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Tobias Langdon Archive
In Clown They Trust: The Farce and Foulness of Clown World

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The Jewish genius Hannah Arendt was wrong about “the banality of evil.” Evil is often entertaining and interesting, combining both farce and foulness. That’s why the term “Clown World” was invented. It’s used by thought-criminals like Vox Day to describe governments, corporations, and churches in the modern West. We’re ruled by Jew-designed ideologies – black supremacism, transgenderism, feminism – whose elite enforcers are as evil and arrogant as they are incompetent and inept. In other words, they’re evil clowns. Among much else, the evil elite clowns are determined to tear down the borders that maintain society and civilization. For example, transgenderism is about elite clowns tearing down the border between male and female so that perverted men can indulge their fetishes by pretending to be women.

Elite clowns in America: Joe Biden is a puppet of Jewish power

For an excellent example of that broken border and a trans-clown in action, take a Scottish criminal who has just hit the headlines in Britain. Dressed as a woman, a “transitioning” pedophile called Andrew Miller, also known as Amy George, went cruising for prey and tricked a pre-teen schoolgirl into his car. He then drove her to his home, confined her to his bedroom, and sexually assaulted her over 27 hours. In between sexual assaults, he refreshed his libido by watching porn and fetish videos on TV. He rejected the girl’s repeated pleas for freedom and told her that she was now his “new family.”

Silicone villainy

Then, understandably tired out by his transgender activism, he fell asleep. The girl was able to escape the bedroom, find a phone, and ring the police. When the police arrived, they found Miller still asleep and wearing “a bra, silicone breasts, female pants and tights.” In a subsequent interview, Miller told the police that he had been trying to “help” the girl. She looked “freezing,” he said, and tricking her into his car had been the “motherly thing” to do. And he had “put her in bed with me to warm up.” The transphobic police didn’t believe him. He was charged with abduction, sexual assault, and “intentionally causing a child under the age of 13 to look at a sexual image.” And with possession of “242 indecent images of children.” He later pleaded guilty to all charges.

Trans-clown Amy George, a.k.a Andrew Miller

That’s Clown World at its funniest and foulest. But it’s possible that stories like that help the transgender cause rather than harm it. I’ve argued in the article “Dykes Are Dull!” that leftists’ adolescent desire for novelty and entertainment is a big part of their support for translunacy. Unlike boring lesbians, “transwomen” are very entertaining. Like Jonathan Yaniv in Canada, Andrew Miller in Scotland is one of the many trans-clowns who have invaded female territory to indulge their sexual perversions. However, the left view such trans-clowns not with disgust, but as a misunderstood and marginalized minority. And because the evil of transgenderism is entertaining, it’s even more attractive to the left. Applying their core principle of “Preach Equality, Practice Hierarchy,” leftists have placed trans-clowns far above lesbians, let alone the straight women who don’t want trans-clowns in female toilets and dressing-rooms, or competing in female sports.

Importing non-White psychopaths

So don’t assume Miller’s farcical crimes will harm the transgender cause. They may do the exact opposite. Leftists are drawn to evil and want to be entertained. Trans-clowns like Miller satisfy both leftist needs. But I’m not a leftist and when I read about his crimes, I was reminded of another Scottish schoolchild who suffered even worse things because of Clown World’s war on borders. The schoolgirl abducted by Andrew Miller pleaded with him for freedom. He must have seen her fear and distress, but he rejected her pleas. Luckily for her, she got out alive. The Scottish schoolboy Kriss Donald wasn’t so lucky after he was abducted by a gang of vicious Pakistani criminals in 2004. The Pakistanis were in Scotland because elite clowns had opened Britain’s borders to violent and corrupt non-Whites. Kriss Donald too pleaded for freedom, but his abductors were unmoved by his fear and distress. They had abducted him at random because he was White and they murdered him in horrific fashion because he was White. Kriss Donald was doused in gasoline, set alight, then stabbed repeatedly and left to die in agony.

Kriss Donald and Mary-Ann Leneghan, two young white victims of Clown World

The following year, in 2005, a White schoolgirl called Mary-Ann Leneghan was abducted by a Black gang in England, raped and tortured over hours, then stabbed to death as she too pleaded for mercy. Again, the Blacks were here because elite clowns had opened Britain’s borders to non-Whites. But while White schoolchildren are victims of the war being waged on the West by elite clowns, non-White schoolchildren are trainee footsoldiers in that war. Take the great English county of Yorkshire. It’s still famous for the toughness and enterprise of its White natives, the grandeur of its landscapes, and the strength of its devotion to cricket. Now it’s also infamous for its Pakistani rape-gangs. But not as infamous as it should be. Clown World tried but failed to hide the horrors being inflicted on working-class White girls in the small Yorkshire town of Rotherham. Even worse has gone on in bigger places. We got a glimpse of that when more Pakistani rape-gangs preying on White girls were exposed in the Yorkshire town of Huddersfield in 2018, as I described in “Huddersfield Horrorshow.” In April 2023 Huddersfield is back in the news for its vibrancy:

Two stupid, violent and impulsive Blacks who have enriched Yorkshire courtesy of Clown World

Two teenage cousins who stabbed a 15-year-old boy to death as he walked home from school in West Yorkshire have been jailed for life. Jovani Harriott, 17, and Jakele Pusey, 15, murdered Khayri McLean after ambushing him outside North Huddersfield Trust School last year.

The judge, Mrs Justice Farbey, said the cousins had seen Khayri as their “enemy” and may have killed him in “revenge” for sharing a video online about a broken window at Harriott’s mother’s house. Det Supt Marc Bowes, of West Yorkshire Police, said it “will be hard for many of us to comprehend” how a “low-level dispute” ended with two boys “stabbing a fellow student to death at the end of an otherwise ordinary school day”.

Prosecutor Jonathan Sandiford KC said Khayri was killed in a “well-planned” attack on 21 September. Dressed in black and wearing balaclavas, the defendants waited in an alleyway before ambushing him as he walked along Woodhouse Hill with friends after school. Pusey shouted Khayri’s name while “jumping into the air” and stabbing him in the heart with a 30cm blade, the court heard. His cousin, who was 16 at the time of the attack, then knifed Khayri in the leg.

Khayri was pulled to his feet by his friends and tried to run away but collapsed. He died later in hospital. Harriott, who was 16 at the time of the attack, was convicted of murder in March while Pusey pleaded guilty to murder at an earlier hearing.

Mr Sandiford told the court Pusey had admitted murdering Khayri in a recording covertly obtained while he was in detention. During the conversation, the boy said he felt “no remorse” and claimed to have “slept better” since the killing, the prosecutor said. His lawyer Richard Wright KC, in mitigation, said Pusey – who was in a gang called the Fartown Boys – had been exploited and “drawn into a life” in which “he felt he belonged, was protected and accepted”.

The court heard the boy had told probation officers he was shot by masked men in a “gang incident” when he was 12 and had dealt drugs since he was 13. Det Supt Bowes, who led the police investigation into Khayri’s murder, said the “appalling attack” had “rightly shocked people across the country” and “highlighted the dreadful consequences of knife crime and the culture of carrying such weapons”. (Khayri Mclean: Huddersfield teens jailed for life over schoolboy stabbing, BBC News, 18th April 2023)

Note that Detective Superintendant Marc Bowes was playing a role often assigned to police officers in Clown World. They express incredulity about the way stupid, violent, and impulsive non-Whites can’t and won’t conform to White standards of behavior. But they don’t put it like that, of course. Bowes said that it “will be hard for many of us to comprehend” the savagery of the two Black boys in question. He was wrong. It isn’t hard to understand at all. Blacks evolved in the distinct environments of sub-Saharan Africa, where natural selection favored aggression and impulsivity over intelligence and self-control. Clown World favors the same anti-civic behavior in its Black footsoldiers. In America, the Black minority are the chief practitioners and victims of gun-crime. In Britain, the Black minority are the chief practitioners and victims of knife-crime.

Jew-puppet Joe Biden

The weapons differ, but the genetically mediated Black behavior is the same. So is the way that Clown World blames Black pathologies on White racism in both countries. For example, the evil and stupid movement known as Black Lives Matter (BLM) was invented by clowns in America and taken up eagerly by clowns in Britain. As Steve Sailer has tirelessly and irrefutably demonstrated, BLM has been responsible for a big increase in the number of Blacks murdered and maimed by other Blacks. And also in Blacks killed by dangerous Black driving. The evil elite clowns don’t care, because those elite clowns don’t genuinely care about the welfare of Blacks and other non-Whites. No, they genuinely care about only one thing: destroying the White West.

That’s why they wage war on borders, allowing trans-perverts to invade female territory and non-White savages to invade White territory. When the Jew-puppet Joe Biden said that “white supremacy” is “the most dangerous terrorist threat” to America, he meant that Whites are the biggest obstacle to the triumph of Clown World. But only if Whites wake up to how the elite clowns hate them and want to destroy their lives, their future, and their civilization. Fortunately, the arrogance and incompetence of Clown World will ensure that Whites wake up by the million. As the trillion-dollar farce of Afghanistan proved, clowns can easily start wars but they can’t ever win them.

(Republished from The Occidental Observer by permission of author or representative)
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  1. Dragoslav [AKA "Lady Strange"] says:

    We can no longer comment peacefully on the Occidental observer, but thanks to Ron Unz, I can follow the writings of Tobias Langdon who always provides in his articles a lot of interesting things to analyze.

    Some points in particular:

    ” whose elite enforcers are as evil and arrogant as they are incompetent and inept. In other words, they’re evil clowns. ”

    It’s refreshing to find someone who doesn’t parrot the same platitude of the so-called “superiorly intelligent elites” but describes them as they really are, grotesque.

    I was also very interested in the murder of the “Yorkshire” schoolboy when I noticed that his first name was of Swahili-Bantu origin and that he shared the same genetic traits, especially the dull eyes, as his killers.

    I went to read more details about this murder, and we learn that the victim was also part of an african  gang, even if one of the journalists brings out the usual lie of the model schoolboy soon to be “engineer” (sic)

    The victim and the perpetrators were living with single mothers, as it is the norm in Africa.

    It is impossible to identify the ethnic origin of the victim’s mother despite her name: only one thing is certain: she is not European and she has reproduced with a genetic clone of her offspring’s executioners.

    We can therefore guess that in a malicious ethnic or genetic experimentation, a load of africans from the same country was dumped on this part of the unfortunate Yorkshire,  spread quickly, and ended up creating an unnatural racial chaos where it did not exist and should never have existed.
    ( let’s not even talk about the climatic incompatibility )

    So I don’t think that the culprits of this voluntary disgusting denaturation of our countries are clowns. They are grotesque but above all evil and mortally jealous of the Europeans and their nations, that they want to degrade in every  possible aspects.

  2. xyzxy says:

    …thought-criminals like Vox Day…

    When writing about clown world, it’s best to forget VD, who has shown himself to be one of the biggest clowns. The man truly expected Trump to declare martial law, and reinstate himself as the country’s leader, prior to Biden’s inauguration.

    The guy is half baked. But he’s the first person to tell anyone who will listen to him how much smarter he is than most everyone else. LOL

    On the other hand, if your world turns around comic books, he might be the man to be.

    •�Agree: dimples
    •�Disagree: Gapeseed
  3. Miro23 says:

    When the Jew-puppet Joe Biden said that “white supremacy” is “the most dangerous terrorist threat” to America, he meant that Whites are the biggest obstacle to the triumph of Clown World.

    The plutocratic mafia know that they can be driven out. It’s not going to be local Blacks, Mexicans, Chinese or Indians (red dot or native) that do it. So that leaves white European Americans.

    They’re not organized – and don’t look like they will be. Also, Whites will take the full brunt of the hyperinflation and lose everything. Then they’ll likely go crazy – that’s 393 million firearms in a nut house.

    •�Agree: anonymouseperson, Realist
  4. Solutions says: •�Website

    The USA clowns will eventually make clown world here totally ungovernable, it will then be back to the future circa 1800’s where everyone packed a piece and there was zero tolerance for clowning around.

  5. Jews have done great harm to the west.

    •�Agree: Alden
    •�Replies: @Realist
    , @conflagratus
  6. Jabber says:

    The Talk of the Town Trailer Estates Park Sociology Round Table comments as follows:

    Granny Yiddell (chairwoman and bitter retiree) – Always blaming the Jews. No clowns in my family, except for my late husband, Solomon. He squanders all our money and leaves me for a 20 year old Filipina he met on the internet. My only satisfaction is his death from food poisoning in the Philippines.

    Mother (strong mother of Jabber) – Biden is simply a clown with no urging from the Jews. They didn’t stick a pipe up Hunter’s trap. Time for people to take responsibility for themselves and stop blaming the Jews.

    Jabber (shut-in but in a newer double-wide, so it’s OK) – The Clown World started with that bad actor, Ronald Reagan. I saw Bedtime for Bonzo and even the chimp didn’t like him; you could sense the tension in each scene.

    Father O’Hair (off the rails wannabe priest) – Sure the Jews make porn but nobody is forced to watch it. I’ll keep it short (no pun intended) because I need some Nair for my palms.

    Bozero (Latino clown) – Don’t blame the clowns, we bring pleasure to all…UNLESS!

    Fiona (park fun lady) – Hunter Biden is a symptom of a sick society, but he looks kinda hot in his photos.

    •�Replies: @Anon
    , @pithyparty
  7. it’s not “clown world”.

    it’s JewWorld. And it’s not funny. It’s

    lethal to the White race, to Western Civ,

    and everything else good and decent.

    •�Replies: @S. Thomas
  8. @xyzxy

    When writing about clown world, it’s best to forget VD, who has shown himself to be one of the biggest clowns. The man truly expected Trump to declare martial law, and reinstate himself as the country’s leader, prior to Biden’s inauguration.

    Agreed as to VD. While I’m on board with much of what he says, I just couldn’t believe he was actually expecting Trump to bust this El Caudillo move (as if the leadership of “our” armed forces would have followed Trump’s orders anyway).
    VD seems to me to be a Gentile version of David Cole; smart and often correct, but an over-estimator of his own intellectual abilities and political insights.

    •�Agree: Haxo Angmark
    •�Replies: @Sampson
  9. Sometimes a suitable royal portrait is worth a thousand rants….


    All hail Kang Chuck the Turd!

  10. Realist says:

    Jews have done great harm to the west.

    Why did the Gentiles allow it?

    •�Agree: JimDandy
    •�Troll: Richard B
  11. Miro23 says:

    Jews have done great harm to the west.

    Why did the Gentiles allow it?

    Mostly Gentiles weren’t aware of it and still aren’t.

    It was done covertly under the protection of an almost entirely controlled media. For example, most people aren’t aware that the Jewish controlled FED is a group of private banks and that the vast amounts of money that they conjured into existence since 2008 went directly to themselves.

    This debt/theft is going to crash the US economy. Most Gentiles feel that things are not going well – but seem to think that voting for Donald Trump will fix the problem by shutting out Mexican immigrants and starting a war with China.

    •�Replies: @Realist
    , @Lydia
  12. Realist says:

    Most Gentiles feel that things are not going well – but seem to think that voting for Donald Trump will fix the problem by shutting out Mexican immigrants and starting a war with China.

    So you agree with me most are stupid.

    •�Troll: Richard B
    •�Replies: @Miro23
    , @James Scott
    , @one nobody
  13. Miro23 says:

    Most Gentiles feel that things are not going well – but seem to think that voting for Donald Trump will fix the problem by shutting out Mexican immigrants and starting a war with China.

    So you agree with me most are stupid.

    Well, average intelligence is nothing special, and 50% of the population is below average. However this isn’t unique to the US – it’s the same everywhere.

    In my opinion it’s an elite question. Given that every society has an elite it’s the orientation of the elite that matters.

    For example the Chinese elite see China as the ethic homeland of the Chinese and are committed to creating a positive environment for the personal development of all Chinese. And it’s worked. According to the World Bank, China has lifted 800 million people out of poverty over the last 40 years.

    In contrast, the US Jewish elite are basically looters and have no interest in the “deplorable” lower 50%. The upper 50% of educated whites are for the time accepted as paid obedient collaborators until they are replaced by non-European immigrants. It’s a wholly extractive system of extortion and theft.

  14. Realist says:

    For example the Chinese elite see China as the ethic homeland of the Chinese and are committed to creating a positive environment for the personal development of all Chinese. And it’s worked. According to the World Bank, China has lifted 800 million people out of poverty over the last 40 years.

    Yes, this should be the attitude of Whites in the West.

    •�Troll: Richard B
    •�Replies: @Ace
    , @JrNeymar
  15. Richard B says:

    Realist is a worthless pos JIDF Troll.

    Don’t take my word for it.
    Check out his comment section and you’ll see what I’m talking about.
    He’s a lonely and miserable old Jewish guy who sits and trolls all day long.

    I know the rule, Don’t Feed The Trolls. And I usually follow it.
    But this guy is unusually repulsive and obnoxious.
    So I’m sending this one message. After that I wash my hands of him.

    All he does is troll. He repeats variations of the same White People Are Stupid comment over and over again like the chattering of an idiot, only less interesting. He can’t argue. So he trolls. If he doesn’t like what you’ve written he either clicks the Troll option, or LOL. That’s it. If he does respond it’s with typical jew-infested hate. He’s a virus.

    So if he does click those options under one of your comments consider it a compliment and where it like a badge of honor.

    He trolled me for a bit a couple of years ago until even Ron Unz stepped in and called him out. Lots of commenters here have. And yet he just keeps trolling the same corny boring crap. I literally had to ask him to knock it off, because he wouldn’t stop trolling me. And he did, for a while. But now he’s at it again. Hence my comment.

    Now go ahead Realist, you miserable pos. Click the Troll button.

    •�Replies: @Richard B
    , @JimDandy
  16. Richard B says:
    @Richard B

    where it like a badge of honor

    Should be wear. But the point still stands.

    •�Replies: @The Real World
  17. HBM says:

    30+% of White House staffers are Jews. 60+% of Biden’s cabinet are Jews.

    FED; DHS; DNI; State Department; DOJ; CDC are all run by Jews. Money; Border; Intel agencies; Ukraine-Russia war; Rule of Law; COVID tyranny. Those are the biggest problems in the country– and it’s a Jew in charge in every one of them.

    The country is more screwed up than it has ever been and it’s heading for collapse.

    It’s not an accident.

  18. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    The Gaspel according to St. Ian in the HoloScriptures.

  19. Anonymous[137] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Priss Factor

  20. Jews murdered nobility (starting with French nobility) not to free people.
    They murdered nobility to replace nobility.

    •�Agree: Poupon Marx
    •�Replies: @Brosi
  21. @Richard B

    Excellent slap down, Richard. Both funny and searing.

    Sometimes, people deserve a good beating. I appreciate the heads-up about Mr. Troll.

    •�Thanks: Richard B
  22. What makes certain people accepting of Clown World?

    The left encourages the opposite of every virtuous trait. No responsibility, no shame, no guilt, no loyalty to a higher power. The ‘Deadly Sins’ are celebrated instead of condemned.

    Weak, unmoored minds are created, not born.

    •�Agree: Thor Walhovd, Passing by
    •�Replies: @Lydia
  23. Galbrip says:

    On a number of occasions, Gentiles have disallowed it, most recently in Central Europe.


  24. Anon[338] •�Disclaimer says:

    We all say that we know decent J’s. They aren’t dumb and they must see and know what is being done to the US by their tribe. Do we ever hear them speak out against this?

    •�Replies: @Katrinka
    , @anonymous
  25. I think the strategy is to go for the MAXIMUM. In sex it is elevating trannies to be the paradigm, in race it is blacks. In both cases, wedge issues which can be weaponized are carefully shaped. Behind both there is not only psychological warfare but also the very real threat of state-approved violence.

    •�Agree: Thor Walhovd
  26. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    When the Jew-puppet Joe Biden said that “white supremacy” is “the most dangerous terrorist threat” to America, he meant that Whites are the biggest obstacle to the triumph of Clown World.

    But whites, esp Anglos, are the biggest enthusiasts and enablers of clown world. They can’t get enough of it.

    Even dissident whites suck up to Jews and go boo-hoo about more blacks killed by BLM when that’s a silver lining.

    The Jewish genius Hannah Arendt was wrong about “the banality of evil.”

    She didn’t mean all evil is banal. She meant evil has a banal side.

    Clown World is about Anality of Evil.

    Jews are not the clowns but the circus masters banking on sucker-born-every-minute, and there sure many of them, esp among cuck whites.

  27. Rebel Roy says:

    Great article Mr Langdon.Thanks to greats like yourself people are being awakened.God will make the truth about the Satanic Jews known through wonderful and caring White heroes like you.God bless you and thank you..

  28. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    The London Circus or London Zoo?

    Anglo Circus World

    •�Thanks: Thor Walhovd, Miro23
  29. @Priss Factor

    What is B’nai B’rith? Would love to see an article on that.

    Unrelated comment (not directed at Priss Factor specifically):
    Also, to anyone who thinks the “black coalition” has somehow taken power from their Jewish bosses please refer to the mugshots in this article.

  30. anon[488] •�Disclaimer says:

    Brownie / migrant crime & other freak show nonsense is simply jewish terrorism. They encourage & promote & reward it & avoid prosecuting it, even holding up the criminals as heroes. The problem is jews, as always. ~>

  31. neutral says:

    There are numerous articles like this so most reading this should agree, what should be talked about now is what to do? Can anything be done, should the collapse accelerated, if anything can be done then just how many millions will need to die (because violence is now the only practical way to solve it).

    •�Replies: @Lydia
  32. Katrinka says:

    Rarely, if ever. Most go right along.

  33. profnasty says:

    Don’t forget, a big part of being White is Christian Heritage.
    Attend church weekly, if possible.
    Muslims are non-Whites; as are all Blacks.
    Reject non-Whites in personal and business affairs.
    In a word, this shit’s gettin’ real.
    Don’t get caught with your pants down.

    •�Replies: @Crush Limbraw
  34. The evil Clown World analogy makes a lot of sense, as does the point about evil absurdities being entertaining and selling well.

    Unfortunately for us all, though, this is not necessarily a left versus right problem here in the USA, as elite clowns sell us both Call of Duty and other sick genocidal video games alongside child mutilations and pervy sexualized grooming of toddlers. Inciting hatred and warmongering against Eurasian nuclear powers (Russkies for team blue, Chunks for team red) to enrich the Uniparty merchants of death as our cities burn and children go to bed hungry or cold. Shredding the economy, civil society, free speech and bodily autonomy to enrich tech, pharma and online shopping monopolies in the plandemic etc. etc.

    Cut off the free petrodollars and associated privileges, as the evil clowns appear intent on doing to themselves, and eventually the problem solves itself. With no legitimate media, government or civil society left in place to monitor the suicidal and fratricidal chaos that will result here at home. Clown World for the win!

  35. @Dragoslav

    Is Jonathan Yaniv related to Justin Trudeau or Jagmeet Singh ???

  36. @Dragoslav

    Whatever happened to the British? I can’t figure it out.

  37. anonymous[370] •�Disclaimer says:

    “. The man truly expected Trump to declare martial law, and reinstate himself as the country’s leader, prior to Biden’s inauguration.”


    “But whites, esp Anglos, are the biggest enthusiasts and enablers of clown world. ”

    The cognitive dissonance in this thread is overwhelming. Yes, white anglos are cucks digging their own grave but at the same time should one suggest whites actually do something that might fight clown world getting their hands dirty, they are labeled a clown. Which is it?

    FWIW, stealing an election is absolutely worthy of marshall law.

    •�Replies: @Old and Grumpy
  38. Sampson says:
    @fredyetagain aka superhonky

    Some expected it because it was a 1 in 100 year opportunity to use the massive election fraud as a pretext to do what was necessary. Someone who said he would fight like no one has ever fought, was a genius, and knew about the swamp before running would be expected to use power and make the necessary choices to defeat the monster. This was a man with nearly 100 million followers who he told to do nothing but who could have been deputized by him with one sentence and given orders. This was a man who had great support in local and state police forces who would follow his orders also. Unfortunately, we had a man who was all talk and no action because he was incapable of cognition. All the simple errors like not firing all Obama prosecutors, appointing and hiring nothing but rinos into federal agencies and the cabinet, not firing people, not giving direct orders to federal agencies, and etc all make sense now. He didn’t even pardon his followers who he called to DC but pardoned Black rappers. Obviously keeping Obama generals in the leadership when every President replaces them with loyalists meant he wasn’t going to do anything. Some still held out hope. It’s ironic that the man most capable and best positioned of getting us what we want since the 1950s is one whose brain functioning does not allow him to think logically or grasp basic facts. It’s amazing how someone can be a master of social intelligence and be at retardation levels of cognition.

    •�Replies: @Thomasina
    , @Cassandre
  39. Megoy says:

    Like I said over and over here, the Jews and their brown monkey army are at war with white gentiles. They are at tampering to vilify white gentiles exercising our RIGHT to defend ourselves and exist by claiming it is “terrorism”! That is very tyrannical and we have the second amendment right to shoot tyrants in the head. We have the PERMISSION to do so by our founders. We DO NOT need Jewish approval as that will NEVER happen and Jews are working feverishly to brainwash us into inaction. Time to take these kikes out. We have the RIGHT!

    A big FUCK YOU to ADL, AJC, DOJ Jews “monitoring” this site! You are guilty and you are going to die! Yes we can!

  40. ariadna says:

    “Clown World” is an appropriate name as long as it is understood that in this case “clown” does not have the common connotation of dumb, bumbling and weird in a funny way, but rather John Gacey’s type of clown: a sinister pervert and serial murderer.

  41. Munga Bulga [AKA "Dancing Mathilda"] says:


    Of course, (((David Spergel))) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Spergel

    This is not only “spergy”. Alone these corrosive caustic creepy spooky tinny varooming shrilling, hackles raising and toenail rippling, “voices” of these demonic creatures are sickening and repulsive in the highest degree. Even an all-drowning tinnitus is still purest healing music in comparison. They have organs that produce Tritonic (“the devil in music”) noises of absent emotionality, absent humanity, absent spirit. They themselves are the aliens who alienate, estrange and disaffect the whole world. That is why they are so enamored with their rootless other-worldly “alien” lie and strive for a total “cybernetic artificialization” (Yuval Harari) of humanity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tritone#Historical_uses

    Einstein’s Lies https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTnChaVkyH41XY9vWIqWUeocojMHPWL_D


  42. If you want an understanding of Jews, Israelites and related history, start here – https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2023/05/an-open-challenge-to-all-christian.html?m=0 – and then become familiar with Christians for Truth. Just about everything you know about it, as did I, is WRONG!

  43. Anon[245] •�Disclaimer says:

    What a bizzare, nonsensical, free-association comment. What the fuck are you clumsily trying to say here?

    Jews have utterly subverted and destroyed the Western Hemisphere.


    There is no possible refutation of that comment.

    •�Replies: @Jabber
  44. Anon[245] •�Disclaimer says:

    That’s the 6MILLION dollar fake dead Kikes question.

  45. “As Steve Sailer has tirelessly and irrefutably demonstrated, BLM has been responsible for a big increase in the number of Blacks murdered and maimed by other Blacks. And also in Blacks killed by dangerous Black driving.”

    Silver lining.

  46. Jim H says:

    Right up top, Tobias Langdon uses the same out-of-date, erroneous graphic that Alan Sobrosky did a couple of days ago. It is riddled with errors:

    1. Arati Prabhakar is OSTP director, not Eric Lander as shown.

    2. Jeff Zients is White House Chief of Staff, not Ron Klein.

    3. Director of the CIA is William Burns, not David Cohen.

    What is wrong with authors who can’t be arsed to do half an hour of online research to get their facts straight … and a host site which apparently employs no editor?

    It’s weak bullshit. It undermines the anti-Zionist cause when critics easily pick it apart.

    With opponents like these, the Zionists will grind our faces into the ground.

    •�Replies: @GomezAdddams
  47. @profnasty

    When you do attend church, be sure to ask them to DO THEIR JOB – https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2023/04/jesus-christ-to-his-church-do-your-job.html?m=0 – you might be asked to leave!

  48. @Reformed Maniac

    Same thing that has happened to the DSA (Divided States of America). What’s happening to white mentality today is a contagion worse that covid ever was.

  49. JimmyS says:

    They’re not known as Nation Wreckers for no reason.

    I’d be curious to know how many centuries of historic evidence and prior warning is required before it is accepted and taken serious.

  50. The slogan “preach equality, practice hierarchy” is exhibited perfectly in academia. Academia has always been hierarchical, but as leftists have taken it over, they have done nothing to make it more egalitarian. A degree from Harvard still counts as more valuable than a degree from some place like Kansas or Wyoming. Nor have tenured leftists done anything to help the exploited adjuncts at the bottom. They don’t care at all.

  51. @Dragoslav

    The culprits of denaturation are evil. Definitely not clowns, which are harmless creeps.

    •�Replies: @GomezAdddams
  52. @anonymous

    Ah…Trump really isn’t the answer. Well unless you want a Zionist favoring solution, then Trump would be your man.

  53. S. Thomas says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    Religious Jews are just 1.7% of the US population. Non-religious Jews are 0.6%. All the nonsense here about Jews controlling the world is just that — nonsense. Generally speaking, they are smarter and more successful than you, that’s all. And they’re white.

  54. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Thank you jobless loser for ridding the world of a race traitor

    Uh oh, he finally crossed the red line. You can harass whites but not Jews.

    What’s next? Coal Black than Snow White? Sleeping Booty?

  55. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    But does it name the Jewish Power?

  56. whew says:

    “fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me”

    it’s easy to fool someone, especially a person who is honest since we all project and honest people expect honesty. when the jew is kicked out, after fooling us, the communal memory eventually vanishes, and that’s when the rat returns since it is like fooling a new person again. we must make sure this never happens again, and the next time the rat is kicked out, it stays that way.

    •�Agree: Carroll Price
  57. “Political Power Comes out of the Barrel of a Gun.”

    Mao TseDong.

  58. “He rejected the girl’s repeated pleas for freedom and told her that she was now his “new family.””

    Perhaps now he can be surrounded by like minded beasts in men’s prison where they can refresh their libido by watching porn while assaulting him for 27 hours to see how he likes it.

    •�Replies: @Cassandre
  59. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Sometimes the jivers got more balls

  60. @Realist

    Stifle it jewboy. Propaganda and easy living allowed it to happen. Something is wrong with you.

  61. Lydia says:

    Read the Olivet Discourse Matthew 24 and Luke 21 for how strongly our Lord Jesus warned of the deception in the endtimes and don’t depend on just one type of source for information. If possible, Jesus said, even the very elect would be deceived.
    All of this is in Anatoliy Golisyn’s work New Lies for Old.

    The information that eludes you is the answer to the question: who owns the Communist Revolution? Was it the Bolsheviks who seized power in Russia 1917? Or was it the Judaic Supremacy and its banking cartel which owns the Western ZOGs as vassal states through that cartel? Answer this question correctly and you will understand the scenery (ie Potemkin village) has changed in Russia.

    It is as much owned by a Jew Bank as any Western ZOG. It gets its script from the same source the Western ZOGs get our script. In the ‘Clash of Civilisations’ blockbuster (I mean this literally) Putin and the RF have a good guy script. And in that script the RF has to look a lot more liberal and ‘multi-polar’. In the previous blockbuster, Hitler had the bad guy script. The Owners run these scticks all the time especially in their run-ups to their world wars.


    Soviets (not Russia) are controlled by zionists even calling Kalergi plan judeo-soviet yet a well known information that SSSR was 1st to recognize Israel isn’t any kind of evidence for this rather than sidekick to support ur weak base.

  62. Agent76 says:

    Nov 1, 2022 UN votes 152 to 5 telling Israel to get rid of its nuclear weapons

    The United Nations General Assembly voted overwhelmingly, 152 to 5, to tell the Israeli apartheid regime to get rid of its nuclear weapons, which are illegal under international law.

    Video Link

    •�Replies: @Gabreal Jones
  63. There is nothing funny about the nation-wrecking rats in JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) when they use mass immigration as a demographic weapon to attack and destroy European Christian nations.


    NEVER AGAIN should any White European Christian or White European Pagan or White European Spiritual Creature who finds the eternal or transcendent in the ineffable mystery of life ever listen to one more goddamn second of any evil and demonic Jew go on and on about what did or did not happen to the Jews before, during or after World War II.


    The evil and demonic JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire uses this rancid propaganda horseshit about this so-called “holocaust” to stifle any and all debates about too many topics such as the nation-wrecking mass immigration invasion and other matters.

    All the Jew sonofabitches are more than welcome to GET THE HELL out of all European Christian nations and stay the Hell out!

    Stop all the holocaust horseshit propaganda and stop giving Israel all that loot!

    The holocaust horseshit propaganda is designed to stifle criticism of the hostile Jew element in the evil and demonic JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire.

    Israel has massive walls and fencing to stop illegal infiltration and the evil and demonic diasporan Jews in JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) keep bringing up the so-called “holocaust” to justify the demographic attacks of mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration.

    JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) is an evil gang of nation-wrecking rats and they are using mass immigration as a demographic weapon to attack and destroy White European Christian nations such as the USA, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Canada, Australia, France…etc.

    JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) is using mass immigration as a demographic weapon to bring on WHITE GENOCIDE in European Christian nations.


    •�Replies: @Ace
  64. Lydia says:

    Many on the left had a heart and the churches failed to help the poor which gave the trojan horse communism a chance and now watch out for the Communitarian trap — Fanatic for Jesus site shows that it is to give the UN a chance to destroy local sovereignty. And the right forget the poor and are not bereans in listening to preachers so they think Israel is that violent and vile little country in the Middle East not our Lord Jesus Christ and His church. the serpent was the most subtle of all the creatures. Jesus warns his church in the Olivet Discourse not to be deceived Luke21.

    A Catholic monk who heard ex-Communist Bella Dodd speak at Fordham University in the 1950s had this to say:

    I listened to that woman for four hours and she had my hair standing on end. Everything she said has been fulfilled to the letter. You would think she was the world’s greatest prophet, but she was no prophet. She was merely exposing the step-by-step battle plan of Communist subversion of the Catholic Church. She explained that of all the world’s religions, the Catholic Church was the only one feared by the Communists, for it was its only effective opponent.

    The whole idea was to destroy, not the institution of the Church, but rather the Faith of the people, and even use the institution of the Church, if possible, to destroy the Faith through the promotion of a pseudo-religion: something that resembled Catholicism but was not the real thing.

    Once the Faith was destroyed, she explained that there would be a guilt complex introduced into the Church…. to label the ‘Church of the past’ as being oppressive, authoritarian, full of prejudices, arrogant in claiming to be the sole possessor of truth, and responsible for the divisions of religious bodies throughout the centuries. This would be necessary in order to shame Church leaders into an ‘openness to the world,’ and to a more flexible attitude toward all religions and philosophies. The Communists would then exploit this openness in order to undermine the Church.

    In the human element of our Church, we are seeing the results of this infiltration coupled with the effects of the pressures of secular materialism and sheer hedonism in the popular culture.

    The Revolution: “The Spirit of Vatican II”

    The adherents of these ideas gained more and more power over time, fueled by Masonry and taking on guises as apparently disparate as Communism and usurious Capitalism (where usurious — and not the idea the market determining wages, prices, and production — is key). Most importantly, the Modernist enemies of Christ have even infiltrated into the human element of the Church itself. Pope St. Pius X warned about this in his 1907 encylical about Modernism, Pascendi Dominici Gregis:

    …the number of the enemies of the Cross of Christ has in these last days increased exceedingly, who are striving, by arts, entirely new and full of subtlety, to destroy the vital energy of the Church, and, if they can, to overthrow utterly Christ’s kingdom itself. Wherefore We may no longer be silent, lest We should seem to fail in Our most sacred duty, and lest the kindness that, in the hope of wiser counsels, We have hitherto shown them, should be attributed to forgetfulness of Our office.

    That We make no delay in this matter is rendered necessary especially by the fact that the partisans of error are to be sought not only among the Church’s open enemies; they lie hid, a thing to be deeply deplored and feared, in her very bosom and heart, and are the more mischievous, the less conspicuously they appear. We allude, Venerable Brethren, to many who belong to the Catholic laity, nay, and this is far more lamentable, to the ranks of the priesthood itself, who, feigning a love for the Church, lacking the firm protection of philosophy and theology, nay more, thoroughly imbued with the poisonous doctrines taught by the enemies of the Church, and lost to all sense of modesty, vaunt themselves as reformers of the Church; and, forming more boldly into line of attack, assail all that is most sacred in the work of Christ, not sparing even the person of the Divine Redeemer, whom, with sacrilegious daring, they reduce to a simple, mere man…

  65. @S. Thomas

    You don’t know how many Jews live in the US. Can you prove your statistic? If they come from a Jewish site, they are very suspect.

  66. @Realist

    “So you agree with me most are stupid.”
    Don’t be stupid and conflate trust with stupidity, or charity with treachery.
    So if One approaches a homeless man with some food and drink and gets punched in the eye, is that being stupid, knowing that many homeless have gratefully accepted charity.
    Is America and Germany stupid for allowing Jews to prosper amongst them or is it the fault of the psychopathic group of Jews who abuse kindness and pay it back in treachery.
    Psychopaths are in every society and religion. it’s a human condition. The difference is the Jewish religion especially the satanic Talmud, seems to egg on and encourage psychopathy.
    Psychopathy is the absence of any empathy.

    •�Agree: HdC
  67. Lydia says:

    02 Jun 2023


    Stefanos Foundation / Release International
    Fulani militants have been attacking Christian villages in Mangu, central Nigeria. The latest wave of attacks on some 30 villages began on May 16 and killed at least 125. Similar attacks over the same period claimed another 43 lives. Partners of UK-based Release International have been providing emergency relief aid.

    Children were killed and injured during the attack on Mangu. Among them 8-month-old baby, Precious Mani. Precious was shot twice but survived. Her parents and five siblings were among the dead in the attack on Nbun Ward in May.

    One survivor from the village of Jwakom, told Release International’s partners: ‘We saw people running and started to hear consistent gunshots. Our men told us to go. We all fled. We barely survived.’

    Names have been omitted for these witnesses’ protection.


    Stefanos Foundation / Release International
    The only doctor in one village said the first victims were brought to his small hospital on May 23. He said: ‘We lost two from extensive gunshot injuries. One had a wound which went in one side of his chest and came out the other. He died. Another with bullet wounds to the neck also died.’

    The doctor described the hospital as inundated. ‘Simple things like gloves, sutures, antibiotics, items for those with machete wounds – we have exhausted them all.’

    Release International partners Stefanos Foundation have given medical supplies to the hospital.

    A mother whose oldest child was killed in the attack said: ‘We started hearing gunshots in the night at around midnight. My grandmother and the girl who stays with me were killed, along with my first born. My 5-year-old has been seriously wounded, too. He’s in great pain.’

    Attackers were neighbours

    Stefanos Foundation / Release International
    She identified the attackers as militant Fulani herders. ‘They are our neighbours,’ she said. ‘Our house is just besides theirs. They called my son by name.’

    Another woman also identified the attackers as Fulani militants. She prays for God to change their hearts: ‘God, please meet them wherever they are, this is my prayer. Because if they don’t have changed hearts, they will continue in wickedness. I’ve never known people to be wicked like this. It shocked me.’

    UK-based Release International has launched a major campaign to help victims of the violence in Nigeria, called Out of these ashes. Speakers from Nigeria and elsewhere will be live streamed from Eastbourne on June 29, which is designated internationally as Day of the Christian Martyr.

    Nigeria campaign

    Addressing the event about the situation in Nigeria will be the Venerable Mark Mukan, Director of Mission Operations at the Anglican Diocese of Jos. Rev Mukan trains Christian pastors and church leaders to serve the people of Nigeria even under attack.

    The latest attacks in Mangu are part of an escalation in violence which has been continuing for 20 years, says Release International partner, Archbishop Ben Kwashi.

    He says: ‘We have come to another season of constant attacks on Christian villages and Christian people in central Nigeria. In April, in Benue, attacks left over 134 people dead, in systematic, calculated, well-planned killings, targeted at people who are either asleep or in their farms.

    ‘The consistency with which these attacks have gone for nearly 20 years is a sad commentary on the leadership of Nigeria, who do not care about the poor and vulnerable, especially farmers in the villages.

    ‘We as Christians in the Middle Belt in northern Nigeria are asking for concerted prayer because the devastation is beyond human ability to bear. Please also pray that the church will preach the gospel of salvation.’

    ‘Another season of attacks on Christian villages.’ Archbishop Ben Kwashi

    1000+ killed in 2023

    According to Nigerian NGO Intersociety, 1080 Christians have been killed in attacks in the first quarter of 2023 alone. In the previous year, 5100 were killed in attacks by Boko Haram, Islamic State West Africa, and Fulani militants.

    Nigerian journalist Masara Kim told The Epoch Times that journalists and military came under heavy gunfire from some 500 Fulani in Kyampus.

    By the time the reporters arrived with 100 soldiers and policemen, the attackers had set fire to up to 300 houses in the town. Ten local youths had tried unsuccessfully to defend the area with hunting rifles and homemade guns.

    While the journalists were filming, Kim says: ‘The terrorists, who had retreated to the western edge of town and hidden behind trees, unleashed automatic gunfire and advanced to retake control of the town. The black-clad terrorists were shouting “Allahu Akbar” [Allah is greater].’

    The military were forced to retreat after running low on ammunition. 125 people died in that attack alone.



    •�Replies: @Lydia
  68. Brosi says:

    Stalin, “Son of Jew”, almost certainly a C-Jew, murdered millions and millions and millions of Russians to help the Jews establish and maintain control of the USSR and Russia.

    •�Replies: @GomezAdddams
  69. @HBM

    I keep wondering what will happen first: A total Russian victory in Ukraine, and the resulting collapse of NATO – OR the implosion of the debt-ridden, US economy and civil war. Maybe they’ll happen at the same time.

    •�Agree: GomezAdddams
    •�Replies: @Z-man
  70. @HBM

    Think of the Jews gangs (Kosher Nostra) and the Whites as ( Sicilians mafia).
    Both flourished in America at the same time, but the Jewish gangsters have survived and are today the top tier in Biden’s administration, while the Italian gangsters have been hunted down in both Sicily- Italy and the USA.
    The Kosher Nostra went into politics, blackmail and invested heavily into dis-info and intelligence gathering, while the stupid catholic Sicilian-Italian mafia never ever had a clue and so almost all casinos today are controlled by the Jews.
    The war of independence (2nd war of Independence) can only be won if the American patriots can identify the source of evil that’s infecting their land.

    •�Agree: Alternate History
  71. Lydia says:

    The only way to resist is spiritual and Christian. If you try to build your own kingdom it ends by being satan’s. Must try to build God’s Kingdom.

    Fr. Mawdsley has videos on resisting the globalists on youtube, he asks for prayers for conversion of the Jews, the ancient prayer of the church which the jewish leaders seem to be afraid of and he has other ideas many are self-sacrificial but so is joining any military.

    Catholic-Jewish dialogue? Its limits, its goal. Listening to rabbis. Praying right on Good Friday.

    Video LinkScripture and Tradition

    Video Link
    State leaders and bishops alike are crushing their own people. They despise their own people. Useless responses to tyranny include:

    1) Appeasement
    2) Waiting for it to pass
    3) Leaving it to others to act
    4) Sinking into hatred

    “Put not your trust in princes: In the children of men, in whom there is no salvation.” (Ps 145:2-3)

    Catholic World News

    Jewish leaders cannot accept a prayer for conversion

    by Phil Lawler

    Feb. 7, 2008


    Jewish leaders wanted Pope Benedict XVI (bio – news) to change the wording of the prayer for Jews in the traditional Good Friday liturgy. The Pope honored their request; he made a change. But the Jewish leaders aren’t happy.

    “While we appreciate that the text avoids any derogatory language toward Jews, it’s regretful that the prayer explicitly calls for Jews to accept Christianity,” said Rabbi David Rosen, the director of inter-religious affairs for the American Jewish Committee. He said that he had hoped for a more explicit Catholic recognition of “the value of the Torah as the vehicle of salvation for the Jewish people.”

    Unfortunately, what Rabbi Rosen wanted was a statement incompatible with the Catholic faith. Jesus Christ and his Church offer the one means of salvation– for Christians, for Jews, for everyone. To suggest that some people can follow an alternative path to salvation would require renunciation of a central Christian dogma.

    In amending the Good Friday prayer, Pope Benedict eliminated a reference to the “blindness” of the Jews, clearly hoping to avoid giving offense. But the revised prayer still includes an unmistakably clear plea “that God our Lord might enlighten their hearts, so that they might know Jesus Christ as the Savior of all mankind.”


    Posted by: – Feb. 08, 2008
    I agree with Leo XVIII, except for the fact that I don’t think it is ever possible to make these leaders happy. They always seem to demand more while acquiescing little, or nothing at all. I myself believe it has something to do with a metaphysical lack of infused charity. And BTW, they routinely misrepresent Nostra Aetate, concluding that it says pretty much the opposite of what it actually says. The Catholic Church is the New Israel, and Jesus Christ is the only means of salvation.

    In amending the Good Friday prayer, Pope Benedict eliminated a reference to the “blindness” of the Jews, clearly hoping to avoid giving offense. But the revised prayer still includes an unmistakably clear plea “that God our Lord might enlighten their hearts, so that they might know Jesus Christ as the Savior of all mankind.”

    When we Christians offer this prayer, we are not showing contempt for Jews, but love. Loving our neighbors means wanting what is best for them, and we know that what is best for the Jewish people, in the long run, is incorporation into the Body of Christ: membership in the Church, which offers, in the sacraments, the sure means of attaining salvation. If we failed to pray for the conversion of Jews, that would be a sign of our indifference or worse.

    Using the revised language the Pope Benedict has authorized, Catholics who use the 1962 Roman Missal for Good Friday services will continue to pray earnestly for Jews, using language that has now been purged of the words that might have caused unnecessary offense. The Pope has taken a remarkable initiative, making a unilateral gesture to accommodate the concerns expressed by some world Jewish leaders. And the result?

    In Italy, the Rabbinical Assembly announced that the Pope’s gesture was “an abandonment of the very conditions for dialogue” and announced a pause in talks with the Catholic Church. In the US, Abraham Foxman, the outspoken director of the Anti-Defamation League, said that his group was “deeply troubled and disappointed” by the prayer for conversion, and said the changes made by Pope Benedict were merely “cosmetic revisions.”

    Cardinal Walter Kasper (bio – news), the president of the Pontifical Council for Inter-Religious Affairs– and a prelate known for his friendly approach to Jewish interlocutors– was taken aback by these angry reactions. “I do not understand why Jews cannot accept this,” he told Corriere della Sera. Jewish leaders should recognize that the prayers of the Catholic liturgy will match the doctrine of the Catholic Church, Cardinal Kasper told the Italian daily. “We are free to formulate our own prayers.”

    Elaborating on the point during an interview broadcast on Vatican Radio, Cardinal Kasper explained that in revising the Good Friday prayer: “The Holy Father wanted to say, ‘Yes, Jesus Christ is the savior of all men– including the Jews.’”

    Is it a surprise that Catholics proclaim Jesus Christ as the only savior of the world? It should not be. In his criticism of the amended prayer, Rabbi Rosen observed that the language “differs greatly from the text in the current universal liturgy that prays for the salvation of the Jews in general terms.” That observation is accurate– and it is an indictment of the language in the Novus Ordo prayer.

    Abraham Foxman also noticed the difference between the prayer of the 1962 Missal, even in its revised form, and the language used in most Catholic churches today. The older prayer, he said is “a major departure from the teachings and actions of Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul II (bio – news), and numerous authoritative Catholic documents, including Nostra Aetate (doc).” Here Foxman moves out of the region of hyperbole and into the realm of nonsense. The language of the 1962 Missal, with its petition for the conversion of Jews, has been used constantly in the Catholic Church. It was used in some churches, with full ecclesiastical approval, during the pontificates of Paul VI and John Paul II. It was used by the fathers of Vatican II, who approved Nostra Aetate. The language approved by Pope Benedict XVI is not a departure from Church teaching, but an affirmation of the entire Catholic tradition.


  72. anonymous[109] •�Disclaimer says:

    No, they never speak out.

  73. Sackler Organized Crime Syndicate Are Drug Dealer Jew Scumbag Rats

    The Jew Sackler Organized Crime Syndicate is killing weak boobs who crave drugs. I don’t care if the drugged out zombies are White or Black or whatever, it ain’t decent to money-grub and clam rake loot by profiteering from the drug trade.

    Trump is highly involved in drug dealer business with Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer and others.

    Now let’s look into all the old money WASP rats whose loot came from selling drugs to weak boobs who crave drugs. How about HARVARD? Cabot rats and Lowell scum were nothing but drug dealing scumbags.

    The JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire is an accelerating, out of control train and the bridge is out.

    •�Thanks: Thomasina
    •�Replies: @Z-man
  74. Right out of the Protocols

    •�Agree: Alternate History, Rurik
  75. Thomasina says:

    “…amazing how someone can be a master of social intelligence and be at retardation levels of cognition.”

    I agree, Trump squandered the incredible power he held in his hands. Of course, it was his social capital that got him there (a less adept person would have twisted in the wind), but then he didn’t know what to do with it. He doesn’t realize the seriousness of the situation. I doubt he’s ever studied history, so therefore he can’t see it repeating. Has he even read the Constitution? Does he recognize its importance? Does he really appreciate the Rule of Law?

    He at least travelled through the Rust Belt, saw the damage and did want to change things, but he was up against people like McConnell and Schumer who would have been whispering in his ear about the importance of “democracy”, the sanctity of elections, and how the status quo must be maintained, blah, blah. Trump doesn’t know enough. Plus, he’s a member of the elite himself, so he has a lot to lose, and the jackals in Washington will strip him clean if he gets too far over his skis.

    Trump was more an “Exposer in Chief”, the joker who pointed out what was wrong. I hope he will lend his support to whoever comes next.

    But I think we make a mistake by using the words “clown world”, which just makes it all sound like silliness and play. It is anything, but. We are up against sociopaths who are using BLM, Antifa, the Trans movement (and the rest of clown world) as a mask or screen to hide their true intentions. If you ignore clown world and look behind it, what do you see?

    Call these people what they are – predators. These predators are hunting their prey. That prey is us. This is a war, not a game.

    •�Agree: follyofwar
  76. More people are waking up to the Clown World. There will be a backlash.

  77. According to the films of Pasolini and Bertolucci I used to watch it was the rightwing fascists that were the evil perverted sicko degenerate disgusting child abductors, abusers, rapists and murderers. So now Tobias calls them “leftists”. But do the people he talks about have any ideology or politics? Seems to me they’re just sexual criminals. And how are leftists enabling them more than rightists? It is the Conservatives that have been in power in the UK for a long time.

    •�Replies: @Wielgus
  78. JimDandy says:
    @Richard B

    Yeah, but none of that negates the validity of his question: Why did gentiles allow it?

    •�Replies: @bobby pellit
  79. Protogonus says: •�Website

    If it was an ethnic-criminal problem, the law-abiding could simply arrest them under well-defined laws, try, and execute the guilty. It’s been tried and they come back like rats.

    No, the problem is a mental, inhuman ideology (talmudism) that must be combatted with weapons of the spirit (the universal mind). For the history going back centuries and the current dangerous manifestation, see:


    Note that to read the article, simply SCROLL DOWN; no sign-in is necessary. Thanks.

  80. Z-man says:

    Yes, it will be glorious, epochal. A race to the finish.

    •�Agree: Rurik
  81. Lydia says:

    POMPEO: New Emails Show Biden Team More Focused on Promoting Woke Agenda Than Addressing Murder of Countless Christians in Nigeria

    Mike Pompeo, Senior Counsel for Global Affairs

    I posted information about Nigerian persecution in this Unz thread because of this petition then had second thought when I remembered some of the things about Pompeo but the basic facts of the terrible persecution of Christians is accurate and even alternate sites don’t write of it.

    Bootlicker Pompeo says Israel is ‘all the Middle East needs to move forward’

    Fri, Oct 12 2018 15:06 UTC
    Arguing this idea, the US Secretary of State affirmed that Israel is a “democratic and prosperous” state that “desires peace.”


    Israel, according to its own calculations, has attacked two hundred Iranian military objects in Syrian territory in the last two years.


    Nigerian Christians are being slaughtered, yet the Nigerian government and the Biden Administration continue to put their collective heads in the sand about it. Unless they face reality and take strong action, I fear things are only going to get worse.

    Last year, according to the human rights group Open Doors, 90% of Christians murdered for their faith worldwide were killed in Nigeria. Read that number again: 90%. This staggering number is up from 80% just one year before. We should remember that Christians comprise nearly half the population of Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa by far. Yet the Nigerian government – in fear of the radical Islamic militants who continue to pour in through the country’s northern border – continues to persist in its official stance of denial of religious persecution.

    Outrageously, the Biden Administration continues to affirm this denial instead of holding the Nigerian government accountable, as we did in the Trump Administration. We knew Nigeria was tolerating the systematic, violent persecution of its Christians. My team and I at the State Department placed Nigeria’s government on the Countries of Particular Concern (CPC) list so that we could impose serious consequences if it did not confront the evil extremist groups metastasizing within its borders.

    As I’ve said before, the work that the ACLJ did was very informative for our team at the State Department when we began to evaluate whether or not to designate Nigeria as a CPC. The ACLJ contributed to the data set that underlaid the decision I made.

    Unfortunately and predictably, Team Biden not only reversed our good work but also failed to replace it with anything meaningful.

    According to emails recently obtained by ACLJ through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) process, the Biden Administration seems more worried about promoting its woke agenda than securing religious freedom. In the months leading up to the decision to remove Nigeria from the CPC list, Biden’s State Department was considering funding woke projects, like a documentary series meant to “penetrate and analyze the complex and rather phony religious charade that has come to define a large part of [Nigerian] society.

    Another project under consideration included investigating “social constructs” in Nigeria such as “gender roles.” Regardless of whether these projects were eventually pursued, the very fact that the State Department was wasting time considering them while ignoring staggering persecution is a clear indictment of its priorities.

    Let’s be perfectly clear though: The Biden Administration’s approach is intentional. Its continued failure to fight for religious freedom abroad is symptomatic of the progressive ideology to which it subscribes. Top leaders in this Administration simply do not believe that religion matters. They view religious faith as either one of many different cultural characteristics, or as an unfortunate feature of a backward society trapped in the past. Progressive ideology demands its adherents discount the truth and value of religious faith and, instead, view every conflict through the prisms of race, ethnicity, and gender.

    This shift in focus at the highest levels of our government has had devastating consequences. It means the Biden Administration is woefully unprepared to deal with the very real problem of rising Islamic terror against Christians, because it cannot even acknowledge that persecution is occurring for religious reasons. Time and again, we have seen this Administration trot out absurd platitudes, claiming issues like climate change and economic inequality are the real drivers of instability and that terror groups merely take advantage of it. Team Biden said as much in its recently published strategy toward Sub-Saharan Africa, where securing religious freedom wasn’t even mentioned. Instead, proposed policy solutions centered on what were apparently more important matters, like reducing carbon emissions.

    The Biden Administration is simply out of touch with reality. Over the past year, acts of terror and violence by militant Islamic groups in Sub-Saharan Africa – including the Islamic State in West Africa, Fulani Herdsmen, and Boko Haram – increased by 22%. The resulting fatalities increased by nearly half. And according to the Global Terrorism Index, Sub-Saharan Africa has now become the “new epicenter of terrorism,” and all on the Biden Administration’s watch. This is happening in part because the Biden Administration signaled to African nations like Nigeria that it doesn’t really care whether they allow terror and persecution to fester inside their countries.

    A foreign policy that takes seriously the issue of ensuring religious freedom elsewhere in the world is critical to serving America’s interests. The Biden Administration’s continued ignorance of the persecution of Nigeria’s Christians – and its failure to promote and defend religious freedom as a core tenet of America’s foreign policy – betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of how the world orders itself outside the narrow corridors of the Beltway. We must continue to push for the Biden Administration to recognize this grave error and take real action in Nigeria, which will save lives.

    Mike Pompeo, Senior Counsel for Global Affairs

    Mike Pompeo is the former Secretary of State and former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). He is currently Senior Counsel for Global Affairs at the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ).
    I have read a comment that the number of Iranian converts to Christianity could be used as an excuse to invade that country. But we can’t ignore what is going on in Nigeria for many years before Biden admin and getting so much worse.

    Prayer and Encouragement https://www.christianforums.com/threads/persecuted-church.8275444/

  82. Civil Disobedience to those Jews and their puppets in power in the United States.

    Jews at the top do not have the necessary reach if everyone below them does not comply with their orders.

    For more enforcement—ridicule these powerful Jews, including the Biden puppet, behind their backs and to their face.

  83. Wielgus says:
    @Commentator Mike

    Jimmy Savile gained a knighthood at Margaret Thatcher’s request, after some resistance from the Civil Service. He once said he supported Conservatism because it was about “freedom”. Cyril Smith, another pervert, was a Liberal MP but a right-wing one, he was the only Liberal MP who wanted to bring back the death penalty.

    •�Thanks: Commentator Mike
    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  84. @S. Thomas

    the Jewish 2% controls the Commanding Heights:

    1. the Third Rothschild National Bank money machine, alias “Federal Reserve”, since it’s 1913 inception @ Jeckyl Island. It’s also the principal gubmint debt warehouse.

    2. by controlling money and debt, the Jews bought/control

    3. the mass media and

    4. the entire political class.

    when (((you))) control the money, the media, and the political class,

    (((you))) rule.

    as to white-hating, white-genociding Jewry being “white”, that’s an obvious scam. The ashkenaz, about 90% of US and international Jewry, are out of west central asia via the c. 700 AD Khazar conversion. The original (sephardic/mizrahic) Jews are from the Middle East. And don’t bother quoting (((wikipedia))) to me about the “Khazar Hypothesis” being “disproven”. Wiki (see above) is just more Jew-owned media, and Aram Alhaik’s genetic studies conclusively prove the Khazarian origins of the ashkenaz.

  85. Anon[232] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Priss Factor

    So BLM is like Trump life matter – I mean his presidency or staying out of jail matter .

    Blacks and MAGA both fell for the con artists both and proved to be a sucker .

  86. 1800words says:

    UR = jew–pageantry((def (3): “Empty show; flashy display”))?


    Guy in cave call Laden brings down their asbestos laden wtc?

  87. Mac_ says:

    The stupid label ‘gentiles’ is an insult concocted by the cons. The word ‘elites’ is a con concocted by cons. Claiming ‘its an elite question’ is condescending nonsense ignoring natural law responsibilty to fight down those doing threats and destruction and caiming to be ‘eleetz’. They are psycho frauds as others are lazy selfish go alongs failing to act, offense in defense.

    Short time to grow up and cease pandering.

  88. Rurik says:

    Excellent and cogent comment, Miro23

    my only quibble would be with this

    the US Jewish elite are basically looters and have no interest in the “deplorable” lower 50%.

    if only they had no interest in them!

    rather, they hate them, with an unbounded malevolence that can only be all too obvious from the treatment they dish out to the ‘deporables’ at every opportunity.

    It is my sincere belief, that if our Jewish elite could arrange for every ‘deplorable’ in the country to receive the Channon Christian or Johnathan Foster treatment, they would.

    And the proof of that, is in how many people have heard of Channon Christian or Jonathan Foster,


    how many have heard of Travon or George Floyd.

    Jews own and control our media. (I know, the biggest ‘duh’ there is).

    But by knowing that, we can see their id on display every time they use their media to bullhorn their agenda, or to silence any story they consider inconvenient.

    If every girl in Yorkshire were to be raped by orcs to death, I really don’t think the Jewish elite would have ‘no interest’ in that. Rather, I think they’d be beyond ecstatic. In fact and indeed, this is exactly what they’re ultimately working daily and by the minute, to accomplish.

    •�Agree: Ace
  89. Ace says:

    You would think that is the most natural inclination imaginable. Granted electoral politics are unique in their ability to select for greed, malevolence, and stupidity on a large. Scale. Still, you’d think there would always be a dim awareness a Cloward-Piven strategy makes ALL trade and services disappear.

    But, no. Whether it’s Ukraine, open borders, debt, public order, family security, functioning economy, promotion of manufacturing, popular culture, or race realism you can be sure that the absolute lunatic choice will be made by the elites every time.

  90. Richard B says:

    We’re ruled by Jew-designed ideologies – black supremacism, transgenderism, feminism – whose elite enforcers are as evil and arrogant as they are incompetent and inept.

    In short, we’re ruled by Chutzpah Inc.

    Chutzpah Inc. is characterized by its bold inversion of reality. The combination of arrogance and incompetence that Tobias mentions is what keeps them from spotting some of the more glaring violations of their own logic. Sadly, it’s kept not a few of their intended targets, or designated scapegoats, from spotting them too. No doubt a case of bonding with one’s abuser. Lots of that going on these days.

    The most glaring paralogism is this:

    The fact that Identity Politics is the dominant explanatory system in the entire Western world undermines the Oppressor/Oppressed argument upon which that explanation is based.

    How can anything dominant be oppressed?

    Worse, if the Oppressor/Oppressed system were true Identity Politics wouldn’t even exist. Because the oppressor would never allow the oppressed a voice long enough to so much as even formulate the “argument”, let alone advance it to the point of dominance.

    And dominant is the right word. Identity Politics is the only authorized explanatory system of an antiwhite elite that has complete institutional power and cultural control.

    So much for White Supremacy.

    Moreover, it is presented as a completely coherent explanation of the world. And this in the teeth of the fact that it is at its core incoherent. In as much as nothing dominant can be oppressed. So, it’s not just incoherent with itself, it’s idiotic.

    An incoherent, contradictory, and laughably self-refuting explanation of the world masquerading as the ultimate truth is the beating heart of the Idiocracy now being imposed on the West by force. In short, it’s the beating heart of Chutzpah Inc.

    Clown World, indeed! What do you think it’s chances are of survival?

    I’ll answer that in a follow-up comment. Until then!

    •�Replies: @Richard B
  91. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Awesome. Defund the police.

  92. Richard B says:
    @Richard B

    What do you think it’s chances are of survival?

    The short answer is, It’s already dying. That’s why, though it’s supported by a worshipful cult, it still has to be imposed by force.

    The longer answer is, Chutzpah Inc.’s attempt to impose a social order that is both free from audit, and sustained by force, has only increased the uncontrolled exercise of naked power. Since they obviously have zero interest (or acquired skill) in effective social management. Just look around. They can’t even control those areas of human activity and social interaction that they’re interested in. This is the explanation for why their obvious interest in Full Spectrum Dominance is really just Full Spectrum Destruction.

    And it’s that force – constantly applied – that makes even the relatively healthy functioning of the social institutions it now controls an impossibility.

    Of course, survival has to do with adaptation. From this perspective, an explanation of the world is properly seen as an adaptational mechanism, or, mode of adaptation.

    Even if grounded in reality it still isn’t going to be perfect and final. Simply because nothing human can be either. But especially a mode of verbal behavior. Which is all any explanation of the world is. But is has to be at least grounded in reality.

    An explanation is successful to the extent it satisfies the human drive toward reality.
    But Chutzpah Inc.’s isn’t based on reality at all. So it’s maladaptive. And as such represents the only real existential threat to the human race. It very well may be.


  93. Ace says:
    @Charles Pewitt

    Mass third-world immigration, especially from Muslim countries, can only be the result of a profound malevolence. Similarly, the internal rot, the debasement of women, the transformation of San Francisco into an open sewer, the deindustrialization of a great manufacturing power, inter alia, can only be explained by the workings of a distilled hatred. The question then is in whom is there such a hatred.

  94. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    White values are downstream from Jewish demands.

  95. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    It’s good to be the king.

    Clown World in India

  96. anonymous[869] •�Disclaimer says:

    Ever since the early 1990s and the election of Barack Obama, the topic of the UNITARY Executive has been gaining traction. Today after the questionable (se)lection of Joe Biden the depts of AG/DOJ/FBI/NSA/CIA/ have been openly engaging in the progressive dismantling of the USA weak Constitutional Order/Bill of Rights.. The J6 circus, the mass arrests of WHITE/conservative, prolife activists under the ghost charges of invented White Supremacy, all those FACTS are defining a clear pattern of growing FASCISM in America. As in Europe/Asia/Latin America…the traditional Binary left/right model has been exhausted Gop/DEM. In the USA we had seen the rise of the MAGA movement which is a clear expression that Americans NO longer feel represented by either political party. In spite of this dangerous situation in which the population (70%) do NOT trust their own govt, many believe that ELECTIONS are fraudulent, AG/DOJ are corrupt, the govt has escalated with more repressive measures further alienating the (we) the people of the USA. Constant attacks against the (Christian) SCOTUS, encouraging terrorism, doxxing, vaxxing, censorship (Carlson), ..IT is obvious the USA is moving progressively into a Tyrannical/Jewish oligarchical order which demands the destruction of the American Constitution.

    •�Agree: JimDandy
  97. anon[488] •�Disclaimer says:

    Another (((Clown))) Ben ((($hapiro))) put out some ‘what is a cabbage’ type nonsense video 2 promote their zionist war-mongering routine . . . as if he is even against gays =)) He just uses them (& other things) as an excuse 2 push more (((Endle$$ War$ 4 I$ra-Hell))), etc.

    Ben Shapiro
    Contact Message Ben Shapiro, documentary filmmaker and audio/radio creator:
    Thank you. Your information has been submitted.
    from Dood McMan

    Forwarded 2 them . . .
    Sent 2 Makow: LOL @ ((($hapiro))) With His ‘Bomb Russia 2 Fight The Trannies’ Routine =))
    Jun 2 at 5:28 PM

    To: (Henry (((Makow))) address =)

    “Twitter Cancels Deal With The Daily Wire To Stream ‘What Is A Woman?’ Over ‘Misgendering,’ Will Label Film ‘Hateful Conduct’

    “The groundbreaking documentary released last summer was watched by people in over 70 countries, even as legacy media reviewers ignored the film and its effect on the culture. Soon after its release, “What is a Woman?” became the most-watched movie at home, according to Rotten Tomatoes, which also showed that audiences scored the film with a 97% rating.


    = “If they have a dik they’re not a girl. OK now go mass murder Chinese people, GOY! =)) & don’t 4 get 2 blow up lots of Arabs while you’re at it! =D GOY!! Only by nuking Russia can we save the world from #TheFaggotMenace =;-o G O Y ! ! !
    = The endless gift of war-mongering ((($atanism))) from ((($hill-Tard $hapiro))) =))
    = Like we need hours of video from some war-pushing kike 2 ‘discover’ what a ‘woman’ is HAHAHAHA Put out a video series on ‘what is a banana’ next? ‘Bananas are a yellow tasty fruit = now GO MASS MURDER MORE ARABS YOU PATHETIC WHITE SCUM!! =))

    (((Ben $hapiro))) is another joke that keeps on giving! =)) ~> https://justpaste.it/4d74h

    (((Prager U.))) & assorted ((($hill$cam$))) & Glorious Gloria Alvarez ~> https://justpaste.it/1i5lr


    “Latest! Musk fired Twitter’s Head of Trust and Safety (sic) Ella Irwin for this decision.


  98. @Brosi

    Stalin slaughtered fewer than USA has done in the last 50 years – Korea- Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia- ndonesia ( Ouch)- Somalia- Sudan – Iraq ( WMD)- Afghantistan- Syria- Libya ( we came we saw he died –ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha) – Ukraine – Serbia- —-

    •�Replies: @Brosi
  99. @Jim H

    Arati Prabhakar—-must have been born in Vancouver.

  100. Wow. It was great to be tutored by someone who is an expert in everything. Thank you so much!

  101. @Old and Grumpy

    “I certainly raised concerns that we have around some of the reports coming out of Poland around LGBTQ2S+ rights, around democracy, and we had a frank conversation, as must be the case,” Trudeau is what USA needs today–a leader who rides a unicycle twirling batons in each hand and does not fall down on a stage talking to air cadets.

    BIG Counter-offensive that Zylenskyy is setting up for April —-he must have meant 2024 – April 2024.

    Clowns are everywhere and .that square head leading Germany- the Pension denier in Prris and Rishi in London—-are likewise a crew fixed on fixing nothing.

  102. Z-man says:
    @Charles Pewitt

    Just this should trigger a real holocaust (revolution, to be PC).

  103. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    White men are such clowns.

    Jews say they have the right to act like nazis cuz of holocaust.

    Okay, you can’t top this for clown world.

  104. Mefobills says:
    @Reformed Maniac

    Read the “Nameless War” by Ramsay. You cannot figure out that which has no name.

    The same nameless tactics were aimed at US, and it was undone by 1912.

  105. Cassandre says:

    Trump was selected for the same reason Biden was selected. He’s incompetent.

    That’s what you get when the mice select the cat.

    •�Agree: Thomasina
    •�Thanks: Lancelot_Link
  106. Cassandre says:
    @S. Thomas

    “Just start your own bank!”

  107. Seraphim says:

    The ‘clown world’ is a feature of any end of a cycle (of a ‘world’, ‘era’, ‘aeon’). A ‘Saturnalia’, ‘Carnival’, where everything is turned upside down (transvestism is part and parcel of any carnival). The buffoon was proclaimed king and allowed to preform all possible mischief (among others, exhibiting his phallus – Zelensky everyone?), people feigned adulation for the ‘king’ who allowed them to play out all their repressed fantasies (mostly sexual, of course). But in the end the buffoon was killed (really or in effigy).
    But, ‘white supremacism’ with its ‘wodenism’ belongs to the same ‘clown world’ as ‘wokenism’.

  108. Brosi says:

    LOL. One man, Stalin, murdering more people that he professed to lead, in a few decades than the US did in half of a century, does not make a right.

    But here is the real rub: Many, if not a majority, of Americans will admit that the US has murdered millions across the planet. Only a tiny minority of Russians will admit what Stalin and his Jewish Cabal did to Russia alone, let alone to Germany and Eastern Europe.

    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  109. Cassandre says:

    He’d enjoy prison. If you really want to punish him, force him to read The Unz Review.

  110. KB5000 says:

    Death to the clowns. Calling them clowns downplays the seriousness of what they’ve done to us, to our families, and to our country. They aren’t kidding around. They can’t be negotiated with, and they will not make any concessions. They want whatever property, possessions, employment, family, friends, or dignity you have left. And they will deploy their mentally ill, homeless, black foot soldiers to do the dirty work for them, the cowardly animals.

    They’ve convinced two generations of women and girls that slaving away and breaking their backs as waitresses and servers and other menial tasks is preferable to having a husband, family, and warm, safe home. We know what the problem is, but what are we supposed to do to stop it, and them?

    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  111. @Wielgus

    Henry Makow recently reported that Scott Lively claims that the Nazis raided the Hirshfeld’s Sex Research Institute and burned its books and records to cover up that leading Nazis were members of the institute. I’m reproducing the text of the article below the “more” tag.


    by Henry Makow PhD

    On May 6, 1933, three months after assuming power, the Nazis raided Magnus Hirshfeld’s Sex Research Institute for the study of homosexuality and other sexual dysfunctions.

    They burned the library and records and gave the building to a Nazi organization.

    This has caused many people to praise or condemn the Nazis for burning books and being homophobic.

    But appearances are deceiving. According to Scott Lively (The Poisoned Stream- The Gay Influence on Human History p.94) the Nazis real goal was to destroy evidence that 90% of their leaders, including Hitler, Hess, Himmler and Heydrich, were gay.

    Lively cites Ludwig L. Lenz, the assistant director of the Sex Research Institute who was on duty on the day of the raid:

    “Our institute was used by all classes of the population and members of every political party…We this had many Nazis under treatment at the Institute. Why was it then, since we were completely non-party, that our pureply scientific institute was the first victim which fell to the new regime?

    The answer to this is simple. We knew too much. It would be against medical principles to provide a list of of the Nazi leaders and their perversions [but] not ten per cent of the men who, in 1933, took the fate of Germany into their hands, were sexually normal…

    Many of these personages were known to us directly through consultations; we heard about others from their comrades in the party…and of others, we saw the tragic results…Our knowledge of such intimate secrets …and other documentary material — we possessed about forty thousand confessions and biographical letters– was the cause of the complete and utter destruction of the Institute of Sexology.”


    •�Replies: @Wielgus
  112. bert33 says:

    Reagan closed the asylums and turned the crazies out on main st. and their numbers have increased ever since. No one likes to talk about building new prisons and state hospitals, but they do serve a purpose. And they wonder why people buy guns these days…

  113. @Realist

    Why did the Gentiles allow it?

    Do you blame the victims of child rape and murder too ?

  114. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Classic case of Thanks Jews

  115. Wielgus says:
    @Commentator Mike

    I am pretty sure there were some Nazis with homosexual leanings or a history of experiences, just like there were some with a Jewish grandparent etc. etc., but I am inclined to treat the destruction of the Hirschfeld institute at face value.
    Using claims of homosexuality featured in internal intrigue – rather than burn documents, they would be more likely to hoard them for use against someone who had fallen out of favour. Such documents would have been a treasure trove for the Gestapo and the SS. Lots of Nazis trooping into an institute run by a Jew to detail their experiences and fantasies of a homosexual nature… And leaving a paper trail. Really?

    •�Thanks: Commentator Mike
  116. Johan says:

    “For example the Chinese elite see China as the ethic homeland of the Chinese and are committed to creating a positive environment for the personal development of all Chinese. And it’s worked. According to the World Bank, China has lifted 800 million people out of poverty over the last 40 years. ”

    Freaking idiot.
    After the murderous economic and cultural disaster of communism they had to open the market which the elites destroyed themselves.
    They’r saying: I come rape your family, I come take your land, I totally mess up your economy, I make you poor and unemployed, I destroy your society and culture, and after that I will open up a controlled market and I will call that ‘I lifted you out poverty’.
    That is like almost strangling someone, and when he turns a bit blue release the grip so some life and health returns, and say ‘I saved your life and health.’

    •�Disagree: Billy Bob
    •�LOL: Commentator Mike
  117. Stop referring to these psychopaths as “elites”. It’s obscene and grossly inappropriate. Grow up.

  118. @Johan

    The reality was that China’s drop in mortality rates from 38 per thousand in 1949 to 8.32 in 1974 was unprecedented. See the table of reconstructed mortality rates given on page 352 of Judith Banister, China’s Changing Population.

    •�Agree: mulga mumblebrain
  119. @Brosi

    Garbage!!! The USA has murdered, directly or indirectly, orders of magnitude more people than any other force in the last eighty years. Stalin’s crimes, although great, have been ludicrously exaggerated by Rightwing liars, like you. The same has occurred, plus the race hate element, with Mao.

    •�Agree: GomezAdddams
    •�Troll: Richard B
    •�Replies: @Richard B
    , @Anymike
  120. @Johan

    China grew, from the lowest base imaginable, at more or less the same rate from 1949 to 1976, the Mao years, as it did after 1978. It repaired the damage of one hundred and fifty years of Western aggression, civil wars, Japanese Imperial genocide and social decay, set the industrial base for the later leaps, increased life expectancy from less than forty to nearly seventy, emancipated women for the first time in Chinese history, more or less ended illiteracy etc, etc, etc. Western racists, like you, really hate that, which is why they LIE about it incessantly, and with such vicious fervour.

    •�Agree: GomezAdddams
    •�Troll: Richard B
  121. @KB5000

    The reasons why women enter the work-force, in the USA in particular, rather than ‘leave it to beaver’ at home, are economic, in the main. They have to, because male wages have stagnated for decades, and a sole male income does not suffice for a decent life for a family.

  122. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Corporate clown world.

  123. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Clowny to the max

  124. Zane says:

    Right on, baby.

    The ZOG agenda to destroy white Christian society by allowing unrestrained coloured immigration and implementing radical social agendas is well advanced.

    ZOG loves it when a plan comes together.

    Any pushback – like from that Austrian guy and the Nartseeze – is soon nullified.

    Way it is.

  125. @Jabber

    This is more for @Anon, but it’’s also for Jabber:

    While that is all true, Anon, it is also true that non j3ws took the bait right off the hook and kept coming back for more and opened wider to swallow the whole hook, line, and well, you know the rest.

    Jabber’s free association brain farts are really kinda quaint and amusing. Just add a Jibber to your Jabber and there you have your fitting moniker. Unless you’re the kind of Jabber that administered the “Jabber” to all those poor suckers that beeleeb in the science. If that’s the case, then i guess you’ll have your higher power to answer to.

    That’s it. Thanks for reading.

  126. @S. Thomas

    I don’t know, but i suspect these commonly quoted statistics are lower than the true numbers.

    •�Replies: @follyofwar
  127. Brosi says:

    Poles make the best clowns…

    What we have here is Gleiwitz 2.0. This time against Russia instead of Germany. Once again, Poles prove that they want to rule clown world with their crude aggressions. Once again, the Jewish clown media covers for them.

  128. The parasite has its teeth sunk in deep. Americans are slowly waking up but sadly, too slowly. I fear that by the time a majority of Americans realize what’s happening the meaning of “American” will be lost in a sea of immigrants and assorted freaks. I’m thinking the only hope lies in some scenario like the Northwest Imperative or the like. In any case it’s looking more and more like it’s going to be apocalyptic in soon order.

  129. Hiop says:
    @S. Thomas

    “Jews are a very small percentage of the population, so they can’t really control the world.”

    Also: “Jews are smarter and more successful than you, so they earned the right to control the world.”

    Plus: “Jews are actually white, so it doesn’t matter anyhow.”

    Covered all the bases there.

  130. @HBM

    “COVID tyranny…& it is a j. in charge in every one of them¨

    CIA O

  131. Richard B says:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    Stalin’s crimes have been ludicrously minimized by Left wing liars, like you.


    And even by your own “logic”, what does “The USA”, Stalin, and Mao have in common?

    Jewish Supremacy! Of course! Ron Unz himself has referred to Jews as the greatest mass murderers of the 20th century. That could probably be extended to human history.

    In any event, even behind your dumb comment name you can’t hide the hook.

    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  132. @pithyparty

    No one really knows how many Jews live in the US. Henry Ford wanted the question put on the census, just as it was for other ethnic groups, but was rebuffed by the usual suspects. Mark Twain strongly believed that there is “an immense Jewish population in America.” [“Mark Twain and the Jews”]. And that was before the large Jewish migration to the US in the 20th century. Then there are the millions of inter-marriages between Jews and Gentiles. How are their children counted?

    It’s to their advantage to lowball the number living in this country just as it’s to their advantage to exaggerate the number killed in concentration camps by the Germans in WW2.

    •�Thanks: Commentator Mike
    •�Replies: @pithyparty
    , @Patrick McNally
  133. @follyofwar

    We are of like mind on that count, @folly.

  134. @follyofwar

    Some useful parameters can be given. According to the American Jewish Year Book 2015 (pp. 146, 151) the United States has:

    1) A core Jewish population of 5.7 million.

    2) A population with Jewish parents of 8 million. This defined as the first group plus people who either self-reported as partly Jewish or else were determined to have had a Jewish parent.

    3) An enlarged Jewish population of 10 million. This adds to the second group all non-Jewish household members who are with someone from the previous group.

    4) A law of return population of 12 million. This is reported to be made up of Jews, children and grandchildren of such, and all spouses.

    Apparently, some of the arguments made by the Ultra-Orthodox in Israel would seek to restrict the law of return population. The Ultra-Orthodox seem to regard this as too lax in allowing non-Jews to marry a Jew and thereby earn the right to settle in Israel.

    Way back on January 2, 1981, the New York Times carried an article which stated:


    Since about half of this country’s estimated eight million Jews live in the New York metropolitan area, with most of them having European origins, it was only natural that a New York City medical center with Jewish philanthropic origins would choose to make a major attempt to fight the disease. 1,500 in Metropolitan Area.

    That earlier eight million figure is most likely arrived at in the same way that the more recent 8 million given in the American Jewish Year Book 2015 was.

  135. @Richard B

    Mao-Jewish supremacy???!! You are insane, driven mad by race hatred.

    •�Troll: Richard B
    •�Replies: @Richard B
  136. @Reformed Maniac

    Read HA HA HA –oh sorry–HWA –Herbert W Armstrong “Britain and America in Biblical Prophesy” or watch some of Herbert’s old TV shows —-

  137. @Dragoslav

    “Bring In the Clowns” -great song sung by Judy Collins today can be sung again–Joe and Hunter- Donald and Pompeo- Lloyd Austin ( bass) and Vicky Nuland’s nasal nuances —enough to make Frankenstein shed a tear or two…

  138. @JimDandy

    Because European gentile culture (especially in the English speaking countries) is hyper-individualistic. Groups that are highly ethnocentric and well organised (like the Jews) are always going to have a massive advantage. Europeans worldwide will need to get “tribal” real quick if we’re going to survive.

    •�Agree: JimDandy
  139. JrNeymar says:

    Except China is 100% Chinese.

    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain

  140. Video Link

    Rochelle Walensky (j.) exits / new j. Mandy Cohen replaces her/ recalls how she made up covid mandates as North Carolina health director…

    Funny she makes the devils horn sign when she made a call..on culling the already zombified cattle…hahaha…

    ( No problem / we are in the jewSA / ha ha ha…these stupid sheople don´t have a clue we exterminate them / but first we make some more bucks with the long FOIA Pfizer list of diseases…..

    Now I am delighted to be the new chief of the CDC / we control disease / we cause disease / all these poor idiots still believe that we prevent disease….hahaha

    No one knows about that list / we control their media hahaha…. )

    CIA O

  141. @Gabreal Jones

    WHY must a Jewish head of CDC be replaced by another Jew? Are there NO acceptable goyim left, anywhere, in the US political menagerie? How has the old familiar nepotism become SO arrogantly blatant?

  142. @JrNeymar

    In 2010 China was 91.5% ethnic Han. Fifty-five other recognised ethnic groups exist, and represented 8% of the population then.

  143. @Gabreal Jones

    Yikes. Have never seen anyone use the devil sign to mean “make a phone call”.

    Public health agencies are just full of women like these.

  144. Video Link

    “WHO, EU Announce Partnership Creating Global Digital Vaccine Passport System” / 5 June 2023

    Michel Mella comments / “Genocidal Criminals want to implement Social Credit System?´

    Funny / In july 2021 still in Spain a Ukrainian photoshopped – changed the date & name – on a A4 of “vaccination proof” that he had found / it enabled me take my plane to Holland / after that the QR code came up ….remained stuck for 2 years in the Netherlands vorher known as the Low Lands Paradise….Till last weekend without any “vaxx / test” check I flew again to Spain…. (ConcluZion : not that funny )

    @ Mulga Mumblebrain this WHO ceo could very well be a real j. he is an Ethiopian & is a lackey of the fake j. – Ashkenazi – Bill Gates of Hell who is WHO´s biggest funder….

    The fake jews & their minions aka the groovy bohemian bildergergers aka the davos diablos of the s.o.s. are tightening the screws / ping- pong -ping-pong…..

    Smash : Time to activate the no-way-to-hide-guilotines for these baby- eaters-kid-blood-drinkers

    CIA O

  145. Vox Night says:

    Vox Day is a serial plagiarist. He has stolen most of his “ideas” from either Roosh V or the old Roosh V forum or other writers. He does not have an original though in his head.

  146. Jabber says:

    Through the wacky trailer park clan, they are trying to illustrate not all Jewish people are park of a cabal to wreck havoc. Granny Yiddell is as hard pressed as any of us, but she has good friends – they love and support her.

  147. @Jabber

    Counterpoint: The Jews control everything. Even the trailer park.

    •�Replies: @Jabber
  148. Jabber says:
    @the Man Behind the Curtain

    Yes, Granny Yiddell is the owner of the park but it’s all she has. Her husband of 41 years gave all the couple’s money to a Filipina that he met on the internet.

  149. Richard B says:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    Haha! What a cornball.
    As if TUR commenters don’t already know that the go to response of Jewish Supremacy is to call people who are on to them “insane”, when just the opposite it true.

    You’re insane. Driven mad by too much JIDF Trolling (itself fuelled by race hate).

  150. More from the business enterprise masquerading as a “country”. …

    A school in Arlington, VA was holding a fifth-grade graduation ceremony at a school situated in an ‘affluent’ neighborhood. As we know, the elite are total trash.

    According to the police blotter: “Upon arrival, it was determined that adults who are known to each other became involved in a physical altercation during an event at the school. The parties were separated and no significant injuries were reported. The investigation is ongoing.”

    No guns or edged weapons. Enough US-er rage/ anger present to make weapons unneeded, apparently.


  151. @the Man Behind the Curtain

    Pilipinos see Anglos -USAians as their atm/ retirement fund. The crack between the legs is quite a draw for many losers back home.

    That 3rd world country is where it is bc of massive stupidity and obturate nature. Plus they worship the us empire—they’re another us vassal, floor mat.

    They sit on huge gold reserves, yet are poor as a church mouse and corrupt as the AU USUK —not surprising

  152. @us empire follies

    I have not been there though it is very cheap to visit from southern Taiwan where I am currently living. May be worth a visit one day. I have read the place produces more oceanic waste then either China or India, however.

    I have read these things before. I wonder if you have ever been there? I have not.

  153. anon[165] •�Disclaimer says:

    top 10 Donors to the 2020 Biden Presidential campaign

    the top 3 and 6 of the top 10 are………………JEWS

    1. Donald Sussman, Paloma Partners – $9 Million – JEW
    2. James Simons, Euclidean Capital – $7 Million – JEW
    3. Deborah Simon, Retired – $6.1 Million – JEW
    4. George Marcus, Marcus & Millichap Co. – $4 Million
    5. Michael Moritz, Sequoia Capital – $3.5 Million – JEW
    6. Kenneth Duda, Arista Networks – $3 Million
    7. Seth Klarman, The Baupost Group – $3 Million – JEW
    8. Reid Hoffman, Greylock Partners – $2.5 million
    9. Stephen Mandel, Lone Pine Capital – $2.5 million – JEW
    10. Phillip Ragon, Intersystems Corporation – $2.5 Million



  154. Anymike says:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    I question the numbers of deaths attributed to Stalin for the following reason. The deaths in the World War, given as above 20 million combined military and civilian, were due to the war, not to Stalin.

    If Stalin’s regime murdered some huge number of people, all during the 1920s and 1930s, where did the Soviet Union get the manpower to fight the war and then rebuild and compete with the West for world power after the war? It doesn’t quite add up. There were a lot of people liquidated and a lot of people who died otherwise – in prison, due to famine and due to other causes – but how many of these were people who had to capability to contribute to the war effort or contribute to rebuilding after the war? Maybe not so many. In a sociobiological view of Stalin’s crimes, he was eliminating the useless – the aging party ideologues and the middle-aged economic hustlers.

    Stalin was clever and cagy. He wasn’t going to eliminate the people he needed most to fight a future war or develop the Soviet economy.

    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  155. @Anymike

    Fascists lie about Stalin, and Mao, because they can. Stalin was certainly brutal, but the death-tolls invented to denigrate the USSR, communism and socialism are GARBAGE. Over 90% of those sent to the Gulag survived their sentences, a hideous enough outcome, but not going to get to ’66 million’ or worse.
    Moreover, the ‘Holomodor’, so conveniently adjacent to ‘Holocaust’ in spelling, was a famine that spread across the region, and worsened by political and ideological turmoil, then turned into a cult by Banderite fascists and the death-toll inflated. The process is even worse in China, and there the inventions continue to today, with the ‘Uighur genocide’ lies, which are total fabrications.

  156. Anymike says:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    I have an idea about what may have happened during the Ukranian famine. It reflects well on neither the Soviet regime nor the Ukranian kulaks. Possibly, the kulaks were ordered to turn a certain percentage of their harvest over to the state. Another term for this is a tax, paid in kind instead of cash. Maybe a heavy tax, but still a tax.

    What they may have done is sold off their harvest instead paying the tax, keeping only enough to feed themselves. Then Stalin’s tax collectors came along and took what they had. This would be a nasty way to teach them a lesson but that’s how they do things outside of the tame world of the contemporary West.

    I wasn’t there, obviously. I don’t know what the story is. But there is one thing that it is logical to believe. The kulaks grew more than they needed to maintain their own family units. What happened to the surplus?

    Maybe the regime did intend to confiscate 100 percent of the harvest, but I doubt it. If the regime did not intend to confiscate 100 percent, there has to be some explanation for what happened, be it crop failure or selling off the crops in the grey market instead of paying the tax. There you have it. Two sides both playing dirty pool. The regime shouldn’t have starved them nevertheless, but the folks on that side of the world are not us.

    •�Replies: @Patrick McNally
  157. @mulga mumblebrain

    Banderite fascists

    Bander was even shorter than Putin

  158. @Anymike

    There were crop failures in the Volga 1931 and Ukraine 1932. These were not artificial, though they were most likely influenced by conflicts in previous years. The decision to move towards rapid collectivization in 1928 led to a lot of resistance from peasants who could sometimes leave crops in the fields to rot. Apart from the loss of crops caused directly by this, it would have fed the rat and mice population. That, in turn, probably had some indirect bearing on outbreaks of rustic plant disease. The world’s leading authority on the topic of famine in the USSR during 1931-3 is Mark Tauger:


    Some links (not all, I checked) may be dead. But it’s also possible that the Wayback Machine may allow some retrieval of the dead links.

    •�Replies: @Anymike
  159. Anymike says:
    @Patrick McNally

    As with many things, I am sure there is a complex history here. What I was specifically thinking about is whether some of the kulaks sold grain on the black or grey market that was supposed to be turned over to the regime and then had their personal stocks confiscated. The establishment line seems to be that agricultural quotas were set excessively high and that all production therefore was confiscated to meet the quotas, with crop failure a contributing factor. Maybe there was more to it.

    •�Replies: @Patrick McNally
  160. @Agent76

    Video Link

    ” The United Nations General Assembly…..”

    A former UN top insider during 2 decades from Rumania interviewed by lawyer Reiner Fuellmich
    of the ICIC International Crimes Investigative Committee ( known for his anti covid 19 activities)

    9.29 “What you are saying is the UN is now indistinguishable from the Davos World Economic Forum / it is being controlled by the same ideas & the same oligarchs ”

    “Totally / 100% ” agrees Calin Georgescu…”And the WEF in turn creates their leaders who then are going to be elected by us ”

    The Rockefeller family crime syndicate bought the land – former home to slaughterhouses – on Manhattan where the UN heaquarters got build / so safe to to say it was planned by the j. bankers & their cabal behind WW I + II from the very start….

    Video Link

    13 June 2023 Dr. Vernon Coleman: Is The WHO The Terrorist Wing Of The UN?

    To let the UN assemblee again & again declare 1948 israel aka RotSchildstein a rogue state is “give the ignorant sheoples in the abattoir a toy to play with…. ”

    CIA O

  161. @Anymike

    Tauger documents in Statistical Falsifications in the Soviet Union that grain requisitions in the famine were much less than is commonly claimed in literature deriving from the Cold War era. It was crop failure which accounted for the fact that these requisitions were still problematic for most peasants.


    Information Tauger discredited from The Harvest of Sorrow has been published in Eastern European newspapers. He has also published several essays including “Statistical Falsifications in the Soviet Union: A Comparative Case Study of Projections, Biases, and Trust.”

  162. Publius 2 says:

    This is the best author published here. Better, even, than Anglin.

  163. conflagratus says: •�Website

    Jews invented and made the West.

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