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Regarding the Op-Ed of Aleksey Pavlov On the “Chabad Neo-Pagans”
Mr. Pavlov, who has not been fired yet.

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A higher-up in the Security Council of Russia penned a op-ed in which he said that Chabad, the premier representatives of organized Jewry in the Slavlands, was up to no good.


A Russian official has apologized after his deputy published an op-ed that referred to the Chabad-Lubavitch movement of Orthodox Judaism as a “neo-pagan cult” striving for “global domination.”

Top leaders of Chabad in Russia, who have been navigating a fine line in their relationship with the government during the country’s war on Ukraine, criticized the column published last week in a state magazine as antisemitic.

Russian chief rabbi, Berel Lazar, who is part of Chabad, called the column “a piece of vulgar antisemitism.” His top deputy warned that the column heralded “a new era in Russia’s relations with Jews.”

In the column, published in the Argumenty i Fakty weekly newspaper, Aleksey Pavlov, secretary of the Security Council of Russia, a government committee of experts, spoke of the need to perform “desatanization” in Ukraine, which Pavlov claimed had hundreds of neo-pagan cults. He included “the Chabad-Lubavitch sect,” as he called it, on a list of various religious groups that he said proved his point.

Look, first and foremost, we need to understand that people are confused. This is because there is a lot of confusion in society. This is especially true in the Slavlands. There are also too many hard, uncomfortable truths and shallow, ego-serving half-truths and lies eager to step in and offer people a cop-out nowadays.

People in Russia still don’t really understand what happened with the “Russian” Revolution.

They don’t understand what happened in the 90s with the collapse of the Soviet Union.

They don’t understand the West and who runs it and why. Case in point: lower-level spooks at least think that the Democrats like Russia and that the West is run by Fascist Nationalist Conservatives.

There is no comprehendible meta-narrative that society can get behind. Only ideological chaos and lots of informational shum (noise). As a result, you get Russians trying to explain things, but using idiosyncratic language that other Russians don’t really get or use let alone Westerners.

Calling Chabad a “neo-pagan” cult in an op-ed dedicated to attacking neo-paganism and associating it with Satanism and the Third Reich is a very strange way of wording things. Most people would characterize Chabad as a hardline Orthodox Hasidic Jewish organization with a lot of power in the Slavlands, including Russia. I suppose you could make the argument that invocation of Metatron in their rites is neo-paganistic? That is, because Chabad incorporates parts of Kabbalah (inverted and perverted Greek gnosticism that the Jews stole), and Kabbalah practice involves invoking angel-like entities … yeah no, the logic is too strained and I give up trying to make it work.

What Pavlov was really trying to do was to single out Chabad as a particularly problematic sect and by doing so not offend other Jews. The Chabadists incorporate Kabbalah, the Talmud and the Old Testament into their religion while other groups of religious Jews rely on differing combinations of these source materials. All three are examples of Jewish supremacist literature.

Bizarrely, despite calling out Chabad, he refused to make the obvious observation that the ruling regime in post-Maidan Kiev has been almost totally neocon. Twisting himself into pretzels, he decided to characterize Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Victoria Nuland’s (the yenta who organized the overthrow and the power arrangement afterwards along with her Jewish husband) pet poodle, as a “Scientologist” and blamed his belief in Hubbard’s sci-fi LARP for the situation in Ukraine.

This is, to put it mildly, yet another example of willful blindness regarding the giant Hebrew elephant in the room.

He doesn’t look like a Presbyterian, does he?
He doesn’t look like a Presbyterian, does he?

Furthermore, Yats claims to be Greek Catholic and not a Scientologist. As an organized force, the Greek Catholics in Ukraine are rabid Russophobes who hate Orthodox civilization. Regardless, adopting a religion doesn’t change your blood and does nothing to divert the Jewish ethnic grievance agenda.

Let’s go back to the original article about the security council man who called out the Jews.

Nikolai Patrushev, a high-ranking official for the security council, said in a statement issued Friday that the column did not represent an official government position.

“I apologize for the op-ed, which contained several erroneous statements about the followers of Chabad-Lubavitch,” read the statement. “This interpretation represented only Alexey Pavlov’s personal point of view and in no way represents that of the Security Council of Russia. Talks have been had with the writer of the op-ed.”

Pavlov was, if anything, a bit befuddled by the situation. More sober minds clearly understand that the modern conspiracy against Russia is almost entirely spear-headed by the Chosenites, who appear to be motivated by an ethnic and religious hatred of Russia.

Case in point: Jamie Raskin, a Jewish Congressman from Maryland, recently made a shocking statement about why he supports the war against Russia. It’s all about destroying a country dedicated to traditional Christian values—World War Trans:

Video Link

And this:

Moscow right now is a hub of corrupt tyranny, censorship, authoritarian repression, police violence, propaganda, government lies and disinformation, and planning for war crimes. It is a world center of antifeminist, antigay, anti-trans hatred, as well as the homeland of replacement theory for export. In supporting Ukraine, we are opposing these fascist views, and supporting the urgent principles of democratic pluralism.

This is quite the escalation in rhetoric. It’s one thing to openly hate on Russia for not being a Liberal Democracy and for historically always preferring the far better political model of Authoritarianism, which Joe Biden has routinely done. It is another to take another step forward and admit that this is about the Jews’ obsession with pushing rainbow flags (the literal Biblical symbol of the covenant that their God Yahweh wants to impose on the other nations of the world under the Noahide laws [Genesis 9:13]) on a hapless peasant population.

The episode is notable because of the force with which Jewish leaders inside and outside Russia responded. Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February, Chabad’s leaders in Russia have walked a fine line amid a crackdown on free speech in the country. They refrained from the open embrace that many other religious leaders showed — and that Moscow’s former chief rabbi, who was not part of Chabad, said he faced pressure to demonstrate before he fled the country. Instead, they have expressed displeasure about the war while not denouncing Russian president Vladimir Putin and while continuing to serve Russian Jews, even as tens of thousands of them have left amid deteriorating conditions there.

And now, a few words on Chabad. Like most groups of organized Jews, they use legal warfare against those who stand up to their power. For example, a group calling itself “Citizens of the USSR” got wind of what Chabad preaches about the goyim — that we ought to be slaves, and, in some cases, outright killed if we pose a threat to the Jews’ plans — started a protest action in which they entered a Chabad building and started demanding that the rabbi start explaining why they were running a blatant Jewish supremacist sect. (FYI, the Citizens are a group that insists that the USSR isn’t over and that a Judeo-Mason conspiracy runs the Russian Federation out of London).

Sadly, I can’t find the video on YouTube anymore.

Things did not turn out well for the group in the end. They were arrested on the grounds of an alleged assassination plot on a rabbi. No money was offered to the hired killer, only, allegedly, a knife and some nylon stockings and a position as head of the future, newly re-instated KGB of Krasnodar Krai. Several members of the organization were arrested and it was banned in Krasnodar. That is the standard narrative, but the truth of the whole unsavory matter was much, much darker, as the Jews themselves admit.

Here, listen to them gloat about what they pulled on these hapless peasants.


Authorities in Russia staged the death of a rabbi as part of a sting operation that ended with the arrest of two alleged terrorists who are said to have ordered to have him killed.

The operation has been ongoing since last year, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs revealed last week. The ministry neither named the suspects, who were identified only as being 60 and 70, nor indicated when they had been arrested.

Two old people with nostalgia for the USSR were entrapped by secret police working on behalf of the Jews.

The suspects are leaders of an extremist group known as Citizens of the USSR, which does not recognize the dissolution of the Soviet Union, according to the ministry.

Last year, members of that movement began targeting and threatening the Jewish community of Krasnodar, a city in southern Russia, the ministry said. Murder was among the threats.

An undercover counterterrorism agent approached the suspects and offered to kill Rabbi Aryeh Leib Tkatch, chairman of the Jewish Community of Krasnodar, if they accepted him into their ranks as a senior member. The suspects agreed and a police makeup artist worked with Tkatch on a photoshoot in which his death was staged.

The poor bastards didn’t know what the hell even happened to them. Typical entrapment plot.

The agent presented the photos to the suspects as proof he had done their bidding. They were arrested after giving the agent certificates accepting him into their ranks as a field commander, the ministry’s report said.

Sickening stuff. False flags and hoaxes to terrorize the goyim.

This, however, is starting to become an article on the state of Semitism in Russia, which is beyond the scope of what I wanted to cover for today. I do promise an article detailing the power of Jewish censorship in Russia soon though. In short, you can speak out openly about the Jews and you have a lot of leniency from the government to do so even though you may find yourself less employable than before. Also, despite the rightward turn and “basification” of Russian society in recent months, the needle has not moved on the Jewish issue, despite what the hyperventilating headlines allege. This is a HUGE problem and yet more proof of the fact that this looming showdown with NATO isn’t being taken as seriously as it should be. The Russian people need to learn the truth about who threw the coup in St. Petersburg, who ran the Gulags, who starved the Russian southwest, who then broke up the USSR and looted it, who orchestrated the coup in Kiev, who pushes America to war against Russia now and who wants Russians broken, destitute and dead and think its funny.

Few speak about the Jewish problem, even among the right, sadly. It’s considered bad taste. Trust me, I’ve tried to get them to start talking about it, but they resist me and call me a sovok for trying to spread my so-called conspiracy theories.

Seriously, the state of Semitism and counter-Semitism in Russia is worth a separate post.

Anyways, it’s rather strange that Pavlov called out Chabad in particular. Of all the organizations of organized Jewry, Chabad is the strongest in the Slavlands. Those memes of Putin having allegedly “sold out to the Jews” being spammed on the internet all feature him smiling and spending time with Berel Lazar, who is affectionately known as “Putin’s Rabbi”.

But you know who else Berel is close to? The Chabad-attending Kushners. And we all know how that worked out for Trump and his country.

Both Trump, Hitler, and, maybe Putin as well, appear to have fallen for the Jewish trick of “mitosis” by which the Jews divide into factions and pretend to want to cut a deal with the goyim against another faction, supposedly a rival Jewish faction. Hitler made friends with the Zionists against the Bolsheviks. Trump with Chabad against the New York Times Jews. And Putin with Chabad too, supposedly against the Neocons in the West.

Point being, usually politicians or bureaucrats only kick down as opposed to punching up. Why Pavlov decided to pen that op-ed is anyone’s guess. His boss soon had to apologize for him regardless. Encouragingly, he wasn’t fired on the spot, which is extremely telling. Put simply, the Jewish mafia, while powerful, does NOT have as much power in Russia as it does in the West, or in Ukraine for that matter.

If I wanted to, I could have honed in on the fact that it’s been 5 days and a prominent anti-Chabadite hasn’t been fired from his position. That, by the standards or our days, is a victory, friends.

(Republished from The Occidental Observer by permission of author or representative)
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  1. in related news,

    after withdrawing from Uke grain deal in wake of Sevastapol attack,

    Babyface Tsar goes into reverse & now will allow Ukes to ship grain.

    Chabad or no Chabad,

    Babyface Tsar is a spineless idiot.

    •�Troll: mulga mumblebrain
  2. Anon[188] •�Disclaimer says:

    Kushner is both a Talmudist and a congenital psychopath (look at his eye sockets). This is more common than people realize. Plus psychopaths are the actual Golem slaves of the T supremacists. https://pathwhisperer.info/2021/09/10/oopsy-seems-ive-broken-my-word-to-go-all-in-ok-here-goes-i-posit-that-psychopaths-are-the-consciously-and-mutually-recognized-soulless-heart-of-stone-golem-slaves-servants-partners-of-the-tal/

    Plus they are both pillars of WEF and it’s plandemic to take over the world. https://pathwhisperer.info/2022/09/13/klaus-schwabs-wef-humans-are-now-hackable-animals-that-will-be-re-engineered/

    •�Replies: @JimDandy
    , @SunBakedSuburb
  3. Chabad is powerful. Very powerful. They are masters of “Talmudic dialectic.” They think ahead in terms of decades and centuries. They look at non-Chassidic Jews as slightly above non-Jews. They are vicious in their patient plotting, which is based on astrology and prophecy.

  4. QCIC says:

    Interesting but not very helpful.

    Can someone give a fully nuanced English translation of Pavlov’s article, that is what is the exact meaning?

    Previous discussions of the relationship between Putin and Chabad suggest the article is a major attack directly on Putin, so this sounds like an improper translation. It seems unlikely Pavlov would get away with that unless it is some 6D chess BS. To me it seems more likely he is pointing out the ridiculous contradiction of the Kolomoisky boys and fellow travelers being directly aligned with the Ukrainian NeoNazis. This contradiction puts the entire (((WWII-Zionist))) narrative slightly at risk, so the Russians may be warning the players to drop it before they overplay their hand. What does Kabbalah say about having too much chutzpah?

    Would some factions be allowed to put Zion at risk in a hopeless attempt to reclaim the Pale of Settlement? Will we soon see IDF/Mossad going house to house in Central Ukraine and Kiev to clean out the NeoNazis, hand-in-hand with their reunited gentile brothers from Novorossiya?

  5. Protogonus says: •�Website

    Radical Zionist extremism and warmongering has its basis in Talmudic Mendacity,
    which is well-practiced, highly developed, perverted, and maniacally genocidal. The true
    story will make perfect sense to all Unz.Com readers and is worthy of their attention:


    •�Thanks: Bro43rd
    •�Replies: @LE Pseudonymi
  6. @RedpilledAF

    Maybe you can impart some knowledge I don’t know. First, I see all Jews (observant, somewhat observant & non-observant/atheistic) as being supremacist to some degree. It’s just ingrained. What makes Chabad different than other Hasidic sects is their organizational skills. The Lubavitcher rebbe Schneerson was a highly educated man. He had a secular education as well as a Jewish religious education. He knew his way around the block. Back in the 17oo’s, all Jews were Orthodox, and rigidly so. A generation or two before the Hasidic movement was started, Shabbatai Tzvi, supposedly another Jewish messiah, was taken prisoner by the Ottoman sultan and given a choice either to die or convert to Islam. He chose Islam. This left the Jewish world beside itself. Hasidism originally was geared toward the lesser educated Jews and developed a totally different flavor in practices (many very superstitious). They became something like Jewish Pentecostals. The opposing group called the Mitnagdim, were based primarily around Vilna in Lithuania. These were the erudite, very dry and very opposed to Hasidic practices. The long and the short of my ranting is that the Lubavitcher rebbes combined the practices and thinking of both groups into one. They have another book that they follow called the Tanya. What is in it I haven’t a clue. Yes Chabad is a highly power hungry and well organized entity that want to get its claws into the throats of both Ukraine and Russia. It’s supremacist as hell, but to call it neo-pagan – I don’t think so. Satanic, eh -if you interpret every evil intention of a person or group as Satanic – that can be open for discussion. The author did a very good job at explaining all this. Thanks Rolo.

  7. Russia converted to UN-style corporate managementalism decades ago, not to mention that’s underlied by the Abrahamic abortion of Christianity, under which the Russian empire made it so a huge swathe of Russian territory would be for Jews to settle in, something no emperor after Lutheran-turned-Orthodox Catherine II moved a finger to correct.

    What does an article do? Putin is too busy finding ways to provide the terrorist USEUNATO conglomerate with fuels via third and fourth parties while mobilising Russia to “denazify” EUkraine to be bothered.

  8. nadim says:

    Death to apartheid Israel, death to zionist mass murders. Israel is a THREAT to peace on earth.

    •�Replies: @Slav
  9. JWalters says:

    Here’s an article at a Jewish-run website on the Jewish supremacism dominating politics in Israel’s latest election.
    Witnessing the death of hope in Jerusalem

    Here’s Jacob Rothschild explaining the Jewish messianic motive behind his family’s financing the Zionists’ bloody slaughtering and terrorizing innocent Palestinian civilians in order to pursue their messianic delusion. For “that sacred goal, the return of Israel to its ancestral homeland” (at 8:50 in the video).
    Lord Jacob Rothschild OM GBE The Balfour Declaration Personal & Historical Reflections

    Video Link

    If we look at how this messianic Jewish supremacist movement came to power, and its many crimes along the way, we can see how dangerous it is.
    War Profiteers and Israel’s Bank

    This criminal gang, which constitutes a stealth Zionist empire, is found behind many crimes, and the efforts to censor Americans to keep those crimes unsolved. It is the hidden hand behind making it illegal to criticize Israel’s glaring murders and land thefts. It is the hidden hand behind the murders of Jeffrey Epstein, Seth Rich, Gary Webb, JFK, RFK, Dorothy Kilgallen, James Forrestal, and many others. It is the hidden hand behind the monopolistic media matrix which inundates us with a massive deception, including the fictitious histories of Israel, WWI, and WWII. It is the hidden hand pushing our bribed, blackmailed, and threatened politicians to ignore the well-being of their own people and stoke the flames of WWIII. It is the hidden hand that engineers needless wars and economic crises from which it extracts billions and trillions in ill-gotten gains.

    It is the single thread that ties together and explains this long list of baffling catastrophes. Perhaps not every member of Chabad is a member of this Jewish supremacist mafia. But this mafia exists, and society needs to extinguish it decisively.

    •�Replies: @Rev. Spooner
    , @Zumbuddi
  10. James J. O'Meara [AKA "Peter D. Bredon"] says:

    The problem with letting Jews into the discussion is that quickly everything devolves into “discussions” about various bullshit ideologies that amount to what Stirner called “spooks” in the head.

    Everything mentioned in this article, with a capital letter (other than words starting sentences) is meaningless. Oy gevult, what will the Pagan Greek Orthodox Slavophiles do about the Neocon Neoliberal Russophobic Traditionalist whatthefucks.

    God forbid we should talk about National (close the borders) Socialism (free healthcare). You know, what the people actually want.

    All these people, along with the “Heidegger will defeat the GloboHomos despite being the inspiration for PostModernism” alt-right spergs (I’m looking at you, Arktos), need to swallow a good mouthful of Draino before being admitted back into the adults’ conversation. (*)

    (*) Heidegger helps them prevent any attempt at clear thought by branding it “typical Anglo Saxon forgetting of Being.”

  11. profnasty says:

    Jonathan Greenblatt sez Jews the arbiters of Free Speech.
    What say Ye?

    •�Agree: Kolya Krassotkin
  12. Anon001 says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    Yes, Putin is spinless indeed.

    But the grain thing is not all. Apparently, Putin also takes orders from some Western leaders regarding the conflict in Ukraine. Yes, you read that right – here’s his own admission on video [1]. I guess his heart is still with his beloved Western “partners”. Russia seems to have high threshold for treason in high places.

    Also, just some days ago, during the press conference about Armenia and Azerbaijan peace accord, Putin again called Zelensky and his clique “our Ukrainian partners”. I guess murdering 14000 ethnic Russian civilians in Ukraine 2014-2022 did not change Putin’s “good” relations with Ukis.

    [1] Vladimir Putin openly admits that he’s taking instructions from Western leaders. / Nikola Mikovic on Twitter:

  13. Odyssey says:

    Lubav(itcher) means ‘love’.
    Chabad is the strongest in the Slavlands – probably in Russia/Ukraine but not much in other Slavic countries; more important, they are the circle around Biden.
    Shabbatai Tzvi – Erdogan belongs to this stream.

    •�Replies: @Vitez Rafael
    , @nokangaroos
  14. Nietzsche says:

    The Jews completely destroyed Russia and killed tens of millions of innocent white Russian Christians. Russia should tell ALL OF THEM to fuck off.

    •�Agree: Ace, CSFurious
    •�Replies: @Justrambling
  15. John1955 says:

    Maybe it is about time for Russians to stop tiptoeing around the issue and call a Circumcised Spade a Circumcised Spade ?

    Also – if the History teaches us anything, anything at all – chivalrous gestures toward Jews and their host countries (which they control & manipulate) will never be appreciated (much less reciprocated). British Expeditionary Force numbering 340,000, after being defeated, was allowed to sail back to England. Germans could’ve drown them like puppies or sent them straight to concentration camps. But naive Hitler still hoped for peace.

    “New History of the Jews”(1968) by Eustace Mullins:


    The Jew wants to destroy the hateful gentile body on which he depends; on the other hand, he knows that it is suicidal for him to do so. Because of this schizophrenia in the Jew who has become master of the gentile destiny, he leads the gentile community into wild ventures. Often he brings great prosperity, but only for a short time(!!!), and through reckless waste, such as the wilful destruction of natural resources, suicidal ventures into foreign wars, and debauching the young people so that they are unable to raise healthy families ( sounds familiar ? 😁)

    When Cyrus and his armies arrived at the gates of Babylon, it was the Jews who opened the gates for him. In a single day, he became Cyrus the Great, and Persia became the master of the world. Of course Cyrus was grateful. He extended every privilege to the Jews. Alas, it was not long before the spider was spinning his web in the dusty ruins of Cyrus’ palace.

    The Jews had a thriving and prosperous community in Babylon, and they lived there for hundreds of years. Yet they eagerly destroyed Babylon because of a chance to make a deal with the Persians. Not only that, but in their anxiety to conceal the record of their treachery, they destroyed every library in Babylon, and ever since, they have fulminated against the Babylonians with all the hatred of which they are capable. The Whore of Babylon! Who has not heard that phrase? Yet classical scholars tell us that the Babylonians were a sober and decent people, devoted to the arts and to gracious living. Nevertheless, the Jews have been able to impress upon the world their distorted version of a nation living only for depravity.

  16. This problem has become such that it can only be solved stealthily and anonimously. Time and time again, you see what happens to people who somehow attach their name tag. They get destroyed, discreetly or publicly, by a clan firmly lodged inside all the institutions that can apply power (media, judicial systems, arbitration, money, lending, lobbying, counseling, higher education, humanity sciences, trade, stock exchange, politics, legislation). A clan which has honed this tactic to perfection over centuries. Just one tiny example is the old Rothschild, sending his five sons across the continents to establish banks there, ultimately spreading the family’s influence across the globe.

    We have allowed them to get better at this than we ever were and get the upper hand, so we are now severely lagging and lacking. As things are now, the only option left with a sliver of a chance is fighting with ultra-aggressive destructive underground actions. Everything else is doomed to fail. Remember that we are dealing with a minority, 50 million as opposed to 7 billion, with the really harmful types (the ones to be targeted) having a number of less than half a million. Their biggest trump card of leverage is based on a hoax. Who are they to exploit us and cow us around? Why do we let them?

    Should we reject an aggressive approach, than we should at least face ourselves with the fact that we are too intimidated and too disorganized to thoroughly expose the hoax and to turn all the leverage used against us around, in order to harm the ones determined to harm us. Right now, we can’t even manage that, and they know and exploit it. We must get a firm grip on ourselves and focus on an effective counterpunch. But, with organized determination from the masses not coming any time soon, the violent approach by determined underground groups is bound to be the only effective way forward.

    •�Agree: Bro43rd
  17. Anon001 says:

    As far as Kabbalah is concerned, no worries, because Putin, a devout “Christian”, got you covered [1][2].

    Putin wearing Kabbalah red bracelet
    [1] https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FUZHQiNWAAI9jcB?format=jpg
    [2] https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FODklqMVQAY3ILU?format=jpg

    •�Replies: @LessOld
  18. JimDandy says:

    His kids are half-Donkey.

  19. GMC says:

    Good article R S. I’m betting, that you are also noticing that Bi Bi Netanyahu is back into the politic scene in Israel. I guess Russia never concluded, that all those Ukie Jew Oligarchs would have had to have the Green Light from Bi Bi and Israel in order to push the War with Russia. Everything is blamed on the US, Brits, and the rest of the Zionist run countries, but the Russian people { as far as I can see }have no clue in regards to the ZioJew connections.

    And now that Bi Bi has been ” exonerated” from the typical Jew fake corruption charges, he can come back and continue his war on Russia,Syria, Iran etc. while he worms his way to Kiev and try to save parts of Ukraine for the Cause. Maybe Part II and IIII have already been written. my 2 rubles

    •�Replies: @Anon
  20. zard says:

    So what’s new?

    Hitler & the Nazis exposed this Judeo-Masonic-Communist-Christian nexus/conspiracy last century & its existential threat to the white race, but nobody listened much outside of Germany, except for a few intelligent individuals like Mosley, Amery, Ramsay, Pelley, Beckett, Joyce & Unity Mitford. Instead the prodigious majority of white gentile Christian-Communist morons united to extirpate Nazism so they could continue believing in Rabbi Jesus & Rabbi Marx on a planet governed by their Israel Overlords.

    •�Agree: Vitez Rafael
    •�Replies: @Bill
  21. Brosi says:

    That was an interesting and important article, I otherwise see very little about what the Yids are up to in Russia. The crypsis is as thick surrounding Russia as it is surrounding Putin. Andrew Anglin wrote this recent UR article about Pavlov:

    Former Chief Rabbi of Moscow Calls for Jews to Flee Russia After Top Defense Official Denounces Jews, quote from Times of Israel:

    “Former chief rabbi of Moscow Pinchas Goldschmidt on Thursday called on Russian Jews to flee the country after a top Russian defense official assailed the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic movement as a supremacist cult.

    “The main principle of the Lubavitch Hasidim is the superiority of the supporters of the sect over all nations and peoples,” Pavlov wrote.”

    If only Russia would go full Nazi on the Jews in the same way the Ukrainian Nazi-Larpers have been committing war crimes on ethnic Russians. We can hope to see waves of them arriving in Palestine just as Iran releases their missiles.

    Zelensky has been all over the news demanding weapons from Israel, who up until now claims to be “neutral”. Netanyahu apparently is about to come back into power, and this all might be related.

    Dailymail had this gem yesterday:

    Why Ukraine is now hellbent on retaking Crimea – despite Vladimir Putin’s nuclear threats: IAN BIRRELL, who has had remarkable access to Kyiv’s military chiefs, explains how they’ve set sights on a VERY risky victory – and deporting 800,000 Russians

    It is interesting that maps of Heavenly Jerusalem don’t include Crimea, yet Zelensky and Jews in general seem to be obsessed with it. Stalin also offered his Bolshevic Jews a large part of Crimea, but they wanted to occupy Jerusalem and Palestine. Now, by all appearances, they actually always wanted both.

  22. Brosi says:

    I’ll just leave this one here:

    Anti-semitism is anti-satanism. It’s not like they’re hiding it.

    They don’t call it the Synogogue of Satan for nuthin’, and the Bolshevics were in truth the Judeo-Satanic-Bolshevics.

    •�Agree: A. Clifton, Chuck Orloski
    •�Replies: @Slav
  23. Slav says:

    David Duke leaves an impression that he is a nationalist, not a chauvinist. He doesn’t see others as subhumans, unlike Zionists and many Nazis in this site.

    Both Palestinians and American blacks should be given own state.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  24. Slav says:

    Maybe you meant mensheviks.

    Bolsheviks were the first who eradicated this filth by illegalizing Masonry, sending Masons and nihilists to gulags.

    •�Replies: @anarchyst
    , @anarchyst
  25. “It is another to take another step forward and admit that this is about the Jews’ obsession with pushing rainbow flags (the literal Biblical symbol of the covenant that their God Yahweh wants to impose on the other nations of the world under the Noahide laws [Genesis 9:13]) on a hapless peasant population.”

    I’ve never looked at the story of Noah from the Jewish perspective before–obviously Christians see the rainbow as a symbol of a covenant between ‘God and Man’ but it makes little sense that Jews would have intended the story that way, seeing as their religion is tribe-based.

    But seeing as Noah was Jewish, and seeing as he saved all the animals of Earth by bringing them onto his Ark, and seeing as humanity and the world was only saved because of Noah, there is a logic to believing that everything in the world and everything on it is Jewish-owned by right. This is then reinforced with Noah cursing his own son, Ham, who is I suppose the forefather of the world’s gentiles.

    Is this in fact how Jews see the Noah’s ark story?

    •�Disagree: A. Clifton
  26. Or is it because the new Russia has awakened to the dangers and wanted to fire a shot across the bow of Zionism by using a cutout who’s neither too junior nor senior ? It’s easily deniable but the intended party if they are smart gets the message loud and clear

    •�Agree: Kratoklastes
    •�Replies: @Kratoklastes
  27. Netanyahu is likely to win the election and push Israel into a more pro-Ukrainian stance, which will put Tel Aviv at odds with Moscow. Many young Jewish males fled Russia in February and more Jews of all ages are likely to leave soon. Russians and Jews have a historically toxic relationship, so no love lost there. Russia despite some economic difficulties is getting better by the day. The Jewish presence is felt here less and less each day.

    •�Replies: @Rev. Spooner
  28. @Odyssey

    So lubavitcher jews are in fact serbs.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  29. @Odyssey

    The Chassidim (lit.: “Pious”) were a +/- charismatic movement,
    originally each community with their own Jim Jones (“rebbe“) and the
    “schools” were named after the seat of the original rebbe.


    •�Replies: @nokangaroos
  30. Anon[184] •�Disclaimer says:

    Well I think you are quite right. Correct me of I am wrong but were not the Joos especially (along with USA/ NATO) who were the shit disturbers in Georgia/ Ossettia ? Were they not involved in funding, training and equipping the armies there ?

    Yet when Putin put his foot down they all disappeared leaving their hosts to take the Russian whip. These fucking cockroaches love to work from the shadows but disappear when things heat up.

    It will be the same in Ukraine. When events get exciting they will disappear leaving even their own to face the music.

    Its the same over and over again over thousands of years. These people are supposed to be smart but they indulge in activities with consequences that fall heavily on them. There has got to be something wrong with their psychological makeup !

    •�Replies: @GMC
  31. Wokechoke says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    Erdogan is a real power and he may have the final say in Russia keeping Crimea. Putin must keep the Turk onside.

    •�Disagree: GMC, SteveK9
    •�Replies: @GMC
  32. Wokechoke says:

    Blacks operate several free-republics in the US. See every major Metropolitan City. These are all Black Run, to profit Jewish landlords and are subsidized by whites.

    •�Replies: @Slav
  33. They have another book that they follow called the Tanya. What is in it I haven’t a clue.

    Their documents are endless and self-refuting. If you are clever you can justify anything with what is in there which is why they like it. Commentaries on the commentaries on the commentaries. Ish Kabibble babble.

  34. Wokechoke says:

    This made me think of the nutty Rastas bitching about being stuck in Bah-Bi-Lahn.

    “According to the Rastafarian belief system that animates some forms of reggae, Babylon refers to the corrupted, capitalist, colonial world that righteous believers are always trying to escape… ” Hua Hsu


    These people already ruined Haiti, Jamaica, Antigua, Trinidad etc which could be a paradise if it were exclusively white. Why ruin London?

  35. anarchyst says:

    Actually, the Ukraine is being “prepped” to become the new “israel”.
    You see, most European “jews” HATE the present state of israel as both the climate is less desirable and many of the present “residents” practice a form of judaism that they cannot stand. Let’s not forget the Palestinians who should be able to “outbreed” the jews in coming years as well.
    The Ukraine has ideal weather suitable to European jewish tastes, is ideally located, and makes it much easier for jews to expand their criminal enterprises. The Ukraine will be the European center of operations for jewish criminality.

    •�Agree: Commentator Mike
    •�Thanks: GMC
    •�Replies: @Slav
    , @nokangaroos
  36. anarchyst says:

    You are wrong…
    Bolsheviks criminalized Christianity, criminalized “anti-semitism” and protected jewish synagogues from being taken over by government types.
    Christian property was seized by the “state” and “repurposed”, to be used as barns, warehouses and other secular uses while not one synagogue was touched.
    Bolshevism and by inference communism was almost entirely a jewish enterprise.

    •�Replies: @Slav
  37. Anonymous[391] •�Disclaimer says:

    Every time Kushner mounts Ivanka, he thinks about how he is fucking the Donald. Oh, the pleasure Jews get in screwing of the goyishe!

  38. Here it is worth paying attention to one detail. When there was a solemn event on the inclusion of new territories into Russia, all denominations were invited there. The Jews decided to ignore this very important event. It was noticed.

  39. Slav says:

    Maybe true, but they also criminalized satanism and masonry. I haven’t say anything about Christianity.

    •�Replies: @Boulder
  40. Slav says:

    How sovereign are those “repubilcs”? How sovereign are white American communities?

    Why don’t white nationalists make a deal with black nationalists, give them some southern states, give some land to natives, and keep rest of America for themselves? Do you care more about America as hegemonic power or your people? Why not split it? The integrationism was imposed on all of you against your will.

    The infighting is counter productive when it comes to domestic issues.

    •�Agree: Jefferson Temple
    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  41. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Age of Absurdity

    •�LOL: Brás Cubas
  42. Slav says:

    Stalin gave Jews a republic on the far east where barely anyone lived. The problem is, their culture is based on “coexistence” with other people.

    •�Thanks: Commentator Mike
  43. I don’t like how what was american nationalists and nationalists for the aryan race became overnight commie supporters and even third worldists.

    I support the third world struggle against Finance capitalism,but putin and iran and Xi are indeed enemies of all national socialists(Some of you are even against that!).

    they are controlled opposition,why didn’t russia help Gaddafi?

    the soviet union never ended,the reforms were to fool the west…putin is still a Jew and also is still a false opposition controlled by the Kosher nostra.

    of course,these controlled narratives serve a purpose to get whites to support their enemies,controlled opposition and not form a organic movement that upholds their interests.

    The Soviets were israel’s best friend as is russia now,and their support for the dissident nations and the Arabs was to give them enough to fight but not win and also dictate their terms.

    BTW,I am mixed race and I support national socialism.

    •�Thanks: Malla
    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  44. @anarchyst

    Odessa was, alongside Shanghai and NYC, (((their))) power center until
    WWII … and ideally situated for fucking over Russia and Europe
    (the Crimea being necessary for living like effendis, complete with
    underage blonde sex slaves).
    You need know no more about the “Ukraine” war.

  45. GMC says:

    Yep, you’re right on the money ! Saak of shitvilli was snortin the same Colombian Coke that Zelensky is, except Zelensky { Jew King } had Коломойский and his Boyz + { Bi Bi } sponsoring him. Face it, Saak o shitVilli was No Stalin, but – the Israelis and Nato were makin the ” in coming ” calls while he was busy with the pretty girls and the Parties. Most likely the same with Zelensky but even much more intense. Notice, once Zelensky started to show his party animal face – they had his wife show up for a together Vogue moment. Lol Hell, everybody is in on this Jew Ukie scam – from the Jew media, the Hollywood jews, all the way – to all their sponsors , including Brandon and some of the Programmed American sheeple.

    But not all Jewish people are like this – just like all Americans and Europeans are Not all asleep. Some people are easily programmed and some are not – Some of us can be had, for a very short time, and then see thru the BS . I’m bettin on the people wakin up and seeing, that for now – The East and the Multi Polar World is the best bet – at least until it shows that it has an honest Agenda. We are real close to seeing everyone’s Poker hand . Spasibo A

  46. Judaism is satanism. The Pharisees were the original satanists.

    •�Agree: A. Clifton
  47. @Haxo Angmark

    This is an expanding and all engulfing WWIII, this is good PR.
    Russia knows that and has demonstrated to the developing world as well as the rest of Asia and Africa that if famine results, it is the fault of the West.

    •�Replies: @JM
  48. @RedpilledAF

    I do wish you folks would go to Odessey and search out Adam Green. He has quit being a Christian as he sees it and Islam too, as being junior partners to the Jewish supermist agenda. https://odysee.com/@KnowMoreNews:1/Bibi-Elon-Elon:6
    I fear we have lost to the supremacists and if Russia loses in Ukraine, then the whole world will be lost.

  49. GMC says:

    Don’t get me wrong, I Agree that Erdogan is getting stronger, but he doesn’t have the same support in Crimea as 10-15 years ago with all the Turkish Construction Companies that were here. With the Russian rules and companies that have taken over, the Turks left – probably for Europe work. The TaTar are still close to the Turks { not the Chechnya} but they are still 10+ % of the populace , and strong.

    As long as the rest of the world keeps the heavy, unwarranted sanctions on Crimea – this place will always be Russian from here on out. Remember – there are no trains, flights or busses to Europe, like there were before the Americans showed up in 2014. And the nearest flight to Istanbul is Sochi , at least for the Crimean and Southern Russians, and then their Mir card doesn’t work anymore in Turkey.

    The Turks are a business partner with Moscow and GasProm but remember that their Lira used to be 2 to 1 dollar – now 20 to 1 dollar. They will have to screw Russia really hard , in order to get their economy back – lol.

  50. @brostoevsky

    You should post more (I’m assuming that you are Russian) and let us know how it goes in Russia.

  51. Ktulu says:

    I doubt that Hitler “fell” for Jewish mitosis, and I doubt Putin also has “fallen” for Jewish mitosis.

    The fact of the matter is both need to deal with Jews, who are a very powerful group of people, and therefore have both chosen which group of Jews to deal with. What Hitler would have done, or what Himmler would have done in succession of Hitler, in respect to Jews after a victory or stalemate in the Second World War will never be known, but what we do know is that Hitler intended to deport Jews out of Germany and slowly breed out the remaining Jews in Germany through the forces put in place by the Nuremberg Laws.

    What would Putin do if he was crowned Tsar of Russia? Putin was a spook during the Cold War, and was assigned to East Germany, where the holohoax is alleged to have happened. He knows how propaganda works necessarily because of his experience in the KGB and is probably intimately familiar with Jewish power now after his years in power in Russia, especially after the 1990’s. There is also a lot of similarities between Hitler’s life and Putin life that would lead one to believe they may hold similar convictions. Hitler was orphaned as a teenager, Putin grew up in a house where both of his older brothers had died in war. Both were war veterans, Hitler of the First World War and Putin of the Cold War, both of their countries lost in those wars due to domestic stabs in the back, and both took power in their homelands after a period of their nations being ravaged by Jews.

    I find it very hard to believe Putin doesn’t hold views on Jews similar to Hitler, and I find it hard to believe Putin wouldn’t approach the problem very differently of he were to be crowned Tsar.

    •�Replies: @SunBakedSuburb
  52. @Brooklyn Dave

    I haven’t read the entire Tanya, but the parts I’ve seen fall somewhere between Proverbs and The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, i.e. there is nothing particularly evil.

    Most of the Talmud is pretty boring. It’s like reading law books, but some interesting commentary on occasion.

    Chabad tacks a lot of stuff into Judaism because the Torah isn’t enough to navigate the modern world and keep people interested. It’s akin to the guru tradition of Hinduism.

    As for shaky stuff, every needle needs a haystack. All of the suspect orgs build in plausible deniability and use the larger member body to execute and cover themselves.

    •�Replies: @geokat62
  53. Title: Judaism Discovered. A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition, and Deceit.
    Author: Michael Hoffman.
    Source: https://archive.org/details/judaism-discovered-a-study-of-the-anti-biblical-religion-of-racism-self-worship-_202109

  54. @Anon

    Look into Klaus Schwab’s parents: Jared and Ivanka situation.

  55. Chris Moore says: •�Website

    Regardless, adopting a religion doesn’t change your blood and does nothing to divert the Jewish ethnic grievance agenda.

    So Yats’ pathology is “Jewish” blood based? Or is it Golden Calf cult of greed combined with a Hebrew-faction culture of deceit, revenge, lies and murder that’s gone on for five thousand years, starting with Moses punishing them for their wickedness, treachery and scheming?

    So you could make the argument that Yats and Zelensky have bad seed Golden Calfer blood (but not “Jewish” blood since Moses was the first Jew, and the only law he brought was the Ten Commandments).

    In fact, that “Jewish” premise is the Zionist Big Lie that’s allowed these Golden Calfers/fiat currency moneychangers to get away with the treachery and mass murder they have for thousand if years, the whole time scapegoating law abiding folk.

    It may be a simple mistake on the author’s part, but I doubt it. It’s a “mistake” that keeps getting made, so from here on out I’m going to assume those scum who make it are operating out of Golden Calf-partisan bad will, collaboration, greed, deceit, treachery and treason, in an effort to further conceal the conspiracy.

    Eventually, all those evil doers are slated for the ash heap of history and will be cursed for eternity, so I’d think very carefully before proceeding with that whole “Jewish” farce.

    •�Disagree: A. Clifton
  56. @RedpilledAF

    Chabad appears to be Sabbatean adjacent.

  57. geokat62 says:
    @Sideshow Bob Too

    Most of the Talmud is pretty boring. It’s like reading law books, but some interesting commentary on occasion.

    Queen Esther, is that you?

    Talmud is pretty boring, huh?

    It’s the most Jewish Supremacist literature ever written, chalk full of antigoyism.


  58. @Ktulu

    Recent research on the occult groups — Wotanism, Thule, ect. — active in German-speaking Europe from the early 1900s to the 1930s that were critical to the formation of the Nazi Party suggests said occult groups were infected by Judaic black magic. In this light, the Nazi Party and mangod Hitler can be considered Golemic.

    •�Replies: @Haxo Angmark
  59. Dr. Rock says:

    Everyday, in every way, we see more and more reasons as to “why” so many countries, so many times, just expelled them…

    It’s far easier than trying to understand them, categorize them, deal with them, or keep them from destroying your culture, finances, and society.

    Anyting short of expulsion, leads to ruin.

    •�Replies: @Protogonus
  60. Brosi says:

    I did some quick research to compare the image results for “Lukaschenko chabad” to “Putin chabad”. The results are quite interesting…

    “Putin Chabad”:

    “Lukaschenko Chabad”:

    Present day Belorussia fell within the “Pale of Settlement” and therefore had far more Jews than what is now Russia, which is outside of the Pale, until WWII.

    Zelensky’s “Ukraine” was also within the Pale, while the Donbas was outside of it. This extra dimension might well explain the visceral hatred that ((Ukrainians)) from within the Pale have towards ethnic Russians in Donbas and Novorussia who were outside of it.

    The outlier here is Belorussia. Why doesn’t Lukaschenko have to kow-tow to the ultra-extreme semitic Lubowitzers the same way Putin and all the western leaders do? After all, present day Russia was outside of the Pale and therefore Jews should not only be few and far between, they should also not have the same level of power and influence that they have Ukraine and Belorussia.

    Yet here is Belorussia relatively unscathed, or shall we say here is Belorussia with its foreskin still intact, even though it was one of the centers of Judaic power up until 1917 if not 1941.

    There is one simple explanation. Those “concentration camps” in eastern Poland and present day Belorussia were actually doing precisely what the Germans claimed they were: they were temporary holding camps used to hold Jews from western Europe before they were transferred on to Russia. Likely secret agreements even existed between Stalin and Hitler that allowed this transfer of Jews just like the agreements between Putin and Zelensky today allow the transfer of grain out of Odessa despite all the enmity.

    This would explain why Putin and Russia, outside of the Pale, have a massive Jew problem while Lukaschenko and Duda of Poland, inside of the Pale, don’t.

    It would also explain why, despite the rumored 6-15 million gassed and cremated Jews between 1942 and 1945 in German “death camps”, there are still so many Jews spread across Russia which was outside of the Pale of Settlement. Russia should be “Jew Free” if the lies of Nuremberg were true, especially when we consider all the Jews that migrated from Russia to occupied Palestine during the cold war.

    A related factoid here is that the Bolschevic Jews relied on ethnic Latvians and Latvian Jews to perpetrate their mass murder during the terror of the Russia Revolution. Latvia, partially located within the Pale, does not have a Jew problem today. But Latvians still hate Russians and want to genocide them just as much today as they did when they were still within the Pale and under defacto rule by Jews.

    So many eastern European countries, especially including Russia, cannot face their own crimes and sins. To hell with “Pandemic Amnesty”, we need a “Slavic Amnesty”.

  61. Protogonus says: •�Website
    @al gore rhythms

    Close reading of the story of Noah by a great genius in 1624 found it to be the story of the Trifurcation of Man, which has almost nothing to do with skin color but, rather, a kind of neurophysical surgery, a Primal Lobotomy, as it were—resulting in a limitation of total human power and three fundamental, incompatible, equally defective moral outlooks, this being done by the Creator as a means to forestall even greater evil in the life of a Mankind to come:


    The objection that history certainly shows that Man’s moral life could not have been worse is simply myopic; the original Unitary Man, as Moses describes, went directly to the moral bottom with psychopathic murder and bestiality—hence the wisdom of the Creator in trifurcating the powers of the actual men (the races) that stepped out of the Ark. The Last Judgment of what they actually wrought is in any event imminent:


  62. anon[196] •�Disclaimer says:

    I suppose you could make the argument … [that they are a neo pagan cult]

    He “supposes”. No need to suppose. It’s a duck.

  63. @Brooklyn Dave

    Schneersohn was also thought to be the messiah by his Chabad followers. So

    when he expired,

    his corpse was displayed in a big room with 100’s of his followers in attendance,

    all waiting for the rebbe to come back to life. After 2-3 days,

    the corpse began to stink. Then

    they buried him.

    •�Replies: @Fr John
  64. Wade says:

    Excellent piece. It’s almost depressing though to hear just how entrenched these people are globally.

  65. @SunBakedSuburb

    that’s quite true. In fact, Hitler’s astrologer was a Jew, as was his (beard) GF, Eva Braun, not to mention his homosexual driver Emil Maurice. Closet-queer Hitler himself was probably part-Jew, and there’s no question he thought so; thus the post-Anschluss destruction of Dollarsheim and its community records. Subsequently, this “golem” sought to purge his Inner Jew by exterminating the externals,

    but succeeded only in sparking another vast white-on-white massacre….and putting Israel on the map.

  66. TKK says:
    @Brooklyn Dave

    Excellent post!

    Isn’t it a strange fate that groups of these desert dwellers live, die and kill based on their belief and interpretation of a Being that no one can prove exists??? It’s not about water, food or oil. It’s about who believes in their own Sky Monster. Even the land grabs are based on the absurd concept of “Holy”.

    It’s a new devilry of narcissism gone into full psychosis. Believe my fairy tale! Or you die!

    It is so ridiculous that if it was a plot in a novel, you would scoff and throw the book down.

    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  67. JM says:
    @Rev. Spooner

    I think you’re right. If the grain was just shipped, Russia wouldn’t get as much credit as it deserves. By stopping it, then later authorizing its shipping, Putin has sent a far stronger message as to Russia’s good intentions – and BTW, power.

  68. bjondo [AKA "wormssnakesbrain"] says:

    In case missed,

    Case in point: Jamie Raskin, a Jewish Congressman from Maryland, recently made a shocking statement about why he supports the war against Russia. It’s all about destroying a country dedicated to traditional Christian values—World War Trans:

    Paragraph above Tucker youtube.

  69. anon[196] •�Disclaimer says:
    @al gore rhythms

    But seeing as Noah was Jewish

    wtf are you talking about? Abraham was not Jewish. Adam was not Jewish. Anybody mentioned up until Moses goes and gets the tablets is not Jewish.

    Related, no one was an “israelite” before Jacob cum Israel.

    Those careless Persians and their newfangled melange of Babylonian and Zoroastrian “Judaism” that they exported to Jerusalem (along with soldiers, gold, and a newly minted “spiritual elders”). Apparently the idea was to have a temple state — a theocracy — acting as buffer between Persian empire and Egypt (before it was conquered). That is why the first “Messiah” in the bible is a Persian “king of kings”. And the religious leaders they sent back from Babylon where running a vassal state.

    This went on in fits and starts until the Persian empire went kaput and it was the turn of the Greeks to run the greater region. This is the point in time where the continuing split in Jews between hellenized and religious Jews came about.

    But something happened when Persian empire and its “Messiah King” and his sons (just like it says, Solomon was king after David ..) went away. The vassal theocratic priesthood took over the Messiah business and sent him away “to come back again”.

    And ever since then, this tribe that has left barely a historic trace of its “captivity in Egypt”, “king David”, “king Solomon”, etc., has a fabled 5700+ year history (laughable), and, has misappropriated all the myths and legends of the cradle of civilization as its own “history”.

    And then in 21st century, even though we have libraries and something called the internet, some yaboo on the net says Noah was a Jew … Oy vey

  70. Anonymous[374] •�Disclaimer says:

    The main problem is the lack of balls/grit among non-Juden.

    The West is filled with manginas who fear their own shadows. They repeatedly fail to act, repeatedly refuse to unite and fight…whether against feminists, BLM, or Chabad.

    Instead of seeing human weakness…13 attempts were made to kill Hitler; all failed due to human flaws…cowards see all enemy acts as divinely-ordained. They should say:

    “Shit happens. Don’t give the enemy more power than it has. Don’t views enemy fuckups as 60-D chess moves that will ultimately lead to their defeating us. Instead, admit they have weaknesses. Find those weak points and intensely/incessantly attack them!”

    The National Organization for Women was created in 1966. For 56 years men refused to unite and fight against it. They preferred apathy and learned helplessness.

    For half a century, supposedly all-powerful Western men whined while unopposed women’s groups stole their assets, jobs, kids, all-male colleges, etc. Even today, men refuse to see that feminism will disband the instant guys unite and fight. Just like bullies stop the instant their own nose is broken by a fist.

    Unfortunately, men find suffering easier than protecting their own freedom. Hell, they won’t even fight for their own kids…especially their sons.

    Similarly, Christians find it easier to turn cheeks than oppose Matzonian Madness.

    In truth, Christians act like they believe God does favor/protect Jews. So countering Judaic Bullshit feels like a child opposing his abusive Mommy.

    Wise generals let enemies destroy themselves. They know fighting is not the only way to win. Kutuzov let Napoleon take Moscow after residents vacated and partisans set fire. The general knew that starvation and the Russian winter would defeat the Grand Army…which lost 80% of its soldiers.

    History teaches that powerful nations are often (always?) destroyed internally. Similarly, Zionists count on Christians tying themselves in knots, doing themselves in.

    If Jesus came back today he’d piss off…and piss on…most of His followers for being ardent members of the 4-H Club weak, worthless…weenies, wussies, wimps, and whiners.

    Finally, it’s in the name, ye jive Jesusians: ChaBAD!

  71. JM says:
    @Brooklyn Dave

    Yes Chabad is a highly power hungry and well organized entity that want to get its claws into the throats of both Ukraine and Russia. It’s supremacist as hell, but to call it neo-pagan – I don’t think so. Satanic, eh -if you interpret every evil intention of a person or group as Satanic – that can be open for discussion.

    Putting Chabad into a Christian framework may convince some Christians as to their evil, but the real opposition to what the Jews are doing in Russia-Ukraine comes from Russian nationalism (supported by nationalists in the West and East). Insofar as Christianity reinforces that, acts as an organising force for nationalism in the confusion that was Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union, then that’s all for the good. The danger is that – say – were Chabad not “Neo Pagan”, that would count in their favor. There isn’t enough ammunition in Christianity to bring the necessary fire power against this Jewish force.

  72. Wokechoke says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    That’s Serge Lavrov’s position.

  73. Wokechoke says:
    @Abu hamid al ghazali

    Iran, as long as it is opposed to Israel is a very interesting case.

  74. Wokechoke says:

    They exist rather like Imperial Free Cities in the old Holy Roman Empire.

  75. @TKK

    Some years ago I saw a Zionazi grandee, Foxman if I recollect (it has been Memory Holed)correctly, reportedly having said that Hitler’s great crime was not genocide, but deicide, because the Jews are God. Now it could have been phony, but it certainly sounds like a situation that other Jews who I have seen quoted, hint at, more or less strongly.

  76. @Haxo Angmark

    It’s well-known that Hitler was a coprophiliac. Whether that qualifies as ‘gay’ seems to me highly unlikely.

  77. @Tranceislife

    the intended party if they are smart gets the message loud and clear

    Everyone who has thought they had Putin ‘in the bag’ has eventually wound up on a hastily-arranged flight to London.

    In every instance he has let it be known that the game has changed, and that everyone was expected to pull on an oar – with the primary aim being to advance Russian interests.

    These bearded primitives will be no different.

    They will either pull their heads in and stop their nonsense … or Putin will end them.

    They’re very keen on trying to establish Khazaria 2.0 with its epicentre in Odesa or Nikolaev or Dnipropetrosvk (formerly Yekaterinoslav, where Schneerson grew up).

    Watch how hard that fails.

    These tards need to have it impressed upon them that Bronze Age supremacist drivel isn’t how you run a society; it’s not even good for running a ghetto.

  78. @Nietzsche

    If they “fuck off” and head to – where else – Israel. That will inevitably turn open season on Palestinians into a wide open season.

  79. LessOld says:

    Well, not. In the eastern Europe the red string often on wrist or on a finger, is a thing to chase away the charms. Even fifty years ago it was a common view.

  80. LessOld says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    Well, honest estimations says about twenty times less Jews lost their lifes during WWII than the official numbers. It doesn not seem to be anything like big scale extermination as it was for Poles, Russians or Gypsy.

  81. Sarah says:

    @Rolo Slavskiy

    That is, because Chabad incorporates parts of Kabbalah (inverted and perverted Greek gnosticism that the Jews stole)

    Do you have any source about that ?

  82. Thank you as always, Rolo Slavskiy.

    It’s disappointing to hear about Russia’s refusal to consider the JQ.
    Same as the west.
    At the same time the number of aware people, including Jews themselves, appears to be growing. It’s to be hoped that a workable solution can be arrived at.

    The alternatives to this are horrific.
    Ask any present day Palestinian for example.

  83. Protogonus says: •�Website
    @Dr. Rock

    It always was true until now, so that only Russia is left to defend the national idea against the sadistic talmudists:


  84. anon[105] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Brooklyn Dave

    Shabbatai Tzvi was not forced to convert .He was assailed by various other Jeiwsh groups .He claimed to be messaih ,he claimed to be reincarnation of previous Jeowsh figures ,he claimed to have caried out miracles .He converted suddenly wjile appearing before Sultan . His disciples simply chose to live a dual life – outward muslim and inward Shabbatai . This have gave rise to Domeh that still exists . But what differentiates from crypto Jews or Mrranno of Spain is this is not judaism – it is Shabbatoism with occult rituals, incest,and blashphemy ,disregard for ten commandment or abolition of it .

    •�Replies: @Brooklyn Dave
  85. > People in Russia still don’t really understand what happened with the “Russian” Revolution.

    You obviously don’t. You link to a page which then links to a series of movies in Russian which could only be evaluated by someone with good proficiency in the language. But since the linked page is all about making claims related to 1906-7, we can at least evaluate what was the mood among ordinary Russians by that time. The events of 1905 had already shown a massive explosion of revolutionary sentiment all across Russia. This had very obviously been a grassroots rebellion that was not in any way orchestrated by any minority groups anywhere.

    The explosive events of 1905 had temporarily caused an allowance of legitimate elections to the Constituent Assembly until Stolypin dismissed it 1907. The results of those elections before Stolypin’s coup d’état had shown that the major votes went first to the Social Revolutionaries and then to the Social Democrats, who were at that time already dividing into Menshevik and Bolshevik factions. Revolutionary sentiment was in the air everywhere across Russia in this time. It was even stronger in 1917. Most people in Russia do indeed have some general understanding of this much, even knowledge of details is a bit fuzzy.

  86. Chabad Fascist Junta Kiev:
    Chabad coup d’Etat in Ukraine: Khazars play double game and shoot both sides
    Chabad leader, Messiah Menachem Mendel Schneerson on his plans for destroying Ukraine and Russia

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  87. Boulder says:

    Is that supposed to exonerate the Bolshies!?
    They were themselves satanists.
    And masonry?
    Only a means to the end.

  88. QCIC says:
    @Kurt Knispel

    Is this saying the Ukrainian oligarchs are linked to Chabad?

  89. JFYI Here is a link to the Black Hundreds, an organisation loyal to the tsar.

    I had read that it had been recently resurrected but not sure.


     “The days of vengeance have befallen us …
    let us repent so that the Lord will not destroy us”

    •�Replies: @Arthur MacBride
  90. @Arthur MacBride

    Cont. JFYI
    Seems still active after restoration in 2004.
    It’s Monarchist and Orthodox.
    But ROC refused to help at their reconstitution ….
    Then they were hijacked by atheists …

    Wiki of course describes them as “far right” (lol) and “antisemitic” …

    SRN (Soyuz Russkogo Naroda) = URP (Union of Russian People)


    Don’t know how significant they are.
    Have seen the flag in vdo of events in Russia.

  91. @Protogonus

    i cant access that paper because i dont have a google or facebook account, if you got the pdf can you please post it somewhere where we can easily pick it up? thanks

    •�Replies: @geokat62
    , @Protogonus
  92. Protogonus says: •�Website
    @LE Pseudonymi

    Simply follow the original link as posted and be sure to SCROLL DOWN to see a full “preview” of the entire article; most people fail to scroll down far enough. You don’t have to have any account for anything–just access this link and SCROLL DOWN:


  93. Fr John says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    It doesn’t matter anymore WHAT the Yids think.

    Chabad IS a pagan cult, masquerading as something akin to Talmudic satanism.
    Russia is a Christian nation, and she IS fighting the Antichrist.]


  94. @anon

    Yes, I know a little about the Donmeh -largely through posts on this site. What started with Shabbatai Tzvi in the Ottoman Empire became really hideous about 100 years later in Europe with the followers of Jacob Frank. This is where the blasphemy, incest and occult rituals achieved new heights. The Marranos in Spain, yes they had to be cryptic in their observance of Jewish practice, but they were not necessarily followers of Shabbatai or Frank – they just had to go underground.

    •�Replies: @Colonel Dolma
  95. @al gore rhythms

    there were no “jews” at the time of Noah(who was the bloodline of the Christ) only believers and unbelievers in God and the Word of God.. the LOGOS was written in the stars foretelling the coming of the son of God the Christ.. .. there were no “jews” at the time of Christ’s life on the earth.. only Judeans and Israelites with the latter corrupting the prophets of God with their traditions of men (Pharisaic talmudism)…Christ called them children of the their father devil the father of lies who killed the prophets of God……there are no “jews” today… the Judeans and Israelites were scattered abroad after the fall of Jersualem in 70AD… the so called jews of today are comprised of khazar imposters still holding to bablyonian talmudism and comprising the synogogue of satan bent on their father satan’s destruction of the world…if you want to find the remnant of Judean descendents I would look to the black tribes of Eithiopia….Cheers!

  96. @Brooklyn Dave

    the Donmeh gained power in the Ottoman empire with the fall of the sultan and the usurping of power by the Young Turks..most of whom were donmeh and jews (eg. Carasso)…THEY were the architects of the Armenian Genocide with the peasant turks and kurds being the fatweh inspired butchers against the “infidel”.. The khazars already had their eye on Palestine and took advantage of the fog of WWI to purge the ottoman empire of it’s merchant and administrative class.. the Armenians… the lands were cleared awaiting the Balfour declaration from their next world war to finalize the theft and establish the nation of crooks and criminals to subvert the entire world. Small wonder the apartheid Israhell won’t acknowledge the Armenian Genocide.. they were the fucking perpetrators!

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