyclable. EV have a high carbon foot print ccompared to Hybrid vehicles and Wind has a negative reduction in carbon foot print. In other words Wind produces more carbon.
There is no magic bullet. only improvements until a better system can become a replacement. perhaps plazma energy.
Painting Sachs as some kind of a do gooder who was subverted by the evil Neocons in DC is either another attempt to whitewash Sach’s genocidal attempt as the leading neocon shill tasked to destroy the Russian federation is either an exercise in ignorance or a deliberate attempt to rewrite history so that in the current time where resistance to American imperialism is growing,the sheeple will think that he’s a player on the right side of humanity – This khazarian is going to reap what he sow and karma is going to catch up with him very soon
The Greens forget they are not the Creator of this universe. Just like Covid the true science has been canceled and when you look at which creature puts out more CO2 over the last 100 years, you’ll find it’s the trees. Now is there some common sense technologies that can produce cleaner effiencies, yes there are. However, for the West to tell the rest of the world on the cusp of their industrialization that they should stop using fossil fuels, when it is the West that brought us here, is hubris. Adding to this an example of bad science, EV batteries have unethical inputs and very costly recyclables. EV have a higher carbon foot print when compared with Hybrid vehicles, Also, Wind has a negative reduction in carbon foot print. In other words Wind produces more carbon due to the costly manufacturing process.
There is no magic bullet. only improvements until a better system can become a replacement. perhaps plasma energy. Until then, let’s hear less of the Communism comming out of Davos Talmudists crowd and their the Euro trash Schwab.
Another piece of piece of BS on Unz Review. Russia has been Russia’s biggest enemy. It has allowed corruption to utterly hollow the country and that has led to massive ,loss of life in the Ukraine invasion. Things were improving for Russia until Putin came along, and it has been downhill every since because Putin wants one thing, the expansion of imperial Russia. If, instead, he had gone after corruption, instead of facilitating it for himself, Russia would not be in the sad condition it is now.
Mulga, the climate change agenda is destroying the world’s environment. Manmade C02 is only 1/3 of 1% of greenhouse gases.
Hydro carbons are cheap, plentiful, clean and the most effcient energy source in the world. But due to the climate change hoax, 90,000 bird chopping windmills pollute the landscape of the US and 44 milion acres of corn are allocated to “renewable energy” (45% of US corn crop).
The manipulated increase in ethanol demand by climate hoaxters, has driven up the price of corn and other commidities. These price increases have resulted Conservation Reserve Program acres declining from a high of 35 million acres in the 90s to 22 million acres in 2021. Thats 13 million highly erodible acres going under the plow to fill our streams, rivers and oceans with sediment and chemicals. 13 million acres of prairies, wetlands and forest, converted to sterile, monocrop hellscapes.
Cheap food and energy are critical for third world countries to develop. By keeping these resources artificially high, third world countries stay in poverty. Modernize a population, and birthrates decline and the environment improves drastically. Works everytime.
I was fishing at a wetlands wildlife refuge last week. As I was paddling my kayak back to the parking lot with a couple of largemouth bass for supper, I witnessed 100 plus trumpeter swans fly up the marsh to their nightly sanctuary. A sight unheard of 30 years ago when the population nearly went extinct. I just hope they don’t fly through a windmill farm during spring migration, and their nesting area hasn’t been plowed under for ethanol production.
It’s something of a head scratcher as to why the Russians were so gullible as to trust any Westerners. It doesn’t seem to fit in with their experiences previously.
BBC report of some estimates of the casualties of the war from about a month ago.
Widely varying reports.
[quote]Another piece of piece of BS on Unz Review. Russia has been Russia’s biggest enemy. It has allowed corruption to utterly hollow the country and that has led to massive ,loss of life in the Ukraine invasion. Things were improving for Russia until Putin came along, and it has been downhill every since because Putin wants one thing, the expansion of imperial Russia. If, instead, he had gone after corruption, instead of facilitating it for himself, Russia would not be in the sad condition it is now. [/quote]
Wow! You really think your smart aren’t you?
So when did your realize that our good old Russian version of Porky the Pig was actually a homosexual pedophile and a Klaus Swab tool? Was it yesterday?
And whats with all the Unz bashing!? Dude you do realize WHOS website you are on right?
I bet your just jealous that Putin is such a great leader! Hes made it in life while your an Anonymous loser on a lonely message board. Think about it! Who is the bigger lose here?
+ he gets to grop little young Russian white boys by using Judo as an excuse! He has access to more young “brown bear” bootie then you can every even DREAM of and hes going to retire with all the Bootie once hes f**** Russia in the tootsie so hard it finally BREAKS!
Suck it LOSER! Putin has made it in life while you Goyim will always be a miserable poor failure until the day you DIE!!!
Thanks. I recall hearing the stories about Nancy and her push for astrology, but never the extent of it.
but did he actually claim it was an engineered bioweapon? i’m still a little foggy on that. on aug 2, 2022 he said he is “pretty convinced (covid19) came out of u.s. lab biotechnology.” but from what i’ve read he seems to bend over backwards to avoid calling it bioweapon. while he says powers that be are standing in the way of a full investigation, he will point a finger at the n.i.h. but no mention of darpa or ft. detrick, no mention of ralph baric receiving a patent on attaching bat spike proteins to an existing coronavirus in 2015.
it seems to me that he’s trying to paint this as biotech gone wrong and completely ignoring the fact that the mrna based “vaccines” are brought to you by the same people that engineered the bioweapon in the first place and that fauci and beric are profiting from the patents.
me, i’m just a run of the mill, conspiracy theorist that the c.i.a. has warned you about, but the “coincidences” of this dangerous lab leak coinciding with this new “breakthrough” mrna “vaccines” that could have never be approved without emergency use authorization, is hard for me to ignore. hopefully the fauci files (this is the last day of the week elon, where the hell are the files?), will provide more light on this but i’m not holding my breath.
I always found LaRouche interesting, but like most people, he seemed to link the “British Empire” to Britain as a country. The British Empire, like the Dutch Empire, were banker backed corporate raiders who happened to be located in those countries. The British East India Company, with their private army, battled the French in India with some naval help of the government. After they had sucked out the wealth, it became part of the “government” Empire. The “British” Empire moved to the US as Rosenfeld required the sell off Empire assets at fire sale prices and dismantling of its internal trade preferences as a condition of the lend/lease scam to destroy the enemy of the international banking cartel, which is the real “British” Empire.
I agree no sympathy for the russian knuckle walkers.If the russians had any smarts,they should have made a deal with germany at the end of war or even.later.This.would have kept the yahoos from london and washington out of the.picture But they are stupid and now they are going pay Russians never came to acknowledge how murderous their commie regime was particularly to the russian peoples. Clowns here on unz review see putin as some kind of liberator instead what he is a half baked commie KGB pimp. He blesses himself so.he is born christian what laugh.
It’s possible to do a cynical evaluation of the Ukraine war only in those terms:
The neo-cons aimed to separate Russia from Western Europe. Pressuring Western Europe to get closer to the US and stay loyal to the Empire. Also build up the Ukraine military and bog Russia down in a new Afghanistan.
Now that the outcome is becoming clearer, that’s not exactly the result.
Western Europe has been separated from Russia, but the economic sanctions have backfired and Western Europe is heading into stagflation. Not a cost that was anticipated – and European countries don’t want to get deeper into the war. They’re starting to talk independence and are dragging their feet on Ukraine support.
Another problem from the neo-con POV is that Russia looks like it might win. The US can’t afford another vastly expensive losing war right after Afghanistan.
Russia also seems to be gaining ground politically as it integrates into a developing non- Anglo world alliance with China (BRI etc.).
Altogether not what the US neo-cons planned or wanted.
You’re going to believe that John V. Walsh knows anything about Russia’s “Economy” from the past when it turns out that Walsh is/has been:
a Professor of Physiology and Neuroscience at the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School,
and other such institutions.
Got that? A Professor of Physiology and Neuroscience!!
You want to know about Russia’s Economy from the past and present: we highly recommend listening/reading about it from a highly credible Economist, such as Dr. Michael Hudson.
The City of London and Crown is a sleight misdirection because LaRouche won’t just say the Jews did it. If he is insane enough to be so Anglophobic he ought to move to France and not live in an Anglophone nation.
The latest onslaught to weaken Russia and make her cold:
Europe is warm, Ukraine is warm and thawed, Russia is in a deep freeze. California and the US West is getting waves of moisture from multiple pinapple expresses. It looks like Nato has made another major escalation. Russia could be loosing this war against ZOG on a very critical front.
By any metric you care to uh…measure: life expectancy, income, healthcare, murder rates, alcoholism, demographics, infertility…you’ll find that Yeltsin was a truly disasterous leader for Russia. And Yeltsin was the guy, chummiest with both Clinton and Bush and the Banker’s like Summers and Sachs. Putin undid much of what Summer and Sachs did to Russia.
The main trouble with Putin is that he decided to keep going on as Head of State after he annexed Crimea so that accusations could accumulate around him and sanctions could be kept in place to punish Russia collectively. Putin arrested various problems that were ruining Russia. He even reversed a few of the problems.
We will see if the war he is fighting undoes his work or gives Russia a new lease on life.
SECOND CIRCLE by Sokurov. From 1990 when communism was fading and the future seemed bleak and uncertain. A very depressing film where even an act of decency is rude and resentful.
Video Link
Woke seemed to be attempting to imply (or mislead the uninformed) into believing that the US had 35k DEATHS in Iraq.
A casualty is considered a death by most people, regardless of dictionary definitions.
‘weakening an enemy’ is shoptalk. stealing the $75 Trillion of resources is the reality.
You halfwit.
It’s below Zero in Eastern Ukie land at the moment.
Did the Russkies ever pay for any of those billions in war materials, perhaps secretly via gold shipments to America, or did the commie double agent FDR just give it all gratis to his best buddy Stalin? I don’t think even historians know the full truth of this Russia collusion. And who was really calling the shots during World War Jew? The globalist ziocabal?
Sachs is being a little too bashful about his role in the planned demolition of Russia.
When the barrel of a loaded gun is pressing the skull amazing things will be said if they prevent the trigger being pulled.
I don’t see anything other than intimated but unseen threats to Jeff’s family members or himself if the speech goes awry.
oil is a resource. Access to oil is limited by powerful forces. Powerful forces attempt to regulate the price, quantity, quality, transport of oil to users acceptable to the powerful forces. Price of these resources and availability to them is gated by those with the power. Until recently the western forces had near total control over the gating and were able to access resources where ever the resources or facilities in the world were located .
Your statement “West always finds someway to destroy the genuine and effective leaders or planner and create one they could buy,bribe,and control .Then they demonize the former and put on a pedestal the later until someone more malleable shows up” might have been True until the Russian red lines in Ukraine were crossed beginning in 2003?
It looks very much to me like Russia, parts of Africa, China, Venezuela, Iran, and India have circumvented the damage intended by western nation sanctions and have taken it upon themselves to gate access to the resources inside the RAC_VII nations? Resources usually affects credit, financing, currency minerals, and markets. So we have resources accessible at only two gates: the West gate and the RAC_VII gate. The split seems to be RAC_VII 40% / RoW 60% which means the western world has lost access to 40% of the resources of the world?
Hence there are two different gates in the world, the eastern gate and the RAC_VII gate of often sanctioned nations.
It looks to me like because of sanctions, the RAC_VII nations developed and then established a RAC_VII only gateway, a trading block in native currencies between block nations only. Trading blocks are designed to facilitate shared access to energy, banking, food, technology and commodities among block members. RAC_VII may be about to add several nations very soon to the RAC_VII side of the world.
Maybe John Walsh can explain why I have not seen the reduction in wall street pricing cause by the split in access to markets and resources? Energy,. banking, food and produced commodities in 40% of the world looks to be available only to, by and between RAC_VII nations; everything else most likely will need to find access through the long standing Western access gate. Sanctions generally close the gate to access to resources and facilities. IMO this split will likely cause inflation, supply chain scarcity and unemployment to occur.
At this point, its difficult to see that Russia has lost anything except its limited access to western markets.
The factory designers for Ford and GM were very busy in the 1930s constructing Tank…I mean Tractor factories for Stalin. Meet Albert Kahn.
it was well understood at the time this was done to build up an Anti German military force.
Note’s on Wagner. How the Russians are emptying their jails and sending the inmates to Donbass. I suppose this is bad for Ukraine. 20,000 strong cadre of punishment bat troops.
“ Too bad the US and NATO are unable to engage in the give-and-take necessary for effective diplomacy.”
That was spot on. US doesn’t have respectable diplomacy, it has war hawks that trample over sovereignty the way it releases millions of illegals within its own states, replacing its majority white population.
My guess is that it would take at least a couple of weeks at -1C to freeze a damp Ukrainian field deep enough that it would support a T90. At -10C it would probably take a few days. At -40C probably less than a day.
Europe and Ukraine have been granted a reprieve in the form of a very mild winter up until now, and this is good for the Jews. It is very cold in Russia right now. Russia is supposedly preparing an new phase in their war against Nato. This cold weather is bad for Russia and good for the Jews.
If I were a member of the same Rothschild cabal that controls both banking and the climate engineering industry, and I was as interested in the same ultimate victory of Judea over Rome that the family dynasty has been for centuries, I would be using my weather control machinery to make it very temperate in Western Europe and Ukraine, and very cold over Russia.
It is my guess that there is already a war going on over the weather. This Atmospheric River/Cyclone Bomb/Pineapple Express slamming into the west coast might just be a Russian counter attack.
Just Sayin’.
Anti-Russian bigotry seems to be, in particular, a jew thing. The goyim, whose strings they pull, follow along obediently.
I’m alll for destroying fascist russia economically, militarily, and socially.
Americans always quite accurately in describing disasters – but not in identifying theirs causes, because Americans are the perpetrators of those disasters. This is true to all disasters in the world.
“Things were improving for Russia until Putin came along, and it has been downhill every since because Putin wants one thing, the expansion of imperial Russia.”
No evidence for this. Quite the opposite. Maybe you should troll the NYT comment section instead. No one here is uninformed enough to be influenced by your fiction.
{I’m alll for destroying fascist russia economically, militarily, and socially.}
Now is your chance, boy.
Don’t sit anonymously in your room, and post martial hallucinations.
Get your boots polished, your M16 cleaned, oiled, locked and loaded, and head to Bakhmut, Ukraine.
You, tough guy, will get a chance of a lifetime to do battle with theWagner Group guys there. Maybe you’ll make it out alive, and about $100,000 richer.
Or maybe you’ll end up a cold, shot-to-Hell rotting corpse, laying abandoned in mud and muck by your UkroNazi superiors — like 150,000 KIA others fighting on the Ukrainian side.
Hurry up: don’t waste a minute.
Go East, young man, Go East.
“I agree no sympathy for the russian knuckle walkers.If the russians had any smarts,they should have made a deal with germany at the end of war …”
You mean Ukrainian apes, fify. Otherwise, what are you on about? Which war? WWII?
‘Weather Control Machinery’. Dear me-the desperation of the Rightwing hive-mind that would rather see its own spawn sentenced to Hell on Earth than admit the reality of anthropogenic climate destabilisation.
People who think casualty means only deaths are ignorant of the definition of the word. We don’t define words by a majority vote of people who don’t know what that word means.
Also we don’t get our facts from any branch of British journalism, which like The Telegraph, has sadly devolved into the same level of credibility as The National Inquirer.
The culpability of Jeff Sachs has been debated at length but policy was clearly being decided in Washington,and that policy was the destruction of the Russian economy and enabling the Jews to seize control of major industries. That would have been done with or without Sachs’help.Putin understands this so our politicians hate him.
When Sachs realized what was happening he could have spoken out publicly at that time,but few men have that kind of courage, considering the personal risk. Ask Julian Assange about the American Government’s ability to destroy a person. And conversely,the worst crimes will be ignored or even rewarded if committed on behalf of the Government.
Isn’t the tactic of sending incarcerated criminals to the front common in wartime in countries with a draft? The government is making the point that getting arrested doesn’t keep a man out of his draft or reserve commitments.
This closes a loop hole and gets rid of the thugs, what’s not to like?
I know, I know, lots of prisoners are in jail unjustly. Ok, some prisoners are in jail unjustly. I get it, but war is hell.
Do we know if all Russian prisoners are eligible for this treatment or is it just those who are reserves (have already been trained)?
wanna know where the next oil boom is? the next Saudi? the next gulf oil? like 150+years of OIL?
The Africa-Atlantic corridor linking Guyana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Surname and French Guiana (remember Steve McQueen in Papillon?)
Check out the surge in the 2019-2021 GDP of Guyana:
Guyana’s overall real GDP grew by 36.4% in the first half of the year
… non-oil growth pegged at 8.3%
Guyana economy now about US$17,000 per capita GDP (WOW WTF??? WOW)
I consider them as worthless. I believe the figures quoted by Col. MacGregor and Scott Ritter. These are actually battle veterans, authors of books, deeply experienced in warcraft and maintain extensive contacts across this theater.
Well said, sir. Looks like Russia should have kept Latvia and northernmost Kazakhstan as well.
The BBC???!!! The British Bullshit Crapulation? The greatest concatenation of arrogant lying scum ever to crawl out of a sewer? Are you kidding?
Suck on this:
Video Link
Speeds up to Mach 4 to 5. 9 different missiles including Mr. Kinzhal.
His name is Bobby Brown.
Sam, obviously you are a proud Know-Nothing brainwashed by the denialist industry. CO2 is the most important greenhouse gas at present because of its long residence time in the atmosphere, unlike the more plentiful water vapour that rapidly precipitates out. The atrocity of ethanol production has NOTHING to do with climate science and the reality of a rapidly destabilising global climate.
It is just capitalist pigs doing what they do-sucking blood from the world. Modernising the poor world would best be done by cheap, localised, renewable energy, not massive fossil fuel plants and huge transmission networks, and by local, organic, agriculture. The use of fossil fuels will only worsen climate destabilisation and weather extremes, that will hit the tropics most disastrously. Is that what you really want? Your little homily on swans may by phony-it has that stench. But wind TURBINES (windmills pump water or grind grain)kill fewer birds than cats, collisions with cars and buildings, and, by several orders of magnitude, climate destabilisation, that will kill trillions. Your phony ‘concern’ is sickening.
All of what you emphasize is true, but came about only because of the British determination for more than a century to utterly subdue Russia in some manner, preferably without warring directly against Russia.
All that is gong on now, and all that went on in the last few decades, in regard to Russia visa vis the ‘West’ are not matters just of Jews hating Jews coveting Jews plotting, Jews stealing, Jews angling to bring major war. All that is Anglo-Zionist. Without Anglo-Saxon empire, what the Jews desire could never be brought to pass.
The issue is the evil of Anglo-Zionism. Both parts are required.
Anti-Russian bigotries began to develop among the English elites during the late Elizabethan age. Jews were not then pulling the strings of Anglo elites.
Don you have even the slightest awareness that bow before all things Anglo-Zionist is now, and fro some time has been, de rigueur across ‘the West? What ‘the West’ is means being subservient to that which is Anglophone and Anglophilic.
Moving to France or Germany means nothing in terms of escaping Anglo-Zionism.
The fact that he’s not being fully candid right now would be for me more of an indicator that at the very least he had acquiesced to the rape of Russia.
Speaking out against the US policy could only have cost him some career opportunities. There was absolutely no danger in warning that the policy was dangerous, as all other quoted people had done.
He could even have played dumb and simply wondered in public if this was the best strategy, he could have done 100 things to attract attention to the problem, … but he didn’t.
Now that the conflict is becoming real and people are looking into its root causes, and his name is directly associated with those causes, he’s getting nervous that he’ll be stuck with the blame, so now he’s playing dumb with us that he didn’t really understand why the US let Russia starve.
I suspect that he had asked and was plainly told why it was being done, and he might have agreed with the policy or disagreed with it; ultimately he let it happen and when the shit hit the fan, he extricated himself from the whole thing.
And now he wants everyone to think he had nothing to do with it and didn’t like it, and didn’t understand it either.
We also sent them plutonium.
I lost the youtube link when they threw me out. It was a lecture by one of our soldiers who sent all that stuff to ivan.
The plutonium was hush hush, but undeniable. The worst kind of Treason.
We sure loved Communist Soviet Union.
Jews are Commies. Guaranteed.
“There can be only one superpower and that is the USA all the way “. Good old US optimism but I think it’s misplaced. Let me mention a few reasons why.
1. $31 trillion of debt with trillion dollar deficits expected to continue.
2. The rise of China economically as well as China’s business model gaining respect throughout the non Western world.
3. US foreign policy having reverted over the past 25 years to mafia like tactics accounting for much of our success in retaining the USD as the worlds reserve currency.
4. The likelihood that the BRICS + countries will form an alliance, along with a currency, that will be preferred by most countries in Latin America, South America, Africa, the Middle East, and of course Southeast Asia.
5. Although China is about 4 times larger than the United States, they are graduating over 8 times as many STEM grads. More surprising, Russia at less then half our population is only about 10% below us in STEM grads.
Many other trends that are worrisome to me. I think we need a foreign policy course change of about 180°.
The oil cartels want to keep the price of oil high. The last thing they want is to bring zillions of new barrels of oil onto the market. The Caspian region has ginormous oil reserves probably second only to the Persian Gulf. Nonetheless they routinely understate these colossal reserves so as to not depress the price. Russia, the Arabs, and the Rockefeller/Anglo-Dutch oil cartels all collude to maintain the myth of oil ” scarcity “, that oil is a somehow ” fossil ” fuel, whatever that is supposed to mean. What a load of bull. There’s plenty of oil to be extracted. Shortages are artificially manufactured to keep the price up.
OPEC Schmopec. They’re all in on the scam. Saudi oil costs $3 a barrel to lift. Sell it for $80. Buy a new Lamborghini.
For some of the young hotheads in Moscow this might be the way they redeem themselves. It does balance out the nice country boys who are patriots, with the underclass of thieves and villains in the capital city.
The French have some wiggle room.
Let me get you up to speed unintended. I mean world war 2. Russians had peace feelers out to germany thru sweden toward end of the war. It must true cause the commies denied vehemently. If they had the brains to get alliance even this late in game,it would put the kibosh on the great anglo-american aliance. A lot has to be said yet about world war 2. I won’t go into german nuclear program and how much we and russian benefited from it. I think russian admitted that they use a german design for “their”atom bomb. Its a story to be told in the future.
Are you trying to say that they’ve got form in the accumulation process? Marx said about the same as Jesus in his time. God only knows what they’d say about the modern caricature!
LaRouche did not attack the British people but the system, a system whose roots are Venice. This essay should clear up some misconceptions and provide a basis for a larger historical understanding that is basically not properly recognized.
Please! The artificially high hydrocarbon prices, pushed up by climate wackos through the shutting down of pipelines and restricted drilling, along with the idiot calls for “renewable energy” is the only reason nearly half the US corn crop is converted to ethanol.
What cheap, localised, renewable energy can provide a few billion people with indoor plumbing, a/c, electricity, transportation? You’ve got yours, but are so afraid that if the rest of the world modernized, it would somehow reduce your quality of life. Ive got news for you, its not a zero sum game. The environment would improve, if wackos like you would get their foot off the neck of third world people and help them improve their quality of life, and currently, cheap, clean, abundant, efficient hydrocarbons are the only solution.
If that helps you cope with falling for the most destructive, stupid, wasteful, corrupt hoax in the histroy of humanity, believe what you will.
You are correct. I documented this here: Intellectual Spoils Stanford University Press, 1990
Some researchers recently tested Emmanuel Todd’s “family types” hypothesis and they actually found, contrary to Todd’s prediction, that regions with authoritarian family type systems (Germany, Sweden… Click [MORE] button below for full map and detailed explanations) are the most innovative:
Testing Todd: family types and development or
Author John V. Walsh seems to be a decent fellow, but I fear that in this piece he is engaging in some serious whitewashing of a man who probably doesn’t deserve it. An early link in the piece:
Jeffrey Sachs: “Dangerous” U.S. Policy & “West’s False Narrative” Stoking Tensions with Russia, China
“former Soviet-allied countries” is true but deliberately misleading. Those wars were fought at the instigation of the Apartheid state to get rid of their enemies. But the name of the pissant state isn’t mentioned at all.
Mr. Sachs wasn’t dictating events, and certainly he didn’t like that part of it. I’m not at all convinced he was unhappy with anything else.
I have little knowledge of recent Russian history, and zero understanding of Economics, but have created for myself a version of what I think what happened when the USSR collapsed. The next link is in alignment with my own thoughts:
Britannica on Russian oligarchs
The new Russian Billionaires stole everything, transferred the wealth out of the country, and left a wealthy nation in total ruins. They did quickly what American Billionaires are doing a bit more slowly.
Mr. Sachs was fully on board with this Privatization. His only problem was how it was managed.
Whether or not Mr. Sachs had the best of motives is an open question, but IMO he is up to his ears in the Great Russian Depression.
There’s still a lot to unpack about Russia’s supposed missed opportunity for a great alliance with Germany. The idea is rather farfetched, though, leading to the suspicion that Aninymous could be a Ukro-Nazi.
There are many layers of the onion of truth. One of the layers of obfuscation/distraction/misdirection is that the current Ukrainian conflict is about weakening Russia. If that were so, the economic sanctions on Russia would have been discarded in the summer or would’ve never started due to the sanctions making Russia stronger both economically and politically, which was forecast by many ordinary people back in February and March last year.
Ukraine is mainly about deindustrialising the West and the EU, which are run by hostile zionist oligarchs. That’s why the sanctions continue even though it’s beyond obvious to any thinking person that the West and the EU are suffering from them, while Russia has returned to growth and is building stronger ties with much of the non-Western world, including important countries like China and India (and Turkey).
For further details on the ongoing, planned deindustrialisation of the West and the EU (and the advancement of tyranny in those places), see the zionist oligarchs’ World Economic Forum (WEF) website at They’re NOT doing it because they care about the environment or have anyone’s interests at heart except their own and Israel’s. Note that Israel cheerleads for the war in Ukraine and sanctions on Russia, but does not participate in the sanctions itself.
Ukrainians said they could win the war if they can get 1000 tanks, 500 warplanes, 5000 cannons, some nuclear tipped missiles, etc from NATO. Above all Zelenskyy said Ukraine needed 500,000 soldiers and 1 trillion USD reconstruction fund from the USA. Biden is dragging his feet not meeting Ukrainian’s needs at all. meamjojo, you should push Bidden to meet Ukrainian’s demands right away.
People said Ukrainians are afraid of Russians, they are not fighting very hard against the Russians. You should go to the front line in Ukraine dressed as a Rambo to show the Ukrainian how the Americans fight the commies, so that nobody can laugh at you as a big mouth armchair warrior.
Yes, of course. But since we’re discussing the meaning of “casualties”, I thought this was interesting
It seems that the BBC isn’t clear about what Ursula Von der Leyen said or meant, and her statement was widely reported here.
Anyway, when it comes to war reporting, it is common practice to minimise the casualties of your side, or the side you support, and maximise those of your enemies, so as to keep up morale. I wasn’t necessarily agreeing with the figures quoted by an Ukrainian the BBC used in its headline.
Very good synopsis. As a STEM guy myself who is knowledgeable across a wide spectrum of disciplines, I have heard various testimonies from those who claim to know. I have evaluated studies, research, cross checked, verified and analyzed. At some point early, I rather intuited that this was as phony a scam as ever, and through many iterations of evidence and data, I am certain to a degree that science places as high probability and high confidence interval. To add to the confidence are the number and quality that I have combed through.
Climate change is a religion and it is a mass movement on the model of Mattias Desmet’s construction Mass Formation Hypnosis/Delusion/Psychosis. I have gone through this before and cited references, but a characteristic of the True Believer (Hoffer) is the internalization of this belief and its components that is a world of unreality, that cannot be challenged or negated.
But I will post the following:
LOL. He’s just a punk kid, probably of Ukie descent with an inferiority complex compared to Russians. I think that goes for most Ukrainians. Most of their achievements were done during Soviet times.
The book Collision and Collusion The Strange Case of Western Aid to Eastern Europe by Janine R. Wedel. Does a good job of explaining the period in the 90’s and the difference between Poland and Russia.
If I may, I would like to join the fight against this completely insane climate change narrative. At the center of the climate religion is CO2, which is claimed to be warming the planet as it’s concentration goes up. That claim, based on ice core samples going back many thousands of years, is false. CO2 has never forced temperature on earth. But the belief it does is the divinity of climate change.
I used to blog on this topic, and I found this, it has the most detailed information, on a high school level, concerning greenhouse gases:
This chart shows that man made CO2 is 0.117% of the total greenhouse effect:
This pie chart shows that man made CO2 is only 3.225% of total CO2 being generated by the planet:
Putting it all together:
total human greenhouse gas contributions
add up to about 0.28% of the greenhouse effect.
Which rounded to the nearest integer is zero, and not measurable. Thus, since earth is in an ice age, and is following a natural ice age progression in an interglacial, CO2 concentrations will not alter the temperature of earth in any way shape or form.
That means the entire climate narrative of runaway warming (based on increasing CO2) is totally wrong, and basing public policy on this belief is completely batshit insane.
You’re right, of course NSF! I was giving him more credit than he deserves, but I definitely agree with you about not trusting him.
And yeah, I also agree that the Twitter Fauci files will turn out to be like the 28 pages from the 911 report, a more or less nothing-burger pointing in the wrong direction.
Agreed that some of Sachs’ comments are self-serving but you may be overestimating his influence in shaping Russian policy, and he probably did also until it was too late.
Considering the resources of the Anglo-Am-Zionist banking consortium,and the lack of competent Russian leadership,there was no serious opposition to the largest theft in history.Sachs had all the power of the proverbial “fly on the wall” since the U.S. was backing the criminals and blocking financial help to the Russian Government.
Do you believe they would have allowed Sachs to stand in their way? Maybe he should offer a profound mea culpa and publicly flagellate himself, but this would not serve any purpose now,and he must know that history will not judge him kindly.
You gotta love a brainwashed moron declaring that the science of greenhouse gas warming, agreed to by ALL the Academies of Science and scientific societies on Earth, is ‘false’. Then it makes the mistake (or lie) that the flux of CO2 is the vital parameter.
In fact that flux is usually in balance, as the seasons come and go. The vital parameter is greenhouse gas (ie CO2, CH4, nitrous oxide etc)concentrations in the atmosphere, the undeniable rapid increase of which over the last 200 years, from 280 ppm to 420 ppm today (with 490 ppm CO2 equivalents), and the heat that they trap in the Earth system, that is the forcing driving rapid climate destabilisation, the results of which are undeniable already
As ever, either the troll is a classic Dunning-Krugerite, too effing stupid to realise that he has been lied to, or something far worse, a knowing disinformer psychopath dedicated to human destruction.
The troll surely lies about its credentials, because he proposes that the global scientific community are fools or liars, and the hard evidence eg melting montane glaciers, permafrost, Arctic sea ice etc somehow faked. Then it practises rather crude projection and reality inversion, by accusing others of mass psychosis when it is the denialist omnicidists who richly deserve that label. Never underestimate human wickedness.
As a typical Dunning-Krugerite you cannot comprehend facts. Centralised fossil fuel energy production, apart from causing near term human extinction through greenhouse gas emissions and massive pollution with substances like mercury, other heavy metals and particulates, requires massive energy distribution networks. Localised solar and wind will reduce all that and bring power to the poor much quicker. And for eff’s sake don’t pretend that you are concerned over the fate of the poor.
Instead of using ethanol instead of petrol, we must electrify transport. It’s just a matter of effort. And while fossil fuels are depleting, hydrogen unlikely and ethanol, as you note, insane, the Sun will not cease providing energy for billions of years. And solar and wind are ALREADY the cheapest energy sources, with new technologies emerging by the day. Are you really too stupid to understand this, or is your precious ego at risk?
Hydrocarbons, despite your LUNATIC lies to the contrary, are more expensive than renewables, and getting more so, as clean as soot, mercury, benzene and climate destabilisation come, abundant only when investment money is free, as with fracking, and vastly less efficient than electric motors and power sources. Like all you species, you really love the Big Lie, don’t you. The combination of stupidity, brainwashing and rampant egomania is certainly toxic.
Reduced to name calling a real commie trick. But don’t worry when russia is reduced to slag heap shit and snow you will have place to go.If you stand the smell.
Here is her NY Times obituary: or
You really think he feared for his life? Even after he left the project in 1993? That kept him quiet until 2012?
You’re saying that people in Russia would have shot him if he had agitated for more aid for Russia? Or that he feared for his life in the States?
I’d certainly like to see a source or two for that information.
I believe he’s not telling the entire truth.
With the responsibility of millions of Russian lives and welfare in his hands, he doesn’t seem to have gone too far out of his way to protect them.
He didn’t draw too much attention to the problem but only extricated himself out of it when it would have reflected badly on himself.
A profile in courage this was not. At best it is the opposite; at worst, accessory or direct complicity in the crime.
Of course he’s playing politics; he has to, otherwise he’d add credence to the idea that these activities are the purview of both parties, meaning there’s a single (((actor))) behind them.
They are not fossil fuels, as they don’t come from fossils. Call them what they are: hydrocarbons.
They are not fossil fuels, as they don’t come from fossils; call them what they are: hydrocarbons.
Ok, so let’s say you’re some genius big shot with impeccable credentials and you have a reputation for fixing impossible problems, and you fix Poland and you fix Bolivia (if we are to believe his narrative) and then they give you the big one, Russia.
And you know exactly what it takes to fix it and you submit the old scheme and then they tell you privately: ‘we’re not doing that, we’re hanging them out to dry.’
If you accept that without exposing them, then you’re simply an accessory to the crime because your good name is being used as a cover to commit a crime. Everyone is saying: ’don’t worry, it looks bad right now, but we’ve got the best guy working on it’ and instead of operating on the patient, the people who hired you are butchering the patient!
What should he have done? Yeah that’s a very cowardly crime, if we’re even to believe him that he was against it! What else is he going to say about it now, that he supported the approach? Wolfowitz and Cheney were gone by the end of 1992. He was the transition to the Clinton Administration and worked on it for another year!
Yeah, a mea-culpa, a book pointing out the guilty and his role in trying to change the policy!
Of course, that won’t be forthcoming because we know what he did, he did nothing and went along with it. His terrible reputation is all too true.
Now that his tarnished reputation is becoming obvious to all he’s playing the maverick making bold pronouncements on Covid to show what kind of guts he has, but in his most important role in life, he is a despicable failure and millions of Russians and the world are paying for it.
Before the green environment movement, the earth was filled with smog and bad air, polluted water and land. Whether CO2 is the culprit of bad environment or not, the CO2 initiated green environment movement did clean up the environment and provided a better living environment for mankind.
Please do not use fallacies to destroy the green environment movement. For the healthy survival of human species, we need a clean living space and environment on this small lonely blue dot in the vast cold universe because we have nowhere to go.
You’re seriously linking articles from that dirty rag (the Telegraph) here? All of your posts are ad-hoc insults and remind one of a debate between cocky teenagers. If you have nothing of value to contribute to the conversation then don’t post here. You seriously won’t change minds here. It’s like asking Neo to go back to the Matrix after taking the red pill.
Just consider the alternative!
None of which you speak, in such a fanatical, extreme, adhominem fashion is true. Your generalized polemic and agitprop speaks to your goggle eyed spittle spewing screeching as a man running on pure emotion and so much ignorance, lack of evidence, data, that you are in the grips of a Mass Formation, True Believer mental derangement.
I am sure you have material interests to protect. Future or present employment, fear of individualism and being ostracized, or too wimpy to tell your girlfriend she is an airhead. (Maybe that will bring you closer; too people with weak character that cannot be bothered by hard and objective evidence.
I cannot count the amount of instances I have discarded old ideas, beliefs and opinions when contravening information was apprenhended.
The inferior person does not acknowledge or follow the rational, material, and concrete evidence in science and Natural phenomena.
That type is you. Childish retrogression. Gross immaturity.
Today’s developmentally stunted units. Today’s teenager is at least 10 years less emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually attained that those of 30 to 50 years ago. A 30 year old today is a 16 year old of 1900.
LOL. Most originate as mono-cellular organisms. This person-like most ignoramuses-will choose to remain static, will not make an effort to gain proficiency or knowledge; much less wisdom.
Correcting these people on a public forum is a useful service provided, as it alerts other reader to the error. This unit, I wager, could hardly comprehend the shallow and breezy content of an airline magazine.
Richard Lindzen (82) is one of the elderly “advanced degree” scientists who are prostituting themselves to provide cover for the polluters.
Richard S. Lindzen
Climate Misinformation by Source: Richard Lindzen
“… agreed to by ALL the Academies of Science and scientific societies on Earth, is ‘false’. Then it makes the mistake (or lie) that the flux of CO2 is the vital parameter.”
Your faith in institutions is a quaint artifact of another era. By now, most people recognize that those who run such organizations may be corrupt, incompetent or, at the very least, biased and unwilling to consider other alternatives. The various scientific and politicians institutions responsible for the disastrous response to Covid present a crucial example: ineffectual vaccines promoted while valid treatments devised by recognized medically experts were ignored or criminalized. In the meantime, the UN had discovered the hole in the ozone is “healing”. Interesting news in light of the fact that more than a few nations are pushing climate-harming warfare over peace negotiations. Are they not wanting to be (appear to be) hypocrites?
You are so sweet with your blind faith in “science”. Not only are politics inherently involved, but science itself isn’t so cut and dried after all. Open your mind. You wouldn’t want to contribute to a travesty that destroys lives and economies, now would you?
Prove it, support it with data, measurement, research, and parallel experimentation and research. There are controlled laboratory and controlled finite environments that show what you are saying is not even close to true.
Show us what you have, and show us that you can understand data, evidence, research, that you have a yeoman’s breadth and depth of physical science knowledge. Make you deeds match your big talk.
If you cannot, I’m not going to let you forget about it.
I bet you dollars to donuts, that Mumble Stumble is invested in Climate CaC$hing in a vocational or monetization way. He is not speaking as a truthseeker but a bureaucrat lying to protect his stash. Inferior people. Low on the evolutionary spectrum.
You have it backwards, the polluted water and smog came way before anyone starting touting this climate change narrative. BTW I am for a clean environment, but you are way wrong about CO2 being a pollutant that needs to be controlled. All CO2 does is make plants grow faster, it has no deleterious as claimed.
1.. CO2 is NOT a pollutant
2. CO2 does NOT cause warming.
3. Reducing CO2 will not save earth, it will only destroy civilization.
4. CO2 is being used to usher in a global fascist dictatorship under the guise of climate change. CO2 does not control the temperature of earth and CO2 is very low by geological standards, CO2 levels have been above 3,000 ppm for most of earth’s 4.6 billion history, in which life thrived. And in previous ice ages, CO2 was above 3,000 ppm having no effect on ice.
5. CO2 not correlated to temperature:
5. All ice ages start at HIGH CO2 and end at LOW CO2, which totally destroys the narrative that CO2 drives temp.
All I have, you murderous CRETIN, are the Laws of Physics, two hundred years of climate science, the assent of ALL the Academies of Science and Scientific Societies on Earth, and MOUNTAINS of physical evidence from reality. All you have is a denialist industry funded by fossil fuel interests, an handful of corrupt or deranged ‘scientists’, and the omnicidal hate-crazed pathopsychology of the Right. And you won’t be allowed to forget about it, because once the proles realise that the denialist vermin have lied and lied and driven them and their children to destruction, they are not going to be forgiving. I await that development with much anticipation.
1. There is zero evidence that the climate is currently destabilized. All weather patterns are perfectly normal in their historical ranges. There is no increase in hurricanes, tornadoes, heat waves, droughts or any other metric. None. That is documented fully at Tony Heller’s website:
But you must be able to read and comprehend at a high school level to understand that NASA and the IPCC lie their asses off because they are paid to do so. They massage the data to get it to look like it is warming.
2. CO2 does not cause warming, and at no time in earth’s 4.6 billion year history, with CO2 levels 10 times higher than today, that the climate was destabilized. For the past 20 years earth’s temperature, as measured by satellites has been in a “pause”, not warming, even though CO2 continues to go up, thus proving that rising CO2 does NOT drive temp.
3. Undeniable? Only an idiot listens to MSM proganda and becomes so mesmerized by the media climate change talking points that they believe it like a religion. When you are unable to change your mind when presented with facts, perhaps your mind is broken.
Netflix murdered a bunch of walruses to prove global warming, they set up a camera on the beach then had a guy with a gun go up the cliff around the walruses and stampede them off the cliff:
Walruses Seen Falling to Their Deaths in Netflix Docu-Series
And the woman (faker) says the walrus should be on the ice, but because of climate change … Sickening, staged fake emotions, when the entire film crew knew exactly what was going on, they were staging a walrus stampede for dramatic footage. They should all be sued.
And this is not the first time the media brands everyone with wildlife fakery, Walt Disney staged lemmings jumping off the cliff into the ocean – which became a cultural meme – and does not happen naturally. Lemmings do NOT jump into water in mass suicides – and the Netflix crew knew this and decided to get some dramatic footage by doing it again, but not with lemmings, with a protected specie.
Lemmings Jumping off Cliffs
Sorry, Jerk-this is not the end of a glaciation (not an Ice Age you moron). 1) CO2 at high enough levels causes neurological symptoms, then disease. They begin c.1000ppm, often met in poorly ventilated buildings, and need we revisit Lake Nyos.
2)CO2 does cause warming-irrefutable, long established, science that only a brainwashed baboon would deny.
3)Reducing CO2 to a safe level is required to avert a ‘hot-house’ Earth scenario, the villain in three or four of the previous mass extinction events.We can probably live with 350 ppm, 25% above pre-Industrial levels, but then there are methane, nitrous oxide and other gases, plus positive feedbacks, to be considered.
4)The first sentence is correct, the rest sub-baboon gibberish. The fascist elites will use ANYTHING to consolidate their power, and knowing, because all their rational scientific advice says so, that climate destabilisation is real, they aim at a Great Cull of the Useless Eaters to remedy it.
5)Glaciations end when the Milankovitch Cycles kick in-have you heard of those? That starts the warming, the ice-sheets retreat, albedo drops AND CO2 and methane are release from frozen deposits in the permafrost and from beneath ice-sheets, and micro-organisms much on organic matter and release more greenhouse gases, thus DRIVING or ‘forcing’ further warming. THIS current catastrophe is NOT the result of the Milankovitch Cycles. It is DIFFERENT, but PROVES that CO2 is a greenhouse gas. You go from denying that CO2 is a greenhouse gas, to declaring that it is, but comes after melting. Do you realise that you contradict yourself you Dunning-Kruger Epsilon?
The point is that uncorrupted science, wherever it can be found, is our best guide. There has been NO evidence of any real conspiracy among the tens of thousands of climate scientists and their tens of thousands of scientific papers, and MOUNTAINS of evidence from reality, from melting cryospheres, changes in plant distribution, budding and flowering times, leaf drop etc changes in animal distribution, nesting times, migration patterns etc, the spread of pests and diseases etc, and from paleo-climate proxies ie ice-cores, tree cores, coral cores, mud cores etc, and even geological deposits that attest to previous climate destabilisation. And all you have is Rightwing paranoia, ignorance, stupidity and that basic Rightist hatred of Life on Earth.
War casualties are primarily from missiles and artillery. Everyone acknowledges that for every one of those headed toward Russian soldiers anywhere from 5 to 10 head to Ukraine soldiers. Col. McGregor says the KIA numbers in and around Bakmut are likely about 10 to 1. Time for Zelensky to settle.
I rest my case, Dear Readers. Generalized mush, apocalyptic Fire and Brimstone hillbilly Calvinism.
You sound like you might be Randy Weinstein’s tampon.
Where’s the research, Mumble Jumble? The references? Are you going to stall out and confirm that there is “no meat”, just mustard and mayo and white bread? A nothing burger?
I’m going to expose your scam and con game.
“And all you have is Rightwing paranoia, ignorance, stupidity and that basic Rightist hatred of Life on Earth.”
You say this as if you and your ilk weren’t intending to genocide cows. Tell me you aren’t some anti-methane fanatic popping Beano like they were breath mints
CO2 follows temperature, first temperature goes up, oceans warm, comes out of solution, then CO2 in the atmosphere goes up. CO2 always follows, never forces. Thus the bedrock of global warming theory is false, and thus CO2 will never make the earth warm, nor will CO2 change the ice age cycle we are in, nor when the glaciers return, will CO2 have any effect.
That evidence is in the chart above, but you having a walnut sized brain like a T-Rex, are unable to grasp this simple concept, and the reason is either you are a paid shill, a dupe, or a devotee of climate religion.
No extinction event was ever caused by CO2 levels. Present a source for that ridiculous claim.
Hothouse earth is not even a possibility, because the earth took 50 million years to cool, and we entered the ice age 2.6 million years ago, and we will most likely be in the ice age for tens of millions of years. The only way out of that predicament is solar output increases, Milankovitch cycles changing, earth orbit radius decreasing.
Tony Heller AKA Steven Goddard is a jerk and wrong. He routinely censored comments on his website/blog that didn’t agree with his point of view on global warming.
Google “time of observation changes/bias”:
Understanding Time of Observation Bias or
It is clear that the shift from afternoon to morning observations in the United States introduced a large cooling bias of about 0.3 C in raw U.S. temperatures. As contiguous U.S. temperatures have risen about 0.9 C over the last century, not correcting for this bias would give us a significant underestimate of actual U.S. warming.
Image Source: or
Zeke Hausfather Full Interview UQx Denial101x
Also, a lot of global warming deniers claim that sea levels aren’t rising or even falling, but that’s just the case on the poles and not around the equator:
The gravitationally consistent sea-level fingerprint of future terrestrial ice loss
– or
RISE AND FALL: A melting ice sheet has two effects on sea level. Diminished gravitational attraction lowers the sea near an ice sheet. At the same time, water flowing into the ocean raises it. So if the Greenland ice sheet collapsed into the sea, the melt water would dramatically raise global sea levels. But nearby countries would see sea levels dip.
Image Source: Why Our Intuition About Sea-Level Rise Is Wrong or
This bias and data distortion was already known and written about back in 1977:
Time of Observation Temperature Bias and “Climatic Change” or
Unless corrected, this bias may be interpreted incorrectly as climatic “cooling” and may also affect the assessment of agricultural production potential and fossil fuel needs.
Pay? The Russians were even given the plates with which to print money.
dude these people don’t believe their own eyes. they think the earth is hollow or flat, they think nuclear (pronounced New Que Laaaaaar) weapons are fake, i mean you’re fighting a dead-end.
based on a considerable amount of time reading and considering lots of circumstantial evidence, I don’t believe the US government landed men on the moon, However, these folks are on another level completely. to each his own; until its time to vote.
But I admire your efforts!
love the “Satanic Imps” comment, lol , agree, thanks and take care.
i don’t have any data personally,
It’s just a stupid troll, it never posts in good faith.
[This isn’t a Global Warming thread. Stay on topic if you want your comments published.]
The unwitting ones are often the ones the powers that be use. Then when they find out they were used – they usually are the ones usually the most outspoken
And in the past three years new road and rail bridges opened which did not exist before along that long border
An exterior superiority belies an interior inferiority.
Kasyanov had a great deal to do with the pre oil price rise turnaround. While he was, a heavy weight, Prime Minister Russia opened discussions with NATO, the EU and the WTO. The only one Putin kept going was the WTO, inspired by China. Putin had no real interest in NATO or the EU. Without more short term goodies on the table than had already been awarded he walked away.