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Precious Jews, Worthless Whites
How Murder, Torture, and Rape Only Matter in Far-Off Israel
Compare pairs: Torturers and murderers versus poster-rippers

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Here are two stories from modern London. A pair of Blacks are found guilty of torturing and murdering an elderly White woman, who was almost certainly raped by one of the Blacks before the murder. At the same time, a pair of Blacks are filmed ripping down posters of kidnapped Jews. Can you guess which pair of Blacks have generated more anguished commentary and hand-wringing about the moral degradation of 21st-century Britain?

Well, you won’t need to guess: it was the poster-rippers, of course, not the murderers and torturers. In fact, the murderers and torturers have generated no anguished commentary and hand-wringing at all. Why should they? The vibrant Caribbean couple Xyaire Howard and Chelsea Grant committed their horrendous crimes against a White. No respectable person cares about non-Whites committing horrendous crimes against Whites. Torture? Murder? Rape? Yawn. But ripping down posters of kidnapped Jews? Now that’s serious. So is sticking an image of a paraglider to one’s clothing while attending a pro-Palestine rally. The pair of non-Whites who did that have also generated copious commentary and handwringing in the British media.

White victim of Black depravity

They were celebrating Hamas terrorism, you see. During the Hamas attacks against Israel, some terrorists descended on a music festival in paragliders to torture, murder, and rape Jews. And those are very serious crimes when they’re committed against Jews in far-off Israel. But not when they’re committed against an elderly White woman right here in Britain:

Susan Hawkey, yet another White victim of Black depravity
Susan Hawkey, yet another White victim of Black depravity

Sickening CCTV footage shows how a depraved murderer and his girlfriend went on a shopping spree with bank cards stolen from a wealthy pensioner that he had tied up and killed in her own home. Xyaire Howard, 23, and his girlfriend Chelsea Grant, 28, had robbed Susan Hawkey, 71, in the street and then continued to prey on her in her own home. Howard bound Mrs Hawkey with tape and his shoelaces and forced her to reveal her PIN number.

Mrs Hawkey was then strangled to death with another shoelace. Howard left the body to rot under a duvet on her living room floor and the couple spent the next three weeks emptying £13,000 from her bank account.

Ms Hawkey lived alone and was often seen shuffling to the shops near her home in Aylesbury Road, Neasden, in her red duffel coat and Ugg boots, often pulling her shopping trolley behind her. … Ms Hawkey’s body was discovered on September 26 when a concerned neighbour noticed she had not put her bins out.

Police found Ms Hawkey lying on a sofa underneath a duvet. She had been bound, blindfolded with tape and still had a shoelace around her neck. “All of her lower clothing, that is her trousers and underwear had been removed – all she was wearing was a top and that top had been cut down the front,” said [the prosecutor Annabel Darlow]. …

“A used condom was found which contained Mr Howard’s semen and cellular material from Ms Grant – and that was found in the same room as her body together with an opened condom wrapper which bore Mr Howard’s finger prints. The ligature around Ms Hawkey’s neck had been tightened with sufficient force to break one of the bones in her neck. She was strangled by one of these defendants in an attack motivated purely by greed and self interest.” … The couple had been living in various addresses and were often thrown out for not paying the rent before they moved into a flat at Pit House, in Press Road in Neasden, two minutes away from where Ms Hawkey lived.

After seeing her in the street on her way to the convenience store they realised she would be “an ideal victim.” Grant first mugged her on July 27 last year, wrenching her bag from her shoulder. A few weeks later on August 22 the couple knocked her to the ground near her home. On both occasions Ms Hawkey’s bank card was taken and Howard was able find out her balance because after the second mugging he bragged to a contact on Instagram: “Yo I copped a card bro. 16k is on this ting.”

A used condom containing traces of Howard’s semen and DNA from both Grant and the victim was found next to the body. Grant claimed her DNA was on the condom because they had sex regularly and her boyfriend never showered. Ms Hawkey’s body was found with her trousers and underwear removed. It was suggested during the trial that cannabis addict Howard may have had sex with Ms Hawkey before he strangled her to death. Howard admitted tying her up with tape but claimed he left her alive and well. His barrister suggested flies settling on the corpse may have transferred Ms Hawkey’s DNA to the condom. … (Sickening CCTV shows murderer and his girlfriend on shopping spree with bank cards stolen from pensioner, 71, he had tied up and killed in her own home, The Daily Mail, 24th October 2023)

That is a truly horrible story, but the Daily Mail was being euphemistic about the full horror. When it said “Howard may have had sex with Ms Hawkey,” it meant “Howard almost certainly raped Ms Hawkey.” How else do you explain her DNA on the condom and the way she was found naked from the waist down? Well, Howard’s barrister had an explanation for the DNA: “flies settling on the corpse may have transferred Ms Hawkey’s DNA to the condom.” That is at once the most ridiculous and most repulsive legal argument I’ve ever seen. The Daily Mail was also euphemistic when it said that Howard “forced [Susan Hawkey] to reveal her PIN number.” It means that Howard tortured or terrorized her into revealing her PIN.

Ugly, stupid, and depraved

As you’d expect, the BBC did not mention the used condom or the “fly defense” in its fleeting coverage of the murder. It also referred to Howard as a “Neasden robber.” In fact, he and his girlfriend are from the island of St Vincent in the Caribbean. They’re prime exemplars of how Blacks excel at committing crimes that are both exceptionally depraved and exceptionally stupid. The police didn’t need the skills of Sherlock Holmes to crack this case. What was Howard thinking when he left a used condom at the scene of the murder he’d just committed? Well, to look at his exceptionally ugly and stupid-looking punim, I doubt that he was thinking at all. Like countless other Black criminals, he was just impulsively following his depraved instincts.

Ugly, stupid, and depraved: the Black murderer Xyaire Howard
Ugly, stupid, and depraved: the Black murderer Xyaire Howard

But no-one in the mainstream media will point that out. In fact, leftists think it’s far worse for Whites to speak the truth about Black criminality than it is for Blacks to commit horrendous crimes against Whites. All orthodox leftists will be far more disgusted by a race-realist like me than by a Black criminal like Xyaire Howard. In fact, they won’t be disgusted by Black criminals like Howard at all. Howard didn’t commit his crimes against anyone who matters, so leftists simply don’t care. But no-one in the mainstream will condemn them for it. Indifference to White suffering is no offense.

Silence about similarity

But what about leftist indifference to Jewish suffering? That’s regarded as a very serious offence by many in the mainstream. For example, the hamster-wheels at Spiked Online have been humming furiously as Furedi’s fanatical freedom-fighters vie with each other to express “outrage at the sight of pro-Hamas demonstrations on the streets of European and American cities.” Yes, the devoted followers of the Jewish sociologist Frank Furedi might have abandoned overt Trotskyism, but their Trotskyist love of self-righteous posturing is as strong as ever. For example, this is Tom Slater, the Spiked editor, condemning the “disgusting bigotry of the poster-rippers”:

When you see a poster about a missing person, do you feel an overwhelming urge to tear it down? When you are confronted with the victims of a racist pogrom, do you think to yourself ‘ah, stop going on about it already’, and start telling everyone nearby to stop their blubbing?

Of course you don’t. Because you’re not a monster. But on the streets of London over the past two weeks an alarming number of people have been carrying on exactly like this, in response to a poster campaign aimed at highlighting the plight of the 200 predominantly Jewish Israelis who have been kidnapped by Hamas.

Jewish and Israeli activists have been putting posters up across central London and other cities. Each one bears the name and photo of an innocent man, woman or child who was taken by the anti-Semitic terrorists of Hamas two Saturdays ago. The aim seems to be to ensure that the world doesn’t forget about these missing civilians, whose devastated families currently fear the worst.

A humanistic, heartfelt initiative, you might think. Not according to the string of people who have been filmed ripping the posters off walls, defacing them and lecturing the Jewish activists who put them up about the supposed evils of Israel, in a series of sickeningly similar encounters that have now gone viral on social media. (The disgusting bigotry of the poster-rippers, Spiked Online, 20th October 2023)

“Sickeningly similar,” says Slater. He doesn’t, of course, mention one highly significant similarity in the poster-rippers: that almost all of these “disgusting bigots” have been non-White. Slater stayed quiet about that because he doesn’t want to face the truth: that Spiked and other friends of Israel are wailing about problems created by their own thoroughly Jewish ideology. Decade after decade, they and their Jewish friends have supported and celebrated Third-World migration into the West. Now they’re complaining about the inevitable consequences. Back in 2015, Brendan O’Neill, another of Furedi’s fanatical freedom-fighters, was talking like this about the same kind of people as he is now condemning:

Let them in: We shouldn’t demonise or infantilise African migrants. We should welcome them. … We shouldn’t pity these migrants; we should admire them, for using guile, gumption and perseverance to come here. They’re precisely the kind of people sluggish Europe needs more of, an antidote to our students who can’t even clap without having a mental breakdown and our new generation who think that being told to ‘get on your bike’ to look for a job is tantamount to abuse. Let’s relax the borders and let them in to try their luck in our countries and see how they fare. If we do that, we’ll put the traffickers out of business, end the deaths in the Mediterranean, and, more importantly, do our part to enable the aspirations of human beings who have committed no crime other than wanting to realise their potential in our towns, our cities, alongside us. (Let Them In, Spiked Online, 21st April 2015)

Well, large numbers of those admirably guileful and persevering migrants are certainly realising their potential now. They’re attending “pro-Hamas demonstrations” and ripping down posters of kidnapped Jews. Does Brendan still admire them for it? Alas, he doesn’t. Like Tom Slater, he’s written copiously in condemnation of the demonstrations and poster-ripping. But he hasn’t written a word about the torture and murder of Susan Hawkey by two depraved Blacks. The message from the pro-Israel mainstream is clear: Britain must protect its precious Jews and continue to ignore its worthless Whites.

(Republished from The Occidental Observer by permission of author or representative)
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  1. anarchyst says:

    If it were a jewish woman that these blacks attacked, the “mainstream media” would be all over the event. It would be in the “public consciousness” for a long time.
    Most whites do not realize that only jewish suffering counts and must be acted upon by inflicting retribution to the extreme.
    According to jews, goy lives are worthless and are expendable, no different that that of a dog, cat, or other non-human animal.

    •�Thanks: Robertson
    •�Replies: @JR Foley
    , @Tom Welsh
  2. Trinity says:

    “What a friend we have in Jews”

    Sung to the tune of What A Friend We Have In Jesus

    •�Agree: OldWhiteMan
  3. Trinity says:

    Blacks and other turd world trash, ( Jews and Ayerabs are turd world btw) only respect violence. As long as Whites continue to be helpless sitting ducks for Jewish and Black predators, the abuse will continue. You can’t reason with evil.

  4. Blacks excel at committing crimes that are both exceptionally depraved and exceptionally stupid

    Whereas Whites, in principle, are so nice they would never commit exceptionally depraved and exceptionally stupid crimes. But if there is a White who steps out of line — the exception that confirms the rule, you understand — then he/she commits an exceptionally honorable and exceptionally intelligent crime.

    Thank god for that black-white difference, phew!

  5. I hate to rain on the parade, but the narrative of invading Hamas “terrorists” stopping their attack to find time to rape Israeli women, somehow doesn’t cut it, particularly after the 80+ year old released hostage baba said they were very well treated.
    Perhaps a more serious combing of the WWII German archives can find the blueprints for the machine that “vapourized” thousands of Jews in the camps. It would come in handy for dealing with the the black rot and brown smut, including those mentioned in the article, that is afflicting the UK these days.

    •�Agree: Lurch685
    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @Lelele
  6. In Paris if rats are proved to be noxious to Whites but useful to Jews the mere suggestion that these rodents should be poisoned is considered a call to ecological crime.

  7. Trinity says:

    If a rabbi scribbles a backwards swastika on a NYC sidewalk or some kike over in Israel calls in bomb threats to Jewish community centers in America it is INTERNATIONAL NEWS.

    Same thing with nigturds and fake “hate crimes.” Remember Tawana Brawley?

    Look at how little coverage The Knoxville Horror or Wichita Massacre received. Yet we still hear about Saint Emit Till decades later.

  8. Trinity says:

    And to think MANY White “Christians” think Jews/Israel are their “bestest friends.” ROTFLMMFWAO

    And of course these same “Christians” hate (((Hollywood))) and (((porn))) but love dem sum Jews.

    •�Agree: Druid55
  9. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Can you guess which pair of Blacks have generated more anguished commentary and hand-wringing about the moral degradation of 21st-century Britain?

    But why should whites complain when they suck up to Jews who push Negrolatry and Zionism?

    Anglos are worthless cucks, and they’ve accepted their lot.

    There’s no sense caring about people who don’t care about themselves? Too many Brits, from elites to the masses, worship Negrolatry and ACOWW(Afro-Colonization-of-White-Wombs). It only runs into trouble when Negrolatry runs foul of Jew-Worship. As whites in UK devalue whiteness while worshiping blacks and Jews, it’s only natural that there would be more outrage about blacks offending Jews than raping whites.

    •�Replies: @JohnnyWalker123
    , @Malla
  10. Wokechoke says:
    @Ernesto Che

    Whites are more Poodle than Bull Terrier. And you know it.

  11. Wokechoke says:

    The Hamas fighters didn’t have enough time to do much in the way of atrocity.

    They breached a wall then had gunbattles with armed settlers. Many would have perished on contact.

    •�Replies: @Flo
  12. Richard B says:
    @Ernesto Che

    Ah! It’s Ernesto! Our friendly neighborhood shitposter looking to start a flame war.

    No thanks! But I will let you get the last word in, since I know how important that dopamine hit is for you. Keep on trollin’!

    •�Agree: anonymouseperson
    •�Replies: @Ernesto Che
  13. Each one bears the name and photo of an innocent man, woman or child who was taken by the anti-Semitic terrorists of Hamas two Saturdays ago.

    It’s not so much the terrorism, Hamas, that places you truly beyond the pale, it’s that your terrorism is antisemitic.

    •�Replies: @JimDandy
  14. Trinity says:

    Just saw a (((commercial))) on (((television))) where some Whitey father was scolding his White son for saying or posting “Hitler was right”( never really watch jewtube but had it playing as background noise while multitasking.) Daddy-O tells the squirt, ” tell them” while pointing to Jews outside a synagogue or something of that nature. Hitler youth kid buries head in shame. Lolol.

    Hmm, what timing. This commercial has to be NEW.

    •�LOL: loren
    •�Replies: @Pastit
    , @Alden
  15. @Trinity

    With friends like Israel who needs an enemy?

    •�Replies: @Trinity
  16. Pastit says:

    Those niggers who raped and murdered that old woman should be skinned alive then hung in the public square.

  17. Pastit says:

    Jews looking for sympathy to support their genocide of the Palestinians. What a loathsome commercial.

    •�Replies: @Trinity
    , @Treg
  18. Anonymous[331] •�Disclaimer says:


    Lefty orthodoxy is the claim that people who look like Xyaire Howard are the ‘racial, moral and social’ superiors of whites.

    That’s all that modern leftism boils down to.

    That’s why modern leftism is pure evil.

  19. Anonymous[331] •�Disclaimer says:

    ” … We should admire them for using guile, gumption and perseverance to come here …”

    Burglars often use ‘guile, gumption and perseverance’.

    I don’t admire them. I hate them and hate them with a vengeance.
    In fact, I’d be happy to gun down, in cold blood, any burglar who invades my home.

    •�Replies: @BuelahMan
  20. BuelahMan says:

    I wouldn’t be happy, but I would do it.

  21. @Priss Factor

    Blacks fighting Muslims.

    •�LOL: Alden, loren, HbutnotG
    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @Richard B
    , @Zane
  22. John 8:44 says it all. Doubt it not!

    •�Agree: Z-man
  23. anon[152] •�Disclaimer says:

    Our reluctance to engage in random violence is only because we have lives to live and family to support. We aren’t going to throw it all away and rot in prison for some parasite. However, when the lights go out and there is nothing left to lose, these cancers on society will find out how “scared” we really are. Ever watch a video of a wild pig hunt? Now replace the pigs with parasites and you have an idea of whats going to happen. Watching them resort to cannabalism weeks after the supermarkets have been looted will be entertaining as hell. Then of course they’ll venture out to the countryside, at which point the real fun begins. Enjoy ruining the country while you can parasites, 100 million angry citizens are waiting for their chance at revenge. Fuck around and find out.

    •�Agree: Johnny LeBlanc, anarchyst
    •�Replies: @Big Dave
  24. Anonymous[168] •�Disclaimer says:

    ‘Get on your bike’.

    Those of us with long memories remember that this phrase was attributed to Norman Tebbit MP, back in the early 1980s, although he never actually said it.
    In fact, the phrase was popularised by Dennis Waterman, playing the part of Terry McCann in the popular TV show of that era ‘Minder’, with Waterman often using it as a catch phrase in ejecting unwanted persons.

    Anyhow, Norman Tebbitt, a Thatcherite free market Tory MP got stuck with the phrase. Also, I well remember the bile and hatred spat out at Tebbit by shitty lefties like O’Neil, for apparently uttering a phrase he never said.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @MarkU
  25. @Ernesto Che

    If white people commit a depraved crime white people are the first ones to want to deal with them.

    When blacks commit crimes, especially against whites, they are cheered on

  26. Trinity says:

    Yes but the ever growing Jew wise population sees that horseshit commercial as comedy gold.

    Btw. Hitler was right. What the hell is wrong about defending your own people against the anti White, genocidal (mostly Jews) monsters who murdered millions in the Ukrainian Genocide and wished to do the same in Germany.

    Obviously Jews don’t believe in karma or the White goyim have the God given right to defend themselves from these psychpathic, sick, anti White, anti Christian, lying kikes.

    Hitler was right. And last time I checked far more White Europeans died in two.World Wars started by the shit stirring kike. WWII Jew body count probably 250 thousand vs tens of millions of White Europeans..The Jew cries out in pain..

    •�Agree: Druid55
  27. Trinity says:

    High time these blood suckers be shown the door in America and other White nations. Where they will go, who gives a shit.

    #110, #111, #112……..

    •�Replies: @Anonymy
  28. profnasty says:

    Jew says White people are spiritual animals. But Whites don’t commit crimes like this. Also, Whites, well bred, are as intelligent as Jews. I could provide examples.
    It is incumbent on all Whites to avoid Blacks at every opportunity. Beware. Some hold the Holy Bible considers Blacks to be beasts. If a Jewess were to lie down with one, both are condemned. I’m not sure if this is true. What I am sure of, I treat proximate Blacks like dangerous animals. Never let down your guard. Your next breath may depend on it.
    I could go on about an occupation Government, treasonous politicians, and malevolent Jew overlords, but that is for another tweet.
    Habu nice day.

  29. Nico X says:

    And millions of white Allied Communist-Christian morons obliterated Nazi Germany for this society of scum. You get what you fight for.

    •�Agree: Bookish1
    •�Thanks: Trinity
  30. Fishstick says:

    Communist christian? Oxymoron.
    So called nazi germany was obliterated by the hand of uncle. He did what they could not do with the intl boycotts, he destroyed and humiliated germany. Which was majority christian and fierce anti commies. The works of hitlers deliberate military blunders alone pretty much tell the tale. His latent homosexuality( he and emil maurice love affair with his cousin that resulted in her murder) the nazi burning of the institute of sexual research berlin archives to hide the fact that many top nazis were homo and patients of hirshfeld. The top nsdap were ashkenazi, honorary aryans as uncle called it. Uncle marched in kurt eisners funeral in mourning. The worship of blavatsky doctrines like world leaders today. His favors for rebbe schneerson (zionists and nazis need eachother) can really go on and on… bottom line, without dear uncle, dresden would still be beautiful. There wouldve been no balfour declaration=no izzy.

    •�Troll: Che Guava
    •�Replies: @Che Guava
    , @Cloverleaf
  31. Wokechoke says:

    Tebbitt regretted smashing the miners. Too late did he see that he was complicit in smashing white communities and softening them up for Paki take over. His infamous “Cricket Test” should have really concentrated on why Pakis were holding British Passports in the firstplace rather than concentrating on their natural sentiments about the old Cricket team. Jewish lawyers.

    As an old RAF test pilot he should have had the intellect to see what the Jews in Thatcher’s (Rifkin, Lawson, Brittan) cabinet were really doing.

  32. Wokechoke says:

    This is more normal. Good, I like this configuration. Niggers are much more like the Israelis than they are like Palestinians. Look at Lloyd Austin for example. A nigger General justifying the bombing of Gaza.

  33. Excellent article! Jewish supremacism reigns supreme. It’s all about the Jews. They matter most. Jew Jew Jew. Are Jews safe? Will Israel survive? What if Hamas sends more bottle rockets into Israel? Oh my!

    Whites? Who? Wha? White security? That sounds racist.

    Enoch Powell is turning in his grave. (As is the Austrian corporal.)

    •�Replies: @JR Foley
    , @Robert Dolan
  34. when a Jew was convicted of raping and murdering a white woman in the US south, the reaction was the ADL was formed, …

    •�Replies: @Trinity
  35. Trinity says:
    @Neil Sutherland

    That man was Leo Frank and it was a helpless 13 year old White GIRL namedMary Phagan, not exactly a “woman.” Frank murdered the poor girl as well, he and his Kike legal team tried to pin it on an innocent Black janitor. Pretty sure Leo Frank is roasting in Hell as I type this out. Enjoy, Leo. Back when White men TCB and issued out street justice. RIH, Leo Frank.

    Cue: Taking Care Of Business by BTO

    •�Agree: Che Guava, anarchyst
    •�Replies: @Lurker
  36. Your sources of information regarding the actions of Hamas are unfiltered mainstream media. I didn’t even so much bother as to read past your first such allegation. Did you also mention the beheaded babies?

    Get a clue and an editor before you publish this rot again.

    FACTS: they actually still exist.

  37. Richard B says:

    Some of the black herbrews reaching into their pockets for weapons inadvertantly pulled out their ADL checks. Oops!

  38. JR Foley says:

    England—there is a straight forward solution. Round up all these chocolate criminals and forward them to Canada —

    Canada needs 500,000 new immigrants each year ( usually from countries where United States of America has been fighting terrorists) and they entered England via the English Channel.

    Canada could therefore take in the quota of terrorists and likewise another 500,000 from Britain —

    Diversity is Canada’s strength and the upcoming Remembrance Day will make no reference to God but rather—give credit to Jews and Zylenskyy —-

    It was 6 million in Europe and now 200 in Israel —how they have suffered —indeed indeed

    •�LOL: HdC
  39. Zane says:

    Soros funds both sides of this rumble.

  40. JR Foley says:
    @mark green

    They were making crematoriums in Gaza –above the tunnels.

    All Palestinian children will now grow up and Hate Israel —Biden and Netanyahu believe if these children are ethnically cleansed —it will advance the case of Justice and Peace–in the future.

    Mainline media is to blame for most of this nonsense BUT —-what goes around is going to come around.

    Bleed Israel —economically —diamonds—tourism are its 2 cash cows —sanction them.

    •�Replies: @Che Guava
  41. Zane says:

    Hey, remember when for shit n giggles a bunch of Mossad agents decided to play dress-up as Palestinian “terrorists” and hijack an Italian cruise ship, the Achille Lauro, in 1985?

    Coz that’s how they roll. Hey look! Islamic Terrorism! they bleat. Because, when there is no genuine Islamic jihadi terrorism, well goshdarnit you have to create it yourself!

    F.a.l.s.e. F.l.a.g.

    MSM: Palestinian terrorists hijacked a ship! Holy smokes! What do we do???

    Truth: it wuz da Israelis who did it.

    ” By deceit we wage war ” – Mossad motto.

    Pity most Unzians are too thick to get it. Sigh.

    •�Replies: @Anonymy
  42. I, Edward Manfredonia, was wired by the FBI. In several articles, including “Strauss-Kahn Should Have Consulted..,” “Strauss-Kahn: No Friends In The Right Places In New York,” “Strauss-Kahn: Bad Timing For His Alleged Crime,” etc., I demonstrated how prominent Jews allowed Caucasian and African-American women too be rape and used their influence to have the FBI permit the rape of Christian women.

    These same individuals allowed Jeffrey Epstein to rape young girls. Not a mention in The New York Times. Even after I was portrayed as a whistle-blower in the 26 April 1999 BusinessWeek cover story, “Scandal On Wall Street.” More than one page was devoted to me and my photo was prominently displayed.

    Edward Manfredonia

  43. JimDandy says:
    @Vito Klein

    Terrorism against a country founded by terrorism.

    •�Agree: Tom Welsh
  44. John1955 says:

    “My present view about the Jews is that if the English like to be bossed by the Jews and get very angry with anyone who tells them about it, there is no sense in blaming the Jews for taking advantage of the situation.

    If a nation chooses to lie down on its face and invites the Jews to come and trample on it, why blame the Jews for accepting the invitation? I used to get excited about these questions, and politics generally when I had “Plain English”.

    I was desperately sincere and was quite ready to die or go to prison for my convictions. But the way I was treated for my efforts to help my country, completely cured me of any desire to meddle further in English politics or “patriotic” movements.” 

    From “The Autobiography of Lord Alfred Douglas”, 1929


    Later on British Jewdiciary jailed Lord Alfred for 6 months 😁


  45. Amon says:

    Just another sign that the UK is nothing more than a Jewish colony these days where the native Brits, Welsh, Scots and Irish have no rights.

    •�Thanks: Tom Welsh
  46. @Trinity

    The ADL has stated that Jews have no Quid Pro Quo for Christian Zionists.
    Enough said.

  47. While the Jewish media fails to tell the truth about African Americans because they are the shock troops Jews will use against whites should a new leader like Hitler rise in America, the police force is full of white psychopaths that hunt down Blacks like animals but would never lift a finger against a Jew. There is a big asymmetry here. Jews in positions of power or wealth commit crimes of a fare greater magnitude than individual petty robberies but they escape justice because they own the system. Jews can get away with anything but blacks do get jailed and murdered on the streets in large numbers … by white officers … which also serves the interest of the Jew in power as it pours fuel on black-white hatred and creates the atmosphere needed for Jews to manipulate Blacks into fighting whites on the streets should they attempt to challenge Jewish power in USA.

    •�Thanks: Anonymous author
    •�Replies: @Alpine
    , @Wokechoke
  48. During the Hamas attacks against Israel, some terrorists descended on a music festival in paragliders to torture, murder, and rape Jews.

    Wtf, Tobias. What torture? What rape? What Hamas did was a raid with the objective to kill as many police and military as they could and kidnap as many civilians as possible to use them for exchange with Palestinians detained by Israel. You see, the Jewish state has been holding thousands of Palestinians in jail indefinitely without trial, even without indictment. There just isn’t time to torture and rape during a raid. Besides dead hostages are useless.
    As for the rave party, it wasn’t supposed to be where it was but it has been moved at the last moment by Israeli authorities and there’s no chance Hamas expected to stumble on a music festival. Those youth were deliberately put in harm’s way by their own authorities.
    In short, what Hamas did was nothing more than an entirely legitimate reaction to Israel’s actions. You don’t reprove Jewish hypocrisy and you don’t fight Jewish power by peddling Jewish cr@p. I stopped reading after the sentence I quoted.

  49. That idiotic claim about the flies dishonors the memory of this murder victim. If she was raped, why don’t they say she was raped? Rather, the article is written to leave a sliver of a doubt in the reader’s mind. Perhaps the police are just being racist against the murderer. However, no such benefit of the doubt is offered to the vile poster-rippers. It is 100% antisemitism and there’s zero chance that the posters were needed to swat at errant flies.

    •�Thanks: Tom Welsh
    •�Replies: @Tom Welsh
  50. I hope the full force of the British law comes down on them and they get 4 years each. Out in 2 if they don’t murder anyone inside.

  51. @Passing by

    There’s a YT video with Norman Finkelstein (whose parents both claimed to be Holocaust survivors). He makes many of the same points as you, such as Hamas did nothing wrong. He also implies that the rave party was moved as part of continuing psychological warfare, because the Palestinians could hear the music and know that a bunch of Israeli sloots were dancing and taking ecstasy on the other side of the wall.

    Video Link

    •�Replies: @Passing by
    , @eah
  52. Tom Welsh says:

    A logical mind would be inclined to construct a hierarchy of “worthy” people. In descending order:

    Other Jews
    Ukrainians opposed to Russia
    Black people living in Western nations
    Black people living elsewhere
    Brown people living in Western nations
    Asian people living in Western nations
    Asian people living in Asia
    Brown people living in Asia and Africa
    Latin Americans
    White people
    Chinese people living in China

    It gets quite complicated trying to decide on priorities, and I am sure that other readers will have many corrections and improvements to suggest.

    Then there is a separate, completely independent (orthogonal) hierarchy of wealth. Generally, wealthier people are more virtuous. (As witness the marvellous expression “net worth”). Trying to decide on a proper order for, say, a Chinese or Russian billionaire, a poor Black inhabitant and of London, and a brown Muslim in Sweden could make anyone’s head explode.

    •�LOL: Passing by
    •�Replies: @Aleatorius
  53. Tom Welsh says:

    Moreover, the question of rape is overshadowed by the worse (yes!) crime of murder. People are so accustomed to reading about violent killing that they hardly react to it. But mention of rape still gets their juices flowing.

    •�Agree: Suetonious
  54. @Suetonious

    There are good people among them who sense that treating others humanely doesn’t become optional because you’re a Jew. I don’t share Norman Finkelstein’s ideological orientation but it seems to me that his heart is in the right place.

    •�Thanks: Suetonious
  55. While Unz commenters weep about Palestinians being turned into grease spots, they too ignore the ongoing White Genocide, seemingly having more sympathy for Arab monkeys instead of their own.

    Absolutely mind boggling.

    No wonder Whites are on the decline. The failure to care for one’s own in favor of turd world trash is fatal.

    •�Agree: Dragoslav
    •�Replies: @Dragoslav
  56. @Passing by

    Didn’t mobs of wild Palestinians stream through the openings in the fence made by Hamas? What did they go into Israel for? To do what? There are photos and videos of these mobs going through the fence. It wasn’t just the militant groups that went through the fence; there was nobody there to stop the mobs getting through and going on the rampage for hours. These were presumably “civilian” Palestinians with no uniforms or militia markings and is presumably another reason why Israel doesn’t care to slaughter Palestinian civilians. Just saying.

    •�Replies: @Passing by
    , @xyzxy
  57. Che Guava says:

    A one-comment troll. You got the u-name wrong, should have been fischshtick.

  58. Big Dave says:
    @Ernesto Che

    Except for you really don’t believe that, clown. The only thing remotely true about the inexcusable ignorance of whitey is he is too nice; so much so, he pities the literal poop lookalike subhuman vermin that preys on him.

    Thats what’s wrong in the world today: it didn’t honor The Third Reich.


  59. Big Dave says:

    Precisely! They know very well the superior and productive YT won’t budge juuuuust yet.

    Just yet.

    But when that time inevitably comes, both political dichotomies of the US won’t have a choice but to form an alliance They never thought possible.

    Pety pissing matches, notwithstanding, shit hits the fan rather awkwardly.

    The superior race always eventually wins, and we’re going to find out who that is.

    Oops. We know. We know.

  60. Che Guava says:
    @JR Foley

    You are aware that the ‘diamonds’ part is just cutting them? AFAIK, they don’t have any diamond mines. Perhaps a small one somewhere.

    The raw material comes mainly from sub-Saharan Africa, particularly Seth Efrica, and the whole point of the Boer Wars was British soldiers securing diamond and gold reserves from Boer citizen soldiers on behalf of Jews, at the time mainly in London, Amsterdam, and Noo Yawk.

    Recognising the facts really reduces any confusion re. the old Izzy-Seth Efrica alliance.

    Of course, they played and still play a double game there, the R.S.A. C.P. was likely the most heavily Jewish-dominated of all in post-WW II years, at the same time, the same was true of capitalists in extractive industries.

    I would guess that the descendants of old Jewish C.P. leaders there, if not leaving to continue exploitation and making trouble elsewhere, have largely vanished into the capitalist class of R.S.A., never been there, but it’s a good guess.

    Diamonds are a very strange commodity, they are just one arrangement of carbon, I expect that a Bunsen burner would be enough to make one burn.

  61. eah says:

    >Hamas did nothing wrong

    In what sense?

    It seems pretty clear Hamas took civilian hostages, which most would see as morally wrong.

    And according to the 1949 Geneva convention on the status and protection of civilians during armed conflict, hostage-taking is generally forbidden, which means it is a violation of IHL (international humanitarian law) — search the document/treaty for ‘hostage’ or ‘hostages’ — perhaps an open issue is whether Gaza and the ruling authority there are parties to the treaty, or are subject to its provisions (see this article for a discussion of this) — another open question is whether Israeli civilians who came under the control of Hamas fighters who invaded Israel are ‘protected persons’ as defined in the treaty (see Article 4 and Section III).

    •�Replies: @anarchyst
    , @Kali
  62. @Commentator Mike

    The worst “these mobs” likely did was looting. Otherwise, Western media would be full of pictures of their crimes but oddly enough there are no stories of their rampage. Besides, can you really blame concentration camp prisoners for grabbing the opportunity to spend at least a few moments out?

  63. xyzxy says:
    @Commentator Mike

    Didn’t mobs of wild Palestinians stream through the openings in the fence made by Hamas?

    I think you are confusing it with the US/Mexican border. Where Border Patrol was caught cutting what little barbed wire is left in order to allow invaders in, presumably under orders from Jew Alejandro Mayorkas, Homeland Security Secretary.

    But here is where it gets downright bizarre. At a Congressional hearing about why DHS staff wasn’t more pro-Israel across the board (some DHS staffer said something pro-Palestinian and that enraged Israel First Republicans), Mayorkis had no answer, but reflexively blurted out how he was the ‘child of a Holohoax survivor’. The standard answer when Jews are confronted with anything.

    This little governmental episode takes irony to levels unheard of, but as Dr. Thompson always said, “When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.”

    Bottom line–Congress or the Administration hasn’t done anything significant about the invasion at our border, but facilitated it. Israel’s stolen border? Well, that’s a different story. If a DHS employee even happens to claim support for Palestine against the Jews, Republicans demand that person be immediately fired.

    And the Jewish head of the agency is so clueless and unprepared for any of it that when asked he can only mutter something about Nazis and the Holocaust(tm). Which of course did shut everyone up.

    Our government in action. Proud to be American.

  64. @mark green

    It’s ok to be white.

    Hitler was right.

    •�Agree: Trinity
  65. HT says:

    How did we get to the point that the two most destructive forces in the world, Jews and blacks, have been assigned the highest values in society while the builders of civilization, Whites, are treated like garbage?

    •�Thanks: anarchyst
    •�Replies: @Passing by
  66. SomeDude says:

    More disingenuous nonsense.

    The author is well aware that regardless of the race/ethnicity of who’s pulling down posters, it’s a political act which warrants coverage, particularly in the context of what’s going on in Palestine.

    A couple of animals raping/killing an old lady is barely a news story.

    Speaking of disingenuous, the whole idea of ‘white genocide’ is ludicrous. At least ‘replacement’ makes sense on some level, even though it’s a moronic conspiracy theory.

    Random monkeys clipping an old white lady is evidence of this ‘genocide’?


    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  67. ld says:

    this is a comment from MOA poster

    I am just gonna hang it here

    “To even attempt to genocide a people in full view of a world where citizens get threatened with jail for wrong pronouns. My mind is melting down at this. Can’t even say fag or tranny as it’s hate speech but world leaders can openly say sub human and final solution , can’t take the phone off my kids as punishment or its abuse but they can cut water food electricity and internet and its seen as generous they aren’t bombed more. Something got to break. It’s round one of the title fight.”

    Posted by: Hankster | Nov 2 2023 9:56 utc | 402

  68. @Pastit

    The msm rats who didn’t report it would be beter

  69. @Wokechoke

    Took my Akita to the vet the other day. There was quite a line. The kindest, most playful dog was a rotweiler. The nastiest was a poodle.

  70. Treg says:

    Fixed it…

    “Jews looking for sympathy to support their genocide of the Palestinians…. while at the same time pushing and moving hoards of the 3rd World into the white Christian West, selling its military secrets to China and then even taking over Christian Ukraine to start WWW3 with Christian Russia. What a loathsome people.”

  71. anarchyst says:

    israeli “civilians” have been declared to be combatants by their own government officials. In fact, israeli officials have stated as such.
    That makes all israelis subject to Geneva Convention protocols on the “rules of warfare”.

    •�Replies: @Trinity
  72. Trinity says:

    Jews have PROVEN over and over to be enemies of all White nations.

    Jacob Schiff funded Japanese against Russia
    All the anti White movements they have led and orchestrated, fratricidal White on White wars instigated by the Jew

    Leading the illegal act of letting non white, mostly young male hordes of rapeugees , murdrerers, and other non white WMD scum into White nations. Genocide by FORCED assimilation of HOSTILE invaders. WAR CRIME/ ACT OF WAR? Nah, the Kike wouldn’t do that would he? Well?

    Lavon Affair
    9-11 5 Dancing Shlomos
    USS Liberty
    Anti White Kike media and Hollywood

    etc., etc.

    Kikes, Arabs, Chinese, Pakis, East Indians, Beaners, Blacks, and all other non whites don’t give two shits about the White nations they rob, rape figuratively as well as literally, or destroy.

    Sand gypsies killing sand nigras? As long as they keep their funky ass out of White nations what do I care.

    •�Replies: @El_Kabong
  73. @HT

    Oliver Cromwell.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  74. @Fishstick

    You been listening to that MORON Henry Makow again?

  75. El_Kabong says:

    Excellent comment. Thanks

    •�Replies: @Trinity
  76. Kali says:

    Oh the humanity! Oh the morality!

    Is this what’s known as “kvetching”?
    Asking for a friend.

    (No, really, is it? I actually don’t know! lol)


  77. SomeDude says:
    @Commentator Mike

    Is UN policy a conspiracy theory?


    It’s a fair question, but I would argue that their use of the word ‘replacement’ is used in a completely different context.

    The ‘Great Replacement’ conspiracy theory posits that third-world immigrants are deliberately being imported into majority White countries–by either Jews, or Leftists, or Globalists or whatever– in order to shift the demographics such that those countries cease to be majority White.

    That UN report uses the term ‘replacement’ in a completely different context. There’s nothing sinister or diabolical about it. It’s simply one possible solution to population decline. Most majority White countries aren’t breeding as fast as people are dying of old age, and if that trend continues, they risk population collapse.

    Quoted from the report:

    “Replacement migration refers to the international migration that a country would need to prevent population decline and population ageing resulting from low fertility and mortality rates.”

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
    , @Alpine
    , @kiwk
  78. Wokechoke says:
    @Passing by

    Thomas Jefferson and George Washington.

    •�Replies: @Passing by
  79. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Precious Jews, Worthless Whites

    As long as whites themselves subscribe to such a notion, there is no helping whites.
    De-colonize white minds of Jewish Supremacist controls.

    •�Agree: El_Kabong
  80. @SomeDude

    Population decline in industrialised countries with increasing robotics and automation and declining job opportunities does not require to be remedied, especially not by importing people from the Third World. Why doesn’t the UN propose some incentives to increase the TFR of developed countries, if it is so concerned with their declining population numbers? Doesn’t the UN policy tie in well with the Coudenhove-Calergi plan and whatever other so-called conspiracy theories implicating Jews and leftists?

    And who is behind UN policies? Perhaps the globalists?

    You need to give this some more thought.

  81. @Wokechoke

    My standard Poodle is the sweetest, most clever and protective dog ever, although she is 1/4 Newfoundland. She looks just like a Standard.

  82. Alpine says:

    There are no White “psychopaths” hunting niggers like dogs. I wish. Those caricatures you’re imagining are from jewish movies. Based on the attitudes and behavior of niggers and jews, but attributed to Whites. Take your inversion and projection right the fuck to Africa.

    •�Agree: Dragoslav
    •�Thanks: Alden
    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  83. “Western values” can be defined as “whatever makes Jews feel comfortable.” When brown people are murdering and raping white Europeans, this is perfectly acceptable because it makes Jews feel comfortable. When brown people are protesting Israel’s genocidal policies, that makes Jews feel uncomfortable, so it is no longer a Western value must be shut down.

    When “free speech” means freedom to spread pornography, then it is “western values” because spreading perversion in the host population makes Jews feel comfortable. When “free speech” means ability to speak political opinions freely, then that makes jews feel uncomfortable and it is no longer a “western value.”

    •�Replies: @Dragoslav
  84. SomeDude says:

    It ties in to the extent one buys into those conspiracy theories.

    I’m no demographic expert, but I know there’s more to population decline than employment concerns.

    If dying old people aren’t being ‘replaced’ by births, as the population ages there are not enough young working people to support the aging population. When you combine this with advancing medical technology and the attendant increase in longevity, you end up with an aging population with no one to support it financially. And that’s leaving aside all the work that can’t be done by automation.

    Just as a stupid, obvious example, who do you think picks all the fruits and vegetables you eat? Or works in the horrific conditions of slaughterhouses? White people do not want to pick grapes like the Joads. They do not want those jobs. Without immigrant migrant labor, basically everyone starves.

    Incidentally, aside from the US and Israel, the UN is a thoroughly anti-Zionist enterprise. They routinely advance as many resolutions against Israel as against the rest of the world combined.

    Whether or not that’s fair, or Israel deserves it is beside the point.

    •�Replies: @kiwk
    , @Wj
  85. Alpine says:

    Whites need to wake up to scum bags like you who play word games and mock us when we are murdered. There can be no conversation, no coexistence, no peace with you. There are no political solutions to the very real genocide that is taking place.

    Dissemble all you want. Every White person can see it for ourselves. Our nations are being flooded with murdering invaders who want nothing less than their own Haitian revolution. Everywhere we look we see the niggers. They’re very real.

    •�Agree: El_Kabong, kiwk
  86. Munga Bulga [AKA "HeebHunter"] says:

    These kinds of hindsight are always pathetic and pitiful. The Negro-Saxon non-human species served the kikes for centuries despite the warning signs, and now at their long-awaited death knell, they just started waking up?

    Spare me the crocodile tears.

  87. Flo says:

    Exactly. Also it’s been revealed — very quietly — that almost half of the 1,100 or 1,400 Israelis killed that day were police or security of some sort who engaged the Hamas attackers. Israel prefers a kill ratio of at least 10-to-1 — and preferably in the neighborhood of 20-to-1 — when avenging Muslim murders, so there’s still a ways to go yet.

  88. Robertson says:

    I’ve noticed a pattern:

    1)White nations created a high standard of living.

    2)Welfare laws get passed guaranteeing a decent standard of living to all who reside in the West.

    3)Jews and the rich advocate bringing in tons of the global south into the white west, where they are guaranteed housing, medical care, and food. The more they breed, the more they get.

    It feels as if the humble, cooperative white races were used to build up the West for it to be then given away to the leadership of others with the purpose of militarily subjugating the entire planet to privately jew-owned central banks and jew-owned hedge funds that privately own the largest oligarchal corporations and all of their supply chains.

    It seems that our religious beliefs and decency was used against us and we have built these companies and militaries that can exist with us being physically replaced with different human beings because our secretive powers-that-be always really privately hated us.

    •�Replies: @kiwk
  89. Yes, the Gaza story pushed a big story (vicious blacks are waging low-intensity War On Everybody, killing many thousands every year,) out of the news. But notice that it also pushed all the OTHER stories out of the news too.

    As I think it was intended to do.

  90. Anonymous[124] •�Disclaimer says:

    American and british havent never been White. They do not even think and act like White people. They are White races and White nations worst enemies and always have been. They are admixture of northern african, middle eastern and some White in them. Thats why their closest ally is Israel, because they are blood relatives. Ancestors of american and british sold pure White people as slaves to the slave markets of Kiev, to be taken to middle east, often as sex slaves to be raped.

  91. SomeDude says:

    Every White person can see it for ourselves. Our nations are being flooded with murdering invaders who want nothing less than their own Haitian revolution. Everywhere we look we see the niggers. They’re very real.

    And yet here you are, whining like a sorry little cunt, lacking the balls to do anything about it besides whine, whine, whine.

    Come to think of it, the TUR comment section is pretty much all whining, all the time.

    It’s kind of funny in a sad, pitiful sort of way.

    And also very Jew-y if you ask me…lol

  92. Anonymy says:

    It needs to be 110 and never again

    •�Agree: Trinity
  93. Lelele says:

    The old woman had her husband still hello hostage .
    Anyway hostage are most of the time well treated .

  94. Anonymy says:

    Pepperidge Farm remembers

  95. @Tom Welsh

    “Asian people living in Western nations
    Asian people living in Asia”

    Do you mean East Asians?

    •�Replies: @Tom Welsh
  96. Lydia says:

    Urgent international action is needed to end Israeli genocide against the Palestinian people

    The Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions calls for an end to Israeli genocide against the Palestinian people and the restoration of their national rights.




    The term “genocide” was formulated by the Jewish-Polish lawyer Raphael Lemkin against the backdrop of the Holocaust. It was codified as a crime under international law in the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (the Genocide Convention). The definition of genocide, as set out in Article 2 of the Convention, is simple and straightforward, its first three elements clearly reflecting Israeli policies and actions towards the Palestinian people since initiating its process of systematic genocide in 1947:



    The Shift: Palestine activism continues to grow throughout the United States
    In recent weeks, the U.S. has seen hundreds of thousands of people hit the streets in support of Palestine. This weekend we will see the biggest protest yet.
    BY MICHAEL ARRIA NOVEMBER 2, 2023 3Last week we published a piece on the recent wave of actions in support of Palestine across the United States. I wrote that these were easily the biggest anti-war protests since the Iraq War and that the mainstream media was largely failing to convey their scope.

    “The polls continue to show this organizing is working,” US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR) Executive Director Ahmad Abuznaid told me.“The media is doing the best it can to slow down the efforts of the mass movement. We are seeing concerted efforts from U.S. decision-makers to stifle this conversation in a public way. That means we need to double down and keep going hard.”

    Here’s just some the actions that have occurred since we published that story last weekend:

    This is my chance to redeem my Jewish guilt, to speak out against the oppression that is being perpetrated in my name, and I do not intend to let a minor obstacle like ALS stop me.

    Young Jews across America increasingly agree with Omar and me, and that is making the Israel lobby very nervous. As it should: The occupation is too immoral, illegal, and inhumane to survive an open and honest conversation in the marketplace of ideas. That is why AIPAC and its associates work to silence criticism of Israel by accusing its detractors of anti-Semitism and claiming that nobody may ever talk about how the Israel lobby uses money to build power.

    The ugly truth is that the Israel lobby, like other powerful lobbies led by Jew and gentile alike, wields its money strategically and effectively. Outrage should be directed not at those who point this out (most often Muslims and people of color) but at the suffering of the Palestinian people and the simultaneous dependence of the Republican Party on genuine anti-Semites.

    I do not expect to live to see the liberation of the Palestinian people. But I maintain hope that my toddler son will. If he does, it will be because young American Jews like him do the honest self-reflection taught by our forebears, take pride in our tradition of justice, and join in solidarity and struggle with fellow Semites like Omar.

    ENTIRE COMMENTARY – https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/ady-barkan-aipac-ilhan-omar/

    Are these Congresspeople so desperate that they are willing to forget ethics and morals, and take campaign funding from a foreign lobby that interferes in our political system, tries to intimidate and threaten candidates who stand up to that apartheid nation, and are willing to put the interests of that nation over their own?

    We must change our election laws, to prohibit foreign lobbies, and agents that pretend to do work for America, but in reality keep doing the work of an Occupying nation. They must register as a foreign agent, and keep out of acting like bullies among our candidates. Our sick relationship with Israel, and the fact that we keep pandering to it, has brought us more hate and the possibility of more terrorist threats. It feels like we have a venomous snake inside our house, and cannot get it out.

  97. Pendragon says:
    @Ernesto Che

    You must be mentally retarded at maths and also not able to see nuance or shades of grey. I wasn’t aware that Ron Unz allowed mentally retarded people to post here.

    •�Replies: @Ernesto Che
  98. kiwk says:

    Oh bs.

    Nobody would starve if there was pickable agriculture around and immigrants weren’t around to supposedly do it. People would do it themselves, like they used to.

    People even used to have their own gardens from which they picked and ate.

    Further, there is plenty of produce that is picked by machinery – I live in a rural area, and I’ve never seen a single immigrant out in the fields picking a damn thing. Machines come in and pick it all – even the corn is picked by machines.

    Immigrants should all go back to their own countries. They can pick their own fields.

    •�Replies: @Alden
  99. kiwk says:

    Oh please, these people are nothing more than parasites, sucking away as much as they can from productive taxpayers.

  100. kiwk says:

    Privately? I don’t think so.

  101. Having heard that in the USA the violent crime directed perpetrated by blacks towards whites is much higher than white violence towards blacks, I have wondered the following: proportionally speaking, if whites in America are preyed upon at proportionately a similar rate as Israeli Jews are preyed upon by Israeli Palestinians, then, would it be permissible if whites in the USA used the same solution as Israeli Jews?

    Let me be clear I am not encouraging that here in America. As for Israel: After what the Israelis seek to accomplish with Gaza and Hamas, they accomplish, then what? It’s a pyrrhic victory. Briefly satisfying followed by an exasperated sigh, a palm slap to the forehead, and the thought, “now what, and how do I clean up this mess!?

    Israelis and Jews world wide have squandered the moral advantage they had after WW2 and the Holocaust. And it did not take them long to piss away lead. By my measure the Diaspora Jews did most of the pissing away.

    Lost that lead long before 2023

    For the Jews and Palestinians in Israel/Palestine, I am hoping for something other than a military solution. But that train appears to have already left the station and there might be no calling it back. The military solution in Israel and Gaza is not practical because the practical is about the same as the pragmatic and practical and pragmatism are pretty much results oriented and not so much philosophically oriented. I sense too much of the philosophical in the decision to wipe out Gaza.

    Israel seems to be using a Hail Mary desperation pass to pull out a last minute victory from the jaws of defeat. The thing about a Hail Mary pass in football is if one reviews the stats sheet one sees although their team won on the scoreboard the stats reveal that they did not play a good game and may not be as competitive as they hope the fans think they are. Hail Mary is not a good game plan on the geo political football field.

    Long range for Israel; Better to come up with the two state solution post haste, create positive trade agreements with the new Palestinian state, continue to cultivate good will of the Sunni world, particularly Turkey, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, and Egypt. Israel will gain geo political credibility and collateral benefits if they do. Also, I think that is the only way Israel can gain back the world wide moral high ground throne they so desperately covet.


  102. Lydia says:

    Now they are implicating us in genocide. No, Bloody Biden is implicating us. The United States could be insisting on a cease fire or not a penny more in aid, ever.

    And just seen this:

    AP erases Israeli pledge to attack Gaza like ‘Axis Power’ as officials threaten Palestinians with ‘Dresden’ doctrine


    “Former ambassador and Assange advocate Craig Murray detained under UK terror laws”


    “The former diplomat’s detention is just the latest example of British terror laws being used to harass and intimidate dissidents, while brazenly prying into their private affairs.
    On the morning of October 16, counter-terror police in Glasgow Airport detained journalist, whistleblower, human rights campaigner, and former British diplomat Craig Murray upon his return from Iceland. After grilling him intensively about his political beliefs, officers seized Murray’s phone and laptop.”


    •�Thanks: Alden
  103. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Beattie interviews Hanania or Banana-Boy.

  104. Video Link

    The Joke from the underrated movie, “Boondock Saints.”

    So, as the Israelis are hoping if all the Palestinians can be housed in the Sinai, sent to the USA or Canada, or sent overseas to Europe, ironically where the Ashkenazi Jews came from prior to migrating to Israel, then what will they have?

    A coke? It’s not going to be heaven they hope if Israel has no Palestinians, indeed they might turn on each other which has more than a little historical precedent.

    Is there or is there not a lesson for the Israelis to learn from this scene?

    •�Replies: @Alden
  105. Zane says:

    Dummies Guide to Genocides:-

    BAD Genocides: Nazis (even though it didn’t happen), Serbians, Turks, Rwandans, Pol Pot

    GOOD Genocides: Israeli ethnic cleansing in Gaza


  106. Priss Factor says: •�Website


  107. Wokechoke says:

    To be fair it’s a good point. Cops will tend to treat Jewish suspects with kid gloves. The Great White Defendant is the apex of prosecutorial desire. A white guy with a gun or a record is Good Quota. Blacks are neither here nor there. Blacks are a grinding boring humdrum menace. Static. Noise. Grist.

    The shocking part is how keen white men get about flying into the Middle East to kill Arabs. This has nothing to do with niggers.

  108. Dragoslav [AKA "Lady Strange"] says:
    @Johnny LeBlanc


    more and more ” diversified “, lots of thirld-worlders posing as whites.
    Jewish trolls are now a minority.
    And it got worse with the so called Hamas attack. They kept low profile because no one gives a sh… about them, but now they ” triumph ” and we have to endure their bullshit.
    •�Thanks: Johnny LeBlanc
    •�Replies: @Dragoslav
  109. Dragoslav [AKA "Lady Strange"] says:

    Excellent post

  110. Dragoslav [AKA "Lady Strange"] says:

    My exasperation with those global south trolls, on unz, doesn’t mean I’m pro-Zionist, quite the opposite.

    Here’s my adage:
    Ni kippah ni keffiieh!

    •�Agree: Johnny LeBlanc
    •�Replies: @Johnny LeBlanc
  111. @Wokechoke

    They are consequences and didn’t necessarily mean harm. Besides, there’s nothing to object to the US Declaration of Independence per se. Everything starts with Cromwell. Wokeism and the woke witch hunts aka ‘cancel culture’ descend directly from English puritanism and the puritans’ own version of cancel culture that included full-blown witch hunts. The puritans cancelled Shakespeare during the English Revolution for Heaven’s sake. And they readmitted Jews.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @Alden
  112. Wokechoke says:
    @Passing by

    The US constitution granted Jews citizenship. Enfranchisement.

  113. SomeDude says:

    Okay Jewboy.

    That’s all you got?

    Laughable whining little cunt.

    Whine, whine, whine.

    Hmmm…seems like you’re the Jewboy.

  114. Tom Welsh says:

    From memory I meant Asians in general apart from the hated, despised, (mostly feared) Chinese.

    That comment was off the top of my head, so shouldn’t be taken too seriously. Some of the emotional ranking relations are non-transitive, so it’s impossible to make a definitive list.

    •�Replies: @Aleatorius
  115. Servenet says:

    I swear, the physical repulsiveness of these primates literally turns my stomach every single time I see one of them. I frankly can’t believe there aren’t far, FAR more expressions of how shockingly repulsive these mal-created organisms are. And to think THEIR “MENTALITY”/BEHAVIOR IS EVEN WORSE than their physical hideousness. So great to have them in this world, ain’t it. And more of them to come. Many, many more. Unbelievable.

  116. @Dragoslav

    I couldn’t care less about either side. Let the filthy kikes and Arab monkeys slaughter each other. We need to withdraw back within our borders and take care of our own, after expelling the genetic refuse.

    •�Agree: Trinity
    •�Replies: @Sfhkfeekrvcs
  117. @Tom Welsh

    “From memory I meant Asians in general apart from the hated, despised, (mostly feared) Chinese.”

    Thanks for the clarification. As to the hated and despised Chinese, I am in agreement with you with a caveat that not all nations fear them because at heart they are not a martial race, unlike the Mongols.

  118. Alpine says:

    Thank you for reinforcing my point. You hate us and want us dead. You have no sense of morals. There can be no coexisting with you. It’s you or us. And you think it’s funny.

  119. @SomeDude

    And also very Jew-y if you ask me…lol

    Not nearly as Jew-y as pretending replacement doesn’t exist if it’s a bad thing, but does exist if it’s a good or neutral thing:

    The ‘Great Replacement’ conspiracy theory posits that third-world immigrants are deliberately being imported into majority White countries–by either Jews, or Leftists, or Globalists or whatever– in order to shift the demographics such that those countries cease to be majority White.

    That UN report uses the term ‘replacement’ in a completely different context. There’s nothing sinister or diabolical about it. It’s simply one possible solution to population decline. Most majority White countries aren’t breeding as fast as people are dying of old age, and if that trend continues, they risk population collapse.


    Video Link

    Wheater it’s sinister or diabolical doesn’t change the the outcome. You claim that the intent of the Great Replacement “conspiracy theory ” is relevant. We do not smart boi. Go back to the jref.org

  120. Alden says:

    Thanks. I live partly in Los Angeles and partly near San Francisco. I’m back and forth about 8 times a year. Sometimes I drive the 101 or the 5 north/south then the 92 east. Sometimes I fly or take horrible Amtrak. When I drive it’s through the big AG Central Valley. Planting time, weed and bug killing time and harvest time. I never never never see any workers in the orchards and fields. Just machinery and the drivers. There’s also the fact that the drivers and machines are only needed about 3 months out of the year planting and picking. Except for lettuce & salad stuff picked and planted about 9 months. Bugs and weeds eradicated by pesticides, not people.

    . Just drivers at planting and picking time. Many farms don’t own those multi million dollar machines. They rent them at picking and planting time. The machine rental companies hire their own drivers. No one’s going to turn over a huge complicated machine to just anyone. It’s not just driving it. Also managing the levers and whatever that picks the fruit off the trees picks the vegatables off the ground, packs them and puts the boxes in the truck that takes it to the warehouse.

    There’s a machine that pick fruit dumps it into cardboard boxes folds the box tops and dumps the boxes on a convoyer that stacks the boxes on the truck. Truck that takes the produce to the warehouse.

  121. Alden says:
    @Passing by

    It didn’t start with Oliver Cromwell. It started when his great nephew, Thomas Cromwell chancellor of England, right hand man of Henry 8 imported heretic books written by alleged Lutherans and printed in Amsterdam by Jewish printers and smuggled to England by Jews. Martin Luther was a tool of the Jews but remained a Christian. But the rest of the heretics denied the trinity, denied Jesus was God and proclaimed; “ There is but one God and that is the God of Israel”

    I too find the trinity difficult to understand. And I have no interest in the trinity at all. I too don’t know if Jesus was a god or if Jesus the human even existed. Nor do I care. But Jesus both god and man and the trinity are the basis of Christianity. Wanna be Jew puritans congregationists fundamentalist Quaker’s evangelical Protestants and the rest of the heretics aren’t Christians but Jewish front groups. In 1500’s Europe and todays southern Protestants, the masons the French Revolution communism desegregation feminazis BLM anti fã and other eras and events so much of our history is Jewish front groups.

    •�Replies: @Anon
  122. Alden says:

    Just read that the Israeli construction cartel convinced the Israel government to recruit and give work visas to 100,000 Indian coolie construction workers. I assume they’ll all be Hindus.

    It’s always been my opinion the Jews will never get rid of the Palestinians b cause they’re needed for cheap labor. But Indian Hindus can replace them. What will the Jews do when the Hindus begin building temples and demanding days off for religious services.? Different food superstitions too.

    The Jews both in Israel and America still need the Palestinians for funding raising purposes. Especially now that the last Nazi concentration camp guards are dying off.

    The Jews are furious with Obama b cause he’s neutral on the latest Holocaust. They are correct to be angry with the traitor. Except for parents Frank Davis and maternal grandparents every person involved in Obama’s rise from mediocre high school student to president was Jewish. He and Michelle met at the Jewish law firm in Chicago. A law firm very active in civil rights and other jrwish&black causes. Chicago like other formerly great cities was attacked and destroyed by the Jewish black coalition.

  123. Alden says:

    Poodles are the most intelligent, best behaved and healthiest of all dogs. They understand English extremely well. Or the language of their home. They’re a thousand year old breed. So no bizarre orthopedic issues like fluxated patellas They were always medium big until about 1700 when French circus and entertainment people started breeding them smaller and smaller. Because several little dogs dancing etc are much cuter than one big dog dancing. The owners bred the poodles smaller over about 200 years. It took a long time and they didn’t breed the damaged ones. Unlike most breeders. Who breed whatever medical disaster is born

    That standard poodle cut was devised a thousand years ago by the German bird hunters who sent them into freezing lakes to retrieve birds. Thick fuzz on torso to protect lungs heart and arteries from the cold Legs shaved to reduce drag make swimming easier.

    So unlike most dogs bred to be bigger or smaller they aren’t an orthopedic disaster. I saw a miniature collie at a park recently. Asked the owner if it really is a collie. Yes it is an apartment sized collie. About 140 years ago collies were medium big. The breeders bred them bigger and bigger. Those huge collies were beautiful. But orthopedic cripples. Also the breeders bred for long narrow jaws and narrow skulls. Beautiful but the brains shrunk to fit the narrow skulls. Bred big collies big orthopedic problems. Now breeding down to apartment size who knows what medical disasters those miniature collies will be. Those grey collies known as Merle tend to be blind. Because the grey gene carries blindness genes.

    Those weirdo French and English bulldogs are so big head tiny pelvis they can’t birth their pups. Or have sex. Not just cessaran birth but artificial insemnation. And they have endless medical problems huge vet bills and die young. Also ugly and no personality just sit around waiting to be fed. Special diets because of delicate tummies.

  124. Anon[685] •�Disclaimer says:

    And yet, you care about the truth, Alden. And the truth is a person. I’ll let you guess his name.

  125. @SomeDude

    And also very Jew-y if you ask me…lol

    Well as it happens jewboy, I didn’t ask you.

  126. Excellent article. Thank you, Mr. Langdon. The real question, though, is what the hell is wrong with Englishmen (whites generally) that they tolerate these outrages against their own people?

    Most whites are sick, depraved and pathetic. Eventually, we will either exorcise these sickos, or these sickos will destroy our race and civilization.

  127. @Richard B

    Cute to see how are mesmerized by my posts, you keep coming back to reply, despite your assertions you will not 🤣 🤡

  128. @Pendragon

    I wasn’t aware that Ron Unz allowed mentally retarded people to post here.

    That’s what happens when you are retarded, dear Pendragon. Don’t worry, 1 day it’ll dawn on ya 💋

  129. MarkU says:

    You are splitting hairs, he may not have used those exact words but his speech was certainly the origin of the phrase.


    Norman Tebbit was a part of the government that deliberately created a massive increase in unemployment. He was plainly implying that the solution to mass unemployment was for the unemployed to all get on their bikes and look for work.

    It would help greatly if bigots from both sides of the political spectrum would refrain from blaming all ills on the other side. Humans are social animals, they are also individuals, any political system that fails to allow for both factors is doomed to failure. Both right and left have been used by the banksters to advance their agenda.

  130. Malla says:
    @Priss Factor

    Anglos have been affected by some weird mental disease by which they worship populations who hate them like crazy. Jews hate Anglos and have played a big role in spreading Anglo-hate around the World. Check out Jew Hollywood but yet many Anglos cannot accept any criticism of Jews and Israel. Same with Blacks.
    On the other hand, Hitler was friendly to Anglos but the UK would not stop at anything until N.S. Germany was destroyed. And many Anglos are proud about bravely fighting Germans and Japanese while Jews played a big part in destroying British Industry, blacks terrorize their cities and Muzzies rape their daughters. Crazy.

  131. @Ernesto Che

    There’s a difference between DOING and EXCELLING, individually, and as a group. There are Japanese physicians and scientists, and Philippine physicians and scientists. Japan excels at producing physicians and scientists; The Philippines, not so much

    •�Replies: @Ernesto Che
  132. @Johnny LeBlanc

    But we have to accept all the wretched refuse of the world, the more wretched the better. It’s in the Constitution, cast on a brazen plaque at the base of Lady Liberty: Give me your lazy, your fraudulent, the rapefugees of your teeming shore — Thus Spake Goldman

  133. @Sfhkfeekrvcs

    You are absolutely right if you believe rabbits can be compared with freight trains.

  134. Wj says:

    “Without immigrant labor we all starve” Thats some thermonuclear level of retardation there.

  135. When the worm turns…and it will…show no mercy or quarter to Jew filth and their Nigger pets.

    Male, Female, Young or Old.

    They shall be placed “under the ban” just as our great Crusader forefathers did.


  136. Alden says:

    Amazing the commercial had both a White parent and a White child. Probably the only one made this year. All the old folks in the medicine ads have mulatto grandchildren. English TV shows are the worst. Most White women characters are married to black men. Black men who have jobs and also do most of the cooking cleaning and child care. The writers obviously don’t know that black women don’t trust the sperm donors to be alone with their daughters due to incest. You’d think the locations were Detroit, Newark Atlanta Oakland any majority black American city there’s so many blacks in British TV and movies.

    When I’m scrolling through Netflix etc I just look at the date of the movie. Before 1980 it’s usually free of black hominids. Except cop movies. Although it seems Morgan Freeman has been in every movie made since about 1960. He must be about 100 years old. And still there’s his wrinkled face all over the streaming service movie posters.

  137. @Jared Taylor's Moustache

    Like Ex-ABC News ‘reporter’and CIA asset James Gordon Meek, raped toddlers and filmed himself doing so, shared with online ! agency ! CP buddies, five years, one of his buddies got 25.

    Meeks lawyer had the gall to say to the court Meeks was an honorable man, presumably his TLA duties not his rapist hobby. the court seemed to accept that a child rapists was honrable and deserved leniency.

  138. @Passing by

    I don’t understand why the Israelis and their supporters have to inflate the violence perpetrated by Hamas against those settlers to ridiculous proportions like they did the Holocaust. What happened was bad enough. One lie or exaggeration undermines their whole narrative. Thanks to the increasingly fantastical Holocaust tales over the years, people now are inclined to dismiss them or even roll their eyes.

    There is a very good chance that many of those Israeli settlers were killed by the IDF, because Israel has a protocol to kill their own people rather than allow them to be taken hostage by the enemy. It’s called The Hannibal Directive. It’s a grim but understandable protocol.

    There is no doubt in my mind that the Eurasian Jewish girl who was kidnapped by Palestinian motorcyclists but later rescued by the IDF was sexually abused. She looks like she has been through hell.

    I also don’t understand why the whole world acts like Hamas would treat Jewish hostages like precious crystal when their prophet and his followers butchered the Jews of Medina and no one blinks an eye against jihadist predations on Christians, Hindus, and Yadzidis, other than to quip, “The Religion of Peace Strikes Again!”

    In any case, the last thing we people of European stock need to do is take sides. The two sides have been at this for thousands of years and they will still be at this for thousands more after the USA and the West as we know it cease to exist.

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Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement