As the US Anglo-Zionist empire ramps up its war against China, an ancient archetype makes its cyclical appearance to offer guidance through “interesting times.†As per a brief Google search, the “Year of the Dragon†represents power, nobility, luck, and success. Up until now, China has demonstrated incredible humility and restraint in response to the outrageous insults and provocations of the US neocon government. Goodbye “Year of the Rabbit,†time for China to “show its pimp hand.â€* (*Am. slang- display one’s power.)
First, warmest Year of the Dragon wishes to Emperor President Xi- Earthly Representative of the Tao, Monarch Butterfly Princess Meng Wanzhou, and the people of China.
Second, some readers might accuse me of betraying my “country†by siding with China. Nonsense. The US republic and its Constitution no longer exist. Both were subsumed by the US Anglo-Zionist Empire, a confederation of financial cartels, multinational corporations, oligarchs, the Military Industrial Complex, the Deep State, and the Zionist Lobby. Like all end-stage pathologically corrupt empires, reform is a lunatic’s dream. The best hope for its subjects is to avoid drowning in the sinking behemoth’s vortex. Perhaps the weary survivors who find space on lifeboats or cling to floating wreckage can regroup to form a beautiful ideological-ethno state republic that embraces win-win cooperation as primary global influencer China torchlights humanity’s path to Star Trek Kardashev Level II Civilization.
China’s position has always been- “don’t start none, won’t be none.â€* (*A self-defense postulate that advocates conflict avoidance yet acknowledges the right to hit back when attacked). Based on the actions of the US and its vassals, China needs to prepare for continued escalations of aggression. To take creative license with a Socrates attributed saying- “Know thy enemy.â€
The Anglo-Zionist war trident contains three sharp points- “extreme war,†“conventional war,†and “economic war.†Sometimes the trident’s prong applications overlap and merge. An example of an overlap-merge application is cyberwarfare.
“Extreme war†primarily entails nuclear and biological warfare. It is extreme because its applications hold the potential to spread beyond the battlefield to take down human civilization.
America uses nuclear weapons as a threat deterrent. In this case, “threat†is a relative term. The US dollar should not say, “In God We Trust,†but rather “In Nukes We Trust,†because its nuclear and military arsenal keep the dollar afloat via dollar hegemony enforcement. As the insanity and idiocy associated with dying empire intensifies and the dollar slips, expect dangerous acts of desperation, e.g. use of tactical battlefield mini-nukes, biological weapon attacks.
As to the US nuclear threat, from my viewpoint, the correct deterrent for China is what I call the “skin in the gameâ€* approach.†(*when the policies or actions of an individual or entity expose them to the same risk or loss as everyone else). The West’s 1% and rootless .01% ruling classes are parasitic leeches and more importantly, cowards. While they may condemn millions or billions to death with little regard, they will do anything to cling to their wretched earthly existences. Chinese intelligence must locate all their bunkers and underground cities and make it known that in the event of nuclear war, China will relentlessly and repeatedly strike their high strata-class rat holes with the strongest bunker-busting nukes available.
With biological war, while an appropriate response is warranted, unless it comes down to a case of revenge killing your enemy before dying, I advise against biological tit-for-tat. Biological weapons can mutate and go global. Barring accidental or insane rogue scientist release, the US is limited in the lethality of its bio-attacks, as super-powerful pathogens could easily turn on their creators. If Chinese intelligence confirms that COVID-19 was a bio-attack, which I suspect it has, then China should publically announce its findings. It’s the “Year of the Dragon.†Expose the motherfuckers.* (*Someone who copulates with their mother or a generic term for a person(s). In this case, both meanings could apply.)
I won’t dwell on “conventional war†strategy because China wins.
Regarding “economic war.†Wall Street outsourced US manufacturing to China to turn America into a usury-based F.I.R.E. (finance, insurance, real estate) economy that sells debt, with the expectation that China would buy that debt and let Wall Street insiders manage China’s economy. This economic model was known as “Chimerica.†While China initially benefited from the arrangement, it rejected the part where a rootless Wall Street class takes over China’s 5000-year-old civilization after they suck the US drier than a mummy’s 陰戶.
US economic numbers are built on fraud. The wildly inflated $65,000 hospital emergency room bill counts toward American GDP. The US stock market stays afloat through Federal Reserve intravenous feeding, stock buybacks, and other forms of corporate welfare and chicanery. Military Industrial Complex profits rely on the captive printing press treasuries of the US and its vassals. It’s a giant scam bubble waiting for the inevitable pin. BRICS is a good start to withstanding the “pop†and also offers an alternative to US economic bullying, debt slavery, and asset seizure. Although, from my viewpoint, China’s best defense is autarky that coexists with global trade.
China’s BRI is a mind-blowing accomplishment. However, as any sandcastle can attest, it’s easier to destroy than create. America’s pretty good at kicking down sandcastles.
The CIA stymied Germany’s energy flow with the destruction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. If the homemade missiles of Houthi freedom fighters can disrupt a major shipping route, imagine what the subs and destroyers of the US or its vassals can achieve. Global infrastructure projects are susceptible to sabotage or attack from CIA-funded terrorist groups. In the event of a major trade shutdown, China must be able to provide all life requirements to its population. I believe it can do that. The weak link is energy. China’s Artificial Sun cold fusion reactor offers a possible solution. I recommend China invest the same ratio of manpower, money, and brain-battery into cold fusion reactors as the US put into its WW2 Manhattan Project. Post-US Empire collapse, Chinese space tankers can fill their hulls from the liquid methane sea of Titan, Saturn’s moon. The current Petroleum Civilization model is unsustainable and is destroying the ecosystems that sustain life on Earth.
Just like China transformed Marxist economics into “socialism with Chinese characteristics,†when the right time comes, I recommend the same evolutionary approach toward globalization. From an energy conservation standpoint, it is illogical for a nation to grow a bunch of carrots for a cost of one dollar and then ship them around the world to buy back the same carrots for three dollars. Or export the carrots only to buy another country’s carrots. While globalization has profited China, at some point it will create negative blowback if the system’s internal defects are not addressed and corrected. Nigeria can produce its own food and textiles. What it cannot do, at least at this juncture, is build a high-speed rail system. Neither can the US.
For decades Hollywood (US cinema/music) conquered the world’s hearts and minds. To quote George Orwell- “All art is propaganda.†One reason the American Empire is dying is because Hollywood can no longer make good movies. They can’t sell the dream. China needs to fill that entertainment void. The shortcut path is simple replication of the movies/music currently mass-produced by Western entertainment corporations using AI/machine learning programs. The longer, but from my viewpoint, more fruitful path, is for China to set up an institute to study American (and Western) cultural entertainment (cinema, music, novels) from the years 1945-1999. While the institute’s technicians will wade through much detritus, they’ll also discover gems that can birth beautiful children.
Outside of religious conflict, spirituality is seldom discussed in the geopolitical arena. Mistake. During the Cold War, the Rothschild-Rockefeller bank cartel set up a system whereby a nationalist revolutionary leader had to choose either colonialist resource-theft capitalism or atheistic materialistic* Marxism. (*materialism not as in capitalist hyper-consumerism, but rather the Marxist belief that humans are biological machines devoid of divine spark, and can be programmed and managed in a purely mechanical capacity). The opposing capitalist and Marxist programs worked as balancing forces within the context of international finance’s world domination program, maintaining the status quo of banker rule. Chairman Mao chose Marxism, which history shows was the correct choice. If he had chosen colonialist resource theft capitalism, an independent Chinese nation-state would not exist today.
Once China broke the chains of Western imperialism it was free to chart its own course, and subsequently transformed Marxism into “socialism with Chinese characteristics†by filtering out the negative elements of Marxism while incorporating pragmatic aspects of capitalism. The atheistic component of Marxism put it at odds with China’s ancient spiritual technologies- Taoism, Buddhism, luck attraction, Chi theory, etc. STEM disciplines answer many things, but can’t sufficiently respond to: “What is this?†and “What is beyond this?†During the CPC’s atheist phase, some spiritual seekers became estranged from the government and that dissatisfaction was capitalized on by the CIA who partnered with disenfranchised religious groups for nefarious purposes. I believe the rift between China and most of these religious groups is repairable. Rapprochement would deal a painful blow to Western intelligence agencies. Better to convert an enemy than fight him.
Just like China transmogrified economic theory, I believe it can do the same thing with spiritual theory. Working in win-win cooperation with spiritual organizations from around the world, I envision China spearheading the development of spiritual technology compatible with Kardashev Level II Civilization. In the yin-yang circle, the science and spirituality compartments coexist in harmonious balance. May the Tao be with you.
In keeping with the Year of the Dragon, I need to address the unbearable arrest and detention of Monarch Butterfly Princess and Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou. So what if Huawei did business with Iran? Why does the US get to dictate who a sovereign Chinese company transacts with? This US-Canadian false-arrest action insulted not just Meng Wanzhou, but the entire Chinese nation. Either the perpetrators issue a full apology or when the light turns green, don’t stop until it’s red.
Do you think the sociopathic and blackmailed Western CEO actors propped up by international bankers and managed by Deep State technocrats will ever speak on behalf of the frog, dolphin, and owl? Huawei with Meng Wanzhou’s influence holds the potential to build the blueprint for the technological-ecological harmonization advocated by scientist Buckminster Fuller in his book, “Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth.â€
Wait a minute. Are you in love with her? Do you plan on showing up at Princess Wanzhou’s door with a bouquet of pretty flowers? Ha ha ha. Pathetic clown. She doesn’t know you exist. I’m actually embarrassed for you.
Hold on. Confession time friend. I’m a pathetic clown too. Is it so terrible to close one’s eyes for a moment to imagine what can never be?
As seen with the Moscow concert hall attack and CIA disruption operations in Maidan-Ukraine, Hong Kong, and Xinjiang- Western intelligence agencies love terrorism and color revolution. While China avoids terror-targeting civilians (a wise policy) and interfering in the domestic affairs of other nations (perhaps some revision), each provocation must receive the appropriate response. No more humiliation.
It stands to reason that CIA-Mossad will repeat a 9/11-style false flag to push the US public into anti-China war mode. China’s public relations and media teams must be ready to offer swift denial. On a global level, this will prove effective. However, due to hyper-capitalist irrational racism components in America’s founding and the universal mob-think outlined in Gustave Le Bon’s “Psychology of Crowds,†in a post-false flag environment, US Chinese ethnics (and mistaken identity Asians) would be at risk. During WW2 the US government threw US Japanese ethnics into concentration camps while the greedy mob grabbed their assets for pennies on the dollar. To address this possibility, I recommend China build an underground railroad* (US antebellum secret networks that helped Black slaves escape North) or assist in the creation of a warrior-monk based “Monarch Butterfly Princess Holy Order of the Tao.â€
What of Taiwan? It’s the “Year of the Dragon.†Go as far as you can go China. Perhaps all the way.
And now a word for Dragon-skeptics.
Some claim that China is already under the control of the Rothschild-Rockefeller bank cartel (or planet owners) and East vs West is WEF kabuki theater. I disagree for the following reasons:
1- Techno-feudalism requires not only the cultural destruction of its subjects, but also their genetic alteration/destruction. All human DNA is considered the property of the owners and can therefore be used as a resource commodity and control mechanism. Under WEF protocol, China’s leaders would have to be willing to destroy their people’s 5000-year-old culture and DNA. I don’t see that happening. While some of China’s technological innovations play into state security (legit action, given CIA history), the tech is primarily used to improve the lives of China’s citizens- the exact opposite of US policy.
2- In its 5000-year history, China never pursued a policy of military invasion or conquest outside of its security/territorial sphere. China built a wall to keep the barbarians out.
3- China’s engagement with foreign nations is of a transactional nature. Unlike the West, they’ve never displayed a proclivity for stealing the DNA, culture, politics, assets, bodies, or souls of the people they do business with.
4- During the COVID-19 pandemic, China offered its citizens traditional vaccines. Although certain CPC officials (they always reveal themselves) pushed for Pfizer mRNA shipments and domestic mRNA vax production, the CPC as a whole rejected the mRNA pressure tactics of the US political class. While you may feel the CPC overreacted with the lockdowns, keep in mind that they faced an unprecedented bio-attack. For future occurrences, I recommend zinc, vitamin C & D, and the 5000-year-old Traditional Chinese Medicine cabinet.
5- For those who believe this is all a perfectly choreographed show, what harm is there in supporting China? NWO is already a fait accompli. If that’s the case, kick back with a bottle of Patrón and Mossberg 12 gauge, and wait for the AI killer drones to arrive.
From my viewpoint, China remains the primary bulwark against the US Anglo-Zionist Empire aggressors and their global financial mafia handlers. Given the terrible power of the international bankers, Emperor President Xi must juggle a complex mishmash of neutrals, allies, and adversaries to navigate China to victory, which by extension means human species survival. Based on my observation, he has upheld the basic tenets of Tao. Until I see evidence to the contrary, like Petula Clark sang in her version- “I will follow him.â€
I look forward to watching China’s evolutionary path to national-actualization. As per Oswald Spengler, the “West†is done. Western genius took the world from horse and wagon to modern industrial society. While many amazing creations came from that, so did much suffering and death. If Western philosophy incorporates the principles of karmic law to form yin-yang balance and Europe joins China and Russia in a true Eurasian bloc, I believe Western rejuvenation and positive reintegration into the global family remain possible.
Prepare for takeoff China. Like Far East Movement said, “Now I’m feeling so fly. Like a G6.â€
Fly Dragon, fly.
Consider the following Anti-American propaganda videos a continuation of this Unz propaganda article.
Courtesy of the CGTN, the CCP’s foreign propaganda wing, (Western) AI generated PSA’s to help encourage strife amongst Americans and influence U.S. elections:
Video Link
Video Link
Video Link
the u.s. has been attacking china with bioweapons for decades. bird flu to wipe out their poultry farms and swine flu cripple their pork production. they used bioweapons in korea in their attempted genocide of the korean people and defoliated vietnam, with so much agent orange they are still having birth defects six generations later.
but don’t worry they also poison their own people as well, as most of our food is poison and now we mandate mrna injections of the bat spike protein complex, ralph baric crispred out and inserted into an existing corona virus, exactly as described in his 2015 patent (for darpa and fauci’s nih).
it’s what we do, like mike pompeo said, “we lie, cheat, steal, torture, poison, murder and commit flagrant acts of genocide, while wiping our ass on the constitution, it’s what we do, that’s why were the indispensable nation”. sure he’s a pig faced, ratfucker, but you have admire his honesty.
Empires abused China until it truly declared independence in 1949. The United States has been at war with China ever since, as shown in my playlist
that includes one of our CIA’s most successful propaganda ops.
Video Link
Dear Sir,
I appreciate your blog and your YouTube channel, but I strongly disagree. The Republic of China is the real legitimate government that declared independence from colonial powers. It is currently called “Taiwan.” The Maoist bandits who run Beijing do not have the Mandate of Heaven.
A recent article posted at TUR argued that satanism is responsible for the downfall of America, but the above description is closer to reality. Ben Franklin, one of America’s founding fathers, famously said that the new country was a republic, if the people could keep it. Now, Franklin was a member of the Hellfire Club, which connects him to satanism, so perhaps there is some truth to the speculation that America was satanic from its inception. But it seems more likely that Americans simply couldn’t keep the republic, and it was taken over by special-interest groups. China, on the other hand, has a long and rich history and traditions that draw the people together, so it is better able to resist these groups, as the present article suggests
Official Richard Solomon Senpai ~
I think someone doesn’t understand just how far away Saturn is.
Disagree. Movies were the artform of the 20th century. “The Movie” is done, like The Painting and The Novel. The Computer Game is where propaganda needs to be.
They weren’t Satanists. Try reading sometime.
Like rest of East Asia, China make stuff but no make life. It finished in long run.
Chinese culture has always been very warlike. All peoples conquered by the Han people are absorbed and become Han also. Chinese claim not to know the difference between their ethnic groups despite they keep their dialects. There seem to be two global flags today. The rainbow flag of globalism and the Palestine flag of resistance to globalism. But many who naively follow the rainbow flag also support the Palestine flag to the disgust of the globalists who pun intended show their real colours. The rainbow flag flown at U S Embassies is a deception. It may originate from Bishop Tutu’s South African” rainbow nation”. It meant a Christian forgiveness and love. The globalist flag has misappropriated it. Real rainbows have seven colours. The globalist rainbow has six with one missing. That is the turquoise colour which symbolises spirituality and magic.
It would be nice if China raped, killed, and ate both whites and Jews.
China sure has changed much. Not necessarily for the better as it’s consumerist than humanist.
Back in the day. BLACK CANNON INCIDENT (1985)
“I recommend zinc, vitamin C & D, and the 5000-year-old Traditional Chinese Medicine Caninet” – Those are some wise recommendations in terms of taking health supplements. I would add that Vitamin D3 should always be taken with Vitamin K2.
The smart people, in my opinion, prepare for the coming days of bio-warfare and government ‘vaccines’ by eschewing the Standard American Diet with its abundant processed carbs, refined sugars, grains, and seed oils and to start consuming foods that are nutrient rich and which support a healthy immune system.
Those interested in detoxing from the most recent government ‘clot shot’ might want to consider the following supplements: Vitamin D3/K2, Nattokinaise, Querceten with Bromelein, Zinc, and NAC.
Also, if possible, I’d recommend people begin to be far less trusting of medical doctors and the medical establishment. If you haven’t figured it out yet, the entire medical system is broken. Corporate insurance interests far too often outweigh the health interests of the patient. This is a business folks, and every patient cured is a customer lost. In spite of what the medical establishment claims, your health is not their primary concern.
Learn to be your own advocate, and take your personal health into your own hands. Today’s physicians are often wrong on so much, and most of them know nothing about nutrition. They actually think nutrition plays little role in our overall health. They are trapped in a system in which they treat only the symptoms of one’s illness and not the root cause. They largely manage pain and every conceivable ailment by pills. Modern ‘health care’ is largely health management with little real success and cures when one actually looks at the numbers.
Big Pharma as well has a stranglehold on the medical establishment, and it’s often Big Pharma that pays for our medical schools which it’s graduating doctors are expected to zealously support throughout their medical practices and careers.
The Truth hurts, eh, troll?
China, about the size of US, has a population of 1 billion.
How many more people do they need?
What’s going on now is logical, natural, healthy..
ie. look at India.. smaller than China in land mass but according to some.. has a larger population.. and it’s a shithole.
ah……Are you asking Genshin and Honkai: Star Rail?
“The atheistic component of Marxism put it at odds with China’s ancient spiritual technologies…”
I beg to differ. Atheism primarily signifies refusal to believe in gods imagined as superhuman monarchs. Sky gods, sea gods, chthonic gods. Taoism and Buddhism are explicitly not religions in the Western sense. Perhaps it’s most accurate to say that they are orthogonal to religion: they treat traditional gods as irrelevant. Indeed, Buddha is considered superior to all gods, as he has escaped the wheel while they are still bound to it. (With a few exceptions: Wotan and his lot managed to immolate themselves, presumably never to return; and the gods of Greece and Rome just gently faded to grey and then were gone).
The idea that the left and right hemispheres of the human brain fulfil complementary roles is fairly new and fashionable in the West. (See, for example, “The Master and his Emissary”). In China, I suspect it is as old as the hills, and as well understood. Marxism addresses economics in isolation from the deeper context of human existence, just as military strategy deals with warfare in isolation. The Chinese, Indians, Japanese, and other Asian peoples seem to have suffered less from the runaway abstraction that has blighted Western cultures.
“If the homemade missiles of Houthi freedom fighters can disrupt a major shipping route, imagine what the subs and destroyers of the US or its vassals can achieve”.
Which, at least, brings us to Square One in the Chinese thinking. That’s precisely why the Belt and Road, as such, is built on land.
Also, the USA itself is not well placed to start attacking shipping routes. Take a look at an atlas or a globe; the USA is highly dependent on imports from around the world.
“In its 5000-year history, China never pursued a policy of military invasion or conquest outside of its security/territorial sphere. China built a wall to keep the barbarians out”.
In history, very few such generalisations are wholly true. Christopher I. Beckwith offers a radically different interpretation in his book “Empires Of The Silk Road: A History Of Central Eurasia From The Bronze Age To The Present”. Outside cartoons, it is obvious that the Great Wall and the many other such walls built by the Chinese would be quite unable to keep out nomadic armies. On the other hand, they would be quite in line with the universal tendency of farmers throughout history (and, no doubt, prehistory) to drive out nomads and hunter-gatherers and keep them out.
“In the east much of the best pastureland had been captured by Chinese invasions beginning in the Warring States period. The territory was held by Chinese fortresses and walls built right through the steppe, including the Great Wall, which mainly connected earlier walls together and strengthened them. These walls were not built to protect the Chinese from the Central Eurasians but to hold Central Eurasian territory conquered by the Chinese… That is, they were offensive works, not defensive ones. The purpose of the nomadic raids or warfare against the Chinese was undoubtedly mainly to remove the Chinese from the seized pastureland and restore it to nomadic control…” [page 27, footnote 111]
The Western Establishment will certainly go to war to save the petrodollar. They can’t imagine pacifying their Democratic Party voters without it.
You have no knowledge or willfully ignorant.
What is more human than rejecting mRNA death shots & offering traditional herbal medicine? Remember, US Government, Fauci & Populist Right shills, like Max Blumenthal, shamed China for not importing mRNA vaccines.
China is better at conserving nature than US:
More info. by Matthew Ehret:
Video Link
As the Monroe Doctrine extends to Uranus (heh) this seems a rather
common faible ðŸ˜
The schmus may be a bit thick with this one but I find nothing outright
objectionable (the ads however are amateur; but inhowfar is pointing out the obvious
“election interference”?), except that the Wall was an instrument of unification
not defense (it never kept out anyone).
What’s happening in PC games is the large companies are propagandizing their way out of an audience. Just like Hollywood, it’s wokeness. Many hard core youth oriented trad gamers don’t want to play as a feminist woman or negro. Compare blog comments about Alan Wake, where the supporting character is an unattractive black woman FBI agent. Just the thing to alienate white kids. And the kids certainly don’t want trannies in their games.
Because of all that the gaming industry is slumping, just as is Hollywood.
Chinese films do not feature this sort of woke content. You will not encounter a ‘magic negro’ saving the day, and then sleeping with the Chinese woman lead. In ‘girls’ dramas you do however often find the ‘strong woman’–typically a corporate type. But here’s the thing: apart from the role of ‘strong boss lady’ what is she looking for? A man who will take care of her during her many moments of both corporate and personal weakness.
Chinese fantasy films are a hard nut for Westerners to crack. Raised on Jewish superheroes (Marvel and DC–now homosexualized to a degree– with the possible exception of the Batman) Western audiences don’t relate to Chinese heroes such as Sun Wukong, the Monkey King. A character who rebels against both the Taoist gods and the Buddha, eventually ‘tamed’ by bodhisattva Guanyin via a monk. Can anyone imagine the Wolverine under the control of a Christian priest? But that’s China for you.
Perhaps the best ‘crossover’ character might be Godzilla, to whom both Chinese and Americans can relate. And Chinese might like the fact he often destroys Tokyo. Have they queered the nuclear lizard yet? That is probably coming soon to a theater near you, if it has not been already done. LOL
“Chinese culture has always been very warlike”:
… towards the war obsessed country in the world:
So which specific parts do you disagree with?
1.4 billion Chinese disagree with you.
A side in a civil war can only win if the people support them.
Duh. Lots of wishful thinking.
China has a population of 1.4 billion and has a fertility rate of 1.2
USA has a population of 0.35 billion and has a fertility rate of 1.7
How many centuries will it take for the two populations to match?
I agree … as always in its narcissism it is unable to use other methods.
It has always trusted on weapons and war so changing them is a too big und humbling thing for it. To it, being wise means weakness.
China is a prison of nations. Tibet is only one example, out of dozens. Now they are attacking the Philippines, seizing Filipino islands and attacking Filipino fishermen inside Filipino waters.
I will address the “human capital†factor. Here in Orange County, California, we have a great many Chinese immigrants and their descendants. I often attract some gentle criticism (e.g., “sellout-traitor-boomer, die alreadyâ€) for saying so, but here goes: They are mainly decent, polite, law-abiding, industrious, non-obese, and smart; reminiscent of what people in the U.S. were like back in the day, when I was growing-up. If this is what people in China are like, and will continue to be like, then the West, driven by its unraveled mental life, does not stand a chance against China.
“Second, some readers might accuse me of betraying my “country†by siding with China.”
No one is going to accuse you of betraying China. And the latest reports from Asia is that the dragonfly has been poking the Philippines and India and is certain to go to war with them, therefore, let US see how the dragonfruit fares with those two countries before getting its arse handed to it on a fake china by the Hegemon.
Yes, Solomon oversimplifies a little.
China, like all empires, went through an expansionist phase of its own. But by about 1000AD after the Tang, they lost their appetite for expansion and its borders have remained relatively stable. Of course I refer to the Han based dynasties, and not the two foreign non-Han based ones where China itself was conquered and added to the sinified Yuan and Qing dynasties.
Once Tibet, East Turkmenistan and Inner Mongolia are deducted from the Chinese math, the map and the country doesn’t look so big. And if you have to compare the dragonfruitcake to its poor neighbors then you’re doomed to start with. The best thing to do in the year of the 🉠is go after Taiwan to see if you can get away with it or end up getting molested like a bitch by the cowboy.
“Always” is a word which is needless in this sentence, and which undermines overall text credibility.
“China’s position today is, and frequently has been throughout its history” would be closer to objective reality.
Plus, the Asiatic mind traditionally thinks that sudden quick-jab attack on a potential rival isn’t “starting something”, but rather a completely acceptable way of showing your strength, so that the other guy doesn’t start something.
In the 1960’s China lashed out that way at the USSR, which showed enormous restraint in response, in the 1970s – at Vietnam, and, of course, in 1941 Japan did Pear Harbor honestly believing that this will be a signal to the US to “not start something”.
The rest of that Franklin quote includes, “I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such; because I think a general Government necessary for us, and there is no form of Government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered, and believe farther that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic Government, being incapable of any other.â€
Notice that he placed the responsibility where it belongs, with the people. When people can no longer think or behave rationally, they get masters to tell them what to do. Mistaking the rejection of Christianity for Satanism is completely nuts, a textbook example of the unfortunate process of intellectual deterioration that Ben foresaw.
More like the Chinese whore beaten and killed by the Hegemon.
It is not formally called ‘Taiwan’ but ‘Republic of Chlna’. In the end, even if the Qing ignored the place, the nationalist invasion made re-unification inevitable. Sure, many there disagree, but they have long been granted much the same rights of business ownership, entry, and so on to mainland China as P.R,C. citizens.
This is even true for Japanese citizens of Taiwanese descent.
One nation, two systems will prevail in the end.
And the fact that US has seized the Philippines and builds bases there, like it has done to Japan and South Korea…What are a few disputed islands compared to all that? And since US is hostile to China, China would be justified in seizing even more territory to build its own bases. Maybe those US neo-colonies in the far East should copy the West Africans, who are kicking out the French and replacing them with Russians, and replace Americans with Chinese.
Like Chinese “make stuff” statistics, I wonder about the Chinese “make life” statistics. From what I’ve seen, children are more plentiful in China than in the US and certainly than in Europe, proportionally as well as absolutely. And they are also certainly of higher genetic quality than the ghetto/migrant stuff the US is churning out nowadays.
No one takes Chinese economic statistics at face value. Why should we take demographic statistics so? Provincial governors and local administrators may still be under the shadow of the One Child Policy to avoid showing potential “useless eaters”, and so they pare down the official numbers, but they can’t hide the reality on the street.
Another slant apologist…zzz
On the other hand, the whites seize entire continents and only give you “reservations”:
No! She is not Chinese:
“Indeed, Buddha is considered superior to all gods, as he has escaped the wheel while they are still bound to it.”
And how do we actually know for certain that he escaped the wheel? What 100% guarantee do we have that he did so? Oh, because his followers said so. Of course. No different than any other faith, or faith system.
“Oh no, trust us! This one is totally different! If you do this, this, and this…uh, then everything will work out! Trust the plan, folks. Trust the plan.”
Thing about Buddhism, no one knows with 100% certainty how long a time one must continue the endless cycle of rebirths until all suffering has ceased. It also does not tell you how much you owe from previous carnation cycles.
Even a banker will tell you how much you owe, and how long a time you have to pay it back.
With rational questions. The whole thing falls apart.
And of course rational critical inquiry was not a Chinese or Asian thing, traditionally. It is a Western concept. (Don’t just accept everything without questioning). Also traditionally, individualism and nonconformity were not Chinese or Asian concepts either. They originated in the West.
But don’t think for yourself, folks. Just trust the plan. You can trust us.
Also, other gods in the traditional sense were conceived to be “supernatural”, (e.g. OUTSIDE the realm of nature). In that sense, traditional gods have long already conquered the wheel, since they were never bound to it in the first place.
Yes, it has been axiomatic, from the ancient Greeks to Renaissance Italy and revolutionary America, that a free people must be a moral people. Education leads to self-government. If leaders want to rule over slaves, then they push the population towards debauchery, vanity, and vice
It is sad that so many Caucasians in the West think the Chinese are the bad guy. A world run by China instead of ((America)) will be a saner, healthier world for all. Of course, the Chinese are not saints, and they have no obligation to rid the dying West of its ((parasite)), but they have never committed such evils upon the world as the kikes have done. May the Bear and the Dragon join in union to rid the world of the horrid bald turkey that is running interference for genocide.
The hegemon is dying, shithead. Your tribe killed it. It’s a new world with China in the lead and I think that’s good for humanity.
Dear Hinjoo:
The United States won’t endure in the time it takes for the two populations to overlap. And what kind of creatures are coming through the US southern border? Hi-IQ Han Chinese, or criminal welfare types with double-digit IQs? Littlereddot is so desperately jealous of China he/she/it fails to appreciate that the American Jew is the gravest threat the world faces. But don’t you worry: you’ll meet the same end as the WASPs who thought the Jews were fine fellows.
excellent observation.
I am certainly no Tibetan Buddhist, but do find the Bardo Thodol(bar do thos grol) quite interesting. Whatever one thinks of their religious beliefs, they very definitely had some understanding of what takes place at death.
War with China would be a shock to the ZUS regime, as the Chinese are as brave as any army in the world and they proved this in the Korean War, if interested read these books, Colder Then Hell by Joseph Owen, Breakout by Martin Russ and The Last Stand of Fox Company by Bob Drury and Tom Clavin, all of these books can be had on amazon.
These books are about the Chinese cutting off the Marines at the Chosin Reservoir and the Marine fighting their way out in 20 to 30 degrees below zero weather.
the romans were more moralistic, while greeks were more given to guile. the romans described ulysses as deceitful and the greeks described odysseus as cunning. remember, beware of greeks bearing gifts.
If Godzilla kisses King Kong in that new movie it will be hollyjews final jumping the shark. lol
Qin Shi Huang Di began the construction of the Great Wall to keep out the Turkic nomads such as the Xiongnu. While the claimed efficacy of the Great Wall as defensive fortications is demonstrably false in certain situations such the Mongol invasions, the historical fact that the Centralized State could organize such a massive workforce to build such an gargantuan edifice is testament to its political authority. This concept of building walls as a potent symbol of political authority is encapsulated in the Chinese character:
国 which means ‘country’.
Note the four walls which form a rectangle. Thus the physical act of building a wall is a political statement signifying the authority of the State to demarcate and if necessary defend its borders. Another way of paraphrasing this concept is to say that without borders you ain’t a country, e.g., the U$A ain’t a country because it is nothing more than a corporation of the Disney kind.
Franklin was a deist, not a Satanist.
He and the other founding fathers screwed up. They saw much, but not enough. You do not put power into the hands of “the people.” There has to be a trained elite, and the founders thought the non-elected Senate was to be that power. The senate was to be the greatest deliberative body on earth, and above the political fray, hence the non-populism. The 17’th amendment is unconstitutional as it overturns the founders intent. And yes the usual bad (((actors))) were behind implementing the 17’th, in an election they rigged.
Franklin had gout in his toe, and wasn’t alert during the Constitutional Convention.
Below link discusses where it went bad, and effectively, the revolutionary war was overturned:
Madison’s argument is recorded by me in the above link, but below is the important point:
Article 9 of the Articles of Confederation 1781, (not the Constitutional Convention). Article 9 = Congress has the power to “emit bills of credit.â€
Constitutional Convention, six years later in 1787, Article 1 Section 8, the words “to emit bills of credit,†is erased. Bills of credit are sovereign money, issued by Treasury.
The new nation has to borrow its credit from privateers like Robert Morris, and the reason for the Revolutionary War (demonetization of Colonial Script) is overturned with barley a whimper.
It was through the money power that the U.S. was back-doored. The Continental Currency and the various Colonial scripts were issued by “Bills of Credit,†which was the entire reason the war was fought.
Jefferson’s dying wish was to prevent the new nation from borrowing its own credit. Borrowing from private banks and creditors was a giant mistake. China has state banks and has not made this mistake.. Below is what Jefferson said on July 4, 1826. He was too infirm to make the event, but sent a letter instead. Moneyed corporations = private banks. The other moneyed corporations are stock market capital = finance capitalism. Jefferson quote below in italics.
The founders were not finance capitalists, they invented industrial capitalism, which is an economic system China now operates. Finance Capitalism was back doored into the country, and yes many Jews and other mammonites are implicated. The U.S. was murdered, it did not commit suicide, and it was not Satanic at inception.
“I hope we shall crush… in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country.â€
Nobody has asked, but Hamilton was not a Jew, he simply made a mistake. He allowed the first bank to have private stock owners, to then guarantee that they would be paid revolutionary war debts. Hamilton allowed the Camel to put his nose in the tent. Big mistake. Hamilton did create a sinking fund, which was to buy out the privateers, and then return the first bank stock to Treasury.
It is exactly as Richard Soloman, the author states:
The U.S. got back-doored in stages, it was raped from behind and then murdered. The founders left gaps in the Constitution, nor did they raise up an elite capable of doing battle against the inevitable psychopaths and grasping types that emerge in any population. Leaving anything up to the people is a non-starter, which is why they thought democracy was the worst form of government.
The first nations of native Americans are the real legitimate governments and nations of the “USA” in North America. The current government and its citizens of “the USA” are invaders, squatters, thieves, bandits, aliens, illegal migrants, and parasites which need to be eradicated, evicted and deported from the land of “the USA.”
” Chinese space tankers can fill their hulls from the liquid methane sea of Titan, Saturn’s moon. The current Petroleum Civilization model is unsustainable and is destroying the ecosystems that sustain life on Earth.”
Why would we send “space tankers” all the way to Titan to get a commodity, (methane) that’s easily made here on earth? If we wanted to, we could turn all waste hydrocarbons like plastic into methane, it could be done in devices which use a method called cold plasma pyrolysis.
Why do your rabbis suck baby cock?
Why do the old Chinese men suck tiger penis?
A very interesting piece on Chinese Think Tanks
The Tribe is preparing India and the Southeast Asia to run roughshod over China and you do not get Formosa but you get millions of North Korean refugees to share in the dogfest… are you ready to be broken up?
I don’t like the group that’s running the western world or the direction we’re going in but some people on here who are China worshipers are really out to lunch.
The western world created the most prosperity and freedom for the most people in the history of the world. Because it promoted the worth of the individual which was based on the Christian religion. Now that we’ve rejected Christianity in the west, we’re suffering the consequences and somebody else is taking up the slack.
People who are looking at the mess the west is in today and thinking that it was always this bad don’t know anything about history, just as those who look at the relative freedom and prosperity the Chinese have in the present day, and think that they have some magic formula are just deluded and ignorant about the history of China.
China might claim that they have 5000 years of history behind them, but its been one unbroken history of absolute rulers, exploitation, slavery, suffering and horror for the common man. What they have in China today is the best they’ve ever had it.
No race or ethnic group in the world can claim that they don’t have blood on their hands but one thing that can be said about the west, they are the only ones that have (because of Christianity) elevated the individual to any level of importance so that he could fulfill his destiny.
Unfortunately this individual freedom and power was also given to those that didn’t deserve it and are not worthy of it, as they have used their centuries old ethnic networking and their newfound freedom to overthrow the very order that gave them the freedom in the first place. Now what was once the best system in the world, has been turned into an abomination.
What’s with the negro the fuckers aren’t Chinese!
And niggers.
After the nuclear phase-out, Economics Minister Habeck takes on coal power. On Easter Monday, it was time for the big shutdown. The energy supply is now more secure, according to the Green Party.
15 coal-fired power plants were shut down by the German government on Easter Monday. Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) claimed afterwards that Germany’s energy supply was still secure and even more independent than before the war in Ukraine. The coal-fired power plants are therefore “now superfluous and can be taken off the grid for good”.
Another reason, according to Habeck, is that the prices for electricity and gas have fallen significantly and the expansion of renewable energies means that “the majority of electricity now comes from clean, climate-friendly sources”.
According to the Ampel’s original plans, the power generators were to be taken off the grid earlier. However, the energy crisis and the nuclear phase-out caused a rethink. In NRW and Brandenburg, a total of seven lignite-fired power plant units with a capacity of 3.1 gigawatts were shut down on Monday.
In addition, eight medium-sized and smaller hard coal plants with a total capacity of 1.3 gigawatts were taken off the grid for good, the Ministry of Economic Affairs announced. The expansion of renewable energies and the stabilization of the gas supply situation made continued operation “neither necessary nor economical”.
Just like you Euro-scum stole 2 continents on this side of the Atlantic where your not originally from dolt. And that goes for the jews and nigs who are living on this continent also. Just ask any native Indian if you can find one, moron.
Dear Stupid:
The “littlereddot” is a Chinaman and not an Injun of the East. As to the Hi-IQ Han Chinese, they’re not coming to America. Go to any Chinatown in the US, and they’re springing up like poison mushrooms everywhere, and you’ll find them filled with nothing but Lo-IQ, low class Chinese with criminal tendencies, minor and major. I go through one in Manhattan everyday and it’s filthy sewer teeming with ugly masses. God save America from those heathens and may He grant you some sense!
God bless!
The article is clearly tongue-in-cheek. For instance, Solomon advises China’s government to bet the country on cold fusion reactors, when nobody knows if cold fusion even works. I prefer China to do what it has been doing, such as installing more solar panels in one year than the US has ever done it its entire history.
Which part of which video isn’t true? A gaslighter like you loves to designate truth as “propaganda”.
? Sun Yat-sen may have been righteous, but not so much Chiang Kai-shek, read Sterling Seagrave’s The Soong Dynasty. Also setting the stage was the Taiping Rebellion.
“How many centuries will it take for the two populations to match?”
China had 17 million births in 2017, around 9 million last year. Maybe it doesn’t take long until the USA has more births than China.
If Xi partners with the Jews, together we can own this planet!
I don’t recall the Athenians being Christian. The worth of the individual traces its origin well before Christianity. It’s a European thing, not a Christian thing. The Christian kingdom of Ethiopia was quite a regional power back in the 6th century. Did they value the individual and create democracy?
Chinese are no more intelligent than any one else. Some are downright stupid. Just like everyone else. Once humorous case here:
i assume that you are being sarcastic about batman? he and his young “ward” dick grayson, along with his “man servant”, the devoted alfred, all explored their bat cave together, under wayne mansion, which sounds a lot like jeffy epstein’s pad, but without the girls. i wonder if dick brought home promising young boys from his gym class?
the monkey king seems based on hanuman, who loved to uproot indra’s mango trees to punish him for his hubris.
oddly enough there is a new godzilla movie “coming out”, where godzooky is transitioned, without godzilla permission, and whose rotoscoped rainbow energy beam, then turns all of tokyo gay. godzilla sighs heavily and returns to hibernation for another 250 million years.
Any random person, however intelligent and well-intentioned, can run for office. Yet, due to the overwhelming power of the money-interests, these people are bought and paid for. In today’s polarized America, so-called public servants make no attempt to conceal that they have sold out their constituents, leaving office with millions of dollars in the bank. It was likely always this way, but in the past, politicians were not so flagrant.
America, being a young country, is vulnerable to corruption, because it is a land and an idea, but not an ethnic group. In this regard, China may be better able to resist corruption and foreign interest, with a long history and at least a bulk of the population viewing themselves as ethnic Chinese.
There is something to be said for an aristocracy, in which certain individuals are educated from childhood with the intention that they will be public leaders. Democracy has proven to be rule-by-the-worst (kakistocracy) and those who are easily corruptible.
Has China learned from America’s mistakes? They do not allow private bankers to issue the national currency, and the single party system may allow for competent individuals to be appointed to office.
why the fuck would china need a pissant, group of needless hanger oners, to rule the world? the world will be much better off, when you idiots complete your meltdown and realize that the rest of the world doesn’t give a shit about you and views you, as the monstrous baby murdering fiends that you are.
you will never rule the world, as the sun has already set on your disgusting zioneocon empire. you have nothing to offer the world, other than bloodshed and murder and we already have more than enough of both.
Go ask the Tibetans and East Turkmenistanis if your dear Chinese are any good! If it wasn’t for the Jew, China would still be a shithole and the American middle classes would be producing goods for the world, along with their European brethren.
And what makes you think that the world wants to see slanty eyed yellow bastards in charge of them? Go see a therapist!
how much would it take, to get you to stick your head into a bucket of dry ice? i’ll start a collection. after we amputate that useless appendage, we’ll all be better off.
“Cold fusion” was an Anglo invention. The authors were finally refused grants for further research.
So was the “EM drive”:
The’res so much in your post thst I don’t know where to start. It needs carefull studying. Xiexie.
Thanks for this interesting and extensive information. Way above Floyd’s head as he walks with his snout downwards sniffing for excrement.
Do you have any idea what your comment says about you?
Unfortunately your Jewish stance is only too obvious. Try again with a different moniker.
A bird flu outbreak in America? Are the Chinese striking back?
Definitely couldn’t be naturally caused because BRICS, Belt and Road, and pure Xi-awesomeness.
Why do Jews smell so bad? Why are they child rapists and child murderers? Why does a Jew never wash his hands afters wiping his ass with them? Why are Jews such cowards? Many questions that I’m sure Chinese anthropologists would like to answer.
Earth’s gravity is 9.807 m/s² whilst Titan’s gravity is 1.352 m/s². It means: Titan is a better source of methane for travel and other uses in space.
Regarding China scrapping with the Philippines and a number of other south East Asian nations over a few uninhabited rocks: did you notice the US occupation of Hawaii and Guam?
The Mote and The Beam parable seems appropriate…
And how many centuries will it take for the two populations to match? The US had 3.7m births in 2021.
“Chinese culture has always been very warlike. All peoples conquered by the Han people are absorbed and become Han also. ”
I am sorry but this is absolute nonsense on a par with “Uyghur Genocide” .
China recognises and celebrates its 55 Shaoshu Minzu”: its ethnic minorities. This is on display in the Splendid China Folk Village park in Shenzhen you can visit the exhibitions of many of them. The Uyghur danccs, the Mongolian horsemanship and the Li of Hainan juggling antics are well worth seeing. China’s generosity to its minorities during the one child period was such that they their families were allowed up to three children. This was how the Uyghur population expanded during their “genocide”.
Of course, if you lived in China, or actually knew anything about it, you would know this.
An idea country for free white people.
It was vulnerable to corruption because the founders left gaps that allowed special interests to back-door the country. Jews especially have always worked as an in-group to subvert a country from within.
There were many founders who wanted the country to be an ethnic group. H.R 40, Naturalization Bill March 4, 1790. This was the first Congress, and the new federal procedures permitted free whites of good character with two years residence in the U.S., to become naturalized citizens.
1795 changed the residency requirement to five or more years, and citizens were to be free white persons of “good moral character.”
I never said aristocracy. It has to be persons of merit and capability, and the only way to find them is by testing. You cannot just educate anybody from childhood, as most people are not capable due to various factors.
Putin was selected, then elected. Xi was selected by some sort of process known to the Chinese.
Senators were made into populists, so they could be maneuvered by special interests. They need “Funds” to run their election campaigns, and thus became subordinated to the donor class and not the general welfare.
single party system may allow for competent individuals to be appointed to office.
George Washington abhorred party systems:
“However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.â€
So, the founders “Knew things,” but they screwed up, and then the U.S. was raped and murdered. Any yes, Jews were/are over-represented as the murderers, as they pursue their ethnic in-group interests.
“Unfortunately your Jewish stance is only too obvious. Try again with a different moniker.”
I just looked down and he’s still there in his 100% magnificence, no mohel’s been there or will ever be there. Can you say the same thing about yourself?
“I don’t recall the Athenians being Christian. The worth of the individual traces its origin well before Christianity. It’s a European thing, not a Christian thing. The Christian kingdom of Ethiopia was quite a regional power back in the 6th century. Did they value the individual and create democracy?”
I didn’t say that Christianity was the first to expound the worth of the individual, but when Christianity appeared in Greece, it landed in fertile ground that was to set the stage for the next 1500 years, when the concept of the worth of the individual would reach it’s highest point in the writing of the US Constitution.
It is a fact that now released from the One Child policy, most Chinese families I know want no more than one, at most two.
Madame Chiang Kai-shek was also quite a character, she had a short steamy affair with Wendel Wilkie in 1942.
I wonder if anyone in Chinese leadership has fond memories of the Sassoon family.
How many of those U.S. births in 2021 occurred among birthing persons in the country illegally?
The Miao people have two rivers on their traditional clothes representing the Yellow River and the Yang-tze. They did not have a written language so used this a symbol of their displacement by the Han. They now reside in Yunnan.
Many other South-east Asian peoples were slowly forced out of their homelands in what is now modern day China as well.
Interestingly China has downplayed it’s “Creedal” myth of 55 happy ethnic groups in it’s own propaganda the past few years. Perhaps they’ve realized a “Crucible” myth built around the Chinese Dream will be more harmonious for Beijing.
Sun Wukong sounds great – thanks!
“The Miao people have two rivers on their traditional clothes representing the Yellow River and the Yang-tze. They did not have a written language so used this a symbol of their displacement by the Han. They now reside in Yunnan.”
Seems not. Provincial distribution of the Miao in mainland China (Wikipedia)
The 2000 Chinese census recorded 8,940,116 Miao in mainland China.
Province-level division % of mainland China’s
Miao population % of provincial total
Guizhou Province 48.10% 12.199%
Hunan Province 21.49% 3.037%
Yunnan Province 11.67% 2.463%
Chongqing Municipality 5.62% 1.647%
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 5.18% 1.056%
Hubei Province 2.40% 0.360%
Sichuan Province 1.65% 0.179%
Guangdong Province 1.35% 0.142%
Hainan Province 0.69% 0.810%
Others 1.85% N/A
I don’t suppose 4 million have been displaced since 2000 or we would be hearing about another ethnic cleansing.
Totally agree, I will not watch western media anymore and only consume Chinese made film and television. Like you say, even the heroines still strive for traditional values (like Eowen in LOTR).
Some recent ones I’ve enjoyed are:
æ— è¯ä¹‹ç½ª
Can find most on YouTube. This one is about a real corruption scandal that happened in Chengdu.
Video Link
What a silly comment — you could never solve an exponential equation.
But, as a low q person, you should be made aware that black and browns will never compensate regardless of quantity. Advanced robots will soon have more desirable “performance curves†as the engineers say, even if you set aside the homicide rates.
I believe the conversation was about history, i.e are the Han war like or not. Their history of manifest destiny is no different than the United States in some ways.
The ethnic minorities have taken a Faustian bargain with the CCP.
They get:
Modern infrastructure
3000 RMB (or so UBI) per family per month to supplement subsistance farming
Affirmative action college admissions
They lose:
Their culture and identity (Except for brightly colored clothes and dancing that is shown to wealthy Han east coasters so they can post photos to Wechat)
Nowadays the 土家 “minority” is indistinguishable from the Han. This is likely the very near future of most “minorities” as well – and most are happy to have it. That was the point I was trying to make about integration in the current day – apologies if you thought I meant a mass murder of Miao! (Nowadays it’s not arrow and bullets but public school and pop culture)
If you visit any minority tourist spot in any province they are all the same as the next: cheap plastic toys, 羊肉串 lamb skewers, and brightly colored clothes and shiny head dresses to take photos in.
Why would India and ASEAN want to be the next UKraine?
They got what they ask for but invading and plundering Han China first. That is Retaliation in Kind.
Give me evidence that the feather Indians, and the Aborigines, had invaded Europe and plundered London or Paris that might justify the whites’ occupation of their homeland.
Message received.
We’ll take care of you, like livestock.
Not at all unlikely. Mythology flows within a shared spirituality, each authentic culture and people adapting a general schematic to their own particular circumstances.
Wukong’s story, written in Journey to the West, turns on a quest wherein the Chinese emperor entrusts the Tang priest to travel to India in order to obtain sacred scriptures. There is obviously an exoteric and esoteric aspect to the story.
What is interesting is how a ‘religious’ tale made its way into popular ‘superhero’ land in so-called ‘atheist’ China. Whereas (as far as I know) Jewish comic book heroes tend to be wholly secular–often morally ambiguous. If Marvel and DC characters uncover a deeper meaning then one presumes it is to show off the Jew psyche. Some have argued it that way.
Was Christian Jesus ever a comic book hero? Other than the occasional Son of God (c/o Sean Kelly and Neal Adams) in the ’70s National Lampoon magazine, I can’t recall.
Thanks for that. Chinese drama (and comedy) tends to be didactic– often meant to showcase current social problems along with intended socio-political solutions.
Plots could turn on anything from Party member corruption (bribes and other scandals), to Chinese run Myanmar crime gang telephone scams exploiting old folks, to the latest education rules curbing high-pressure vacation ‘cram schools’.
If a Chinese actor misbehaves (illicit drugs, sexual exploitation, questionable or illegal financial shenanigans) the governing television and movie board will completely scrap the show, using that as a warning to both individual and industry. As a consequence, the actor will likely never work in public again.
The most well-known example was probably that of Fan Bingbing, at the time the most famous Chinese actress, who was caught ‘double dipping’, using a shell corporation to increase her already sizable salary and avoid taxes. She was fined, made to issue a public apology, and you haven’t seen her on the screen since.
I hear you import livestock from US, Brazil and Canada or perhaps even Australia and New Zealand, so, how are you going to take care of anything at all. Without the hard working West the Iron bowl would be empty, save some grains of rice. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you all!
“Why does a Jew never wash his hands afters wiping his ass with them?”
Because God made Chinese concubines to wipe the Jewish tuchus…
Now even the likes of old Mitch McConnell are quick to take advantage of that kind of service — just go ask Elaine Chao what she does for the fuddy duddy.
First my dear. You need to improve your reading comprehension.
Secondly, you might want to research your adversary before trying to take him on.
Such sweeping aplomb, born out of pure ignorance.
With simple, lazy minds such as these, it is really no wonder that the tribe is able to manipulate them so effectively.
Thank you. As you can probably tell, my comment to Priss Factor was only tentative, as I expected a reply, and was going to follow up with the next point..
But since you mention it, I might as well make it here:
1. By the time the population size of USA and China match, where will the relative GDPs be?
Here is a clue:
In terms of share of world GDP (PPP)
Year 2000, China was 8%, USA was 28%
Year 2013, China was 16%, USA was 16%
See IMF chart below. It is rather striking. Even if it takes 50 years for the US to match China’s….China’s GDP will already be 3 or 4 times that of the USA.
But ah……you will answer that China’s growth rate will slow, and it may never reach 4 times. Then I will more points to share with you in my next reply…..only if you are interested of course…..that will illustrate why China has a very good chance of reaching 4X the GDP of USA.
2. China’s low birth rate comes from 92% majority Han Chinese….a high IQ, hardworking serious people.
USA’s low birth rate comes from 59% non-hispanic Whites….a high IQ hardworking serious people. Hispanics and Blacks have a significantly higher fertility rate. See chart below.
However (IMHO by design), more and more non White immigrants are being let into the USA. Which country’s population will be of the better quality?
IMF Chart …China and USA share in world GDP (PPP)
USA Fertility Rate by Ethnicity
Well, the greatest of the Athenians didn’t like Democracy too much. To them it was quite a degenerate form of government.
These are weighty statements, worthy of discussion.
Individuals are not created equal….I trust you would agree.
A small number are wise.
A few are fools but smart enough to know, and try to be wiser.
But the great majority are simply fools too stupid to know that know that they are fools.
To value a wise man, you can give him the power to rule, or at least to vote.
To abuse the fool, you give him the vote. He will then heap calamity on himself.
This is a truth the “the greatest Athenians” understood and warned us about. Unfortunately those of the West have forgotten these warnings and placed Democracy on an altar and worshipped it.
Those in the East however, always understood the same truths “the greatest Athenians” understood and warned us about. They have never forgotten it, indeed it is in the central focus of their Confucianism.
Personally, I’ve grown partial to Plato’s desire to reform Greek literature and plays to create a more healthy and stable society. Who needs a world of so many Achilles when what we really need are more Socrates. Having didactic dramas that show the corrupt mafia getting their due, the king being wise and just, the soldier sacrificing himself for the country, the girl getting the kind and handsome boy at the end – feels better watching and hopefully encourages enough people to imitate. And like you say, celebrities need to be morally upright or be blacklisted.
Although, I do miss the good old innocent days when the most scandalous thing about Fan Bing Bing was her cleavage 😀
Video Link
Wow, to see a liar so active, that is just briliant.
Deep Thought, among many very inapt u-names on this site, you hit the worse top fifty or so.
As you’re an undercover world-renowned ethnographer who’s claiming cultural destruction of the 55 ethnic minorities in China, what exactly have you uncovered as being suppressed? If you don’t want to repeat yourself here, just link to one of your articles in any of the major journals — your choice.
Your evident years of field research in China certainly qualify you as an expert, rather than the dilettante which your sweeping statements (“any minority spot in any provinceâ€) make you sound like (erroneously of course).
Such a learned comment could only originate in someone who deeply immersed herself in the fetid Talmud.
“Such sweeping aplomb, born out of pure ignorance.
With simple, lazy minds such as these, it is really no wonder that the tribe is able to manipulate them so effectively.”
Rather than calling names, (the mark of an imbecile), say something concrete that will counter my arguments and prove your superior knowledge about China and the fact that the tribe hasn’t manipulated you.
Confucianism is rules written by a 1%er for the purpose of keeping the rabble in their place. I wouldn’t mention this except you seem to think you are superior.
I don’t disagree with you at all, but perhaps it’s more accurate to say that the west made Christianity great, and not the other way around. Sort of like how the Arabs and Persians made Islam great, whereas in Africa and India, Islam’s influence wasn’t anything to be proud of.
Ah nothing like being told by many of the Unz commentariat who have never stepped foot on China what it is really like – but who also want you to dox yourself to make up for their on the one hand extreme skepticism for the West while simultaneously holding a pathological love for the East.
Everyone knows 白左 “baizuo” the Chinese term for white leftists, but I think the behavior described above perfectly suits the coinage of a new term ç™½å³ “baiyou” – the rationaly inconsistent right who are dying for something to believe in.
The fact that any of my very general statements that are easily proven by anyone with any experience visiting a few of these places could attest to are so bothering to people really makes me shake my head. But as tourism on the mainland has dropped off a cliff after covid and it is much harder for the è€å¤– to get in and around – I really don’t blame you.
If you want to read something that discusses China’s future in a more realistic way (they’re entering a 10-20 year economic down cycle) you can check this blog out:
Schools phasing out minority languages:
This book was a best seller describing the effects of the Cultural Revolution and collective agriculture on the Mongolians by a guy who lived through it.
In short, a lot of what I describe is a result of the Cultural Revolution. As the Sinification blog above discusses, the rich and educated were quite worried recently as the central state appeared to be gearing up for another one. As someone who lives and lived in China for many years (and a reader of this site since 2017) I like to contribute by confirming this and other such phenomena. China is a great country, but it does have its problems that anyone who has been here can attest to (same as anyone going to America or the EU). Don’t you agree it’s better (or at least more interesting) to look at it truthfully in its whole as opposed to just some parts?
Here is a study describing how the 土 people became 汉化了 (Han-ized)
在壶瓶山集镇上,团队对è€ã€ä¸ã€é’三个年龄层的土家æ—人进行了分批采访。通过对他们日常生活ã€ç”Ÿäº§æƒ…况ã€å©šä¸§ä»ªå¼ã€ç¤¼ä»ªä¹ ä¿—ç‰æ–¹é¢çš„访谈ã€å›¢é˜Ÿå†æ¬¡å‘现这些土家æ—与汉æ—æ°‘æ—的相似性更大于其差异性。似乎从上个世纪70年代开始,石门地区许多汉æ—群众纷纷积æžåœ°å°†è‡ªå·±çš„汉æ—身份改æˆäº†åœŸå®¶æ—,于是有了如今全县超过百分之å…åçš„å 比率。团队产生了一个大胆的想法:壶瓶山镇土家æ—éžé—ä¼ æ‰¿åœŸå£¤ä¸æ·±åŽšï¼Œå½“地土家æ—文化陷入尴尬境地的一个é‡è¦åŽŸå› ,å¯èƒ½å°±æ˜¯â€œæ±‰æ”¹åœŸâ€â€”—汉æ—人将民æ—改æˆåœŸå®¶æ—。
In the market town of Hubianshan, the team conducted interviews with Tujia people of three ages: old, middle and young. Through interviews with their daily life, production conditions, wedding and funeral ceremonies, etiquette and customs, the team once again found that the similarities between these Tujia and the Han ethnic group are greater than their differences. It seems that since the 70s of the last century, many Han people in Shimen have actively changed their Han identity to Tujia, so that the proportion of the county is now more than 60%. The team came up with a bold idea: an important reason why the Tujia culture in Hubianshan Town is not deep in the soil of intangible cultural heritage and the local Tujia culture is in an embarrassing situation may be the “Han Dynasty to Tujia” – the Han people changed their nationality to Tujia.
To really get a feel for my response on ethnic communities these days I recommend:
1. You read 边城 Border Town by Shen Congwen – he describes the minority culture that is getting replaced by modernity beautifully
2. Visit 凤凰 city where the story was set and see all the cheap plastic toys, neon lights of cheap bars, and have a lamb skewer while wearing a colorful head dress and take a photo and send us here.
Precisely as I suspected. You’re a fake that relies on other people’s work to claim intellectual property. If you know the answer to my question, answer it. Hiding behind other studies and tossing a few Hanoi around doesn’t cut for me.
Why don’t you cut off five kilos of fat yourself and import it for us?
Waiting for your mixed methods analysis where you select 10% of your questionnaire participants for a follow up semi-structured interview and publish it in a reputatable journal then.
Seeing as you won’t do this or likely ever visit China you are a hypocrite and troll. Try holding yourself to the same standards as others.
And you would rather have the rabble have their way? This is what Democracy essentially is.
Aristotle and his friends said that only the wisest and should rule. Do you disagree with him?
There are grades of superiority / inferiority. Everything is on a graded scale. Do you deny this?
Rather than saying, there are superior men, and inferior men. How then should a superior man treat his inferior? Is the inferior men destined to be inferior forever? This is Confucianism in a nutshell.
Modern Western delusion begins when they are brainwashed into believing “all man is created equal”. You listen to fools and wise men alike, and become confused.
You seem to get confused between adjectives/descriptions and name calling. May I suggest you avail yourself of an English dictionary and educate yourself?
Excellent. You have decided rise to my challenge.
Here are your words:
Where shall we begin? Before we get into the details, let us set up a base understanding:
You have stated that the Common Man in China has suffered more than say the Common Man in say Western Europe?
Do I understand you correctly?
We ALL saw Chauvin kill Floyd. The only question is-was it deliberate ie murder, or accidental, ie grossly negligent manslaughter.
Pig ignorance AND race hatred.
The perfect combination of evil and stupidity.
There is more to this phenomenon. People’s identities morph according to their aspirations.
In India, there are people who identify as Goan “Eurasians”, even though they have only a very small fraction of their ancestry from Europe. If you look at them, they look every bit as Indian as everybody else. It apparently more esteemed to be European than Indian.
In the USA it is quite fashionable to have Native American blood. Even Nancy Pelosi claims to be “Native American”. Just look at her…how many % Native American blood can she possibly have? Not more than 5% I would say.
In Singapore, the hybrid 娘惹 Chinese-Malay culture/people known as Peranakan/Nyonya has seen fluctuating levels of popularity. In the 1930s at the height of their affluence, they were highly regarded. Many people proudly identified as Peranakan. In the 1970s they lost their shine and many people did not identify as such, instead claiming to be fully Chinese. Now in the 2000s they are popular again and many people claim to be Peranakan.
Have you seen the TV series Little Nyonya å°å¨˜æƒ¹? This is what they look like.
Thanks for reply. As I read the article the same idea struck me that there may be an Elizabeth Warren effect going on there. Interesting how that crops up across different societies and eras.
I will definitely check out your recommendation, I only know very basic information about Singapore.
It’s impossible to argue logically with the People’s Liberation Army artificial intelligence propaganda program, so I won’t even bother trying.
Everyday I ship my shit to China so that you can roll in it until you are happy as a pig in sty…
Glad to see you have graduated to writing a few words, albeit acrimoniously, instead of clicking the troll button–the White culture has done you some good, Down Under.
Floyd died of an O.D. That was the finding of the relevant medical examiner.
He was carrying a load of drugs, when he saw the cops coming after he’d tried to pass a photocopied bill, he either swallowed the whole stash at once or shoved it up his arse. Same result, whichever way. Lethal dose. That is on official records. Not a fake.
Since both he and Chauvin had worked as bouncers at the same place, they knew each other.
Chauvin had been trained to use the knee-on-neck technique in training from Israel.
Whatever Chauvin had done, Floyd was dead anyway, stomach-pumping what is already in the blood isn’t possible.
Awww, are you chickening out already?
I was hoping that a freedom loving American could free the brainwashed minds of the oppressed East with irrefutable proof of the merits of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
C’mon, be a man. Show us you are a child of the glorious Western civilisation.
In fact, you have misunderstood the core of Confucianism. I remember Mr. Unz analyzing the core of our thinking earlier. I don’t agree with some of it, but there are some things I think I should explain to you
The problem is that unlike in the West, this contemptuous rabble you call in China can actually kill off(slaughter) the entire 1% of the ruling class.
This shows that our rabble is more conscious than the peasants of the West.
So these peasant uprisings of ours are not rabble by the Western definition.
Never in the history of the West have you seen a rabble wipe out an entire ruling class?
It’s an event we’ve been repeating for thousands of years.
So for rulers, how should they govern?
Our rulers knew that if they wanted to rule a huge empire, they could not use religious ideas. Because the adoption of religious ideas will bite back on itself, and eventually lead to the growing power of religion. This is also the reason for many religious exterminations in our history.
Finally, Confucianism was adopted, because Confucianism requires a system of examination to prove oneself, rather than a system of patronage.
So why is Confucianism useful in modern times?
Part of it is the education system, and part of it is the way people behave.
Because the modern society because of money relations will lead to the social circulation is not good, the social solidification is serious.
The introduction of Confucianism can quickly lead to the redistribution of class wealth.
This helps to convince people that there is meaning in reading, and that education itself should be cheap.
Of course, the United States did not produce such a suitable educational environment, and even Jewish descendants like Obama need loans to go to college.
But China’s education system is different. Higher education should be universal and accessible to all.
My university is probably second only to our top universities in some academic rankings, and I paid only $4,000 for four years of tuition.
This is a very real problem.
Do you think education should be available to all?
In fact, many of my classmates and I learned calculus in high school.
You could argue that the universality of education is also part of Confucianism.
The Qing didn’t expand much, in the end, had contracted by forgetting about the Ryuukyuu Kingdom (not part of China, but in a tributary connection until annexation by post-shogunate Japan, although already having been partly invaded by Satsuma clan, and the parts not directly controlled, made tributary). Taiwan and Tibet, other places too.
Although I am not sure that Tibet should be under C.P.C. control, both China and India play ugly games in the north-east of the Indian sub-continent, as also Sikkim and Assam should have remained independent (both, of course, annexed by India). Nepal isn’t really independent now, funny that the Maoists killed the monarchy there, but India has the greater political influence now.
Bhutan, though desiring neutrality, is slipping into Indian control. Not good for them.
North-west, factors are different (China-India-Pakistan), but also fractious.
You need to see a shrink. LOL!
They certainly have some good cooking, I wonder why the man in the right half is clutching a meat cleaver?
You are correct, though, Nonya is just a corruption of Nanyang, which may be a sin to Mandarin fans, but was the name of many companies in my five years growing up in Singapore. Cantonese reading.
å—æ´‹, read as ‘nanyou’ in Japanese, is the same writing.
Really, the things I can never find are many, but genuine Singaporean curry puffs, lakhsa, real satay with real satay sauce, much more, the ice confections (ice kachang, the thing appears in summer in Japan, and I have read history that it originated from Japan, but think that is not true. S-E Asian versions are much better, I would suspect that the British more likely introduced shaved-ice desserts, and street vendors rapidly improved them. Our version isn’t much good, enjoyable on a very hot day, but quite dull.
Layered rice and agar-agar (seaweed jelly) sweets, I recall that ‘agar-agar’ was the generic name.
The Chinese emperor had a long-standing relationship with the Tibetan nation, and modern Tibetans might have acceded to being an autonomous region within the PRC, with Beijing running foreign policy and international trade. Yet the PLA invaded Tibetan lands with the intent to destroy what was referred to as a medieval society, so the non-violent Tibetans rose up in self-defense. The United Nations and other globalists likely had a hand in the events, because they viewed Buddhism as an innocuous replacement for Christianity in the West
The irony is that the more the West goads China about Tibet, the tighter the PRC will hang on to it. Pressure tactics do not work on the Chinese. They will only dig in their heels further.
If the West were really interested in getting independence for Tibet, then the most counterproductive thing they could do is keep poking China and forcing it into a siege mentality. China would rather go into total war, then having a repeat of the Century of Humiliation when chunks of it were torn away from her.
Indeed. However, Tibetan Buddhism had a dark side, as you would likely know.
Even when the Dalai Lama met Asahara, leader of Aum Shinrikyo, his only comment after was ‘I like him. He runs a tight ship. ‘
Funnily enough, the Malaysian govt. ran a pretty good and popular restaurant in the Ginza, central Tokyo for some years, but had to close in the end because they had groups of Moslems patrolling outside, not so much to threaten the Japanese customers as some of the Malaysian workers. Jalan Makan, Tokyo, now long gone thanks to those Moslem freaks.
It wasn’t that long ago that the world’s top university in Berkeley was only 4K for 4 years for California residents. Corruption swims with Cthulhu. If your top 1% cheat on their Confucianism you are doomed. Perhaps that should be when.
When I made this observation about Confucianism a few months ago over in Karlinstan the Sinophile poster there pointed out to me that I had it all wrong, that Confucianism is for everybody, not just the rabble. He is a Buddhist which is another prescription for the rabble that the head hoodlums laugh at.
Berkeley pissed away all their bragging rights though it was great while it lasted. : (
Gonna to be a great day watching all those Jews swinging from lamp posts.
If the American bald eagle doesn’t first get torn to pieces by a Russian Bear, it will be flame-broiled and consumed by a Chinese Dragon.
A civilization could not last for thousands of years unless it values the people and humanity in general. The following highlights the discovery of an American scholar:
Poring himself over some old Chinese books, professor of Chinese history H. G. Creel was surprised to discover that the Chinese official class really cared about the well being of the common people. In ancient China? And without given a vote? Are Chinese government officials such nice people?
“Most of all, however, we find the conception that the duty of the minister is to aid and to influence the ruler to govern in such matter as bring about the welfare of the people as a whole. This is a remarkable fact, and one which at first seems almost unaccountable. The people as a whole, that is those below the aristocracy, were completely subject to the dictation of the ruling classes. Many of them were slaves and serfs. They did not even have a ‘vote’ to make it worth while for politicians to become sentimental over them. Was it merely out of the goodness of their hearts that the members of the scholarly class, who were not, after all, very humble themselves, championed them? Was it solely from the benevolence of their natures that the kings allowed themselves to be influenced in their behalf? One may doubt it.”
Could it be that the books are doctored? For propaganda purpose?
“Indeed, the whole talk of solicitude for the welfare of the people is so difficult to account for that one is at first tempted to disbelieve it entirely, and to think that it has been written into the ancient books by Confucian scholars of later years, as a matter of propaganda. But this is not the case. We not only find such sentiments expressed in early and authentic books which have come down to us, but even in early bronze inscriptions, which can hardly have been tampered with.”
Well, may be they have more simple reasons.
“I suggest three main reasons for this humanitarianism which is a fundamental plank in the platform of the Chinese official class. …” (All quotes from “The Birth of China by H. G. Creel)
“Busloads of international students show a weak spot in Canadian democracy”
I go out of my way to cause trouble for any local CCP faithfuls. You should too, Western Man.
Fundraiser idea. Who would pay to line up party officials against the wall and invite them to tea in the afterlife?
The core issue is that our 1 percent cannot betray their own policies. This is a historical heritage of more than 1,000 years. If they betray this historical heritage, they will lose the basis of their rule.
And there are questions about whether education can be capitalized.
The CPC is so worried that it could decapitalise an education group if it tries to file for an IPO on Nasdaq or elsewhere.
As for those who try to break the rules…
There are many precedents for trying to break the rules and being sent to prison. Even some senior CPC officials are like this.
CPC demands absolute purity.
The 1% of us are also parents, and they worry if their children have academic problems.
This kind of parental worry about their children is very practical. It’s not about your degree level, it’s about how much you can do.
Because Chinese universities can only be entered by examination, even art students are no exception.
So the only way for the 1% is to pay to send their children to a foreign university.
Unable to break the rules at home, they seek private universities abroad.
Interesting. It never occurred to me.
Actually I find the best version is in Malaysia. In addition to all the other flavourings, they also put in sarsparilla syrup and top it off with salty peanuts…it is heavenly!
I go up to Kuala Lumpur at least once a month. Just getting a Malaysian ice kachang is worth the 6 hour journey….LOL
Sounds like you need to visit this part of the world again soon to satisfy your childhood nostalgia.
Give me a shout if you come. I will take you out to lunch 🙂
You’re obviously angry.
Losing five kilos of fat is good for your health. Considering your obesity level, may I suggest you consider it?
It’s already been eaten by the Jewish weasel. And it actually turned out to be chicken.
To get a complete picture, one must go much further than 20th century.
I put it in short form easily readable format for anyone interested to go beyond the Western MSM spin on it. I invite everyone reading to verify my points for themselves. As a thinking person, they should do no less:
The Tibetan EMPIRE existed next to China for centuries. They raided and annexed each others territories depending on who was stronger at the time. But these were merely border territorial squabbles and neither totally conquered each other.
Then in the 1600s, the Manchus from the north conquered BOTH the Tibetans and Chinese (Han). They Manchus also conquered Xinjiang and Mongolia.
Manchuria, China (Han), Tibet, Xinjiang, Mongolia…..All 5 states were incorporated into the sinified Qing dynasty (1644) ….. now known simply as China.
As you have alluded to, Tibet was left largely autonomous with the Manchus/Beijing only retaining powers over foreign relations/trade and the military.
In 1911 the Qing dynasty fell, and its successor was the Republic of China (ROC). All 5 predecessor states passed onto the ROC. See below the early flags at the time, they were composed of 5 different colours. The ROC was weak and corrupt and it fell into warlordism and civil war. They were unable to administer the peripheral states effectively.
In the midst of its troubles, the Japanese annexed Manchuria and invaded the rest of China. The Communists and Nationalists temporarily put aside their infighting and fought Japan.
During this time, Japanese elements infiltrated all of the Allies and encouraged independence movements to weaken the Allied governments. In India and Japanese occupied Singapore, you will probably have noted of Subhash Chandra Bose an independence leader who even met Hitler to gain his support.
In Tibet, Japanese elements encouraged indendence from the Nationalist ROC government. See that flag that “pro Tibetan” folks like to wave around? It was designed by a Japanese. Notice the similarities with the Japanese War Flag.
After Japan’s defeat in 1945, the Communists and Nationalists resumed their fighting. In 1949 the Nationalists retreated to Taiwan and the Communists declared themselves the legitimate government of ALL OF CHINA.
Note that accordingly the Communist Peoples Republic of China, PRC, claimed all that ROC had possessed before it. ROC’s claim in turn was what the Qing government had possessed.
Interestingly enough, one of the claims that the PRC inherited from ROC was the sea claims including the South China Sea islands and Diaoyutai/Senkaku islands………….but I digress….. I only include it to give a fuller picture here.
This was at the height of the Cold War. and alarmed that the Communists had defeated the Nationalists, Western powers now sought to readjust their foreign and military policies in order to counter the Communists.
Amongst their actions was:
1. to deny that the South China Seas islands were part of China, while just a few years prior, they had asserted that they belonged to the ROC. Thus beginning the troubles we see today.
2. Inflitrate Tibet with CIA and MI6 agents to wrest Tibet away from China. They had taken over where the Japanese had left off. There are ample accounts of CIA adventures in Tibet, so I will not bother to attach any here.
If one looks at the map, one will see that Tibet is of vital importance to China. It is the source of the rivers that flow eastwards into China’s agricultural lands.
Now the PRC having defeated the ROC was able to focus on reclaiming the peripheral territories. Combined with the urgency of taking back the vital territories lest they be wrested by the West through an independence movement, China acted in 1950 to re-exert its rule over Tibet.
If one calls the PRC’s action an “Invasion of Tibet”, then one must also call the United States’ actions an “Invasion of the Confederate States of America”.
Now there are many Western films about how Tibetans suffered under the Communists. I dare the reader to see the sources of these films. Are they also from the same sources that force feed into our throats regularly and frequently the narrative of the Holocaust?
If the reader is truly interested in how the Tibetans are faring, and whether their culture is being destroyed by Beijing, is not the best way to verify to go to Tibet and see for themselves? Millions of tourists visit Tibet every year. I urge the reader, go see for yourself.
But few have the balls or the means to travel to Tibet. So for the reader who is honestly seeking the truth, and not content with parroting what he hears on the MSM (who never lies?) …… there are plenty of videos available. I append some below.
Early flag of Republic of China
Japanese War Flag�612&w=0&k=20&c=GPHnIvTwB0Pqxg_iA13cyjFPlWVOFlGcVY4tdwiU1V8=
Flag of Tibet designed by Japanese
Join this American girl who visits Tibet. See if the people still speak their language, dress in their traditional clothes, eat their own foods.
Lovely Italian girl who lives in China and speaks fluent Mandarin visits Tibet
Brave American girl who lives in a village in China….visits Tibetan villages and monks
“Millions of tourists visit Tibet every year. I urge the reader, go see for yourself.”
Foreigners can only visit tibet with a special foreigners only tour guide. There are limited spots we can visit. I always believed this was a natural response to CIA meddling.
Xinzhang is largely the same (no visiting minority areas). I had friends that rented a car and met check points where they were not allowed to go further.
That guy is obviously psychotic as seen in his deranged rants. Either that or he is a Deep State troll paid to throw mud in any thread about China.
When and where did Nancy Pelosi claim to be Native American? Could you provide an article or other trusted source for this or good, solid true evidence? Thank you.
China offered its citizens traditional vaccines. Although certain CPC officials (they always reveal themselves) pushed for Pfizer mRNA shipments and domestic mRNA vax production, the CPC as a whole rejected the mRNA pressure tactics of the US political class. While you may feel the CPC overreacted with the lockdowns, keep in mind that they faced an unprecedented bio-attack.
Unprecedented bio-attack: how do we know that? See the Rancourt-Baudin- Mercier studies from the past two years.
Rejecting the mRNA pressures is a good signal regarding China’s political health.
BTW, that might hardly make a difference regarding the fatality rates from the injections. Viz., the European Medical Agency (EMA) data showed that the conventional vaccines are NOT safer than the mRNA ones. AZN 3-4 times deadlier than mRNA. Formal studies show no difference between them, either.
– Techno-feudalism requires not only the cultural destruction of its subjects, but also their genetic alteration/destruction. All human DNA is considered the property of the owners and can therefore be used as a resource commodity and control mechanism. Under WEF protocol, China’s leaders would have to be willing to destroy their people’s 5000-year-old culture and DNA. I don’t see that happening.
Xi’s battles on the domestic front are less than guaranteed victories: China’s intellectual and political elites are strongly intertwined with the transnational institutions, and one can hardly see their disentanglement happening either. These elites do suffer from cognitive dissonance. It was under these elites that China experienced its greatest destruction of cultural artifacts in modern times : from the 1990s onwards (Xie Chengsheng, 2017). BTW, in terms of inheritance, DNA is a big, bright red herring. See Philip Ball : How Life Works (2024).
Five kilos of shite is on its way to a port near you. Enjoy the generous gift. Bon appetite!
My mistake, it was Elizabeth Warren.
Thanks for pointing it out
Where’s Xinzhang? Do you mean Xinjiang?
How was an Indian guy able to visit this Xinjiang rural area?
Not a matter of should be. Rather, a matter of legitimacy.
China has both internal and external legitimacy over Tibet.
External legitimacy: Since there is no god devining which piece of land should belong to which people, to own and to hold, forever and ever. International boundary is a matter of international
Tibet being part of China was acknowdged and accepted internationally for many years. For instance, the following film clip made by the U.S. government clealy shows that the U.S. like other governments recognized Tibet as part of China.
Tibet not being part of China only raised as the results of the CPC taking over China and the
Korean war. And, of course, the cold war mentally under which America wanted to weaken China by whatever way they could.
Internal Legitimacy: The peaceful liberation of Tibet said volume about the relationship between China and Tibet. Yes, there were military actions. But overall there were not a lot of bloodshed. The military phase of the liberation lasted for 12 days, 180 Tibetans troops were killed or wounded. In comparision, Francis Younghusband’s 1903-04 expedition killed 700 Tibetans during the Massacre of Chumik Shenko. Subsequent battles in what some call the War of Gyantse killed 2000 more.
More imprtant, the
“military action was meant as a display of Chinese miltiary strength; it showed her determination to ‘integrate’ Tibet within the new China.
The Chinese could have marched straight on to Lhasa but … Instead they attempted to convince the Tibetan Government that a negotiated settlement could be reached, and that they are willing to seek ‘peaceful liberation.’”
While military action was stopped on the 19th Oct.1950, the negotiation took another one year and one day. Finally, the 17-points agreement between a cnetral governemnt and a local government, signed on May 23rd, 1951 was ratified by the Kashag and accepted by the DL on the 20th Oct of 1951. On the 24th, a letter written by the DL was sent to Mao in the form of a telegram:
“The Tibet Local Government as well as the ecclesiastic and secular people unanimoulsy support this agreement, and under the leadership of Chairman Mao and the Central People’s Government, will actively support the People’s Liberation Army in Tibet to consolidate national defence, drive out imperialist influences from Tibet and safeguard the unification of the territory and the sovereignty of the Motherland.”
(All quotes above from THE DRAGON IN THE LAND OF SNOWS by Tsering
Spelling slip – combination of typing on phone and getting nagged by the old lady.
Checkpoints are a common sighting.
I could find so many more. The Chinese thankfully don’t mess around when it comes to dealing with terrorists.
I’ve never been myself though, for a time all foreigners were banned from entering Xinjiang. It’s only relaxed in recent years. If you don’t believe me call and arrange a tour for yourself.
Thank you for the response. Yes, people in the West would be better off avoiding Hollywood movies and the mainstream news, because then we would simply be uninformed, rather than misinformed. Much of what you write explains the information without a Western spin. I also found the comment by @ ltlee to be helpful.
Both comments convey an explanation of events that is positive for the PRC. This may well be an accurate description, but does it account for the fact that many Tibetans fled to India and there is presently a government in exile (the Central Tibetan Administration)? Whatever happened, some Tibetans clearly did not welcome the presence of Communist Chinese troops.
This is a valid point, because no one disputes that the Confederacy was part of the United States. However, some people do refer to the American Civil War as an invasion of the South by the North.
here is a guide by someone who drove around:
“Unclear and changeable at any time
Yes, that’s what I found when I traveled in Xinjiang. Normally, we foreigners would not be happy with these restrictions, and it is obvious. But at least we would like to know clear, in advance- where can we go freely, where we can go only under certain restrictions, permits, and other requirements, and where we can’t go at all.
Unfortunately, you can’t find any website or any other source of information, presenting all these regulations clearly. There is no such full information even in Chinese. Not only that, but most of the policemen, even the officials don’t know everything!”
I’m sure I’ve had many, many more meetings with senior level Chinese businessmen and provincial leaders than you’ll ever have.
Your “Fach†is sweeping generalizations about something you know little about but based on what “they†say. Exactly what Heidegger thought was a profound problem of the west. You’re a variant of the little ladies that gather together and gossip. More power to you, you must seek a way to find meaning with your somewhat baleful existence.
Good luck and good riddance Sklave.
Two points:
1. The author of the second link Darren Byler “has written about the ongoing oppression of the ethnic group in China, such as through the Xinjiang internment camps.” (Wikepedia)
However, I has yet to see evidence on any of such internment camps. For instance, there are a lot of pictures on SUPPOSEDLY internment campus. But none of them has Uighers. The following is an example.
If you came across better evidence, please share.
2. Check points are more difficult to evaluate. It, to a large part, depends on one’s view on pro-active policing. Proactive policy would certainly inconvenience citizens but MAY say Lives. It is always difficult to balance the two desires, especially from far away.
My point was related to checkpoints on roads – not camps. Hard to get evidence when you aren’t allowed anywhere near them – if they do exist.
Someone may have to do some sneaking around, but it may be difficult due to how strictly china enforces it’s borders.
Or use satellite images (your image appears in this article)
We don’t have to worry about what Aleatorius is. Just enjoy the entertainment.
Ah, I’m the bad guy who gets happy when people get angry.
I can’t stop laughing every time I see Aleatorius being teased by me.
In this way, whether Aleatorius is CIA or not, he may once again wonder whether his work has caused him great mental pollution.
But if you produce 5 kg of shite, you must be seriously obese…
Just thinking about your fat frame makes me wonder if you ever worry about your obesity?
Excellent question…We must examine it more closely.
Who are those Tibetans that fled to India? Were they the poor, or the rich?
Were they the serfs? or were they they the serf-owning class?
If you will indulge me, I will try to describe a nature of migration:
Migrants come and go in waves. But they are not all alike. Each wave migrates for different reasons.
I will describe it in a Southeast Asian context because it is most familiar to me. But you can surely distinguish similar trends in the USA/West if you look closely enough.
And I will use migrants from China and India as an example since they have such a long history here
Chinese contact with Southeast Asia began hundreds of years ago, mostly through trade. By about 800AD there was already a thriving trade serving Arabia, Persia and India going through Southeast Asia.
In those days, Chinese who came to this part of the world were mostly male traders. Some stayed and intermarried with the local women. This was the genesis of the Peranakan Chinese aka Nyonya aka Baba culture here. These people were the adventurous, entrepreneurial type.
Over centuries, these traders came very prosperous and it became possible for Chinese women to also join their husbands in the Peranakan communities. And the genetic of the hybrid Peranakans make up increased from 50% Chinese to perhaps 90% or more…making them almost indistinguishable from Chinese in China.
Then in the 1800s China underwent a catastrophic decline coinciding with the Opium Wars and their Century of Humiliation. Their share of world GDP collapsed from 30% to 5%. Famines, inter communal strife and civil war common place.
This coincided with the European colonial powers establishing colonies in SE Asia that needed a pool of hardworking intelligent people. The Brits especially encouraged immigration from China and India to work their mines and plantations in Malaya.
So a second wave of Chinese to these shores. These were poor and uneducated. They were hungry and worked hard and are a major factor for the thriving economies of SE Asia today. These people cared nothing for politics or ideology. All they wanted was to be able to fill their bellies at the end of the day. Till this day, the colloquial greeting amongst Chinese here is “have you eaten yet?”
This second wave would correspond to the Chinese immigration during the period of the building of the railroads in the American Wild West.
Then in the late 1940s and early 50s after Communist victory against the Nationalists in China, a new wave of immigrants appeared. These were typically wealthy people who feared that the Communists would confiscate all their wealth. So they left China. They went to Taiwan, Hongkong and SE Asia, some also fled to the West. These people hated the communists.
Our friend Gordon Chang whom US media loves to quote as a “China Expert”, comes from this wave of migrants. Is it possible that they get an unbiased opinion from him?
Now in the 2000s, with a rising China, many of the rich are “spreading their eggs into different baskets”. Many have bought second homes or investment properties in SE Asia. These people are not typically anti Communist. They are only obsessed with bling.
I originally wanted to give an equivalent account of the migration from India to SE Asia, but this post gets over long.
So I will just end it by suggesting to you:
Those Tibetans who fled Tibet when the Communists took over, are those of the serf-owning class who could AFFORD to do so. They were the ones who would see a drastic fall in their power under the Communists. The serfs living in the barns with the animals certainly could not hope to do so. In fact they widely welcomed the arrival of the Communists.
Of course I could be spewing Communist propaganda…who knows? So I leave you to ascertain the truth for yourself.
In the meanwhile, I will leave you with an account of a Tibetan serf who lived through those times. Only you can judge if it is the real deal using your internal BS meter.
Aleatorius reminds me of Indian trolls who take pride in their shit as seen in his posts here. He claims to be a so-called ‘White nationalist’ but WNs don’t talk that way at all. Only Indians who are used to wallowing in shit behave that way because they can’t help but take pride in their lack of hygiene.
I had read about the articles based on satellite images too. Bu the same issue: Where were the detainees?
Given that Xinjiang is sparsely populated with high mountains dissecting the province into difficult ot cross regions. Guarded buildings as a mean to deter criminality are not surprising.
Anyway, my view is that serious allegation must be supported by serious evidence. So far, I do not see any evidence concerning massive detention of Uygurs.
I agree with you, but the whole telling someone to “go and visit” a place that is highly controlled and ensures visitors can only see a very limited area is either ignorant (which is fair enough, many Chinese do not know that foreigners face different rules) or purposefully misleading. When they link a video from a state sponsored presenter it makes mean lean towards the latter…but hey who knows, eh.
There were real reports and there were fake reports.
1. The US had successfully fermented unrested in Tibet. American effort to destabilize Tibet had failed to accomplish much except allowing the DL to fled China with a large of chunk of Tibet’s accumulated wealth. It did made the lives of those who followed the American order difficult in Tibet. These group fled as soon as they could. They were indeed Orphans of the Cold War.
There are several books on the US instigated unrest:
“CIA Paramilitary Operations in Tibet: 1957-1974 (2022),”
“Orphans of the Cold War (2002),”
“The CIA’s Secret War in Tibet (2002)”.
As a summary on this Tibetan episode, Lee Feigon wrote in DEMYSTIFYING TIBET the following,
“The United States helped to instigate this [1956] revolt. A number of sources have now
documented this aid – exagents, journalists, and most recently authoritatively, the historian Tom Grunfeld. The Tibetans also have begun to talk about it. The Dalai Lama acknowledges the contacts his brothers and others had with U.S. agents and mentions that later in 1959. As the Dalai
Lama’s statement implies, the CIA not only supplied weapons and equipment to the rebels, it also trained commando squads and smuggled them out of and back into the country. Some of this training was quite imaginative. The CIA conducted special classes for the rebel leaders in the mountains of Colorado, where the high altitude conditions were similar to Tibet and parachted the
commandos back into Tibet.
Regrettably, however, the CIA did not provide high-caliber aid. The Dalai Lama himself has claimed that the CIA harmed the rebels more than it helped them.”
2. Many reports on Tibetan monks and nuns fled Tibet because of religious persecution in Tibet. Some of these reports were likely to be fake:
“Tibetan Nun Is A Fake, U.S. Says
Federal officials said Chodon, who grew up in a Tibetan village near the foot of Mount Everest, concocted the nun tale as part of her highly publicized bid to gain asylum in the United States. She described going to a nunnery in Nepal, where she shaved her head, burned incense and arose at 5 a.m. to recite prayers. “I’m just a simple Buddhist nun,” she told an immigration judge in Arlington in 2003.
In reality, the government says, Chodon is part of a passport fraud ring still under investigation. Federal investigators do not know why she allegedly faked being a nun, but they say the case highlights the potential danger posed by those who may exploit immigration laws, as the Sept. 11, 2001, hijackers and other terrorists have done. ”
“But if you produce 5 kg of shite, you must be seriously obese…”
The merde has been accumulating and stewing for awhile, just like some ancient Chinese medicinal recipe, to be lapped up by an obedient patient in a psych ward. And now that you have been discovered to suffer from the symptoms for which it has been prepared, a generous dose of it has been shipped to you to help alleviate the ailment. Please apply it generously to all parts of the body, day and night. And godspeed!
The purpose of advising Westerners to “go and visit” is not to verify every nitpicking detail in China.
But simply to see and feel that China is not as Western media portrays it….a land of thick smog covering grey skies, and ominous omnipresent state surveillance watching everyone’s moves.
The single most consistent reaction any Westerner gets when he visits China is that “it wasn’t as I imagined it to be”. The next thought that comes into his mind is “my mind is being manipulated”. This is the underlying purpose of the advice.
Now you can nitpick all you want. My information may not be the latest because the last time I was in China was before Covid. But from what I understand is that Tibet requires permits for foreigners, whereas Xinjiang does not. Of course my info may not be updated. My own friends visited Tibet a couple of years back, so it is at least that current.
I linked many videos. Only one was from a state sponsored presenter. Why do you focus on that one, but not the others?
Now your comment itself is revealing. It appears that you consider anyone daring to use “state sponsored” sources is suspect. It appears that you lean in the opposite direction. Do you also hate the communists?
Now that you have earned my attention. I would like to clarify this statement with you.
I take it you mean Xinjiang.
What do you mean by “minority areas”?
I agree that there’s a lot of communist propaganda articles here and that this is another example. Most likely these are funded by communist government budgets. Solomon-types have a long history with China. Kissinger wasn’t the first Jew to help a primary enemy of the White race. Treachery aimed at White extermination is woven into their DNA. Israel is working with China and has gifted them much of our weapons technology. Putin is China’s leading fanboy. The Soviet and Chinese propaganda, along with Palestinian obsession here, is much more heavily applied than exposes documenting how Jewish power and influence is systematically exterminating Whites in their own nations. I will give credit to the website’s namesake’s articles for remaining focused on the primary emergency White’s should be concerned about.
You Indians must love cow dung because they are a “medicinal recipe to be applied generously to all parts of the body.” LOL!
Thank you for the post, and the suggested reading. As soon as I saw the name Maurice Strong mixed up with the Tibetan refugees, I knew that the situation was more complicated than the “Free Tibet” narrative. It’s a shame that people in the West need to approach every situation as if it was a psy-op
You are incorrect re. Tibet. Japanese forces never made it there. Always manipulated by Britain, later CIA,
Funny thing though, Dalai Lama had almost the exact same fashion sense as Aisin Gyoro Pu Yi, although some years out of synchronisation .
In any case, anyone must see that Italian Commie film director Bertolucci made a very great film with The Last Emperor.
The first volume of source material, From Emperor to Citizen is very good. The second volume, not so much, also very interesting, but it shades into propaganda, and Pu Yi is dead soon after his new marriage.
Killed by Red Guards? I would guess so.
In any case, the film is very good, only point I dislike is depiction of the Sov. invasion,
Foreigners need special tour guides for tibet, always have. (Also not supposed to call it tibet anymore by the latest protocol -it’s Xizang). I explained the typo already. For those that don’t know -zh and -j are similar in pinyin. By “Minority areas” I was thinking æ–°ç–† Xinjiang*** was like the other minority self ruled areas (like you see in Sichuan, Guangxi etc ) but as opposed to those the Xinjiang ones would be more locked off – many Han I know from Xinjiang rarely interact with the Turks there. I would re-write my sentence though to better express how the checkpoints can be everywhere, placed seemingly at random, and there will be many many areas no one can access (especially foreigners not given access to the more beautiful scenic spots in northern Xinjiang). Imagine if Chinese would be blocked from visiting Utah and Yellowstone!
I agree that anyone visiting most of China these days from outside is shocked on arrival at how much better it is – and how the reverse happens when Chinese visit America (infrastructure in the major cities looks old and decayed).
I am not against the government (very much in support!), but I’m not a zealot either. AQI numbers on local apps are always 50-100 points lower than:
Minorities are presented as happy/colorful/dancing with delicious food – which is about as cringe worthy as saying democrats are the real racists Also in regards to race, using the common Lenninst tactic of race division in America I.e saying how racist whites are (when in reality your typical guy on the street in China is FAR more racist). Browsing on the internet can show you the amount of 黑鬼 (n-word) being used or other such snide comments about å±±ä¸œå¤§å¦ ï¼ˆShandong university giving special treatment to African students), or even more snide remarks when blacks ride the subway in guangzhou. Now, why doesn’t anyone working for state media r
write up a report about racism in China? Probably because it’s as likely as the BBC not writing a report about racism in the UK!
And I know I know, you’ll ask to see what racism actually occurs and if I give my own experience you’ll reply “who are you??” And if I’ll give other sources it will be “that source is western” or like dealing with M. Heidigger above “what, you can’t even source yourself?” Like you, I believe the nitpicking is possibly the most annoying, wasn’t purposefully trying to do so – just want to show where I think not all information is being given.
Anyway back to the salt mines, and if you don’t hear back from me in a while I wish you 五一节快了.
Always the jujube with the Anglo-Saxon names…Maxwell, Murdoch, Bennett, Woodward.
Maybe next time add a middle name Walton and then a suffix IV.
五一节快ä¹** hh before I get attacked again
Now comes another yellow rat talking about India the moment they have lost the contest.
I don’t know much about India but I am sure they’re much better race than the Chinese.
Severe altitude sickness… Harsh environment, relatively poor signal…
Not everyone can go to xizang. You have to be in good health.
It’s the same as when people try to cross Lop Nur and die there.
The checkpoints are there to protect you from those undeveloped areas.
There are wild animals like bears. There’s no good coverage of the satellite signal.
In case you die or get lost, the local police are ultimately responsible.
As a tourist destination, I wouldn’t recommend going to xizang.
The logic is similar in places like Xinjiang.
Don’t try to defy nature.
As for black people…
It’s true that black people have lower intelligence, higher drug addiction rates, and higher crime rates, but unlike white people, we don’t attack them for it, and we don’t verbally attack them.
There’s even an aid agency that works with Africa to educate them to make sure they don’t end up like that.
People can’t keep falling.
At most, we use black people as funny entertainment jokes on forums.
So, with our racism, as long as you don’t attack us directly, we generally don’t attack each other.
But once you cross that line…
You can look up what happened to these peoples in history…
“At most, we use black people as funny entertainment jokes on forums.”
Reminds me when my company brought in a new black employee and our local coworker’s kids danced around him saying “大猩猩ï¼å¤§çŒ©çŒ©ï¼â€ (Gorilla! Gorilla!) And the mother (Shanghainese) just stood on and laughed.
Yes, you are right, the Imperial Army per se did not get to Tibet, but intelligence elements did….We know of one led by Jinzo Nomoto.
Interestingly enough I have heard first hand accounts of something slightly related to Japanese intelligence agents in Singapore during WW2.
A good buddy’s family was friends with a certain Japanese guy in Singapore. I am not sure what his occupation was, but he had arrived some months prior to the war.
During the Japanese Occupation, the Imperial Army confiscated their house as it was in a good location in the city. Not knowing what to do, the father appealed to the Japanese friend who went to the Imperial Army to vouch for the family and they got their house back.
Upon later reflection, they believe that he was a Japanese intelligence agent or at least an informant who was giving information to the Japanese military. They have no way to prove it of course. That is why his request to return the house had some weight to it.
They hold nothing against him personally, he turned out to be a decent guy. He was just doing his job in a difficult time.
You are not fooling anyone. You are acting in a typical Anglo perfidious two-faced manner.
One the one hand you say you support the PRC government, but on the other hand you cast aspersions on anyone daring to link “state controlled” media.
In the meanwhile you take pains to try to impress everyone that you are familiar with China and even trying to insert the odd chinese character here and there. But your mistake with “Xinzhang” shows you are still grappling with the language.
On an English language forum, you take pains to use Xizang rather than Tibet. You choose a Chinese term that few English speakers know in order to impress the non-Chinese.
As for now, I am not certain if you are some sort of CIA asset or YET ANOTHER Yank who has lived in Asia for a few years, then goes around and tries to impress everyone about how knowledgeable he is.
But I am onto you. I look forward to engaging with you more in future.
And what is wrong with that? If the Central Government wishes encourage tourism into these areas, the local economies would benefit. In Tibet alone 20+ million internal tourists visited last year.
Or would you rather see grubby faced children running around without shoes in order to get what you think is “the real authentic” experience?
I hear such nonsense all the time from Yank tourists who come to southeast asia and they would say this city is not authentic, because it doesn’t have the beggars in the street and the hordes of flies like the other city…..because a dirt poor, dirty, primitive Asia fits neatly into their expectations/hopes.
They may not be perfect, but at least the Central Government is trying to improve the lot of the locals. Any visit to one of major cities of the USA will shock the visitor the the number of homeless occupying city streets.
Let the Chinese rule themselves, Westerners with the Saviour Impulse, instead of being all concerned about minorities in China, should instead return home and be a saviour to all those homeless in their streets.
I just saw this:
It is easy to see that you are using a Hanyu Pinyin input, then cutting and pasting the displayed text into your comments.
It shows that you are trying hard to impress with your Chinese skills, but are falling far short because you cannot differentiate which is the correct character from a set of pinyin homonyms.
You are embarassing yourself and you don’t even know it.
Just learn the characters already. It ain’t rocket science you know.
Well, I’m shanghainese.
Thank you, you have put it across well.
This is something Western people have alot of difficulty understanding.
To them, the natural result of superiority is domination of the inferior.
Perhaps when explained in your way, they will finally understand.
“As for now, I am not certain if you are some sort of CIA asset or YET ANOTHER Yank who has lived in Asia for a few years, then goes around and tries to impress everyone about how knowledgeable he is.”
And you’re just another sneaky chinaman pretending to write in a foreign language just because he has been to a McDonald’s in Peking. Are you an agent of the Communist Party of China? Don’t say anything for we know the answer… every last one of you in the West is a traitorous spy for the Xi Jinping and should be kicked out of it!
I can sum up both your comments as:
1. Personal attacks
2. Karen bashing
3. Projection of your own superiority complex on others
None of these change the facts that China limits tourism in the key areas we discussed above or that minority culture (as well as Han traditional culture I would like to add) is being lost. Is that the CCPs fault? I don’t believe so. Modernity does that. But have they shown an effective strategy to preserve it? I don’t think so. Banning Western holidays to bring back some Chinese New Year feeling will be about as effective as how they dealt with some of the other major issues currently plaguing the economy and country.
I’m sorry to say that this year will not be the “Dragon Year”, nor will the next. You can reply to this post in the 2030s to apologize and tell me I was right as the Dragon finally wakes from its current coma.
Goodbye and å†ä¼šï¼ˆthat’s Goodbye in Shanghainese):) 🙂
I also explained the question about tourism to you in the previous answer, and you should reply to it.
The reason why some tourist attractions are not open is that there are serious dangers if they are open.
This is not the same logic as in the United States.
In America, you have a brilliant idea and then you want to challenge yourself by jumping into a hot spring in Yellowstone and dying from the heat, no one cares.
But in China you don’t have the opportunity to make such a dangerous move.
As for the black jokes you remember…
The real question is, do black people care? After all, kids don’t understand racism.
If you think that’s racist, is it racist for Jews to look down on lower and middle class whites?
And black people should look for reasons why they were enslaved by white people. They themselves should first reflect on what they did wrong.
Are they too lazy? Or too little resistance?
LOL. Just because I speak your language you assume I am in the West.
Try learning Chinese. Your IQ will jump 4 points immediately.
Or at least you will be able to charm your future Chinese landlord for a discount on your rent.
Here are some black dudes who have enough self confidence to know that kids will be kids….they say things exactly what is on their minds without meaning any offense.
I already speak fluent Chinese with my lovely concubine from Peking and when I say to her, Chingchong, do you want the big dingdong and my Pingpong replies oh daddy I am waiting for it… now my “IQ” has risen to a degree which is her joy and happiness.
Can’t be. Chinese women don’t date broke men. The average American doesn’t have $1000 in the bank.
Those women who fancy big dicks over thick wallets, will go for the black blokes.
Besides, every man who felt the need to boast about having a big dick, was trying too hard to cover up his insecurity.
Sorry man… no money, no dicky, no pussy.
Some of the intelligence exploits in Singapura, Java, Hawaii, and California were very impressive.
I have an expansive book on it. The most amusing part was, on learning that many of the top Javanese administrators were homosexual, a homosexual brothel was set up to glean information.
That poster is not even American as his previous posts bragging about his medicinal usage of cow dung proves he is most definitely Indian. See my post #184.
The real question is, are you a chinaman? See the comment # 184 for clues. Yes, you’re after a careful and proper examination, therefore, you are persona non grata like the rest of the trolls from China.
Not being Indian, cow dung has its uses. If dry, it doesn’t stink. Makes a good slow fire at night. The smoke also keeps mosquitos away.
Even in Bhutan, they use yak turds for fuel, though they don’t have to worry about mosquitos.
Of course, the real question is why do you have slanty eyes and yellow skin? Is it a punishment of some sort from the higher power? What is the remedy, other than destruction of China?
In post #203, you literally showed off your dong in a public forum which is equivalent to flashing your dick in public, as seen in this incident:
Doesn’t that reflect badly on your Indian ‘manhood’? I mean you Indian guys must be so lacking in manners, hygiene, morals, physique, sports, personality and other masculine characteristics that the only things you can brag about is your poop and dong? Oh, and stop pretending to be a White American because you are beginning to sound like a typical call centre scam artist from Bangalore.
To be more precise, zaiwei
As for traditional culture disappearing or not.
That depends on The Times.
This is the trend.
Even the Shanghainese dialect is rarely spoken now.
But what goes away goes away. Only time will tell.
For a simple example, do you want to keep the Jewish custom of eating children?
Yes, I am not very sure. You could well be right. For now, I am observing. At present I am leaning towards Brit or Brit commonwealth. I will narrow down the possibilities in time. Thanks
You probably don’t realise it. But we take it as a compliment that you say these things. Especially when you use that flattering term “Chinaman”.
Bless you, you are too kind.
We already know that we are better than you. Please don’t be jealous.
Gosh, another vassal of an upstart Empire talking about the demise of China.
China has seen many young brash empires come and go. Greeks, Persians, Romans, Parthians, Arabs, Portuguese, Spanish, Ottomans, Dutch, British, and now the latest teenage bully on the block…the Yankee Empire.
In a century, China will be reading about the Yank Empire in the history books while your grandkids will be wallowing in a backwater…yet again.
When the Yank Empire is kaput, who will your people suck up to then? The Chinese?
He can work it off raping children in Gaza like a courageous and noble jew.
“When the Yank Empire is kaput, who will your people suck up to then? The Chinese?”
Do you remember Japan and the rape of China? Enough said!
“Doesn’t that reflect badly on your Indian ‘manhood’? I mean you Indian guys must be so lacking in manners, hygiene, morals, physique, sports, personality and other masculine characteristics that the only things you can brag about is your poop and dong? Oh, and stop pretending to be a White American because you are beginning to sound like a typical call centre scam artist from Bangalore.”
Now you’re projecting, son! I don’t what’s happening in India but if those Brown Boys want to ding-dong ugly yellow gals then that’s between them… it’s no concern of mine as I see both of you as pests.
There is an ongoing brain drain of Indian college-educated professionals to the West. If you aren’t Indian, instead of obsessing about China, then how come you don’t criticize Indians who are taking over white-collar jobs from Whites in the West?
You’re a moron but I will answer to your idiotic notions for the last time…
“There is an ongoing brain drain of Indian college-educated professionals to the West.”
India copied US in creating MIT like institutes all over the country and are graduating a ton of engineers every year, therefore, they can afford the brain drain of second class talent.
“If you aren’t Indian, instead of obsessing about China…”
Know thine enemy! China is the number one adversary of America and unless we tackle them now, it would be too late.
“… then how come you don’t criticize Indians who are taking over white-collar jobs from Whites in the West?”
Unfortunately, our elite, both Christiana and Jews had decided that China will be our manufacturing base and India will supply US with administration in businesses to lower costs, however, now they have found out that China is going to be their death knell so they’re mending their plans accordingly and likewise, once they are bitten by India, they will amend that as well thus I don’t see the need to waste my time on it.
Conclusion: China is existential threat to US, whereas, India is at best a nuisance that can easily be remedied… to retain our hegemony we must and will destroy China.
As usual I agree in general, but Pulau Sentosa was much nicer before it was made into what it is now. The children already had good schools. That, and food, are the important things.
Must look into Nomoto, had read vague accounts, but of interest.
Below, a reply to you that reached time-out, so lost addressee info.
Spoken like a true Indian. Why should a White Nationalist care about your IITs churning out millions of Indian engineering graduates every year whose career dream is to leave India for the West? And it’s not even IT jobs anymore but every white-collar job requiring English-speaking skills and a college degree is up for grabs by millions of Indian emigres who are moving to the West every year. As proof, the UK has seen a massive influx of Indians under PM Sunak who is of Indian origin. That’s also happening in Canada after Trump tightened H1-Bs which Biden has loosened. There are entire industries in India which exist to export Indians to the West, from IT outsourcing firms to visa agencies, from diploma mills to HR outfits. Even the Indian government has tried to negotiate visas for Indians in trade agreements between India and the West. If anything, this practice is so pervasive that White Nationalists should be alarmed at the collusion between their Western governments and India to flood their Western countries with Indians. But you are not. And that’s why you ain’t no White Nationalist.
Babylon USA/West is the home of demons. This incarnated demon will be fried in the lake of fire along with their demonic heathen garbage evangelical, pale skin supremacist egghead sickos, and their zionist brothers.
Relevation 18:2
“‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!’[a]
She has become a dwelling for demons
and a haunt for every impure spirit,
a haunt for every unclean bird,
a haunt for every unclean and detestable animal.
I’m not a fan of them Chicoms, but the world is tired of Demonic Babylon/USA and its infested demonic inhabitants. Its government sucks, the best that they can throw at their people is the two old pale farts, so they can have their two demonic cults pitted against each other. Its evangelical heathen religion is garbage. Its churches suck. Its manufacturing is garbage, most of its people don’t want to work but want to collect the paycheck. Its financial Moloch system is about to come down at any given time. Now it’s being saddled with more debts with its two bitches on both arms. The bitch zionist Israel is so jealous of the bitch Ukraine and would not want the bitch Ukraine from taking more garbage fiat money from the bitch Babylon/USA, so now they started a fiasco with Iran. The world is so tired of the three lesbian bitches and EU hookers standing around at the street corner. Enjoy a few years left on prison planet earth, incarnated demonic lesbian bitches. Demonic Babylon/USA will not be raptured out of here, but be destroyed in one hour and hauled off to the lake of fire where you belong. That is for sure. Chicoms will follow next in line to demonic Babylon/USA to the lake of fire.
As you continuously display….not knowing much about anything, certainly does not stop you from talking endlessly about it.
In this way, you are extremely Indian.