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Bibi Whines After “Black British” Tries to Cockblock Him

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That black bastard Lammy is cockblocking the kikes.

Have you ever been cockblocked by blacks? Previously, blacks were like “yo nigga, yo, hit dat shit, nigga.”

But the times are changing.

I had only heard of getting cockblocked by blacks from that Gillette shaving commercial that encouraged blacks to stop whites from having sex.

I didn’t think it was real.

Then I was in the UK trying to pick up on some slut and then David Lammy came up to me and looked at me like this, and started touching my stomach:

I was shocked.

I was like “nigga, yo, what is the line between your eyeballs? Is that a tattoo?”

He didn’t answer and just kept touching my stomach.

The Guardian:

Benjamin Netanyahu has condemned the UK government’s decision to suspend some arms export licences to Israel, describing it as a shameful decision that would embolden a genocidal Hamas.

The Israeli prime minister said his country was at war to also protect British hostages and vowed the UK measures would not prevent it from winning the conflict in Gaza.

In his first intervention since the UK foreign secretary, David Lammy, told MPs some arms export licences were being suspended, Netanyahu wrote on X: “This shameful decision will not change Israel’s determination to defeat Hamas, a genocidal terrorist organization that savagely murdered 1200 people on October 7, including 14 British citizens.”

He added: “Hamas is holding over 100 hostages, including 5 British citizens. Instead of standing with Israel, a fellow democracy defending itself against barbarism, Britain’s misguided decision will only embolden Hamas. Just as Britain’s heroic stand against the Nazis is seen today as having been vital in defending our common civilization, so too will history judge Israel’s stand against Hamas and Iran’s axis of terror.

With or without British arms, Israel will win this war and secure our common future.”

It’s an issue of the message. You know?

Bibi is worried about the message. He wants every Western government to back him 100% and question nothing.

They’re not actually blocking a lot of weapons.

His remarks ensure a deep diplomatic rift between Israel and the UK is likely, although Britain hasgone to lengths to explain the decision as carefully calibrated and not amounting to a full embargo, let alone a step that would weaken Israel’s security.

Netanyahu is facing unprecedented pressure over claims inside Israel that his intransigence over the ceasefire talks had indirectly led to the deaths of six Israeli hostages at the hands of Hamas.

The Labour government’s decision was facing a growing domestic backlash from all sides, with Boris Johnson accusing Labour of abandoning Israel and asking if it wanted Hamas to win the war in Gaza.

The Board of Deputies of British Jews said the decision sent the wrong message at the wrong time, while on the left there was growing anger at the loophole that would allow the UK to continue to supply parts to the F-35 fighter jet programme.

“Boris” Johnson that fat neocon slob. He loves every war. I’m sure he loves Jews a lot, because he’s obviously some kind of pedophile, but he’ll support any war. He’s no different than Lindsey Graham, other than that Lindsey probably takes better care of himself and acts less feminine than Johnson.

Is Bibi okay? Is he biting his nails?

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
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  1. Mrs Keays says:

    All countries should stop “supporting” Israel and see how they fare. They would never help anyone not Jew so give it a shot. Turnabout fair play and all that.

    •�Replies: @Supply and Demand
  2. Whatever about the “cockblocking.” My question is more fundamental — what TF is a nigger doing as Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom??

  3. EggCorn says:

    They have had thousands of years to practice the art of deception, to plan and instigate espionage, to have a multi-generational plan for the continuation of their ethnic group. They are the ultimate nepotists. However, they are willing to kill other Jews if they feel it necessary, as many as it takes.

    Rothschilds/Israel own London so I don’t think this bit of theatre will amount to much, really.

  4. MoT says:

    The emphasis is on the word “some”. Which is pretty much meaningless.

    •�Agree: anonymouseperson, Renard
  5. Wokechoke says:

    Does Britain sell any weapons to Israel in the first place? The “embargo” really shows that the Germans and Americans do all the selling of weapons.

  6. ““Boris” Johnson that fat neocon slob. He loves every war. I’m sure he loves Jews a lot, because he’s obviously some kind of pedophile”

    Well, there might be other reasons, not to be conspiratorial (at all) , but as even (the always antisemitic) Wikipedia tells us, interestingly his full name is actually:

    Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson:



    “Johnson’s mother is the granddaughter of Elias Avery Lowe, a palaeographer and a Russian Jewish immigrant to the US”

    What do you think, maybe something there that plays into his attitudes towards Israel as well…?

  7. Zumbuddi says:

    the Fingernails conclusion is genius. Maybe Bibi is not biting them; maybe they are being whittled down in the process of clawing away the masks on two or three or more wars.


    “Just as Britain’s heroic stand against the Nazis is seen today as having been vital in defending our common civilization . . .”

    Tucker conversation with Darryl Cooper recently

    Video Link
    ~43 min: Carlson: “What DO you think of Churchill?”
    Cooper: “I think Churchill was the chief villain of the second world war . . .”

    Cooper offers two major arguments to support his judgment of Churchill:

    “Churchill wanted war with Germany but did not have means to fight it, so he firebombed civilians, over and over again . . .

    and second (~53 min),

    His whole plan was, ‘We don’t have a way to fight this war ourselves. This war is over. We need either the Soviet Union or the United States to do it for us.’ And that was the plan, [to] keep the war going long enough for that plan to come to fruition.
    And to me, that’s just a craven, ugly way to to fight a war.

    Carlson pushes but Cooper does not back down:

    Churchill strikes me as a psychopath. . . . he was a drunk. . . . He was very childish. . .people would talk about how as an adult, like at, you know, as prime minister, they’d find him in his room and he’s playing with action figures like war toys and army men and stuff, and would get mad when people would interrupt him. . . This is a strange, strange fellow, you know.

    So maybe Bibi is telling an unintended truth in comparing Israel’s actions to those of UK in WWII: both attacked civilian women and children rather than mano a mano; both worked to get USA to fight for them; both were evil and psychopathic.

    •�Thanks: anonymouseperson, Dr. Rock
  8. People should stop calling him Bibi. Is he their friend and they know him personally, why the pet name then?
    Call him Mileikowsky or Netanyahu or The Genocider, which describes him more accurately.

    •�Agree: Jim H
    •�Replies: @James J. O'Meara
  9. Wielgus says:

    Those nails could be evidence of demonic status… Just saying… Though Netanyahu is so obviously evil that hell must have lost any subtlety it ever possessed…

  10. @Johnny LeBlanc

    what TF is a nigger …

    It’s the UK, where it is nig-nog not nigger.

    •�Replies: @Johnny LeBlanc
  11. @Curmudgeon

    Nig-nog, nigger, coon, darkie, moon cricket, jigaboo, jig, spear-chucker, jungle-bunny, porch monkey …


    The question still stands.

    •�Replies: @Lurker
  12. I wonder if a black jet plane pilot tilts his aircraft on it’s side before releasing it’s bombload, and if black bombing accuracy suffers because the plane is all twisty?

  13. Note how the Jew mentions the Nazis in his rant. Always gotta play that card when you are a Jew.

    •�Replies: @Renard
  14. Lurker says:

    His whole plan was, ‘We don’t have a way to fight this war ourselves. This war is over. We need either the Soviet Union or the United States to do it for us.’

    Britain never expected to fight a land war alone against a major power, the war began with the assumption of British/French/Polish alliance.

    •�Replies: @anonymouseperson
  15. Lurker says:
    @Johnny LeBlanc

    Mr. Curmudgeon was deploying wry humour – I’m sure he agrees with your sentiments.

  16. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Meanwhile in Germany

    •�Replies: @Supply and Demand
    , @xyzxy
  17. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    A promising sign among Trump supporters, but Trump is controlled by ZioNazis.

  18. neutral says:
    @Johnny LeBlanc

    He is not even the first, the Tories also had one before the elections.

  19. @Johnny LeBlanc

    Apparently, he is doing a better job than an Anglo would be doing in the same position, if he’s upsetting Netanyahu. An Anglo would be down on his knees fellating Netanyahu.

    Britain needs more blacks, and it especially needs more blacks in government.

    •�Replies: @Johnny LeBlanc
  20. EggCorn says:


    Everyone realizes Tucker Carlson is CIA or CIA asset, right?


    Be sure and read this Mint Press article, please everyone, especially our dear Mr. Ron Unz!

    Tucker is a cosplay artist. You should always assume he is trying to misdirect you. He could interview anyone – why this guy and what is their agenda?

  21. @Hulkamania

    That’s the scary part, isn’t it?

    •�Replies: @lloyd
  22. @Mrs Keays

    only Black countries are tough enough.

    whitey is weak, LGBT, and loves jews.

  23. @Priss Factor

    white countries shouldn’t have competitive industries.

    China should only have that.

  24. Renard says:

    They have their audience well trained.

    They’re not actually blocking a lot of weapons

    If the jews get only 99.9% of what they demand from the goys, it’s like another Holocaust all over again. Checkmate Nazis!

  25. lloyd says: •�Website
    @Johnny LeBlanc

    After he was nearly killed in a car accident in South Africa, Bernard Shaw wrote The Black Girl in Search of God. Maybe they have can have a child’s wisdom. George Orwell wrote. “Only an intellectual can believe something totally stupid.”

  26. @Lurker

    To risk an empire on an assumption is not very bright.

    •�Replies: @James J. O'Meara
  27. How naive.
    It’s obvious that this is just theater to “appease” the pro-Palestinian activists without having to expel the non-white masses they themselves have imported into Western countries. The fact that it’s being proposed by a black adds to the deception: since many of the pro-Palestinians are non-white, it makes them believe in a false solidarity.
    They’ll send 48 tons of weapons instead of 50, and voilà !

  28. @Zumbuddi

    they’d find him in his room and he’s playing with action figures like war toys and army men and stuff, and would get mad when people would interrupt him. . . This is a strange, strange fellow, you know.

    True fact. Years after the war, Russian spy footage revealed Churchill’s nasty habits (even wearing a German helmet!)

    Video Link

  29. @Rev. Spooner

    Call him Mileikowsky or Netanyahu or The Genocider, which describes him more accurately.

    The Gnostics called YHVH “the Exterminator” but of course ChristCucks like EMJ or Fuentes alogn with midwits reading Eric Voegelin want you to hate hate hate the gnasty Gnostics not the Chosen.

  30. @anonymouseperson

    The whole question is just another historical rabbit hole. Churchill was told by the Jews to start a war, and he did so. End of story.

    •�Agree: Adam Birchdale
  31. xyzxy says:
    @Priss Factor

    VW anymore is essentially a Chinese operation (SAIC-VW and FAW-VW). But it is not just VW. Recently Mercedes announced a multi-billion dollar expansion in China, and BMW is there, too. Realistically, any future expansion of the German automobile industry will be in mainland China.

    [On a side note, a few years ago the Communist Party directed that cadres should not flaunt wealth, and therefore should not drive Audi, or other German lux cars. So you saw a major shift to VW branded automobiles, which as the ‘people’s car’ are more keeping with Mao’s ‘serve the people’ dictum.]

    The irony of it all is that the mostly woman-run German Green Party is anti-ICE (gasoline cars) and anti-nuclear energy, at the same time its leaders (such as the miserable Annalena Baerbock) are both anti-Russia and anti-China, the very two countries that could supply Germany with both cheap natural gas for its industry, and inexpensive EVs.

    Germany is in ruins. But that’s been the plan, ever since WWI.

  32. @Simon D


    Dumbass knee grow.

    But, even if he was a supra-fucking genius, he shouldn’t be the Foreign Secretary for the UK. He should be in the government of some shithole country in Africa.

    White countries require White leaders.

  33. @Johnny LeBlanc

    Exactly, Europe doesn’t need a low IQ race like black people in its government.

  34. @Johnny LeBlanc

    Black people can’t even build their own communities without the white man’s tax dollars, can’t even build their own countries look at how many African countries are among the poorest countries in the world but some how they think they can run white countries. Look at Haiti, Haiti is a shithole country they eat mud cookies.

    “Europe needs more blacks”

    What a load of BS.

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