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Nubian Queen Candace Unloads on the Jews

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It’s been a long time coming, but Candace Owens has finally fully unloaded on the Jews.

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach is a celebrity Holocaust promoter and the owner of a sex toy company. He has spent decades now attacking Christians, white people, the blacks, and all other perceived enemies of the Jewish race.

Last week, he published a blog in the Times of Israel entitled “Jews Must Be Feared Rather Than Loved.” The text of the blog is as concerning as the title, as he calls for both Cheka-style clandestine violence and mass slaughter of goyim in order to protect the global dominance of Jews.

He spent a long time attacking and threatening Candace over things that Kanye said, as she was often publicly seen with him and defending him.

Candace mentioned him as well as other Jews in a video addressing the problem of the Jewish attacks on black people. This is hardcore.

Video Link

She says that the Jews claiming “antisemitism” and “another Holocaust is coming” when you call out there gang behavior is no different than if the Bloods and the Crips controlled the media and had everyone who criticized black gangs accused of “racism” and “trying to bring back slavery.”

Here’s the full quote:

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach was threatening me. And it wasn’t just him, it was also his daughter. They’re messaging me saying, don’t mess with Jews. Very bizarre stuff. And they have not stopped, to be clear.

And so what I believe is something that should be explored is whether or not what’s happening is that just like within all communities, there are gangs, right? Gangs can form. We understand this in the Black community. We’ve got the Bloods, we’ve got the Crips. Well imagine if the Bloods and the Crips were doing horrific things: murdering people, controlling people with blackmail. And then every time a person spoke out about it, the Bloods in the Crips would call those people racist.

We get the media to say those people were racist. Any person that was talking about a specific gang, a small group of people would say, ‘Oh my God, no, no, no, no, that’s like slavery.’ You can’t at all say anything bad about the Bloods and the Crips, and the entire Black community believed it and was scared and thought, ‘Oh my God, like it is slavery actually coming back?’

She also goes into the smears by Jews, including Boteach, against Michael Jackson, another black man who tried to assert independence from the Jews.

The video was triggered by new documents showing Puff Daddy was running a gay blackmail ring (which is frankly very believable).

Candace is still currently working for Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire. I don’t really see how that can go on much longer at this point. Again: she just said Hollywood, and much of America, is run by a Jewish gang that is comparable to the Bloods and the Crips.

She says all kinds of things in this video, including claiming that “black media” is controlled by the Jews.

Following the video, she doubled and tripled down on Twitter.

Some Jew literally did “but do you condemn Hamas” on her. She didn’t.

This tweet is particularly hardcore:

And she said the word.

As an encore, she decided to humiliate poor Destiny.

Destiny’s entire existence is nothing but humiliation. I guess he gets paid well for it, but it’s still hard to watch.

I Predicted This

It wasn’t a hard prediction to make, but when the Jews started this genocide in Gaza, I said the obvious: this is going to make it much, much easier to criticize Jews who are not directly linked to Israel.

Jews have said for decades “Israel is Jews and Jews are Israel,” so there is no real difference between the two in the minds of normal people. Now, the Jews have decided to commit a very public genocide, mass murdering at least 30,000 kids for no clear reason, and therefore it is now open season on the Jews.

This whole “you can’t ever criticize the Jews ever, because there is a pile of shoes at Auschwitz” thing is over. Jews blew their “Holocaust Card” in Gaza. They are now open to criticism. No serious person is going to have the nerve to call you an antisemite for really anything while the Jews are doing this thing in Gaza.

People should be taking advantage of this more.

Candace is taking advantage of it, and God bless her for that.

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
•�Category: Ideology •�Tags: American Media, Anti-Semitism, Gaza, Israel/Palestine, Jews
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  1. Wokechoke says:

    She suddenly got interesting.

    •�Agree: Renard
    •�Replies: @迪路
    , @Richard B
    , @Richard B
  2. DanFromCT says:

    When black Jamaican separatist Marcus Garvey visited the NY offices of the NAACP a century ago, he found not one black working there and instead an office full of Jews orchestrating blacks like poodles in the circus to wage war against white Americans. The only blacks allowed in would have been black men on their knees shining the Jews’ shoes for a nickel tossed on the floor and black women on their knees cleaning the toilets. Today it’s the same with the Jews running BLM from behind the scenes like the NAACP of old, and blacks still taking their marching orders from inhuman moral filth like Boteach.

  3. If Queen Candace wants to break the chains she needs to resign from the Littlest Chickenhawk’s Daily Wire. Mr. Anglin’s old debating partner Vox Day called out Shapiro with the ‘Littlest Chickenhawk’ name back in the days of Murika’s first Messikan presidente Jorge W. Busheron (Caudillo of Crawford), who conveniently avoided being sent to Vietnam like fellow boomers Bolton, Zion-Don, Billy Clinton and others in the elite and nomenklatura ranks.

    The ‘chickenhawk’ term is a perfect description for the kind of utterly evil person who promotes wars for Israel while refusing to sign up and shoulder a weapon – though it apparently is also used to describe pedos like those provided fresh pizza (including with walnut sauce – e.g. Ms. Owens’ people) by Epstein, Ghislaine, et al. Day challenged Shapiro, then in his 20s, to join the Imperial legion to fight the Muslims he railed against constantly. Shapiro demurred, stating he had to go to law schul instead. If Owens is serious, she needs to walk away from the likes of Shapiro and make mention of his cowardice and longtime war-mongering.

    All Neo-Klowns should be required to wear John Bolton’s gay-moustache®. That includes those sitting in the clown-congress like Lady G of SC, her lawn-jockey Mr. Tim, Brian Mast and the numerous others who desperately want to avoid being the first to stop applauding next time Satanyahoo gets a continuous standing-ovation for showing up. Their paymasters at AIPAC take note of those whose applause isn’t sufficiently vigorous.

    •�Agree: Anonymousrgc
    •�Thanks: Alternate History
  4. Anon[452] •�Disclaimer says:

    There have been many attempts to describe the earth in one single concise, short concept…But if you ask me we can all rest now, it’s been done…

    Rabbi Shmuley Boteach is a celebrity Holocaust promoter and the owner of a sex toy company.

    •�LOL: Vito Klein
  5. Trinity says:

    Hi, rabbi, my name is Chris Hansen, what are you doing here?

    •�LOL: Rich, Catdompanj
  6. Why does Breitbart publish the writings of liberal Democrat pervert Schmuley Boteach?

    I thought Breitbart was a conservative publication which believed in family values.

    •�LOL: Anonymousrgc
  7. Figi says:

    Wow! Look at the shoulders on that “queen”!

    •�Troll: Lurker, Vito Klein, Renard
  8. Anonymous[318] •�Disclaimer says:

    Ironically the Gospel reading in Catholic Mass today is from John 9:1-41:

    “Is this your son, who you say was born blind? How does he now see?” His parents answered and said, “We know that this is our son and that he was born blind. We do not know how he sees now, nor do we know who opened his eyes. Ask him, he is of age; he can speak for himself.” His parents said this because they were afraid of the Jews, for the Jews had already agreed that if anyone acknowledged him as the Christ, he would be expelled from the synagogue.

    •�Replies: @Anonymousrgc
    , @RadicalCenter
  9. Nico X [AKA "Damien X"] says:

    Yeah right. Its all a phony psyop. Jews conceived ‘Candace Owens’ to program white-wing males to find their own ‘nubian queen’ to date/mate with.

    •�Troll: Renard
  10. Erik1953 says:

    This is all according to script. With the endless flood of migrants, = black people, the Jews will be deported to Israel, once they have made some room. White people are at the end of the line. The Jewish people will control the black ones from Israel.

  11. Avery says:

    {Candace is still currently working for Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire.} [Anglin]

    Apparently DailyWire is run by two people: Shapiro and Jeremy Boreing, who is said to be Christian.

    If memory serves, Shapiro started DailyWire as a small operation, then Jeremy came in and funded it with big money, making it what it is today.

    I remember when Shapiro ragged on Candice on that leaked video, Candice publicly stated: “Ben is not my boss. I don’t work for him”.
    Anybody know who Candice is actually working for?
    Maybe she runs her own show — makes the money — under the umbrella of DailyWire, and she is quasi-independent?

  12. You can have Candace Owens.

    We — Democrats — have Sexxy Redd who loves Joe Biden.

  13. lavoisier says:

    Today it’s the same with the Jews running BLM from behind the scenes like the NAACP of old, and blacks still taking their marching orders from inhuman moral filth like Boteach.

    Agree. And plenty of whites doing the exact same thing–think the US Congress and the President.

  14. Good for Candace for calling out Boteach. However, the idea that Michael Jackson was framed is beyond absurd. He was a pedo through and through, and a particularly creepy and sinister one at that. I don’t doubt that he was manipulated and ripped off by Jewish record execs, but he was still an unrepentant child molester.

  15. Chebyshev says:

    Last week, he published a blog in the Times of Israel entitled “Jews Must Be Feared Rather Than Loved.” The text of the blog is as concerning as the title, as he calls for both Cheka-style clandestine violence and mass slaughter of goyim in order to protect the global dominance of Jews.

    That does sound scary. Boteach has also been a big promoter of the Tutsi Genocide Hoax and helped cover up the larger mass killings of Hutus in Rwanda. Boteach is a sinister Jewish pop cultural figure, probably the same sort of character that Ye spoke out against. Candace Owens is standing up to Zionist Jewish bullies like Cluadine Gay did. In modern America, black women have more leeway than other groups to speak their minds about Jews and Israel.

  16. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach name seems ripe for 21st century cartoon villains.

    Shmuley Biotech – Makers of Goyimium – Euthanasia for Lasting Peace

    Shlomo the Rabbid Rabbi – Why Goyimium is the path to heaven and Jesus Christ.

    As for Candace Owens, she’s got more balls than most blacks or whites, good for her.

    •�Agree: FTB
  17. @Exalted Cyclops

    If Queen Candace wants to break the chains she needs to resign from the Littlest Chickenhawk’s Daily Wire.

    Again, the age old Abstract Idealist Absolutionist versus the Practical Utilitarian. IOW, what actually works. I admire Candace and have been following her for some time. She is very smart, true to her lights. I do not agree with her on everything, but those are minor compared to the main body of her work. You and others would do better on concentration what is actually working and contributing, rather than posturing and pretending by your negation of relatively minor and unimportant side issues.

    A good example of people actually CANCELING traditional and conservative people who pay a heavy price for going against the Kosher Nosetra International is this weak, pathetic, armchair moronic statement: “But he doesn’t name the Jew”. Go back to The Occidental Observer several years back and read Prof. Kevin McDonald’s reply to lazy, sloth, and self-preoccupation like this.

    •�Agree: al gore rhythms
    •�Replies: @Exalted Cyclops
  18. In recent times Candace Owens has been getting attention in regards to who (((she really represents))).

    With this, alarm bells sounded in the halls of those with the crooked noses. This alarm was then relayed to the Freemasons, and onwards to the Jesuits, and finally reached the satanic altars in the catacombs under the Vatican.

    “There are a few White American goyim beginning to suspect Candace Owens represents us and our interests,” went the word.

    “How could this be,” asked an entity with a crooked nose, “is there an unknown side effect of the gene therapies that reverses White American goyim brain damage?”

    “Don’t ask stupid questions,” replied another entity with a crooked nose, “we don’t make mistakes with our pharmaceuticals, the brain damage of the White American goyim is irreversible.”

    “We must quickly fix the damage being done to Candace Owens, lest it become contagious and damage Matt Walsh, Steve Kirsch, Charlie Kirk, Steve Bannon, Donald Trump and the many other White American goyim that do our bidding,” stated a third entity with a crooked nose.

    “Tell Candace Owens to be anti-Semitic,” ordered a fourth crooked nose, “this will work because the White American goyim are so stupid they would buy ice from us even if they lived at the North Pole.”

    “Your will be done,” chorused the hall of crooked noses, before then adding: “but this isn’t much fun anymore, the White American goyim don’t put up a fight, we find not much satisfaction in smothering guileless turkeys in a barrel.”

    “Alas, it’s not like the old times in the East when the Slavs used to challenge, threaten and chase us. What fun it was to fence with the Slavs of old. These modern White goyim in America are just cowardly unchallenging pieces of garbage. Being offered no challenge surely does lessen our satisfaction in outsmarting and owning them.

    “Yes, we might have overdone it with the 72 poisonous so-called vaccines we inject them with in their youth. But when we drew-up our plans to denigrate their brain capacities in this manner, we truly thought they’d amuse us by offering us challenge and resistance.

    “Who’d have thought the White American goyim parents would allow their sprogs to be injected with toxins 72 times until their late teens,” lamented a retired crooked nose who was bored out of his head with the subservience and obedience of the White stupid American goyim.

    Whilst this took place, God’s weeping in Heaven shook the firmament, saddened as He was that his White European human creation had turned out to be a shower of losers, tossers and cowards who willingly injected their offspring with suicidal provoking toxins.

    “Cheer up Dad,” said Jesus, “you couldn’t have given them better intelligence, the Whites had everything they needed to populate the earth and be successful for eternity, it’s not your fault they failed to use their brains and through their greed allowed a clique of cesspit minded perverts to conquer, pervert, rule and erase them.”

    “Look Dad,” continued Jesus, “the White Europeans will not even defend their daughters as 70-IQ apes rape and beat them, they are simpy not worth shedding tears over.”

    “And speaking of daughters,” Jesus continued, “many of the sons of White Europeans now believe they can become their parents’ daughters just by fantasising that they are girls”.

    “You’re right Son,” admitted God, “that White sh*t I created doesn’t bear thinking about. But yet I can’t help wondering where I went so egregiously wrong. Anyway, at least Satan the cu*t is getting some kicks out of them.”

  19. This weekend the Jews have been denying that AIPAC is a Jew lobby. Though I would say (((they))) are beyond a lobby, and more like the fourth branch of the federal government.

  20. Notsofast says:

    and look what they did to marcus garvey, who wanted blacks to return to africa and have an independent state.

  21. That negresse ain’t never read no books in her entire life! Plebnigger American mass culture is a nightmarish gyre of undifferentiated shit, piss, jism, and baby blood, even when the strong black woman’s utterances apparently align with my own on a small range of topics. Stop giving this baboon attention, she should have fizzled out a decade ago.

  22. I’ve got tons of tall tales from the Hollywood crypt, all steeped in authenticity. As a kid, I grew up at 124 South Cordova St., Apt. C, Burbank, California 91505. Take a virtual drive-by sometime in the Microsoft camera-car (https://www.bing.com/). The apartment was in the shadow of the “Warner Bros. Water Tower.” Hollywood has no heart, although it does have a soul — albeit an extremely dark, dangerous, deranged, deceptive soul (👽).


    .☆☆☆☠️☆☆☆ ®[AP©CALYPSE NOW NEWS]™ ☆☆☆☠️☆☆☆.

    Video Link

  23. Anonymous[193] •�Disclaimer says:

    Good rhetoric and good points.

    Which reminds me, we got to get Cynthia McKinney back here for the big pogrom. When the Jew supremacists pestered her, she was more like, “Fuck that shit,” and just kept on doing her thing. Awesome internal locus of control on her. As Jewy mass hysteria loses traction, you will need people like McKinney, because they don’t waste time helping Jews reenact their neuroses.

    •�Agree: Brooklyn Dave
  24. Chris Moore says: •�Website

    Candace is still currently working for Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire. I don’t really see how that can go on much longer at this point. Again: she just said Hollywood, and much of America, is run by a Jewish gang that is comparable to the Bloods and the Crips.

    Any Christian Logos or good will/positive karma practitioner and intellectual who delves into how the Judeofascists (and their acolytes) operate, and always have, is going to end up at odds with Satan and his zoglodyte minions. Eventually, and inevitably, mortal odds.

  25. @Joe Incognito

    So the FBI and their ten years of raids (confiscation of all electronic devices) and investigations, whose every report saying “nothing found”, were lying to protect him, an antisemite????

  26. roonaldo says:

    Hell, the Bloods and Crips in full-throttle degeneracy are mere pikers compared to the Israelis, who have honed their paranoid, delusional, sadistic tendencies to become the galactic leader in tortuous brutality.

    The only reason the Israelis paused some of their assaults on Gaza was because their harvest of organs from the dead and from the living wounded was depressing the market price for fresh body parts.

    •�Thanks: FTB
    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  27. jamsaw says:


    Why is the author using the title “Nubian Queen” of Candace Owens? He doesn’t seem to be name-calling, although that’s how it looks, since she is clearly not a Nubian queen. Probably just made the connection because he knew what Candace means in the Bible? Acts 8:27
    27So he got up and went. Now there was an Ethiopian eunuch, a court official of the Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, in charge of her entire treasury. He had come to Jerusalem to worship

    Anyway, it triggered my curiosity since I’m constantly trying to increase my lifetime knowledge….I knew nothing about any Nubian queen, in fact I didn’t know precisely what Nubian referred to. So I thought I’d share what I found out with anyone else who is always looking up things that are new to them.

    I thought it was a very good article and a subject too few people seem to be willing to look into. And it’s not only “black media” that are disproportionately controlled/owned by Jews. Not even only “MSM” but also some alternative media.

    Consider this quote by a Jew:
    “Anti-Semitism does NOT signify opposition to Semitism. THERE IS NO SUCH THING. It is an expression we use effectively as a SMEARWORD, used to brand anyone who brings criticism against us.”
    – Harold W. Rosenthal (Jewish), administrative assistant for then-U.S. Senator Jacob K. Javits (Jewish) of New York, in an interview with American Christian magazine editor, Walter White.

    •�Replies: @anonymous
  28. Anonymous[366] •�Disclaimer says:

    Candace Owens’ husband is like a character out of Waugh’s Brideshead Revisited. He’s from an Aristocratic English family, is a Catholic convert, an Oxonian (graduated with a First from Oxford), and has a personal net worth of $250 million.

    The Hon. Mrs. George Farmer with her husband

    You go Nubian Queen! 🫶🏿🫶🏻

  29. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Jones may be good but she gives false hope that whites can live with blacks.

    For every Jones, you have many more apesses like this:

  30. anonymous[123] •�Disclaimer says:

    Candace Owens has bigger balls than any fat, white american male who has allowed the jews to curb stomp his culture, dreams, and constitutional rights over the past 60 years. And what kind of fucking “holy man” is in to hardcore porn? Just another jew pervert like the serial kike rapist, Ron Jeremy. Every kind of filth and degeneracy in America can be traced back to jews. Hey asshole white males: when a woman goes to bat for you and names the jew, how about backing her up? Cowardice gives the jews power.

    •�Thanks: Catdompanj
  31. Avery says:
    @Priss Factor

    At the end, the white girl was twitching involuntarily laying on the ground: hard to watch her die.

    Obvioulsy the black female thug bashing her head against the pavement caused a massive concussion and/or bleeding of the brain.

    Savage beast.

    •�Replies: @Priss Factor
    , @Pythas
  32. Sulu says:

    It has started.


    •�Replies: @Renard
  33. @Priss Factor

    That murdering gorilla seems to be wearing Catholic school attire. Blacks should be catapulted into the ocean.

    •�Replies: @Alden
  34. Wokechoke says:

    More like Black Mischief.

    A sort of Basil Seal.

  35. Wokechoke says:

    Resyk Body Parts Tel Aviv.

    •�Replies: @roonaldo
  36. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Rabbi Shmuley Boteach is a celebrity Holocaust promoter and the owner of a sex toy company.

    Does he sell those portnoic Holocaust Death-by-Masturbation devices?

  37. What do Americans do when they find a secret illegal dungeon underneath a New York synagogue in which stained mattresses and infant’s accoutrements are found?

    Answer A: Orthodox (Ashkenazi) American residents of the synagogue brazenly attack the police who investigate it and demand they fu*k-off and leave their dungeon and them alone.

    Answer B: White American police don’t investigate what went on in the illegal and very obviously suspicious dungeon. Instead, they immediately get a concrete company to fill the dungeon with cement.

    Answer C: White Americans have their gender confused sprogs injected with yet more Ashkenazi created toxic boosters.

    Aside from this disgusting spectacle, the number of White conservatives that support and egg-on Israel’s genocide in the ME is astounding. How wilfully blind can they be not to realise that the Ashkenazim have White Americans on the same list as the Palestinians?

    Then there’s the phenomenal number of White Americans that fully support and finance the thousands of Zionist controlled “Christian churches” across America.

    There’s no end of videos online showing White so-called Christian Americans throwing paper money at very obviously Zionist controlled preachers/priests. These preachers/priests will be surrounded by Zionist/Freemason symbolism and will regularly make satanic signs with their hands – and they do all this with a wide sneer on their faces.

    The truth of the matter is that White American conservatives are way too stupid to sort out the problems in their country. What the majority of American conservatives want is to return to the pre-COVID-19 status quo.

    They’ll be happy to go back to attacking and destroying a couple of Third World countries every 5-years. This sums up White Americans, they sit like cowards unable to do anything whilst their own borders are being overrun with 70-IQ savages who rape and rob in the first city they get too. But when it comes to bombing goat herders in Third World countries into oblivion, they strut around with their chests puffed-out and feel proud of their country’s “military prowess”.

    But, when the “great” White American military went toe-to-toe with the goat herders in Vietnam, Korea and Afghanistan, it quickly got its butt kicked and its “soldiers” fled like screaming bitches.

    I’d love to see the American military go up against Russia or China. Boy, will you vaccinated assholes get decimated if you do. The Russians and Chinese know that you White Americans are nothing but two-bit bully-boys. They’ll go at you with a fervour of hatred that will utterly shock you.

    The biggest problem that Russians/Chinese will have should a war begin is in the disposal of dead American soldiers. The underpants of the dead U.S. soldiers will be full of excrement, saturated in the defecation of the cowardly bully-boy. The smell for the Russians/Chinese will be atrocious. But worth it to rid the world of the worst race of losers that ever evolved on this earth.

    Please don’t respond to this factual presentation with violent rudeness. I’m a sensitive soul and I deserve praise not aggression for taking the time to relate the truth to you.

    By the way, I’m in Western Europe and if you Americans are stupid enough to go at it with the Russians, I can assure you that I and my 38 children will not offer shelter to the American tranny soldiers that will inevitably quickly flee the front line and run for the Atlantic. When I see American soldiers come running with excrement running down their legs, I’ll tell them to fu*k-off.

    By the way, how did the genocide you White Americans committed against White Germans between 1939 and 1950 work out for you? Have you coward murderous basta*ds found out that a very long spoon must be used when supping with the devil?

    Now the devil has turned on you, he is fu*king you up your own butts, and you can’t do anything about it, no more than a 55-IQ black whore can do anything about her pimp when he sodomises her without lubricant.

    Have you any feedback for me on the U.S. “military” being stationed in full combat gear on the New York subway system? Like the East German Stasi, they are searching U.S. citizens and checking their “papers”.

    Big 70-IQ black combat clap soldiers with automatic weapons lording it over White Americans in one of their largest cities.

    It didn’t take (((them))) long to give military training to the hordes of “asylum seekers” that have come across the southern border in the last 10-years.

    White Americans will stay sitting with their thumbs up their coward butts until these chaps are kicking their doors in, raping their wives, daughters and sons, and dragging them off to concentration camps – it will probably be Gulags (((they’ll))) call them, (((they))) like this name.

    America will not even reach 250-years as an independent country. How sad is that?

    Q: What sort of losers lose an entire continent so quickly?
    A: The same sort that’s too cowardly to protect their girls from being raped by 70-IQ apes.

    •�Replies: @anon
    , @迪路
  38. So now blacks are good.

    I thought you people thought blacks were bad.

    You people are just fly-by-night flibberdegibbits, turning whichever way the wind blows you.

    •�Troll: HammerJack
  39. @Priss Factor

    There was never a race of people on this planet that were as good-for-nothing and as cowardly as White Americans. It’s nauseating to see numberless White Americans boasting online about how they are armed, what’s the point of having guns if they are too stupid and cowardly to use them?

    But as for the White girl that got her head cracked open, it’s almost certain she was whoring around with the male black apes. Perhaps she had a thing for big black co*ks?

    If so, it doesn’t say much for the White trash parents that bred and reared her.

    Nevertheless, it’s quite nauseating to see how disgusting cretinous and cowardly White Americans have become.

    Now be off you White Americans and take your children to be fondled by drag queens.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  40. @Anonymous

    “Aristocratic English family, is a Catholic convert.”

    Ashkenazim: Starting with Oliver Cromwell they started to infiltrate every Royal Family in Europe. Oliver Cromwell was an Ashkenazi stooge who did their bidding.

    A letter sent from a rabbi in Constantinople to Western Europe in the late 1400’s instructed Ashkenazim in Europe to: Infiltrate their aristocracy, their Royal families, their politics and their institutions. Pretend to adopt their Christian religion. Become lawyers, become priests. Be more like them than they are themselves.

    The Ashkenazi done all this very successfully.

    Charles I was the last old-school aristocrat in England. After Cromwell removed his head the Ashkenazi began planting their seed in English aristocratic families.

    They now own England, the E.U. and the rest of the West.

    With luck Putin might have turned against them, we can only hope.

    But here I am wasting my time giving information to U.S. morons who haven’t the wit to understand the instructions on how to boil an egg, which might just make me worse than you.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  41. @Exalted Cyclops

    If Queen Candace wants to break the chains she needs to resign from the Littlest Chickenhawk’s Daily Wire.

    I disagree. Better for her if she is terminated/fired/put into exile. It will re-inforce how useless whiny little Ben is.

    •�Replies: @Dennis Dale
  42. Wokechoke says:
    @Joe Incognito

    Struck me as asexual more than anything else.

    One reason I suspect he wasn’t is that he did not seek out a profession that automatically gave him access to victims. A singer is under too much scrutiny and is only around music folk. Teens mostly as a risk group. The accusations on Jackson revolve around small boys.

    Admittedly you get someone like Garry Glitter but he was caught doing sex tourism and had around 4,000 or so images on a laptop. He fled to Cuba or some such destination. Vietnam Cambodia etc. Teenage girls.

    Did Jackson ever have a habit of travel to jurisdictions with corrupt police taking bribes from local pimps running child brothels? Not that I’m aware of.

    Bizarre yes, bringing it on him own head, certainly. Open question in the end though.

  43. … much of America, is run by a Jewish gang that is comparable to the Bloods and the Crips.

    IOW, they’ve got both sides of the action.

  44. WW3 will be nuclear war.

    WW4 will be the survivors hunting down every Jew that hid out and absolutely carving them up into dog food.

    •�Replies: @Naziashkenazi
  45. Wokechoke says:

    Charles I was the last what?


    Aristocrats in the English context are not the same as Monarchs. He might have been the only English King who ever toyed with being an Absolutist. Many English would have just seen him as a Scot anyway.

    •�Replies: @Naziashkenazi
  46. Hadrian says:

    I could’ve sworn I heard Candace Owens’ spouse was Jewish.

    This certainly explains why she doesn’t feel afraid to criticize Jewry though.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  47. neutral says:

    In the battle of jews vs niggers, it should be always be reminded to black people that jews are not white.

  48. @CounterAttack

    WWIIII will be the survivors hunting down every Jew to eat them. They’ll have eaten the dogs first. The blacks second.

    •�Troll: HammerJack
  49. @John Gruskos

    Are you serious?

    A blind, deaf and mute street dog would figure out in 5-minutes that Breitbart is a fully controlled Zionist shill. As is the Gateway Pundit – Hoff, the Gateway Pundit’s founder, has even taken to publishing photos of himself visiting the genocider Netanyahu in Israel.

    Even when it’s in their faces people still can’t see it.

    The biggest problem the United States’ has is extreme stratospheric unintelligence.

  50. @Wokechoke

    An imbecile with nothing to say, and lacking the means to say anything even if he/she wanted to, responds. Typical.

    Try out Reddit, you’ll fit in better there.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  51. seems 2B an Xplosion of white MALE mudsharks lately. Thinking also of the white fu*kmate of that nigress Harvard Prez. The downward spiral of the white race just keeps accelerating.

  52. Anonymous[426] •�Disclaimer says:

    I could’ve sworn I heard Candace Owens’ spouse was Jewish.

    Before he converted to Catholicism he was an Anglican.

  53. Priss Factor says: •�Website


    Video Link

  54. anon[515] •�Disclaimer says:

    By the way, how did the genocide you White Americans committed against White Germans between 1939 and 1950 work out for you?

    Americans were suckered into killing Germans since at least 1917. American intervention in WW1 is often overlooked as a precursor to the greater tragedy of WW2. Portentious to today’s American shenanigans is that the notable US 42nd infantry division–one of the earliest to arrive in France–was nicknamed the “Rainbow” division. Plus ca change

    •�Agree: Naziashkenazi
  55. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    White people who don’t want to live next to such black savagery will be watching NBA and NFL and cheer on black muscle.

    Whites cheer for on TV and stadiums the very power that kicks them in the ass.

    White Flight runs from black muscle but White Sight is fixed on it.

    In other words, White Flight and White Sight makes whites racially schizo.

    •�Replies: @Renard
  56. Pythas says:

    The nigger is married to a red-coat scumbag. The niggers don’t even liking marrying their own kind.

    •�Troll: HammerJack
  57. Pythas says:

    Kill that nigger scum.

    •�Agree: Lurker
  58. Wokechoke says:

    The Merchants in London, among them ancients like the Howards and Greshams were opposed to Jews being present in England. No King of Scotland ever banished any Jews. That’s the Stuarts.

    Admittedly Oliver let some stay but he never naturalized them. Charles II come very close to naturalizing Jews but held off. Not until you get Wellington out of office in the 1850s are Jews naturalized in England.

    They’d long since been full US citizens since the revolution itself.

    •�Thanks: Naziashkenazi
  59. @Poupon Marx

    Owens doesn’t need Shapiro’s money or his platform. There is a case for her taking his money and using his platform until he actually fires her though. I have no criticism of Owens for daring to speak the truth. She should do so every chance she gets. Shapiro is the one who is a soulmate of War-Pig Nuland, not Owens.

    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
  60. Renard says:
    @Priss Factor

    White people who don’t want to live next to such black savagery will be watching NBA and NFL and cheer on black muscle.

    The only trouble with this pronouncement is that you are the forum’s #1 fan of negro males and their “muscle”…

    •�Replies: @Dennis Dale
  61. Renard says:

    It has started.

    Right? Only trouble here is, people have been writing posts saying exactly that, for decades. LMK when it gets in gear.

    •�Replies: @Priss Factor
    , @Sulu
  62. From the mouth of “Nubian” babes.

    Ignorance and naivete are usually not an advantage, but sometimes it is. If Candace was fully aware of the JQ and Israel from the get-go, she couldn’t be where she is today and get away with saying the things she says the way she says it.

    It is probably the combination of naivete, curiosity and honesty that got her where she is and the following she has. Too smart and too knowledgeable too early on, and they would have defenestrated her a long time ago. I think uber Zionist Dennis Prager launched her career.

    Once upon a time Anglin was excited about Kanye but see what happened to him. Sooner or later Candace will have to leave the Shapiro plantation and found her own media company. Fortunately there are options.

    Many famous and powerful people have tried to smash the Jewish pinata, but like Elon, they were forced to apologize and bow to the golden calf. It’s not likely Candace will fare much better. Callowness can only take her so far. Knowledge is cumulative and she can’t put on the pretension of naivete forever.

    I don’t follow Candace, but I don’t think she speaks much on Israel and, like Tucker, is silent on Gaza. Aside from the slow motion implosion of Western civilization, is there a bigger immediate issue than Gaza? Gaza is a litmus test to one’s humanity. Her avoidance of Gaza is deliberate. She can go after Shmuley because he’s an ugly and annoying man and resembles an ogre.

    •�Replies: @Greta Handel
  63. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    I haven’t watched an NFL or NBA game in 30 yrs.

    •�Replies: @anarchyst
  64. DanFromCT says:
    @Priss Factor

    It’s almost impossible to watch that fat black female with the body of a mature ox pummeling the skinny white girl and bashing her skull into the pavement until death, whose parents’ labor pays for that black animal’s existence. Infowars used to have a video collage of young but oversized black kids beating the living crap out of totally innocent little white kids that was so horrific it beggars belief they’re the same species as we are.

    If anything, it proves there is no longer any such thing as a “white American culture” since any culture that allows its young women to be insulted, let alone have their heads bashed in on the pavement by an animal, is no culture at all. Is this really happening in America? It cant’ be, right? because whites would be marshaling in the streets under the banner of WLM2–except that the Jews’ white whores in Congress would be denouncing them as “domestic terrorists” and calling for their arrest.

    •�Agree: TKK
  65. roonaldo says:

    “Rezyk”–whazzat? Had to look that up, but, yeah, kinda like “Soylent Green,” which I saw when it came out-starring the mighty Charlton Heston, who was great in “The Planet of the Heebs” and his famous line, “Take your stinking paws off me, you damn dirty kike!”

  66. This might just be the most Jewish thing ever. Israelis dancing and partying, blocking aid to Gaza, where women, children, and old people are dying of starvation mere hundreds of yards away.

    Even snopes admits to it, but the US MSM isn’t carrying the story, because reasons.


  67. anon[222] •�Disclaimer says:
    @John Gruskos

    Breitbert follows hierarchial, rigid and permanent algorithim with exceptions to the rule for the lower rows .At the top sits the Zion .
    It was conceived in Israel to address emerging zionist interest in the nationalism nativism of the white and related white issues .
    Breitbert meets with the editors of liberal outlets in the synagogues and chat over kosher tea and talmudic injuncions .

    By the way this article

    “Last week, 88 senators, including many progressives, warned President Obama in an AIPAC letter not to lift a finger to try to create a Palestinian state in his last few months of office.

    Well now the execrable rightwing rabbi Shmuley Boteach joins the fun. This ad appeared in the New York Times today. Presumably paid for by Sheldon Adelson, it holds President Obama’s legacy over him and says that it’s all in jeopardy if Obama pushes for the creation of a Palestinian state in “Judea and Samaria.”

    Its not the Jewish power ,its whites’ abuse of them also for their immediate needs.

  68. Once in a great while we have some good news.

    •�Agree: Renard
  69. @Exalted Cyclops

    I don’t disagree. Perhaps there is an intrinsic advantage to be associations with the organization. Being inside versus on the outside looking in.

  70. @Joe Incognito

    “””However, the idea that Michael Jackson was framed is beyond absurd. He was a pedo through and through, and a particularly creepy and sinister one at that.”””

    Maybe jackson was a pedo but there is no firm evidence of that. OTOH, we have VIDEOS going back years of your hero joe biden molesting little girls and even here at UR no one talks about it!!

    Video Link

  71. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Civil Rights makes no sense with blacks because they are not civil.

    We need a new movement, an era of Racial Guarantee. #1 racial guarantee for whites must be security from these black thugs and beasts.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  72. @Man Of East

    Aside from the slow motion implosion of Western civilization, is there a bigger immediate issue than Gaza? Gaza is a litmus test to one’s humanity.

    The past five months have been Exceptionally! telling. Even a substantial portion of this dissident website’s authors haven’t said a word.

    As the American people are again being herded to vote at each other, they should realize that no matter who wins the next Most Important Election Ever, the USA will continue to arm Israel and veto any effort at the UN to even suspend the carnage.

    •�Replies: @Man Of East
  73. 迪路 says:

    Indeed, even American think tanks have acknowledged that the most logical place for the US military to go if it is engaged with us is to wrap up in body bags.

  74. @DanFromCT

    In almost every case of a white and black female fighting, it’s because the white female is a coal burner accused of stealing the man of the black female.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  75. 迪路 says:

    Things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme.
    While Jews have been trying to use blacks for their own ends, they should know that everything has a price.
    Henceforth all the claims of the Jews will be doubled upon themselves.
    No, annihilation, extinction.
    When you are not a Nazi and the Jews say you are a Nazi, you have nothing to fear.
    You are a Nazi. So what?
    When you have killed all the Jews, can anyone in the world call you a Nazi?

  76. Biin says:

    Ghastly supremacists. We should thank these young monsters for publicly displaying their evil.

  77. Wokechoke says:

    It’s homicidal to bang a head on concrete, again and again and again.

    Did the nigger even know it’s a murderous act?

    •�Replies: @anarchyst
  78. Wokechoke says:

    Did the nigger even understand the death blow move she executed on the skinny little thing?

    The fat black needs to be executed in likewise fashion after due process.

    •�Agree: Kolya Krassotkin
  79. Biin says:

    The Zios kill ordinary American bloggers every day. Be very careful of who you let within 10 feet, particularly if their hands are hidden.

    •�Replies: @Landroo
  80. Wokechoke says:

    Never the less, it won’t do. It’s possible even for the trashiest white to find redemption and shift life choices around later. Did the jig not know what bashing head on stone does?

    •�Replies: @Hulkamania
  81. @DanFromCT

    Blacks have been manipulated by Jews since day one. One of the few blacks who saw through this was Malcolm X.

    •�Replies: @DanFromCT
  82. anarchyst says:
    @Priss Factor

    I’ve been criticizing White men for supporting professional “sports” for more than a few decades. I never watched that garbage…
    Not only the “Negro Felon League” and the “Negro Basketball Association” but even that bastion of truly white skills, NASCAR has been infected with “woke” ideology. When (((they))) banned the “Stars and Bars” flag, a part of their history, NASCAR sealed its fate, along with the promotion of substandard “affirmative action” negro driver “bubba” wallace complaining about “racist” garage door pulls triggering an FBI investigation, NASCAR’s fate was set. To add insult to injury, recently “bubba” wallace’s typical black violent tendencies were on full display.
    Let’s not forget the billions spent by White male “sports fans” on negro ball jerseys, caps and other “trinkets”, overpriced game tickets and taxpayer-subsidized stadiums (playpens), all to benefit the (((owners))) of the criminal steroid-addled costumed players who are paid millions of dollars to play children’s games.
    “Bread and circuses” which are provided to “quell the masses” are just as successful now as they were in ancient times…
    It is disgusting to see White men spout off useless and meaningless sports statistics and the adulation that they give these costumed players (actors). It is just sickening to see White men debase themselves while not giving a damn about the country.
    I realize that negro ball is “entertainment for the masses” and do look down derisively on grown White men who sport their favorite negro ball players clothing or other accouterments. I think to myself: “don’t you have anything better to do?”
    There are much better things for white men to do than watch negro ball sports.
    Build something…repair something…study philosophy or technical journals on something that interests you, make something better, improve yourself and your standard of living and devices…use your wisdom and knowledge to get your fellow Whites to THINK for themselves, not what to think, but HOW to think and to not just accept the pablum, lies and falsehoods of the mainstream media and useless professional sports.
    Message to White men: Get away from the negro ball. You are much better than that…

  83. anarchyst says:

    This is just a thought…
    When these animals are released (and they will be released) into civil society, a white-run “star chamber” should be formed to exact true “justice” when the present “justice system” doesn’t work…
    This “star chamber” should bide its time, taking care to investigate whoever was involved in this “case”, and when the time is appropriate, exact true justice on everyone involved in imposing such light sentences on these feral beasts.
    The individuals involved should be permanently paralyzed and unable to walk or have normal bodily functions. I don’t care if the taxpayers are forced to pay for their medical expenses; these “teens” having to live out their sorry lives in wheelchairs or hospital beds would be suitable retribution. Their black “homies”, knowing that such a punishment could be imposed on them for their criminal acts would tend to behave themselves.
    A good example of such a plan in play was the case of New York City subway rider Bernard Goetz, who was successful in fending off criminals who were out to rob him, wounding them and putting one in a wheelchair. Subway crimes decreased substantially after his successful self-defense. Of course, the New York City “justice system” came after him for a “weapons violation” for which he spent a year in jail. Goetz should have kept his mouth shut. No one would have been the wiser.
    The “bleeding hearts” in the “justice (actually “just us”) system that enabled the light sentence for these “teens” should also receive same or similar treatment.
    After a suitable amount of time, it should be revealed that a “star chamber” formed to protect the rights of whites is responsible for exacting “true” justice and that further aberrations from “true” justice will be treated the same way. Details of the successful “operation” should then be made public.
    For this to work, the individuals involved in the “star chamber” must have absolutely no ties to law enforcement, government or any other official state or federal agency and must be completely “vetted” to the extreme. Absolute adherence to operational security (OPSEC) is imperative.
    It is no secret that 100% of all “acts” committed by “white supremacists” are actually “setups” of weak-minded individuals and susceptible groups in order to “prove” that “there is a problem” and that “white supremacists” are to be hunted down and destroyed.
    Most whites don’t realize it, but WE ARE AT WAR. There is a war being waged against all of us whites. ((They)) want us all dead. The sad part of the whole situation is that ((they)) have many white supporters among them…
    Presently, if you fight back, you will be destroyed by “the system”.
    Look at the St. Louis couple that fended off a home invasion that was prosecuted by a vindictive racist city prosecuting attorney. No charges were brought any of the rioters who broke into their gated community.

    •�Replies: @InfectInject
  84. @Wokechoke

    Disagree. Whites have a quality problem. Too many low quality whites. Coal burners, libtards, Jew supporters, George Floyd kneelers, and so on. The only way whites will have a future at all is if this mass of dead weight dragging everyone down is culled. Nobody needs weak-minded and weak-willed garbage like them. The best cure for these types is having their brains bashed in on the sidewalk like the above video.

  85. Dennis Dale says: •�Website

    As I understand it Boreing is her official boss, but obviously Shapiro could demand her sacking. I don’t know why they haven’t fired her yet, perhaps they’d rather try to reel her back in first so the story isn’t “Daily Wire fires Candace Owens for Antisemitism”, which would not only embarrass them but advance the cause of “antisemitism” by making a high profile martyr of her.
    Perhaps they’re considering the possibility they cut her loose and she takes her audience with her and becomes even more emboldened in her independence. Then she’s out there doing thuh antisemitisms unrestrained, and every time the Daily Beast or someone reports on her latest outrageous comments it’s “former Daily Wire antisemite Candace Owens”.

    Her husband is very wealthy, so she has the resources to strike out on her own effectively. This is likely a big reason for her boldness. But what I expect to happen is for them to endure her just a little longer before cutting their losses.
    Candace, for her part, seems determined to go out on her shield and see how long she can get away with telling the truth before the hammer comes down.

    •�Replies: @Landroo
  86. Dennis Dale says: •�Website

    Priss is fearless and sometimes brilliant, and you are afraid of the truth.

    •�Replies: @Renard
  87. Dennis Dale says: •�Website

    What a homely group. Despite the arrogance of Jewish supremacists, Israel seems to have a sizable population of crude and stupid people. If the philosemites had to spend time among these–not on a sponsored tour but just to live among them for a bit–it might wake them up.
    Israel likes to sponsor guided tours for Jews and non-Jews alike to cultivate their image. Birthright tours for young diaspora Jews to make them zionists, Holy Land tours to gull the goyim.

    We need alternative tours that expose the bigotry and crudity of the common Israeli. Unholy Land Tours I shall call it.

  88. @obwandiyag

    Blacks are generally trouble because they are generally dumber and a different race, but all races have the potential for good, decent and reasonable people. They should still live apart.

  89. @Greta Handel

    >> Even a substantial portion of this dissident website’s authors haven’t said a word.

    The alt and dissident right seemed to dismiss the genocide in Gaza because when enemies fight, why interfere, they reasoned, but that’s shallow and short term thinking. You have to identify the real enemy from “nuisance” and go after the real, and not get distracted by every “noise.”

    There’s a common ally with Palestinians. Zionism leads America to endless wars for Israel and it represents the tip of the spear of Jewish power. America would still have a Jewish problem without Zionism, but it would be confined to domestic issues and many Jews would be compelled to support patriotism without dual loyalties for Israel.

    It could be argued that positioning very slightly left of Biden on Israel could help Trump win over thousands of peaceniks and Democrats. Say that you support Israel on Hamas, but we “have to protect women and children.” It’s a reasonable and compassionate position. He might lose some rabid Jewish votes and donors, but he’ll win more liberal Jewish votes and many more progressive young votes. He can present himself as caring more for women and children than Democrats.

    But wishful thinking usually doesn’t pan out. Trump’s allegiance to Israel is ingrained and habitual reinforced over decades, and he gave away his daughter to demonstrate it.

  90. Mr. XYZ says:

    She says that the Jews claiming “antisemitism” and “another Holocaust is coming” when you call out there gang behavior

    *Their (not there)

  91. Renard says:
    @Dennis Dale

    Priss is alternately afraid of negroes and worshipful of them, and that’s the truth. Why are you afraid of that? I’m not.

  92. Landroo says:

    Plus if you experience a surprise arrhythmia try walking around a big tree or entering a reinforced building or go down into the subway. If the arrhythmia disappearx and your heart collects itself, you’ve been hit by one of the death cult’s weapons.

  93. Landroo says:
    @Dennis Dale

    There is absolutely no way the Zios can survive with the holocaust lies falling every day. They no longer claim lampshades, soap, or that the Frank sisters died in gas chambers (typhus). Plus The Auschwitz death toll has been officially lowered to 1.5 mil in 1992. Check jpost.

    That troglodyte Jews, Shapiro and Musk, toured Auschwitz and pushed the old numbers just shows how backwards the Bab Tals are. For them lies are more important than reality.

    •�Agree: Dennis Dale
    •�Replies: @Mojoincc
  94. anonymous[384] •�Disclaimer says:

    Yeah, nobody slim has ever been called Nubian.

  95. anonymous[690] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Priss Factor

    That white girl was far from innocent. She was having s*x with the black girl’s boyfriend. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  96. Mojoincc says:

    From https://www.amazon.com/dp/0988818000

    Anti-Semitism: [an-tee-sem-I-tiz-uh-m]
    1) The very natural anger and indignation that arises in response to the belligerent and racist attitudes and actions of the non-Semitic, racist Ashkenazi fake “Jews”
    2) A Jedi-mindfuck trick used to deflect blame for bullshit, racist behavior onto the victim(s) and protect the perpetrators of said evil.
    3) An emotional manipulation phrase used to shut down rational discourse.

  97. Mojoincc says:

    Exactly. Why would the pragmatic Germans bother to transport, house, feed, clothe, and provide medical care for people that they simply wanted to kill while they were desperate for resources and fighting a two-front war? They were slave labor camps to support the war effort.

    They were slave labor camps just like we had with our Japanese citizens. Doesn’t it make sense that the gates of Auschwitz read “Work Will Set You Free”?

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  98. DanFromCT says:

    Right. Wasn’t Malcolm X assassinated because he preached blacks taking responsibility for their own communities, where men and their families could stand on their own two feet and live with dignity? And funny thing, too, that blacks are still herded as voting blocs and rent-a-mobs into inhuman, bare concrete projects intentionally designed by Jewish architects without a trace of human proportion, leaving blacks psychologically depressed and forever disaffected tools of the Democratic Party machine in American cities that does their voting for them even after they’re dead. Human nature being what it is, there’s an endless supply of Step N’ Fetchits like Letitia James working for the Jewish billionaires simultaneously bringing in the blacks’ replacements across the southern border, ensuring that inner-city blacks never find a decent job for the rest of their lives.

    •�Replies: @InfectInject
    , @Katrinka
  99. @Anonymous

    Only in the modernist Vatican II “mass” the traditional Catholic mass reading for the 4th Sunday in Lent is the miracle of the loaves and fishes. Get thee to a TLM!

    •�Replies: @RadicalCenter
  100. @anarchyst

    Awww, just because the Zionist prince Bourla wants to give us all a genetic infection injection?! Is that any reason to get on your high horse?

    •�Replies: @anarchyst
  101. @DanFromCT

    Everything in the projects is electric. A few times I’ve gone up them after hurricanes or during blackouts carrying food and water. The residents always seemed deeply demoralized. Without electricity they had no water, no heat, not just no lights and elevator service.

    The natural born Nazee, Kochul, wants to do this to us all.

    •�Replies: @DanFromCT
  102. Katrinka says:


    South Dakota has (according to Pew Research) 304 Jewish residents. There are two synagogues operating in South Dakota. And Jews have no power or influence?

    •�Thanks: Lucky Jackson
  103. Katrinka says:

    The Jews hate Louis Farrakhan for the same reasons they despised Malcolm X and Marcus Garvey. The Jews hate family formation.

  104. John1955 says:

    =We’ve got the Bloods, we’ve got the Crips.=

    “We are bigger than US Steel !”
    From the “Godfather” movie, meeting in Havana episode

    Kosher Nostra – Supermob
    by Rick Cohen


    Well, We the People can definitely state that the Kosher Nostra is bigger and richer than Bonnanno, Gambino, Lucchese, Colombo, Genovese, DeCavalcante, Bloods, Crips, Black Gangster Disciples, Latin Kings and Alice Baker (Aryan Brotherhood) combined.

    “Warren Buffett: Health care is a “tape worm” for the U.S.”


    Yes, Warren, you are correct. You only forget to mention that this $2T tape worm wears yarmulke. Your primary care Hindu MD Ganesh is just a cover.

    How this $2T Kosher Nostra Tapeworm operates while killing US Economy and driving people into bankruptcy:

    Elisabeth Rosenthal does not name Kosher Nostra either. I wonder why. But We, the Thinking Goyim, can reach the logical conclusion 😁

    •�Thanks: Jefferson Temple
    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  105. Figi says:

    I saved a photo of her displaying the Masonic “M” hand sign. Will be happy to forward.

    •�Replies: @Dennis Dale
  106. Anon[591] •�Disclaimer says:

    DanfromCT, re 104, Malcolm got extrajudicially killed because he attended the Bandung Conference and committed international solidarity, and made it clear he intended to make a habit of it. CIA murdered Malcolm along with two of his foreign interlocutors to emphasize the point. Then CIA murdered the guy who wrote a screenplay about him. Exercising your universal human right to solidarity is a capital offense in the CIA impunity regime.

  107. Dennis Dale says: •�Website
    @Australia Infelix

    No. Priss is a dude who writes a column for this site under another name. It wasn’t his comments I was saying were occasionally brilliant, ffs.
    You didn’t know?

  108. Dennis Dale says: •�Website

    All you anonymous doomer bitches who reject everything as ideologically impure can go hang.
    You need to look within and ask if maybe you’re too invested in your own misery. You prefer defeat to fighting, replace the possible with your wet dreams and are generally miserable to engage. You have zero effect other than demoralization. Misery loves company after all.

    And not a one of you has the balls of the people you’re continually finding impure. Ever notice not a single one of you is not anonymous? If everything is so utterly black and hopeless what the fuck are you saving yourselves for? That special guy? lol

    You suck and are one of the reasons we can’t have nice things, like a coherent opposition.

    •�Replies: @HammerJack
  109. Dennis Dale says: •�Website

    Oh the “I am rubber you are glue” argument. Brilliant.
    You don’t get anywhere denying your enemy’s advantages because it makes you feel sad.

  110. geezer says:

    As conservative liberals go, Owens is better than most, by a long shot

    She will at least talk about (them), unlike e.g.,Hannity or the other cucked clowns.

    OTOH, she’s not that well educated, probably largely due to her relative youth, and much too accepting of pop culture trash.

    She is both smart and black, which is not very common.

  111. Sulu says:

    Right? Only trouble here is, people have been writing posts saying exactly that, for decades. LMK when it gets in gear.

    Blacks have been the unwitting catspaw of the Jews since before I was born. And I’m in my 60’s. The last couple of years is the first time I have ever seen this much pushback against the Jews from almost every sector. Blacks are the stupid pawns of the Jews. They rarely think and they hardly ever listen to anyone. But one thing they will listen to is other blacks. If other blacks see this woman destroyed by the Jews they will start to wake up to the fact that the Jews are not their friends and do not have their best interests in mind. If the Jews lose the blacks it just might be the beginning of the end for them.

    The Jews have always worn a mask, carefully crafted by their media outlets to portray themselves as eternal victims. As poor innocent people just going about their lawful occasions when for no reason at all they are attacked by non Jews. The reason they are attacked is almost never mentioned. But when it is, it is portrayed as envy from people that hate the Jews because of their financial success. But now the Jews have taken off their mask for the entire world to see. They are mentally unstable murdering cowards that are committing on other people the same violence that claimed was perpetrated against them. They have shown that they have zero respect for any human life save their own. That they are in fact an aberration. A danger to all other people and should themselves be eliminated from the face of the Earth.


    •�Replies: @Renard
  112. @Dennis Dale

    Even by the admittedly low standards of the Anglin commentariat, you are a genuine train wreck. Each one of your posts is even more childish than the last, which does form some kind of accomplishment, I suppose.

    I’m not going to bother responding to you any more, and you may notice I’m not the only one.

    •�Replies: @Dennis Dale
  113. Dennis Dale says: •�Website

    Let me help you out so you may learn how to properly debate: this is invective, not argument. If someone throws out an assertion and your only response is to call them a doody-head, you look silly. You don’t have ideas or original analyses, just inchoate rage. That’s childish.

    •�Replies: @Renard
  114. DanFromCT says:

    Hochul is the face of demon possession itself. She obviously gets off causing human suffering.

  115. Anonymous[851] •�Disclaimer says:

    Well, Dennis, As my Hezbollah resistance comrades-in-arms would say, “Let’s see what you can do.” Livestream yourself eating brains out of trepanned Izzie baby skulls, tough guy.

    The Feds are in a glowie recruiting crisis cuz only stupid fucks like you sign up to suck their ass.

  116. Wokechoke says:

    Work Sets You Free is a phrase that was supposed to be reformative for inmates who were deemed redeemable.

    They meant it without a hint of irony or as a joke or even written for Jews.

    Basically people who were social revolutionaries got a taste of technical work for a six month stint and were set back into the society after.

  117. Elron says:

    Wow, that`s what I guess could be called a “corn fed girl”, no wonder no food reaches Gaza…

  118. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach is … the owner of a sex toy company.

    Is this statement factual, or is it simply another instance of Anglin being hyperbolic to make a point? It seems almost too perfectly echt-Jewish to be true.

  119. Exactly, this is where this “rabbi” is a total fake, and this is where this kind of people have only one god: satan!

    Time for the USA to send the jews back to whence they come from: their sordid eastern European ghettos because like anywhere else since millennia, nobody want them, not because of ‘anti-Semitism’ but because of all the evil these monsters have done on the world.

    The core belief of the jew is supremacism, they really believe that some kind of god they fabricated has chosen them to rule the planet.
    This kind of absurd belief is what, according to them, caused the non-existent holocaust by the Nazis, but the very concept of a superior race is one of the many traits the jews share with Nazis.

    And since the genocide in Gaza, the fascist, racist, extremist, supremacist and evil nature of these people has finally been made clear to all.

    Strangely, all the defaults they have, is what they accused other of.

    Like Satan, since the beginning, they were the masters of lies.

  120. anarchyst says:

    You can have the injections…I’m a “pureblood” and intend to stay that way…

  121. @Pierre de Craon


    It is supposedly his daughter who owns the sex toy company. He advertises them, though (and she sells his kosher sex guides at her shop). They are “kosher” sex toys. I do not know if he is the rabbi who blesses these vibrators and butt plugs to make them kosher, and I do not want to know what that process would entail.

    •�Thanks: Pierre de Craon
  122. @Pierre de Craon

    Come on-he LOOKS like he’d own a sex toy business. Or human organ trafficking-another ‘kosher’ business.

  123. @DanFromCT

    And Jew David Horowitz (now a conservative) helped to create the Black panthers.

    •�Replies: @Alden
  124. @John1955

    Saw another one. An expose’ of that Judaic cottage industry, hedge and wealth funds, written by two Jews. No doubt, good, well-intentioned and, obviously ‘self-hating’ Jews, but the breadth and depth of the dominance is faintly mirth-inducing.

  125. @HammerJack

    Perhaps we should start using ‘jewful’ for an act both Evil and joyous.

  126. @obwandiyag

    Said the Pope worshipping race mixer.

  127. Renard says:

    If other blacks see this woman destroyed by the Jews they will start to wake up to the fact that the Jews are not their friends and do not have their best interests in mind.

    Like what happened with Cynthia McKinney?

    Mind you, I’d love it if you were right about this, but I’m not holding my breath.

    •�Replies: @Sulu
  128. Renard says:
    @Dennis Dale

    Wow. Are you seriously unable to see what you yourself typed immediately beforehand? Or are you hoping the rest of us are?

    Here, if you’re actually unable to scroll upward:


    The hypocrisy thing? You’ll have to recognize that before you can address it. Not looking likely.

    •�Replies: @Dennis Dale
  129. Dennis Dale says: •�Website

    You’re right. But my invective has a point: you’re all emotional and defeatist. Yours has no point, making my point.

  130. @Exalted Cyclops

    She’s actually reaching a massive audience by doing what she’s doing. It’s awesome! She needs to keep attacking Zionism at the Daily Wire as long as possible in meaningful ways until they fire her and then start her own Tucker Carlson kinda thing. anti-Jewish sentiment is in the rise. Time to stoke the flames!

  131. Mr aa the anti-semite had a jew run the entire tech side of his website, also had a Jew writing articles for it. Controlled opposition or a honey pot?. If the shoe fits then wear it.

  132. @Anonymousrgc

    It makes no difference which “Mass” you use: you belong to an insane junior “abrahamic” cult, you worship a dead human being instead of God alone, and your distinguishing doctrines are largely incoherent. “The” trinity is just one of the most absurd:

    Video Link

  133. @Anonymous

    Not ironically, the absurd and often self-contradictory mess of books known as “the” bible is an embarassment to rational and kind, humane, sensible men.

    Your “church fathers” made the cult’s defining doctrines even stupider a few hundred years after jesus’s death:

    Video Link

    Yeah let’s rely on those “gospels.”

  134. Sulu says:

    The Jews have two choices with respect to Owens. The first is to do nothing and let her continue to expose them. The second is to attack her (many ways from an actual physical attack to merely de-platforming her or perhaps de-banking her) neither of which is going to look good for the Jews. I call it a win win.

    Will it lead to the beginning of a White Power movement in America that culminates in the expulsion of the Jews and the Cholos? Will Texas secede and take about 25 states with her? Will Trump get elected and kick things off by starting the expulsion of the Cholo’s? I wouldn’t know. But this country is increasingly looking like Weimar Germany every day. And White American’s are ready for anything.

    This is the most opposition to the Jews that I have seen in my lifetime. They are arrogant beyond belief and their hubris knows no bounds. But they are still only about 2% of the population here in America. And historically they always tend to overplay their hand. 109 and counting.


  135. Darvez says:

    Ha, ha, ha. Candace used to look like the youngest Old Church Lady. Until her husband transformed her.

  136. Richard B says:

    he (Rabbi Noseberg) calls for both Cheka-style clandestine violence and mass slaughter of goyim in order to protect the global dominance of Jews.

    Fanaticism is the weak man’s Will to Power.

    I remain unimpressed – for a reason. Fanaticism is fundamentally weak.

    They still don’t get that the way they are acquiring power is the very way they’ll lose it. This would explain why everything they control right now is in free fall.

    It would also explain why their reaction is more of the same, which only speeds the fall.

    They’re going down. Stay out of their way.

    Life is good!

  137. Richard B says:

    Check out the 3 minute mark of the X clip of her with Destiny, or whatever, the 35 year old teenager when, after Candace says that a young woman who “sleeps” with 20 guys a night is broken, he responds by saying, “And she’s broken because why?”

    Better than anything else this explains the in your face depravity of these CIA employees.* And notice how he asks the question as if it can’t be answered.

    *Yeah, yeah, I know. But if he’s not, he might as well be.
    His “story” sounds just like that, a story.

  138. @John Gruskos

    Come now old boy! Our two primary Luciferian Kabbalah Judeo-Masonic strategies are:
    1) Instigate Conflict and Chaos between opposites (black vs. white, liberal vs conservative, etc.)
    2) Harness Control of the new “Order out of Chaos” (New World Order, Great Reset).

    We are an international organization, and our political strategy is spelled out in our three pseudo religious books: 1) the Kabbalah (for us), 2) the Talmud (for us), and 3) the Scofield Bible (for the stupid goyim).

    Luciferian Kabbalah Judeo-Masonic Alchemy: we turn Led into Gold via War, Extortion, Blackmail and Lies.

    Our Nazi-AshkeNazi Rothschild Banking Dynasty Money is backed by the most reliable commodities: Wars, Guns and Goyim Blood.

    Cheers ~ ‘Old Jake’ Rothschild

  139. @HammerJack

    Well, you gotta give some credit to these Jews. The IOF said “Screw your optics, we’re going in” , the only way they know slaughtering everyone in sight. and celebrating it.

    •�Replies: @Fluffy Pancake
  140. @Commentator Mike

    They might have adopted the Viking philosophy of not caring what other people think.

  141. Thank you AA for this article. My hat is off to Candace Owens for her courage to speak the truth rationally and coherently. Her argument comparing the gang behavior of Bloods and Crips to the Talmudic syndicate was brilliant.

  142. Anonymous[162] •�Disclaimer says:

    So now blacks are good.

    I thought you people thought blacks were bad.

    Not Anglin. I’m waiting for him to tell us that he’s joined the Nation of Islam.

  143. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    The West worships Gros. That’s a fact.

    I’ve been saying, even after blacks burn down cities and beat up whites, countless whites all gather around the TV and watch the superbowl with black national anthem and with negro athletes who hump tons of white women.

    Anyone who denies this is lost.

    The only way out is to admit it and to denounce it and reject it.

    •�Agree: Sulu
  144. Alden says:
    @Antediluvian Doomer

    The school is a public high school.

  145. Alden says:
    @Lucky Jackson

    David Horowitz was a third generation Russian Jew communist. He must be about 90 or more now. Perhaps he’s dead and the Jews are using a double. He and before him his parents were involved in subversive anti White activities for decades before he became the communist party USA liaison founder of the black panthers. Makes me sick to see the dumb as rocks conservative Republican sites like free republic and others feature him.

    Only reason he turned against the panthers was because they were going to kill him.

    Grandparents were involved in all the radical communist activity in Russia from 1860 on. Bombing the train station to show solidarity with the starving workers.

    I’m a White nationalist not a conservative. People like Horowitz is one of the many reasons I’m not a conservative.

    •�Replies: @anarchyst
  146. Jews acting like the LAPD beating the shit out of Gaza like they was Rodney King was always going to lead to a Rodney King moment. The lefty Jews who framed that issue back in 1991 can tell you all about it.

    Defund the Cops AND Israel.

  147. anarchyst says:

    Horowitz advocates lowering the age of majority to 12 years of age or even lower.

  148. @HammerJack

    Another thing I have noticed they are bad dancers. They dance like corpses being animated with electric current.

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