The New York Times has a front page article up claiming that Trump is the real land-grabber because he wants to liberate Greenland from brutal Danish hegemony.
However, we should be aware that Joe Biden tried to annex parts of Russia and annexed Gaza and much of the West Bank. He annexed Syria and attempted an annexation of Taiwan and the entire South China Sea.
Trump may or may not be better on these various issues that Biden was involved in, however, claiming that the US annexing Greenland is some kind of extreme behavior is just wrong. Annexing Greenland, whatever you think of this plan, would be very reasonable in comparison to the Biden global war agenda.
Personally, I think annexing Greenland is a really good idea and should be supported. I don’t think it will happen, but if it does, that’s hilarious.
Who would have thought the entire world would be white knighting for sickening Greenland? I didn’t see that one coming.
The vast majority of Greenland’s population is Eskimo. Chances are that they don’t care which White Man rules them: Danish or American. A majority of them might see integration with the USA as a net good.
Trump is a Christ like figure, willing to suffer the slings and arrows so that the Jewish atrocities in the Middle East get less attention. His ability to bloviate so hard there is no oxygen left in the room is a truly divine blessing. This is so much better than having a demonrat in office who will openly attack White people, instead of back handedly doing it with economics arguments. This is very funny and hilarious and great for ironybro coin.
Just pay the 57,000 each 57,000 million $ to vote YES in a plebiscite to apply to join the US as a new state.
Or give them all a half ton of seal meat and an F150 to haul the bribe away to their igloos.
Greenland has been a territory of Denmark since forever, settled by Vikings before 1000 AD. It only has 56,000 people and most of the country is covered in ice. Most people in Greenland look like Inuits. He wants Greenland for:
1) its rich oil reserve off the coast, some 110 billion barrels reported, largest in the world
2) its rare earth minerals – largest deposit outside of China, used in cell phones, batteries etc. Now owned by Greenland Mining Company where a major shareholder is a Chinese company
3) US already has an air base in Greenland that has 600 people in it, we use it for missile detection
4) to control a major waterway from northern Europe to US
Trump is threatening massive tariff on Denmark if they don’t hand over the territory. I can’t think of one thing we import from Denmark other than Lego. Regardless this is some shameless thuggery. He’s using our military might to act like an international robber baron. America has no moral high ground left after Israel and now these shameless land grab threats. But what else do you expect from a convicted felon, class? Honor? LOL. After what he said when we invaded Iraq (take the oil!) the world should already know US Presidents are no more than shameless goons and thugs.
See this thread. A very interesting hypothesis that Zion Don wants to acquire Greenland so that his tech bro masters can build their Judeo-homosexual utopia there.
Mr. Anglin has not yet visualized the end game of the new Arctic geopolitics, which is that the American Zionist Empire will use an enhanced military and sea-lane posture in the Far North to subdue Russia in a way that compensates for its “loss” of the NATO-proxy war in Ukraine.
The foreseeable result of Trump the Hebrew shill-clone’s newest machinations will be checkmate by and for the satanic Talmudic Monster–which is Moses the Sorcerer organized and determined–giving it World Control:
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By the way, the Hebrew geopolitical checkmate just described very reasonably assumes that Washington and Tel Aviv will surely succeed in their transparent plan to extirpate the Islamic Revolution and gain control of the Strait of Hormuz.
Soon the American Zionist Empire will be able to exert strong economic-resource pressure on China against Russia, the Russians not having foreseen this when they “allied” Moscow with Beijing just before the beginning of the SMO in 2022. Again, Hebrew checkmate and world control is in sight.
Does anyone really think that 57,000 people will be able to stand in the way of the Great Powers involved in the current Great Game of World Control? In the background, of course, is the Talmudic Monster–which will get its way even against millions and billions of people. By the way, the Kingdom of Denmark yesterday already conceded the point.
Of course…the Inuits will demand better welfare and immigration rights into the USA….
Or maybe Trump wants to build a Winter Palace for Bibi.
Anglen has lost all credibility going full Jew advocating the theft of other people’s land.
Donald might be following the footsteps of Ronald … Reagan didn’t want to take the risk of WW III by attacking the Evil Empire but invaded tiny Grenada instead … Grenada was/is part of the British Commonwealth (now ruled by Charles III) so attacking the allies is not unprecedented …. Donald also might to want to invade Belgium as enabled by the Hague Invasion Act if ICC tries to arrest Netanyahu
interesting times