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FBI Says Bomb Threats to Jew Community Centers Coming from Outside US!

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In early 2017, following the election of Donald Trump, the Anti-Defamation League threw a fit, like spoiled children.

Jonathan Greenblatt, the chief Jew at the Jewish shakedown and defamation group, had been banking on Hillary Clinton winning and giving all sorts of new benefits to the Jews, including “hate speech” laws.

All of the sudden, just after Trump took office, Jewish Community Centers (JCCs) started receiving a barrage of prank call bomb threats. Over 2000 prank calls threatening to blow up the JCCs were issued by one person, across multiple countries. Nothing ever blew up. It was prank calls.

Greenblatt was constantly in the public, whining and blaming Donald Trump and “white supremacy.” He called for “action,” without specifying what that would look like, while heavily hinting at a need for hate speech laws.

I said, from the beginning of this major hoax, that only a Jew would do this. I put my reputation on the line, and said that there was a 100% chance that the person or group making the calls was Jewish.

In late February 2017, when Trump was confronted about it by an orthodox Jew, he said it might be designed to “make others look bad,” indicating that Jews were the ones making the calls.

The ADL then accused Trump of reading the Daily Stormer and promoting our “conspiracy theories.”

Shortly thereafter, the FBI went to Israel and found that in fact, an Israeli Jew was making the calls. The 18-year-old, Michael Ron David Kadar, was said to have been doing it… for no reason. It was pure coincidence that it gave Jonathan Greenblatt fuel to attack Donald Trump and white people generally.

They then claimed that he was autistic and had a brain tumor.

He was nonetheless sentenced to ten years in prison in Israel.

What I said at the time and maintain now is that the ADL must have known who was making the calls, and therefore the ADL should be investigated for this terror hoax against their own people. If the ADL did not know who was making the calls, they wouldn’t have promoted it so heavily, because they had to have known it was a Jew.

Only Jews make these kinds of frivolous threats, as they only benefit Jews, as they are able to claim victimhood. No “white supremacist” gains anything from Trump and all white people being blamed for malicious prank calls.

Most fantastically of all, even after the calls were revealed to have been done by a Jew in Israel, the ADL kept them in their “hate crimes” statistics, and went on to claim that 2017 saw a 60% increase in “antisemitic incidents.”

If they had not included these prank calls made by the Israeli, their data (which is really all fraudulent) likely would have shown “antisemitic incidents” dropping in 2017.

Recently, this exact same thing is happening again, this time via email, in the wake of the Gaza slaughter. Prank calls are being made, threatening bombings against JCCs. No bombings are happening, of course. This time around, the Jews are blaming Moslems.

Now, the FBI is saying that the calls are coming from outside of the United States.


Hundreds of false bomb threats that were emailed over the weekend to Jewish facilities across the US are believed to be connected and originating from outside the country, according to the FBI.

At this time, based on similar language and specific email tradecraft used, it appears the perpetrators of these threats are connected. Additionally, these threats appear to be originating from outside of the United States,” the FBI said in a message to national Jewish organizations that was obtained by CNN.

“To date, none of these email threats have involved any actual explosive devices or credible risk of harm to congregants,” the bureau added.

More than 400 Jewish facilities received the false bomb threats over email since Saturday, the Anti-Defamation League, an international Jewish non-profit organization, said on Monday.

Oren Segal, vice president of the Center on Extremism at ADL, told CNN the organization believed one person or a small number of people were behind the threats. The emailed messages contained similarities, including the nature of the alleged threats and variations in the name of a group claiming to be responsible for them, said Segal, who had seen the messages.

More than 30 of the FBI’s field offices across the US are investigating the threats, the bureau said.

Previously, the federal agency said it was aware of the hoaxes and there was no information to suggest a current, credible threat.

The false threats come just days after the end of Hanukkah and amid a spike of threats against the Jewish community documented since the start of the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza.

It is the Jews again. I can say that with 100% certainty.

Jews are the only people who do this. Moslems don’t make frivolous threats. Moslems drop into your base on paragliders and start killing your dudes.

Moslems do not play gay little games. They just kill you.

We’ve seen this for decades, and if you want, centuries. Whatever you think of the Moslems, they do not mess around, and they get their hands dirty.

Jews are the ones doing this weird shit.

Given that Jews suffered no consequences at all for doing this hoax in 2017, there is zero reason to believe they would not simply do the exact same hoax again.

I have 100% certainty that the Jews are the ones doing these pranks. Whether they get caught is another matter. It doesn’t matter if they do get caught, because no one is punished (other than some fall guy), and the media erases the story immediately.

This type of Jew behavior is utterly incompatible with a civilized society. You cannot have these people running around doing these kinds of scams on you nonstop, just as you can’t have them slaughtering tens of thousands of children.

The behavior of the Jews is simply too bad. It is unjustifiable, and they must be removed from civilized societies. They are free to go live amongst themselves and engage in weird behavior with one another, but normal people are under no obligation to be a part of their psychotic madness and destructive schemes.

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
•�Category: Ideology •�Tags: ADL, Anti-Semitism, Gaza, Hate Hoaxes, Israel/Palestine, Jews
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  1. Looger says:

    Shortly thereafter, the FBI went to Israel and found that in fact, an Israeli Jew was making the calls. The 18-year-old, Michael Ron David Kadar, was said to have been doing it… for no reason.

    A story as old as time.

    In the modern digital age, people are finding this out, cataloging it, comparing it to past events, all on fucking twitter with article links.

    Israel has become quite the hub of activity. Local rabbis don’t even need the spray-paint cans.

    •�Agree: AlexanderEngGB, ld
    •�Replies: @Corpse Tooth
    , @anonymous
  2. Watchya doin’, Rabbi??

  3. Notsofast says:

    when greenblatt called the fbi to report a bomb threat at the adl headquarters, they told him “we traced the call, it’s coming from inside the house!”

  4. Did we ever get confirmation that the little Israeli Jewlet ever had a brain tumor?

    •�Replies: @Looger
    , @MEexpert
    , @profnasty
  5. DanFromCT says:

    I’m reminded of those PBS call banks manned by old Jews. Who says they can’t make outgoing calls?

  6. Looger says:
    @Brooklyn Dave

    Did we ever get confirmation that the little Israeli Jewlet ever had a brain tumor?

    Video Link

  7. Alrenous says: •�Website

    “Did you hear what she said!??

    “No no it wasn’t her, it was the other one! Yeah her!”

    Oh good. We wouldn’t want the rumours to source the other rumours improperly. Existential civilizational threat right there.

    Not bomb threats. Who could ever deal with a bomb threat. Better shut down all of Boston.

    Quick, tell the Ukranians about your bomb threats. Show them you know how they feel, bolster their morale.

  8. MGB says:

    On April 21, 2017, the DOJ filed criminal complaints against IY in Georgia and Florida, identifying him only as Michael Ron David Kadar — no age, no address. On April 26, the registered, and sole, occupant of the apartment from which the calls were made, a female, was identified by blogger Richard Silverstein (Tikun Olam) as Tamar Kadar, chemical warfare scientist at the Mossad-operated Israeli Institute for Biological Research (IIBR). Within a day, Silverstein’s posting disappeared from the web without explanation (but survives in the Google cache). Photos of Tamar largely disappeared from the web, including her listing as an employee at IIBR and at the website of a research service company where she was a consultant.

    from Unz about Kadar’s pedigree.

  9. If ever there were a name for a deadly parasitic virus that jumps from host to host that global Big Pharma mysteriously can’t find a cure, it should be called ‘Jewish Greenblatt Plague or ‘Jew Plague’.

    Jew doctor to Goyim patient: first the good news, you’ve got six months to a year to live, now the bad news, the Jew Plague is unpredictable and you need to be quarantined and isolated from any human contract. These nice men in small hats wearing clean white coats will escort you to your new habitat where you can interact with other Jew Plague survivors.

    Goyim to Jew doctor: thanks doc, I own you one.

    Distant camera shot of Blackrock owned nuclear powered cremation facilities scattered throughout the country.

    •�Replies: @James J. O'Meara
  10. localist says: •�Website

    It is pretty obvious that the allegedly retarded kid is just a patsy and that this was done by the Mossad. A retarded brain tumored teenager lacks the necessary skills to pull this off. Given to the degree which Jewish activist organizations profited from this hoax in 2017 (ADL raised a 9 figure amount, hitting the streets hard with accusations that a pogrom against Jews was in the works) there was an obvious dual motive of both money and slandering Trump, as well of the means and the opportunity in the hands of the Mossad.

    •�Replies: @Notsofast
  11. The ADL knowingly included phone threats made by an Israeli Jew named Kadar to ramp up the ADL’s bogus fraudulent phoney baloney so-called “hate crimes” statistics in order to clam rake more loot from the rancid politician whores in the US Congress.

    The crooked crook Jew liars at the ADL might have been aware of some goddamn monkey business and funny business being conducted by the electronics goons in Israeli Intelligence involving the phone threats made by the Israeli Jew puke, but it seems that the DEEP STATE of the American Empire was aiding and abetting the use of global electronics to coordinate the shakedown racket extortion efforts of the Jew-controlled ADL.

    The Jew-Controlled ADL Is Known To COOK THE BOOKS And Use SHAM SCAM FLIM FLAM STATISTICS In Order To Grab More Loot From Donors And The US Congress.

    Tweet from 2017:

    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
  12. I remember right after 9/11, the State Police were used to provide extra security at Jewish schools in Maryland.

    What a great scam. We kill 3,000 Americans in a false flag, and the Goy doubles down on protecting us…lol

    Why in the world would anyone in their right mind hate, or even dislike Jews?

    •�Agree: Carroll Price
    •�Thanks: AlexanderEngGB
  13. Dr. Rock says:

    And not to overstate the obvious, but if they know these hoax “bomb threats” are being emailed from outside the country, what’s the point in taking them serious in any fashion?

    i.e. someone 5,000 miles away is pretty unlikely to bomb the place anyway, even if you thought is was an angry Arab!

    •�Replies: @Dr. X
  14. Dr. Rock says:

    Say what you want about the jews, but they are still smarter than the blacks, like the one that tried to false flag burn down MKL’s birthplace, and got caught red handed.

    At the least the jew false flags “play” in the media for a little while before being de-bunked.

    •�Replies: @Blackbeard
  15. Robertson says:

    It sounds like Gentiles need a anti-defamation league of their own since Jews repeatedly are false-flagging swastika-paintings and phone-calls to defame Gentiles.

    Jonathan Greenblatt is an attention-whore. The only time anyone pays any attention to him are when there false flags in the news which is why he gets so excited about them. Otherwise he is safely ignored.

    •�Replies: @Oscar Goldman
  16. Anonymous[196] •�Disclaimer says:

    You should issue a retraction for your hateful speech and malinformation. You implied that Ian Vandaelle died of his poison COVID vaccination. We rate that false.

    Ian Vandaelle clearly died of spindlyarmanosis complicated by girlyarmanitis. How could you possibly find his deltoids, let alone put an injection into them? The nurse would hit bone and snap the needle, and risk losing an eye.

    We value your hidden-service site as our official trusted vilification platform, but this item is not up to the standards of your incisive journalism.

  17. Joe Biden and the Democrat Party put the interests of Israel over and above the interests of the USA.

    Joe Biden is a filthy treasonous geezer rat politician whore for Jew billionaire Haim Saban.

    Haim Saban previously bought and paid for that nasty Baby Boomer treasonous politician whore Hillary Clinton.

    Haim Saban is a member of Jews Organized Globally(JOG). Haim Saban and his fellow Jew interlopers have a stranglehold on the nations in which they reside but that stranglehold is loosening and JOG is resorting to these extremist accusations of so-called “anti-Semitism” to retain power in the nations that JOG has infiltrated.

    Israel is not an ally of the United States.

    Israel is a millstone client state of the American Empire.

    Israel must be completely and totally severed from any and all relationships with all elements of the American Empire.

    Any electronic tentacles that Israel has sunk into the American Empire due to the treasonous rats in the American Empire’s ruling class must be ripped out. Israeli electronic goons have their grubby fingers over our electronics and they covered up that Israeli Jew kid making threatening phone calls to Jew outfits in the USA. The evil Jew rats at the ADL used the threatening phone calls from the Israeli Jew puke to siphon more loot from the despicable DEEP STATE and the putrid politician whores in the US Congress. This Israeli rat Kadar also has US citizenship and this multiple-citizenship crapola needs to go dodo pronto!

    Haim Saban and Mim Adelson should be denounced for putting the interests of Israel ahead of the interests of the USA. Any treasonous rat Republican Party politician whore or Democrat Party politician whore who takes money from Haim Saban and/or Mim Adelson should be voted out of office.

    Haim Saban and Mim Adelson are two of the billionaire globalizer oligarch Jew sonofabitches who pay Democrat Party politician whores and Republican Party politician whores to put the interests of Israel ahead of the interests of the USA.

    US Justice Department — Press Release — February 28, 2018:

    U.S./Israeli Man Indicted for Hate Crime and Threats to Jewish Community Centers, Israeli Embassy, Anti-Defamation League, Conveying False Information, and Cyberstalking

    The Department of Justice today announced the indictment of Michael Ron David Kadar, 19, who holds dual United States and Israeli citizenship, in three jurisdictions for hate crimes and other offenses.

    The indictment from Florida charges Kadar with hate crimes as a result of threatening calls he made to Jewish Community Centers in the state. In addition, the indictment from the District of Columbia charges Kadar with threatening the Israeli Embassy and the Anti-Defamation League in Washington, D.C. The third indictment charges Kadar with cyberstalking and conveying false information to police dispatch regarding harm to private residents in Georgia.


    •�Agree: JR Foley
    •�Thanks: Justrambling
    •�Replies: @Hapalong Cassidy
  18. Alrenous says: •�Website

    There’s a tension between the long-term comfort and glory of your civilization, and the short-term comfort.

    Any society set up to favour the long term will necessarily be unfavourable to those who prefer short-term gains. Have to discriminate against short-termers.

    You will also notice the long-termers tend to be rich, have pretty wives, not be prone to getting sick, apt to end up high in large organizations, and so on.

    That means a healthy and glorious society discriminates against the poor, against the stupid, against the ugly, and against the sick.
    Indeed the harder and more viciously the society discriminates against the downtrodden, the healthier and more glorious it will be.

    •�Replies: @Dave Bowman
  19. Anonymous[138] •�Disclaimer says:

    They then claimed that he was autistic and had a brain tumor.

    Oy vey. Why does that story sound so familiar? Did you catch the part where the autistic brain tumor defense failed to keep the young crank yanker out of prison? Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.

    New essay examining the Judeo Christian desecration of Alexandria: https://gaytroll.substack.com/p/killing-its-mother-the-judeo-christian


  21. Notsofast says:

    i think it’s a little harsh to call anglin, a retarded brain tumored teenager. he may come off that way but it’s just his shtick. if you don’t believe me, ask weev, he’s the brain tumor behind it all.

    •�LOL: son of a jedi
  22. I would be surprised to learn that the FBI didn’t plan, finance and report the operation.

    •�Agree: dimples, Rangewolf
  23. Altai3 says:

    It’s almost like it wouldn’t occur to somebody outraged over Israel’s shooting fish in a barrel in Gaza with US weapons and the full slavish support of the federal government to phone fake bomb threats to obscure Jewish community centers across the country.

    See also the spate of fake threats sent to obscure black studies departments across the US after May 2020. And the mother of all weird hate fixation hoaxes, the idea that two white guys wearing MAGA hats not only were avid viewers of Empire but were so fixated in their racial hate just on Jussie Smollet that they sent countless serial-killer threatening letters and camped outside his Chicago apartment during a polar vortex at 2am waiting implausibly for him to step outside so they could tell him that what was decidedly not MAGA country was, indeed, MAGA country.

  24. Jews are nothing but trouble.

  25. The so-called anti-Scamitism is just a scam.

  26. I suspect IDF/Mossad/ have a special military attachment who’s primary purpose is engagement in Global Jewish Outreach in all matters concerning Jewish interest. It’s called nepotism in the west,Jews call it screw goyim.

  27. Not much of an article, Jews being Jews. Must have been a slow news day.

  28. @CelestiaQuesta

    These nice men in small hats wearing clean white coats

    Nice Napoleon XIII reference; kudos!

    •�Replies: @profnasty
    , @HammerJack
  29. @Ani

    The same grant program exists in Canada. Any temple or synagogue can apply for the free money to upgrade security.

    It’s almost like legislation is synchronized and coordinated across borders. Who would do that?

  30. Erik1953 says:

    They can now start building this world control center in the Gaza Strip. But they need the Jewish population to come to Israel with the planned black and white replacement. Ask Obama.

  31. @Charles Pewitt

    And speaking of tweets, (((they))) got Lucas Gage in Twitter jail for three months.

    •�Replies: @Charles Pewitt
  32. @Charles Pewitt

    Who would win in a fight?
    Haim Saban’s Power Rangers
    Nick Saban’s 2020 Alabama Crimson Tide

    •�Replies: @Charles Pewitt
  33. anonymous[337] •�Disclaimer says:

    Video Link

    Tucker Carlson is embracing white identity. I think he is the once and future king for us.

    •�Replies: @anonymous
  34. Dr. Rock says:

    The entire world is going to ignite very soon, so I wouldn’t get too worked up about anything small in the interim.

  35. @Sir Launcelot Canning

    And speaking of tweets, (((they))) got Lucas Gage in Twitter jail for three months.

    I say:

    What’s the point of being an Italian person if you can’t be operatically emphatic when discussing the treasonous depredations of the hostile Jews in the American Empire’s ruling class?

    Has Mr Elon Musk and his gang of anti-FREE SPEECH censors never watched a Scorsese or Coppola movie?


    Obviously, Musk hasn’t fully recovered from the blunt force trauma of an Amber Heard vodka bottle bouncing off his bald head.

  36. @Hapalong Cassidy

    Who would win in a fight?
    Haim Saban’s Power Rangers
    Nick Saban’s 2020 Alabama Crimson Tide

    I say:

    Trump’s 1985 New Jersey Generals.

  37. @MGB

    The IIBR allegedly runs a lab where human guinea pigs are tested with bio-weapons, other primates being too expensive, and the previous close co-operation with apartheid South Africa over. Just as it used Gazans and West Bank Palestinians as guinea-pigs to test novel weapons, surveillance techniques, AI controlled machine-guns, ‘smart’ fences, ‘skunk water’, and a plethora of murderous and repressive instruments and measures. Israel really is Ground Zero for Western racist Evil.

    •�Replies: @DanFromCT
  38. @Looger

    “The call is coming from INSIDE the house!”

  39. In 2012 some Jew in Atlanta published article saying Israel should assassinate Obama.


    This was after four years of Obama acting as the most “Jewish” president in history.

    •�Replies: @Ani
  40. They are free to go and live among themselves? Yes. In a ghetto or concentration camp. Not on stolen land.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  41. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Jussie Smollett is a total amateur compared to the Nakba Nazis, aka Zionist Jews.

  42. Taking Anglin’s entertainingly polemical tone into account, I doubt even most threats are from Jews. Jews may be wont to exaggerate. But Muslims are religiously obligated to threaten.

    Moslems do not play gay little games. They just kill you.

    No. If you’ve read any substantial portion of the Koran, you’ll know Mohammed’s taught importance of forewarning unbelievers, and this is reiterated several times. The majority of the Koran discusses unbelievers, most of which involve denunciations, threats and promises of horror and violence.
    So yes, Muslims do have a habit of making threats and warnings in addition to trying to carry them out. They have and they are.

    Hostility towards Jews is also part of Islam. The Jews refused to validate and even mocked his pretention to prophethood – a fact which obsessed and enraged him. His desire to be validated by Jews is one of the many reasons to think he was a profoundly unbalanced man.

    •�Replies: @Anon
    , @muh muh
  43. anonymous[337] •�Disclaimer says:

    10:26 is the right place

    Video Link

  44. Ani says:
    @Smashed Squash

    And then Donald Trump was the next most Jewish president in history, to be followed by “I’ve always been a Zionist” Joe Biden, the next most Jewish president in history.

    •�Replies: @HammerJack
  45. “Oy vey but it’s not always Jews” is the standard defense which can only be fully knocked down by catching every single person responsible for every single threat. These people.

    •�LOL: JR Foley
  46. Gotta love the Gaza Air Force.

  47. cousin lucky says: •�Website

    Sadly, in today’s United States of America nothing coming from the government or the MSM should ever be believed. All that they do is lie and spread stupid propaganda at each and every turn.

    To believe them is just stupid!

    •�Replies: @HdC
  48. barr says:

    1-An untitled cartoon published by a Bahrain news outlet on November 27 depicts Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu driving through Gaza in a blood-soaked tank while pulling the Statue of Liberty and US President Joe Biden behind him. (The Anti-Defamation League)

    2-An untitled cartoon depicts Netanyahu covered in blood and eating a child. The image was published by a Libyan news outlet on October 20, 2023. (The Anti-Defamation League)

    3-An antisemitic cartoon published in Qatar on November 20, 2023, titled ‘The Lie of Zionist Media.’ (The Anti-Defamation League)


    ADL doesnt challenge when someone describes the fact that Biden has been rebuffed by Netanyahu scores of times over the years as has other president been .It also doesnt refute the fact that Israel has been getting each of its requests met by US inlcuding repeating of certain graphic lies .US has been quietly sending military supplies and personnel .US despite popular revulsion has been vetoing UN resolution and refraining from asking for cessfire.
    While Netanyhu is driving its demolition derby crew on the school ,hospitals,and UN shelter, it is also raining bombs from the sky .

    Now a cartoon (1) correctly capturing the situation of American impotence and servility, brutality of Netanyhu and suppression of freedom of expression across the entire west , somehow is reduced to being nothing but an expression of Anti -Semitism ,according to ADL.

  49. Tony Hall says:

    Kadar’s scams were mirrored by the havoc wrought by “Jonathan Goldstein’s” various counterfeit characters on the Internet all promoting mass murder and such.


    Veterans Today

    “Joshua Goldberg:” a Cover for an Elaborate Psychological Operation?
    By Kevin Barrett, Senior Editor -April 25, 201791826

    The many faces of Joshua Goldberg. Wait a minute – it’s always the same picture!
    NOTE: My ability to do this work is under attack, most recently by the anonymous entity or entities that convinced GoFundMe to “nuke” my main fundraising platform. Please support my work by subscribing HERE and/or donating through the paypal button at TruthJihad.com

    by Kevin Barrett, co-host of False Flag Weekly News and VT Editor

    Who or what is “Joshua Goldberg”?

    According to the incurious mainstream media, Goldberg is a mentally unstable young Jewish man who was arrested for spreading (false flag) “Islamic terror” on the internet. But the more one looks at his story, the curiouser it gets.

    Goldberg helped Rita Katz of SITE Intelligence and other Islamophobes manufacture and trumpet the alleged “jihadi threat.” He helped B’nai Brith and other Israeli front groups create the false impression of a massive and vicious anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi threat. And he helped those Zionist forces get Professor Anthony Hall, a 9/11 truth supporter and critic of Israel, suspended from the University of Lethbridge – by manufacturing a horrific “kill all Jews” image that was planted on Professor Hall’s Facebook page to trigger an obviously pre-planned “get Tony Hall” operation.

    And who or what is “Michael Ron David Kaydar”? The mainstream media tell us Kaydar – like Goldberg another “troubled young Jew” – was behind a wave of vicious terrorist threats to Jewish institutions that triggered an outbreak of “rising anti-Semitism hysteria” earlier this year, and got hundreds of books banned and burned by Amazon.

    Kaydar apparently made a lot of money posing as a vicious, violent anti-Semite. When arrested, he is said to have had more than half a million dollars in his Bitcoin account. So who was paying him to threaten Jewish Community Centers? The ADL, B’nai Brith, and similar groups who would make vast sums of money in donations from terrorized Jews?

    Richard Silverstein, a leading Jewish critic of Israel, writes:

    A reader here published a comment saying that he lived in Ashdod and knew the Kaydar family. He adds that the suspect is a nephew of Mordechai Kedar, a leading trainer of Shabak agents. Kedar teaches Arabic at Bar Ilan University and is one of the most vicious, Arabophobic academics in Israel. I’ve written several posts about him. The combination of Uncle Mordkhe the Arab hater with Nephew Michael the greedy nerd terrorist seems odd, to say the least.

    Goldberg’s and Kaydar’s activities hugely benefited the state of Israel, especially its hard-line faction. Vast sums of money were raised by outfits like B’nai Brith and ADL based on the phony “anti-Semitism epidemic.” Books were burned, professors were suspended. Perhaps most importantly, perceptions were forever altered.

    Is it just a coincidence that these two “crazy young Jews” happened to do crazy things that brought millions of dollars into the coffers of B’nai Brith, the ADL, and associated groups – and massively benefited the Zionist political project they represent? Or is somebody “crazy like a fox” lurking behind Goldberg, Kaydar, the many other similar people who’ve been caught — not to mention the dozens if not hundreds of others who haven’t?

    These are some of the questions we explore in the above special report from False Flag Weekly News.

    Click HERE for a direct link to the images used in the above youtube broadcast.

    The many faces of Joshua Goldberg. Wait a minute – it’s always the same picture!

    Editor’s note

    Kevin Barrett, Senior Editor

    •�Thanks: Bruce In Texas
    •�Replies: @HammerJack
  50. Nokano says:

    Were those calls coming from Shin Bet by any chance? Probably a scare tactic to entice (((rich old widows))) to send ca$h. Jays love muh shekels.

  51. Anon[317] •�Disclaimer says:

    Some rabid rabbi with canine expression must have explained this to you . You should have looked under his talit. He was consulting his Talmud .

    But to be fair , you deserve it .

  52. muh muh says:

    The Jews refused to validate and even mocked his pretention to prophethood – a fact which obsessed and enraged him.

    That’s not what the source material says.

    According to the earliest available sources on the subject, Muhammad’s first interaction with Jews was in Medina, where he was invited to arbitrate a long-standing conflict between rival tribes. In drafting a charter that would end the dispute and provide equity to all concerned, Jewish tribes were accorded absolute protection in the practice of their religion in exchange for an agreement to assist the new Muslim polity in defending itself against outside aggression.

    Those tribes explicitly bound themselves to the charter, accepting Muhammad’s authority over Medina.

    In Sahih Bukhari, we learn of one Abdullah ibn Salaam, a rabbinical leader of the Banu Qaynuqa tribe, who converted to Islam upon recognizing that Muhammad was the Messenger of the Covenant prophesied in The Torah. As the story goes, ibn Salaam went to the Prophet and said

    O Messenger of God! The Jews are a people of slander and falsehood. I want you to invite their most prominent men to meet you. You should keep me concealed from them in one of your rooms. Ask them then about my standing among them before they find out of my acceptance of Islam. Then invite them to Islam. If they were to know that I have become a Muslim, they would denounce me and accuse me of everything base and slander me.

    Muhammad invited these men, but decided to invite them to Islam first, at which they began to argue with him. Upon understanding they wouldn’t embrace the faith, he asked them about ibn Salaam’s character, to which they replied, “He is our leader and the son of our leader. He is our rabbi and our sage, the son of our rabbi and our sage.” (Which signified the respect they held for his family.)

    When Muhammad asked if they would become Muslim upon learning that ibn Salaam had converted, they denied that he would ever do such a thing, prompting ibn Salaam to reveal himself and profess his faith in Islam. As ibn Salaam relates, they responded, “You are a liar. By God, you are evil and ignorant, the son of an evil and ignorant person,” and “they continued to heap every conceivable abuse” on him. link

    Jewish source material on the history of Medina was composed well after Muslims had taken great pains to preserve a record of their history. What we find of the Jewish perspective is more a polemic response to the Islamic source material, much like that which your own remarks indicate.

    In fact, it appears the Jews were enraged at Muhammad, not vice versa. They wanted to keep the legacy of prophethood in the family, and barring a few like ibn Salaam, they just couldn’t tolerate the thought of a non-Jew fulfilling the prophecy of Gen. 49: 10. This is what likely caused some of them to create public disturbances and harass Muslim women, which led to the exile of the Banu Nadir. The Banu Qurayza subsequently confederated with Qurayshi enemies in violation of the charter and nearly facilitated the destruction of the Muslim community, hence the alleged execution of their men, a sentence recommended by yet another Jewish convert to Islam.

    It really helps to familiarize yourself with the source material.

    •�Replies: @anonymous
    , @TheFeebleClone
  53. Hamas was accused of raping the captives in Gaza. But if that is the case, those Hamas commanders must really be good at laying pipe…coz the way those female captives were all smiles and joyful during their release. Aha…

    •�Replies: @X101
  54. MEexpert says:
    @Brooklyn Dave

    Did we ever get confirmation that the little Israeli Jewlet ever had a brain tumor?

    Did we ever get confirmation that the little Israeli Jewlet ever served the ten year sentence?

  55. Of course, this is done to cultivate the idea that the Western citizen is not capable of any crime, the idea that terrorism is something for the lower races on the social scale.
    And it works for them even though young people are killing themselves in schools.

    •�Agree: Unbornawakened
  56. GMC says:

    The Jew Newsies know that the First Big Lettered Headlines of any story, are what people will remember. Too many peasants are too busy to read the full article and the USG and Jews depend on this MK Ultra.

  57. Franz says:

    Gaza is taking attention off the REAL invasion.

    Mike Adams interviews a whistleblower, “Red Cell” who says Texas is paying $5000 a head to ship migrants out of state. The recipient of this boondoggle is Gov Abbott’s buddy who owns a bus company. That’s $250,000 a bus. Migrants are getting off buses en route to sanctuary cities.

    Migrants each get cell phones and $1200 each. The phone allows them to be tracked.

    Most of them were criminals. Planning criminal activities. Venezuela emptied prisons and sent them to the USA. UN is paying. Ungrateful. Mean. 23 buses a day. 50 people per bus. Some are trafficking children. At El Paso, nothing but Russians coming in. Military age fighters.


  58. @Alrenous

    But… But…

    … This has to do with Anglin’s article about Jew lies… What, exactly ?

    •�Replies: @Alrenous
  59. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Best Christmas gift.

    X is crap.

  60. @Robertson

    How about calling it THE ANTI ANTI- DEFAMATION LEAGUE? 501c3 status would be helpful.

  61. profnasty says:
    @Brooklyn Dave

    Why is the Uni-Bomber being escorted by an African basketball player.

    He Shoots—He Scores!!!

  62. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    The American Right is rubbing its hands in glee. “Jews will come over to our side because, unlike the left, we are totally cool with Gaza Genocide.”

    People like Jared Taylor have shown their true face.

  63. profnasty says:
    @James J. O'Meara

    They’re coming to take me away, ha-ha.
    To the Funny Farm, where life is beautiful all the time.
    And I’ll be happy to see those
    Nice young men in their clean white coats.
    They’re coming to take me away….

    •�Thanks: JR Foley
  64. onebornfree says: •�Website

    AA: “Shortly thereafter, the FBI went to Israel and found that in fact, an Israeli Jew was making the calls. ”

    In the first place, what the hell was the FBI doing in Israel?

    In the second, why the hell does anyone believe anything the FBI says ?

    Hard fact: the FBI is an entirely unconstitutional, wholly criminal adjunct of the wholly criminal federal government.

    Like 1000’s of other entirely unconstitutional federal agencies, the FBI needs to be shut down, pronto!

    This [ eliminating 1000’s of unconstitutional federal agencies, including the FBI], would at least reduce the federal governments criminal activities to their original constitutional “limits”.

    “…We’ve got to start us a new revolution
    And get back to the old constitution
    We’ve got to stand up and fight for the whole Bill of Rights
    Its time to start over again

    Song “New Revolution”:

    Video Link

    Regards, onebornfree

    •�Agree: anarchyst
  65. anastasia says:


    He’ll be quietly released in no time. What should be investigated is whether anyone hired him to do it.

    This 20 year old has been making these calls since 2017, but this other guy got blamed for it in 2e017


  66. Iva says:

    “ADL California”…….the same ADL California that years ago was raided by FBI and in the office were found materials from illegal spying on the US citizens , probably for blackmailing purposes?????
    There were calls from some people to demand for ADL to register as a foreign agent in the US .
    Few days ago one of republican congressman in tv interview said that senators and congressmen are being blackmailed to vote certain way, This looks like unfriendly operation.

    •�Replies: @mocissepvis
  67. Iva says:
    @Charles Pewitt

    Do Jews ever reflect what is the reason?????

  68. Bama says:

    Jews are fearful they will never find a sucker ever again to empower them like the USA.

    •�Agree: annamarina
  69. DanFromCT says:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    Years ago Stephen Lendman wrote a piece exposing Israel’s bio weapons development, which he said includes the targeting of non-Jewish ethnic groups. Presumably if the Israelis had been successful, the Palestinians would have been dealt with that way.

    But, you’re correct, Lendman revealed the Israelis were using Arabs and black South Africans as guinea pigs for flesh-eating bacteria that destroy the target’s inner organs, on the one hand, or consume the flesh from the outside in, on the other. Will persecution of the poor Israelis never end?

    •�Thanks: mulga mumblebrain
  70. Rangewolf says:

    Yes, the sitting Governor of Texas is sending some of the invaders out of Texas and up to yankeeland. It costs money to transport the invaders, yes. But it is only fair that the yankees get their share, since they are the ones sponsoring the invasion.

    •�Agree: mocissepvis
  71. Anon[334] •�Disclaimer says:

    These new threats are going to be hard to source. With computers the FBI can track the source vis IFP.

    These new round of threats though are on handwritten notes in Hebrew and mailed from the post office across from the Knesset. The FBI may be stymied in their efforts to locate the culprits.

    Here are our fearless crime busters in a wild car chase pursuing potential perps ! FBI jargon =PPP

    Video Link

  72. Looger says:

    Gaza is taking attention off the REAL invasion

    Fucking spot on. Exactly.

    15,000 crossed the other day, that’s a 5M per year pace.

    People ask, “When will the civil war start?”

    The US civil war started the moment that 30% of coastal libtards started bringing in replacement population to outvote, out-welfare, and eventually out-fight the current population.

    Now that 30% wants to take their main competitor off the ballot.

    There isn’t a solid anti-invasion faction yet but that doesn’t mean the USA is not in a domestic conflict.

    You are.

    •�Agree: Franz
    •�Thanks: Z-man
  73. Slav says:

    Only witnesses in media of recent Prague shooting are English speaking foreigners, very Hebrew looking, laughing for some reason.

    •�Thanks: loren
  74. “Whatever you think of the Moslems, they do not mess around, and they get their hands dirty.”

    And what dirty hands do they have! That Judaism lite has massacred more than one hundred million men, women and children over fifteen hundred years from the Iberian Peninsula to the Indian Subcontinent to that distant Indonesian Archipelago and not to mention Africa in the name of some tribal deity called Allah and his Beddou camel driver. I don’t know about Jews but at least the Moslems have no place outside the desert.

    •�Replies: @DanFromCT
  75. I guess the implication here is supposed to be that they are coming from Muslims. Of course, it’s almost certainly the Jews, like usual, but the FBI does this vague “outside the country” line to stoke up the current xenophobia campaigns. The vagueness even allows them to hint at it being from whatever enemy of America they want to pin it on at any given time. “Could it be Iran? Hamas? China? North Korea? Let’s find out what this CIA shill on Joe Rogan has to say about it.”

  76. Thirdtwin says:

    “Moslems drop into your base on paragliders and start killing your dudes.”

    I know it’s probably a stupid question, but who’s dropping them?

  77. DanFromCT says:

    When it comes to massacres, no one can hold a candle to the Jews, who as 85

  78. In a healthy country, these talmud-informed Genociders would have already be tarred and feathered, hanged for pushing the genocidal wars of aggression or, at least, expelled — like so many countries did already throughout history. But in the rotten US, owned by Private zionist Banking Cartel and supranational fascist mega-corporations, the criminal Kagans’ clan continues spreading its malicious agitation for Wars for Jewish Full-spectrum Dominance: https://simplicius76.substack.com/p/breaking-down-thinktank-lands-latest

    ISW (Institute for the Study of War) is a DC-based neocon cutout run by Kimberly Kagan, sister-in-law to PNAC neocon Robert Kagan, husband to Victoria Nuland [the Nazifier of Ukraine]. In fact you can see the report itself is undersigned by Robert’s brother, Frederick W. Kagan as well.

    This report signals and underlines the real intentions of the beltway gang and deepstate goons, giving us rare insight into the specters haunting their minds, and the ramifications of that on the long-term strategic outlooks of the conflict—particularly if Russia should win, which is the great ‘peril’ the report revolves around.

    They begin straightaway, pulling no punches, with a major series of admissions: “The United States has a much higher stake in Russia’s war on Ukraine than most people think. A Russian conquest of all of Ukraine is by no means impossible if the United States cuts off all military assistance and Europe follows suit. Such an outcome would bring a battered but triumphant Russian army right up to NATO’s border …”

    Amazing. According to the talmudic thinking of the Kagans’ clan of dual-loyalty parasites, it was Russia who brought NATO to the Russian borders.

    The Kagans speak loudly for the dishonorable US Army brass and business-model MIC of war profiteers loyal to money and indifferent to the idea of Patriotism:

    “Almost any other outcome of the Ukraine war is preferable to this one [“triumphant Russian army”]. Helping Ukraine keep the lines where they are through continuous Western military support is far more advantageous and cheaper for the United States than allowing Ukraine to lose. “Freezing” the conflict is worse than continuing to help Ukraine fight—that would simply give Russia time and space to prepare for a renewed war to conquer Ukraine and confront NATO.”

    These words wouldn’t be so weighty if they weren’t issued from the very maw of the beast itself—the most powerful neocon deepstate ‘shadow elite’ which has run the US MIC for decades, and which therefore speaks on its very behalf.

    What exactly the humanity at large can expect from the “most powerful neocon deepstate ‘shadow elite’” and supremacist Straussians is currently illustrated by the Jewish State’s ongoing Genocide of the Palestinian babies, toddlers, women, and infirm.

    The Kagans, Seldowitz, Yellen, Applebaum, Krystol, Feiths, Gershman, and the likes are striving for talmudic full-spectrum dominance. They use the US and EU resources with the assistance of the dishonorable compradors in US. congress and MIC) while showing zero concern for the lives of the people. Thus, American jews at large have demonstrated their eagerness to collaborate with self-proclaimed Nazis (Banderites) in Ukraine because “this is good for jews.” The Nazification of Ukraine and the role of ziocons and Private zionists Banking Cartel allow to qualify the US/UK efforts in Ukraine as Judea War on Russia. This war was initiated in 2014 by the the zionist-nazi putsch in Kiev.

    By waging Genocide of Palestinians in the Middle East and a war against Russia in Eastern Europe, the neo-talmudists stand against Humanity. The tribe is crawling with genocidal psychopaths like Seldowitz, Schumer, Milejkowsky (bibi), Nuland-Kagan, and the late jewish witch Albright. Either the decent people find the ways to control and isolate the genocidal warmongers or the world enters a hot phase of WWIII.

    The talmudic parasites have a usual solution to their goals: Onward, Christian soldiers!

    “The United States would need to move large numbers of American soldiers to the entire eastern NATO border from the Baltic to the Black Sea to deter Russian adventurism and be prepared to defeat a Russian attack. The United States would also need to commit a significant proportion of its fleet of stealth aircraft permanently to Europe.” … And there it is—full, naked, and out in the open. The real objective for NATO’s grubby hands revealed at last without art or varnish:

    “The Black Sea would become very nearly a NATO lake.” — This is their lifelong, unrealized dream, fully confirmed in print at last.

    It seems that the dual-loyalty idiots think that there are still a lot of patriotic Americans ready to fight for the sweet goals of western banksters and war profiteers. No! The country is demolished morally by Wars for Eretz Israel (Iraq, Libya, Syria) and the ongoing Genocide run by Israel against the civilians in the Israel-occupied Palestine. Banksters, war profiteers, and zionists have eaten US out from within.

  79. HT says:

    Since most Jews have no real moral principles, they can turn on a dime. One day they are trying to destroy Whites and then the next day they are employing the Whites they hate to protect them from Muslims and the Whites keep falling for it.

    •�Agree: annamarina
  80. “Moslems drop into your base on paragliders and start killing your dudes.”

    LOL. Not ONE video of any of the so-called ‘paragliders’ landing at the music festival on 7th Oct…
    Isn’t that strange, with thousands of young people, all with mobile phones, most of whom would have started filming the ‘paragliders’ if they were actually there…

    How would ‘Hamas’ manage to fly multiple paragliders across the Gaza/Israel border at a maximum speed of 30 MPH without being shot out of the sky before they even got within 50 yards of the border, let alone across it?

    Why are Unz.com articles repeating what are obviously Jewish LIES?

    There are many questions that need to be answered about the alleged Hamas attack on Israel on 7th October 2023: How did Hamas fighters manage to even get within 100m of the Gaza-Israel border fences without setting off monitoring systems, and being shot dead before they could get near the fence? How did the Hamas fighters manage to get through any part of the fence, and then into Israel, without being shot by the military who were in command posts, whereas the Hamas fighters were running out in the open, sitting ducks? Why were no attack helicopters immediately sent to gun down the Hamas fighters? Why were no fighter jets not immediately sent to gun down the Hamas fighters, or kill them with missiles? Why weren’t armoured vehicles and tanks full of soldiers immediately sent to attack the Hamas fighters? Why were no Israeli soldiers immediately sent to outnumber and kill the Hamas fighters before they could get further into Israel? Why did it take eight HOURS for the IDF to reach some of the Kibbutzes which had allegedly been attacked by Hamas fighters? Why were there allegedly still Hamas fighters in Southern Israel three or four DAYS (or even longer according to some news reports) after the 7th October? Why would Hamas use paragliders, which cannot travel faster than 30mph, and would therefore be sitting ducks, to get into Israel? Why is there no mobile phone footage of the paragliders arriving at the festival, since there were thousands of young people there, all of whom owned mobile phones, and most of whom would immediately have started filming the paragliders as they came into view? How did Hamas fighters manage to ‘kidnap’ anybody and then go BACK towards the Gaza/Israel fence, on motorbikes and golf carts, which would have been swarming with IDF, who would be trying to stop any more Palestinians coming through the holes in the fence? Why were there two donkey carts, with donkeys, visible in the crowd that were seen in the video of the bulldozer knocking down the (alleged) Gaza/Israel fence? Why were most of the men in that video unarmed? Why are so many of the alleged ‘Hamas’ fighters who are seen in the videos of women being ‘kidnapped’ unarmed? Why are many of them clearly 16 years or under in these videos?
    These questions can all be asked without anybody being able to claim that you are ‘anti-semitic’, they are just perfectly reasonable questions to “How did this possibly happen?”

    It can’t have happened without either a) a military stand down (see Charlie Kirk’s recent comments, or those of Efrat Fenigson, here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_IAH7PnS_E), or b) the entire incident was a false flag, all footage is fake and created by the Mossad/Israel. Either way, the Israeli government is entirely responsible for what happened – because not one single member of Hamas could have got within 100m of the border fence without being shot, unless there was a military stand down.

    How was it possible for hundreds (or maybe thousands) of Hamas fighters to get past multiple parts of the Israel/Gaza border fence, without being shot dead on the Gaza side? How did ANY Hamas fighter get through the fence alive and THEN not get shot dead by hundreds of soldiers, who would have been all over the border. They have these things called ‘mobile phones’ nowadays, which means ANYBODY in Israel can immediately phone the police, who will phone the army, and within a minute there will be armed police and soldiers confronting the alleged Hamas fighters. I don’t think anybody got through the fence, I don’t think it even happened at all, it’s just more lies from ‘precious’ Israel and their crisis actors, so they can force the Palestinians completely out of the Gaza strip and then steal it for ‘Project Greater Israel’.

    Why is there no CCTV or mobile phone footage of ONE ‘hostage’ being taken through one of the holes in the Gaza/Israel border fence, on the back of a motorbike, or on the back of a pickup truck? Why is there no CCTV or mobile phone footage of ANY member of Hamas going BACK through one of the holes in the Gaza/Israel border fence? The holes in the fence would have been swarming with IDF troops, as it was many HOURS after Hamas allegedly broke through the fence at 6:30AM. Where is the CCTV evidence? Where were the attack helicopters? How did a single ‘hostage’ manage to be removed from Israel into Gaza? It is simply impossible that it happened.

    There are NO ‘hostages’. It was obviously impossible for Hamas to a) break through the border fence in the first place, without being killed by attack helicopters within minutes, and it was impossible b) to get BACK THROUGH THE HOLES IN THE FENCE seven hours later… when the border fence holes would be swarming with IDF troops, stopping any more Hamas getting through from Gaza, and stopping any Hamas getting back INTO Gaza. Where is the video footage of a single member of Hamas going back through one of the holes in the fence with a ‘hostage’? They only had motorbikes and pick up trucks. How would a member of Hamas expect to get back through the holes in the fence without being killed on the way there? Where was the IDF on 7th Oct? There was a military stand down.

    We see Philipino and Thai ‘hostages’ being released – if you were a member of Hamas and you were trying to take somebody hostage in Israel, to use as a bargaining chip to secure the release of Palestinian prisoners, why on Earth would you take somebody who obviously isn’t Jewish and isn’t a member of a Jewish family, and is therefore worth far less to the Israeli government?

    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
    , @Sarita
  81. The jews/zionist , the eternal victim of their own making, when in fact they are the oppressors, to see the truth about the jews/zionists , take a look at Palestine and the Palestinian people and the zionist genocide that the askenazis/jews/zionists are doing to them all created by the Mossad front Hamas false flag.
    Just like the zionist neocon false flag attack on the WTC on 911 and blamed on the muslims to give the excuse to destroy the middle east for Israels greater Israel agenda, same actors, same goals, same massacres of innocent people.

    Zionists are destroyers of nations and humanity and these same demons from hell are at work in Palestine and the ZUS is a co-participant in this genocide.

    •�Agree: annamarina
  82. @Franz

    Abbott is a big Jew owned phoney fulfilling the planned migration with state money. They should be put on chartered flights with armed guards back south.

  83. HdC says:
    @cousin lucky

    ‘Twas ever thus; the leopard cannot change his spots.

  84. All roads lead back to DaSynagogue of Satan – https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2022/10/propaganda-lifeblood-of-dasynagogue-of.html?m=0 – every freaking time, and since they already control DaNarrative, this is just another piece that needs to be reinforced regularly and continually to feed dachurchian retards, whose willful ignorance not only keeps DaCharade going…….but without their alliance from hell, DSOS would be effectually neutered.

  85. anonymous[356] •�Disclaimer says:
    @muh muh

    Upon understanding they wouldn’t embrace the faith, he asked them about ibn Salaam’s character, to which they replied, “He is our leader and the son of our leader. He is our rabbi and our sage, the son of our rabbi and our sage.” (Which signified the respect they held for his family.)

    When Muhammad asked if they would become Muslim upon learning that ibn Salaam had converted, they denied that he would ever do such a thing, prompting ibn Salaam to reveal himself and profess his faith in Islam. As ibn Salaam relates, they responded, “You are a liar. By God, you are evil and ignorant, the son of an evil and ignorant person,” and “they continued to heap every conceivable abuse” on him.

    Really show how jews just change their story to fit whatever the circumstances are. We see the same behavior today. It also highlights how anti-social and unwilling to assimilate they are.

    •�Replies: @muh muh
  86. muh muh says:

    We see the same behavior today.

    It’s difficult to fathom how hard it must be for some people of Jewish descent to take a path that so radically deviates from normative Jewish thinking, particularly from Zionist ideology.

    One reason why we appreciate the webmaster here.

    •�Agree: Bruce In Texas
  87. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Yes, the Chinese are also bombing Gaza.

    Yes, but Alex Jones will tell you that Saudis and Chinese run the US government.

    Truth contra Jones.

    •�Replies: @Bruce In Texas
  88. Anonymous[183] •�Disclaimer says:

    good catch, Annamaria, simplicius reading the Kagan Talmud. It’s very satisfying: Russia efficiently coercing Jew warmongers to peace.

    Jew genocidaires are petrified to imagine their goy livestock in America dropping their Jewy genocide fantasies and remembering the Atlantic Charter, abandonment of the use of force; the UN Charter, refrain from use or threat of force; and the Kellogg-Briand Pact outlawing war.

    Costa Rica does fine without a military; the US successor states will too.

  89. Jews can’t conceive of the idea that goyim are smart enough to see through their blatantly manipulative bullshit (then again, to be fair, too many American goyim, in particular, provide plenty of reason to convince the rest of the world that they are the world’s stupidest human beings).

    It will be very interesting to see what happens when REAL backlash finally starts, and the “Jew Who Cried ‘Nazi’!” once too often is ignored, his cries falling on deaf and apathetic ears.

  90. @Charles Pewitt

    5 million illegals who anonymously entered the country. Who are they? Nobody knows. Certainly a substantial number are they type who are inherently hostile to Jews. There is an overwhelming probability that many are jihadists who yearn for martyrdom. There tens, if not hundreds of thousands that are “on tap” for operations against Jewish citizens and institutions.

    The supreme irony is that Jews and their sycophants and butt boy are the motivators and drivers of the illegal alien immigration. George Soros said it best, representing the prevailing Jewish International Mafia sentiment, “My life’s work has been to destroy America as it is”.

    For Jews, the WORST is yet to come. It will be coordinated, vast, and morbid.

    •�Replies: @Charles Pewitt
    , @mocissepvis
  91. @Steve Jones

    Some of your comments ae based and backed by evidence, and som IMO are speculative and circumstantial. You ask a lot of questions that are open ended, which are in practicality, worthless? It would be better and more convincing to make a statement and give a reference or direct evidence.


    Truth-telling about the JEW portion of the JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire and the JEW QUESTION must be done and the methods and means and severity of such talk could vary, of course.

    The JEW QUESTION explained:

    Jews form a nation within a nation everywhere they reside. Can Jews ever be considered to be part of the larger nation in which they reside when they are genetically and culturally predisposed to put the interests of the Jew Nation over and above the interests of the larger nations in which they reside?

    Deceased Jew Larry Auster on the JEW QUESTION from 1998:

    Because of the Jews’ tragic history as a persecuted people, and because of their own ability, through their leading role in American intellectual life, to set the terms of permissible discourse, it is impossible in today’s society to have an honest discussion on the subject of Jewish cultural impact. While every other ethnic group can be spoken of in a critical light, if only to a very limited extent, nothing that is even implicitly critical is allowed to be said or inferred about Jews

    The Jews also (as few people recognize, because the subject is forbidden) changed America in some profound and not always positive ways. In terms of national identity, Jews were instrumental in the reformulation of America as a universalist society based strictly on ideology rather than on peoplehood, a change that set the stage for mass Third-World immigration and the much more profound redefinition of America as a multicultural society. In terms of morality, many Jewish intellectuals, writers, and entertainers deliberately undermined the older Anglo-American Victorian ethos, a program of moral/cultural subversion that climaxed in the Sixties counterculture and the dominant nihilist culture of the 1980s and 1990s. In terms of politics, Jews were instrumental in replacing the old American order of Constitutional self-restraint with the statist politics of unrestrained compassion.

    the elite universities had changed from guardian of the old Western order to its subverter. [See also here.] This transformation in the universities then reverberated through the rest of the culture, stripping America’s public institutions, entertainments, symbols, and manners of the Christian and bourgeois values they had once embodied. America’s transition from a Protestant culture whose public institutions, celebrations, and symbols reflected Christian belief, to a pluralist, secular society with no identity at all, was complete.

    Now that their enemies have been scattered and silenced, the left and the minorities can admit that their real agenda all along was not simply inclusion, equality, justice, or tolerance toward Jews and other minorities, but the destruction of the Christian culture.

    If an immigration law that is designed to preserve the nation’s ethnic majority is racist (because it implicitly puts down other groups), then the same must be true of any manifestation of the ethnic majority, including its very existence. After all, if a nation still has an ethnic majority, and a culture that reflects that majority, doesn’t that impute inferiority to all people not related by blood to that majority? Therefore the only way to procure real democracy is to turn the ethnic majority into a minority, which is to be accomplished (and since 1965 has largely been accomplished) by immigration.

    The 1965 Immigration Act, the culmination of a forty-year, largely Jewish-led campaign, was not simply a piece of “liberal” legislation (i.e., an act aimed at formal equality) which later turned out to have unforeseen, radical consequences. As early as 1952, the liberal idea of equality before the law was already linked in the minds of Jewish immigrationists with the radical project of dispossessing America’s white, Anglo-Saxon, Christian majority.


    Tweet from 2015:

  93. @Charles Pewitt

    “The numbers don’t lie. Anti-Semitic incidents are on the rise in the United States. In 2017, anti-Semitic incidents rose 57%. We’re committed to fighting acts of hate that threaten our safety and society”

    Translation: We managed to fake a pretty massive number of “hate crimes” against ourselves in 2017, but not nearly enough to keep the goyimorons permantly distracted. We need to do better, which will mean doing some real, serious damage to ourselves and our property, which will even involve taking a few of us out (sucks to be whoever that’ll be, but somebody’s gotta take on for the tribe).

    •�Agree: AlexanderEngGB
    •�Replies: @HammerJack
  94. Well said, Andrew. Keep saying it as there are millions who are wit you.

  95. Anybody can say they’re receiving death threats or send threat letters to themselves. Most people know this.

  96. Alrenous says: •�Website
    @Dave Bowman

    Imagine filtering comments for quality and being on-topic. At Unz dot com.

    Of course Bowman is pointing to a real rule – oversimplified in the interests of time, it’s socially acceptable to be off-topic and crazy as a fruitcake, but being correct is socially disallowed. Haha, I’m a rebel.

  97. @Iva

    Few days ago one of republican congressman in tv interview said that senators and congressmen are being blackmailed to vote certain way, This looks like unfriendly operation.

    Congresscreatures, with only a very few exceptions, are, by their very nature, the most corrupt and vile of human beings whose lives are an unending stream of perversion. They’re tailor made to be blackmail victims, which is why the Deep State pulls out all stops to make sure that no one with a squeaky clean past is elected (their success rate in this endeavor is obviously not 100 percent, but it’s close enough).

    What I don’t fully understand is how blackmail has any power nowadays, given that most American normies have shown that they will tolerate pretty much any kind of behavior, no matter how deviant it is.

    •�Replies: @Bruce In Texas
    , @HdC
  98. @Poupon Marx

    Geezer boy globalizer crooked crook puppet rat Joe Biden and the evil and demonic JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire are using the demographic warfare of open borders mass illegal immigration and mass legal immigration as ANARCHO-TYRANNY to attack and destroy the European Christian ancestral core of the USA.



    Sam Francis in 2004:

    Unwilling to control immigration and the cultural disintegration it causes, the authorities instead control the law-abiding.

    This is precisely the bizarre system of misrule I have elsewhere described as “anarcho-tyranny”—we refuse to control real criminals (that’s the anarchy) so we control the innocent (that’s the tyranny).

    Tweet from 2015:

    •�Agree: Poupon Marx
    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
  99. anonymous[347] •�Disclaimer says:

    The Red Sea Maritime Crisis with so many nations involved, and with more and more USA Military presence, this the prefect scenario for a false flag destructive event that will spark WW III. This the best Historical military conflagration for Mossad/Israel/Neocons to bring about the Talmudic/Torah prophecies of Universal Global GOYIM wars, that will leave ISRAEL as the ONLY power left standing to rule over the whole goyim world (Christian/Muslims/etc.).

    •�Replies: @Looger
  100. Anynomous says:

    So very likely they are made by some jewish activists abroad, Mossad etc. and they then have an outrage.

  101. @mocissepvis

    “Congresscreatures, with only a very few exceptions, are, by their very nature, the most corrupt and vile of human beings whose lives are an unending stream of perversion. They’re tailor made to be blackmail victims, which is why the Deep State pulls out all stops to make sure that no one with a squeaky clean past is elected (their success rate in this endeavor is obviously not 100 percent, but it’s close enough).”

    Pedo Joe is the peak of this corruption:

    In this investigation, MintPress News breaks down the top ten currently serving politicians who have taken the most pro-Israel cash since 1990.

    #1 Joe Biden, $4,346,264
    The largest recipient of Israel lobby money is President Joe Biden. From the beginning of his political career, Biden, according to his biographer Branko Marcetic, “established himself as an implacable friend of Israel,” spending his Senate career “showering Israel with unquestioning support, even when its behavior elicited bipartisan outrage.” The future president was a key figure in securing record sums of U.S. aid to the Jewish state and helped block a 1998 peace proposal with Palestine.

  102. @Charles Pewitt

    The same with “Gun Control”. Even countries with the most draconian, prohibitive laws and attitudes toward gun ownership (eg. Japan), criminals ALWAYS HAVE GUNS. Just as surgeons have scalpels and hemostats. Only the law abiding are expected to comply.

    •�Agree: HdC
    •�Replies: @Geowhizz
  103. Alrenous says: •�Website

    It is likely that oaks are used as a symbol of masculinity because acorns look a bit like cock heads.

    Not that the circumcised will understand.

  104. How much sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have ungrateful and thankless Jews?

    JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) Are Evil, Ungrateful Nation-Killing Rat Creatures.

    JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) Has Declared War On European Christendom and the European Christian people wherever they are on the globe.

    I Say The JEW/WASP Ruling Class Of The American Empire Must Be Politically Decapitated

    There is no doubt that JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) plotted to racially transform the United States — and many other European Christian nations — by using mass immigration as a demographic weapon. It is a historical fact that can’t be disputed. I must add, however, that the legacy WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire was a willing accomplice to JOG’s demographic execution of America.

    Treasonous WASP rodents were and are JOG’s willing executioners of the Historic American Nation.

    The term WASP — as defined by Digby Baltzell as the ruling class type people of New England — is a narrow description of the Bush Organized Crime Syndicate types and the Romney dirtbags and the money-grubbing turds from the private schools and the Ivy League.

    Apparently, regular people misunderstand Baltzell, and they think every sonofabitch with Angle or Saxon ancestry is a WASP. Wrong! WASP is only about 2 or 3 percent of the Americans with old stocker Anglo-Saxon ancestry.

    Attention all Americans of English ancestry: If you ain’t an evil treasonous scumbag like those in the Bush Organized Crime Syndicate or the Romney Mormon Mammonite scumbag rat squad, then you are an American of English ancestry and not a WASP.

    God Bless The English, And The Part English, Wherever They Are On The Globe.





  105. Trinity says:

    5 Dancing Shlomos
    USS Liberty
    Spying :Rosenbergs, Pollard, etc.
    Initiating HATE against Founding and Indigenous People of HOST nation
    INTENTIONAL attempts at perverting and destroying HOST nation

    The list is too long to keep going on, could do it all day….

    Just the above alone is enough reason to deport a hostile demographic from a nation. MANY Jews have been attempting to PURPOSELY DESTROY Whites forever, and it is more visible today than t has ever been.

    No Jews in America? Well IF is so unsafe for Jews to live here than what the hell are they doing here anyway? The Jew is the most PRIVILEGED demographic group in America, along with the most racist demographic, the most dangerous demographic to AMERICAN Freedom, , etc. In other words the Jew is exactly what the Kike claims “White Supemacists” happen to be in JewSA.

    Any SANE nation would have deported Jews long before we even reached 2000. Perhaps then we might have been spared from 9-11.

    5 Dancing Shlomos

  106. Anon[291] •�Disclaimer says:

    •�LOL: Trinity
  107. @Poupon Marx

    5 million illegals who anonymously entered the country. Who are they? Nobody knows.

    New meme, to be directed at U.S. government agencies: “DON’T TALK TO ME ABOUT ‘NATIONAL SECURITY’ WHILE THE BORDERS ARE WIDE OPEN!”

  108. Agent76 says:

    March 30, 2012 Enemies: A History of the FBI review The ominous power and scandalous history of the FBI


    Jun 4, 2015 Trevor Aaronson: How this *FBI* strategy is actually creating US-based terrorists

    There’s an organization responsible for more terrorism plots in the United States than al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab and ISIS combined. The FBI. How? Why?

  109. @muh muh

    Well I apologize. I’m really humbled
    As far as I can see, what you’re saying is true and my impression was entirely erroneous.
    I should familiarize myself with it – but this is a little more than lack of familiarity, it’s more like a delusional mix of ideas. I do have a bit of a hole in my head. I am perplexed as to which ideas I conflated.
    It’s one of those things that’s much easier to recognize in other people: Exposure to various impressions, is retroactively patterned into to a definite idea of having been exposed to specific information.

    To my knowledge I’ve never read those Jewish sources, but it is possible I suppose.

    Thank you taking the time to put some information together as a reference point.
    I’ll try to take a lesson as to how far to trust my memory without some sort of milestone.

    •�Replies: @HeavilyGarbledFake
  110. @MGB

    For those interested, that quote is from:
    Hate Crime Survey Reports
    by Franklin Stahl

    A follow-up piece is:
    The 2017 Anti-Semitism Scare: Made in Israel?
    by Franklin Stahl

  111. HdC says:

    Agreed that most blackmail has lost its impact in today’s permissive society.

    But then there is also bribery and threat of physical harm to one’s person and family.

    Case in point is the murder of the billionaire drug maker and his wife in Toronto. After years of investigation by police and other interested parties, not one iota of evidence pointing to the guilty.

    Who could pull that off???

  112. Looger says:

    This the best Historical military conflagration for Mossad/Israel/Neocons to bring about the Talmudic/Torah prophecies of Universal Global GOYIM wars

    Only if you believe THEIR propaganda and all that Christian zionist BULLSHIT.

    It’s been talked up to mean everything, when over a century ago NO ONE FUCKING CARED about Jerusalem, second or third fucking temples.

    You’ve been mindfucked. Pull that ZIONIST COCK OUT OF YOUR BRAIN.

    And take those insane Christian Endtimers fucking with you on your way out the fucking door of our civilization.

    We’ve got shit to fix and you ain’t a part of it.

    •�Replies: @anonymous
  113. @mocissepvis

    Ya gotta love that they say “The numbers don’t lie,” in the process of deliberately lying with the numbers.

    Ya gotta hand it to the jews: No one else would even do this, much less do it so brazenly.

    •�Agree: mocissepvis
  114. Geowhizz says:
    @Poupon Marx

    Interesting. Only criminals, law enforcement and military will have guns. And of course the upper crust.

  115. @James J. O'Meara

    Napoleon XIV, IIRC. XIII was the unlucky one.

    Only one was Jewish, of course.

  116. @Ani

    Exactly. Just as each election is The Most Important Election In Our History, each president thus elected is The Most Jewish President ever. It’s been this way since JFK, if not before. Certainly FDR and Truman were too.

  117. Anon[203] •�Disclaimer says:

    The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie.”

    Qur’an Chapter 62

    5. The example of those who were entrusted with the Torah, but then failed to uphold it, is like the donkey carrying works of literature. Miserable is the example of the people who denounce God’s revelations. God does not guide the wrongdoing people.
    6. Say, “O you who follow Judaism; if you claim to be the chosen of God, to the exclusion of the rest of mankind, then wish for death if you are sincere.”
    7. But they will not wish for it, ever, due to what their hands have advanced. God knows well the wrongdoers.
    8. Say, “The death from which you flee will catch up with you; then you will be returned to the Knower of the Invisible and the Visible, and He will inform you of what you used to do.”

  118. 36 ulster says:
    @Charles Pewitt

    Ha-ha! Indeed, the (own-goal) numbers DON’T lie!

  119. @Tony Hall

    Thanks for this valuable intelligence. It’s probably inevitable that there are dozens, perhaps hundreds, of similar cases and that the few we hear about are just the tip of the iceberg.

  120. Sarita says:

    If she said she’s God’s chosen I’d believe her

  121. Seekers says:

    Charming artwork. Anglin never ceases to amaze me with his Der Sturmer influence. That’s not a compliment.

    •�Replies: @annamarina
    , @Sarita
  122. We need to think up a name for the Greater Jewish empire. America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, these nations are all certainly vassal states to the Jewish nation. There are lesser vassal states as well but these five are the big ones. The Greater Jewish empire is perhaps the most powerful empire of all time. We need to think up a name for it.

    •�Replies: @Unbornawakened
    , @Looger
  123. @Seekers

    Israelis have been using white phosphorus against Palestinian babies, toddlers, and women. White phosphorous burns flesh — this is a sadistic torture, the burning a human alive.

    Your psychopathic tribe of delusional supremacists has been running a real Holocaust on Israel-occupied territories. Does this sadism belong to judaic virtues?

    Close your holobiz museums already.


  124. @JFKwasmurderedbyzionist

    Dumbocratic Coalition of Submitted Jewish Vassals

    Coalition of Submitted Jewish Vassals (COSJV)

  125. yippie666 says:

    Is their rabidjewskie netanyahu a gang banger w/tats?

  126. @TheFeebleClone

    Oh, come on Aaron.

    You can do better than that.

  127. @annamarina

    And they laugh as they do it, especially to babies, children and women. Monsters! Murderers! When is the World going to punish them and their enablers?

  128. cousin lucky says: •�Website

    Bury Julian Assanges Heart at Wounded Knee by Declan Hayes!


    Remember that random Australian dude MI6 still has banged up in Belmarsh Prison because he was shocked into action by Americas war crimes.

    I shall not be there. I shall rise and pass.
    Bury my heart at Wounded Knee.

    No matter how much the warders in Irish or English prisons spruce up their Yuletide decorations, Christmas is rough on prisoners, just as it was for my old neighbour, legendary IRA leader Ernie O Malley, who was held by the Black and Tans in Dublin Castle on Christmas Day 1920 at the height of the Tan War. And for Red Hugh O Donnell, the greatest and most uncompromising Gael of them all, who escaped from that same Dublin Castle on Christmas Day 1591.

    And for Enoch Burke, who has been interned without due process for over a year now in Dublins Mountjoy Prison for refusing to say that girls are boys and boys are girls. And Bridget Scanlon, who is banged up in that same prison for exposing the wholesale sexual abuse of Irish and Ukrainian children in Irish care.

    Though God alone knows what consolation Julian Assange, Zelenskys tortured prisoners and the inmates of Gaza concentration camp will have this feast of St Stephen, this feast to the first of our countless martyrs, they all share that sanctified pedestal with those other immortals who defied Empire in ways big and small, by giving witness in Nanking, Gaza, Bethlehem, Belsen and Wounded Knee.

  129. Sarita says:

    I just found this comment by @seekers and well, he is no prophet, meaning his futuristic visions are, thank God, erroneous.
    This is what he wrote when answering someone on November 15th:

    Will never happen. The Israeli Defense Forces, man for man, are among the best-trained and equipped in the world. Only a fool would think that Hamas can defeat them. The IDF will make Hamas into hummus”

    He was probably waving his finger left and right like giving a speech all sure about his assertions.
    He is the perfect example of what Jews always, always, always do: kill prophets, disobey rulers, crucify Jesus, poison wells, drink gentile babies blood as ordered by the Talmud, control economics, the media, the judicial of other countries and finally mess with uncle Adolf, now they are engaged against 2 billion Muslims.
    Watch them destroy Al Aqsa mosque next year.
    And you know what the result will be again.
    He is simply another one of them. was wrong about Hamas being turned into hummus yet comes back a month later to arrogantly run his mouth again..
    That’s the Jews for ya!

  130. Anonymous[426] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Ann Nonny Mouse

    They had their very own gated communities decades before anyone else, and now all they do is kvetch about millions of murders which never happened, supposedly all committed by some outsidera who were minorities within the community.

    All because physical labor, even sitting at a workbench, is apparently worse than death in their eyes. Or perhaps because they were being denied the opportunity to live like southern cotton plantation owners, sitting idly by, at the expense of others’ labor

  131. Sarita says:

    So got your asses kicked two thousand times throughout your history since jerk off Jacob, ended up in ovens and now your retarded cousins are toying with the idea of destroying Al Aqsa which belongs to 2 billion Muslims and you still think you’re smart and God’s chosen?
    You are not God’s Chosen, you’re stupid, that’s what you’re…
    Go ahead keep looking in the funny book see where you finally end up this time

  132. Looger says:

    We need to think up a name for the Greater Jewish empire.

    Soya Goya


    Shabbos Defense League

    Genitalia Mutilania

    Greater Holohoaxia

  133. anonymous[134] •�Disclaimer says:

    Thats what I was trying to say I DO NOT BELIEVE the Christian Zio end of times BS either…BUT if there is a perfect time to pull that religious BS is now..

  134. I was a member at the JCC in Pittsburgh at the time it was a curious experience. All was quite when the truth was found out

  135. @anonymous

    Yes its very unChristian to hope for the end of the world!

  136. @Dr. Rock

    Couldn’t be because the kikes own the media or anything like that

  137. Malla says:

    Jews are gleefully comparing the bombing of Palestinians to the brutal bombing of German and Japanese civilians during WW2. According to them all this is kosher. “Kill the goys. Hashem (GOD) does not mind Goy deaths” sez the Rabbis.

  138. @X101

    As Alexei Sayle, in his ‘alternative Alternative Christmas Message’ riposte to the loathsome poseur, Stephen Fry, stated, the Zionazis ‘lie, and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie…..’, ad infinitum.

  139. @annamarina

    The Zionazis just slaughtered an Australian citizen and his brother and wife in Lebanon. He was there to bring his wife home to a new life in Austfailia. Watch our political and MSM vermin either grovel to Israel, blame the victims, or ignore the tragedy entirely, while simpering about ‘Israel’s right to defend itself’.

  140. Sarita says:
    @Steve Jones

    You make good points. But, at the end, if it was a conspiracy, don’t you think the game (“stand down”) the israelis played backfired or, failed?
    Why? Because it’s been three months! (It will be 3 months January the 7th).
    So, they are screwed anyways.
    If you’re right, with is possible (I’ll tell you why at the end), the paranoia the monsters who gave the order to stand down must be horrible, because it could be exposed.
    The bad news is that Netanyahu isn’t part of it because he denounced it two months ago.
    (Excuse my English, I’m in Colombia).

    •�Replies: @Sarita
  141. Sarita says:

    I’m gonna have to repost my answer, I don’t think I was clear.

    You make good points. But, at the end, if it was a conspiracy, don’t you think the tactic ( that you mentioned, “stand down”) the israelis played has backfired or, failed?
    Why? Because it has been three months! Since Hamas attack (It will be 3 months January the 7th). It has failed for several reasons: too many soldiers dead, too many Gaza civilians killed which makes them look like shit in the eyes of the world, hostages still not released, terrible errors like killing their own soldiers, Hamas still around destroying their tanks, more fronts opening, etc etc
    So, they are screwed anyways.
    If you’re right, which is possible (I’ll tell you why at the end), the paranoia felt by the monsters who gave the order to stand down must be horrible, because it could be exposed now that Israelis are bitching more and more.
    The bad news is that Netanyahu isn’t part of it because he denounced it two months ago, he expressed feelings of suspicion. It was in haaretz, but then he went quite about it.

    Moreover, what could happen if this theory is found to be real and exposed and actually prosecuted the official version on what happened on September Eleven could also be looked at suspiciously.
    You know, “the stand down” tactic will gain strength.
    (Excuse my English, I’m in Colombia).

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